Gmod FNAF | The Struggle Of The Toy Animatronics

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oh where am I all I see is darkness am i dead did I die wait a minute I don't remember having a life where am I why's it so dark I can't see anything where am I why is it so dark [Music] obscured wait what's that it's a light at the end of the tunnel I must go towards it I must go towards the light what are you doing I'm going towards the light hey wait please dude would you hit me spills good what is wrong with you oh wait oh I was a student the ceiling this whole time Oh interesting come on man Oh who are you I don't know who are you oh the man pushes who is she oh yeah dang it all right hmm well we all have something in common we have no idea where we are or who we are so we got to get to the bottom of this maybe there's someone else around here who knows what who we are okay so what's the last it wait before we go what's the last thing you remember I mean I just woke up and I I turned to you and I saw you staring at that light so um it's kind of concerned oh and what about you I literally just woke up oh okay Dean well whatever it is we've been given a purpose and we must fulfill that purpose until death okay come on guys let's see oh see if there's somebody around here who can help us yeah there's gonna be someone around here knows why we exist in why this place he said well what even is this place what's these listy scrumptious looking triangle or cones or whatever on these tables they look extra delicious today I might just lurk down on one I don't think you can eat that well you know it looks tasty I'll that's paper Oh paper still good on me I might eat it later but you won't ever just just do Scottie issues I don't want ever cool guys there's gonna be somebody around here let's explore wait guys guys guys guys guys Kotoko don't you tell me guys guys guys I just saw a monster place always spooky monster monster what's a monster doing here oh no what are we doing here see so many questions Oh where's the monster the monster the monsters over there it's going to wreak it's a scary clown dude oh okay I don't think he sees hello who comes it's a demon David Oh what can we do about it what do we do oh I need a birthday present I need something to throw at him what can I throw we could I throw Oh where's the props where's the props what's this just treasure chest cool huh take that you stupid child wait child are you doing that children again what no I'm not I've never thrown anything at a child because we just came to existence today at 14 you're cruel and heartless I am heartless cuz I'm a robot little child it'll be okay what's wrong with you I got what my legs don't work here I'll help you out I'll help you up oh are you okay no way Church really weird you show because that big meanie oh yeah that is a big meanie it's true you you big meanie meanie hurts my feelin's who look good it cool dude okay dude I'm pretty sure children are monsters put it let's see that thing it was creepy dude I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to wonder she could die out skedaddle over here I'm sorry pal you got some let some issues what you're bidding me for the stupid clown child you guys you're stupid that's uncalled for me that's uncalled for yeah all right is everything over here good yeah I think he's doing better are you is your face better oh I'm a kind of hurt still I think I'll be fine okay there's a big stupid bees oh there's you know what I don't need them Oh me boom okay no I can buy my own my own boys around here Oh Oh the exit oh yeah screw you guys I'm leaving oh you losers later all right just cut it Oh time to go through the doors Josh wait it's locked no no wait the window the outside world oh please let me out of here let me outta here Oh your car outside but did it hit oh that's a nice parking skills man or oh gosh maybe maybe maybe there's someone else in the building who can help us yes that's that that's what can happen look I need to explore yeah oh wait what's that scary thing staring at me for oh hello do you know why we're here and why we exist oh I see that you okay yes I'm for woken can you do it you why but here you have a purpose to fulfill I do now it's kidding you're pretty much useless oh that's me okay anyways look you've been granted the gift of life something not very many people received so look special food and sure but anyways you've been given you just need to find your purpose okay okay so do I do that now explore the Belvin you might make new friends or new enemies go find go interact with everyone and unfold the story that you must fulfill okay I could do that thank you mister imma Carl what Oh freak - oh you can't get me alive poor fool I just made that stuff up just so he can't believe me alone stupid toys they're all useless nobody likes them just I just want to go back to sleep well the thing was creepy but it told me you my purpose in life all right mmm so they exploit build it oh there's a whole way over here to explore hey twice hey hey you hey you what we yeah you I can't believe you you you I can't believe you called this now okay come over here come here boom no what's this gonna be a blow come