Gmod FNAF | FNAF 2 But Everyone Is Helpy

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yes my fellow brother ins it is time what is it time for brother in yes what time is it for it it's time for us to a symbol we must have a meeting meeting we are having a meeting everyone come here we're having a meeting get over here a meeting what what why is this meeting required brother in just white we must wait till the fellow brother ins gather so we can have this meeting ok brother in come on fellow brother ins let us all assemble yes brothers yes I'm on my way brother hurry up brother I'm coming brother wait what about our other brothers they're slow I'll tell the other brothers later ok fellow brothers right here we must gather we must unite forces I've detected that there's somebody in this building who isn't like us Oh what do you mean somebody who doesn't agree with our ways yes yes brothers I am scared too but we if we join forces together we can take this monster down who has betrayed the brother in way Derek there's there's a there's an unknown unknown person located inside this building brothers we must split up and find this person and take them out ok brothers and we must transform them into one of us ok brothers all right now go brothers go I will inform our other brethren so they can help us - but go go start to locate the person ok brother all right I'll be on my way let's see I gotta go find a person who's who's a non-believer I'll go over I'll go I'll go I'll go look over in this room ok I'll go I'll go down the hallway honk I'll go check over here and I got the bathroom shiny yeah I got ya uh uh I'll go check the kitchen Oh there's so many rooms brother in so many more rooms that need to be explored but show a little time we have this this person can ruin everything I must inform our other brothers about this unknown person fellow brother ins yes brother in hello brother in brothers enough of the chat there's there's somebody here what do you mean brother I I'm here brother no not you brother brother ins there's somebody here who's a non-believer I don't think there's nobody has a non-believer I will you must be misinformed brother because there is there's a there's somebody here who's not like the rest of us they don't like our ways so we must convert them into our ways you don't have to brother ins there's somewhere located and inside this building we must split up and locate this person and take them out okay brother ins all right all right I'll go to work immediately brother and okay good job brother and I'll see you around brother and go fellow brother ins a symbol ok brethren I'll go explore two brothers oh I'll take I'll help take this person down I'll go over here look dude all right come on brothers let us go move wait for me hey I'm here I'm here fellows I'm coming too brother in just let me out I'll just hang out I'm coming brother away from me way away from me hey I got I don't need help I don't need help I can stand up like I can I can get up I don't think it drag I'm fat I'll just take a nap all right let it go brother rings yes brother ins let us go all right all right go brother ins search the whole place search underneath every single table sniff out every single crumb until we find this criminal ok brother in find this a famous person playing them yes brethren we must we must find them I'll go over to you yeah don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't or I'll take this person down I am that special brother and I have big swole brother and I will stop this monster all right let's see I got to I got to find this person for brother with the brothers what are they gonna do when they find out I'm the imposter I can't believe there's dang little [ __ ] people corrupted all my friends look at me at least I have hands but dang they're really small I can't pick up anything with them I think I'm the only survivor left and they're trying to find me and take me out uh I kinda I gotta find a way to stop these evil help ease and so I could save my friends but I don't know how to what do I do I kind of come up with something there's gotta be something I can do first I want to get this stupid the stupid help me that try to corrupt me and freakin dies no his corks are stuck to me so yeah I want try to get his corpse off huh I gotta find Shelton maybe there's something around here I can find I got to go to floor fellow brother and we must explore born right now I'm going brother and I'm going I'm going you have to fellow brother and nobody's taking the left hallway don't go through the left all the way brother okay thanks brother and thanks okay okay we stir not suspicious did I'm an impostor I gotta I gotta find somebody poor I gotta find some Oh cam I'm not gonna go in there because everyone else is in there Oh what do I do what am I gonna find something now I gotta do something barricade the door okay jordu that door [ __ ] oh good it's a monster the Nikon what's he doing here mr. Nygaard you'll have to help me night guard Lois you're spooky monsters no it's a stupid cryptid help you monster thing begone monster oh oh it doesn't trust me cuz I might have to be stupid he'll pee Oh once I get this help you out of me Dana they're not gonna deny kuna then the guard will trust me all right I thank you what I mean but do not be scary we're looking robot I'll probably be fine I must I must find the intruder oh the intruder it's the intruder oh okay I