Gmod FNAF | Torturing Help Wanted Withered Bonnie!

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well well well what do we have here is that old bonnie is that old bonnie boy i see over here yo what's up mr bonnie boy how is it how's it been hanging yo you got no face no arm and what's what's been popping yo you're different from the last time i saw you huh what what's that you can't speak oh well that's a shame um don't worry bonnie boy i'm a good friend and i'm going to help you get better i i noticed you have no arm and no face but don't worry i can help make the pain go away you came right do you come you've come to the right place mister what what what do you mean you didn't want to come here well too bad okay i don't care if you want my help or if you don't want my help i'm going to help you no matter what because i'm a good friend so anyways i'm going to i'm going to drag you over here okay all right with it bonnie okay we're going to go over here and don't worry i i know just a place to get you fixed up okay all right i know you're having trouble walking but don't worry i'll take you down the stairs just gotta go and there you go and aha this way okay whether bonnie follow me follow me wither bonnie and don't worry i'm going to get you all fixed up so i'm just going to drag you across the floor because it's much quicker and uh what is this oh oh that's not the right room okay i almost threw you into that pit on accident that would that would be [ __ ] that would be a shame if you went into the pit that sure would be a shame uh let's see is this the right place aha okay i think this is where you go to get fixed up all right with the bonnie let's get you fixed up okay buddy all right let's get you standing up and let's see here and um oh wait a minute silly me this doesn't fix you up this chops you up into little pieces i i'm sorry i thought this was the right room all right don't worry with the bonnie i'll take you to the right room see i'm a good person i i i double check before i throw you in there that it is indeed the right room so uh all right so let's see here okay i think this is the right room so i'm just gonna go ahead and throw you in there and let's see here aha this looks like a nice place to sit down at and you sit down there and uh oh okay yeah just sit down there you go with her bonnie i'm sure you're going to be fine okay with it bonnie just sit right there i'ma close this door up so that way you don't try to escape um let's see here oh the fire is super pretty today um all right well there's bonnie um let's see here what can i do about that missing arm and that missing face um let me think about it um or what else was i wanting to do today there was something else i was doing before before i saw with bonnie on the side of the street what was it what was i doing before this um hang on with everybody i'm trying to think i lost my train of thought i was doing something earlier and i just don't remember what it was and um yeah okay i don't really remember uh what was i wanting to do i kind of forgot i was walking somewhere that's right i was i was walking down the street you know just walking down the street like i normally do and um and then i saw bonnie but what was i doing what was i why was i walking down the street again eh i don't remember okay whatever uh whoops wrong way wrong room um let me just uh get that there i am up well um i think withered bonnie is in good hands today um okay with it bonnie i'm sorry about that with bonnie i guess i brought you to the wrong area let's let's go back a bit let's i'm going to find somewhere to fix you maybe maybe i was wrong about these you know what we might as well test it you know even though i said they would chop you up into little pieces but they might not they might just re fix your servos because you do got a lot of stuff in you like your wires and stuff are poking out so maybe this maybe these things will fix you up a bit so uh let's throw it into this one okay have fun all right that should fix you up and it's just oh it's just eating your toes um just nibbling on your toes is that do you feel comfortable with that you're having fun it looks like he's getting like a belly massage what the frick yo but i was about to say are you actually enjoying that because it doesn't look like you're getting spooked at all um yeah um oh oh dear um okay all right all right you know what with the bonnie let's try this one out i think that i think that was the massage chair you're not allowed to relax we gotta get you fixed up asap okay get fixed up let's go uh-oh uh-oh i i don't i don't think that well uh oh oh no poor wooded bonnie uh okay with it bonnie i might have been wrong about those machines but we had to try them out okay don't worry you'll you'll get your face back by the end of this video i'm sure of it okay let's go uh oh wait whoops oh that's right the spikes are right there with the exits that way my bad all right come here with the bonnie we gotta go this way buddy um let's see this way oh wait that's oh oh no bonnie no no oh no there was nothing i could do to save you no bonnie no he fell i'm so sorry i i don't know why you walked off the edge like that like why why why did you walk off the edge like that bonnie that that was kind of dumb of you but oh no bonnie bonnie just died oh no i'm sad now no bonnie no no no why'd you why'd you have to go why why poor poor wizard bonnie man oh no okay don't worry weather bonnie i think you're here let's go back up here okay dragged up the stairs again and let's see was there anything up here actually i don't think they're what oh wait what's this oh shiny oh whoops okay wizard bonnie look i'll admit though that that that that stuff that just happened in the past that was stuff that happened in the past okay that was okay i'll admit that was my fault i accidentally got you cut up a bit but hey it's okay you're still kind of in one piece except you're