Gmod FNAF | The Fall Of A Kingdom [Kingdom Part 2] (Live Stream)

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all right kittens we should be good I have no plan for this I just decided to do this because I have nothing else better to do so yeah because why the heck not and this is a live stream not a premiere so there's that this is live action y'all live action so I decided to come back to the what is this again the rice of a kingdom serious thing whatever um episode one was like two hours which um that was fun I just decided to livestream this part I I don't really have a good idea always not prepared for Strings I'm a good person alright mmm alright anyways um so it's been a little bit it's been like about two three ish weeks since part 1 of this um so we're now back in here and I shoot a yes mister mister smell my fingers yeah okay so anyways I didn't figure out where I left this series off so I remember spring-trap it's it's been a while as you can see I'm so prepared for for this as you can see so what was the I remember your king then you had all your greedy children I know some people who all died let's let's go to the dungeon who all died oh I forgot I forgot smell my fingers man was person so he's dead and also can I have Fred is dead so there's that bonnie was the dungeon master I hang on just give me a second to remember everything and what's going on um oh yeah 20 Freddy was the baker a gardener and then the maid and then we had the seven children which I think two of them died I don't even know whose room this is anymore where are the children wherever the children gone the children have gone missing are they still up here ah they're still up here what what even happened up here are these the remaining children have we gone from seven to five children it's the five children who will send the map in the scripture the map what's the map of this map what map is this G Oh what the Frick let me try to find the map for you buddy so no people like to find them what maps I don't it's whatever this GM underscore OS t just go search that up on the workshop there's your map pal there's the map um oh yeah also fun little facts real quick cuz we still haven't really jumped into the official roleplay section of this thing already like 300 people here um my Freddy textures screw up so I did what people were saying about the whole snazzy part through thing and it did fix it but then whenever I restarted my gmod again these purple textures came back like I don't care about the eyes I care about Alliance so again like I do also here let me show you in a notes because I do have part like the pill packs and all that stuff installed sooo I don't really know if anyone else is having that trouble so um yeah it's like cuz that thing just will not go away so yeah can I do a port 3 just haven't even started part 2 yet I mean I know this part too but we haven't officially started yet so on yeah alright so okay so we've gone from seven children the five children cuz two of them died I remember this was Bonnie's room I think this is yeah this is Candis chicas room this no chief this is chicas room uh-huh who else is there golden Freddy and shadow Freddy going Freddy shadow for it I think I don't I don't know worth it I don't know what room is there I think this is golden Freddy's maybe either this room know it this room I guess it's this room that room is going Freddy's on one of these two is shadow for these I'm gonna say this is shadow fright I remember glitched rapper whatever was being a creep and was bowing down to things dumat which let me try this let me try this sorcery real quick children let me see wait what is it yeah this is big no not that one what did I do it I said did I do it right I don't know what I'm doing Ulf games I don't know what I do and help me help me I don't know what I did I what what the nuts but does it just feel like wait no not that I don't know what I'm doing okay uh I'm being a dummy oh well well we figure that dumat oh sorry I'm being the dumb wait this work oh my game stops just not responding does that mean is it working yeah my game is not responding watch it just be a way to crash my game watch that just be command just to crash your game and getting trolled mm-hmm all right well now that way you wait for a team onto a respawn um and you figure out what to do okay I need to figure out what needs to happen in this I want them to go down to the river at some point um there also needs to be a boy my gmod just crashed off games you cost my gmod to crash how dare you what is it oh it's what's it downloading what what is this they just download what is it are you he's hacking my computer what the Frick what is it doing it's like uh what have you done I've been hatch or is it just I don't Lee I don't even know what it's doing it's now on let me show you it's now doing whatever oh this thing is that's some sorcery right there I don't even know what's HAP to crash yeah I kind of figured and now it's doing this I have a feeling either one it's going to uninstall gmod or two off of unsold gmod that's nice for me um yeah I I don't know well now we cut now we gotta wait for this is it this punch dream difficult wall I mean there's nothing wrong with the stream it's just game difficulty Oh oh thank you fun time drawing yeah smell my fingers is hacking yes smell my fingers okay well now we gotta now we gonna wait for that little % bar to freakin load that's texting you in the steam I don't read ste steam games Bret look how many times have to tell people go to my profile and look at this look at that I don't really read steam msgs so don't hate me if I don't see your message I've had that there I need to change that URL let me do that right now oh my gosh see well since it's just a fun doop doop don't you love it when your frickin gmod crashes all right mmm yeah Avenue this court the links also in the description of this livestream I'm dying also I updated my stream alerts so that way they don't stay up too long you better look at fine take that away just in case you don't we did it's no you're fine you're good you good you good yeah so that's fine 25% can I just I probably can open it right now can i that's a great that's the great thing you forgot about the orphans and bonbon oh yeah yeah um oh I didn't forget about bonbon I hadn't gotten to him yet but I did forget about the orphans I forgot that there's orphans on this serious thing mm all right well it well let's see if this fixes the problem or not if you just uninstall extreme on that sucks then I'll just scrap this stream and be like ding um yeah technical difficulties all right baby fine you can't I can't do anything about it so this sucks oh yeah okay yeah we have to UM we have to wait for this to load it's like at 40% ugh yeah now I know you're just trying to help it's fine good shot then it diet well he's dead now okay some way dab in mom garbage what I don't I did not get to read all that issue should be fixed now yeah hopefully since Matt's back yeah yeah I mean hopefully this fixes the problem by doing this it's gonna smell your fingers you want to smell my fingers rare oh my gosh chats going crazy now too many people oh thank you ken funtime drilling for another 2 or $1 in 99 cents yeah rip gmod indeed good luck trying to join my gmod and while I'm playing in single-player good luck with that you forgot about endo tuning iodine that's another thing I didn't get you okay that's what I meant by ignite chika early like to hold that same thing so this chat is this chat is crazy and people wonder why I have slow mo on all right 53% we're making progress we're making progress should we just do something in the meantime should we what should we do what should we do what games we got we got there's nothing interests in here there's nothing interesting at all hurry up load the one time I want to actually get on gmod it doesn't work this is abuse play GTA 5 no that takes forever to open up yo this chat is