Gmod FNAF | Freddy And Friends Switch Bodies!?

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yeah all right yeah I'm here I'm here my first day on the job well that's a part-time job it's what ever since the moment no matter I took this job because I'm very poor and I gotta pay no Mills but deputy do deputy day's got me a new job today's already alright this is the place I thinks if not there no else I sure this is the place I I don't know what I'm doing I just took the job because I'm very very poor I don't see you let's go and shout yeah hey hey there's no handles on this book back how the foot is just stupid thing work but he's freaking scientist Rick how frickin is work well it's just there's some stuff what I don't understand I can see inside but I can't get in Oh Oh what type of invention is this some type of force field authentic not go oh that's right they gave me a key Oh stupid me okay let me see I don't reach into the engine where's that stupid key just somewhere in this stupid engine where the Frick at the key stupid get out of the engine you stupid key off where the key goes it's still in the engine where's the key oh it's wedged in the engine hey get out of the engine you stupid key I need you to open the door give me the stupid key God dang it give me the freakin stupid trash cart stuck in the backseat Oh Frick okay all right um ah crap uh-oh where that key go Frick I think I dropped it on the ground somewhere oh I lost my little key I need that to get in shy um almonds underneath this car know what the working oh um let's see what the god oh my toes I hope it's too much oh god how freakin day oh my god okay um hmm let's see there's got to be a better way to get inside oh that's a I'll just break down the window that's how I'll get inside I freaking lost the key so I have to break down the window Oh I believe it hurts oh I've got freakin dang it Oh Oh cut glass oh we're so smart okay you need the money now you need to feed your stupid wife I'm okay whatever I'm in shine now it's all that eyes okay um all right and ah you stupid door I hate you door OH always unlock the whole time oh it's one the doors you have to push not pull died for God dang it man no I need a break okay or whatever um I came afraid for a job I mean are you got it what am I supposed to do on oh it's just so no some dinos paper I don't know just my instructions or just tells me what I was supposed to do okay dear mr. hobo man if I heard you want jobs so you get job you get paid two nickels per per day all you gots to do is take care of the animatronics for consumers paper okay let's see what the Frick okay uh blah I don't want to read all that introduction crap Freddy's I don't freaking care screw you screw your welcome to Freddy's I don't care I ain't no face of Freddy fazbear's what the [ __ ] is that I know it's what she okay just what I'm supposed to do all right um I'm gonna see here right here okay um step on take carefully remove the CPUs of the animatronics your task is to clean the CPUs the CPUs must be handled very carefully as the CPU acts like the brain of the animatronic if any CPU is damaged that it will cause the animatronic to have brain damage so be careful and remember which cpus are for which animatronic so gathered the CPUs and clean them and insert them back into the animatronics and that is all you have to do today and then you get your two shiny nickels all right stupid news I didn't like that stupid war anyways what was i doing how do you get some stupid stupid just what the Frick does adding on me I don't know I'm not smart finish school Omaha you're gonna find some stupid stupid - robot people or whatever alright so I guess this is these are the people okay stupid stupid face stupid her face and stupidest faced I'm let's see I'm supposed to take the CPUs under there stupid stupid faces so long on let's see how it's just going to work okay um um oh oh it looks like this you just - super you thing I guess they already I guess someone have you removed them for me what did they think I could not do it I could have removed the CPUs okay whatever so I guess this is a CPU okay we got one CPU unless she ha okay this is this dude's CPU so put that CPU there and I'm gonna take this CPU and throw it over there whoops Frick um can we put this video right there I know wait what am i doing with these things again and collecting lock Pokemon cards mmm I mean if I'm collecting them I'll just put them I'll put them all over here because I'm collecting some pokemon cards desert the new the new Freddy why am i collecting cards oh I probably have to give them to that manager or whatever what was I doing again what's my job again coming out sheet of paper what's this piece of paper say again a clean CP all I just got to clean them I don't have any clean supply they expect me to bring clean supply how can I clean these things I'll hop the sink that's a good thing to clean them with sinks clean your fingers so they can clean CPUs - I guess or whatever the Frick these things are I will throw these in the sink I'll go ahead and turn the