missing a few pieces but hey that's okay that's fine we're going to get you fixed up okay with your body there's no need to panic okay why are you panicking withered bonnie there's no need to panic okay there's no need to panic whatsoever i'm gonna save you okay um don't worry with bonnie i just called the ambulance um see they're here right now uh i got amazon prime on it so you'll be in the hospital you'll get to the hospital in a matter of seconds okay all right i gotta we just gotta get you in the ambulance and then you'll be good to go and then you'll get a new face and new arm okay gotcha all right i'm gonna throw you an ambulance okay go uh-oh oh that would have been bad if you didn't get in the ambulance okay there you go with your body get in the ambulance there you go and uh oh oh with with your oh no withered bonnie you good wizard bonnie oh no withered bonnie withered bonnie i'll save you i'll save you with her bunny yoon oh no with the bot oh no with their body no with their bonnie no i'll save you no oh no no no no oh my crowbar got stuck in the machine and he saved wizard bonnie i saved you oh my gosh since i died my crowbar got lodged in the machine so he lived with her body i'm coming this get you we oh what just happened oh did the machine just activate oh no we're there bonnie don't worry i'm here to no with our money oh my gosh you're oh buddy stupid machine god i can thank you with her bonnie no um um okay with their bonnie you didn't none of that happened okay with the bonnie can we just forget that that happened okay wizard bonnie i'm sorry look okay with the bonnie they it was super i guess that's why i was cheap because it was super oh no no no no no no no no okay a frick um withered bonnie look at me i'm sorry i did not know that ambulance sucked but don't worry buddy i'll get you to a new place speak to me wizard bonnie speak to me speak to me buddy stupid bishop my crowbar um uh okay wizard bonnie look look i'm sorry about i'm sorry that i keep accidentally killing you you're actually a good character i actually really like you and i want to get you help okay i don't want it no no with your body i will i'll save you i'll save you go up go up with advantage gotta get him back up there get up there with her bonnie get back up go on with her body no oh no get up there no with her body wait whoa oh no no no with her body oh there's no point of life with withered bonnie's not here with me okay wizard bonnie withered bonnie with the bonnie with her bonnie look at me man look at me i'm sorry about what happened down there no get away from the edge with her bonnie don't go near the edge okay wait with her no no please i'll have to save them go on jump jump yes i gotta get down there okay weather bonnie i'm here to save you stop stop whether or not no with their money no please don't die on me oh wait i think we're safe we're safe with it bunny i saved you no no we're slipping we're slipping oh wait now we're good hey whether bonnie i saved you i saved you oh no i did not need to jump no oh oh oh oh oh i stop with their body no please stop no no no no no no my little boy look at how they massacred my boy with their body stupid thing oh where's our money no i'll save okay with bonnie with the bunny with the bunny look at me man look at me man i'm sorry okay withered bonnie i'm sorry but look on the bright side though i found out how to get to the hospital okay we're gonna get you to the hospital okay there's no need to panic stop panicking okay with the bonnie there's no need to panic okay i found out how to get to the the to the to the real hospital okay we're gonna get you to the hospital buddy um it's through one of these tubes i don't know which one though but you just gotta you got a one out of eight chance of getting to the hospital so uh any minnie miney that one okay with her bonnie let's go to this one okay we gotta get you the hospital okay with it bonnie just jump down here and i'll take you to the hospital okay go down to the hospital room go with the bodyguard oh wait no i should have looked before i threw him with her bonnie i'm coming to save you oh oh within bonnie oh no he's wedged okay whatever it's fine it's fine because he got respawned okay with the bonnie to the hospital we go okay with it bonnie what's happening i'm scared wait wait i think i'm standing on the blade oh i was spared i was spared i was spared i have no idea how i lived through that but oh my god god spared me god had spared me yo yo but he didn't spare with her body with her money no oh oh okay okay that was scary i'm so sad man i'm so sad okay with it bonnie it's okay buddy it's okay you got another chance to the hospital i said to the house to the hospital no okay well there's he he didn't live let's go on an adventure oh i didn't survive that time i want to see if i'm able to do that again like come on oh room let's go let's go okay so i can survive the second one but i can't survive this one what i can't get past that second one though oh that's all um okay all right well goodbye with the money don't panic the hospital with her body we gotta get you to the hospital hospital go go with the body go go go go oh my boy the massacre look at how they massacred my boy no okay with their mind it's okay it's okay with it bonnie i got you pam i got you let's go to the hospital yes you made it to the hospital okay we gotta save in there with the bonnie other wooden body go to the hospital hospital fat your fat fatty fat with fatty oh oh oh no no i didn't mean it i swear i'm sorry i'm sorry oh okay he's fine okay few okay all right i'm sorry with the body i did not i did not mean it okay just go bruh go with her bunny to the hospital oh i think he actually made it in one piece that time okay with your body to the hospital let's go donut no he's going to the hospital boys oh with god dang it with their body okay hang on hang on stop okay with your body i'm going to help you