crazy think oh thank you Mr Bond wait what do you even say what a what did the bonbon say it may becomes a channel new bassoon okay Gucci for you mate Gucci for you don't you love it when your game crashes and then you got like 300 people waiting for it to open up all right hooray again it's I always have stream difficulty it's always like if the beginning the stream it's like dang if I just waited the stream like about ten minutes later I would have been fine but no yeah oh my gosh am I not allowed to do whatever I'm doing I don't even know what I'm doing in this stream um that weird roleplay thing back 4rp that's basically that's vernacular mastered RP because I didn't do I didn't name it phonetic for because um Finance of candies for isn't even out so I decided hey might as well do remastered also cuz to want to have anything to do with fitness fanatic for you know this the chat is gone crazy do more about Freddy versus Mickey max Mickey nice what what was that boy were to get Mickey mice Mickey mice that's it that's a new character Mickey mice Wow just get in the game do it I wish I could if it wasn't freakin load and I try to comply it doesn't want to work it shoes me every single name I'm gonna cry no you will not be noticed I do not notice people in chat whatever okay here's a fun little fact little buddy of mine if you say notice me that means I'm gonna ignore you for the rest of life I'm just dropping my water shot and I'll show again it's kind of hard to read all the messages to just its danger flight my it's just like frickin flying so don't don't hurt me don't sue me don't sue me I don't mean to I don't mean to hurt your feelings or just abuse no game best I was talking to somebody else yeah heck well now you made me nervous you I don't know how to offer it there's water going everywhere I don't know how to make this any more interesting today we're wasting time we've spent the last 5 10 minutes on this freaking main menu screen good report me get semi I rather be yeah please report me do it please it would still anything that will give me content Emily turn off a scam too much effort made too much effort alright 95% we're almost there almost there no actually please report me I won't I want you to you'd be doing me a favor if you did that what is happening I don't even know I just should check go into it as I came it's time my gosh Oh 99% 99% people 99% we're almost about to get content I can smell the content stop abusing the water bottle sir no it's load load yes load hmm yes finally y'all it's here it's finally and we got a load back into the game great uh doopa doopa doopa doopa TD which one this one da da da da da da da da da da all right now do you all f4 ok I'll do all f4 do way all I'm kidding I'm not a noob you genius I just smacked my mic with a water bottle that was not inspired I'm so sorry mr. microphone and I'm so sorry for all that years I just killed I'm going to get sued I need new water this water is warm too many people I agree there is too many people the doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa dope stream issues are fun okay we're about to get into the game finally it's been 20 minutes and we don't anything invite me to discord I unsubscribe there's the link in the description of this livestream no I need a or is it where is it where is this one wall alright let's see oh see mister off game let me see if mr. Tilford he's right here to the right if mr. golden Fred face had doesn't if he has missing textures I'm suing you I'm suing you off games I am suing you that did nothing and I'm not typing it again I don't care I'm living with it now I ain't gonna say it for another 15 minutes of suffering alright yes you did you did make it in time cuz uh because we had stream issues so now we're back to square one isn't that just fun I'm no longer messing with the console stuff I don't care I have too many add-ons so it's that stupid so anyways you got the king with his legit crown right here you see he sits on his throne cuz he's he's weird like that he's just gonna sit on his throne cuz he's a Gucci P he's a Gucci boy cuz he's got a Gucci crown she's just gonna chill right there he's the king he's the king with that keen hmm what the Frick did you don't do that again you almost hurt my feelings alright Yorgi Mons broke I know it it's just believe me out leave me alone okay anyways um so we have the this set I mean the five ungrateful children yeah children sorry but your your two of your siblings got brutal got murdered we'll just say that and I'm gonna throw the cake outside the window say that way later when we see it outside we questioned in like why is this outside okay alright I hate you well there you mean too much effort to cry alright anyways I know when one can crash your game can crash x-men's day Oh No that's scary oh look at cake one day how did this get outside okay anyways um alright well let's just go up to the beginning spongebob is a poopy what did spongebob do what the Frick okay this is why I question Chad sometimes I have access to your system 32 click delete it delete it okay anyways I'm gonna shut up now alright I'm gonna try to ignore chat for a bit don't hurt me so that we can actually focus on this and give you all sweet content okay alright so anyways um let's see oh yeah this dude up here you have the watch man or watcher whatever oh he's got purple textures - hey look at them lines look at them lines look at that mmm okay anyways um you have him and then you got mr. funtime Fred boy over there is not hey bonbon we're gonna break into that Cashel okay I'm always shy yeah we are we're gonna break and Aaron's all freaking broke bonbons voice that's scary right there alright so anyways um alright so let's see here um let's see oh it was this wait what was his role again some fat creepy dude outside and you have the orphans these are the orphans they've been left outside are the guards still here where's all the guards go I remember the guards were this they went to Denton that they all jump out the window is that where's the guards we had guards are these there here's the guards they're chilling the guards are chilling alright so I say we have an invasion an invasion happens on the kingdom so the children I don't remember what happened the children they decide it's to finish their snack - like your own snack y'all yummy yummy from my scrumptious tummy um so like y'all just eat on the snatch eat all them it's kind of Oh scrumptious yummy delicious you know you know I mean mmm scrumptious all right show anyone all right I think it's time wait okay sorry I had to check something dupa do oh you annoy me that annoys me fix okay Wow all right well a shame yeah she um felons leaner I gotta go deal with the demons shell so candy left he's like I gotta go back to my room just to deal with the UH is my mic falling over no it's not I thought it was cuz I hit it with the water bottle we're in which I'm going over here to deal with the demons hole Oh demons it's gonna be okay candy it's gonna be okay it's going to be okay okay no honey you shut up how did this table survive Oh No alright so anyways um alright I should stop throwing things outside okay okay you know it's tachat everyone just go back to your stupid rooms that you call home in the stupid kingdom that people like for actually for once so go in here this is your room go in there so all the little smart that I mean not smart the stupid dumb children they ate their bike that's not their breakfast that was like dinner I don't freaking know where's your room your rooms so I might think you're going all over the place pal get in there that's your room where's golden Freddy I need him what come here mr. purple man mister missing textures you go in there that's your room so all the children went to bed all right that's where they all went they all the children went to bed well why does Bonnie have so many been to machines with the fruit so so and then the kingdom the kingdom