Gmod FNAF | Adventure Foxy's Home

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oh boy mr. Wigglesworth I'm so glad I have you only mr. Wigglesworth and oh you love you Wow mr. Wigglesworth you're the coolest toy ever dad dad died died had all of mr. Wiggles were so much oh well I don't give a crap I'm just waitin what's for dinner what's for dinner stupid wife uh well um let's see I don't care what we get I just hurry up and get me something dang I'm starving grab me something okay just give me a few minutes let's go you poked a dainty wall again you're dang you it's gonna get the dub good job oh yeah take the L take a loser ticket l take loser loser boom boom that's my 9450 sixth win in in solos oh yeah wow that's so cool I know right man oh hey could you two again shut up and help your great grandpappy fought G with the with the with the computer I don't see how you're supposed to be able to watch NASCAR on this thing I don't see a screen what a grandpa that's that's the radio but what pull I think it's that means the sound damn grandpa you're stupid what's that noise well I think someone's knocking at the door hang on hello hello okay guys your oh oh oh oh that's a Chuck hey could you go get your uh the pulps prince is he home oh yeah he's home can you go get him for us uh uh sure sure okay uh now I asked someone's at the door wants to see you know what dang it hurry up and like my food woman Oh John who is it outfit in your debt I don't you know you're supposed to watch your ass go on this my frickin gosh you stupid old person let me show you it's not that complicated let that screw their son playing on the Xbox now look this is the radio okay what this is the radio this was in your time the telephone box no the radio the telephones broken do I hear a fix it no you stupid grandpa I hate you be useful for once wow that's that's that aren't my old fragile horror you're supposed to care about your Gramp well it shouldn't be it's pretty obvious I have like eight years old and I know how to work a computer and you don't you loser Wow hey that's not very nice that's not nice don't make your grandpa Lacroix you stupid grandpa you better I hope you do cry cuz you don't know how old freaking you did you can't know you got it that's the computer oh okay well how does it work well where's the keyboard what where's the keyboard talk about no cable when I bought the thing oh my gosh you need a keyboard and a mouse to be able to work a computer what a mouse but what what is this donation I don't understand no that's not possible I haven't afraid oh oh I see it now cheap now you understand yeah you need the mouse cuz it's like a little gerbil and you put the gerbil inside his big box and it spins on a real on a wheel so that way the thing can be powered what that's how you get electricity to it there's a cord you plug it in but where's the electricity come from it comes from the outlet what they made they made electricity boxes inside the walls dying they've been sneaking all this stuff underneath my nose what are you talking about ah you're useless you're dumb I'm going back to play fortnight that game will corrupt your mind whatever shut up old dude you know nothing you know nothing man uh I was in the war shut up Jane I get no respect these days I got no respect when I came back from the war they all called me a coward but I was still in it no mr. Wigglesworth I wish everybody around here would love each other more everyone just says they're so many negative things mr. Wigglesworth lucky you I know you do mr. Wigglesworth and I love you too oh but still I wish things could be could be more friendly around here more advertiser friendly but actually the way it is technically um if we need even more friendliness mr. Wigglesworth how are we supposed to get everybody to get along maybe a song will cheer you up a song you think we should make a song mr. Wigglesworth what should we make it what should we make this song about mr. Wigglesworth I love you Oh about love will she make a song about love maybe then yeah yeah mr. Wigglesworth that'll be a good idea president we make a song about love everybody around here will start loving each other again I mr. Wigglesworth nice to meet you fella yeah all right well she hmm what's the word speed what's that it's what type of tune should we have mr. Wigglesworth what do you think mr. Wigglesworth is my name oh okay um mr. Wigglesworth loves you okay you could stop asking kind of annoying I'm mr. Wigglesworth stupid toy I'm mr. Wigglesworth feelings have been hurt mr. Wigglesworth needs tummy rub yeah mr. Wigglesworth the tummy rub no mr. Wiggles okay fine please don't hurt me okay mr. Wigglesworth luck you again you don't got food I'm gonna get beat again the board what do I do oh hi mom hey mr. Wiggles worse shut up I don't care about your wheels worth all I care about is food don't get feet again oh why