Gmod FNAF | The Withereds Get Trick Or Treaters!

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once upon a time on a very very very spooky night there was a house that showed up out of nowhere and wait no this is the plot for each minute I mean there was just this house that was here and it was just here and then and it was like Halloween trick-or-treat time so so people was like there was some trick-or-treaters that decided to show up at the house to get some of that delicious candy so that is what the trick-or-treaters did they showed up at their front door actually this is the back door they showed up at the back door to get some candy I'm not so sure why you would go to the back door house it's there even it - I don't know but anyways we have our trick-or-treaters so 15 trick-or-treaters have gathered together tonight to see who can get the most candy on this night and who is - truly the best trick-or-treater so let's go over our trick-or-treaters so we have a police officer we have spider-man we have Luigi we have William Afton we have I think a furry we have Alice we have Jimmy Neutron we have fun time Freddy we have glitch trap a fortnight person because yeah and it sucks but you got Chucky Cheese you got bonbon you got the Boris got the puppet and then you got Santa Claus the bravest adventurer of them all I'm sorry anyways um yeah so these trick-or-treaters have all gathered together tonight to go trick-or-treating all right guys uh so we're all here is everyone is everyone here a hail let me do it let me do a check okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 uh-huh all right we're all here all right guys so how this is gonna work for the big trick-or-treat competition is we're gonna start off with this house right here and we're gonna see who can get the most candy out of this group whoever gets the most candy group gets a special prize a special prize I know I'm gonna win with my glitched rap costume I'm gonna get all the candy I'm gonna go up to go and say Trick or Treat smell my fingers dude you don't even sound like glitch truck I'm working on the voice man I'm working on I'm gonna be on my costumes the best costume here actually I think I have the best costume no no you don't why did you wear that you know why why no that's not okay I don't think I'm pretty sure you're not gonna get any candy Oh what's Bo total first up cold going up first two doors yes oh yeah that reminds me um how this works is we're not all gonna go up to the door at once because if we all go up there they're gonna be like holy Frick that's a bunch of trick-or-treaters and they're not gonna give us any candy so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go one at time so you volunteer to go first yeah I volunteer to go first all right so you're gonna go first everyone else we're gonna hide we're gonna hide outside and we're gonna wait for you to come back with some candy so everyone come over here and hide under here so that way I don't see us and then we'll all go up there one and time and then after we and then we'll do this for every house okay okay I'll go to the door don't ring the doorbell yeah ring the doorbell on my signal all right come on everyone else combined under here with me okay dupa dupa do well I think I think my boys costume it's very good I even did the evil boys with the with the metal and I I got real metal in here oh wow wait what'd you dress up as Santa Claus this seems kinda stupid oh no I just found a suit laying around my house for some reason unless oh sure why what I think I think my costume is the best costume ever dude you look like a bootleg Bonnie because I am a bootleg Bonnie actually my chuck-e-cheese outfit is the best dude we all know you have a job at Chuck E Cheese where you're where the Chuckie Cheese costume don't try to use Oh at least my boss let me take it for tonight he said as long as I don't ruin it well I think my costume was very affected it looks very special I'm stylish time spider-man wait you just went as a police officer that's pretty lame nobody does that anymore nobody does DOS police officer or fireman outfits no more I still like doing it Wow spider-man is better spider-man is glass person I'm spider-man oh yeah i'ma Luigi hi I hear ya why are you why are you Luigi okay Luigi's Mansion 3 came out and I'm on I gotta be I'm Luigi plant-like off be a Ouija ok yeah yeah wait wait wait who's that purple dude supposed to be your that pink dude I'm not so sure who are you supposed to be I'm supposed to be William after him boxes oh okay looks very good Wow okay okay all right okay give me some candy box oh okay you're scary demons go away but what is a twinkle tweeting is you candy oh I'll get all the candy oh did I get extra candy please dude nobody else here just with all the extra candy oh yeah I can see why they want to go first you're trying to get all the candy say no one else will show sorry we don't have candy and also your really ugly shirt I well stupid kid I was really scared there for a minute I thought there is really coaster was just some ugly