Gmod FNAF | The Anime Toy Chica Movie! [Part 1] Freddy's Friends Watch A Movie About Anime Toy Chica

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oh all right fella Oh mr. cupcake you know what you're gonna do cap cake cupcake oh well we need you do is we need you're going down because the doors lost we need you go in there get those tickets Oh how many tickets we knew we wanted one two three four five I will need one - yeah we'll need five tickets in total so you guys five tickets and also give us give us like five things and popcorn over there okay cupcake or go get that cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake or go get us some popcorn cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake you just knocked it all over on the floor cupcake all right cupcake hey cupcake oh all right guys all right everyone grab a ticket come on movie yeah it's over here come on guys Oh oh wait okay I'm gonna take that forgot my take cupcake Oh filling the floor oh okay I got my ticket come on guys oh okay oh I'm taking my popcorn your cupcake mmm nice crispy popcorn uh-oh hello y'all welcome to the movies oh hello there hey you know endo bro what's up man what's up man oh we're here too weird to see the movie yeah we were here though we're here to watch a movie so yeah uh how do you want to watch a movie all right this way Oh first I got to make sure you got a catch oh yeah we got tickets he uh oh this is this is ticket right Tom let me take a look at that mmm yep that's a ticket okay that's good are you guys can go in even though I only look at one of y'all's tickets but there you go all right y'all go on in the movie theaters that way oh boy all right guys come on let's go into the movie theater cupcake cupcake it kinda spooky in there oh it's gonna be okay cupcake oh boy I can't wait for this movie oh what a student oh it's dark in here oh you have like a flashlight or someone could use to just find your seats oh yeah sure here take mine okay thank you all right have fun in there Barry oh well okay what guys look all right Oh which we sit I'm gonna sit I'm gonna sit right here right yeah yeah I like to see oh this seat comfortable well I can't wait to watch a movie finally I can relax and just enjoy life I'm gonna chill - yeah yeah all right [ __ ] you can't wait for this movie y'all are [ __ ] complex feet up on another seats cuz that's what Fox you can't actually no that's not comfortable DC tuck you're far away all right cupcake go keep oh I'm gonna sit in the front oh I got a nice front-row seat up to this oh all right now we just gotta wait for the movie start yeah I can't wait for the movie you saw it oh well it's time struck movie okay movies got to begin absurd up and enjoy your popcorn or whatever you got well first I forgot the popcorn all right oh you don't got the popcorn ding Christine okay imma imma start the movie now Oh OOP it's stored in hmm was this movie or is this a play I'm confused well there I was it was a nice summer evening it was just beautiful y'all what the heck is this it was it was just the perfect day well it was supposed to be a perfect day all about me and only me but something just didn't turn out to be what is this oh no wait oh we sure looked at the movie titles I think we could have seen different movie oh well oh well we're gonna watch what we paid our money for we didn't pay any money we stole our tickets the movies playing shut up oh I was so alone and it was just I don't know that they were supposed to be special but it just wasn't so I decided to talk with my friend oh hi friend what I'm not your friend I'm your sister yeah whatever I don't want people to know that but my friends I have no clue but anyways I'm feeling kind of down in today's supposed to be all about me what about me it's never about me well I don't care so huh well loser you want oh my gosh this movie said I'm gonna cry mmm well why are you why are you down well today supposed to be about me it's my birthday oh it's your birthday oh I'm sorry I forgot on purpose haha okay yeah I don't really care about you I don't want you to celebrate my birthday so that's good what what what yeah anyways yeah I just wish to some people celebrate oh well we should probably go to the cafeteria to eat some food what what this Danny baby Shh all right come on let's go to our tape let's go to our seats you have to go to our seats aha here's our tables all right we're gonna sit down at the table oh boy it's lunchtime I love me some lunch love winter with what there is for lunch today gonna get me some good ol lunch some lunch wanna get me some lunch lunch is better than breakfast all day crank quiet down any children all right let me see let me see what we got today for favor aye I see I see I alright alright mister alright little kid why do you want Oh mmm I want some pasta change burger what else do all right what do you want hmm well I'm a bunny so can have some carrots and carrots I'm I'm a bunny I'm supposed to eat my carrots cheeseburger what all right what are you two what you want um you know let you go first cuz last is always special I think I'll get a cheeseburger hot dog alright what do you want maybe like a salad or something mmm Applejack alright enjoy your meal what what this school food is trash I know right hey I'll trade you okay two for that hot Oh Applejack Oh what do I want more character to Applejack's mmm-hmm think about straight carefully mmm-hmm trade I'm trade food yeah I don't want this dumb cheeseburger hey I'll take your hot dog if you want this cheese burger Haut I'll take it okay here oh yes I like hot dogs bear and cheese burgers there we go yeah yeah Oh cleanup crew oh we gotta get on set oh come on Oh stupid OOP got a big stir stage just something that you have gone wrong doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa did you think Jane steep prices stay thank uh who had the cheeseburger cheeseburger hot dog Oh Apple tech hey wait what happened to cheaper they're supposed to be two cheese bears with other cheeseburger I don't know I am I don't have it Oh uh-huh you're all take this what okay Oh cheeseburger okay all right continue Oh Oh Mike thank you for this cheeseburger cupcake cupcake well cupcakes a movie store and you know he was special he's a thief ain't no celebrity holy Frick he's such a cool guy I'm glad I'm friends with him yes say no you're not friends with him I'm his only friend no you're not friend Oh stupid dang trying to take over fiendish trying to claim him just just so he can be cool who does that um I can't can I try it would you want to trade your Applejack for for this cheeseburger uh yeah sure why not oh oh thank you here you go oh well at least I didn't really want a cheeseburger but oh well it's better than Applejack Applejack oh my ankles twisted edge don't pull on my leg sharra come on cocky after stop screaming don't you two that go see the clinic uh someone get him a nurse or something Oh Frick you just make a scene we need a replacement actor what okay oh boy these are some good Apple Jacks homie I'm glad I change traded it for that for that cheeseburger I think that's my line yeah all right children you're your meal time's up time for you go back class lunch it over oh yeah our kids owe me oh well at least I asked a whole bunch of Apple Jacks oh I didn't get to eat a my food Oh neither did I oh no that's so sad okay oh I guess it's time to go back to class yeah oh well thank you for yes thank you for your trade in your teeth burger I mean j-bert me trading your Apple dad for cheaper did Apple Dex was really good I wish I had the Apple Jacks now come on let's go okay oh we've all we will now take I out a break shall you you kidding what we're taking a break show are you kiddin go get more popcorn or something yeah we'll be go we'll be right back Oh Frank oh well I don't really work can someone go get me a pop I - I will Applejack's go get me some Apple Jacks they don't show Alphonse a cube - Danny then why do they put it in the movie Oh sting it all right I'm gonna go get me some popcorn I'll be back oh I hope the movie doesn't start Oh little popcorn no cookie didn't knew your story though okay I match my cupcakes not supposed to be here all right cleanup crew go out there and get all that stuff okay just got it oh I think this table okay Oh their table looks great oh okay Oh kind of get the props cheeseburger there another cheeseburger okay hot dog table Applejack's I think is it on one two or two guys one of our props broke oh well once again anyway Oh kind of fixed stage uh okay all right we're good we're good alright alright how are y'all doing back here whoa I don't think this is doing good too good yeah did I have a nurse no someone go get him go get him nurse you over there oh yes don't take him to the nurse or something oh okay Oh fixed up yeah okay go on over there fell uh I'll be back in a few minutes dang it just sucks we lost one of our main actors oh I'm not too sure if I could keep switching the roles that was really bad because I'm supposed to play us the teacher next - hmm all right guys we're going to have a change of plans someone else just gonna have to be teacher can't beat you your student your student your student your student you're important I guess that leaves you over there you're the teacher but what about my role later don't don't worry about it we'll figure it out just go on out there and beat teacher okay what oh yeah we got to set up the stage all right all right here I'll set up the stage all right I just got a oh I gotta get some stuff gotta get some class learning stuff okay wait okay all right okay and then I guess this prop and then and then this prop yeah okay oh and then I need a desk for a teacher all right all right all right stages set up all right is everyone getting ready yeah oh wait okay so he's being teacher not me yeah I guess I'm future I'm teaching dang I don't know I needed to teach it's line I just don't make up some stuff for something all right from now on you're the other kid that student or whatever that was trying to trade cheeseburger okay all right the one