Gmod FNAF | Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Roleplay!

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oh yeah let's go i got the night shift yes let's go phew there's only one other person competing to be the night guard and i got the job let's go i'm going to make so much money from this easy job all i got to do is stay here every single night from 12 to six oh yeah all right i'm gonna make bank off of this job this job's easy all i got to do is just do nothing all i just gotta do is be in this building so i can literally do whatever i want and besides i'm in freddy fazbear's pizza this place has is so much fun there's so many arcade games and i get to eat all the pizza that i want let's go oh snap speaking of pizza let's see is this opening oh it's closed hey well hey guess what i'm the night guard i get access to the kitchen let me in the kitchen oh kitchen no it's locked oh i wanted to eat all the pizza that i possibly could oh okay well no kitchen for me um oh yeah and i parked outside i did a beautiful parking job um oh soon soon off of this job it's gonna only take a matter of matter of months but soon i'll get a brand new sports car it's gonna be cool everyone's gonna want me jeremy fritz jailed the night guard everyone's gonna love me all right anyways uh let's see here i need to i need to find my office um all right let's see here ooh here's the counter um can i take the monies oh they took all the monies okay well i guess that would be stealing that is illegal so um i do have to do a lot of training to get this job so uh soda machine i get all the soda i want what i still have to put a quarter in god dang i don't have any quarters on me if i find it i'm sure there's probably some quarters laying on the ground somewhere um all right whatever all right well welcome to freddy fazbear's pizza um before you hang out with freddy and friends please we're gonna roll a safety oh yeah that's right i need to read these rules and i gotta enforce them all right let's let's check out these uh let's check over these rules really quick our rules of safety no running no kicking no screaming please clean up your messes do not pull on the animatronics why would anyone pull on the animatronics um do not distract the security guards they are here for your safety yes that is right here for the safety but i got the night shift hmm i wonder what day shift would be like eh whatever i got night shift so let's go i get to stay up all night and i have my computer so i can literally just play video games all night so this is good um freddy fazbear's pizza is not responsible for the injury blah blah blah that part is probably not important all right time to go see freddy fazbear in the band oh oh god this this place is creepy at night um where's all the oh this place normally has a ton of bright lights on um this is weird this place is normally normally filled with screaming kids but wow this is really weird at night um all right well whatever i'm sure i'm sure the band's looking good uh yep there's the band look at them they're all looking happy on stage they don't look creepy um oh they're not activated so they're just standing still that's kind of it's kind of weird look at them hey freddy hey freddy oh you're kind of tall clo i've never stood up on the stage i get to sing with the band oh and then the night god i get to sing with the band oh freddy give me your microphone here let me see that microphone i want to sing a song and oh it's stuck to his hand oh oh wait frick the rule said don't pull in animatronics oh frick i probably should not do that sorry freddie um we got bonnie and chico all right that's cool that's cool that's cool um hey since i'm at night no we'll see if i take any prizes normally you have to get a ton of tickets to get one of these plushies but i could just go over here and steal one and uh oh that music box is kind of creepy though but i probably shouldn't steal again i'm the night guard these people trust me so i shouldn't steal that's bad um uh let's see what's over here and uh oh oh is this what's in this room what the freak i never went in this room because apparently this room was for toddlers um is this thing broken oh oh oh god um i think it needs to be put out of its misery um i'm sure it's fine i'll just i'm just gonna go find my office yeah all right so my office should be somewhere and uh all these creepy children i want to kick one so bad hey i mean it is night time so uh hey there you stupid child get kicked huh that felt great um gosh it's probably fine oh all right let's see here all right i think my office is somewhere over here um let's see here um oh yeah these are the bathrooms okay um parts and service huh i've always wanted to know what was in this room oh hey i'm an employee now so i can see what's in this bathroom oh boy oh boy what's in this room oh boy i wonder what it's going to be well it does say parts and service so i'm sure there's some spare parts for the for the animatronics on stage um oh i've always wondered what's in this back room but they don't let anyone back here because it's employees only but hey i'm an employee now let's go all right i can't wait to see what's in this room i'm gonna tell all my friends and uh oh god what the f that's that's creepy enough hey wait a minute i think i wait a second wait just a second oh i remember these animatronics when i was a kid there was the other pizzeria oh these this is where those animatronics went i thought they threw them in the scrap yard they still kept them oh snap i remember these guys oh oh i remember that day it was my good friend's billy birthday oh snap but then but then i haven't seen him since i'm sure he's doing great somewhere um oh snap you have all these guys oh they look so creepy that they're all torn up look at foxy foxy's all destroyed freddy still looks okay um bonnie oh god bonnie what happened to you and then we have chica oh these guys um oh god these poor characters oh no i used to i love these guys as a kid and then they made those new child friendly ones um i love these old ones but oh they're ruined oh oh this breaks my heart to see him like this um oh man oh man oh man all right i'm getting distracted i gotta go um i gotta go to my uh i gotta go find my office um uh well i haven't been down here this is where they have those private party rooms if i'm correct uh yeah private party rooms private party rooms um oh wait is this my office down here oh i think this is my office oh that's kind of strange it's just right in the center work right down that hallway that's kind of creepy you know