with the sleep so they're like her arms don't sleep goodnight I hate my life goodnight no I'm sleeping I'm gonna die okay anyways um so the King goes to sleep you're like oh well it's not a job job you just freakin die he just passed out drunk walk okay binky free $2.00 um I did that in like a weird grainy voice what the Frick anyways Thank You Fredrik dollars yummy okay now um anyways the kingdom went to sleep everyone went to sleep except for the watcher the Watchers like my eyes are red because my peoples have burnt thanks to the Sun where is the Sun well the Sun odd did they burn my eye okay I freaking out um yeah so that's what happened there but then there was an invasion someone broke into the play we're gonna I don't remember what your thing is so you're gonna break in okay I'm breaking in I'm just I'm to sneak into this place and it's definitely nighttime as you can tell over its time just go in and steal everything so so the weird this weird strange is like okay time to break in oh my nose and then he died no okay he's like don't just cover your way show Danny just like I'm gonna walk around the kingdom wall to find a way in it's like he's like oh right here I could jump up and catch the ledge he's got it you know he's gonna reach his hand he's gonna actually jump he's gonna reach he's reaches his hand up he's gonna he's gonna jump through okay now so yeah the thing is he jumps he catch he he did it he's like oh I did it yeah so he climbs up over the wall he's like aha I did it and he runs up against the wall he runs on the wall because he sees there's in there gate thing he's like dang it why did you have so many gates he's like second what do I do here it's like I could jump up here to this winner too much ever say time to jump and hope I don't die Oh Jeff she's trying to break into this kingdom the time to sneak in but little did he know which Oh somebody's climbing on the walls little Michael Mont am uncle am uncle am uncle I am good at English a monkey gym but it's like okay yeah I'm such a breaking tradition Kingdom and we still have yet to find out why this dude's breaking in so he goes he's like whoop don't know no Jonah no sir he starts trying to break into the kingdom and like he's like oh I gotta I gotta alert the guards what was this signal what was the signal I'm supposed to give I don't remember the signal I'll just have to go to the guards okay wait how do I get down from here oh we okay got a fight wait where are the guards I don't even know I have to get off this roof first Oh hmm how do I get down how do I get down oh what's over here we bunk all right he's like wait where is he's like like John oh no don't work and then this man was a ninja he was awful wah he jumped all over the walls check Wow jump whoa and he had he was just the best ninja parkour man ever he parked cord he jumped he did backflips and sprints waits Prince what he jumped he's like uh-huh and he broke inside I'm like like Freddy songs like oh no the chords weird the guards the guards guards guards like one could you see we're looking at the pretty start I'll wait there is no stores Oh George show moons broken into the kingdom Oh what Oh freak oh heck I actually have to do my job for once gosh dang it ill oh come on fellow guard people okay let's go beat arch your I'll take care of this I'm a mess guard ever know I'm a bitter gourd or ya know I'm a pirate I'm a better guard just somebody go take care of it all right oh I will go take care of it no we will take care of it I'm just gonna followed them so then the guards went today you're like okay George oh one of us is gonna have to go over the evil person the other someone's gonna have to protect you I'm going out for the evil person I'm going after it's afraid anyone that the person like why she's like no I'm going after them I'm gonna prove to you I'm a biter guard and Jenny was like oh I'll just go forget the King so so that's what happened all right all right shoulder so Sydney went up here and you're like king can you wake up and she was like well I want you what dollar I want whenever a fret I can't freakin do anything what what what what what do you want something what do you want for me it's like where someone's broken into the castle we've been reported I so much broke into a tool by the watch man oh the watch man actually did his job from which dang I should give him a promotion and probably a ladder to get down from there but anyways where is this where's this person I don't know but the fellow guards are dealing with it I think they are anyways I'm here to protect you okay good thank you protect me at all cost you're my human shield I mean and you're just my shield okay servants servants I need you servants come here quick protect your king so the servants came out and like Blackrock are going yeah pink pink blue and uh I'm foxy so they came out and they're like what what do you want just like servant service we're being under attack come over here and be my shield the guard go get a knife or something to protect us with okay quite frankly I never I never knew this day would finally come where I become a cute flesh shield oh wow that's so and so thing you must protect me I'm sitting on this chair because I'm a good person there are over Sydney got a weapon it's like alright so I got I got no so well I was like which I got - I'll smash their face with this it's like all right that must be very effective so anyways so we got to go find Freddy and fall where's writing books like okay mmm like you're all right where are you sick all right you are wait we need to figure out what it's do broken it oh no oh no did you break you know we go to but I'm gonna find it before you prefer shelf and you shove foxy anyways like like we go to find room and so so then they so then these two started going through the frickin cast as like dark I look all over here yeah go in Blanc okay anyways um all right so wait where did Ethan where is he yet but there's candy oh he's somewhere over here aha he's like witch hazel again okay he's like oh heck I'm Freddie spotted him he's like oh oh they're criminal like you can't stop me Oh stairs oh nothing very effective like uh-huh I got you now oh boy I'm shall I fill in the stairs here it's get back here it just bought and so then they fought on the stairs cuz they're Gucci like that so and then the weird man rolled up the stairs like what the Freak oh do you roll up stairs hey I best go he's like he's like oh hey no keep tripping on these stairs yeah oh okay it's time uh with my purple missing textures to fight back Josh finally food food come here push so then he started eating all the food he ate all the leftovers all the sprites all the cheese and all the crackers you consumed every last bite of it he ate everything the thing that that's a lot of food okay you can come it's like right and then Freddie came in and he's like still up right there he threw me gets the was like it's like stop right there it's like I can't move too much food I'm full take him my now it's like what the Frick of captured him time to throw him into a cage which and so then Freddie guys his handy-dandy homemade guard cage it's like yeah and there go you stupid criminal no you can't get away so Freddie was a hero that night but nobody really cared alright there you and wallah he's like I did it I caught the criminal I'm the report to the Keane da-da-da-da-da-da okay I cut the evil man trying to break into your castle Oh excellent all right go go all right let's let us go meet with him where is he he's in the dining area okay all right it's time to chip it's time to have come face to face with this person okey-dokey Dean credit $2 so then so then everyone came in here I was in that room cash cuz yes he's like it's like all right so uh okay so then wait Frick Frick so then there was pink whoo all right she's like that's like okay she this evil man try breaking you Mikey no think she can eat all my food no that's it we're going to