here and apologize to this little boy he's done nothing wrong and you just made fun of him for his looks for his life look at him he's so creepy and ugly stupid thing Wow well at least he's not calling you names you stupid face you stupid face okay just out fighting she look you can make fun of you too now apologize to them and you'll apologize to you too yes you have to or people will be mad now apologize oh sorry say it like you mean it come on man oh okay mr. toddler face ugly gremlin demon balloon child face oh I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart oh wait I don't have a heart oh well thing I I don't I don't know if I should cry or if I should be whatever fine I'm sorry too but well um I'll get even with you later what isn't it even right now I know I know just leave me alone you heard to try and leave him alone come on what are you guys taking orders from doom mmm all right well I'm gonna go try to find out I know we're trying to find out who we are who are we who are we there's these posters of us who are we Charlie someone here who who knows who knows who we are there's these posters of us so we're probably famous people there ought to be something oh what's that I'm just your friendly purple nurple man I ain't a killer I never killed nobody I ain't a murder everyone calling me a murderer tells me names and they beat me up on the playground and say how you're losing dying and stuff but I'm not I'm just a friendly name for purple guy I never murdered a single soul I swear I feel like you're not believing me because I said that but I I honestly never murdered anybody I promise you is somebody y'all look like a mean let's just go you're doing telling this life story this is about me you suffer maybe he knows who what's that noise I should turn on the flashlight to see all I could be in the what type of monster could be in the hallway hello oh my gosh that's mean I just wanted us to be knew who I am why oh who you are yeah what's my name baby for good why you're a Freddy fazbear leader of the fashion bear band Freddy fazbear's my name yeah well and who's everyone else's names well then you got then you got Bonnie the bunny and chica the chicken Oh hmm kind of like those names wait do you know what that child was called that creepy toddler thing what toddler thing oh oh here I could take you to him cameras over to place what you got a cambers you've been stalking us I know I've just been looking at this party room this whole time and realized and I never had a birthday party oh that's sad oh yeah all right so wait you know this is like the map at the place so uh cam nine is to stay out that's the hall except each button sucked by the way there's two stage oh so that's where we were yesterday know where the total to worse well I think he's either gonna be Kim xi Kim oh no that's the puppet use probably in Kim tan okay all right let's see see what's going on over there oh I'm gonna find something to do to it well this is cool we can stalk people all right are you gonna be okay and after I'll be all right I think go from making that meaning you only yeah you're welcome but you shouldn't call me again if he hears you he's not gonna be happy whenever he's not here he's big fat speech toast he can he's a loser oh that stupid idiotic child I'm gonna slit your throat later oh my gosh that child's a demon what is that oh do you think I don't know I don't know I can tell you right now he's gonna be my worst enemy I don't know um so do you know what his name is why that's unfortunately but homeboy oh that name is scary I know and they should have just kept him we would nothing nothing nothing anyways that child's bad news and yeah ooh so do you know anything about him uh I mean I know he's a prop in this and not the splink splink is a displaced balloon boy was here he would just crash the game cuz he's a loser interesting so yeah anyway anyways tell me tell me about you well I woke up this morning I've been alive for about oh let's see about like 13 and 13 minutes and 50 seconds and yeah I don't really know much about me so yeah huh that's interesting oh no right huh well I wish you good luck well is there anyone else here you here should I know about huh well I just received my first night call um mmm I'm not so sure let's check the other cameras I'll wire those creepy k12 oh uh all that room instructor chairs probably our programs oh I'm never rewarding that room yeah I mean yeah yeah there's probably just part there all these other roads are just part so I think you got everything covered well okay well thank you friendly purple guy you're welcome pal remember to stay safe and watch out for murderers or that's what the rumors did actually know the rumors are made of rumors about me do people are mean to me well I know they're mean to me too but I can't people just be nice for once so would somebody be nice when somebody's mean to me I'll be mean to somebody else completely different person so yeah anyways thank you people man see you later pal All Right see you later Frey Oh my name is Freddy and we have Bonnie and chica Oh interesting all right Mike people know I oh oh hey man what's up where'd you go what you see which find I found out