i'm just i'm just working here and stuff i just look down the hall and then there's just people down there or something well that'll be really weird if if i was working the day shift that would be weird you're just sitting in your office but then you see all the kids going from party room to party room so oh that's weird but uh all right well i'm in the security office now so that's good um oh and i got my security cams oh i forgot to have i have access i figured out i'm a security guard i have access to the security system oh snapping why is there a uh why is there a freddy fazbear head on here this looks just like the original freddy fazbear that's in the back why do they that's weird that they have a spare of his head they have a spare original freddy head why don't they have a spare of the new one and why is this in the why is this in here this should be i think this should be in the parks and service room um i guess someone someone was messing around with it or something um hopefully hopefully no one was wearing it as a suit like that uh like that one time at that my friend's birthday i remember that golden bear that's probably fine i'm thinking too much all right and where's my chair i should have a chair hang on let me go find a chair um oh here it is it's right here let me get this chair oh there we go i found it for some reason someone put it behind these boxes what the frick god dang it i'm the night guard hey can't have no kittens messing with me all right i'ma sit back and relax i'm actually i'm kind of tired so i think i might take a nap uh i'm just gonna sit down uh get comfortable oh this chair is pretty comfortable all right it's already hey it's already 1am i've been here for an hour already all right oh this chair feels comfortable all right all right so on and don't get paid till the end of the week oh boy how much do i get paid again like 100 bucks oh man i'm gonna make bank fast all right oh this chair is really comfortable all right let's see here so we have the animatronics yeah they're all on stage oh you can miss around these camera buttons but i'm gonna take a nap i'm gonna take me a quick nap and that would be good here i'm gonna pull my chair up uh and there we go um you just got bonnie freddy chica all on stage yep all right i'ma take a nap oh sleepy sleepy time oh sleepy sleepy um hey pretty pony oh come back come back i want to pet you come back oh oh my oh oh what the [ __ ] oh oh oh for ow oh my nose oh what happened oh god ow oh ow ow my head ow wha what's going on uh who's there oh wait where am i oh wait why am i at freddy's what i'm on the night guard now up oh freak out oh what happened oh that's right i took a nap ah for owl that hurt my nose oh god thing i guess it fell out of my chair god dang it let me put my chair back up oh god um i was having a good dream too oh sleep in a chair is terrible ah for my back ah my back all right let me stretch ah there we go [Music] oh oh boy oh boy how long was i asleep for wha what time is it it's four a.m oh man why can i stay to sleep till six all right um i fell asleep for like three hours so that's good that's that's half my shift so uh two more hours and then then i can go home when i go home i'm probably gonna go lay in my bed my bed's probably more comfortable than this oh i can already tell from this job i'm going to lose some sleep hey maybe tomorrow night i should just i should bring a mattress and make a little bed in the corner or something yeah yeah i could i could do that oh all right well still this pizzeria um nothing's really happened and uh um all right let me let me see and uh all right there's freddie on stage so that's good and uh hey wait a minute didn't freddie have some friends on stage oh that's right wait what what wait where the where the frick did bonnie and chica go um hello someone here oh no did someone steal them uh oh oh oh oh i gotta check the cams oh god what's happening okay uh oh freak that's the back room um i don't care about that and uh what toy bonnie what what's he doing in that room why is he he's in the party room that's that's right down the hall what how do how did toy bonnie get over there what the heck let me check one of these cans okay wait i don't know where there's still chicas missing where's where's she got let me check these cams um come on come on oh what she's in the hallway wait what happened to her face did someone damage him i think is someone pulling the prank on me hello someone there you pulling prank on me i'm a night guard i have rights to tase you i i off um i don't have a taser on me frick um i have a taser i'm just saying that so that way they're scared um oh gosh wait you know let me look again oh god i think someone someone damaged toy chica oh god no that's not good oh no if the company sees their damage they're gonna think i did it i'm gonna lose this job uh oh um all right all right i think someone's in the pizzeria messing with me all right who's there is this one of the other employees trying to do a prank on me as a welcome gift oh gosh all right hang on um let's let's check around the place um hello hello i think oh wait a minute according to cam's toy body should be in one of these party rooms hello hello what so weird wait i'm pretty sure this is party room he was in what where where'd toy bonnie go look at this one he was in that room um what the frick okay let me go see let me go check on toy chica what the wh where'd she go toy chica um bonnie okay someone's definitely messing with me someone's definitely messing with me maybe i'm going crazy maybe the cameras are glitched yeah the cameras could be glitched they're probably on the stage still let me go let me go check the stage all right in the state wait they're not on stage and wait what happened to freddy what what the what the frick is going on here where did freddie go freddy where'd he go this oh god this place is creepy enough oh how'd you get over there what freddy is it because i kicked that child over there i'm so sorry i didn't mean to kick this child i'll i'll prop it back up all right come here child up sit you back up um there you go um oh gosh oh that's so creepy that he's standing right there freddy um i didn't mean to try to take your microphone earlier ready where's your friends freddy where's toy bonnie toy chica okay that's weird okay that's weird i'm i'm backing up that's creepy that is creepy that is creepy that is creepy i think someone's pulling prank on me whenever it turns 6am my shift will be over and i'll figure out what the [ __ ] going on i'ma just go back to my office yeah i'm gonna go back