get him executed penguin a foxy go set up the execution thing we're hanging him tomorrow morning oh yeah shot extreme gold mine all right Thank You fellow guard for protecting your kingdom in your king your Provost sir don't like you to promote you know what no just go back to doing your job oh oh but it's really poor I don't care it's your job oh wait I always know dead doesn't matter she didn't say I was a better coach dave-o will know what I don't know I guess let's just say here I want you to make sure it doesn't escape good idea watch what what's out with all the ruckus we go back to sleep your silly little child here take a buck take some cookies with the debating punk that I why'd you hit me in the face with those just do it asleep stupid child he doesn't know anything all right so then they so then they prepared to hang or do they prepared to end his life under the Neath the tree so they got home I got this they're like lunch it's like it's like okay it is time like bring us the trespasser and before that wait then bonnet came up and the bonnet wait where's Bonnie Bonnie I need you I need you know King okay okay like why can't you see about dying somebody wait that she's not berries just family I should probably shouldn't [ __ ] hey wait how long has that Fox me I've been there our thing guard I ain't paid to sleep on the job all right I'm sorry I'm sorry and whatever all right what what the frig dream travel was that all right Bonnie what do you want well the people Shady's is too dark sure yeah I say we take him to the dungeon okay fine take him to the dungeon yeah hooray another victim for the dungeon I can't wait to cut him okay Thank You King you know whatever all right you know I guard since you did something I guess take this as a prize what Oh crush I'm a better guard hooray foxy always wins hooray yeah whatever all right time to go back to sitting on my throne and being lazy it dupa dupa dupa yeah and so then Bonnie broke and he was like all right excuse me George King ordered me to take this man to detention sir come on yeah which is like oh okay yeah yeah y'all can go do whatever oh okay fine so then Cindy and Freddie left I don't know why everyone's on the roof but uh okay sit there we go thank you come with me come with me to the dungeons like no I don't wanna go to school you're going into the dungeon the dungeon all right so then bonnet took the fat Boyle to the dungeon to the dungeon to the dungeon to the dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeon hooray so she took him to the dungeon it's like another victim how will I make this one perish oh the own words a boy figured that I'll just have to cut him and bond it got a knife it's cut his neck it's like oh that tickled dad is fat - protecting him hmm now if I can't starve him he'll last for like five months hmm what do I do I have an idea hey mr. mr. Percy man you want you want this jar full of cheeseburgers Oh cheeseburgers this whole thing feel they're cheeseburgers you want to eat it I wanna eat it Bobby called me home so he started eating he's like home oh no oh yes excellent excellent I bet her burn burn here will be my next victim for the dungeon and that that's that that's the dungeon for you all right let's see let's see what else one else is going on in the kingdom let's see God mr. flippers over here is dead what is that then oh that's the thing from earlier um all right well the the kingdom has been saved yet again and shall so then everything was well in the kingdom till one day ding-dong we're still Frick boys dat noise free wine we have a doorbell who though somebody go answer the frickin door who's down there at the castle gates I can't see there's a tree in the wine who's down there somebody go answer it where's the where's the watch man watch man go answer it okay dupa dupa dude time to walk time to walk two whole hours later oh I'm finally here took me two hours to get to this door oh hello who's outside oh it's a bunch of orphans orphans I must report them to the King immediately see what he wants us to do these have definitely somebody must stuff all right it's like old king he's like Oh too much effort to walk out there I need a brick don't Oh it's like don't worry you orphans I know how to get you up there's like I'm too tired but I'll get you in a slingshot so he got the orphans together and you put them and up in a bathtub and use that as a catapult somehow see is that cool like okay orphans and I'll throw you up to the king we sitting through the orphans 204 it's that they kind of made it King was like dang it one of my servants go get them just don't want have to go all the way down there yeah I got it I got it my name is my name is now flippers why like okay I'll just throw them off link and so the king spring shot look at the look at the orphan she's like mmm these are some orphans all right I can tell they're orphans I was an orphan we should talk today in the kingdom that is why I decided to rule the land don't worry orphans I know how you've been treated hmm but now it's time for me to think hmm I shall raise off as my own children oh wait Frick I actually have children Frick did I Charlie kill them the other day Dungeon Master I need the dungeon master get my walk talking [ __ ] dungeon master I need you to come up here dungeon master and defend you mister is like oh boy yeah another victim already yeah I can't wait I can't wait to hear will be visiting my dungeon next king so the dungeon master came I was like what do you need King is like Oh some toddlers well it's looking I didn't know you hated the toddlers that much but I guess I can slice and dice them it's like no I don't I don't we're gonna I mmm it doesn't matter look I need you to go kill show my children not not these I need to go kill some of my children cuz I just have I have too many you know these are two more go kill two of my children I don't care here just go kill them go find to where my children go kidnap him ah okay King I can do that mhmmm and spring-trap was an okay King you didn't do thing so first Bonnie with Bonnie it went to Bonnie it's like all right let's see I love their child like it's like it's like Oh what oh hi what's up he's chillin on his couch eating his midnight snack cookies it's a pen are you choking yes it's you died spat it out he's like well mmm sorry you eat it with the plastic on right what no no it's actually no you're to stick your yeah you're stupid hey you want to come with me - oh you want to go to a fun theme park Oh a theme park yeah outside huh outside yeah cuz you never get to go outside so you could come on outside with me oh I've never been allowed outside the kingdom walls yes it is outside looking good it is that's even better oh now dance on syfy one is fine I'm too tired okay you know I give up your stupid ball you went to somebody else alright let's save this nerd brain once wants to die hello I'll just leave him alone for right now time to see you downstairs we bunk look hmm like hmm that's she actually yeah let's go into this room hmm how Wow sick look full oh I'm just working out cuz I'm a big strong boy oh wow it's like yeah she look look at my nose your workout session with the first oh this is a thing your balance on you wanted to see me balance because I'm so freaking cool and Gucci like that and I just got a notification on my phone oh wait I don't really care look I'm gonna balance on this thing woo watch me balance whoo oh wow that's show impression knock like snapped his neck Josh bhana is scary to the dungeon we go with your courts getting dumped on it makes things dark bond it was supposed to be a friendly character but then this series just made her dark Kitty Tanjung did it done engine with you Bonnie oh and then but we're going back to bonnie bonnie was like hmm you know what dad bonnie was right it's time for adventure luckily already set up a little escape ladder right here or escape fake pipe thing whatever hmm let me go get some of