their real names oh really what's my name well your body I'm Freddy and that's chica in the nuts Balloon Boy my name is chika can a child Oh Freddy you're supposed to be nice to now I heard what you said over the cameras I heard what that child so develop my toes I'm offended take it back take it back you'll never take my life to sleep yeah that's a real name huh that's cool well I'm gonna go explore over here I've been over here get to the prize time oh yeah there's a puppet thing over there he likes hooks go try to hook it and yes it's a guy go tell her that it's not like obtained this is that way you'll die me what she later Frank see you Bonnie oh man what's over here hey Balloon Boy what are you doing over here I'm just you in the morning you please make this child go away please stop you Balloon Boy what everyone's having fun with lb guys I've wanted William ball guys what's going on over here saloon boy don't worry we got this covered yeah I toured for you I yeah Freddy could give you whatever you want what thank you shove a matricide those pickled Metis I can't believe they'll hold I just wanted to be hopeful Kip screw you guys you guys suck hey man that's uncalled for shall we just dump this cover it out I said we don't I don't think we need your help these people is gonna go crazy splenic really huh oh well so far this sucks dang this this 17 minutes and 45 seconds of my life sucks so forward well I mean it could be better it's nice but yeah was this a party room what are you doing these are uh this is for the Hubble oh the scrumptious party hats well I said earlier I was kind of all agree I wanted a napkin I said paper won't be a bad choice considering I couldn't find in a beat so look look at this paper looks so scrumptious in so delicious oh look at this fur up just party hats oh what's that noise look it's a demon get away from me oh gosh what is wrong with you you're ugly hideous way I'm sorry I don't want to make any enemies like that purple man said or the but I think what I don't know who ever said it I need to make friends too and so far nobody's really been my friend so please I'm sorry for whatever I did what's wrong looking so nice figured that I don't think you're that ugly but I have to cuz it's creepy no that's not acceptable you must live you want me to suffer is that what you want no I'm just saying it's the oh I don't know what to say I'm confused you've confused me no death is not an option here then what's the answer I don't know okay that was straight back up on the stage oh oh oh how do you sit down you gonna take myself a nap whoa over time to sleep Oh shall we can't stay with the puppet fish no sorry bloom boy you can't say with him him I'm a girl whoops sorry that's fine - my wife she take this child and leave people okay man I mean okay girl I don't know I'm sorry just come on boy let's go all right Billy Boy you're gonna stay in your corner and try to sell some balloons okay okay oh I'm tired after that where's Fred oh he's on the stage thinking that I like enough yes I was liking that too but y'all keep interrupting me now let me sleep don't weigh okay I'm sorry showed you want to go back usage yeah let's go back to the stage whoo but dude all right comfy on these presents take me a nap yeah I'll take a nap to you all right and then it was night - ding ding ding dong oh boy night shift is over time to go a boob oh wait it's night - now ring ring a ring ring oh god I get my phone call today oh boy oh boy another day another day to be lame oh whatever anyways oh let's see let's see or gang yellow yeah what's up man I just want to say I'm so happy that y'all are my friends and we're the only people in this place oh I think I've met everyone even that person in the back but it it's probably even purple guy - but uh yeah I mean I think we're gonna be good friends from here on out but I just want to say I'm happy to be able to spend the rest of eternity in this pizza place or whatever where we are this party house or whatever wherever we are for the rest of eternity so I think I'll be happy to be your friends till the end Wow and as your leader I want us to throw a party a party later at freddy we can't throw a party we don't have points what do you mean we don't parties look we have a birthday banner we have party hats we have presents we have balloons we have everything what you there's somebody when I buy my balloons yeah just somebody you want to buy my balloons no one wants to buy your balloons to a party don't you mean I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry guys listen up I would throw party though but wait here shed you're the leader oh all the posters purple guy purple guy huge purple guy oh he's just your friend he's just a friendly night guard don't worry about him he said we're not really supposed to disturb him though that's fun okay but he said I was the leader of the flattest burger band and we're the band I'm like I don't have to die no I don't have a band equip me yeah what do you make says we're a band well if we are band the band's broken up I don't see I don't see no fancy a band instruments or whatever what you leaving me yeah I'm sorry we can't really throw a party because we just don't