Gmod FNAF | Danger Keep Out Roleplay!

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okay okay think of I think of fly to think yeah I think this will keep them out this has to keep him out this asteroid asteroid okay any called yeah okay alright I'm fine I'm fine ah oh those dang kids what started off as an innocent Halloween prank turn into the zombie apocalypse gosh dang it luckily I was able to take refuge in this place and stuff in a wait where's the food Frick wait I forgot the food kid I forgot the freaking thing okay um shoot okay I managed to sneak and get some food rats I thought I had everything um okay I'm gonna hide out in here till things cool down because in here I got all this equipment and I can I have the perfect radio station cuz this is the only place I know that can access to radio second listen out for when they're like hey job your mother's over or like hey run to this place and stuffing me like okay and stuff and on the foot I heard about the phone calls at this place that this that the phone guy of this place said that this is the safest place on earth so that is why I came here but uh you know I and I stole I stole this guards uniform I was on the co right I didn't have anything on don't ask why um you know I need to sneak out into the kitchen to have food I know there's a kitchen in here I need sneak out to the kitchen god damn right after I bought up everything I have to sneak out and go to the kitchen um okay it's gonna be easier to go this way um okay my back it's like through yeah okay here you're okay okay okay what I'm gonna do I'm gonna lower this board right now all right I'm going out I need food yeah I gotta crawl out of here yeah all right yeah and luckily this place was kind of abandoned so right that's not good but I already had some it had all this wood lying around so I just ripped some wood off of some other things and put on that door over there had some money but okay okay all right I need a any food and you get some food food food food food food where is the food ah here's the food let me start looting my bag loot loot loot loot I'm a pumpkin yeah dupa dupa dupa oh I think I think these grapes will will do just fine alright now I'm gonna I'm just gonna survive the zombie apocalypse out and dang those guys are creeping weren't they on stage I'm not going to question now I'm just gonna go back to my office du petit adieu but did you know [Music] dupa dupa dupa and scotty get back well fitted out for your kid just gotta crawl down here in new friend who it's an ugly person get back here hey break down the door hey hey hey and let me yeah why don't you put all this wood here oh I can't get in Oh get in oh wait mr. pumpkin sneak on in through there no pumpkin pumpkin that gonna come and eat you pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin I'm coming in early to invitation oh no oh I just wanted to eat you hey nope no nope nope no no no don't deal with that let me put on my scary face because I want to be terrified oh gosh demons oh wait no the monsters derp after me I gotta think of something hey hey I don't like this new cut mr. pumpkins stand back boy I'm the pumpkin what you doing there I'm gonna break down this door gosh damn this is a bunch of wood defend myself with a chair take a chair it didn't work I got my trusty trusty flashlight maybe I can flash the demon away hey demon demon hi Steph do you mean be going today go away demon go away watch that little flashlight how's that can help we got all right Oh pumpkin scared oh my gosh that was a scary monster oh oh least I was able to use my trusty dusty flashlight to scare it away oh oh I bet it broke down some of the wood um you know I'll just take this piece off the window and imput this place there and hopefully I just got you some ice lash like to scare them away uh-huh that's all I have to do I'll go somewhere where you won't expect it uh I'll go down there all right I put all this wood here how do I get I'm just gonna take ages got it passed away was the big flashlight thing that you're talking about the whole way evil we will go try it wait on what you go down that hallway again okay you stay right here mr. pumpkin I don't want anything bad happen you do blow doopa doopa doopa doopa do I can we start breaking the way dude all right note to self never go down that hallway I just got to be waited through this hallway I mean I could break it but just gonna take ages um just have to be something else I could do ouch I hit my head maybe oh here we go here we go no I come under that man got oh my gosh so much wood all right give me new ones to go away not okay getting flash lightning I'll go stop it you stay right here buddy I'll go teach this big old meaning a big old lesson hey you meanie you gotta stop lying to knows I'm coming in there mr. monkey i avenged it burns mr. puffkins got this yeah okay no you're saying is it small pumpkin will seem to do pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin coming in boy oh ouch this piece of wood got my way hi pumpkin Oh mr. Berg games like