person at the door Oh what don't freak ders happy nut oh hey hey hey are you okay are you okay I I told you you should have dressed up as a fortnight character hello uh I'm pretty sure they're just taking a nap um oh I could oh you're crying on the inside I'll I'll just um I'll just let you be and oh my gosh it's so hard to grab my big head all right okay guys um well this house has died they said you don't have any candy mmm that's not true they must have candy they have to have candy in there some what huh they probably have candy in their heritage they just don't want to give it to us they're like they're selfish and stuff for their their keeping it for their Halloween party they say their party is more special than nice going trick-or-treating they don't care about trick-or-treaters we must get revenge we must break into their house and steal their candy well break into hosts but just a little crime it's not illegal till you get caught oh yes that's fair so wait what's the plan mmm what she hang out I'm gonna need a volunteer can someone volunteer for something spider-man I'm spider-man spider-man screams a hero spider will do what what's up pal watch out but I don't want to get slammed in the face again all right launch by me I need you to go Scout the scouts got around the house to see there's any other entrances and then because we're gonna try to need to get as many interests as possible because if we all go in at once at different angles they can't stop all of us so go around spider-man Snoop there yeah okay I'm spider-man I'll use my spider webs to lip-synch whoops link I can't webslinger it's just a costume you know weak fun of you so still it's free oh here's an entrant John better look for more though dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa tu all right so while he's doing while he's gone out for I'm going to tell you my plan alright so um so they say they don't have candy actually they might have candy actually someone else go up to the door and say trick-or-treat and then we'll go in and see their candy who wants to go up next ooh I'll go up next Highway girl I wonder now how are you why I don't think people like your police outfit it's just very simple and pretty basic stuff yeah someone else you go to it because doing cos change is just gonna happen you know it's not fine I mean all right who should go let go no no no not you year Oh who's gonna go I don't wanna get hit in the face okay guys we just need one volunteer it's gonna go okay good okay okay hello it's wiggle it we can have some candy please stay out no kids allowed no candy for you I think stupid door shut [ __ ] shut hey stupid doors ought to go figure out someone to fix door well oh right okay yeah we're definitely all on there let's just go to a different house well we'll hold it there pal look look we have a we have an opportunity here to get inside now where's spider-man spider-man spider-man does whatever a spider can oh that's okay one two dupa dupa do three oh three dupa dupa do and then this door okay alright I'm back mister alright so how many how many other possibilities are what got this door so including this door there's four opportunities there's a there's a back end do it there's another entrance over there there's a green what seems to be like a greenhouse or something I can't tell all the windows are messed up and then there's a basement entrance and then we have this insurance alright guys you heard the spider-man fella alright everyone form into four groups we need four groups of teams for groups of teams who wants to be on the smelly fingers team we're gonna go into this place right here oh oh dude YouTube all right who's gonna we need we need some people to go to the pool alright if you're going to the pool come with me spider-man spider-man is going to the pool or the green house I'll go to the pool oh yeah I'll go to alright and then we need people to go into the main door I'll be the team who goes into the main door and then we need one more wait one two three who or what team are we forgetting oh we have to pull wait no we have the pool team oh we need the basement team oh yeah at the basement he's gonna go into the basement who will be brave enough to go into the basement alright come on who's going with me I'll go in through the front door which don't need a basement team well system won't go over here come on guys we still need a basement team I'll go into the basement I'm a brave boy I'll go into the basement all right let's see how many people do we have we need we need at least three people per team rock out travel by 2000 eg um here's gonna okay we can yeah we're gonna have a bit of an odd number but it's okay Oh little cool we know we're here with you guys oh I'll get a light over here ratch we got the furry I guess I'll go to the pool all right settled in so we all have our three our teams we have two or four and then oh you two what can we have a third person sorry - you've been deciding are people let's roll out come on Team let's go in here we're gonna get this candy oh yeah candy time I'm