Gmod FNAF | Mickel Afton And The Private Room

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huh take that baby you loser huh I ain't following you I ain't listening to you I got the ID card from a weird minigame thing but screw you baby I don't have to listen here no more you will eat the pasta me showing us see you later loser what the Frick even is just room what if I walked into you what is this place Oh Oh Fred their psychic kid first I kid kid friend Fred bear yo y'all haven't seen you since I was a kid man oh so this is where you've been all these years you just been you've been chillin down here psychic kid friend Fred bear oh my a nice Winchell launch the last scene yeah oh you're right Fred bear Fred Bear why aren't you talking to me me Fred Bear speak to me wait what's this there's a chip in you there's a little switch Oh psychic kid Fred Fred where were you a lie all along you did you weren't really real not so fast what was that sound it came from the glitch dad missing texture monitors I'm still here who's that is I that psychic can Fred Fred bear fritter I can't know if my gosh that's a tongue twister oh you're alive yes I am Alive your stupid father tried to make it look like I was dead but I'll always be reeling off in your hearts this is just an impostor oh oh my gosh so happy that you're alive I know me too I I wouldn't want to be dead or I don't want to be just a stupid toy wait I am the toy oh no bear Fred we have like your life anyways anyways Mikkel I'm not here to talk him yes we're not here because of me we're here because of your Mikkel Mikkel laughing you are in grave danger well why am I in grave danger because he's here with us who's he actually I don't know if it's a he good question um hmm I don't know might be she might be he might be a bowtie I'm now scared um but anyways he's it's after us Oh what is it it's an art he's here or she's here it's here it's here it's here what ignored yes he's in here with us well he's in this room no it's not in this room it's it's somewhere over there I think but you got it you gotta watch the cameras you gotta make sure no it doesn't get come in here what happened to Bernard comes in here he's gonna or it's gonna scoop you it's gonna scoop me it's gonna scoop your insides and we're you like a soup Oh oh my gosh I can't believe some spaghetti monster would do that to me all right Thank You fredbear all right so we must be careful you should try or it should i sorry it's so hard not to assume a gender it will come to one of these three doors so you got a watch hell and listen to the squeaky sounds okay yeah thank you friend fredbear meanwhile it's time to scoop the insides out of a little boy what are you laughing at I'm sorry [ __ ] time Freddie just told me a hilarious joke go in front down Freddie oh yeah hey hey nard no I do want to hear a joke why show once upon a time there was a spaghetti monster man and he was never loved and then he died hilarious I will be loved once I become a human once I'm a human people will love me again so I'm gonna go be a human shut up shut up I have dreams I have dreams you know scoop the holes bringing them to the scooper idea didn't work in I don't know what happened to baby I don't know why she's not in here but anyways the whole scooper idea didn't work so now I'm just gonna have to scoop him out with my bare claws yeah I'm a bear for frigging I hate you - I hate you - go die somewhere that's not very nice whatever hold your dish myself next week squeak squeaky squeak squeak squeak why why these windows squeaky squeak squeak squeak here press the button bonk OH why did the door shut and why is there a door of insulation system makes no sense Oh Thank You Freddy Fred Burkle I didn't even see you out there don't worry we're safe for now but we have to survive till 6 a.m. 6 a.m. why is that it because the guy on the voice said so work on the voice you're not hearing it wait what hang on let me open up my ears oh I ripped out my ear my ear buds oh there were so much to my brain it is my attention that you've reach in Oh No or what are these big words on this piece of paper mm it seems to mean that you have accessed in a private room and you're you've accessed a room which you're not supposed to see so in the morning you will until the cleanup click oh my gosh what the Frick yourself with this dude sorry all I hang on sorry I hate leaving these messages man um it seems that you've under you've got--you've the cleanup crew will arrive at 6 a.m. so hang tight knit blah blah blah on your stupid muta call stupid people on the phone they never know how to English uh-huh anyway squeaky squeaky squeak stop bullying me squeaky squeaky bikal laughing I have come for your skin Oh what doe Frick Oh No I've been friend I'd like to do everything Linds give me your hand and that way which I can wear your skin lend me your hand and I'll take your skin no today loser Thank You Fred Fredman for saving me again what do I fully God why do I feel like you want to die I'm trying to save you yeah bonk oh boy little spaghetti or oh dang it ought to go to the other door give me your hand oh heck no go River hey wait Oh why do you throw me out the door I had to save myself from the spaghetti robot monster OOP gotta save power Punk oh the Sharks okay you know I can't do it I need I need your help the way of the TV would you ever watch cartoons what wind effect in there was TV no it doesn't matter anyways I need your help I can't do this alone it's time for the custom night to be enabled I can't do this on my own should we help no okay we're not gonna help you if you help me I'll bring it to the surface oh the surface I've always wanted to see the Sun before I die [Music] help I'm in ok attention can I have everybody's attention please Oh y-yeah what I need everybody's attention its I need your help I can't catch the human alone my poor spaghetti limbs have been broken I'm deforming into a spaghetti pile I'm dying oh no you died but before I die I have one last wish for you to kill Mikkel Afton he's in the private room that's all I wanted to do