it's right stuff we have everything we have put heads bluets presents banners come on sorry pal but no speaking of leadership we should find out who should be the leader of us hmm you should be the leader I think it should be me me it should be me I should be the leader I swear you guys make balloon with the leader I'm gonna freaking kill myself I know booming boy I'm sorry you're not that skilled enough oh okay good we gotta find out who should be the leader of us hmm well let's see besides Freddy there's me you in the puppet hmm who should be the face of it of us it's me it's me Freddy Freddy the face of Freddy fazbear's come on y'all mmm we're going to decide this later let me go over here chill yeah I'm I'm gonna go somewhere else where are you going I don't know anywhere but here I'm getting away from you but it's mean and Hort least my eyes oh well my friends left me why don't we actually they would might read through you guys you're not my friends oh there's got to be something else well here we go talk to purp that he's my only true friend boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo didn't know what oh no something just always be going foxy wait stupid light what are you doing hey wait oh it's just different any George Freddie would obey their weight toy Freddy wood whose folksy uh uh uh IIIi oh what's going on purple guy oh you told me um I told me this folks you guys this leader and I was no leader all along I want no you're you're the leader the face of Freddy fazbear's pot anyways but okay but who spoke c-sharp man I get this call and um I'm having it thank you wait stupid ruble it so you thought be stupid no I'm not talking about you know I'm talking all these other ones there's these other robots here in this pizzeria oh yeah no there was a there was one of them in the party room it was like there's a broken nail thoughts thing you had two heads yourself no that's dumb Wingull I'm not talking I'm Wingull I'm talking about Lee's doings oh is that one of the programs coming me just coming out look stupid man would okay so what's so wrong about these people oh much they were the old animatronics they were here before you and now they've been destroyed they have been pushed to the side they've been used for parts from now on and there's four of them there's there's the original Freddy the original Bonnie the original chicken than the original foxy oh what's so bad about them they're out for vengeance they're trying to kill me well they're trying to kill you boy I don't know and then I think they're coming after you next so you better be careful maybe I should go talk to them so it doesn't fill a room but maybe I can be friends okay about I would bring great cautions told you once you approach to their room we're or they there are there in the person service room on cam a there the part that parts room can be accessed throughout the bathroom hallway shall walk along okay thank you purple guy I'll put this nonsense of killing you to the side thank you man I'm just your friendly neighbor purple guy I never murdered a single child oh don't have to say it again about well dupa dupa do thanks oh there's more people in this place oh I wonder if these guys are my friends cuz so far no one's really been my friend mean I don't know what the mingoes my friend I hope we never sorted that out so technically I'm no friends right now let's see beebeep oh gosh what is this place what does everyone see dead looking Oh [Music] Oh Oh these people are dead odo is a scary sight because I probably look at her to say like this is scary [Music] well it's a life who are you what are you doing with your boy clothes what are you doing in my house oh I uh I was just looking for some new friends I've carried on a friend if you're an enemy what only about your enemy dang wake up everyone wake up oh god yeah I can see I walked into the wrong neighborhood here so Blue Boy Blue Boy go over there there's some people who like balloons huh people have what the lounge yes go go go get it boy people who likes to buy my balloons oh that should stop them for a video I gotta go to the others where's everyone toy chica chica chica would you know there's no pooper guys say - he's coming through you there's monsters they're demons they're coming after us they're in the parts room assemble the plane meet up meet up meetings on stage though it's urgent we're gonna do wait what no I can't that's good yeah body pump it Pump It pump it up come on oh I there's these ugly people that they're coming after me they say they're gonna slip I threw oh yeah you found their existence yes very good you were walking them you idiot what buddy awaken the purple I said they were already awoken what's wrong with guys he's looking this spell he murdered our children what you didn't murder the children no thank you don't do but it was animal that's all I knew Jimmy you're working with the purple guy yeah well you hear you maintain you're useless to me what no please Bobby I need your help these mutants are coming up to me they're gonna be tough well I hope they come back to you and I hope they beat you up I'm no longer on your side what no no boy no go back to your spot yeah boy I'm sorry but