my brothers or sisters or whatever and see if they want to join me on an epic outside collect adventure so that is what he did so he went the Candy's like yo candy I mean Damon like you want to come with me outside oh please get me out of here I'm scared he's like okay just go to my room okay so then you know what money just got the rest of his siblings because why'd the frig not there they all they all went outside they're like yeah whatever I got nothing baby with you and then we have shadow Freddy all right boom oh yeah I forgot who was the queen I know the Queen's dead who was the queen I don't remember who the Queen was was the Queen like Jack Oh Bonnie I think I don't know who the queen is uh Bonnie Bonnie came back he's like all right this is everyone you say wait where's my brother golden Freddy's like I don't know I can't find him oh well yeah so what are we doing in your stupid room look we're gonna sneak outside and go on it adventure hooray follow me he's like what the Frick oh so late a little bit soon it's better than the demons let me outside fine got enough very beautiful we can't travel to your fault we said they all jump outside it's like look see you suckers later boom so they all jumped outside dude the secret in it's like it's like it's like all right come on guys let's go on an adventure parade doot doot doot so everyone else went on an adventure you're like hooray we're going on an epic watched rain so that is what they did they went on the most epic quest Bonnie chica candy and shadow Freddy it was the most epic quest ever but then they stumbled upon something they stumbled upon a wizard like huh a wizard inside the kingdom walls oh hello there wizard how the Frick did you know I'm a wizard it's like wizard wizard Frick we need we can't get out the kingdom gates thing I can show you how to get out of the kingdom gates without the guards knowing oh you can how please tell us please show us it's like mmm I will if you help me out as you can see I have a very a very dead friend which people would like to see come back she'll I need your help to get him back okay well how do we help you get revive your fringe like I need something I need you to break into the old crazy witch's house and steal some of her potions of potions yes Cheeta disguises her potions of some weird things so I need you to break it in her house is right over there he'll convenient again inside the kingdom walls yeah she'll high-needs you go over here just stake some stuff it doesn't matter just take some stuff and bring it back to me and then no we ran with my friend revived I'll show you how to get up and Kingdom multi like okay cool all right it's like okay gang listen up where's this scooby-doo apparently it is now I don't even know how it is oh boy scooby-doo child anyways what do you want all right okay all right guys we got a break see that I see that convenient house over there we're gonna have to break into it and steal some stuff well what are we stealing it anything we can get our hands on what that sounds like we're poor shut up look we just got to do it for somebody there come on all right hmm we got to figure out how we're gonna sneak in here allow me to go first I do agree with older strangers wait what if we just knock on the door nest nicely oh okay well you do that yeah I know it chica why don't you do it you use your nicer okay fine final knocking noise I oh wait for me - hi - okay there be me door hi what do you want uh why do I do it what do I want everything inside our house Oh what everything inside your house what what don't you get the kick you're getting the smack I'm gonna smack you on a head you you're all the nasty what is that a threat I hear she kicked chica take that and get off my lawn never come back again like oh my face like mmm love me - breaking you know I'm a master at breaking in people's houses you want what the frig hit him and break the window I told you I'm the master all right let's see where it where am I Frick was this hello what's in here hello what the way that's a toilet little 300 freaking oh oh it's probably it's probably nothing now back to cooking some chicken dinners mmm I forgot the wife was footed Oh something tells me I need those chicken tenders how do I get them chicken to the well wait time to report to my friends well bunk later guys I figured out what we have to get why don't we got again we got to get the chicken tenders I knew you wanted you to distract the chicken okay Bonnie go distract the chicken like Hello no sigh oh but I don't want you happy not going up what don't freak no who's there hi yeah you dang kids get off one time to steal the chicken fingers don't no no but I think this is chicken dude I don't know let's take you Inc oh I'm afraid I didn't get out the window oh girl fly one you stupid rabbit stupid people go away ow man ouch we ended nothing at all Oh guys I think I got something mmm oh wait that's mauled Oh Frick she's dead oh well I don't care all right who's ready Secretary's mom to some creepy old wizard person well the Wizards not creepy so it's fine yeah here we go wizard take our dead mother I'm doing perfect this is perfect what I need one Bonnie to replace another Bonnie perfect what I need now it's time to decay the rabbit's decay decay give me your life energy decay decay decay decay decay decay perfect and now with this energy I could bring my old friend back to push wizard powers wizard evil Magic Kingdom style flip that hair back and whip whip ghana Nene that's dead but it's time to revive the dead of one thing that used to be my friend now rise or bunk what the heck where am I oh-ho love their old friend it's been a long time I have no idea who you are what doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa did it hey there may buddy so now anyone show us how to get over the kingdom wall Oh JJ yeah what you gotta do is just got Dookie take the key I don't need to duplicate you oh thank you bye all right come on guys we got the key let's go so then they left the weird wizard alone to cry hooray hey which is the Wizards like you're not even gonna care about me usual people I curse these with death wish it's like wait for me you guys clapping all right guys let's go all right Oh free it's the watch man what oh hello there I'm watching you in your sleep anyway see you kids later dupa dupa dupa dupa do it or if the kids supposed to be inside in their beds that gate took forever to close anyway doc all right come on let's go I rang whoa so then the rest of the children went outside they're like wow guys look at the outside world isn't it beautiful uh-huh insurance it's been so long since I last ran outside Wow oh oh it's beautiful well thank oh dang it barn there's people here we must we must go around and hide we must hide behind we must hide we must break into the we must break into the castle and kidnap the princess or make the princess fell in love with this bonbon let's go oink like all right guys let's go on an epic adventure Bure and I'm gonna weld everyone together taste that makes things since all right so everyone else went on an individual they all no no no Richard you're like array so they all went on an adventure and they all went they went to the old river a lot today went down here to the river and you're like whoa it's like sec whoa what is this where they're wasted all this perfectly good water I think it's what they call a river mmm all right wait what's your kids doing over there I'm the purple window boy oh uh weird weird yeah I don't know there's it's their fault kill him not me what come on Chico you got to be more nice no whatever wait where's your kids want from me can't you see I'm busy and no skeleton hey Kent can you help us get to the other side of the river mister why do I have to help yeah he's right what does you have to help we could easily just go into the river it's what who's what of course it's what you idiot I didn't know I'm sorry it's tickling my toes WEEE