what the frick to teach people oh shoot hey there foxes hey there folks face you stupid loser remember that that deal you made with me and you never paid up your part of the deal ah that was ages ago oh man just let it go I will not let it go cuz you stole five thousand dollars from me in my so I got my friends here to teach you a lesson so you better pay up right now well we're shooting this place up or I don't got dude I don't got money on me look at this house I'm living in it's shots the walls break every 10 minutes well that's the way excuse that's that's such a lame excuse that does not excuse you from doing your homework my homework just do your part of the deal man alright I'm gonna ask you again okay let me clarify myself if you don't pay the $500 right yeah I mean five thousand dollars 500 500 5000 right it was actually 500 well we're here for $5,000 and we want $5,000 if you don't pay up to $5,000 we got mr. not mr. Dinard would you want to show show the man our little friend yes this is what I call the detonator 5000 this thing with the one ship we click can blow up the 20 mile radius of land and cause great destruction I've cut a scare away what if this thing goes off right now what if we all just die y'all I feel like for the tenth time man I don't got the money just leave me and I'll I'll just give me the money right now man I'm warning you man I've armed just give me the money right now man give me the money give me the money's y'all okay call it look if it means so much deal I can get the money to you and about like six launched six months I want the money now I need money for V bugs yar what the Frick while you plane dude you're an adult you should be playing minecraft Dane you know what guys he's been fried all wrong all along we shouldn't spend thousands and thousands of dollars on V books we should spend it on mine coins give us the money fricker we're taking over and we're getting don't mind coins to get them unlock skins on the on the Pocket Edition version so give us them given that give us that money so we can't buy skins on the Pocket Edition version so it was give us to persuade those dollars through mine coins y'all oh heck II actually has a razor now Frick all right I don't have the money is there anything else I could do for ya anything else you could do no you could give me the freaking money that's what you could do or he could give us a foot massage I like a foot massage oh [ __ ] a foot massage a foot massage a foot massage really do trade $5,000 over a foot massage I mean have you seen my feet - pretty ugly and stuff shut up you got an ugly face okay guys guys stop arguing stop arguing dude I'm kind of scared I kind of want to I I did not agree to dish but whole violence are we actually about to shootable just worry about the shoe - oh because you're not paying the freakin money yo man I'm I'm I know I've done some kind of bad things but I'm not about to be charged with murder I know I'm I'm back here so what are you a wimp you came here didn't you there's no backing out of it you've already stepped in here but I I this is not okay it's too late you've gone too far we've it's to just free stop describing give us the freakin money no $5,000 in cash right now go get it go get go get all your money you're like what I said before I don't got no money boys boys I don't believe you you have the money give it to me what what do you want can't you see I'm busy busy right now we are out of food Jordana told you get your store Dania maybe they are poor they can't afford food hmm all right so it does seem to me that you do you cannot pay the money your honor finally you get the point now leave okay I'll leave after I kill you all right now come back later do you it's two seconds late come on guys we're raiding this place get out get out your crossbows get out your shotguns we're taking over about this life man come on you won't break down the door break the glass break the glass that's what you must do you must prove yourself no man no no no oh my gosh you know I'm not I'm not here too you know what I'm not even gonna worry about you screw you you can go home go cry go cry somewhere is you go I'm getting out of here man I'm getting out of here man this is not cool you know when I run into Jinyu it's okay spring-trap break the window please okay this is why I got the crowbar yeah oh who did you do you had one job oh yeah oh it's one good crow boy too far I missed a window in it are you idiots can't you do anything right there are my gosh what do you mean we have no food all right dang it or see mr. Wigglesworth they're fighting again we gotta come up with that chunk quick hey okay I'm ready to sing my love song okay yeah all right can I have everybody's attention please wait mr. Wigglesworth come over here mr. Wigglesworth I can't do this without mister we're good mr. Wigglesworth in i have have a special song missing you Oh