all right everyone come on out there okay except for you teacher you stay okay thank you so hard she okay catch my dish okay all right I'm going now we don't have any chairs it's okay to stand up okay all right all right tell him tell him we're ready oh not my body's not back - don't worry about him he'll be back later he's not she's not gonna be need until the next scene anyways okay okay movies resume in beep I really like this movie I wonder what's gonna happen next Oh Luck's turning clash Wow oh boy oh wait [ __ ] folks he's not back yet he's flying fully just didn't pop corn okay yeah God where's Trish gosh damn I gotta get me some more popcorn your little leg it's okay just shut up we'll get you your leg fixed no it's not going to get bit ow my face it's okay shut the Frick up okay yeah oh there's anybody your nurse but anyone know how to fix is being ankle I wasn't stealing popcorn wait what were you doing nothing nothing those do look good do you know how to do surgery oh I'll pay you all right hey I like me some money all right watch out well I need you to fix this little boys like my aunt it's my ankle you idiot my ankle was twisted and broken yeah sure whatever oh I gotta get back to my show what no if you don't help me I'm gonna call the cops on you what dang it okay fine what you need some medicine some some boom-boom kisses or whatever not make it better to look okay you're you're better all right gotta go you know do you back you know don't cry don't cry you don't make me look like a bad person okay uh I got for yourself you're good I can you saw him you're good I know I'm no it's it's nothing don't worry about it well okay well we're the higest a teacher at oh I should know what this is good I don't want to learn anything today Oh freak I forgot my homework oh well wait wait yeah do you have your homework no man I didn't do it don't oh hey huh did you do the homework what no I always I always top it copy it off of you what what you copy me I mean uh no I don't have it oh hey do you have your homework uh no dang it Oh homework only stop not the only one oh you're just gonna get mad oh I just you turn turn go on out there okay I don't even know what I'm supposed to do oh okay all right gosh I'm here all right all right I'm here class so um how is how is your week in class okay I guess silence I didn't ask you I've talked to your class not you individually you're not important Oh anyways all right class um you're all right get things started um you have to you have to give me ten different you have to tell me ten different ways that you can you actually yeah ten different ways you can use this item I was gonna make it five but I'm gonna make it ten because I hate y'all so anyways give me ten different different ten different ways I can use this item oh yeah I'll show while y'all are doing that I'm gonna come around get yours get your homework Cho let's start off with you did you do your homework did you do your freakin homework answer my question did you do your homework no detention detention for you go sitting all scared hmm did you do your homework mister did you do your homework did you do your homework mr. green eyed long ears no tension but I'm not gonna make you see out in the hall the other person I just really hated but detention for you you get detention all right what about you bear did you do your homework uh nope I did not do my homework detention detention for you all right do you do your homework come on I know get it right you're a straight-a student come on you did right no I didn't do I was too busy thinking about myself didn't do your homework you know what that means - attention for you as well stupid class useless children dang it stupid test oh dude be in the bed all right okay dance stripper foot anyways all right so no one did their dang homework dang well that means that gives you more time cuz I guess we don't to review it and someone did anyway compared to your homework tonight or not if you don't get tension again I don't even know what tension does anyways all right all right Chum all right you better all right you better give me ten reasons ten different reasons of what you can use this for and if you copy somebody else's answer you get more time and attention today and also if you don't if you're not able to give ten reasons detention longer as well all right let's start off with you mr. bear what are ten different reasons with ten different ways you could use that 400 let's see you could use it for sledding you could use it for your bed cuz like it's like the back in the bed or you could use it to beat up somebody uh you can use it as a raft for water or whatever you could use it for firewood um you could use it for a floor you can use it for a wall you could use a first ceiling you can use it as a chair and you can use it oh one more reason oh you can use it to barricade a window hmm all right nice good enough you pass yes boom alright next unit mr. Longman what give me ten region actually we're gonna switch it up because I know you kids are gonna try to copy to get me trained every reasons of what I can use this for Oh can I save firewood oh yeah sure I don't care alright it doesn't matter if y'all copy the tray or not because these are different items sure alright yeah you can use that for firewood so that counts as one okay oh you could use it for distort it's things you could use it to store clothes wait no you can use it wait here let me start over you can use it for firewood you could use it to ram down a door you can use it for storage you could use it to block up a hole in the wall you could use it to put a baseball bat in it or you can use tied your old sneakers you could put things on top of it you could put it in your room sit that way you look cooler with more stuff oh you hit somebody with it oh I need one more reason uh you could um Oh could you do with it you could can you not give me one more reason no I can't give you reason I'm sorry 10 more minutes in detention for you you already all have an hour in detention so 10 more minutes detention for you all what do I still have an hour in detention yes but you only have an hour he has an hour - 10 minutes Oh so every question so yeah so every reason you don't give me that ten more minutes and attention all right you over there oh yeah also the other girl that left date she has two men two hours in detention anyways you all right give me ten different things I could use this for um you could what is that watch for a dryer I don't know you told me and you can use it to wash your clothes you could use it too dry your clothes mm-hmm I'm listening you could you could throw it on tops of somebody you could you could hide a dead body in it you could wash away blood stains on weapons you could mmm you could make bubbles from it you could I need for more reasons 40 more minutes in detention for you you have an hour 40 minutes in total what what anyways all right class it's time to begin our lesson of the day oh I'm gonna get you let's do stuff out of here don't do this crap useless crap all right class all right so today um oh yeah before we start class um we have a new student with us today um let me introduce them oh this new student if you could come in please oh when everybody it's your turn out what Oh my desk I'm sorry did you do you just came water just came walking in my classroom you knocked over everything detention for you mister but only 30 minutes now introduced us to yourself what is your name sir ladies Oh buddy buddy and I like bowties another one you dumb kids with long years all right go sit down that desk and also pick up all the desks you knocked over to floor okay so up up so he goes I did me I did need for this to happen yes I'm sure okay all right look just got it okay all right okay okay I got my I got my desk back wait what about my dish oh boy I think your desk was we need nerd dashed oh wait you're there's no mine oh okay I got my desk and you hit me with it I'm sorry okay it just got it oh okay all right all right I'm good all right now somebody go get that other girl who ran our class back in here cuz cuz I know what they're doing they're trying to snoop I sit down to be here so go get him you you're her sister go get him well well your sisters with her I didn't know that no no just go okay anyways all right class you know I know I'm gonna wait for them to get back cuz cuz drink kids stupid kids okay I'm I'm back okay yeah okay I make yeah dang kid alright you know what just cuz I hate you so much you get 30 more minutes of detention what why cuz you're skipping class that's why but you told me to leave and sit in the hall I don't remember saying that class do you remember me saying that oh no I wasn't here I remember you saying it shut up 15 more minutes in detention for you mister oh oh no I did not hear you say that good see I'm starting to like you you're probably my favorite student now really but was your favorite student shut up person in the back I don't even know whose name is Oh anyways alright hey why are you stay in the middle home see Dad death but all the desk are taken just ain't a little kindergartner fine take this desk what exactly kindergarteners you're a kindergartner now so you have to act like a kindergartener since you act like a kindergartner you have to say that kindergarteners - so sit down Oh what's wrong little kindergartner you want your crowns you want your apple juice huh huh what you mean to me hey no outbreaks in my class one more hour of detention cuz you broke your desk and a new students desk no outbreaks allowed huh let's say sorry to the new student but say you're sorry or more detention time for you I'm sorry 30 more detention minutes for you I don't care all right look all right dang it now we got all right good thing they're showing all right going to the hall actually no um you long years yeah going to go into the hall and get those two extra desks get two extra desks for our students yeah yes sir I need a desk okay here we go okay okay okay I got the desk well a good student oh you get you get your you get 25 minutes reduced