sink on right and all right wait let me see we're gonna mean actually the paper what else was I supposed to do wait where'd a freaking paper go all right let me see this remove CPUs from all animatronics this includes this includes domains for show animatronics the toy animatronics and the animatronics and locked up in the back room how fresh not just the three there's bull aren't there whatever I'll go collect more pokemons college or whatever the freaky stupid name dork excuse me sir I need this thank you god damn why can they already thrown it they could have done this job theirselves getting the sink not ones been cleaned let's eat some stupid toy okay I got a apparently there's boy on the tracks in this building I gotta explore and find and capture them all want let's see sure let's go in here dupa dupa dupa dupa do you do do okay up there's some there's dimbo Jimbo and Timbo all right let's see don't worry kittens I'll take good care of your of your of your of your limited editions pokey man's cards so we take their CPUs and then we throw them in the sink and then we turn on the water kids super what make sure this use some bubbles - soap - and Pam alrighty there we go all right now um alrighty let's see oh crap there's more stupid people or some stupid or fit you know what this orphans Hey stop looking at me like that you stupid freak it's creepy you know I'm gonna kick him in the face this dude looking at me funny stupid kid I love my toys ah he's made out of metal our friend stupid kid stupid orphan ugly looking homeless person kid stupid face stupid propeller big nose loser you know that's right I'm talking to you your freak what does this thing give me that that's mine you've been bad you get you go into the timeout corner or whatever the Frick there we go um okay I think that's all the end of a trial right they said some animatronics in the storage place god heck in dang it man alright let's see where's the freakishness story what is what is this what's this restrict the area of good security place once over do do do do do do um okay I'll go through some doors on what is this place restricted area I think that means storage room if I'm correct well let's see what's in your Oh would you look at that I've animatronic okay I'm here to snippety steal that yep I'm stealing this stupid stupid ugly thing oh my god you fat a thick freak all right let's see whatever I'll throw this into the pile of garbage and there we go okay alright there we go there's that one and oh look there's another little fella oh god I like this now it's all ready there we go this will make a nice nice addition to my collection all right there we go another another card and Yap alrighty all right there we go preacher that's all the CPUs of this place so on let me get the ability skedaddle on out of here already um so I throw them in the sink they're all being cleaned let me check this piece of paper bla bla bla make sure you get all the animatronics this includes domain for EM atronics you've got those that's why your mattress yep got those the animal trunk in the storage room which is behind the red door over at door oh that's just oh they were talking about that dough fritter wall they got it they better give me a penny a penny plush because I also got those ones in the other bag so this is apparently in a storage room apparently there's an animatronic in here ah yes this little fellow excuse me sir I need to steal this I need to clean this for you don't worry I'll use some extra bubbles with that for your bath there we go you know you know alright alright alright gotta go back to work gotta make you've got to clean them up and then put them back in and I get to go home I get to go home my two nickels and hopefully they give me a tip of a penny well let's see um okay clean CPUs okay um um okay wash wash wash just blessed you splashed you some bubbles and now the sinks overflow and God dang um I didn't clean the CPU um I'll just use the coffee machine here ago to throw them in the coffee machine there we go and this is probably work turn on the coffee machine a fridge brewing it's brewing them oh right sorry sorry I burned my hands Oh Oh Frick Frick Frick I broke my fingers I broke my pinkie finger god dang it man ouch okay um I think that's enough scrubbing but okay now there's coffee all over them get out of here stupid coffee I jumped on the floor now it's a big mess okay whatever all right um Frick okay um I guess I gotta put these uh what the Frick do I do with these CPUs again give me that sheet of paper um take the CPUs and throw them back into the animatronics okay dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa do a snippet II snip snap this CPU and I'll walk over here and I'll be like nip it you snoop snoop snoop snoop snoop here we go sir there we go inserted CPU all right let's see you got just insert the CPU into everybody all right let's see um hmm wait whatever what it was just a picture of is this a hmm I never learned my shapes why does this dude have cubes for years my character that has cubes for years um all right so I