Wow yes you got some problems oh no hmm why don't we jump over the river come on just walk across the river like me that river was deeper than I thought Wow so so spooky all right come on let's go [ __ ] uh-huh okay chica no I can't swim TIPA bonk ow my head and then she could died whoo oh my gosh oh well she deserved come on let's go what oh come on I wanna go talk to the stranger a bit dismayed up chica die how old are you how are you children how are y'all today I'm just your friendly endo man chica just got killed in the water nein we're just trying to say so we've been relieved from our sins whoa that's good for you hey you um you want to help me with my new boat so for the river yeah sure I'm down good crazy okay you do that perfect somebody's gonna help me all right well first one I need you to do is get over to this railing stand next to this room for me I need you to help me pick up these logs okay pick up the logs okay I could do that I just got it oh yeah and we just picked these up yeah she picked our shop okay quickly court yes you know what you tend to pull on the rope and now with the hooks and then he was killed haha tight fresh meat bunny will come use like we would do actually you want to help with the wood to little boy nobody ran come here you can't escape your fate so then the creepy endo chased after Bonnie say come here you're gonna die - it's a good body jumped into the river like bull and it was like back here get back here jumped in the river - Bonnie like freaking raela what do we do what I do there's nowhere to run to there's nowhere to hide I can't run back up the kingdom they'll take like an hour and I'll run out of breath why were the old and okay I need spirit I need frere and bonnie was like oh heck no and then freaking jumped and kicked the old man full and don't what fly laps like I know everyone I've loved it's been well done I didn't love that dude but he's been murdered - will you so the in domain had also been killed don't talk dr. dog rip and oh man he will not be missed I gotta get back to the kingdom until the father what happened oh I messed up I've I have messed up oh no I gotta get home oh wait where did kandi go I don't even know where he went and got a client I gotta go oh no I don't know what to do Oh No so Bonnie ran back home as fast as he could Oh freaky just freakin died yeah he's like mother only please Oh like oh yeah I used the key yeah he's broken through this thing and you saw OH hello I'm the watch man criminal bonnie was like what the Frick is his problem anyways Bonnie came back to seeing this [Music] something to light your stupid wizard you took everything away from me and now I shall curse you with death too oh yeah you'll get yours reg with your powers or whatever anything hey Dave Terry Debbie Flynn's I'm sorry but I'm killing you I'm killing you Cupid oh I kill you first the kick it's time for you to die you weird wizard man I am more than just a wizard hope cursing of death well there's nothing left for me anymore I cursed myself with death to war and the wizard took away his own life his Bonnie came back and saw everything's like what the Freak candido candy big hot u2 was like oh heck you know so everyone down here was dead tears like dang it well has everyone done here I need to go back to the kingdom yeah it's like let me in let me in and then this dude was over here where's all the guards guards get to your job position even though it used to be lower down but now you're up here cuz it's too much effort maybe all the way down say but what the oh hello there what do you do do you think help my siblings have been murdered siblings all that's impossible they haven't been murdered yes all my Shevlin candy a cheek and shadow Freddie I've been killed I don't know what golden Freddy is I hope he's okay hmm well sorry to hear about that a random stranger what random stray you've known me your whole life no I'm just a guy working for the Kings but I'm the king I'm one of the Kings mini sons no the King only has two sons now what I've been disowned yep you know we're gonna have to murder you Your Honor I call murdering him too like which and then Bonnie had been cut he's like oh we are she's time to take care of him and then we'll send him into detention great yeah look a free cake loose lips I'll get out for me and then Bonnie ran he's like oh hey oh and then he hid he's like oh what do i do what do I do I've been disowned why why have I been disowned I know why cuz I killed everybody that's why I've been disowned [ __ ] you were like Gardner predict we're doing our job arrey it's like alright alright you knew all right since you two are so special alright I just like perfect I have you two now now you two it's time to see how smart you are so now sing your ABCs no get away from the chair get away from the chair you have much to learn if you're gonna be King one day mm-hmm should get off the chair get off the chair yeah yeah get off the chair right stupid thing all right you sing your ABCs I I stupid child yours dumb like stupid children all have much to teach him alright children come here I'll teach you your ABCs come on I got to do everything myself come over here come on stupid dead I mean child I mean friendly child my eye now to sing her ABCs it starts with a B D okay notice me nose don't make me kick you again why are you ignoring me come here child why you ignore me hello did I hit the off switch on you oh he's dead huh oh wait I forgot you have to be fragile cuz a fragile bones whoops accidentally murdered two small children ah doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa dude just gonna take out the trash just going to take out the trash go down J you put YouTube to Lena do for you alright dang it now I have no children cuz I just don't know my other one so which I think that they arrested I've been killed um great um free date my kingdoms falling apart hmm alright well now I have no children dang it what's gonna happen to the kingdom when I got now doesn't matter I'll discover immortality by then before I die so I will be completely fine like we yeah oh wait with the freaking thing there are whole all their guard servants y-you silts chillin on the roof my gosh I had it all oh whatever alright hello there sir I'm doing good today well I didn't even say how are you well I'm doing good today I stopped another person for breaking into the kingdom oh good did you get the guards you're the guys took care of him time to go back to my post dupa dupa and the watch man i watch everything they have no life dupa dupa dupa uh-huh all right where's my servant foxy where's my other servant I don't know dang you help you with your orphans like oh there's no orphans up pinguin there why I'm here blank I did not see any dead body sure I mean why servants it's come to my attention that wait why I asked them to make it bad you know what workers all my workers come here workers come here look hello sir would you like a delicious cake No shut up Baker oh do you need me to do the flowers for once no dude no do you need to meet the dust off everything know what it's come to my attention that recently Oh No seems I've lost interest in y'all what are you saying are you saying you would have an extra-large birthday cake no I'm nuts don't lie I don't want any of your stupid cake oh you sure you want to triple deluxe cake that's what it I don't want any [ __ ] cake you sure quadruple now oh look come you know what I called all my work worth it the dungeon master dungeon master worth the dungeon master yeah thank you master Dungeon Master done your master Dungeon Master okay where is where is the dungeon oh where is dungeon master dungeon master dungeon I was that upon it I need the dungeon master hmm yes King Thunder Master I need to talk to you for a minute what is yo what is up the king hmm it's Cena all right I need you to slice and dice some people for me okay her giving me the dice take care of the gardener for now we