gonna get some candy well uh hey pal this is me and you we get to go to the basement together I'm kind of scared now Oh everybody pool party you go to the pool dupa dupa dupa everyone over here oh wow pool party yeah yeah oh wait oh I can't get into the pool my costumes made of cardboard boxes ha that sucks for you my suits waterproof I'm spider-man dupa dupa let me just move these people obvious doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa to do well I don't want to get into the pool just didn't ruin all my makeup yeah same here you guys are no fun alright come on pointy him let's go into the pool yeah all right let's just open the tool the doors not opening the doors not opening what did you even check to see if the other ones are open open a bull ah no but it's okay it's okay I'm spider-man spider-man will think of something Oh guys don't look now but I think we're being watched we've been spotted wait that chicken gave me an idea spider-man time backflip ouch Oh quick everybody inside oh I just broke the door what alright guys we need to find a way should it to distract that chicken oh ok I was easy alright come on team oh come on come on come on everyone in and everyone in where should we explore well first we got to search this area out come on guys let's start searching start searching all over the place okie dokie let's 3013 dupa dupa any candy in here oh this the bathroom oh I don't think this kadia tired oh let's see uh huh there's gotta be some candy in here somewhere alright come on people start searching hey Joe I know I'm a police on my start but this is not okay it's probably fun they won't notice of a for your pieces of candy gold mission okay okay start searching okay oh that's he is there to safety spirits are a team let's go into stores already open oh boy oh they store the candy over here yeah that's why I picked this who would leave candy in like a puller in a basement haha but they could have left it in the main area well that's true but come on I'm pretty sure there's some candy over here Judy okay I'm sorry but this is still weird why are you Santa oh it's because I want the goodwill cookies this to you I would get cookies for Halloween I don't think people give out cookies on Halloween but Oh what cookies Oh a total chip cookies all right come on everybody let's go in here ah oh oh I would throw cookies early some cookies I want some cookies uh I don't think you're gonna be about cookies shall I come on people let's start searching around in here so hard to search in just costume yeah you wonder why um all right here I will choke the store up all right let's see what's going on in here you know I go there next come on okay let's keep searching oh okay oh we go look in here oh oh there's a male Oh mmm you're her dairy inside well you're at be some yummy food George yeah I saw it Oh see I got the missile which mr. along the phone shares the closest guy eaten by somebody quick shut the door oh oh there's there's a monster in there the mantra mr. candy monster he's taking away all the candy we need a way in there we needed to find it let's find a way oh okay I'm gonna peek in there and see what's going on in here Oh y'all are fresh food nom nom nom nom nom oh I can explain okay he's distracted come on guys let's make a move uh guys quick would you do go up these stairs to go into this room what's in this room that's just like a locker room or something uh uh on second thought let's not go this way everyone up the stairs everyone up the stairs right now come on come on come on okay the stairs move move move alright come on pal let's let's go to the basement oh but the basement scary come on man you said you'd go to the basement with me let's go Oh how cang-du if I'd open it how are we gonna get in oh we need soda break the boards or you can just simply just slide right through the boards and just go oh oh oh oh oh hey man stop with all the racket yeah uh makes it so much racket down here yeah yeah wonder somebody's in here oh there's a robot over there cheap we go we're gonna keep an eye on it uh-huh uh-huh well I'm gonna see there's candy in here and I'm sure any candy in here oh oh okay let's see Katie where would some candy be just uh be some candy oh boy what happened so this thing fell on me I'm coming I'm coming three fully full film who's going through my stuff all right who's my basement did they touch you my precious boat my favorite little boat oh wait no that's not my boat that's floaties folks no batteries no no no no no no no I can't get out I'm stuck I'm scared there's a monster over there tasty battery no no no no I'm not oh it's so scary okay Ouija time don't don't don't don't no no I get you're a role I can't roll Oh so buddy over there yeah who's going in my basement come on me yeah which all right get over here uh he'll never look behind here so buddy you hear little low somebody in here somebody in this corner we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go come on come on mine oh my legs are they hurt my legs my legs hey where do you think you're going pal uh-uh