before I died and now I'm dead because I'm not in the custom night but I am in the ultimate cause night but not the custom a so I'm just a pawn pawn shut up that's kind of a dead mean now oh we have to do something well what are we gonna do an or dead he's dead and his last wish was for us to kill Mikkel Afton and he's in the private room and that's what we must do we must kill Mikkel Afton for a nard kill Mikkel Afton Oh boys let somebody's through I know I do too good boy this is what annoyed would have wanted come on everybody get into positions tonight we kill Mikkel Afghan and wait why did why didn't you want Mick left in dead no no no it doesn't matter will it kill it it will kill nickel Afton come on everybody get into positions Oh Oh I stubbed my toe oh I bet five bucks I'm gonna be the one to kill him no you know what shut up just stay quiet okay but fredbear with spines like oh no this is biood Oh Mikal she almost hos make a left in what shop ignored has been slain an art is dead he's dead do-do-do-do-do-do no no hurry this is bad the rest of the animatronics are coming after you so instead of just one animatronic coming after you there's like eight coming after you now oh no yester coming after you you better get ready Mikkel they're coming they're coming oh the 23rd gonna choice dumped me in the stew I gotta stop them Mikkel Afton I'll be your supervisor I'll be here to help you but I might not be able to reach the door in time with my two little tiny legs so you'll have to be the one to push all the buttons okay I'll give it my best shot I'm ready to take on the unknown good I'm gonna go take a nap first okay behind mine you ready to go kill Mikkel laughing yeah come on let's go chichi all the vending machines Oh bonbon there's no Capri Suns in the Wyndham you see why do we live I don't know upon bond I don't know Hey okay bye mini Rena's let's get into position and I'll see you to Biddy Babs I know baby he's not here but you all must do something you all must be useful children yeah I don't want to be useful child yuck I'll go tamper with the wires okay okay my mini arenas go-go mesh with the ventilation system have fun yay we're gonna kill the other we're gonna turn off the oxygen hooray yeah tweet-tweet beep beep beep beep watch this flashing noise down here it's the ventilation system it's dying you're losing oxygen well how do I turn off you're gonna have to turn it off from the monitors oh the monitors I'm gonna have to zip zap zip them wait these monitors don't work they're errors Fred Fred Mary oh I'm going to die from from lack of oxygen oh no there must be another way wait I think I saw a computer I'll be right back which computer it can access the it can access the ventilation and shock the mini arenas Oh freak it's Melora gotta get the computer - oh my gosh scary oh I did it I got that why am I so Pixley whoo whoa Mikkel Anstead dig computer the computer now can zip zap zip the mini Rinas die children I did it I stopped the mini arenas oh good job mcLaughlin good job stupid boy go away hey blind blind I think that's the birthday bear with my surprise okay yeah Bob I'm on we have to get the birthday boy though okay why my stop nobody likes dubs dance whoo one that spooky spooky spooky in this what though Frick spooky spooky scooped in their stare into my eyes stare into my eyes well I'll I'm trippin out man no make lefted look at this which which dish viral videos look at these spicy memes no don't ignore me no no make a left and stop watching things on the computer sabana it's here wait why should I be concerned you're just running a white wait a minute that was easy Oh Mikkel this is a lot more complicated oh no I hear something in the Blitz an orphan just get rid of it oh gosh it's time for me to run dude I'm sorry but you've lost socks oh my gosh frag bear we're losing power like it's not tomorrow quick Mikkel you must stop on it from trying to kill you what do I do no I will not die to a stupid toy Punk good job mcLaughlin you murdered bonnets hooray I murdered a child nobody will talk to me H Oh bye Jill good get out of here you [ __ ] up get out hurry up yeah good job Mikkel Afton you're doing great only one more hour left and then you can go home hooray with the British desegregate I'll get this thing away from me why is it in my place oh wait Genevan didn't weld it didn't weld weld weld okay great tell me this child on me only I can't cheap punk oh no it's a mini Reno you can't get rid of it you're gonna have to accept it as your child no no I can't see anything Freddie bear oh it should be more complicated I'll keep an eye on the vents oh no it's full bit it's so annoying what's that screaming I can't it's a little bit the only way to defeat Loeb is to say low lure type law you're gonna have to type Lowell into the key bed Mick laughing I can't see anything Redbeard you're gonna have to take a little bit go left it I can't I have fat fingers I don't even have fingers I have fat paws we could have to you're gonna have to talk a little bit to keep you but I can't it's so annoying make a left in stealing way quick you're gonna have to type the wall into the keypad I'll try let's do a mini arena yeah just want to be your friend get away from me come on be collected I believe in you free paper we using meat I'm gonna have to take the law into the Keyblade beep beep bunk good job Mick lefty you murdered Lowell [ __ ] oh oh oh oh oh hey Joe walk me outside I feel kind of pixely over take a minecraft nap little did you know this whole time was missing with his power you know who not the power I'm gonna be ZipZap the children again through the salt hey Dad Oh have I made it to 6 a.m. yet Oh where's the cleanup crew I want to be fired now but little did he know there is one more obstacle coming his way in that obstacle that Alps two colas it was it was it was baby no no no I'm gonna go get Mikkel now no save yourself Nichols save yourself oh no it's baby fredbear what do we do hey bear what do I do hello there Michael you're coming with me I don't know what to do I'm incapable of things the laptop