gotta come up with a plan there's got to be somewhere or some parts done maybe you're a wrench or something that from used to pretty bits it's to help you out of me okay they're back there might be something in here crowd dupa dupa - maybe there's gotta be something in here brother and brother and brother Inge what is it fellow brother brother ins I found the intruder oh the intruder where's this intruder located the there in the Security office brother in there not like us brother well we must stop him fellow brother and the search is over we have found the intruder so all we have to do is capture him come on fellow brother ins let us capture this intruder come on fellow brother brother Inge hmm I'm on my way I'm on my way I tell my brother inch go capture this intruder yeah I'm on my way brother ins wait for me brother ins wait for me ouch go fill the world ruins alright let's go okay I'm going to die I'm going to die The Cure doctor really good as a chair I'm going to do stared fee fie foe fum here we come my fellow brother rings yes we must take this guy out hello brother ins a symbol we have found the intruder do you intruder I'm gonna rip this intruder from shred the shred where's where's the intruder fellow world are in the Security office come with us brother and we must take them out and and there he is I see the intruder huh ain't rotor we can't stop him oh I tripped and fell get up brother and we must take this person down yep they're inside this room Oh God take these chairs don't touch huh what's going on push Go Go oh gosh yeah oh come on guys we did enjoy it gonna open this door oh I gotta lock the door unlock the door uh-oh no the door will open brothers brother and he's locked himself inside he doesn't want to be a part of our family well come on brothers we gotta break down the door your wrench we must break down the door mm-hm Darius Dean's ruder the intruder you must become one of us oh no part um well well there was a little thing saying that there's another thing area that there could be some parts and then scum walk on over there Oh what does happen open up and true der you will be one of us I Caston yes you'll be a fellow brother in okay um I'm gonna have to slip past these people oh okay I uh doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa cubed dude oh brother in my head hurt brother don't worry your brother I will take over the breaking down the door duties yeah yeah well there's yeah keep it up keep up the good work brothers keep up the good work brother where are you going brother we need your help oh yeah I don't the leader rather wanted to see me yeah I she's just summoned to be mmm okay dad okay Victor up Oh mm-hmm brother in order you doing brethren oh I tripped and fell oh no he's gonna find out how many Meister what do I do oh my face brother in what are you doing don't wake me discipline you again oh now brothers please it's not what it looks like brother are you trying to get out of making someone else oh brother in now I swear it wasn't me brother you sure we'll get back to work brother and are you could've sworn I saw another brothers like you know uh-huh gosh close okay let's go get this room over here do you think that would be very client and get very snug okay don't know don't up don't know it don't know no no no no kind of be very soon oh ouch all right we got fellow brother ins we got to break down this door come here smaller brother in what are you doing brother home using you to break down the door break down this door oh yeah oh brother in a hurry hurry up and break down the door oh oh gosh it's very fellow brother in what is it brethren have you spotted something oh yes brethren who are those people they look ugly I agree rather and we should make those in we should put replace those posters with our fellow kind you're a right brethren but for now brother and we've got to focus on this intruder make sure he doesn't escape good idea brother in oh nice very close the Oh more solvent is good okay once I which I lose the suit I will gain two guards trust wait what do I need to guard for the garden will probably have some type of device that can stop all that we got that's definitely what's gonna happen okay I gotta find some parts in here let's see what can I use to break off I mean I got this DVD player I mean I think the obvious thing that we'll get to help you out is that uh that drill over here but what's just DVD player about let's see what happens if I if I touch it oh no you've apparated the healthy body I've been freed I'm freed now I can take this I could take this to all my friends and I can Jack them wait a minute hang on I have an idea let me just put this DVD player on my back yeah here we go I'll become the warrior that's saved they'll teach you real whoops that's not it's not a DVD player that's a computer I need to strap this DVD player to my back let's see okay yes and then I don't there we go and then wait a minute and then I think my wires have been supercharged zapped and it vaporators oh yes I will save the picture eeeh now people will finally respect me I've been given a mission now I have to save the night yard so that way wait what do I even need from that I don't know I don't know what I need from that guy at this rate I don't even need the night guard job that cards probably yeah I normally need the night cards help you're weak brethren brother and now I can do a job you know your brother brother endure