chucky cheese took the two suits hmm midnight snack to go with mah battery oh no candy in here guys did you find you in candy I'm not having luck uh hey I said we go to the second store floor hey wait we're stuck where's the police officer person at I'm over here oh I thought you died here go up the stairs outside we'll go up the street decide okay do everybody over do ya all right come on let's go duplicate video we do uh what what's going on up here but would oh uh oh hey fellow friends y'all you do not want to go that way oh uh or just a ladder right here okay y'all keep going wrong we're gonna go up here which seems to be in an attic come on guys let's go okay good luck wait have y'all found any candy yet no we're voting to you what about y'all no no candy Oh rats all right come on furry we're gonna go up into the oh wait what's in this room ooh there's Lauren over here to be do come on okay all right well good luck with that all right come on let's go upstairs boo boo doo boo yeah yeah yeah you see you think no I don't see anything I'm gonna start exploring hmm who goes to her all right I just spooky rabbit man something tells me we should not go over there oh you just want to go to the third floor you know we have to search for candy start searching start searching oh but there's a bunch on this floor okay look okay no kids in here all right I think it's new Katie let's go now we have to keep going we have to keep going oh you go that you take that side I'll take this side oh no no candy in here no candy in here mmm I smell fresh meat how did you smell fresh meat if he doesn't have a nose I'm covered for you boom-boom boom-boom boom-boom boom-boom who goes there Oh fresh food oh not today - thank you oh good she did good look you like you [Laughter] candy candy I don't think there's any candy I smell food food where's the food where's the food [Music] [Music] my friends are dead are you okay I like bones spider-man down repeat spider down come on y'all let's not give round let's get a move on there's a monster oh no there's a murderer what do we do we obviously go back outside oh we need the candy Oh get the candy is my last wheel before you're more French Oh Hector screw them Oh what do we do uh uh uh we should just make a run for you no that's too easy you're can't wait to get a snack oh there's nowhere to go I can't go right you evil Fox man I can't go look cuz there's chica I can't go City because there's Paula made of cardboard old door [Laughter] y'all get back here guys guys just your students um they're coming they're coming what oh okay there's no candy in here anyway so what is there candy in here uh oh quick guys there's a ladder in here come on let's go upstairs yeah I'll just go up this letter come on go go go go go do you do I just wanted to be your friend friends that's what's going on down there hey hey speak to me there everybody Oh Mike quick smell new fresh meat die monsters oh oh hey oh heck the beams in white Oh what do you mean the beams in what's going on there's no way just enough to munch and we're gonna tell you you're not not true we could always just go back down the ladder your fiddle-dee-dee be wearing some food I want some food I see some food okay maybe not down the ladder tastes mattress bunk you're a you're just nasty smell a mattress out of the way okay this is only holded buddy will hold it for a minute what do we do we're gonna die a beer it looks so we I have a plan I have a robotic arm it's died glass yeah quick up here on the roof [Music] what are we doing on the roof oh they're gonna come up here shoot quick let's go through the next window into the Attic we go oh my gosh yeah hey can you help me out there oh yeah yeah yeah here just grab onto my leg jump up and grab onto my leg okay hey hey well let's go and then I forgot to spawn the person in the Attic God dang it uh go put it over there nobody do no no Paul Tilbury doo doo buh doo doo doo buh doo buh there's a monster up here well very quite quick down the stairs we go boom bow bow bow okay boom he was all still alive oh wait basement team where's the basement team [Music] guys oh oh what's that noise oh my gosh what do people eat getting stuck under things are you okay yeah fine I'll hurt that thing fell on me okay I'm not I'm not I have weak little noodle arms so I can't get it up oh well I gotcha pal come on we must keep going there's no candy on the second floor we have to go to the third floor why don't we just leave we gotta leave we need the candy where small children candy means everything to us even if it even if we have to die for it so come on let's go upstairs yeah look I'm pretty sure all the monsters are downstairs so if we go up because if we try to go down the monsters will get us so we have to go go further up okay somehow make sense she look I told you all that evil monsters are downstairs now up here we had the friendly monsters or come on come on come on hey there pal oh look at your fellow child you probably like to candy just like us that gives me idea hey hey mister fellow child man hey we were one