won't be needing him okay all right sorry I was just false alarm I just need friends to talk to you oh it's okay you call me buddy get away from me you wait oh oh all right while I'm gone hi hey gardener I need your help in the dungeon what what help me be and useful for once yes I need something I need some flowers planted in the dungeon can you help me of course I can help you it's my only purpose in life to be a gardener okay come with me to the dungeon and so Fred buyer slash Fred bar slash the gardener when we bonded to the dungeon or he was brutally murdered and the dungeon who will be my next victim all right so let's see who's all still in the kingdom oh you have King spring-trap the Queen died the seven children died that was a mistake it doesn't matter um let's see the baker the maid two servants who else is still alive in the kingdom I think that's the main people for it now I know there's others like funtime Freddy but we're getting to it where I'm trying to wrap the series up in this in this episode you all so that's why people are just getting sliced and diced the series deserves to end because I don't want have to keep continuing I rather continue other series than this one but oh well anyways the orphans were slain oh you have the frets to Jacko's those are in part one all right fun time Freddy must now go to the princess Carrie behind one the princess should be in college tower of the kingdom uh the second tallest tower of the kingdom come on bond you don't I mean come on bond bond let's go in there's an open window we could jump in let's go it's time to see the princess bond bond you know whenever you must first we must avoid the dungeon master bond bond so then fun time Freddy made his way through the dungeon but guess who we ran into time to kick take care the main Oh what is dish who dare goes lurking in my done she's like a like football run it's like who's there I see a shadow her once nobody playing a dungeon and fun time Freddy had to think fast she's like he got a little knife he's like he got his little daggers Bonnie it was like who were there and it fun to pretty stagger but die you stupid dungeon master which all right the dungeon master has been slain oh heck it's alive I'm slowly dying but I'm gonna kill you before I dies like oh heck no it's a friend time for you start jumping up and down on it you're gonna start crushing bond it's like bound and bought and the Dungeon Master has been slain and rip and rest and done your master oh oh whoa it's a visitor you want some cake what wood is not I've never seen him Oh what hey aren't strangers not allowed in the kingdom but the king went up here yeah go away King Michael can catch an intruder get the guards oh yeah the cars I forgot about watch man watch man watch man you can't hear us from here dang we need the guards Frick the guards are here we're gonna to fight for ourselves so the servants went after him like look fun time Freddy fought back he's like no Mike now I'm a see the princess it's like when to soothe Oh freak is no Quinn says it's like rock in front I'm ready knew karate is like karate kick and kick the penguin enemy no one's like oops and we strung out the wall and was never loved again like rah sick Oh sir calm down please you need some cake it's like I don't need your cake go bond bond and bond bond but and they use bond like wait I'm sorry sorry hula sir would you like some cake yeah cake is for dumb people no it's not you're making a boy but then he fell he's like hmm and fellow Bunyan crushed him to death whoa whoa hey bro you want to calm down you wouldn't kill a spring bunny would you you're right I want it to people we get sued your ticket coupon to a hole I coupons I love coupons thank you so didn't spring bunny wouldn't went to Hawaii and never returned she I know who to kill and who not to kill all right come on bonbon the princess awaits us so now it's just the king and the guard still alive like the second tallest tower the princess must be at the very top it's time to save the princess come on bonbon so then find out Freddy made his way through just a sec oh my gosh these stairs are tiring yeah I need a break a meanwhile what the king the king was like ding ding ding ding hello ring ring ring I'm ringing my little bell where the Frick are my servants guards guards what is it king your need protecting no I can't find my servants Oh y'all are my servants right now I need someone to help me help you with wood King I need someone to unclog the toilet Oh Sidney said you would help you right foxy oh yeah yeah why don't we get picked on just come up here and help me okay yes what do you need it yes what do you need oh nothing this is just a sabotage group stupid guards I don't need I don't need that many guards huh I'm just trying to kill off a few my people oh but I might actually I should have kept her alive as a servant dang it cuz I can't find my other two servants where are my servants servants looked out himself walks he's sleeping like dang it servants stop slacking on the job you know what guard Freddie guard foxy I need your help with something actually well what is a king My servants have been slacking I need you to I need you to go to put them in timeout okay come on folks let's go put the servants in timeout okay then they went into the kingdom he's like rock it's like oh it's time to put the servants into timeout staving why and it's like oh hey hello there servant man seems that you're sleeping and we've been told by the King to put you in timeout corner they're gonna go into the timeout corner hello there are noticed a buyer when he's talking to you absolutely alright he's ignored us you punk you wanna mess with me do this with me hello boo or what he's dead alright I don't get that dang away from me King King oh the window what do you want guards did you take care of him King your servant has been brutally slain oh he's been slain no wait wait oh no what'd I do what I do I'm gonna do I just clicked f9 I don't know what everything does Oh I wanted that they can screenshot no I don't even have that saved no oh my gosh okay well now nobody's gonna be in their spots anymore cuz now it's gonna bring back the square one again alright guys so we're gonna start this all the way over from the beginning we're gonna restart the recording so we're gonna start this all over again no I'm kidding okay we'll just pick we'll pick it up from the last flight yeah I'm gonna go get a drink over here back I'm thirsty yeah this has been awful refreshing I say use there we go ah what another bubbly day my king okay I'm kidding no all right so let's see this dude was over here we'll just say the guards are dead we'll just say everyone who's dead is dead all right all these people are dead they beat the tables again eat the tables there you go so everyone's dead their fun time frame and this kid is why we make saves all right let's see uh dupa dupa doh boink that's where he was and then we had guards throw these guys outside where the guards the guards we need to guard Sidney's dead - that's fine um the guys dupa dupa you all right oh oh wait I was like oh wait let me get ignited foxy again foxy it's like now you're foxy and take he's dead what poachy why are you sleeping pal why are you sleeping on the job just do some with the corpse okay well if Lexi can you help me moving [ __ ] foxy wash up so not feel good I think there's some toxins coming from this oh so now there's only the king fun time Freddy and the princess it's like no I turn this [ __ ] back on my throne dang it hmm well hmm dang it oh well huh time to uh hmm a ton of wage and so then you then the sprit then the Kings for each I've got to thinking it was like hmm I need soul ah I'm not gonna be able to go mortality I need scientists dang it I'll have to go into the village sometime later but for now I need to find someone to take over the kingdom just in case some were to happen to me someone to could send you my legacy of whatever