I'm gonna have to get the paddle brother no get out the way fellow brother ins I will break down this door with my strong muscular body weak and there goes the door back it is time for you to become a fellow brother room well we did something good today Wow look at all that death instruction home huh my chance to save some friends zips up zipper to do huh what the heck hey that's an intruder no I'm a chicken with the DVD player stuck to my back now taste my wires and die now what happened nothing I'm just chica the chicken just saving today as I always am because I'm such a magnificent person but God and people will respect me after this now I gotta go stop everybody else huh please come over here kidding you're gonna get the spanking not so fast uh-oh oh heck wait what is this and as I I'm cheek I'm cheek of the chicken and you will suffer you will III can't say anything impressive I'm just gonna zap you mm oh no that way I hope you've kind flesh now I'm scared please oh I'm gonna I'm gonna hurt you yeah I'm gonna hurt you all right little kitty no please don't know I think I shocked I just murdered a child Oh Oh No whoopsies yeah well nobody liked him anyways we were we were intruder intruder somebody's not a fellow brother ring oh heck dude is out get in why do I keep killing people I don't like tell people oh it's because I have the fast-forward feature on so it's apps them way let me turn that off and just play there we go okay now I shouldn't be able to I guess I actually only activate that somehow whoopsies dupa dupa dupa what is this I'm chica and I'm here to save you endo give up give your healthy ways now I'm healthy and you must join us soon you'll be a brother and just like me no now you must die it was good it's like a dodging weave looser weave like oh heck you dodged my attack yes now you must die taste this canister thing which was bought now you must become a helpy you must become I help you must become a healthy no please road you will become you'll become a brother and just like Gus it'll just become alright oh he touched my wires oh well there we go I did it I guess there's more people that need to be saved I gotta stop this virus before it continues to spread whoa stop right there you evil people how I help you brothers brothers get up there's an intruder intruder intruder well I think you guys were knocked out how did you just stand up because we were lazy and stuff well I'm gonna take you out with my electrical shocking powers and my DVD player I will save you aha oh don't feel oh brother and what do we do we tak brother we attack die hello brother and we got to turn this into one of our kind you're right brother in oh it's with the heck fellow brethren it is time it's time here we must turn do please another drone shut up nobody gave you permission to talk I'm just gonna plug this won't be the end of our kind we will come back we'll strike back not today I will stop you forever don't like she'd never come back No in death I don't even know what's happening anymore just just die already mmm but well then well I did it I shaved today dupa dupa dupa do pretty doo doo but then it's time to add another person to our Jorge family all heck it's a bug welp gotta kill it I did it ah now I can be on my way what the heck why oh yeah my fellow brother ins have fallen they've all been murdered and slain no all the veins you brothers wait what's that weird sound oh oh oh no I fell and landed on the DVD player oh no the DVD player oh I must it was wrong oh no not the DVD player anything but the DVD player odo doesn't need a Blair now you must know which I will now destroy this device that's that's cause the end of my brother's stupid dank dank you took away my brothers like me stupid booby player I hate you I hope you died stupid thing Oh No without your powers your did DVD player I can't stop him now no you must die and well now I must remake you join our brother army and I must make everyone else join our brother army you were so close to success yet you were so far away you really are just so useless chicken and you will never be a hero rah kick Oh No I was so close yet so far away oh I can't defeat you how you can't even defeat me withered foxy I know you're in there somewhere speak to me here you're French long gone and he's joined us now join me come peacefully or else I'll have to I'll have to hurt you no wait you have always been like that and you're you're wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait once you're not my foxy wait a minute oh you're an evil person yes I'm strongest one here now there's no way to defeat me oh but there is with my invisible saw blade go invisible saw blade and Indus all blade did some jump damage that just where's the inflator stalkers I want to use that because I'm lazy just oh but legs it jumped off my legs hahaha now now he's got the high ground well we're still on the same ground so I'm just gonna oh I did that just did this and it went and then death and sadness and loss of legs everyone loves it whenever you lose your legs right ouch I can't stand get over here I've just got to be something I could do Oh the DVD player that DVD player won't help you now I already broke it well I'll just take this DVD player and I'll just turn it into a ninja star that that's not gonna work you're not gonna I'll chop your head off with this DVD player note that you can't do that I'm going to chop your head off with the DVD plug that's