of y'all Johnny spare candy they did share that we're really poor kids and we needed the candidate because we're gonna starve yummy candy huh well that means you asked candy we gotta get the candy you to candy you better give us the candy they'd give us some candy right now um I think you're a little would you want a little too hard on the child oh well my bad oh oh why hello there fellow French how's it going Oh justice that the monsters there upstairs uh-huh wait why oh I told you coming up here with a bad idea come on guys there's no more monsters up here come on let's keep going help me count my teeth okay maybe there is some more monsters up here Oh dupa dupa dupa backing up help help me cap them all oh cool we're guys I got a metal arm I'll deal with this hey criminal it's prepared to get the plunge Oh freak I missed my punch this is the point where we make a run for it quick upstairs no we can't go search that's where they're gonna come from oh okay then downstairs we go oh but but then Oh Oh a smoke we're ice mold ice I heard it's child leave my basement who the lit tutors leaves my basement okay not downstairs upstairs upstairs but there's gonna be more money it's the only way we got to go we got to go upstairs come on come on Luigi fee fie foe fum where's your monster oh well it's a good thought oh yeah I would go back downstairs I don't want it I need therapy now I do I speak Wyatt be quiet it's fine we're up here they can't no no no there's nothing one up here what what do you mean another one over here why didn't you say something I did say something okay guys guys guys guys all we have to do it's very very quiet we did it we just got at the where we very quiet I'm sure there's no monster up here Oh uh I'm ready to swing come face me fringe and die demon uh huh oh good job pal aha we did it we killed the monster uh okay okay uh uh but give me this chair I have an idea hang on ouch yeah yeah and then we throw the monster outside be gone monster all right no don't try to grab me die monster die there we go guys we did it we killed the monster hooray we did it we won no we didn't we didn't get any candy what all of this was were nothing then so we just murdered a bunch of random monsters and that was it it appears so it really does a pure so well um now what no no now we have this mansion huh just to be our new hideout location yeah but I mean we'd all of our other friends are dead Oh Halloween stalked it was too scary mr. scary but the Halloween is supposed to be scary come on guys I'm I'm sure there's we didn't even explore the Attica yeah come on there's still could be some candy up here come on you just have to have hope maybe maybe in this fridge maybe they store their candy in the fridge like weirdos or something come on let's keep looking but don't don't don't don't don't do y'all are y'all y'all where does a little kid scale that windows broken you're they're probably up there don't don't don't don't don't don't don't oh oh oh no more monsters coming we're gonna die where you die Oh what Oh quick wait why are you guys running you're a super foxy you're everyone up on the roof everyone up on the roof you're where these dang kittens go it's time yourself my Jimmy Neutron date I didn't set the bomb correctly get all our bomb all rights a bomb your get out of your bomb oh you thought you could kill me with your bomb y'all or make room I'm coming out there guys skander skander skander y'all there's nowhere for you to run oh we just we G we out what to free who are you oh hello I'm candy candy okay guys guys I found the Keeney I mean yeah I'm candy guys yall Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu can run but you can't hide your JH o how do we stop this monster can t stop the monster what oh no I don't wanna stop the monster those guys don't like me that's why they banished me to the roof there's no escape from the roof what so we're just gonna die up here you know y'all but little did they know little do they know they still had a hero somewhere somewhere somewhere there was still a hero ready to save them all and that hero was they never killed me I fell down the ladder but that chicken never killed me Oh Fred fresh food hey pal come back I just want some fringe oh gosh oh hey man you still alive yeah I'm still alive but but there's a monster after me I'm gonna get you where'd he go weird girl I'm gonna get you behind you Mia mind you jump through the window okay the window oh but like you reach this sowed I'm coming up here pill day kids mister there's gotta be somethin we can do nope nothing we can do we're gonna die actually y'all are gonna die they're just gonna leave me to suffer here but whatever Oh guys we got the candy but now it hmm uh-uh we need to find a way out of here how do we escape Oh No oh hey guys how's it going oh we're all about to die oh that's not good oh wait a minute guys I know how to stop them mmm-hmm yours yours time for you kidding stood I not so fast today mister a smell my fingers ah that's pretty stupid kid now next for you you little you little your little eight