from your whatever your attention time so we'll just say you have an hour to detention now sweet oh oh Swift you have no outbreaks you're gonna be here for the rest of your life in here and hate yourself oh dude you I don't see why I could have a kindergarten this - I don't wanna be mean or anything I don't detention all right you know what since since I like you so much and since you're new and since she broke her desk I'm gonna take away all your detention time and also I'm not gonna make you sit at that kindergartener desk so I'll let you say that somebody else at this really array but wait there is no more tall desks available hmm all right person all right no name switch worth switch with Bonnie sit in the kindergarten desk Nick's your sister for carnet left okay fine okay all right class now we can begin nor lesson all right get the lesson all right class yeah all right class today we're gonna be learning about toilets what why because I said so and we're gonna learn about him gosh it's time for people to know the truth about these these evil things all right class so all right what is this all right what is this kindergartener correct all right what is he a straight-a student well I mean I have bees in this class like all bees photo it's a toilet congratulations you get an A sweet alright new student what is that did toilet correct alright alright long years what is that a toilet correct all right finally y'all are learning something alright cage traditional toilet how many of y'all have seen a toilet in your life I have yeah yeah yep yep yep good alright y'all are dumb if you said you had it you're frickin stupid shell that's good so far no you're acting stupid flinch see I'm see this cage alright I'm also gonna tell y'all something real quick this is why I disciplined y'all because I have to give you all the tension to discipline y'all so that way you'll learn to actually start learning in class for once see look at y'all y'all are learning now so that's good alright class show um alright class alright so how many of you all have used a toilet before uh pretty sure we all have good yes it's perfect everyone should have at least used this at least once in their lifetime alright class so alright hang on I'll be I'll be right back class all alright you get five minutes don't go crazy or nothin I forgot I forgot something for the class I'll be right back I left in my car I'll be right back I gotta go get it so you kids behave I'll be right back sorry forgot some for the lesson so I'll be right back Oh sweetie gonna teach you for a bit oh hey kid how are you doing I'm doing good this class is weird I trust me it gets even weirder I thought you used to like it no way hey yeah I hate it too well I'm sorry little kids oh yeah I'm sorry I forgot I did not mean to be mean I'm sorry so I'm sorry yeah yeah little kids - this is dumb and stupid yeah oh I guess Oh long years long years what we should be nice to these people we should be nice what okay all right here give them you give them give Windham your desk all right hear me long years are gonna switch desks with you all cuz cuz that just ain't right so if there's you guys can have their debt switch desk or whatever so yeah wait really yes yes you can all right there you go all right come on long years but I never agreed to just showed up long years come here my name isn't even long years okay oh thank you all right long years - sit down be smart this is how you get all A's in this class okay you gotta be nice okay so this is nice yeah oh I also have a question does anyone know why the heck we're learning about toilet like what the Frick why just why I have no clue maybe it's to inspire us inspire us to do what this makes no sense yeah you're right does make no sense oh that's a no that's a that's a that's an that's a nice looking toilet right there oh my gosh oh yes beautiful [Music] boom so wait oh yeah wait how many of y'all also have detention well well you don't have the Tanjung cuz you took it away from you oh I know you have a ton of hours I think you have like four or five hours in detention Oh oh yeah that sucks umm how many I think you also have like two hours maybe in detention yeah I think I got about two hours long years how many hours do you think you got oh no I'm I went down to one I was originally like it like thirty one hour thirty but he took it down to just one hour so I'm good okay well I think you took away all mine so I don't think I got detention either we got to get you guys out of detention so we're gonna try to get you a lot of detention that's our goal to get y'all out of detention okay I just act nice and don't be dumb I guess we gotta get you all out of detention kiss because we're nice and this is what straight-a students do apparently I don't know why okay here we go oh gosh okay all right oh oh okay all right class I'm back yeah I got the sick I got what else we need for this project also we're gonna have to use doll though the washing machine for this as well alright alright class I'm back oh yeah new kid we got so I we don't um make you say ten reason 10 facts about something now I'm too late did this lessons more important in place you're new so we won't do that to you alright class so um all right class alright alright this is gonna be another don't be stupid question so what is a washing machine in the toilet have in common whoever answered this who has the attention does it's like 30 minutes reduced of attention oh okay you kicked we can't answer this don't answer it okay come on long years think think long years um III know the difference between the two of them okay what is it if they they both have water yeah they both have water that's the difference you tell me that the difference is that that they both have water yeah I because the washing machine shoots out water you know on your clothes so that way they get cleaning and the toilet adds water inside of it though yeah they have water you are correct the yes they are both similar because they have water yeah all right all right you get 30 minutes reduce so you're down to like 30 minutes left in detention okay all right class um there's gonna be a trickier question and you know I mean nice y'all since y'all been so good lately that's why I'm like starting to decrease on y'all's detention time plus I don't want to sit here in their class with y'all for like six hours I realized that so uh all right anyway so this is another one those I get your detention reduced time or whatever all right so all right one of these things is clean the other is dirty what do you think is clean and which one do you think is dirty no they both look kind of dirty to me what you know what you get your what oh the answer's no I don't want to risk it in detention I'm sorry I won't I can't tell you Oh could you repeat the question yes yes your uh all right one of these is clean the other is dirty which one is clean and which one is dirty I know the answer at the washing machine in the dirty and the toilet is clean what are you just stupid or so you got it that was pretty dumb you're pretty dumb okay I'm sorry it could be because I missing a part of my ear or something but um what'd you say uh the toilet is clean and the washing machine is dirty I think he's gonna lose his mind and say oh gosh oh no he's gonna rage you really think this toilet is clean in this washing machine is dirty do you really think that yes what well you are correct congratulations no detention for you anymore really yay wait really what oh that's a good question I'll explain now all right so I never said what one had okay I'm not gonna say what I was about to say because no but anyways look at this washing machine look at it it's all old and rusty and kind of dirty on the edges it's it's no no that's that's dirty that's bad just watch me dirty ill you know I found it at a dump I actually bought this toilet though let's see this toilet you're probably wondering is this toilet clean is it truly clean the answer is yes and I'll explain to you why the toilet is clean wood because of germs okay there's less germs on a toilet seat then there is on a doorknob doors are dirty don't touch doors whatever you do kids don't touch him don't touch doorknobs especially what this is dumb alright class alright now that that's out of the way all right all right we're gonna we're gonna need to do an experiment so of we're done with the washing machine but we're still using toilet all right I'm gonna need a volunteer one of you students to come up to class you'll get detention time reduced if you come up here so yeah oh well most three right here already have our detention done oh you only have 30 minutes so what you still have like two hours you should go you should go volunteer since you have more hours okay all right I'll go all right wait what do you want me to you or what I need you to do is I need you to say on the toilet what why just do it but what one cuz I said so do it okay this is weird okay alright alright class I'm gonna alright gosh so as over numbered earlier doing class I told y'all I told y'all that y'all had a break correct yo all right so I went outside and I to go get this from my car and I had to get this barrel from my car and this thing is illegal so we're gonna show you kids what what you should do if you see this item oh this right here is bad okay kids this is bad this bad stuff right here kids it's bad don't want to do this this has like all illegal drugs and crap like that you don't want that kids you don't want that that is bad for you bad it'll disgusted you and look at it you thought it doorknob was dirty well this is even dirty you look at it it's all old and rusty and stuff look I would rather make out with the washing machine and touch this thing it'll all wait I already touched it gosh dang it anyways yeah so the stuffs bad okay kids I don't see why it's in on the toilet though alright alright I'll show you why in a second alright kids so this is a this is a flammable all right you're probably wondering what does that mean fire or something no well it's gives you like a spark okay so