my legacy is but who the orphans I adopted and traded for my seven ungrateful children the orphans were murdered and my children have been slain hmm now I have nobody who could fulfill my destiny as being King dang it but then the springshot remembered something ungrateful as I thought oh no oh no should the spring chap he remembered something dark he remembered something from the dark and medieval times like her no I forgot wait I traded the seven ungrateful children not the eighth the eighth ungrateful child who was too ungrateful so I walked I walked her away oh I forgot it's like oh wait that's actually good I want to continue my legacy but I freaking hate that ungrateful that lasted eight ungrateful child dang it hmm well it's my only thing maybe I can brainwash her that's what I'll do that's when they'll do time the payer vis a vis visit her her in like two months probably oh wait the doors right here well keys dupa dupa dupa meanwhile which oh come on call are upon one we're about to we're about to we're about to see two princess alright bomb well what do we do well why are we doing this is a big thing because we're working together what we do we you know what bonbon you know what what all right you know it just don't worry about for any time Freddie I got it I got calm down Pam all do all the talking all the old smooching I don't do all that stuff okay you just sit there because I'm unfortunately attached to you and an older that like Bond boy I've had enough of this bond bond you always talk about it me and your bottom line well what about me what about you your discussion oh how dare you bond bond I thought we were friends yeah we're gonna have fringe if I could kill ya what huh well gosh why I can kill you and I can freak stop is like now I'm done taking away from your bonds bond money like and then um where's the Oh oh now what are we done all we need Oh bond ones been slain I did it I murdered my mom and now I add a French way let's change his eyes cuz why not oh wait no that's breathin time to shoot a friendship the worst the galaxy is there be a [ __ ] it looks like region alien time Touche a French ass why are your eyes purple in the back that scares me I'm 100 you're okay you're just worried this kingdom is falling in little did you know there's actually a UH recently nearby Wendy Oh half the wave that a little did you know the kingdom started blowing up first time Audrey in size oh and then the fire killed the watchman I forgot he was still alive he's like oh I've been murdered I've been thinking done just started blowing up I had the lag I probably shouldn't have done all of that oh my gosh the frames the frames the frames the frames have died there's pine nut rail wrench lush branch shush dad I washed it how many [ __ ] stairs are there brothers the frames rip and wrist frames climbing up the stairs climbing up the stairs there's trying to shoot off my chest Francesca I have hired a shaving from the evil kingdom and you saw the sleeping princess like francese I'm here to save you and then King King spring-trap noticed his kingdom was on fire wait where did the freaking oh my gosh the frames my keen is burning I must get my eighth child and get the freak out of here the free I tripped and I fell he's like yeah I must continue afraid I need to continue my legacy oh wow I need to get up get up I need what the fire grows higher I'd must go like and he saw what was this is like what's doing in here what's going on in years like it's the king king I've come to claim your princess she has been mistreated I heard a shaver like no I need her continued my legacy so she could be the next king or queen I don't forget just know and so then they said then he kicked him he's like blocked him on the nose like it's like no sleep I'm princess awakened she ain't awake like what'd you do what'd you do to my child what'd you do oh my gosh this is frames like what you do my child no she's dead huh you murderer why I didn't murder her you damn feeder he kicked him in the face a night uh-oh and then he died so the princess has been dead this whole time she was never fed that's why and he's like well so then so then King spring-trap was like my kingdoms burning down Dania I lost everything so you went outside it's like it's like actually no you didn't go outside it's like you got downstairs he's like hmm what now but little did he know it's fun time Freddy boy became as became a zombies like killed the king kill the king I'm stuck come on over killed so then fun down Freddy got up he's like alright range in Kings for Joe's like what the frig it's like it's I mush they're like oh heck no like get away from you zombie and then some speech outside to run by this kingdom went well and I'll be like dang it there's nowhere to run like I'll be safe outside right they don't come outside oh I'm hungry for brains they are yo murdered I'll prank Chester now I murder you and you can speech I was like no music he jumped on he jumped up onto the railing he's like no like carving out a lot made killer he's like no he's like it's like no and then he made the ultimate decision he's like rah and he's bringing I was like you know what see you later Rick and then he he was he was like see you later boom and he jumped and he jumped off he's like boom the old heat and then he suicided and then he died the end oh hey well there you go um I just wanted to end this series to be honest so if you didn't like this part two with the original story just take part one and keep it because I just wanted to end this series because it would get I just need an ending for it so there's your there's my version of an ending so there's your fallen Kingdom reference and now the kingdom burns so um there you go it's dead so I don't know I thought this would be fun to do it as a stream instead of just as a record and so and my frames are freaking dying um so uh yeah um anyways well there was that yeah that's that's the end no there's not there's not gonna be a third part but that's the I'm not saving this um no no more um well there you go so let me know that yeah that's basically the end so let me know if you want me to do more live streams like kind of like videos but I mean I'm still doing video just like normal regular videos no not as live streams but let me know if you want to see more stuff like this more often like as live streams kind of thing like that so um yeah that would be nice we got about 500 people watching this so that is pretty neat so yeah you can also leave suggestions as to what series you would like as a live stream kind of thing sort of so on like which one to kind of continue like kinda how I did with this one how I continued that everything so yeah anyways I thought this would just be fun to do so um there you go I mean that's pretty much it like yeah yeah alright peeps well I think that some think that's pretty much pretty much it so thank you for joining it know part three Kingdom goes back time no I'm having to go back in time for the saddest story which that's still a thing I'm gonna have to go back in time for that I'm just gonna delete part three and four from my brain and we're going back to part two for saddest stories so that stay tuned for part five a sad story because part four for three don't exist anyway I don't know there's that um yeah alright well I guess that's really it I don't even know why I did this but there we go all right kids I think I'm gonna go so I'll just see y'all later see ya all right yeah I'll just I'm just gonna go now so anyways hooky enjoyed this thing leave like if you want and I'll just see y'all later so yeah all right bye people's you Inc
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 336,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Garry's Mod, Roleplay, Part 2
Id: iE6NOYwqWcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 8sec (5708 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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