to my office now oh man oh man oh man oh speaking of i wonder what time it is all right um yeah i'm gonna just go back to my office here let me i guess i should probably check those security cameras again um oh boy what time is it oh hey it's 5 a.m let's go all right that's nice all right let's check these cams okay all those old guys are back there that's good yeah see no one's on the stage what the heck all right um that dude's there wait wasn't it oh i guess the camera can't see freddy standing behind it okay so freddie standing behind the camera on that one um huh interesting oh um [Music] this place is creepy and uh hey wait a minute what did that vent always have two little dot white dots in it what is that hang on let me let me oh there's a light button let me turn it on and uh oh it's jiggle oh god that scared me [Music] what the oh it's moving oh hey i'm the night guard stand back we're going to kill you what kill me i don't want to die [Music] oh oh my head oh freak out oh oh oh oh i gotta get out of here oh okay i gotta go i gotta go in oh god oh no it's freddy no want to sing a song i don't want to sing a song [Music] i'm going to hide i'm going to hide i'm going to hide i'm going to hide oh well this is how i die inside a bathroom at freddy fazbear's pizza i don't want to die ding ding i didn't know there's a grandfather clock here wait what the frick wait hang on it's 6 a.m my shift's over i get to leave but although those animatronics are still outside oh why why haven't they come in here yet animatronics freddy are you gonna eat me um oh please don't eat me are they wait where'd they go huh what where hello um freddy where are they where are they going what they're back on stage um oh i guess when it turns six am they have to go back to the stage um okay did did any of that happen where's my holy saint i don't know man oh no man um do i have all my belongings i think so um i'm gonna just go home i'm gonna go home i'm gonna go home hi maybe this is a bad dream or something i don't know i'm gonna go home i might try to talk to someone about this i'm going home all right i'm back for my second night um here at freddy's oh boy oh boy um all right phew okay all right just remember just remember okay i went and talked to an employee and one of them said that yes the animatronics do move around but they shouldn't be harmful so okay just gotta keep that in mind all right so if i see the animatronics move around that's completely normal not to panic um but last night i could have sworn that chicken said she was gonna kill me um um i don't know i don't know this is really really strange um i think i'd just be good if i had to oh my yeah i'm going to go straight to my office this night all right i'm going to go straight to the office all right a few all right um oh and you also okay and then oh yeah all right and that also explains the freddy fazbear mask all right so that employee said the reason why this uh i was wondering why this mask was in here apparently he said even if one of those animatronics wanders into this office all i gotta do is put on this mask what is it like here let me put it on oh this is a pretty big mask oh god i can't breathe in it oh god oh my god okay all right so if an animatronic walks in here just put on the freddy mask okay all right um all right so that's why that mask is apparently trickster scanners and stuff so and he said the reason why they move around at night is because they're trying to look for people or something so all right let's check the cams okay they're on stage um i think okay all right yup that's good that's good um i don't think i need to worry about those old ones so all right let's see here um all right yep it's just those guys all right um hmm hey wait a minute hmm you know i'm gonna stay on this cam and i'm gonna wait till one of them moves yep one of those guys have to move and i'm gonna catch it on camera all right let's see here i'm waiting for one of them to move one of them's gonna move on this camera i'm just waiting for it i'm just waiting for it move move already i know you're alive move move move move move move well i ain't changing this camera i'm staying on this camera all night long all night long well well well it's that time of night again to go exploring yay all right time to go exploring all right let's see here it's boring in here i'm going through a different room la la la la la la la la la la hi hello wakey wakey hi oh that's loud where are you going i ain't ever going to switch cameras hi oh what the frick was that is their child here hello who's there who's there oh freaking change camp freak go back go back go back go back oh frick okay uh who's there who's there put your hands up hello because when i just heard someone yell high what the frick all right all right i need to calm down i'm gonna calm down hey it's already 1am okay good all right um um all right let's see um who said hi um is someone here in the building hey let me check these cams oh no nobody's in there nobody's in oh dear god oh i did not think that thing can move i thought that one was broken um hey wait wasn't there a child in there wasn't there that little animatronic in there where the frick did he go oh god oh god oh god what is that thing what is that oh it can climb on the walls oh that's great oh no i gotta check now i gotta be aware of the ceiling are you kidding me oh look at that thing oh it's so broken and ugly oh my gosh what the heck like just look at it what the heck oh my gosh what the frick oh my god i do not want to see that thing come anywhere near my office oh frick all right um oh wait let me check on the other animatronic i shouldn't have changed cams i should not have changed cams where the frick did freddy bonnie and chica go no no no no no no no no that's not good that's not going to snuck in i gotta find him i gotta find him i gotta find him i gotta find a mom uh uh somewhere somewhere in the camps somewhere in the cans where where where where where what is that cam it's darkness um hello okay hang on i gotta gotta find them gotta find them um no not there nothing there no oh oh god where are they at where are they at hello oh don't tell me they're in the vince again nope um nope okay good good good good um where the brick are they where the heck okay no no one's in there um um um um oh what the oh there's toy chica oh what the heck oh god what you doing in there um um okay okay okay that's where wait she's in that party room and then that's where that venice that's how she goes into the vent she goes in from that party room oh my gosh okay toy chic is