brain eight eight head I don't have it hey you have any head you're you're pretty dumb now let me give you a haircut we just scared quick get the candies we need the candy wait uh let's see uh mr. candy man yo watch out Luigi had an idea Luigi look just just do like just client just grab onto these finches when you fall down wait why I'm throwing you down huh I did it I got the candy out of here but uh oh no what your there's gotta be something we can do yeah we just gonna let him die oh here you go you go and I'll take care of it Oh time for you to die little faster well well before I die good job Luigi just make sure just make sure to share the candy with all the kids of the war with all of our friends but all of our friends are dead oh well Luigi you get to be the new leader of the clubhouse but there's nobody in the clubhouse because everyone else is dead oh well I guess I'll just die y'all are time to accept your fate but we just Louise you must have something that you can use let me search the luigi's pockets there must be something that Luigi has I got a shame it was my first friend I ever had I don't want to see you die there's gotta be something I have or don't have in my pockets it's gotta be something there's got to be something oh there's going to be something I need to have something in my pockets um I don't have anything I don't have anything or prepare to dive well I guess this is how I die y'all I get it Luigi you shaved me you use your hat to blind him and then he fell off the roof and died haha loser felon snapped and broke his neck ha ha ha that's kind of messed up come on Luigi let's get out here yeah no kidding let's go we don't a doc I won't oh yeah we did it we did it we're the best trick-or-treaters ever oh yeah did we get the wait where's the candy here's the candy we did it we got the candy her reign let's go team you know yeah but all of our friends are dead well that sucks wait the Candy's alive yeah I mean yeah wait how are you supposed to eat it what why are you gonna eat me I'm candy yeah yeah but that's why we're gonna eat you because your candy what no I'm candy candy the cat meow meow I'm candy the cat now what but so you're not candy no I am candy well it's my brain just don't make no sense now my name is candy I'm not actually candy used dumb kids but thanks for setting me afraid so thanks for freeing me um uh alright stir anything I mean that's what kind of bad out is there anything I could do that doesn't alcohol just in self rate mean stuff oh yeah you could bring all of our friends to life with your magic powers I don't have magic powers oh oh I thought this will be a happy ending no of stir anything else they could do I mean bring in our French back the life would be nice but uh I physically can't do that also I think this is your hat Oh huh huh so now what Oliver friends are dead well heck um-hmm it's got to be something something do you know anyway if the bringing life bringing people back to life ah no not exactly not really hmm well let's do it I'm gonna go run away meow well show our friends are dead and we got no candy this was all for nothing just shut it is Halloween sucked yeah I guess you're kind of right it did suck it ever cuz we didn't get anything out of this and it just lets our friends dying hmm wait a minute I have an idea I have big brain wait a minute I think there might be something in here huh no no wait I have big brain I can make I can make something within a few seconds I have a Britt I need up I have a brain blast oh I just got it just gotta go get you up get some parts here take some parts from this chair I put it all together and you know you know we go into here to take some parts in here and then and then and then and and and and take your part over here doopa doopa doopa doopa teacher and do pity and duck at the dog quick Oh puppet rly G come over here I don't want to walk anymore oh don't for this ouch is there is there any monsters in here I don't think there's any more months but uh I think I've made an invention or an invention what yeah all right what what invention did you make I call it the revived inator mm and you know it's gonna because as in nature in it so now we just put our friends under this thing and it brings them back to life are you sure yes I'm positive look I need a test subject here we'll use this person okay so what you do would you if you take your dead friend you put it under this thing and then it goes and it sprays all over them and then if they should come back to life show bbbb and should be done died holy Frick it actually worked what hooray see guys with the power of gmod we can bring people back to life oh wow um well um I think I'm done trick-or-treating today oh my I'm a woman just take a nap yeah I think I'm gonna do the same yeah all right well I'll be bringing all of our friends back to life wait how many friends died was just won't do - really did that for that minister I have to do it's 11 more times enough to go find their bodies around this mansion God dang it a lot this is gonna take ages oh well at least we went