if you take this stuff it gives you a spark and you don't want that cuz it's bad for you and it makes you look all old and ugly and rot in and make sure like guts show all over the place and it's just really ugly and stuff so yeah so anyway you're gonna be a test taker and you're gonna try taking the stuff well I don't want to take it no don't worry you're not actually going to take your spoon oh you're just gonna pretend like you do it I just don't see why I have to show do it because because these two items the toilet the toilet and this item right here are very related to each other and you get the most flame out of it when you're sitting on the toilet so yeah so don't worry our this is this is a good barrel I liked how I said before it's bad this stuff's bad don't ever do this stuff kids but this is a good one I cleaned it out and yeah it's all cleaning stuff so don't worry it won't hurt anybody and it won't do anything to you so don't worry it's just like so mom you know that Spray stuff that what yeah for me for Furbies I think it's called Furbies the Furbys the Furby since stuff that you spray it's like that stuff like stuff that you spray in your mouth is that what you screen your mouth Furby I think it's furbies yeah it's definitely fair B so you take your fur B's and spray it in your mouth and it's like that home that stuff that stretch to clean your mouth but this stuff but slight yeah I feel the I feel this barrel up with Furbys so there's fur bees in this barrel and so it's not poisonous stuff it's not the flammable stuff or whatever there's not that bad stuff I didn't know this was an education movie yeah me either I don't like education so yeah alright need you to take this take it now what if you take it you get all your detention reduced okay so you're saying this isn't bad it won't hurt me it will not hurt you whatsoever okay do I just yep this is weird this class is so weird and you're right I don't even know what we're learning mmm I just used to start and say don't do this stuff oh I see it's a-ok Hey oh gosh everything I'm Barry oh that wasn't supposed to happen oh I didn't know it actually filled with flammable stuff no he's on fire we need the fire department oh this isn't supposed to happen Oh oh no my movie said the movies it's everything the fire Oh everything's burning mmm gosh oh boy this is an action movie hooray I like action oh my gosh explosion the fire is so realistic it's like everything's actually burning huh oh gosh who's that guy I don't remember him oh he's probably some body on crew or something all right everyone get back in the broom we need a fire extinguisher I got the fire way in yes sir I got the fire extinguisher and where's the fire I got the fire extinguisher oh yeah huh oh wait there's more oh there we go wait something else is on fire okay fires out oh gosh think the sets destroyed oh oh you just finished the scene real quick cut the cut the scene just finish it real quick so we get on to our next scene okay this is really long scene holy Frick uh uh oh are you okay Oh your student student she was still here yo yo yo all the students are still here definitely yep yeah yeah yep all right class um as you can see that was not supposed to happen so uh class dismissed um yeah and nobody has detention anymore so go outside and play or something I don't know what you could do anymore so y'all can leave now oh that wasn't supposed to happen I'm sorry guys and yep All Right see y'all later I'm gonna leave now so I don't get sued gonna run before the principal shows up I can't let that to happen all right well I guess we can we can head on out okay I talked with you guys outside oh yeah sure okay we let's go oh come on come on long years let's go my name still is it long years Oh what oh and got it cut the lights all right we're taking a break so yeah go get your popcorn your song I'm gonna go get me a smoothie I'll be I'll be back in a few oh my gosh this movie is awesome I know right at first I thought was some really really dumb love story or something and then now I thought it was educational next but then it turns out to be an action movie this movie is awesome I know right it's the best movie ever exactly oh well I wonder what's gonna happen next movie yeah hey wait wasn't there more of us here what there's more of us here watching the movie uh yeah I don't know what happened to them hmm oh well dupa dupa dupa can't wait to see what happens whoo yeah where is foxy I thought he said he was getting popcorn or something yeah I mean I guess I thought he was getting popcorn or something but I'm not really short um what I am sure about um what I don't know what I'm sure about come on man you gotta be sure about something I don't know I don't know all right go ahead clean the stage all right gonna get all this stuff out of the way oh okay that stuff does not matter okay all right all right yeah okay now I gotta say out the outside senior um hmm what's gonna be outside all right I'll have a pole um I'll just have some barrels over here yes um what else is outside uh a garbage can because it's like outside stuff yes wait no boom there's the grass okay it's all nice and stuff outside um Oh what else is outside what else would you find outside probably like a cinder block like over there um maybe like a bucket - um oh yes all right and then I need I need this one of these wait no wait what okay that's good okay all right yes and then I guess that's outside to you uh no that's not right oh yes that's outside got this stuff you got recyclables got some traffic cones you got a wheelbarrow and you got a beware of dog sign or whatever I don't know uh yeah that should be good for us oh wait in there so whoops ever okay oh well okay all right all right guys all right is everyone here everyone almost ready oh yeah oh okay I'm done with my smooth yeah okay OOP all right outside I wonder what's gonna happen outside hey wait for me okay I'm here yes all right so we're gonna meet up with other people because I think you want to talk without a showman okay oh come on long years and also the new kid outside it's recess time well you only telling me it's only now recess like what the heck wait already through my supposed to have research recess is like oh yeah like high school or something right now earth far I don't worry about it all right all right um all right all right new student going out there okay all right wait Dean yet we're missing an actor what's wrong we're supposed to need someone to go outside in no you know like rough them up kind of thing well I could do it if you want me to know you're important later you're gonna come in the scene later you still need to be a teacher uh what about me can I be yet no you you have an important part to uh uh hey I don't remember you be honest after you oh well you'll be the person who rolls them up what don't worry about it here I'll just tell you some lines you guys say oh okay okay okay oh you want to be in a - yeah we need multiple people okay you two will be in it know what I'm doing so how are you guys today well I mean it's good and stuff um I'm glad everyone was able to get out of detention stuff like that yeah that's good oh wait Bonnie we should uh you should have introduces us yourself to us more because since you're new and stuff like that oh well I'm Bonnie I moved here recently and uh yeah I'm gonna go to school cuz it's in your home show yeah that's that's really it yeah oh that's nice hmm I like this we so much ha lay down I just just feels comfortable hey you know what we should do we should we should like we should have someone riding this thing and somebody else push it around for fun or something oh let's do the NSA oh okay don't be cool beeps hey yeah when we get home we got to get a wheelbarrow I mean you should do that okay yeah that would be fun so what are we gonna do I have no idea hmm let me think about this hmm what would be important oh well this sucks that we have to go to the library after the recess but uh we could play shovel tag Hey didn't someone get hurt last time we played shovel tag no it was just that nerd remember - nerd you couldn't take it we smacked him right in the face we should place shovel tech okay yeah let's play Channel tag what okay yeah I'm fine with that how do you play well basically someone's it with the shovel albeit first so basically you just gotta avoid the shovel and uh so if you get hit with the shovel you're out so young we just go until there's like one last person standing sure yeah all right long years you're up first what you should like the new kid go first yeah but I've never played show we'll talk before no no it long years we got demonstrate okay our long years so stand still I'm gonna hit you with it I'm not gonna hit you hard because this is a demonstration but you just go like tap boom in there out yeah except for you would hit it a little harder right yeah I was gonna hit a little harder because it's gotta have more momentum in it so uh yeah you just got dodge it all right long use you ready yeah I'm ready all right Oh oh no I missed oh well long years is safe yeah I'm really good at this game probably case we played all the time you always hit me in the face every time but but I've gotten good at it I've Lunger ways all right who wants to go next a new kid you want to go Oh give it a shot okay just kinda standstill and oh yeah also another thing is this game is like a game of chicken kind of things like sight it's like you got a duck whenever you think I'm gonna swing so it's like you don't soon like just duck right now okay wha that means you're also out cuz you duck too soon so yeah okay all right hey hey with you I'm gonna hit you with a Twix oh you dumb little loser Oh show my out yep you're out little go stand over there behind the sign motorcycle okay you know I want to go next okay all right so you know how to play right you just gotta try to dodge the shovel but if you dodge too soon and I don't swing the shovel then you're out but if you get hit by the shovel you're out okay I don't know why this is called shovel tag but okay whoa dang you're