think the picture matches the character so I don't have my reading glasses with me so this would be a little difficult okay hmm well it looks like that dude but I already put a CPU into that one so it can't be that guy aha somebody with a cube for this this person definitely has cube years okay there you go there we go insert CPU all right let's see what other CPU what else somebody got here um let's see mmm any meanings any any any Bendis um let's see here uh no okay CPU dupa dupa Frick stubbed my toe all right and insert CPU all righty let's see what other CPUs we got here whatever the Frick they called um no no what is this I can't see its to blanch my eyes okay I can't looking out for stupid um good thing um okay what is this for any put some okay that's a toy I think who else years toy that that's a toy animatronic or the what is that that's a that looks that's one Noma toys I think let me go ahead and take these toy animatronics over here throw their their stupid um NPC their stupid CPUs in alright so I mean which one this has an ugly picture on it so I'm haha you're ugly alright put that cpu in there it clicks in alright let's see what other things that I got here I gotta drop this one okay got a cpu aha okay this one clearly lines up with this one flick that one in there we go clicks in perfectly alright let's see here um no um who's that dude mm I think that's what I think this is - dude that ugly kid that I ripped that one out Oh in and out was that one else who goes there okay um hmm let's see we have this sheeps you we have that CP alway um oh yeah silly me I forgot to throw this one in that one goes in there and then let's see who else do we have okay let's let's go put these two back together I know this dude this is an ugly freak so that one goes in there and there we go fits in perfectly and where's that other one go um this one okay this dude I'm pretty sure this dude is that stupid ugly stupid rabbit so stupid grab a equals and stupid gravity equals stupid rabbit there we go and let's see who else do we got around here how many of these card things do we have left we got um we got big bird there's that big bird it's not a big bird no that's not bigger right oh shoot oh crap Oh No Oh Frick that throw one outside got the L it scratched on the concrete oh well um let me know there's dirt on it chip off the dirt chip off the dirt said I could throw these CPUs around and I think right and it wouldn't damage anybody audience your um hmm okay let's see who else do we got here um is this just everything I think this is everything all right mm-hmm I just doom flicks into there let's see um wait wait Frick I think I'm free I clear god dang I knew I made a mistake somewhere I knew something like give me that back give me that back Frick how do I eject it oh there we go stupid thing that's not supposed to go in there silly me oh my god I knew that I knew that this this is the person they got to they got some red on them so BAM there we go that fits in with that dude there we go Oh almost made a big mistake I don't want to get fired on my first day for it where's that CPU I just ripped out on this one it looks a little broken now yeah well it's probably fine I'll just throw it into this dude or something oh here we go click click and alrighty let's see here who else do we have um we got two - laughs that thing it's just you left who do I who do I have left mm-hmm I can't think okay all right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah this is that stupid kid that stupid toddler um you get clicked into there and let's see hmm oh this is the CPU I damaged a lot oh whoops oh well um Oh what's hopefully hopefully it doesn't affect that dude okay and and click that one I said click the CP click the dang CPU into that stupid kid all right there we go all right everything's been washed ever been cleaned let me read over my notes to make sure I did everything and then I can go home all right let's eat bluh bluh bluh bluh make sure that all the CPUs are in the correct animatronics as you with the same animal chung-kai today we're taking out of I think I did that part right okay dupa do some about CPUs acting like the brain be careful with the CPUs perhaps if they won't notice um acting like brains that's stupid that's stupid why would they act like brains okay you know I'm out of here I'm out of here okay I gotta all right ah dang I can't get I ain't stupid door push the door come on when I came in here I found out you have to push the door yeah it's not pulling it's pushing right that's it I'm going out the 100 I'm covered in glass still and I got bruises I'm covered in boo boos boo okay I'm going home aren't gonna hop back into my super car vroom I'm gonna go cooking it tonight oh yeah yeah oh oh all that happens Oh what am i doing out here in the huh oh my goodness I finally been fixed this is amazing just wonderful I finally been fixed Oh what's going on my good well another day in my beautiful pizzeria Oh something tells me today is gonna be a swell day and nothing absolutely will go over all you know wait wait a minute