there nobody's there nobody okay that's where that one is um um um um um um oh god oh god oh god oh god oh gosh okay so wait oh okay so chica's oh god chief is coming from that way um is anyone there oh hi freddy hello oh no oh no no no no no that's not good that's not good that's not good freddy's right there oh gosh oh no this is not good that's not good that's not good that's not good that's not good um oh what do i do what do i do what i do they have me surrounded i can't go anywhere i'm trapped in here um oh no oh no oh no oh fred oh no i think they're getting in the vents uh oh no stay away stay away oh no okay okay okay i just need to stay calm maybe they'll maybe they'll wander away yeah they have to wander away all right um is there anything in this oh it's bonnie oh i turn off the light they can't see right they can't see him oh no oh hello there mister oh a freddy mask oh what the heck come on now night guard night guard we're going to get you hey wait where'd the night guard go oh i don't know where did he go have you got did you torture did you see that girl i could just want to sell the night guard right there but that's just freddy uh oh hey freddy how's it going oh i'm i'm good oh have you seen the night guard we're trying to find him so we can kill him yeah we want him dead i can't wait to have his blood all over the place and we're gonna stuff him in a suit yeah so so have you seen the night guard oh nope nope haven't seen him oh all right well um come on gang he's got to be somewhere around this place let's try to find him all right let's go all right well see you later freddy let us know if you see them all right shia freddie oh god they want to kill me and stuff me in a suit oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i almost died i almost freaking died this night can't possibly get any worse right you are wait what you are what do you mean you are wait who's there show yourself army eyeball our yard what the frick what foxy what the frick are you army i oh i'll freak the light one out let me turn on again stop shining that bright light in the eye your god dang it well what the wait what if i what's this button dude let me press it over and over again you are i'm out of here aren't too bright you are what the heck wait that was the original foxy what what the the original ones can move too oh my god how many animatronics are there in this place oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh holy frick oh oh my gosh oh well as long as no more animatronics show up for the night i think i should be fine oh my gosh i'm so freaking tired hello wait what hi what the frick oh you're so loud and annoying shut up night guards over here wait what no shut up don't give away my position you stupid child oh my gosh you stupid child oh forget i gotta check if anyone's coming wait wait what why is it oh wait work work you stupid thing why isn't it working why isn't it working thanks for the double a batteries nerd you little brat you disabled my light system god dang how am i supposed to super now matronic's coming oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no yar oh no it's foxy oh oh i can't shine the light i can't try to light the god get him to go away your heart and a fiddle they do your heart horror and a fiddly day the mask that'll work that'll fool him oh hey foxy me freddy fazbear you are you ain't no freddy fazbear you're you're f uh you're you ain't full of me night guard oh no my disguise they are prepared to die night guard loser oh please don't kill me oh my god gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go you're where y'all are you can't hide night guard come back yard oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go coach what the who ran into me oh oh hey look it's the night guard hi night guard where do you think you're going night guard oh oh oh frick oh no oh what the heck ding ding ding ding oh wait six am oh they're all gone i did it i survived oh get wrecked nerds oh my god i almost i i almost died again why did i come back for a second night i need to quit this job but it's only the night shift but i didn't know how to deal with animal trucks trying to kill me is this is this even real wait a minute balloon boy was over there there's no way he could have snuck past me um wait hold up is everyone back on there everyone's back on stage what they're on the stage and then oh he's back over there what the frick wait is wait where'd foxy go is foxy in here now foxy foxy's what the what the frick how the frick did they get back so quick that makes no sense um you know i'm not questioning i'm getting the freak out of here i'm getting out here i'm getting out here i'm done for the night i'm going home all right oh boy i'm back for night three oh gosh i really don't want to come back here but i really really really need money and this is not that bad of a job but i honestly could die but i need the money and also i really gotta go to the bathroom right now i would uh on the halfway while i was driving here i was like i gotta go i gotta go so first thing i'm doing i'm going straight to the bathroom oh my god freddy can wait i need to i need to go i i'm going in here i'm going in here i got it i got it i got it i got i i got it i got i got i gotta get it we gotta go oh my gosh all right oh i should have this should only take but a second okay phew oh my god holy oh oh oh god i can't breathe holy frick oh that was not just about a second oh like i'm gonna be sick oh my god holy freak oh i need to wash my hands oh my gosh give me that soap i need to use the whole whole soap bottle on this one holy fred oh my god that was terrible oh never nope never eaten tacos again no way no more bean burritos for me holy frick heck to the no no no oh my god oh my god oh i feel terrible holy freaking oh my god [Music] holy freaking heck all right all right oh god okay and oh frick that's right i'm gonna pizzeria with killer animatronics oh freak i forgot about that part um all right well here hang on i got my phone on me what time is it three am g holy f it's three a.m i was in there holy freaking crap i was in there for three hours that's half my shift oh god okay well i mean hey that's good that time went by but what's not good is i don't know what's going on with the animatronics oh god okay hopefully they're all in their same spot um oh no this is not good oh no okay um oh what the frick stupid door get out of here get out of your door close close your stupid door all right um all right uh let's see i hate these doors why do you gotta open up man stupid doors all right um all