really not flinching huh whoa whoa whoa whoa ding you're good at this whoa whoa whoo I win oh gosh you're here oh yeah whoops sorry uh you're out oh my gosh stings violent are you okay [Music] oh gosh okay yeah uni goes in nurse uh uh-huh all right I'll go take it to nurse oh oh gosh I oh he's gonna be okay gonna be okay oh gosh oh okay oh gosh dude what the heck like what the Freak what we're playing show tag you you weren't trusted like actually hit that hard come on oh well sorry come on we talked to you about this belt since the last time since you hit that nerd oh okay fine hmm all right well should we go um hmm what should we do now still got like five more minutes of recess I mean we could head to the library now our fountain or no I feel bad I need to be punish someone punish me what no just I need someone to hit and you hit me wait word show thing I lost a shovel someone hit me in the face with something hit me in the face with this bucket that didn't hurt at all and I hit myself with it what why it has to be by somebody else because I was mean and I hate her and I feel bad now so I gotta have a taste of my own medicine so I know someone smacked me with shell and don't punch me it needs to be like an object okay what about this traffic cones no too weak this recycling thing no too weak dish watermelon oh you could throw it at her okay what about this sign well try it okay that didn't hurt at all get the wheelbarrow no are you sure yeah get it trust me with it okay mmm oh gosh that looks like that hurt you okay oh I'm fine oh oh we uh put the thick homeboy Jones what yeah okay I think we should help him yeah yeah are you okay gosh look look at what I found there's so much that flammable stuff I think this is the real deal and not filled with furbies I think he meant for me for bait for Ferb furbies what I still don't understand that oh my gosh Oh this is bad we should probably go tell a teacher something that we found their stuff what you ditched no we can't because uh because you'll think that we we already had him he'll blame us for it to save him some time so yeah what yeah I guess you're right I don't want to get I don't wanna be oh well what's your we do oh how about we don't say anything right now oh oh there's toilet right there oh gosh what oh yeah there is what do you think somebody was messing with it I'll try a dress on oh no we need to get to the bottom of it [Music] Oh free all right guys we should go to the library we'll come back outside later oh just don't tell anybody about it only keep it between us three okay all right don't even tell new kid or anything like that come on let's go to the library okay all right okay okay all right all right we gotta get the library seen oh all right all right don't get the library uh you know okay all right we need some bookshelves get the bookshelves oh my gosh this movies intense all right what would you do if you found that stuff mmm I don't know it's really suspicious mm I just gotta get some bookshelves Oh is this just a library uh what else is in the library dang it there's something important here I don't even know why we have that now we don't need that I could guess a globe that's important um a lamp that's also for you okay okay and we need some books where the books okay all right class everyone come on we're good we're going to the library now so everyone come here kids from recess come here come here okay I'm here sorry no you're not gosh dang we lost all the green book the green books how well that's going to put it Oh everybody come here I'm about to do real call okay I'm here don't tell teacher you'll okay I'm here too okay I'm back oh I'm back hey I took doubter good your nurse there yeah all right I'm doing real call all right um no name I'm here all right long years I'm here um my favorite student I'm here and new kid or we're bonding I'm here and that one kid I hate a lot hey where's that one kid I hate a lot at Ind take care - daenerys koja your favorite student hit her in the face with a shovel look don't tell them that I'm gonna get in trouble oh my favorite student did you hit her in the face be honest with me favorite student you're my favorite student be honest with me oh yes sir I'm sorry we were just playing I didn't mean to hit her so hard I didn't like broke her jaw or something I didn't mean to I can't believe it my favorite student would do so something like that so irresponsible so evil so bad my favorite student I never thought I would have to do this to you I never thought I never even imagined a day like this having to be today I never imagined it happening what did it expelled it suspended oh no I'm scared I'm going to jail my favorite student you have passed high school congratulations here's your high school diploma what what what I'm confused what because you hate my you hurt my least favorite student I hated her so much and she was always annoying to me I always hate here you did a good thing today you pass high school congratulations what I pass yep and uh yep so um get on get on out of here you can get out oh wait no I just realize this bad look I would ever see you again what this means you want to be successful and that way when you're famous and stuff like that you can talk about how I was your best teacher ever right oh good yeah good sure I guess all right well you passed high school so you don't have to be here anymore so you could you can leave if you want but I can't believe what look oh I'll hang out for the rest of the day I guess so I could hang out with my friends at least like long years and no name yeah all right whatever anyways all right kids um and also on you don't have to do any work in my class anymore and you don't have to answer questions no more so you could just watch people I guess so anyways you three since the other person's at the nurse's office apparently anyways all right all right so all of y'all pick out a book and we're gonna have to do a book report okay but a book report oh who would want to do that yep I don't want to do a book report that's lame well I'm sorry class but you gotta do the book report all right pick out a book few options right here pick out a book okay come here kid oh this is awesome I don't have to do the book report oh wait a minute hey teacher these boots are all the same yep what what this is just story of how Mary found her little lamb with the Freak yep God your book reported on it what yep all right get your book and yeah all right yeah I'm back I'm finally back I'm here so once a Mary Mary found her a little lamb I love that book oh gosh not this kid again what oh hey it's nerdi all right welcome back mm-hmm Oh Hugh ooh it's the nerd oh the person I hit in the face with the shovel last time and I didn't even dainard I hate him so much Oh cuz when I hit him in the face with a shovel I didn't graduate middle school then gosh dang it Oh stupid nerd loser yeah whatever I'm gonna there's gonna be the best book report ever I'm gonna be book report ever ever written yes investing book report ever alright teacher I'll make sure to do yes you know oh yeah whatever whatever you want just get out of here please hurry I'm gonna go do something stupid nerd I hate him but he had if you knock life - yo she's in our class you remember um oh wait no you weren't here for a new kid but you other - oh you remember how it the how you guys said yo guys new nerdy before oh that's right we had that fifth [ __ ] desk because he's a [ __ ] so um yeah that's why and he's really smart and stuff but uh it's kind of annoying so whatever uh okay uh anyway guys are we good so wait are we gonna be friends with him what of course not no you know who likes near you you know no yeah no I know we should not be friends with him yep I agree if you be friends with him I'm no longer friends with you if you're friends with nerdy I I hate you and I hope you die well that's a little harsh I'm sorry well okay well what makes wait why do you all hate him so much well okay fine all right back in the good old days um Oh teacher you don't I don't want you to hear this coast it's a student thing there yeah I get it you stretch and you'll just wait page I don't care anymore look anyway now the teachers come alright so back in the good old days and get down the way so back in the back in the good old days all right um it was just me oh there's me long years no name and no names sister or the person - everyone hates um but anyways we were all in class one day and in a nerdy showed up he was a new kid for a while he was he was really smart and stuff but then everyone started hating him because um even the teacher hates him that's how much people hate him but anyways the main reason why people hate him is because um it's because you'd like you throw things that you like cause you loser and bad name gee it's like here I'll show you example new kid like you take this it takes this lamp you like throws at you goes yeah what are you doing it I'm sorry I'm just demonstrate but didn't even throw it at you is like huh you're a loser you you don't make good grades or nothing like that but but thing is nerdy doesn't make good grades the teacher gives in bad grades even though nerdy does everything the teacher said says but he annoys the crap out a teacher so the teacher gives him bad grades and also attendance grades as well like he's gets school a lot so on yeah oh dang you guys everyone just really hates him to be honest so you should hate him too yeah okay mother gosh then okay well what are we gonna do now do it should we uh should we go back outside yeah all right here we have a meeting outside and then we got to go to our next class so everyone come on outside everyone come on let's go outside okay we I'm they're playing with cinder blocks oh gosh he's outside too well don't worry guys we're gonna rule the playground back and then take you back over oh all right yeah guys we got this deployed this um this area is ours Nords only and we don't let we don't let nerdy on here so hey nerdy oh hi yeah remember the last time we told you you're not allowed to be on our you know in our area