what oh oh it's you and that stupid Tabor oh you got a stupid teddy bear loser well you got brain damage oh that's nice not cool man that's that's Oh oh hey when I tell you about bringing up his brain damage well I was just stating the facts now I'm depressed oh it's okay you you're grounded what did I do Isis will you sing a song about love sorry but that's illegal in this household your honor everything is illegal ya know like justice should the state should not be alone it's I don't know what what this is this is outrageous and why Oh what is this stupidity look at these ratings they stuck how is this thing available where are you talking about I'm talking about the damn computer I don't see how it works for grandpa that's just the monitor you only got the monitor what what do you mean it's just not a PC there are not that's just a monitor the PC is like a rectangle box thing that you put next to the monitor that you plug into it what have I didn't scam just this is outrageous I hate these times hey what did we talk about breaking with y'all don't get mad at my dad yard I'm the only one who's supposed to yell at him okay slain I hate all of you shut up dad the power windows the Xbox died cuz grandpa threw his stupid monitor at thanks bugs bugs bugs broke there are I don't care those dumb video games aren't good for you anyways you know our stupid kids you know actually my song about love no you can shut up that's what you can do or I'm sick of all of you oh no mr. Wigglesworth see everybody hates each other mr. Wigglesworth okay okay your belt ready try this again hmm okay just break the window okay no wow it's so hard to do no good no I got the window broke all right okay this whole house is falling apart okay hmm let's see how should we approach this I could just throw the bomb inside and we could set it off and run away from here but it would set off and we were done no I mean I could set a timer on it so that way we could set it for like 30 seconds throw it in and then get the Frick out of here hmm you're wait hold up you hold up how many seconds I can set it for 30 well think about that think about oh yeah that that would not be smart because if this bomb goes off 20 miles radius we would on we definitely cannot get out get 20 miles away from here in 30 seconds you think a how long should I set it through then like an hour can they just know they can mm-hmm hmm I didn't think this bombs through a lot hmm doing it your bombs useless if we try to use it it'll blow up and kill us or if we try to use another way they could just get rid of it or disarm it in time mmm right my creations a failure oh good I thought it's about to go off oh man that would have been buy-in well it's it's a real monk control bomb there's a button on there that you're pressed what is it landed on that button but oh I didn't think of that I hope that button doesn't go off Oh anyway let's go and raid these losers how much you hit me because you're a crybaby that's what you're chica no chica get over here yes break down the wall okay dang it no I take a broke her neck on the wall anyways we're going in come on we're ready these losers Oh what Oh visitors we're not visitors it where's my smoothie going we're gonna shoot out the place oh hi catch the lure again your gang you stupid losers go away no I'm here to shoot you up get up spring-trap get up dude open oyd I'll do it a lie I think my arms gonna freakin I'm think I'm gonna have to get my arm a few amputated I can't feel shut up okay okay doing kids slaughtered and toddlers but now that I'm actually doing this this actually seems kind of kind of do it dude but up the Dalton do it dang it okay I did nothing wrong I'm sorry but I have to put you out of your misery know that I'm saying this just seems kind of wrong it doesn't matter we dig us money ain't gotta reload kill the kill them I'll go for the ribs back here you take care of them you stupid they are you stupid heck little flick see give us the money I told you I don't have it great-grandpa oh no it's the war I don't got my guns oh wait what are we gonna do oh we're going after we're gonna give me that give me give me a chair come here I want a chair okay yeah here's the chair I don't know what you do with it take this chair losers there are I'm back from the war its World War three I'm ready to fight leaving everybody oh damn stupid blind eye patch come on sweetie oh wait she's dead awake okay we're leaving it we're never coming back or giant where you take you're going woman you scare you come on children the ring there are diet that stupid coward Arvid shot oh you stab me you loser what do we do mr. Wigglesworth loves you love that job will stop the enemies with love I know what to do don't stupid [ __ ] stab me oh oh that's gonna look like oh hey you meanie man or what oh it's just a little kid trying to be a hero what you get a little do a little kid I'm