right let's see is anyone cindy please don't be anyone in hall we please don't have anyone in the hallway please oh there's something in the into the hallway oh god it's that weird thing um hey hey hey hey new foxy hey we don't need we don't need to talk about this right new fox yeah that's [Music] right [Music] oh my god oh that was scary oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god holy frick that was scary no the old ones are coming to life oh my god oh my god hello wait what oh it's balloon boy i mean oh i got it oh oh oh wait maybe this works on him oh go away don't disable my flashlight i don't like that oh i thought you were the night guard sorry freddy all right i'll leave your bee oh holy freak okay okay um oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god wait hey let me switch cams oh my god okay there's those guys oh wait wait can i go back to that hallway what oh my god i don't think it's there anymore oh my gosh i think that was the bonnie oh no that was the old bonnie okay wait where who's on stage of course no one's on stage okay where'd everyone go okay uh freddy's in there um nothing going on the prize counter um no no one in that room um anyone oh there's that bonnie oh there's those guys um oh chica's in there oh boy okay um oh i'm sure i'm sure it's probably fine oh all right i just gotta stay calm gotta stay calm and uh oh no there's two eyes there's two red eyes um um okay um all right um um oh no of course it's bonnie oh god go awake awake awake awake awake awake awake away oh no that's not good that's not good that's not good oh my god please go away and oh hey he actually went away but wait where'd he go um um um okay all right um all right um where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go did he go back in that hallway let's check no he's not in the hallway where'd he go oh he probably went one of those party rooms no he's still in there um no and uh wait oh he's in there wait wasn't chica in there wait if he's in there and cheek is not in there then that means oh oh hey have you seen the night guard freddy nope haven't seen him oh okay all right um can i hang out in here for a while then oh no no you cannot why not oh i have important matters to attend to oh okay why are you checking the security cameras freddy oh i was just looking at him that's all you spend a lot of time in here but all right whatever i'll see you later bye oh my god that's so weird talking to them all right um oh god that old bonnie's in there what do i do with the old body the mask didn't work on old foxy oh okay i have no idea if i need to use the lighter the mask on him um but he's missing a face that's really freaking messed up and creepy all right oh i just gotta check the cameras i just gotta check the cameras i just gotta keep checking hmm i've been checking these it's actually been a while what time is it it's five a.m man gosh i've actually been checking these cameras for a while and nothing's been happening it's already five um hey i guess nothing's gonna happen for the rest of the night that's good um all right yeah that's good oh boy oh boy oh boy um uh where did he go where did he go um okay he's probably in the hallway again hi bonnie let's play take part and put back together oh heck no oh no not that thing i forgot about that thing oh no that's in the hallway um wait where the frick did bonnie go where did that old bonnie go and uh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh oh oh oh oh what how can i help you bonnie i'm missing my face i'm aware um why are you getting so close to me bonnie bonnie what are you doing okay bye oh my god oh that was so creepy oh my god bonnie oh my god oh holy frick why'd i have to come back for a third night all right i'll put this mask over here oh my god all right i feel my shift [ __ ] in any minute now so that's good oh my god why do i keep coming back to this place i'm gonna end up dying oh all right well i think that's all the animatronics for the night so okay hopefully no one else should tap me just gotta wait for it to for that 6am bell oh boy hi night guard what oh no no no who's there where are you at up here silly what oh no hi [Music] how did you get my office i climbed in here silly now come here so i can give you a big kiss oh please under my nose [Music] ding ding ding dong ding ding ding ding oh it's 6 am what does that mean yes she's gone yes ouch i hit my head on my table oh freaking oh my head out oh oh it's 6 a.m that means all the animatronics are back right oh yep bonnie's back in there oh and they're all on the stage yay oh my god i get i've had so many close calls there's so many times where i should have died oh my god but tomorrow's night four and then it's night five oh my gosh soon this is all gonna be over soon it's all going to be over all right phew all right i'm just oh oh boy i'm so tired oh my god all right well at least i know for tomorrow night not to not to go get some burritos oh my god before i start working the night shift all right yup everyone's in their places all right i'm going home i'm going to freaking home i'm going straight to bed too and i'm already back for freaking night for goddammit why did the days go by so quick all right it's my fourth night here at this pizzeria with killer animatronics all right but i'm night guard and i'm surviving luckily tonight i did not eat any burritos oh my god i actually got me a burger instead see i don't need no pizza it's kind of suck how i can't get free pizza at this pizza place even though i work here all right i'm going to drink to the office i'm going straight to work i'm going to check the cameras so that way no one can move yup i'm doing that right away all right yep they're all on the cams let's go see they're all there they're on the stage and this time i'm leaving on this i'm leaving the camera on the stage i don't need no other cameras i can look with my eyes down the halls and stuff but at least it knocks out these three so boom i don't have to worry about these three moving let's go yup that's all i'm gonna do i got me the strats i'm gonna win this night you silly animatronics can't do anything about it all right yep there we go yep there we go all right nothing's gonna happen yar oh freak no not this dude again your heart army eyes your army eyes wait what oh no it's foxy and bonnie oh god go away army eyes yard go away foxy oh my god the thing [ __ ] and bonnie's in the hall oh god that's not good that's not good oh no i forgot the old ones can move uh oh wait where'd they go where they go are they oh mommy okay oh oh wait what am i doing