yeah so get lost what no I like the cinder block no that's long years cinder block don't touch it or his sign shine I'm gonna wait me way on weed let alone on up oh wait ha I'm a stupid long year for a person and I support the dog people cuz ya cuz ya what there's nothing wrong with the dog people don't judge them I'm a loser and I'm I have my ears are really long that I can't I have to duck under I have to like crawl through a doorway just so my ears don't touched up at the door ah that's really hurtful all right that's it I'm not letting you talk trash to my friend all right and literally trash so uh since you liked all cash you're asking a stupid nerd all right guys now that he's gone we can talk and do stuff oh oh yeah you know we have to do book report oh yeah we should probably look at that now because knowing the teacher when we get to class it's gonna be where is your book report like literally next class is gonna be like yeah where's your book report did you read the book so I guess we should read the book or yeah yeah I'm just here to help you also that's all even though I don't have to do it so yeah are you gonna come to class with Hesh oh yeah I'll come to class I got nothing better to do so you know okay all right bye anyways so wait what we're gonna what we're gonna do I tried again oh but don't know I don't know oh all right new kids new kid we're gonna let you in on something huh what all right guys you remember what we found outside earlier yeah until new kid because I trust new kid part new kid so we found some of that that that flame stuff hmm what yeah we found some of that stuff but don't tell anybody we don't worry we're not doing stuff with it no we're just want to let you know there's there's three fountains of stuff outside it's right over there so yeah what why would you tell me that why what well we just want to let you know yeah what why oh I don't I sure know why I need to tell you that I don't have to show that at all hmm oh well anyways um hmm should we guys we should probably move with somewhere else or something but what it's not ours we could just we should just leave it and forget and pretend like we never saw it well my fingerprints are on it remember like when you all to Rumi on it like my fingerprints were on it so they'll track me down and stuff but wait you don't go to the school anymore so you could just take that flame stuff and leave and go throw it in a river or something well there'll be too much work um and plus I told you guys I would hang out with y'all for the rest of the day so I'm gonna take this flame stuff and I'm gonna take a class with us so yeah that that's not a good idea oh no well I'm gonna take this toilet too cuz yes so yo what that's an even worse idea yeah that's a pretty bad idea I don't care I all right let's go everyone let's go to class okay okay oh this is a bad idea go and check my flame stuff I'm gonna take me a toilet all right I gotta cut the lights boiling all right oh that's not the right thing I slide all this stuff all everybody oh it's in your blood sorry okay all right not just here okay all right kind of gotta stop all this school stuff again break it broke whoops sorry hey don't you yet okay all right all right all right all right it's gonna be a different class dude could you 1:05 okay all right yep turn on lights okay doop oh my gosh this movie is really weird oh no I kind of like the movie though you know oh okay all right I just forget on the class um I guess I'll see here all right kids come on come on kids let's go to class come on all you kids better get in here and actually wait all right I need to talk to the student checking I'm here oh I guess I'll sit right here I guess I'm here I'm here all right okay just gonna put this right here and then I'm gonna put this right here okay all right okay I'm here oh hey since you're not really extreme anymore can you go get um watching the clock a nerdy get over here go sit down okay anyways I need you to go get the UM girl from the nurse Oh what if she's not okay anymore like wish you can't come back to class I don't care she needs to come back to class anyway so go get her okay good all right nerdy sit down okay I'm sorry genius now sit down to the new kid a new kid hey noob your noob how cuz you're new and you haven't been here oh please don't sit on my legs Oh - all right class all right we're gonna wait for for our other student to return to class the one that apparently got smacked in the face with the shovel unfortunately I need them to come back to class I'm for legal reasons boda yeah so you know oh wait oh oh I'm just gonna wait and then I got it whoops whoops and then wait wait what the heck hang on hang on hang on technical difficulties okay hang on hang on we need all right oh gosh okay all right back with the with the student whatever alright yup there you go Oh yep oh yay oh gosh please don't say don't get you hey person you're stars do it please sit next to me so I know there's an extra oh okay oops or I'm set on you oh okay in class today silence and with the free cab oh gosh you're even ugly do boo where's your clothes no go put some clothes on you freak alright huh does it matter oh just hide behind this barrel or something ugly Frick I'm sorry Oh anyways alright kids alright today Oh Frick I forgot what we're learning about in this class Oh stupid stupid stupid stupid oh my head that hurt um oh hey let me alright kids hang on let me see if I can entertain y'all with something no no no no no oh we could talk about this um talk about this talk about this or this or this or this or this or this teacher what is all this stuff oh okay this is arts and clock arching class like arts and crafts so what you got to do is you got to pick an item or two items you have to pick yeah two items you're in teams so you two are together and you three are together and you're on your own cuz you're ugly as Frick I don't I don't worry kids I respect you guys I have wouldn't want to be partners with her either oh whoops yeah so you're on your own oh yeah also you only get one item that's that barrel so have fun what and also seriously go get some frickin clothes you freak all right anyways um yeah so we gotta take these items and you got to build something out of it so um yeah all right you two have two items and you guys have three items so uh actually no you guys also have three items all right and go have fun I'll be back to check on you all you know a few hours or a few minutes you have like ten minutes to do something something yeah it can be beautiful ooh I don't want to work with them I wouldn't work with you guys it's gonna be okay just just just just it's it's it's okay it's gonna be okay yeah fine all right what are we doing all right I know exactly what we need to do so we're gonna take no not that we're gonna take all right we're gonna take the refrigerator okay and we're gonna put this right here and then we're gonna put this on top of it and we're gonna build it something beautiful okay okay don't take this barrel we're gonna take whatever this thing is and and we're gonna take this and we're gonna catch a time machine all right what okay I'm just gonna let you do all the building yeah okay yeah I'm gonna have fine I don't really care what I get good great I get this all right what are you guys gonna make well what should we make mmm I'm gonna bench all right let's see you got bench Oh ooh we should make okay put your sang right here so you know where to sit Oh we'll take this just like a little stick but this is a wall I don't know about that dang Oh actually yeah here alright so I can go right there and then this can go right there beautiful and then we need a cone beautiful and then we need this door beautiful oh whoops hang on kind of fix it boom there we go - no what is that it's the bench if you sit on it you don't get what or something so yeah uhm victim in cinderblock wait there we go yeah I'm gonna use and washing machines are also important for time-traveling yes and then we need to our gasoline to power it bail and ok I think I saw it's done oh we need something else to cover up the back oh hey ugly girl Mike don't you mean to me oh sorry oh I should be nicer oh hey pretty I don't know well I'm taking your bail what yeah it's fine I'm sorry I need to take it Oh teacher won't get mad at me oh there we go so now wait I like covers up the back she's out where you don't get whatsoever boom no there you go so this is basically a bench you put it outside and so that way rain doesn't get yes oh yeah you'll be safe from that there we go Oh alright class I'm coming back Oh to Congress Oh what happened to your barrel oh you stole my barrel who was it was it the good student yeah did you steal their barrel Oh yo good job I'm proud of you you're you're you're doing more stuff than needed oh you're great student that's why that's why you were my favorite student yes even though I don't even have to take this class anymore okay all right all right oh here we'll have you two go first all right what'd y'all build Oh what did we build we built a time machine to travel back into the past and it's gonna be so beautiful it's gonna work and it's gonna it's gonna be the best thing ever in and yeah I need something to power it ah yes it's gonna be beautiful it's gonna be powerful I'm gonna go home yeah I don't think that would work anyways next person I don't care about you guys what it's my time machine I don't care anyways alright what did y'all build my favorite students well we built a bench that you can put in like it's a transportable bench cuz that's a tire and you could basically bring it anywhere and you can sit on it and you won't get rained on because it has this feeling to it so yeah that's a beautiful invention I would invest all my money into that yes let's go I'm special I think I don't know all right I like y'all alright y'all win but but mine actually works I highly doubt that's an actual functional time machine yeah thing well um yeah if I press this button right here it worked I just gotta smack this button noon and it will work she just gotta hit