child are you okay I don't feel so well [Music] mr. Perkins day huh there's no way in there wait I have an idea Oh Jacob we have to get help oh let me get some help ding-dong well we're your watch oh wait what you're are watching your what from e-i be living alone in the seven seas cuz I got nobody what are you were you what are you stupid Jacko's want grandfather Grimm foxy there's a monster here and he's killing everyone with his lights we need your help what has he come here to steal me heart your Grandpa's he's got to stand back you two okay and I've just gotten home from this door stupid door and stupid door shut open your hands thank you hang on one sec give me one sec that's you I'm stuck give me one second buddy give me one give me one second like I take the cams just to see your ghosts monsters are coming back Oh what there's a third one is the player who know I hate pirates like stop them oh here wait let me just do this yeah care y'all I'm always to get that demon away from me the lights in the air converge in the air it's in the air crunchy go run I know we're a shame brauch I think I stopped it oh my batteries are dead oh come on batteries don't work with me batteries Oh my flashlights no you don't know me mr. flashlight I need you I need you please shake up the batteries please there's might be some way to stop this demon ah grand foxy come out no I'm never coming out again there's the maniac who's causing all this he's on the floor maniac I knew stop him all those would in the way ah your how many times do I have to tell you to shut up I don't I'm not in the mood for your Halloween pranks money over there my hair mag box you will stop this an Engram foxy just comes true were just like what's going on now your fee fie foe fum here I go home y'all you better open this up no not you Oh No I'm bleeding the would cut diet I need mommy probably when I ran through all that would that cut me out out I got blood all over me oh yeah I'm sick of this meanie I'm sick of this painting I [Music] got it I got stick you got it horses I can't stay strong in a nap oh yeah I feel myself dying I don't wanna die mr. flash light you're my only friend I love you mister flashlight you can we go on a date I'm dying oh that's not our way hey bulk Oh stupid hey stop wait up your waste of time I hate all of you go away we need your help okay okay okay how many jobs out to tell you mr. pumpkin doesn't like this mr. pumpkin feels like something bad is happening right now oh my monkey was happy to just watch a monkey I'm scared Lexie's lucky lucky lucky lucky yeah well I'm gonna sleep great tonight no I'm are are what is what is happening my heart my heart still keeps me alive whatever what power and us Jacko's has died hmm the spirit of Halloween is over does a'm be have taken over the land and no one is able to remember Halloween that's why we're dying that's why weak the jack Oh spirits dead what I am still alive cuz I caught me heart I'm so weak hey mister flashlight before I bleed out and die I love you taking that if only there was someone who believed at the Halloween spirit then we would be saved what everyone's dead all humankind is dead that's what was keeping us going for so long but now now the humans are dead and so now we are dead too now all I can do is [ __ ] away from my heart to give out which will probably not be for another couple years got two hands I know he's awoken there's man well at least you can't torture eyes in human if they're all dead I'll choke to be a human right now in any way tortured or why should come to me no way you want for me finally finally I was missing my heart for so long oh I walked in and I did half a heart stupid company forgot to give me a heart again like the time they forgot to give me my brain but I got me a brain but I don't have a heart I'm so sorry I just murdered this dude oh oh oh I'm a murderer I just murdered this little boy I'm so sorry I needed the heart onions at the heart more than you did I needed to live oh it doesn't matter you're dead I'm just talking to myself oh ok nonono oh what's happened Oh everyone's dead Oh everyone get out there's any good uh wait where all my former friends died I remember way back ago when I was alive and now I'm dead I don't know what I am I remember way back ago we used to throw those Halloween parties others are the good old days but now right now my friends are dead oh no oh no my friends what cost my friends to die I must find out what caused them to die would even happen this place why does this place become sister Rach oh don't worry my former friends howl avenge you I'll avenge you all hmm let me get more comfortable well why am I not dead yet I should be dead I got shot I see all the blind there's blood all over my shirt wait a minute women oh oh I am an idiot Jesus this isn't blood these are the grapes these are the grapes I got from the kitchen I put him in my front shirt pocket and I must have tripped and fell and they all splat it in my pocket oh that's what happened Oh Dana I thought I'd died oh well this is