quick switch back to the stage so the toys can't move oh what the [ __ ] oh god dang it no no no no no no no no that's not good that's not good that's not good where did everyone go oh gosh okay you have the original freddy in that new chica in there um oh god okay um oh where's everyone else where's every where the frick is everyone else oh you have that old chica new bonnie um um um um um um oh god oh god and then bonnie bonnie's in that hallway um oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh i hear movement oh no oh no oh no no no no what's going on what's going on oh now new chica's over here oh no okay um oh frick okay uh okay no one's in there oh foxy went back in there um um where's everyone else um hello hello um oh toy freddy's in there um oh gosh okay come on change your stupid cameras i need to check the cameras oh my god oh my god oh my god come on change change please please cameras please change to a different oh hello oh no oh no freddie and pretty new bonnie are in there oh god that's not good that's not good um oh god okay um nobody's in the hallway now okay that's interesting um um oh god oh god oh god oh god okay okay i just need to stay calm and stay calm no one's at my office yet right oh oh wait let me check the lights okay nobody's there um those two are still there um okay and uh hi mr guard give me the mask oh what's going on in here hello hello wait freddy what are you doing there silly oh nothing nothing chico just minding my own business please go away oh you don't want to hang out no well we're looking for the night guard have you seen the night guard no almost stay here and search this area while you go somewhere else okay oh okay friday i'll see you later all right yay oh my god i can't breathe in that thing oh my gosh okay okay okay okay okay it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine oh my god oh my god oh my god all right oh oh for okay now those two left um all right and uh hey wait a minute wait there was two people on this game wait where'd that new bonnie go oh um uh new bonnie new bonnie where'd you go oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god um hello whoa oh there's that old bonnie oh no oh no wait hold on let me check in the hi night guard oh give me the best give me the masking mask night guard i found you oh i'm just no there's no night guard in here it's me freddy i'm freddy what freddy oh oh oh well i thought you were the night guard rats i thought i was so close to getting him i could have sworn i saw him in here did you see him in here freddie uh nope i've not seen him oh man all right well i'll go look somewhere else see you later then see ya phew that was close oh my god hi night guy oh my god you freaking kill me what do you want oh freak oh you're freddy sorry i thought you're in a night car what does everyone think of the night card i'm clearly ready can't you tell can you leave me alone please i really can't breathe but you can't breathe i mean i can't uh i can't enjoy this peace and quiet you know i just want some alone time uh that that's concerning freddy just go away all right well i'll see you later then oh my god holy freak why oh can i not get a break what oh what the [ __ ] are you joking me oh no not again come on i just want to take this man hi bonnie oh hi freddy i thought you were the guard no i'm not oh all right um oh well see you later bye oh my god gonna be sick i need a minute to breathe holy freak oh my god oh i can't breathe oh oh all right um oh finally i could breathe oh my god i i i'm so lightheaded i think i'm gonna pass out oh oh oh [Music] ding [Music] oh my god wait what happened wait oh oh okay good i'm still alive oh wait what time is it oh it's 6 a.m i can go home oh my god oh oh my god i think i freaking passed out oh my god i cannot breathe i had to put that mask on so many times throw i ran out of i could not breathe oh my god oh my god okay oh boy oh tomorrow night's night five and then i'll be done with five nights at freddy's oh my god all right i'm getting out of here i'm getting out of here oh my god let me see i'm assuming all they're on there on the stage yep they're on the stage get me the heck out of here all right tomorrow night's the last night i come here last night i say last night well it's night five my final night or what i thought would be my final night because apparently i have to come back for a sixth night are you freaking joking apparently they said um they said they need me to work the the sixth night and then they'll pay me are you freaking kidding me but i get paid extra so that's good but i have to work tonight and then tomorrow oh my god i cannot deal with this oh my god there's so many animatronics after me last night i don't know how many is going to be after me tonight all right um okay all right you know what i'm gonna all right i'm just gonna go to my office then all right oh boy i'm not looking forward to tonight oh boy all right but it's the fifth night and then the sixth night what's night six gonna be like okay whatever i need to worry about this night and this night alone all right let me check the cameras all right let's see what's going on these cams oh frick i gotta switch to the stagecam oh nope aunt no no don't do this to me okay uh parts and service farts wait where would that balloon could go bloomboy's gone oh god they're all moving okay uh no one's on the stage no one's in the game here no one's in parts and sir are you kidding me is foxy down the hall no what um um um okay uh is uh oh mangle oh god mangle's not in her room oh gosh okay um wait where's everyone no one's in the party room no one's in there someone in the vins hello vince no no one's in the vents anyone in the hall no no one's in the hall anyone in the bathroom hallway oh hang on hang on let me switch that cam uh no one's in the where the frick did all the animatronics go um um all right i'm just gonna say we'll stay a while and check these cams for a bit oh my god where are they it's been oh my god it's 1am and i don't know where anyone went i just got here in my office i checked again were they weren't they here when i walked in all right here you know what oh god i really don't want to walk around this place all these animatronics on the loose okay i'm just going to go around if i see an animatronic i'm running back here i just need to make sure they're still in the pizzeria um hello animatronics anyone here um anyone anyone in here no one's in there oh god where where did all the animatronics go they could have gone far um hello hello animatronics maybe they're in this part there's no