the button yeah whatever I don't think of words yeah it's not gonna work it will work it didn't work we need the fire extinguishers Oh Oh cuz I didn't press this kaboom what's that a flame was not a freakin flame did you have a flame on you dirty uh yeah there's only four my rocket ship though just a nerdy nerdy nerdy something's on fire what's on fire nerdy what is on fire nerdy I hear something what's on fire oh well probably on board no wait nerdy get up here uh yeah nerdy was there a flame in that rocket ship smells like flame it's not flame yeah it wise I used to try could power my time machine but it didn't work for some reason I don't know why your told me you had a flame yeah there do your expel to get out here right now but but you're expelled get out here right now stupid kid and whoa stupid nerd glad he's gone yep oh wait what happened to my couch oh no that's not important all right kids um I think that's pretty much it for today so um yeah all right oh you guys your bench wins and I think it's about time for that y'all can go home so yeah I'll buy home oh all right oh yeah I'm gonna go show you kids have fun I'll see y'all kids Hillyer whoa well that was an exciting day yo yeah yep it sure was can't believe our bench won you know anyways I'm taking apart cuz my cinder blocks in it yeah I don't care I don't think teacher would carry you there oh I do padieu oh there we go alright alright but guys before we go home what do we do with this stuff like wickedness we got Twitter yeah oh my foot help out my foot and then we got this flame I don't know what to do with this I mean we could hit a it blow up no if we do that the teacher will hear us he's probably still you're getting his stuff what don't have one of those I'm gonna telling you yeah no I forgot did the ugly person was still yours stupid ugly person head butt Oh stupid head stupid person gosh dang oh my gosh don't wait why'd you have to bring anything to the building well because actually I didn't have to do it why did I bring you a building because your idiot oh my gosh oh my gosh alright we need to hide it somewhere like what do we do hey you y'all are mean to me you know I'm standing up the only means you mean you on your way friends ever what I gave my seat up for you I don't care oh we got you out of having to go to detention maybe I should show me I guess I'm just all up shut down look like this you know also when are you gonna put clothes on but no it's time for me to stand up to my action it's time for me to stand up on my foot but you know it's time for me steena well I think that's a good thing yeah and I don't care if I look like this and yeah so I'm gonna stand up and I'm gonna be beautiful oh yeah sure dupa dupa I forgot my car keys wait what are you kids doing here what's going on here wait I I got it nothing Oh Frick oh no no no not me what ugly girl or no sorry I'm sorry I don't mean to call you that I mean a failure student this just seems better okay anyways what the frig are you doing uh were you it's a flame is this a flame oh we're you're on a toilet where you want a toilet answer me now yes you're expelled get out gonna be happy again getting you know then friends back and now it's gonna be beautiful games no just get out here I don't care anymore oh my gosh I'm proud of you kids what we did everything bad no I knew what y'all are doing what you do yes you're gonna stand up to her you were standing out to you're like no stop it and stuff like that that's why I like your kid so much you guys are good kids alright y'all better get on out here so I can clean this up okay Thank You teacher I guess yep oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah all right get rid of this crap ill dump crap little oh well time to go home and play pokémon's we know my gosh guys that was crazy yeah I know right yeah that was something well guys um I guess I'm off to college but you're going to college yo I'm going to college yup oh dang well I'm gonna miss you bro it's okay don't worry I'll still be in college when you get to college so there's gonna be okay pal I'll see you there well well prank a lot of people and stuff so it'll be fun so y'all only got like one year left of high school so it won't be that bad yeah well alright at least I got some more friends to hang out with in the meantime so yeah yeah and it's sex that you're leaving but I hope you hope it was nice you know this is kinda sad though that I'm going so on but it was fun hanging out with you all today and also nice to meet you too Bonnie even though I only met you for like one day hey man that's cool it's cool one day we got to get everyone back together again except for maybe that should we hang out with her to get her again even though she got expelled I mean we could some I'll just wait until I get home to see what mom does about it oh all right well um all right I guess I'm gone see you guys later goodbye goodbye bro oh I'm gonna miss him so much well that was sad yeah well whatever Ben did you know oh yeah it was my birthday today after yeah I got all distracting stuff Falls now I remember why I was saying earlier today cuz nobody what you remembered my birthday oh your birthday wasn't your kid well y'all didn't know about your birthday either did you not put on the birthday calendar what pepper eight calendar why is that well you have to go to the front desk and uh did you tell them when it's your birthday and they put it on the birthday calendar you asked if you wanted on the birthday calendar so that way people know it's your birthday and the teacher does announcement they bring cupcakes and stuff Oh yup sorry about that uh well um yeah that sucks well happy birthday then I guess oh no today was really weird yeah it really it was weird nope I agree it was really weird yeah all right well I guess we should all head home so on all right let's all go home all right I'll see you guys tomorrow I guess All Right see you all right I'm gone see you later see you later no-name maybe one day I'll figure out what your name is uh okay well I guess I should go home too go get the lights oh oh my gosh this story is so good oh these props are everywhere it is a sad story why I never got to go on well what it doesn't matter oh yeah also you're not a member of staff get out here in your stupid friend oh dang people were trying to break into our establishment gosh dang it anyways alright you guys ready for the final scene yeah all right go get it go get our other actor tell him it's time okay all right okay I'm here I'm here all right time for that scene oh okay all right oh my god and then we got to get everything showing up all right what the heck No okay [Music] okay oh okay time for nixing all right well I'm home yo oh oh gosh I know this is gonna be bad uh good thing I brought my book home for the book report oh hey mom no oh welcome home yes this there told me that um y'all were released I really or something and actually said that you want to hang out with your friends or something but wait did you not tell her don't tell her please yeah so yeah also um honey um what why aren't you wearing clothes I just decided not to like him anymore so yeah all right so I don't wear them no more sure yeah but you're still okay weird kids these days anyways um so how was school today oh it was really good um there was a new student Jay and I made friends with them and I got more friends and stuff it was really nice and stuff uh also um well somebody got you all today expelled for doing what oh they had a flame apparently our teacher talks about it she said it was really bad so it was a I was talking about maybe oh oh yeah yeah so there's a little [ __ ] who got expelled show you know well that's just awful I mean whoever does that good for those people get expelled I'm just flies know my two children well anyways since you kids seemed really oh yeah I'll show it's your birthday today happy birthday sweetie oh thank you I'll throw you a birthday party oh no like next weekend or something since today is Monday anyways all right let's see here um well I'll make you some cupcakes oh yeah all right here I'll go into the kitchen and make you some cupcakes I'll make cupcakes for my sweetie okay please don't tell Mom okay fine geez I won't tell her fine wait give me a reason why I shouldn't tell her I could I could yeah wife why shouldn't I tell her huh huh uh I'll do stuff for you I'll do stuff for you please just don't tell her I'll do whatever you want okay deal okay let's say I still do you have a question you even know you're home now why have you not put on clothes yet what I don't know but this this is weird okay all right sweetie cheers to cupcakes that's not okay yeah sorry this is all we had we had a watermelon so yeah a watermelon I got hit in the face with one of these earlier Oh well-well digging you know oh that's that's a coffee mug there's a table I guess so y'all can eat that and you all have to share so you know anyways all right I'm gonna go sleep so good night y'all good night I just got home maybe set gone wrong gosh are you having no more Tantrums or something I'm just overwhelmed Oh mom by jail look how about this whenever you alright how about this you can you go to school with me but you just don't go into the school you just hang out outside and stuff and then you can come home with me afterwards okay okay can we just eat the watermelon yeah yeah sure but can you answer my question before why why aren't you putting on any other clothes like what the Freak well that was telling clothes I had what really yeah oh well that's just sad oh well let me eat the why my lil hungry weird kid alright well um I guess I should go to bed no no wait I got I can't go about I got it I got read I got a dieter's book report uh wait hey yes sure do my book report for me it what you're still gonna make me do schoolwork yep you better do it all someone come on your stupid book report dang this is easy alright well time for me to go to sleep yep okay and going to sleep alright goodnight Shh but that's the only met Trish I'll do your own read your book what oh my gosh this