is that me huh no um hi chica Oh chica whoa freak that's an insult oh hey I'm gonna put the Frick Oh Dwight Meister who's this Freddie clone a Freddie clown I'm not a clone I'm not Freddie what just you or yeah uh no I'm not a mangle what the Frick are you talking about why the freak did you call me chica I take that highly offensive I'm very offensive in a mr. cupcake with don't freak mr. cupcake what are you doing on my handed why don't why are my hands yellow in what I wear this my darkest dreams have come true Oh chica I'm gonna be sick oh this is a nightmare God why whatever I did wrong I'm so sorry is it those parking tickets I didn't pay for I'll pay for them but also my pizzeria please please I can't live like this oh hey wait what am i doing out here enough oh oh my goodness it's my lucky day I'm finally special I finally got myself a suit I'm finally a part of the band Yahoo Yahoo I'm excited huh Bonnie I'm not Bonnie it's me the end Oh Bindo well uh well I guess I used to be the Indo Bindo uh wait Who am I now who or what is what is my new identity know what's what to enjoy instrument do I play in demand I mean you're Bonnie so Yahoo Yippity day I am so happy I'm vitally special oh my finally special see I knew the company did care about me I knew I had a useful purpose in life oh this is the worst day ever boohoo boohoo mr. cupcake shut up you stupid cupcake oh here you are mr. hope jeez whoosh whoosh what's wrong with that what's wrong with chica today Freddy uh I mean I'm not I'm angle but uh I don't know you okay chica don't remind me I'm Freddy I'm supposed to be Freddy approach Oh it's supposed to be Freddy don't don't call me that don't call me chica over again I find that highly offensive okay I mean I'm so confused right now this is hard to process well I'm neon obento I'm excited a one jar next Showtime what do you mean next Showtime we're closed remember what oh that's right well I mean I guess I'm so glad to be finally fixed okay shut up that's my body right there you freak give it back why'd you steal my identity well I didn't steal your identity yes you did I could see it I have eyes for myself give me my body back gonna kill live like this it could be bad hey get off of me hi you two need a shepherd right back it up you two can't you just be grateful for the for the nice cool things to company has done for us like look at this this is great this is wonderful I'm so excited I'm finally a part of the band well I can't live like this i'ma go in the corner and cry boohoo and they'll take mr. cupcake with me for some reason boohoo this is weird this is gonna take a while to get used to it sure it well I'm already used to I'm excited for this cowboy huh I wonder if the hmm well wait if I'm Freddie thin hmm and it's Freddie apparently he's chica then hmm something's going on something's going on Bonnie well that's but is that my name now uh oh well endo I guess I know I'm the end well no I got it I got it I got a knock that off I was the endo Bend oh I'm no longer the endo Bindo uh-huh okay so we gotta think of something OOP looks like Foxy's up here I'll go get foxy foxy will help us foxy foxy my love foxy you gotta help us what what my fatness it's gone oh I'm fit holy Frick this is awesome oh boy oh I'm taking you're not foxy Oh what do you mean foxy on the toy Freddy Oh oh my gosh but I've lost all my fat I feel like so I feel like I could go for a run well and I'm not exhausted out for that whoo-hoo this is awesome we joke oh my god this is wonderful this is really I'm gonna do laps reown yeah I could do flips Oh quick look at me run I'm so fly you're so I'm so cool I'm the coolest kid in school coach my toes oh well okay then he's no help um wait if I'm Freddy then who's me you what the heck I better go I better go check on everybody else then I want another nice nice day and oh oh what the heck why why I feel so heavy you know what's going on Oh what am i doing in here what the heck yeah y'all y'all you know what's with all the screaming can't you see I'm trying to sleep you are what Dover wait why am I in here I thought I was a my Cove taking a nap you're what why are you kids brought me in here why are you crying Julie move it or fat-free one what are you talking about yeah you've always been a fat freakin hell y'all owe moking holy smokes I'm hot as Frick hole yar har har fiddle lead italy be your har har well seems to be a dream of some sorts but i'ma go enjoy this dream and I'm not gonna waste a single second of this dream what are you talking about y'all there's only I must take this opportunity well I'm gonna go look at myself naked your own what they'll free you nobody's gonna like me you can okay calm down calm down all right Tobias time to check on everybody see how long let's see what's going on guys what's going on depressed now no one should have to live like this I I don't know what's what's going on hmm well I'm taking you're not yourselves okay wait who what's your name what's your name oh I'm chica okay and then who are you I'm totally Vivian ugly huh hmm well girls it looks like something