gonna be seeing you a song right mr. with mr. Wigglesworth loves you all right I love you I love you I will love you I love you love you love you I love you I love you I love you I thought was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen look too bad I'm gonna have to kill you now away alright I'm back from the war losers are you sure you're all right give me that gun like no you loser mr. Wigglesworth they got guns guns overrule fluff cuz guns are fun mr. Wigglesworth what do we do mr. Wigglesworth it's going to die oh no spring-trap no where are you Joe Oh stupid house oh it's really good I'm not doing I think I'm gonna have to sit down Oh doing it oh boy did everyone get in - where's chica chica thanks she's unconscious another thing clowns to spring-trap oh I can't do it I'm Joey I'm sit down Oh can't do anymore are you rest Oh doing it it's up to me foxy should have just paid the money you should have just paid the money boo boo you're come on man no it's time for you to die loser prepared to do lose sucker so then this seems like the end for the lull foxy it's time for you to die you loser you're not today and kick and then when foggy do to share it Freddy up which the gun went flying Oh Oh my gun little lost my gun no where did the gun even go Oh went over here oh dang it that's it I'll have to kill you with my bare hands yar No bring it on losers oh dang it you broke one my legs are broken oh I'm coming over there I'm gonna beat you up loser take this off I'm gonna finish you off let you for all of you losers you should have just paid two dang money you stupid Fox mr. Wigglesworth there's no purpose in life any last words are in my last words as I hated my life anyways so you're just doing me a favor who would dang it well you know I'm still killing you Oh take that sucker oh oh hey would you look outside there's a tornado whoo that's very interesting good thing that didn't run into this house that would have been bad whoa oh I did it I did it I did it I made him pay with his own life now Fox he's dead killed his family in the end the money should have just paid the money my leg my leg and art and art wake up man wake up oh oh man what happened I think I got knocked out man oh we won we won man ah but my leg is freakin broken all this was not work my leg my leg oh oh Josh think it's Matt my head on the concrete ready I did it he's dead told it with my bare hands dang that was pretty that was pretty violent Freddie but it was that was pretty vitally pretty dark pretty you know oh my leg man my leg hurts so bad I just you know it screwed out how am I like man oh yeah feeling kind of beat up too which is even really worth it and then going through all this torment and wasting things just I just kill him yes yes it was wait what even happened between you two anyways they lost the game of goldfish with him and we and there was $500 on the thing and he would not pay up his part so I lost $500 that day but I should have been able to make a thousand a new should then you wouldn't pay that up so then I charged about the 5000 just to be mean to him oh my gosh with over a game of Go Fish yes it was pretty intense there was like four other dudes there and they all lost and ragequitting just came down the final with the most epic finish and I freakin would and Fox he would not admit it and so he ran away like a loser but he said he had to go to the bathroom but it took so long bathroom we went to go check on him and paling snuck out through the ventilation system that's why Fox that's why I had to come here and slit his throat oh my dang oh yeah wait hold up what what did we get out of this for helping you oh I didn't even think about that oh oh oh beard I was kind of hoping he had the money but instead I had to kill him oh if he had the money I would have given out of spits I was giving you all like five hundred each for helping me if he gave me the full five thousand but he didn't try to kill him so no money for any of us so you're saying I broke my leg for nothing Wow and I killed some toddler - for nothing oh I mean I mean I'd ruined his life so uh but what did we gain out of this man what did we gain Oh Oh No oops I was hoping we would gain money but looking at this situation it seems kind of stupid hmm should we just should we just leave I think we should just you know what you know I I don't want to argue I don't want to fight I just want to go home and lay in bed yeah me too minute I think I actually I need to go to the hospital yeah I got stabbed you're a stubborn I go to hospital they'll find all the murdered in so I need to go hide out for a bit you two yeah you guys should probably scatter - we should we should probably get out of here before cops show up one day before you know we should all mmm yeah we should probably head out of here there okay let's go oh I'm getting it okay like I don't know like I don't know like hmm what