cameras in here oh please don't kill me um i should have brought my freddy mask with me god dang it i'm stupid oh my gosh just in case if i run into someone um is no one over here where where the heck did everyone go what the where did all the animatronics go um and oh my god okay yep that little child's gone um hello where the frick did everyone go oh my gosh okay this is this is weird where the heck did all the all the animatronics go okay no something's up something's up i gotta keep searching i gotta keep searching this place oh my god oh my god where did they all go they all just vanished this is so weird did they get stolen i don't see any cars outside oh my god this is so weird i've spent so long looking for them oh my god where the i don't know where they are oh i guess i'm gonna go check my the security cameras again i guess i don't really have much of a choice all right i'm gonna go back to my office that would be good um all right yeah i don't really see anybody i don't see anyone hey who goes there what i could have sworn i just saw someone run into that hallway right there i could have sworn i just saw something there i swear i'm not going crazy i'm pretty sure i just someone saw someone dirt dart through there who was that was that a person or someone anyone in there anyone in there no someone there what no one no one's here wait how did my how did my mask how did it fall on the floor i left it on the desk why is it on the i guess it rolled off the desk or something hmm all right um i'm sure it's nothing all right um how did this how did it get on the floor let me put that back oh all right well i guess i'm just gonna sit down and take a nap um they gotta turn up they normally show up around 6 a.m what time is it now it's 4 a.m all right all right um i don't really want to take a nap um um what do i what do i do what do i what am i supposed to do hello there night guard it's the night guard guys hey everybody it's the night guard hello there nightcore oh oh my god what the [ __ ] someone oh my god my face oh my god what the freak holy freak where the freak did you all come from y'all ha ha now everybody let's kill this night guard once and for all oh hi night guard hi night guard no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i don't want to die i don't want to die you shouldn't have come back night guard yes night guard no you're going to die let's kill the night guard night yard time to die your night guard it's time for you to die any last words [Music] i'm freddy fazbear not the night guard nope not me wait what you're not guard you really think we're that stupid to fall for that trick huh where'd the night guard go yard watch yeah where did the night guard go he was right there and then it just turned into freddy what how wait how's that even possible what wait what where did the night guard go where'd he go i think maybe he escaped guys come on we gotta go get the night guard huh yeah let's go find that night guard yeah let's go and get the night guard yard what car where are you going guard the night guard's right here he's just wearing a mask yarr um sorry foxy i'm gonna go help them get the night guard yeah let's go get that night guard let's go yeah let's go get the night guard yay all right time to go get the guard your white no come back you guys can't be serious can you freddy freddy what look how is that who is that freddie you alright wait freddy you gotta believe me look he's wearing your head oh what hmm she freddie look it's the night card no that's not that's not the night card that's freddy fazbear yeah excuse me what are you serious yeah that's freddy hey freddy oh hi freddy yep hello all right if you excuse me folks i'm gonna go help them find the night guard they think they he ran this way all right time to go get the night guard [Music] are you freaking kidding me you're stupid guard oh i can't breathe in that thing oh my god you're instagram guys come back the night guard's over here oh my god night guard you're shocked you suck y'all you know what screw the others i'm gonna kill you myself and i'ma bring you bring them your dead corpse and then they'll believe me now you're going to die you can fold the others but you can't full old foxy time to die night guard uh what's this button do [Music] it's six am hooray i did it i did it hooray hooray hooray wow i almost died right there they almost killed me in my sleep well from now on i'm no longer gonna sleep during my night shifts yup i've learned that oh god oh no that's right i have to come back tomorrow night oh no oh man oh man well it's time for me to head home um all right i'm getting the heck out of here oh god if i almost died this night then does that mean i'm gonna die tomorrow night no i can't think about it like that no there's gonna be some way to stop these animatronics right all right well tomorrow night's my last shift and then i'm done for at least at least for a good while oh my gosh and they were talking about moving me to the day shift so i wonder what the day she's going to be like hopefully during i'm pretty sure during the day [ __ ] i won't have to deal with killer animatronics so that's going to be a bonus but tomorrow tomorrow's the only night i have to deal with killer animatronics all right tomorrow's the last night last night all right here i am night six god dang it's called five nights at freddy's not not six nights at freddy's oh god all right well yep i know you're gonna move i know you're gonna move and all that stuff oh my god wait how have they have they not moved yet i'm i'm three hours late tonight i came here late on purpose because that way i have a less chance of dying but why haven't they moved they they should have moved around that wasn't very respond to my part i accidentally kind of slept in um yeah it's uh it's 3am right now um okay um and it's well it is my last time on night shift so they can't really get mad at me for coming in late so um oh i mean no one else is here so i'm just going to say i showed up at 12 so um where are all these guys back here in here okay yeah why has no one moved do they only move when i show up is that it i thought they would have been moving around since 12 like they did that one time when i was in the bathroom all right well all right i only got to work three hours tonight and then i'm done i'm done with this stupid job once and for all all right well um all right oh hey all right so they're all still there and then let's switch to this and uh they're all still on the stage well that's a first okay that's interesting all right no one's really no one's really