movie is so beautiful Oh beautiful beautiful beautiful oh my gosh truly something it's beautiful yes it is beautiful and uh OOP alright so oh it's real every credit slides it's now nighttime so and applaud is that she just finished reading the books oh yeah okay all right oh okay brick got it that's a tree okay it's all written hey hey wake up yeah yeah oh gosh Jane now yeah what's up yeah you woke me up for my now yeah I uh I finished your book report oh thank you so can I sleep on the mattress now what no please fine okay fine weird person alright go sleep goodnight okay you know the end okay y'all can go home now and turn the lights back on stupid movie dumb movie what the movies over oh my goodness oh it's a beautiful movie beautiful beautiful I can't believe it's over I wouldn't know what happens next well there's that there's unfortunately a sequel to this movie so you know let's see cool I want to see a sequel y'all want to see you sequel - well - um yeah welder oh it's only gonna be a sequel this movie gets enough review so far this movie didn't get any doesn't have a lot of reviews right now really why not because apparently some people have just just been watching this thing and having hit the like button yet so they bet if I were them I would hit the like button so so for a sequel so yeah oh my gosh is the sequel just as good as this that's for you to find out so are you I'm like the video show yeah you gotta like our content so if yeah for a partnership yeah yeah all shout shade you want a part too as well oh oh what a bore - me - no I mean you gotta leave a review like and like leave a comment about its like chain like yeah I want to part two to this like actually for you guys actually if you want a part like leave in freaking cons like the video yeah so yeah okay oh all right so y'all can leave now alright go on get out scram all right movie theaters closed don't show got gotta go home or something yeah oh yeah Freddy and Chico we and Bonnie and gosh where did everyone else go we gotta go find everybody Oh freaking endo and cupcake look during the Vianne foxy - yeah that's what oh that movie with Shelton alright she kiss lair I'm going home oh wow I'm going home oh alright well I guess we should go find Freddy Bonnie and chica foxy yeah I guess we should yeah well gee what are you doing I don't know how to help this kid he's quiet he's sleeping I can't sneak away save me what just don't wake up that kid apparently broke his ankle or something oh okay that's look yeah hey where's everyone else I don't move you got dang stupid movie oh whoops hey guys I'm here Oh Chuck decked up take a cupcake update kept a cookie cake cupcake oh yeah cupcake I didn't know you were part of the movie you're a movie story yeah he's my best friend cupcake jar whatever oh boy well don't move he was truly something oh yeah I thank you see on the movie at all apparently there might be a part two if people like the video oh really you alright I'll be something epic Oh anyway um where's Freddy and chica yet we gotta get home yeah we should go home all right all right here everyone go out so I'm gonna go find Freddy chica and Bonnie Sophie oh all right okay see you guys later all right come on cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake cupcake up go cook a cupcake whoops over you can go inside I'll go get him okay going for it all right don't go find him OOP but doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa did you Bonni Bonni movies over we're going home what okay I just ate me some food I can fall down the stairs without taking any damage parang oh yeah sure whatever okay we yeah we hey Freddie hey Chico why oh hey guys yeah I mean in Chico were just looking around the mall and stuff yeah and I almost got eaten by some weird dude yeah it was something oh anyways are we going home yeah I guess we're going home back to our Freddy fazbear's pizza worst the best animatronics shall we say robot oh I miss your charity guy I'm here to destroy all evil robots oh gosh not this over the guy again I'm gonna destroy all of you I didn't know you work here I'm a mall security guard - I'm a security guard of everything you know I'm pretty I'm here to protect the world run these evil animatronics I'm gonna fight them all come on let me find him oh yeah we should just go guys yo let's go wait Freddy what about that PC you bought screw it I'm buying a new one I sold two cash registers worth of money oh sweet yeah we're going home no damn cage Oh Oh what is this device what is this oh oh so then all the robots went home and now for some extra scenes well well guys that movie was really something I caught it all on camera so now we can actually just present it as a you know projector or something so yeah well that movie was something so wait are we gonna have to do a part you well only if people like it I mean we don't know if people like it yet or not so I mean again how would like it fire you you know well English all right yeah you guys all can go home uh your pay will be sent to all y'all for being in this film sweet wait how much money did we make off of this about $5 for each person look well that's better than nothing I'll take it alright see you later I'm going home alright see ya yeah I'm heading off to we oh this is weird Oh can't believe how to play the teacher oh oh well see you later you know I guess you'll stay as the teacher too oh yeah what about that kid that do think we'll ever get fixed I don't know about that mmm oh well we alright see you later bro see ya thanks for being part of my film Oh free I gotta go tell the other two hey y'all can stop laying down next to each other whatever and also you can go home sweet I'm going home I'm gonna go bake me some cookies but yeah you two can stop okay this was really weird this was weird yeah I'm gonna yeah this boy's weird like widened yeah well thanks for being in the film I guess yeah I mean yeah there's something it was nice and stuff I yeah I just don't understand why at the way I had to look like this well you got hit in the face by a shovel but yeah but what have to lose my clothes like what the frig oh I don't know more reviews errs on I don't freaking know it was all right I'm heading home see you kids later we're not kids I'm sorry I'm just used to saying that oh all right I'm going home see you later and this weird wait where my clothes you go backstage I mean I didn't actually lose my clothes I mean and take it off for the film but like what a heck of my flowers guys I need you get home I have to go home in public like this my clothes and so that was the end of the epic film the film that won an Oscar an Oscar Court yeah what an ass for so that core was something they wanted it won an encore I don't know anymore that's dumb but yeah so that's the end of the video um and yes it was sort of part two to that chica gets kidnapped by the KFC man but um yeah so if y'all do 180 part two to this weird maybe thing make sure to leave a like and comment down below if you want to party or something um yeah this has been about like two hours of recording this whole thing like it was crazy um I can't believe I recorded that long about this whole thing so long yeah anyways destiny of the video I hope you enjoyed and um I mean yeah so if y'all do want to party you let me know and also you can suggest ideas for scenes or whatever that can be in party or something or some other characters you would want to see up on like played like playing as characters I don't even know what happened in this this wasn't even like a movie it was like more like a play well anyways that doesn't matter what does matter is um I don't really know what does matter what the heck um but um whoops that's lit ah but um yeah so oh yeah alright alright we need to go over all the characters first before we go all the people who played so this was the mother of no name and no names sister this was the new straight-a student this was long years who was originally played by toy Bonnie but then toy brawny broke his ankle so so then um because this person also mainly played at the cafeteria person but then had to switch to UM so this person who originally played at the cafeteria and the teacher but then had a switch to replacing toy Bonnie who played long years so yeah um and then there was the new kid who attends roles at all there was the nerd he stayed to saying there was the head director of it right there here was the new teacher and this person was originally supposed to be a homeless dude offer and flame to them but yeah that was kind of bad uh yeah next then we had no name also former straight-a student also like the person who had a perfect life but then everything kind of went wrong or something became a normal life or whatever I don't freaking know and then you have this thing yeah I'm not even sure what happened with this person on this right here is pure bullying that's bullying if this this is bad don't let this happen to you that this is bad bad I don't even know how that's bad what okay this is sad so if there's a part two I don't know what's gonna happen with her but um yeah that's really it for this video you know and also maybe we will return to this theatre or a different theatre who knows we might have to get go to new theatre because this one's pretty much wrecked because there's props all over the place so yeah that's something but um I think that's is really it for this video I mean I can't think of anything else that needs to be said or done so um yeah again anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this weird randomness movie whatever I don't even know yeah alright yeah it so that's the end of the video um I hope you enjoyed then yeah alright um see y'all later goodbye [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 937,406
Rating: 4.7961173 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Roleplay, Garry's Mod, Anime, Toy Chica, Movie, School
Id: QR2KL48mhhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 28sec (7288 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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