should we do about spring-trap he can't walk mm-hmm we can't leave him here if we leave him here though they'll assume that he killed him or had something to do with him killing it no one's spring-trap you might spill the beans on us just in case so we're gonna have to take him with us Oh but my legs broken I can't walk come on in or we're gonna have to cure you we're the only survivors come on okay we would either have to we would have to cure you or we would have to kill you wait what why kill me because so that way you can't tell the tale but it's okay let's get outta here okay thanks guys for carrying yeah no problem yo let's just get out of here just play sucked anyway yeah ow so then the bad dudes left they've killed some they killed oh I'm so I'm sorry for laughing during this and this is not okay no I'm scared for what the comments section is going to say about this one because this was Foxy's family shouldn't it just they just got assassin oh no but then but then a miracle happened one day a miracle happened and came to them an angel I don't have an angel but I need an angel we need an angel who's going to be the angel oh I have the perfect angel this magical this angel came down we were gonna make an angel this is the angel that's the ugliest annual hive ever seen that's a group we need the angel that's not an angel that's what they're yo it's an angel an angel was sitting down from the heavens okay we have to go to the heavens won't bobble dr. doe Oh Frick yeah I'm an angel from the heavens I've come in just collect the Dead Souls it's the angel sure my ankles the Tooth Fairy time to see you died today oh this person smack your head and died well hmm you're going to Hank good let's enjoy your snake wish all right let's see old grandpa paunchy he deserves to suffer when she hears him here a little oh no it's a small little girl who had good grades in school and studied and had good friends you're going the heck once she hmm let's go on shine and far far away outside all these people were slain by the tornado hmm what's she somebody you never got the turn to play on the Xbox you deserve to go to heaven I'm so sorry that you never got to play on the Xbox let's see an abuse life you're going to have him let's see um a brat who played for night you're going to heck you're coming to hack once she went on she's there oh won't you stare Oh foxy foxy the gray fox he's done he's the best pirate of the sentence oh wait no that's the other foxy this is just a one of Foxy's variations of out of many this one was a gambler and I would I would probably put him in heck but then I would get sued so he gets he gets to go to heaven by default so here you get to go to heaven cuz he got the foxy colored well I think that's all the all the dead souls around here today I don't know if I missed him you but I think that's all what's this and I know an unconscious little boy oh this poor little boy he's still alive but he's unconscious Oh No mmm what should I do each point would oh boys all alone his family got murdered hmm when should I do Daniel Boone hmm let's see his family's dead hmm hmm its dish a little teddy bear I see maybe the boy loved his teddy bear hmm this poor little boy but now that this little boy when he awakens he's going to see his family dead and he's gonna have nobody to take care of him and he's gonna be homeless and he's gonna have to fight in the streets for his life but he's just a little boy how's he gonna take care of himself all alone out there sure it's gonna be a hard dangerous button maybe with the help of a friend he can have hope and try not to give up and so that way he doesn't try to hang himself hmm but he needs a friend but oh I know I know how to help him I'll use my powers wish oh woah-oh with you with you rise rise what the heck where am i what the heck I'm alive yes yes you are alive yes you what what what's your name but my name I don't know what my name is oh well that's for you to find out anyways this little boy's all alone because his family just got murdered oh boy yeah his family just got murdered so he's about to wake up so when he wakes up you're gonna have to bring him comfort okay oh okay all right good luck we've time to take the souls to heaven where we so then the the angel the angel left the building oh I just broke the window but yeah an angel left and mr. Wigglesworth was given life oh my scared right now mr. mr. Wigglesworth mr. Wigglesworth yeah that's your name mr. Wigglesworth mr. my name is mr. Wigglesworth yeah yeah oh well I see you're going through a hard time right now and I'm truly sorry for that well that's that sucks losing a loved one you're all right I can't believe this happened my gosh something tells me it was all my fault no it wasn't your fault I sold those bandits it was their fault don't worry the crime will paint to them one day with Karma I'm sure they'll get what they deserve