terrible has happened hmm I'm not so sure what but I think we've somehow managed to switch your bodies and stuff well what are you talking about huh wait why am i blue see that's when I was six expect in huh I was wondering why you're being nice to me huh what nothing hmm okay um wait I want to see who's me who is me then um oh hi little Balloon Boy then two and then one you don't want to know what happened that what happened when there was one I just go over here and see what's going on ed who's me uh hello Oh what what do you want from me can't you see I'm sleeping it look they'll freak my my pile of scrap metal hey that's me better be nice Oh what happened to me what'd you do what'd you do while I was sleeping I didn't do anything why'd you blast it animatronics I knew I couldn't trust you stupid children Wow dang it ah why am I so ugly but hey that's not nice Oh God freakin dang it huh who are you hi and the spring-trap Oh daddy what doll freak what no back demon child no no daddy come here get away from me what type of fan fiction is down go freak okay I'm a I have seen enough today okay something's gone wrong we got to come up with something um what's I I'm it just go then I'm gonna just leave um I I don't know what's going on um endo um I I don't know what to do what do I do I don't know but I'd sure love Venus I'll I'm just enjoying being up here honest on the stage I'm joined having my own costume oh okay no what happened oh what the oh where am I at am I in the park the service remain but where's my suit uh where's my super suit Oh what happened um oh okay nobody else is in here good whew oh I don't want to see I don't want anyone to see me without my suit but uh why am I in here did something happen is something on me broken uh uh well it looks like I have all my limbs mm-hmm looks like I could walk properly what happened did something happened hey did did I have a malfunction on stage or something well what happened um I don't see my suit in here hmm maybe Freddy will know what happened I'll go I'll go talk to Freddie um Oh Freddy Freddy what's what's going on Fred no I never thought this day would happen I've been replaced play another body what uh oh hi there in don't wait no you're not in - who are you could you do this to me would you do this to me would you replace me it was a good it was a good boy it was always a good boy oh hey there a little hey there uh you you window she kindled skeleton oh you must be the new and open no replacement oh well you would yep well get used to it pal it sucks being in in no Bindo but hey I'm just glad because I used to be an endo Bindo but now now I'm a character and now I'm I'm Bonnie the bunny and I love being on stage man I would never trade this life away what wait come back oh my god okay everything's going wrong what do you mean everything seems to be going pretty swell she look foxy over is that far I don't know whoever that is over there is enjoying life hooray I'm super cool who know that I'm a really cool kid I'm a brag off to all my friends and make fun of them because I'm better than them and I'm so cool look hey there okay uh to Paducah Tech cool dupa dupa hey you fellows what's going on in here oh hi hi look your stupid toy bunny you stupid loser nobody likes you you stupid toy Bonnie uh-oh my feelings did you see I'm much better than you I mean I guess you're better than me exactly let that be a lesson to you nerd you stupid Punk oh boy you sure because I can mm-hmm what hey fatty why you crying stupid fatty uh-huh I'm super cool oh I'm super passionate is that the balloon child over there Lani get away from me it's stupid Frick but daddy come here hey balloon child get over here oh hi um can you help me get my daddy no you prick you're you're a disgrace to life and you're you're such a fat idiot so a dying child oh boy now I have the strength to beat up the balloon child oh this is great die child no way I'm out of here why am i piece of scrap metal who did this to me this is not a funny prank your [ __ ] [ __ ] fiddly diddly deee going to the bathroom to see my boobies your car [ __ ] little lady I can't live like this Oh Frick is going on out here all right honey stupid dirt stupid part did you do this to me what do you mean did you do this to me look at me ugly well you are indeed ugly so who pranked me look what do you mean prank somebody pranked me I'm I'm now a pile of scrap metal who are you again I'm spring-trap you idiot and I will kill you stupid kids if you once I find out who did this I'm gonna tear them apart I am the spring-trap and I show no mercy with spring-trap ooh I'm Freddy what you're Freddy no way you're Freddy Freddy would it be chica something terrible has happened something has happened something has happened hmm I gotta get to the bottom of this wait a minute let me see through my scrap metal enough huh that there's my chip well that's my chip doing in this piece of scrap metal look your chip yeah my cpu you idiot we're all i I've studied this in my and my guy to be immortality into robots for stupid people I remember remiss all