out get down there you freaking frick go go with it go yes go oh no oh no oh no he's taking some hits he's taking some hits i'm coming to save you with her bonnie i'm coming to save you oh hey oh oh no they're all dead okay that's not good that's not good okay with it bonnie don't worry um um this thing over here this will save you i think okay with it bonnie just gotta go in here and play some hopscotch okay all right with her bonnie okay with everybody just go in there and i'm sure this will go super slow i wonder if you could even survive this okay i think that answers that question i wanna i wanna oh no with it bonnie bro bruh i just died because i touched it what the frick okay with your weather wizard bonnie okay i'm sure one of these scientists one of these scientists um we're we're at the hospital now whether bonnie one of these machines will save you we just got to figure out which one okay i think it's this machine wait what did that even do hello look what didn't even do anything what with it bonnie bunny no come back up with her body okay okay it's fine it's fine we still have more attempts okay with it bonnie go go with her bonnie go oh no okay okay it's fine um um um okay with the bonnie withered money go i'll activate the machine oh wait a minute wait a minute oh no no oh oh wait he's safe okay uh oh he's got to get out of there though okay with your bonnie okay i'm sad um um quickly to this other machine go with it bonnie go what is it oh it's not oh you're good with it i think he's dead okay it's probably fine with everybody go go with her oh okay i should it's okay with their bonnie i'm here to save you go with it bonnie be free oh no okay all right you know what it's fine it's fine it's fine with their body little okay we're here on your hospital bed okay we're on your hospital bed now okay whether bonnie you're safe you're safe in your hospital bed and uh what does this button do i don't i don't get it okay whatever i guess there's some type of cool button oh beep bop beep boop i'm gonna go check up on with the bonnie whether bonnie wait where'd he go with her bonnie with her hospital please i thought we got to that we were at the hospital now okay we're at the real hospital okay with everybody it's okay i just need to throw you on this hospital bed okay just get on the hot get get on the hospital bed get on the hospital bed with the butt okay get on the hospital bed get on the hospital bed okay all right boom okay with the bonnie they're going to fix you up except it's okay you're going to be okay buddy you're going to be okay what is this come on do something machines machines activate your power go on mission machine machine machine no the machine is breaking why are you breaking stop stop oh no no no no no no no no no wait stop the machine stop the machine no he's dead okay with it bonnie look okay i'm sorry i'm sorry that i keep messing up i'm trying to do what's best for you and i don't feel like i'm getting appreciated enough for all my effort that i'm putting in to try to help you out here but i know they my attempts to help you have not been that good but i'm trying to help you and i just want you to see that okay and i'm going to get you help okay with it bonnie look um from now on from now on wither bonnie i'll make sure nothing bad happens to you ever again okay up frick okay with it bonnie from this point on i'll make sure nothing bad happens to you so let's take a trip um let's see i think one of these machines will help you out here aha okay with the line i think this machine will help you i think this machine is what you just need because you because you because you need that arm okay all right so put your arm through the machine okay buddy all right buddy okay it's okay buddy you don't have to be scared i'm here with you i'll hold your i'll hold your uh wires or whatever okay with the bunny here you go okay that cut off a bit more than his arm wait why was i trying to cut off his arm again i don't remember um okay no no i think this is what we use to cut off his arm okay with her bonnie with an army or whether the army what withered bonnie i need you to stick your arm through this machine okay it's perfectly safe i promise okay all right there we go his arm is through and there you go okay making progress and nope not close enough and now let's stick that oh here i got it for you come on with the bonnie it's okay buddy i'm here for you there you go with the bonnie there you go fixed you up so now you have no arms that way they can't call you a one-armed armed freak so now you have no arms on both sides doesn't that make you feel great oh wait a minute you wanted your other arm oh whoops i i um i forgot we were trying to get you to gain an arm not lose another one um i'm sorry i'm sorry please don't punch me in the face oh wait you can't punch me in the face because you don't have a hand and you don't even have a face to to to see with so uh yeah stupid okay whether i'm sorry i'm sorry okay whether bonnie with their bunny okay come here come here and no no no i gotta save him i'll save you oh no oh no oh no with the body go go down i gotta save my friend with her bonnie with their bonnie with their bonnie where are you with their bonnie with their bunny with their bunny oh with their minds with a he's jammed it wasn't me i swear it wasn't me if anyone asks it wasn't me i did not i did not do it um with your bonnie i'm i'm so sorry i'm so sorry buddy it's okay it's okay with it ronnie i got you i'll make sure nothing afraid okay with their body oh with their bonnie don't worry i got you i got you okay let's see here so what do you need you need your face fixed or whatever um okay i'm sure this machine will fix your face up okay mr scientist man get out of here just step to the side see there's a scientist man and he knows what's best okay this is gonna get your face fixed up we're just nice and tight okay just stand right there and have fun