hopefully justice will be served you you really think so I promise a day that those pretty those criminals will be served just as in prison oh I miss my pops tell I'm sorry but he's never he's not coming back but don't worry we have something in common though we do yeah we're both lonely we both don't have anybody what well maybe we can have each other as friends look for friends yeah we we could be a bunch you really mean it Oh friend like we've never had a friend before and it neither have I because I'm a loser by it me and you can be friends you really think so yeah friends friends who wouldn't want to do no friend oh I don't know I'm very sad now hmm I don't think we're gonna be able to stay here and something tells me if the cops show up they think that I bet that they're gonna think that you killed everybody wait why but the friendly police officer wouldn't do that no I'm pretty sure you would think that you would do this or me I'd probably play dead and look blame be put onto you but we probably should get out of here before the police show up because they might assume it was us murdered them so we should probably just leave and we should just go on the run even though we didn't do the crime but would you be safer that way so we get to stay alive and now I have to go to jail oh okay whatever you say mr. Wigglesworth okay yeah well I guess let's I guess let's let's let's get run away from home yeah so much well oh my gosh this way the way they way to get funky really well you know this is the bunker you didn't know this was the bunker no I don't know what to do to a tornado I know tornadoes never hit the house before mr. Wigglesworth you saved my life I saved your life I am useful for something Oh oh my gosh that thing tornado or I wonder if it's going Your Honor mr. Wigglesworth the tornado is going away well good well we better get out of here before it comes back yeah good point thank you for saving my life mr. Wigglesworth no problem now let's get out of here we've okay thank you for throwing throwing me into the bunker you know if it wasn't for my brave action reactive skills we would have been toast gar all right well lunch get out of here okay you coming oh I'm sorry it's hard to see my home destroyed like this oh dang oh what's wrong the Xbox is broken no the Xbox it's okay luckily you can play Minecraft on the PC quick let's bring the monitor with us oh wait that's just a monitor not the PC dang mr. Wigglesworth you're a toy in Europe you're already smarter than grandpa oh sorry grandpa here if you're if you heard that come on mr. Wigglesworth let's get out of here okay the way-o employed so then adventurer fox eat and mr. Wigglesworth one on their great adventure find the new home da da da and that's the story of adventure of it of adventure I'm so sorry oh sorry oh I'm so sorry I'm so happy oh my gosh oh I am truly sorry oh no comment don't worry that this is going to get better the story oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm just trying to think of what the comments are gonna say about this I'm either gonna get up I've people I feel like I've just made a bunch of oh no oh I am truly sorry please please don't unsubscribe because of this video please please try to understand that this was a joke that this was a a pretty messed up joke oh no oh no indeed oh no it's there will be more videos of adventure foxy and they'll be more love for him that's all I'm trying to say and these people they didn't matter I shouldn't say that either um there's lots of more foxes out there in the world this was a that this foxy was not the best foxy he was kind of dulled by add Fox he was one of them he was like an okay [ __ ] could have been a better foxy baby wasn't fully a bad Fox because there are no bad Foxy's but kind of like what the Angels said about emotional I don't know well I think I should just end this video here before before Susan takes it down so I think that would be the smart idea to do so that was adventure Fox he loses the eye I always adventure adventure foxy I don't know what I'm even gonna call this adventure foxy something I don't know but that was that adventure Foxy's loses his no of it just adventure Foxy's for a don't even know what I'm gonna call onion figure out with the colors oh no oh well whatever this video is called that that's what that was so that's the end of this video hope you somehow enjoyed this video I probably just oh no okay I should just I'll just I'll just die and I'll just leave that that's the best thing yeah that's the best thing I can do at this point so yeah okay good good good bye what if I don't
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,648,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNAF World, World, Adventure, Foxy, Roleplay, Family, Sad
Id: f4aMMBNbt8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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