robots brains are tied into their CPU so I tied my brain into my CPU when I was a human and become an animatronic or whatever you know my stupid story but anyways this this this this CPU thing right here is the brain of us why is my brain in this piece of scrap metal oh are you saying our brains have been swapped out and switched into other people high that's what it looks like huh hmm we'll be going to get this fixed oh we need a repair person to fix us well lucky for you you're looking at one she during my studies of immortality and I also learned the wage that building robots so I built loads of robots so I can easily fix this but um I would prefer not to be this piece of scrap metal so um hmm I like not to be this piece of scrap metal so I'd like to switch I need to switch to a proper body so I can do maintenance correctly oh okay um I mean we could oh you could switch bodies with me uh heck no I don't want to be an ugly bird mm-hmm I'll see if anyone else wants to trick you no please trade with me I don't want to live like this hey hey hey your stupid kids on stage hey listen to me look oh hello there hello there friend I'm the I'm the end I mean I'm Bonnie the bunny would you like me to sing you a song oh no you stupid Eddie I'm going to switch bodies look we've all I know y'all are also switched and stuff but I need someone to switch bodies with me well you are me technically huh who are you I'm angle Oh huh I guess that would make sense well so can you switch away can we switch body so that way it can be my normal body all right yeah sure okay fine we'll do that well I don't wanna switch abilities I like my life like this okay or whatever hey stupid bird get over here what do you look for me don't call me a stupid bird I'm gonna kill myself hey shut up I need your help look you lay on the floor okay ouch like this yeah she look there's a CPU right there all right bird and stupid rabbit I need you I can't do the surgery because I'll rip out my CPU but I need you to take this CP I'll rip it out and put it in here and take this sheep you I'll rip it out and put it in there so just basically extinction um can you do that well I guess so uh-huh I can do that okay oh I'm a rip I'm gonna rip their CPU out oh okay is it gonna hurt oh yes you'll hurt a lot so I don't just stay very still and a shade goodbye all right there we go rip there Cpl Chand now they're dead and now I'm gonna rip my own GP all right so just take their CPO put it here and put this one there all right ironed off our gonna rip it out and dupa dupa do Dukes it's okay come on chica we gotta fix these guys don't call me that you know like it take this anymore hmm wait where are you going we're supposed to be doing surgery I'm gonna go do something I should've done when I first woke up today to the stairs I go I should have done this from when I first woke up what God dangit now I got to do the surgery by myself already um all right hopefully I don't screw this up okay so I take this GPU put it right there click that in and all right there we go and take this CPU and then plug it into here and and hopefully that would have worked Oh did it work yes it worked right ah this is much brighter ah now I'm no longer scrambled pile of wires and a stupid mess hey I'm right here you know but I'm glad to be myself again so yay huh well nobody else's their self so consider yourself lucky okay ah all righty it's time to start fixing everybody up and point everyone back to normal all right are you what are you I am the I am the endo Bindo all right let's put you back what that stupid endoskeleton run off to uh no I don't want to turn back oh you're off to at some point all right fine I'll leave you alone for now we got to turn from people back to normal do you know where some people are yeah there's some uh there's some people over there who need to be switched back to normal ah all right let's get this over with huh I just come to think of it I wonder who possessed who's turned into me now whatever we'll worry about it later hmm come on let's go okay you come in with us of endo or now I want to stay on the stage and feel special okay all right I'm gonna help spring-trap turn be back to normal so alright come on let's go yeah what yeah whatever oh my head mmm what happened to oh well it's so nasty in here what the heck I thought I was staying with the band um oh I left Oh what happened well it's so scary in here well what's going on in a Oh what happened to me oh why am I an ugly messin Oster corpse in me what the heck oh this is weird oh yeah oh oh no where's toy Freddy and everybody guys oh heck oh where am I um wait who is that well hello hi what the heck Balloon Boy what the heck what's going on huge I can fight all my enemies all the people who kicked me I can make them pay and suffer oh did you make fun of me uh no I think you did I'm gonna get my revenge now hey come here so I can slap you Oh get away Oh God Oh everything hurts Oh Frick I hate Oh feel like an old man ouch now get back here I'm gonna rip your eyes out what get away from me Pat come here oh I know I remember