oh that didn't work mr scientist man you told me this machine would work what'd you do to my friend boy explain yourself but hey hey what do you mean something went wrong in the mission you went wrong with the machine oh fiddlesticks indeed y'all freak get out of here okay you know what mister get out of here you know what yeah that's right that's right scientists man you know what you want to gang up on wither bonnie you think it's fun bullying the people who don't have faces and arms you think that's funny well guess what mr i got a lesson to teach you oh he dipped he dipped he dipped he dipped go back go back gotta go back and teach him and let's go back down i gotta teach him a lesson stupid scientist man super stupidest scientist man i'm gonna teach you a lesson okay why you should not be a bully to people [Music] okay whatever i'm done with you okay all right withered bonnie oh that's right he he he he he died okay all right don't worry buddy you're you're back and and you're cool again okay with it bonnie uh let's see okay this looks like a hospital machine okay hey get out of my way we got an emergency patient get out of here mister what do you mean no okay whether bonnie i know you i know that you're covered in blood and this machine looks scary but look it's actually a proper machine this time it's going to fix you okay with the buying just sit on the conveyor belt and i'll start it up and i'll go beep bop beep boop and i'll save you okay chip snap snip snap snip snub snip snub snip snubs and stuff see it's repairing you buddy no no that's not how the machine's supposed to work no bad machine oh okay whatever it's fine we'll also add a new phase we'll just replace your whole head okay okay just gotta okay with it bonnie see he look he looks happy i think no oh no okay it's okay with her bonnie oh is he stuck no he's not sick okay um don't worry let me fix those toes um there you go and okay there you go he's fine and i think he's looking pretty good today and there we go wither bonnie the new and improved wizard bonnie i feel bad for withered bonnie now okay you know what withered bonnie i know this machine will work okay all right with the body so what we're going to do is this hammer is going to come down and it's going to fix your face all right stand still oh that didn't help at all stupid hammer why you bullying my friend well then i guess that explains it okay with it bonnie it's fine it's fine with it bonnie you want us to fix your face okay let's do this and okay don't worry with the body i would never drop a hammer on top of you whoops it slipped um um ooh scientist stuff go scientist laser fix him up beat puppy poop and repair it and boop okay that wasn't supposed to no with your body stop okay with your body with your body with the body i found the perfect machine get out of here you stupid what do you mean though you want to go into the void huh you think you're so cool you think you're so cool into the void you go screw the pit to open this up and break this machine into the void you go this is what this is what you freaking get that freak down here you freak you know what you think you're so cool oh oh he just oh oh what what what just i don't even know what just happened i don't know and i don't want to know okay oh wait what's this machine doing is this gonna crush me am i gonna hit my head ow oh no the machine oh okay well that that that was dumb okay freaking withered bonnie it's okay buddy um um um um um um i know how to fix your face just jump down this pit hey get out of the way get the freak out of the freaking way can't you see my friend here is in need of medical attention i'm sorry mr scientist man that you had to see that okay anyways with bonnie quick jump down into this pit it'll fix you up go wither bonnie go oh no wait wait we're on pit don't go down that one no no no no no wither oh hey he survived okay cool um okay here don't worry with it bonnie i'm cool i'll pull you up from there and come on with your bunny i got your withered bunny i got you i got you um it's okay with your bonnie i'm here i would never let anything bad happen to you oh wait oh no actually like [Laughter] whoops um uh oops uh it wasn't me officer i swear okay withered money look i know it's been a rough day for you it's been a rough day for me buddy look i feel bad i'm so sorry with the body but guess what i did not mean to do that i swear okay no i afraid yeah it was the surprise no i was gonna get you i was gonna put on a new face for you and then your head fell off again no that's okay i'll fix you up um there we go guys look he's fixed he's why are you guys looking at him weird he's fine don't look at him like that he has feelings too you know the freak out of here okay we'll see you guys look at the end of the day whether bonnie got his mat i've got his face back but he lost the rest of his head oh um okay well then with everybody i'm sorry today's video has been much weirder than the other ones i don't even know why um leave a like if you if you feel bad or if you hate with it but i don't freaking know anymore just leave a like for bonnie please pour with it by he's had a rough day today and i'm sure you have too but with it bonnie it's okay buddy um at least look on the bright side you have your mask now um uh yeah um well i guess i guess we'll have to pay wither chica visit next but uh yeah there you go with it bonnie i think i think he had lots of fun today okay this was the weirdest torture in it help wanted animatronic out of all the episodes so far what the frick why was this one so weird what the frick
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 631,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Torturing, HW, Help Wanted, FNAF 2, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Funny, Withered Bonnie, Bonnie
Id: xUn-9SCVQaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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