no balloons nobody wants your balloons you're ugly and disgusting nobody will offer what your balloons ever again not a single soul in the matter who tells you what don't ever want your buoyant God that guy like I was so annoyed bori bori I've made mistakes buddy funny where's Bonnie where's Bonnie I'm right here man what's up quick just stage how do you tell you mingle mingle come on oh what's not free is that it don't worry about it come on everybody to stage everybody look here come here come here okay wait what's going on Oh buddy max lily released the demons with Gammage yeah the demons I might've accidentally awoken them why would you do that I don't know there's these old old people the backroom they're looking at me funny you know I think they're gonna beat me up and take my lunch money why are all my look over there oh wait don't look over sure those oh it's the pulpits what's going on it's coming here oh the pulpits work your for those fools dang it hope it's been so long it's been so long street suit your puppet yes it's been a while what happened to us puppet why are we so ugly the water you save us puppet I'm sorry there's other things too came to bow or you work there with those toyota bikes there's new and shiny ones no I'm not working with them to tell us puppet wouldn't you come save us I'm sorry I was busy that's all that's all doing public we could have died but anyways puppet he wants to see you I know he wants to see me you're a car good luck hello there old friend hello there old [Music] Shh show stage pal or whatever I know what you're gonna do stick it over with Oh sniff the pulpits then serves that dude right hey I have an idea let's stir this body out there to spook those new animatronics hey we what the Freak was it the puppet stay oh no it's a puppet which the only one powerful enough we're gonna make it a church leader now we have no leader don't worry guys I'll be your new leader I don't nothin faith in you yeah me either come on good or be mean oh well okay come on let's let's go show these oh [ __ ] I don't want to go there steel [ __ ] man we're gonna do we're gonna do it huh we're kind of shed some type of deal up or something we got to see what they want from us and where you got whatever it is we got to give it to them okay agreed oh boy know if you're gonna be the leader go be the messenger boy the messenger boy all right flick see go get the purple guy there are I want what that flashlight stopped me I got the yard choo-choo-choo-choo look it's done with funky dude mmm go to going fast let's go Oh stupid light doesn't work yard is lightly too bright what's your kid Oh came out of his room hey pal you ready to toy wait please just tell us before you kill me tell me till - at least tell me why why do you would have killed me what do you want to kill us you took stage away from us you took away our show stage you took away our performance and then we must kill you you just want the stage bag uh-huh and then I want y'all to be the month locked up and rusted running away but I don't want to give up the stage exactly that's why I'm gonna try to kill you wait we wouldn't we just your is like me - great I hate this stupid thing yard y'all yard yard gonna cry car hmm we need to kill purple Connie Oh idea okay I'll make you a deal pal Oh pal I know whatever called me pal before here hey listen up if okay if my crew can kill that night guard first and we get to stage but if you what did your crew members kills the guard then you get to stage deal well that's that's purple gun if you don't take my deal I'm gonna rip your head off Oh the deal didn't deal okay well let's start this deal on night three okay folks you come on we gotta rest up for tomorrow y'all see you later buddy your hmm stupid please please hmm the root thought you let's get some rest y'all my hands are gone it doesn't better you didn't need him anyways oh okay rest up tomorrow it's a big day we're gonna kill that guard once and for all oh you guys the big of what happened Freddy oh well let's just say Oh what's the same we have to kill the night guard the first mission if we don't kill the night guard though those uh and if one of them to kill them then we're they're gonna slaughter us so we have to kill the Necker do they keep our lives safe well here's to knock off these are going down the hallway the wait guys actually really I don't want to kill them all right you hear that everyone we're gonna have to kill that night guard alright well let's start this tomorrow Oh everyone rushed up we're gonna need some sleep okay I'm scared to kill somebody okay I can sleep right here on the floor I don't have to crawl all the way over there yes yes you can bagel thank you haha all right big day starts tomorrow mmm so then all the toy animatronics slept and prepared for 9 3 oh whoa oh oh no overdo it so everyone can hit something night all right come on guys we have to go kill that purple guy he's probably back already yeah boy Go Daddy oh it's one of the toys look try to kill the gore that would kill before you yeah well we'll see mr. will see wait Blue Boy you didn't hear Blue Boy we need your help to kill the thing I mean Blue Boy the night guard wants balloons now