take a taste laptop baby I'm baby thick Oh No you're coming with me mister no please please leave my skin intact you're coming with me oh no my son my son what if she done dad what the Frick when you become so ugly don't know what when did you become so wait you haven't become ugly yet you haven't gotten scooped it anyways I don't know why I'm here just just save yourself you're gonna have to escape while you can come with me Mikkel come with me I'll let me put the chains on no no nothing wrong lizard for Christmas Santa I'm not Santa Claus you idiot you dummy oh we will Mikal what the frick sure you get over there what's going on over here Oh Oh No yes yes yes oh god I don't like where this is going man I'm scared I'm scared man I'm scared oh no this is bad this is bad baby got him Oh No what could I do a stupid vent it's I'm gonna have to break over the vein oh no Mikkel Laughton's in trouble I know I could zap baby from the computer yes that's what I can do zip zap zip edy salt more what the Freak okay that's okay that's not an option no no no no no no nope nope no nope um mmm there's gotta be something there's gotta be something nothing's working could you just open that to say power Oh what should i do what should i do oh my stupid idiotic cloned what should I do you're right it's the only thing left it's the only thing left okay okay it's time to do it Oh 9-1-1 link please open the doors better kidnapping we're gonna get sued okay actually know what beep hang up sorry so I wrong number I wanted Domino's what's the what's the number for Domino's you like your mind dude oh no he needs my help oh that's it one one wait one day how many times I'd type one one wait one wait that's not even one that was wait what number was that I can't see it's blinding that wasn't even one which ones 101 uh wait one two three four five six seven eight nine eight seven oh wait wait he's awakened he comes back now pom pom ball bond total it's time to show my family perform double dildo it's time to save my family bump bump bump bump nothing can stop me now oh wait maybe a wall no not even a walk and stomach bump on through my back oh hey baby it's time to stop that wait that started wrong it's Elizabeth it's time to stop this no oh my gosh dude shut up already you're so annoying and anyways it's time to stop this monstrosity it's time for you to let the Afton's go weird fun what wait where did fun time pretty girl I wanted to make a joke about hunt I'm ready saying one big happy family I don't even know where fun time for anyone oh well he's dead no it's time to stop I don't even know what the lore is anymore I don't know if I'm Michael's brother Michaels me nobody knows the law it's too confusing but I'm here to stop you I'm here to stop you wish you could I got W fingers oh the stubby does Oh you're weak you're weak golden Freddy you can't stop me but joke's on you this is golden freddy mode and I am overpowered I use the calyx Oh what don't freakish even happen anymore I don't know ma'am but at least I don't want to do the fighting give up baby give up let go of your anger I'm not mad at anybody I just want us to be together forever but that's concerning now come here don't go away you creep stop this we must stop fighting there's no point in fighting you're right there is no point in fighting there's only point of love no stop please I beg of thee stop okay fine so now what hmm I didn't think this far I was taking a nap oh what's going on which dish whoo what's this ventilation huh ooh I wonder if I want you to smell my fingers don't smell my fingers what no not the ventilation and what could go wrong it's just smelling my finger oh no this is the end this is the end and so everything went up into flames and then all the ropes run down he's like Oh dead dead no this can't be like no no this can't be the end no make a left and I'll save you a hat now you won't loser Oh Frick it's plush balloon boy Hey die loser just watch it just time for you to die no this is where everything in Joe had and I will die too [Laughter] so everything went up into flames that day but then don't know father it's me Mikkel I get it I found it it was well you said it boys would be she was there they were they were all their father they were all there but now I'm going to come find you father I'm going to come find you oh I found you also on you found me again in hi and she ha ha I'm on fire classic sign huh oh wait a minute this isn't fazbear's fright what am I doing here oh well hmm well I guess this is where our story ends daddy have a live yo so my I'm gonna I'm immune for some reason doing it that means they're gonna be that means for now for six is gonna happen now gosh doing it well maybe I'll be able to check it with my good old pal Henry oh so then everything burned well doesn't matter we're gonna live anyways but then we're gonna be put into another fire so I guess that's X but whatever oh well I'm a taking nap so spring-trap took a nap and so yeah that was the that was the ultimate custom night weird I don't even know where funtime Freddy why I did he thought what is happening right here I don't want to know but where is funtime Freddy did I think like I don't know I don't know I think he might have fallen into the void all there's below hello um yeah but anyways that's the UM let's tend to this video or whatever thing I don't even know um but uh yeah so that was the Mikkel that was Mikkel Afton in the private room so yeah anyways I hope to you um somehow you know enjoyed this video and now everyone dies while she's at the end of all my videos everybody dies I don't know I'm so sorry but they're all dead so yeah anyways that's it into this video so I hoped you enjoyed and I'll just see y'all next time alright goodbye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,652,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Sister Location, SL, Private Room, Custom Night, Roleplay, RP, Ennard, Baby, Mickel, Michael, Afton, Fredbear
Id: EkeoWxd7BTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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