trick-or-treating oh oh no way which what's going on in here to church oh heck it's a monster spooky monster be gone we just want to bring our friends back to life we did nothing to harm you all right you broke into our house she tried and you're gonna kill Joe I must kill you now well we're not gonna kill anybody were just here we're just trick-or-treaters getting some candy what trick-or-treaters yeah yeah we're trick-or-treaters oh I thought you guys were robbers wait if you're trick or treat why are you trick-or-treating what do you mean it's all it's Halloween oh it's not it's first of all it's clearly daytime outside and second of all it's November not not Halloween what no I I don't know why you guys are trick-or-treating but um I like it a lot y'all could leave and I'll wait all my friends are dead I guess you know what y'all stay I'll just leave no there's no point anymore I'll just say nobody I could not get anybody help count my tea so I'll just I'll just leave what Jane this really wasn't it for nothing huh well I'll just bring my friends back alive and in their stuff Oh God dang it well this held this this is in this video everyone died and then we brought them all back to life hey look everyone's dead good into here right no but everyone everyone in the membership club was brought back to life and they all headed and then they made this into the new headquarter base or whatever like their new hangout location so yeah but anyways that is the end of this spooky Halloween trick-or-treat thing I try to base this off of the withered um thing from a finale or help on it you know the of withered uh in the curse of dread bear the trick-or-treat minigame so that's why I kind of based this off by having the wither damn a trance and having Balloon Boy mingle in this kind of house Thanks so yeah I thought this would be fun to do so anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this video happy happy light Halloween because this will probably be uploaded in like on November 2nd or November 3rd or something so yeah but anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like it helps me out a lot and they'll let me know what other curse of dread Bear minigame you want me to try to make into gmod roleplay because again this one was based off of the woods being out of house and getting trick-or-treaters so yeah but anyways hope you guys somehow enjoyed this video and yeah so yeah that's pretty much it so um I guess rip and rest the animatronics you know what the animatronics were also brought back to life because they're good people too and then and then candy candy ran away so yeah and the reason why the smell my fingers think that way cuz this was a costume and I actually the smell my fingers dude it's just it's just a costume so yeah well everyone I'm pretty sure everyone else died if there's somebody else alive then I completely forgot about them and then they just died from but if somebody else was alive and I didn't realize it then they fell and tripped they tripped and stubbed their toe and then they died because they stubbed their toe if you stub your toe you die so it's pretty brutal but yeah um dupa dupa dupa and then there's candy did the DA so they got no candy this Halloween so that was pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty sad and yeah well I think that should be every single little tiny thing so yeah you have a report right there and mm-hmm everyone else's is dead so yeah rip and rest but they come back to life with the Jimmy neutrons invention even though I don't know how invented it because if that's just Jimmy Neutron costume I don't understand it about it yeah anyways I think that's about everything here purple man became a plant where's the kitchen oh nothing here but yeah Jimmy Jimmy Neutron does have an 8 head he's got a big 8 head that that's not a that's an 8 head right there that's like probably like a 12 head a fifth a 45 head I don't know what I'm doing anymore anyways that's the end of the video hoped you enjoyed it and yeah definitely not been stalling just to get this to an hour just to feel special about myself you could probably leave by now but you know if you want to sit here and just look look look look it's a tree look at this content I just yeah oh look it's a spooky basement where Freddy was eating some batteries mmm you could eat this battery hmm yeah and chucky cheese is dead yay woohoo and look if the cinematic view will okay anyways a guy guys I I just wanted to get this - now don't hurt me but we always hope you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like the better look the video right now better and yeah anyways hope you do and I'll see you later okay bye [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 683,509
Rating: 4.7786427 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Roleplay, RP, Help Wanted, HW, Withered, Halloween, Trick or Treat
Id: 3hxUyHThDfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 13sec (3613 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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