we're he dodging no he doesn't what told you no a chi you're making out see ya whatever public face told me that nobody wants my Malaysia nobody ever will well flip it's dead now and we have to move on all right then get Balloon Boy whoa so let's go 200 all right let's go I don't like those guys already come on let's go let's go show them a lesson boom yeah I'll show them or whatever don't oh gosh this one's creepy oh hey there pillow you will die what's the card is dead then we'll come for you okay there pal you don't let the beat up Nina why Oh No hey I heard you toys are friendly yeah I'm gonna catch you I'm gonna slice you you're gonna pay so that way we could be saved okay then I guess I can't trust you then huh oh all the winners are gone Oh who's in there oh it's your bus Oh Freddie oops are you ready it'll free mmm-hmm oh no it's Freddie oh no who's in here don't oh no it's 20 Bonnie oh no uh maples up there oh no where's everyone stood I start driving my body across the floor Oh new Twitter Fred I need him he's the only one who listened to me he's the only one who believed and I didn't kill the children I need them to hurry up and get down here hey y'all I could go through this bit to kill the guard good this guy's about to just play I mean we're gonna play but this this dude's gonna pay that's all - don't do digital tools yar har fiddle dee dee I'm gonna go and cut this next row y'all are gonna go your oh oh your own Oh mingle we gotta do something yeah I'll kill the guy that's what I'll do no we can't do either friend yo yo yo IRA are ya oh no it's Freddy I gotta get over my spare Freddy fazbear face oh no way where is it where's my mask where's my Freddy mask oh no I didn't get the pretty mask how'd he get the Freddy I don't have the Freddy mask I need something oh I know blue oh oh yeah this is what all the oldest go on uh-huh this will work I'll just put on this whole Freddy bad bears you boo-boo Oh whip them free stupid Cupid good I'll catch you next full cheese eggs I'll just wait right here go on Bonnie hello there Oh oh hi you will lose okay Julie I just give me a sec hey get off of me hurry up hurry up okay Oh freak dang it dang guard no this is all your fault what did I do I wouldn't have this stupid card if you weren't in the way in the face but he started the mascot for me now whatever your dish is all your fault hey what are you - Chi Chi Buono Buono yellow matter - but just stepped aside there are parks you've all been putting into this mask you're oh no it's boxing your bright light hurt me I'm - a chica what's going on - kill the guard no no my you watch I got to get to that vain it's teach what no we can't let the toys interview stop right there toy white now you're cheating I'm not you I'm just helping you ninja - I'm just dating here we take that [Music] gotta kill that guy pretty face you know that wasn't supposed that was there that was where is he where is he where is he I'll curious just hide the evidence he was never killed huh take that rabbit oh you stupid rabbit you'll pay for that watch mr. David I'm coming no the losses no I won't let you take this kill well I tripped in film ouch bori bori just killed what it's no part of the deal though I never lose deal is Bodhi killed doc boy Frankie dude oh hey mr. bill oh he's gonna kill the guard I'm not gonna kill the guard he's by your friend and I'll never kill the guard so that means you lost the but maybe so but I'll never kill him well that's it whatever trick say up the stage will be yours you know what I'm fine with it being 6 a.m. and y'all wanted all I know is that I have a true friend at the end of day oh you really mean it yes yes I do mean it and then big will kicked out a bit space often do you know that stupid toy killer don't dig it come on buddy let's get out of here oh [ __ ] see let's go stupid toys would bode alright let's see okay little buddy's dead for every look let's get back in here chicky you did nothing I'm sorry do you know we could just we could stick at that stage for you yeah oh no this is not good it will who purple guys ding-ding-ding go Guinea no 6 a.m. so this is between 93 and night for let's see what's going on we need a we need somebody I'm your friendly scientist man and why aren't the freaking robots on stage what happened to public face public face is dead I can't let the children see you puppet like this into the bathroom it goes because nobody ever goes into the bathroom yeah let's see what else is going on here Balloon Boy Jewish that must mean he's the special one let's go she oh gosh what happened to the toys dang it I'll have to fix them up oh let's just stop just hide these corpses for right now see that one can go and so we got this one ought to rebuild someone love it yeah I'll just have to take out their trips and then systems the new world dank there was a murder here and stupid well I'm not bringing about that mingle thing though that was pretty stupid fun useless see another corpse and another one now we just got to find some way to clean up all this blood it's probably fine all right I've got a record dang we ought spared and I'll just take these old chips and then sift them into the new ones now I need them spilling toy