moving around um all right i'm sure something some something sus is gonna happen any second now i just know it hi oh what the frick where's that stupid balloon child at no he's not in the vent what where is he he's not in the hallway is he on did he move wait go to the game area no he's still there what what hi wait what what the frick hi oh it's under my desk little freaking heck ouch oh my gosh what the frick why are you under my desk hi that that that that that's concerning what the frick were you doing under there get out from there hey oh oh do i have to put on the mask bear hey what why won't you go away did you disable my light oh frick oh wait no i can still use it what the [ __ ] why are you under my desk hi oh my god okay well i guess you're just sticking around for a while um no one else is moving what's up with your friends hi oh my god okay well then um i'm sure it's probably fine all right i'll just keep checking these cams then i guess yeah just looking at the cans looking at the cans looking at the cans looking at the cans looking at the cans looking at the looking at the looking at the cams looking at the cams okay i've already checked those cans check that cam come on any other cams and uh look at me look at me i'm a spooky shadow bear yes keep staring at me stare at me just for a bit longer and in a matter of seconds you'll have a heart attack and die yes yes just stare at me longer yes yes all right just three two and that camera is born wait no yeah i don't know what that was about um wait what the heck was there an animatronic on that camera wait go back go back wait it's gone what what the frick okay you know what i'm not even gonna question what it was oh well it's probably fine checking cam checking cans so much fun blah blah blah blah there's absolutely nothing happening on these cameras it's already 4am oh my gosh only two hours left nothing's happening on these cams is anyone in the vents no anyone in the hallway no um yes look at me look at me stare at me mr nightguard stare at me yes stare at me just a bit longer and soon i'll also give you a heart attack and then you will die yes yes it's only a matter of seconds till you taste death yes three two and i'm going back to the cams wait what no no it's still the withers in there um oh wait frick was someone right there oh hello oh i guess they're gone hey wait a minute wait where'd that child go there was a child on my desk i guess they disappeared too huh that's weird hello i thought i heard okay well that that's weird oh well it's probably fine oh what is that sound uh i guess i should check the cams what the frick was that sound i thought i heard something looks like somebody forgot to wind up the music box oh well actually i haven't wound up the music box at all during this whole thing that's inaccurate but um oh well now i guess the puppet's gonna come kill me wait what time is it oh no it's only four oh wait it just turned five oh no there's no way i'm surviving uh oh um um i gotta do something i know the mask won't work on the puppet um what do i do what do i do um wait i have a plan i have a plan i have straight i was trying gotta act fast i gotta act fast silly nightguard forgot to wind up my music box now i gotta go kill him oh night guard i see you you can't fool me with that mask die night guard die silly night guard you thought you could win no you lost i win yay all right the night yard is finally dead we finally have our vengeance finally that stupid guard is dead now i can go back to my music box and sleep in peace okay phew that puppet's gone oh that stupid puppet ha ha it fell for my trick i used the chair and just put the mask on it hahaha stupid puppet all right ah there we go now i don't have to worry about that music box no more alright and it's 5 a.m so boom this night is pretty much over all right dupli-doop doop nothing weird could happen right and uh wait a minute what the frick who the frick are you what the frick what the frick all right wait oh frank do i need the mask hey hey mister in the vent go away up oh i guess they left what what the heck all right well ugh all right 30 more minutes then i get to go home and be done with the night shift and i don't have to deal with any more killer animatronics it's so weird that none of the animatronics have like moved around are they still on stage yeah they're still on stage this night's been so weird what the heck all right um hmm well then that's uh that's interesting all right well don't what the puppet dealt with those weird things and uh i think that's pretty much it all right guys all i get to do now is sit back and relax oh duper duper dude wait wait what the [ __ ] wait wait what the heck oh okay it's just another gold it's just a yellow freddy wait a minute yellow freddy wait a minute it's the same is that the same golden freddy from from billy's birthday party the one where everyone went missing oh maybe maybe this maybe this yellow bear knows knows where billy went i haven't seen my childhood friend billy in so long hey hey mr yellow bear do you know where my friend billy is [Music] oh my head oh oh what the oh my head oh oh what the oh it's gone what oh it's 6 a.m oh my ship's over i can leave this place once overall oh i'm getting i'm getting the heck out of here i'll never work in the night shift no more oh i got the day shift though oh frick that means i can't sleep for long oh boy i gotta i only get to go home for like two hours and then i have to come back here i'm gonna go home and get two hours of rest oh my head hurts all right yep all the animatronics are on stage all right yup oh god i'm going home i'm going to treat it i'm going home taking two hours but then i have to come back for a day shift oh boy apparently there's a party going on tomorrow oh sure sure would be bad if someone lost their frontal lobe during it oh well at least hopefully it's not going to be me all right well goodbye freddie fazbear's pizza two i'll actually wait now i'll see you in like two hours um all right well all right bye i'm out oh no more night shift for me
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 979,043
Rating: 4.8137393 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's 2, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNAF 2, RP, Roleplay, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Mangle, BB, Balloon Boy, JJ, Puppet, Withered Freddy, Withered Bonnie, Withered Chica, Withered Foxy, Withered Golden Freddy, Shadow Freddy, Shadow Bonnie, Story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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