embarrassing Tom well what dwell then at least know that the monsters came and got me off while I was supposedly dying um here let me take the cameras to see what's going on no [Music] okay nothing happened in this cam nothing I've been in this camp nothing in this cam nothing in this cam who's that dude over there oh wait let me oh gosh all the people are dead and who's this dude Oh friend Oh guys it's a spooky monster like oh my sensitive eyes oh I just wanted a friend friend I've always wanted a friend - OH hmm this person isn't very nice I'm gonna huff they'll be the wolf friends yes I'm with a friend hey friend over here hey I want a friend come here why are you fully fulfilled here I come to cut you cuz you were mean to me you hurt my eyes I don't like that I'm gonna beat you yes yes I will be your friend who always waited afraid nobody would ever be my friend when I was young please please come in come in yes I've always wanted a friend I've always wanted a friend it's okay mr. Kyle I'll be your friend if you want to be my friend you're one enough you want enough you won't shine that light in my very sensitive eyes of your friend you would have known I have sensitive eyes believe it I'm actually bleeding out for real Oh too close there now it's time for you to die you murdered all my other friends and now I'm gonna murder you're not sorry you're not sure for anything I always win [Music] Oh mr. flashlight you saved my life you're doing it mr. flashlight you saved my life oh you did my question doesn't matter mr. flashlight go without me this is where I die oh I can't you have a bloody run out of my body and it was in the grapes it wasn't the grapes this time I'm a mr. flash let go on save yourself mr. flash let you save my life thank you so much way mr. flash like I'm a die where's your flashlight I'm going towards the light mr. flashlight I'm going towards tonight but mr. flashlight before I go before I die I just want to say thank you thank you for trying to save me and thank you for being my only true friend in life now mr. flashlight mr. mr. flashlight I must move on into the afterlife because all the other humans are dead because of Dashami apocalypse mr. flashlight you I don't think you'll be able to go to heaven if I'm going to heaven I assured I hope I could have been but but I don't think there's a flashlight have a job sorry mr. flash I'm gonna have to leave you behind I'm sorry mr. flashlight now now I must go towards the light I must go torch light mr. fly sleep I must go children towards the light goodbye mr. flashlight Oh oh and so just like any good old x-man 73 gmod video it has a happy ending because everyone died everyone's dead the security guard Dredd bear Jaco Bonnie mr. pumpkin Jacko chica and Grimm foxy they're all dead all of them just dead Jack Oh Bonnie Jack Oh chica mr. pumpkin fell because all they cuz the zombie apocalypse happened and the zombies won and they killed all the humans and because zombies don't have big brains they don't know what Halloween is in Jack Oh Bonnie Jack oh chica mr. pumpkin rely on the Halloween spirit so if you give up on Halloween then you give up on Jack Oh Bonnie and Jack Oh chica mr. pumpkin grim foxy also relied on this source but he had a back-up plan he was he was more stronger than Jacobin jack or chica that's why he's called Grimm foxy and he had a heart inside of him but there was only one heart in two robots and red bear one dread bear had all the organs that he needed except for the heart and Grimm foxy just so happened to have the last organ that dread dread needed so dread bear was forced to kill his friend in order to save himself besides grim Fox he was dying anyway so it was probably fine but the end red bear had very sensitive eye eyes and when the light stroked his eyes he had a heart attack and died and also it kind of made his brain malfunction and so he's dead too and then and then gardened just straight-up got clawed to death so happy ended for everyone yeah happy ending yes a happy ending not really this is sad and depressing oh my gosh what have I done um okay don't don't hate the be like look they'll come back to life look like Jack and Bonnie's life right hey it's me Joe colonial I uh that's it for this video make sure to leave a like if you leave like they'll come back to life and um if you subscribe then dread Berggren foxy will be in more video so make sure you're subscribed if you're not already because that helps me out a lot please pick it anyways I'll just I'll just leave this here before I make matters worse and I'll just exit out the window over here so um yeah anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and I'll just see y'all in my next video okay goodbye you can't catch me cops I'm free
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 717,109
Rating: 4.8195891 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Garry's Mod, Roleplay, RP, Help Wanted, HW, COB, Curse of Dreadbear
Id: BDAvShfWqSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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