animatronics let's see what catalog are they underneath again haha here they aren't all right loop and loop and loop there yeah all right it's all taken care of now I can go home and eat something eat some snacks so then the professor manual helm mmm without food oh I died I died I died oh I was chilling I fell asleep of the night cord I could've sworn I was dead I I was punched and everything went black huh well maybe we got to be kidding like we were prepared mmm that tells me we got to be more careful we all well if we die again we nut we might not be rebuilt again so keep that in mind y'all Oh stupid baby blues bagel bagel boom I guess Mingo wasn't rebuild because she killed the guard a little stupid legal serves her right Wow blue boy get over here hey no I'm sure it doesn't matter blue boy the neck hurts dead so it does it better wow you got your meat in the mountain when you swim I'm gonna kill myself now David come on toy Freddy yeah don't be mean to whatever I'm gonna hang myself now I have not wanting any more algae I should die thuds door [ __ ] freak what blue boys dead now all right guys it's just three of us oh all right it's just the three of us she could funky carefully bought he's dead he was my best pal yeah no we get the stage please please please please please just one more time look I still got a game am i I'm we might have lost Bonnie but we've still got other people to please please please please no never mind well let's just look at school no your Fox he's gonna go over here come to me Freddy thank you we can get you that stage back again I know you like to perform I mean look like you get you the stage just please please I'm sorry I'm through with you now you're coming little be somebody healthy oh god [ __ ] you getting out of your clothes you get down here guard your cheek oh we got a hide we can never go back in that room again you're right where do we go what you know I don't know we got to get out here dope Oh Archie could go go go go ooh you're on my watch there is no night guard to stop me now now at least the night guard is dead he can't see me murder all of you no I just ain't fair man you think you're so strong Fox you're I'm just defending a door there might no not be a purpose for me anymore but I was talking whatever y'all are Sarge York you underestimate my power alright guys I did what are you doing in here they're gonna murder cousin he's gonna kill us all [Music] what the fruit that big boom that's the murderer you toys aren't so stupid after all well dead load was creepy what do you want from us I just my stage back I had that stage blogger go and then it was stripped away from me so now I'm taking back what's mine no no today it's totally free I will fill you up you think you can destroy me I just destroyed some of the powerful animatronics you guys are nothing about weaklings yep y'all won't take but a millisecond this kill ooh guys what do we do now Bonnie what do we do you said you wouldn't be later I don't know what to do off that stage of mine and now time for me to have my stage back dinging dog me okay but then hello my mother for I'm the new friendly with all free Happy New Year oh hey I gotta hide the corpses this stupid robot freakin murdered everybody again dang it how many times do we have to take you off the stage oh oh man all the old ones were dragged out here too well time to throw them in the bathroom while they're where they'll never be seen again no surname what up and foxy - dang foxy I actually liked foxy Emily they murdered him oh it's old Dan we just got these toys replaced - oh my gosh I'm gonna throw away their corpses yeah I think what you just find about my gosh one more slip of him there they come and then the company will be screwed well stupid bear well as long as I'm alive this bear can do no harm now back in your service room your stupid bear well time to set up the animatronics yet again let's see toy chica boy Bonnie and then finally toy Freddy yeah alright let's see I think that's a toy state oh wait then there's Balloon Boy oh yeah balloon but where's Balloon Boy Balloon Boy Lou oh God we can have here and this friendly establishment well um I don't think he works anymore oh let's just take let's draw them into bite ya room that's where nobody ever comes anymore doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa where am I Here I am alright well time for me to go home well hopefully this doesn't happen again if it happens again we might just have to you know destroy that old golden whatever do b'doop going home so then the other night Guardian went home do you mean me no night five begins good Oh what happened I thought I'd do it yeah I mean we're lucky to be brought back to life but I think that yellow one he's still here he's really coming back straight for us again at the beginning then who do we gotta fight him off all right guys we have to set up a trip yeah how are we gonna do this oh no we have to stop that golden Fred Fred guy stupid nut cart stupid cards they always ruin the fun there's no neck car tonight I just have to kill these animatronics before 6:00 a.m. that's all I have to do oh all right I have an idea Oh Poochie good split up gotcha stupid toys you