physically impossible then just start DVD player go which was oh I did it I saved the world and I lost my legs my legs well now a shad Wow oh no my friends they're all dead hmm nose good new oh hey Bonnie yeah Freddy well I had the craziest dream that chica actually did something right for once where why and not everyone got possessed like these little dolls Wow you know what I think this dream that I've gotten has made me learned that I need to respect somebody very important huh I'm finally being noticed as a hero oh yes I might be withered and smelly and I might not be able to perform for the kittens anymore but at the end of the day I'm still Freddy fazbear and I'm special and I'm the leader I'm the only one who matters so you know I'm gonna do for this doo doo doo what the Freak put all these parts this DVD put will happen to the DVD player so watch Star Wars on it oh and oh did you break the DVD player hey chica chica chica chica chica oh yeah yeah yeah could you get rid of that corpse it's stinking up the place go throw it in the dumpster something what I can't Freight my legs I lost my legs well I don't care about your legs I care about the end open do in do speak to me I'm alive into your life I am the life hooray oh I'm still not noticed for all my hard work well at least it's a happy ending at least at least everyone's alive for once so you know okay come on we're quarks I'll just drag you with me to the dumpster just that's where I belong yeah yeah oh gee caboodle wait which you could by the way before you went to the dumpster yeah yeah are you ready to honor me no it's gonna take him to take the DVD player with you too because somebody broke it uh oh well I actually whoever broke it is pretty much an idiot I hope whoever broke that DVD player dies oh okay I'll steer around Freddy Oh what did you say something I said see you later oh okay he didn't even say bye to me this is cheek abuse this is really cheek abuse nobody likes chica you were the only good I'll take your den I've done for people and people still don't respect me well well time to time to get rid of this quartz so that way nobody that wait to help you can't come back oh wait my big throne into the road won't take care of it huh well yeah I should burn the body so that way it doesn't come back because that person could come oh it just got hit by a car that's very nice hmm well then well I'm guessing he's not coming back wait I'm hearing some weird noises in this room what's going on in here - open open - al I can't walk Oh what the what the heck I've been expecting you oh no it is I that help you leader I've murdered everybody and your friends there were so close to death but you saved them in time that virus was supposed to turn them in to me and then they all died God dang it I just want to be noticed for once I want to be loved I don't want to pay taxes anymore I have feelings too I just can't pay taxes all the time I got a life too you know oh I was trying to take my revenge on animatronics because they all they all they cared about was the only thing they cared for me about was for me to do their bills and taxes and homework I can't do it anymore it hurts hurts homework sucks and I can't do it anymore I'm a little [ __ ] Lee and just because I got a big brain doesn't mean I have to do everybody's work but then I finally put my big brain to work so I created the healthy virus and I infected all these people and I infected all your friends and then over time they turned into me and then they dawn so yeah oh no so now rise rise my pretties now I will kill you here once and for all and I will read our reporting all your friends and watch them die wow that so that's pretty much down yes oh and they're dead well then well I guess it's just me and you yeah but don't worry I might have small hands oh wait at least I have hands and legs unlike you that's your right now yeah now you must die no please now I'm gonna kill you with this box more Hall yeah those other books yes this is my special box it'll kill any it won't kill anybody and when whenever explodes now when I throw this box it will blow you up and you will die ah ha ha No all right go my fellow box go whoosh whispers oh yeah what did you catch it with your mouth uh-huh oh oh wait even blow up huh well that was pretty sad uh-oh I I did it I saved the day again and there's actually people here so I can prove that I did it all right I have to go til Freddie as at once that I saved the day and tick tick tick tick oh no the boys ending death and sadness so that was and nobody ever knew that about helping and they just said chica ran away and they don't really care about chica ripped chica and yeah chica abuse is still happening still real chica will never be honored for anything unfortunately which we don't know why she just gets abused all the time so that is pretty sad but anyways that's the end of the video make sure to leave a like if you somehow enjoyed this video and that is that it's how help you try to invade the pizzeria but failed and all of his healthy clones died so that's the end the video hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all next time good boy [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 728,257
Rating: 4.7910361 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNAF 2, Helpy, Roleplay, RP
Id: DEwmfOp6MZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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