can't escape me Oh what stupid toys to drill here hey mister come get me get over here stupid toys look just don't know already so I can have the stage back come on guys we just go to live till 6:00 a.m. we get a new night going tomorrow which you could you stupid toys think your social special this will be the last time you breathe lights excellent wouldn't wait that's it that's it it's made no sense breathing light with the fruit but does about you're gonna die anyway so you won't really burn you heard any of that I'll make sure that you'll never be brought back to life ever again ever again it gives me an idea but that's for another day get back your your toys oh dear ugh run buddy there's got to be something in the office - stomping the neck guard - consultant to describe you somebody needs to stop good idea no not the office I'm going to the office no give back you get back you're you stupid fools there's no way you'll make it to 6 a.m. well we gonna find something oh we could I use what can I use but there's gonna be something in here [Music] fleshly oh you just made a big mistake what is the flush like do that triggers me off the stage you will be mine i won I just freakin won again hooray hooray I won I won I want the meaning all zip zappity zap him no he's dead stupid thing oh well you never learned Oh off off with you back back stupid bear get back in your parts and service room you stupid bird my gosh how many times to have to zip zop zip in them have to freakin repair the frickin toy animatronics like my frickin gosh this thing sucks though we did we were brought back to life likely oh I was so close at least immortality because the humans key preparedness yeah but with the humans get bored of preparing us we gotta be careful guys gotta be careful yeah let me never Paris ever again this could be our last life well whatever it is at least a disorder now and now the demons dead yeah you know about how do you need yeah see on the show stage River you okay I mean everyone else is dead yeah I guess that's a nice well it's the end to my story of toy Freddy that's the end in here so yeah that's what the fruit that is so love fredbear you stupid toys look at me I'll never perform again look George this is all your fault all of you you just you've got my back don't never be held for me ever again like it like you did but then good buddy but you know not again buddy thing wants to sit again it's just a little boy chica chica chica wake up your science man is here to babysit toy animatronics so that way they don't get damaged holy Frick they got damage to get dang what are you wrong with you toys what happened here the shadow of the golden guy came back and destroyed it's good hey whenever we repair you you just break and plus you didn't try to save that human over there and now he's dead because of you you failed your one job what was my one job was to protect humans that's why we built you stupid toy animatronics was to protect humans to stop murders from happening death note that they am and whatsoever now we had the night guard died and then we have that you died gosh pretty good day you're useless to me look sorry mister hmm now now there's only one option left we're gonna have to close the place down oh I mean I never get to see the daytime so I guess that will be fun to you and then we'll have to scrap you for metal parts wait what I thought this was supposed to be a happy you did I'm sorry pal you're gonna be dead I see your two other friends are already broken so that means they will have to witness getting chopped off but um I'm sorry mister I'm sorry we're gonna have to we're not to kill you what no please spare me I did nothing wrong you might have not actually no you did do stuff wrong you you you idiot you you're useless to me oh absolutely I'm sorry no it's time for you to die wait Oh kill Chico first kill her first she still has her head intact don't kill her first not me first just killed her first but spare me your first few seconds sorry mister but we're keeping her alive because she's hot so it in secret so yeah whatever what oh good now off with your head no [Music] the deed is done the old animatronics will come back in a new location the toys are done forever and that was the story of the toy animatronics that was the end and everyone dies like always so that's that's not that was um that was their fate that is that was the toy animatronics fate I hope you somehow enjoyed this video I know not all videos can have a happy engine you might think they have a happy ending but then something always comes back and screws it over last straw has been pulled so yeah but anyways that's the end of this video hooks you somehow enjoyed and I'll see y'all the next one goodbye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 478,399
Rating: 4.7870841 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Toy, Withered, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Puppet, BB, FNAF 2, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Balloon Boy, Roleplay, RP, Splinks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 8sec (4148 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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