you you did make fun of me you stupid one-eared freak oh but I don't have one ear free I'm missing it your got-dang it a a balloon would come down to me toy Bonnie hot Jupiter bot away toy Bonnie what you're not toy Bonnie Chloe Bonnie is the only person who is normally nice to me officer I think mingles nice to me and also a few other people are nice to me but no you're not toy Bonnie stop lying but I come over here so I can slap you no please don't hit me in the place I know what I should've done Ally should have done this there's so much sooner I can't believe all you thought about it now all right well good-bye world it was nice knowing you but I can't live flowers chica cuz because being chica sucks and I'm gonna jump No Oh mister mr. cupcake mr. cupcake mr. cupcake please no mr. cupcake no what do you mean mr. cupcake mr. cupcake what saying if I if I jump I'll still live well that's not gonna stop me from jumping no mr. cupcake can't you see I can't live like this I need to die mr. cupcake well you say you want me to let go of you so you don't have to die well too bad I'm taking you with me all right well good-bye cruel mr. cooking shut up you're not talking me out of this well goodbye world who was nice knowing you what oh who the Freak put these stupid mattresses here good freakin dang it I just wanted to do it mr. cow cake mr. cow cake well I guess you're right mr. cupcake maybe I should just go try to think about this oh I do need to think about this whole situation all right so there's some people in here who probably need help all righty show me the way Oh whoo all right I heard you you know your body swap things you all need to help but yeah not I don't think I'm supposed to be blue I'm not supposed to be fat please please fix this please doctor is there a cure II can I can never remove this fat please I'm not a doctor well I mean actually technically I am but no I'm not hoping you get rid of that I mean no your switched bodies and I can help you switch back well please please I don't care I don't care if I go back I don't care if I'm not even myself I'll even switch with balloon boy please please I don't can't live like this huh I mean God who would want to be balloon boy um all right we'll try to find your original bodies who are you I'm tight chica all right and who are you I'm chica hmm all right wait mangle go try to find Freddy or that chica get try to get him to come back okay I'll go try to find him all right yeah let's see--we who else was in here that stupid brow freak that stupid balloon boy smart freakin daughter God freakin dang it all what what's going on over here you're I mean yeah you're that's right I'm a pirate now in on the Fox that's my new catchphrase your die stupid child hey hey hey I'm the only one who can abuse my daughter look what you're gonna do about it I'm better than you I'm much better than you who are you let's be I'm I thought you'd a pirate that's who I am yep know what's your one who ain't like seriously who are you supposed to be oh I'm Cubs used to be toy Freddy but not anymore I'm a I'm a hunky pirate and I got muscles now and I'm special and I'm loved by everybody and everybody loves me oh wait one of them was fat okay you're coming with me what hey hey let go of me come on you got to switch your brain cells get over here ah look at oichi could get over here huh yes I found toy Freddy he's inside foxy y'all need to switch bodies oh okay I rather be foxy than this stupid fat thing huh no please please no I don't want to be fed anymore alright come here you've talked too much I need to rip that out of your head oh hey get your dirty paws off of me you you fazbear's let's no let go of me John oh okay alright oh so okay so okay just please I know I can't be fat anymore please just end it okay this will only hurt a lot so I mean I don't feel like you're dying there we go BAM all right II know I just got to insert this CPU so toy Freddy can go back to normal and then there we go just insert that into his face and then I guess toy chica will have to be foxy for now so let's put those in there and perfect alrighty there free card oh my face oh I'm back to my normal self boohoo dang it home oh well at least I still have mr. eggs oh oh oh thank you thank you oh yeah I'm skinny again yeah you don't to be a fat freak anymore hi yeah you're welcome or whatever don't worry I'll get you back in your normal body in a few oh this is just a huge process to go through everybody okay thank you yeah no problem alright there we go so I'm just gonna sit here and wait for you mangle to come back with Freddy and then everything will be good Danny Oh Frick not you uh no I'm not I'm uh I'm free who somebody stupid uh I'm four I can't think of anybody Danny yeah you Danny I get away from me you freaking demon I gotta hide get away from me little freak I don't want to know all right I'm go well I'm gonna go open my birthday presents because I think I've been a good boy this year birthday girl wait a minute instead a crumb is that a crumb yeah that could be a yummy snack won't give me that tasty crumb tasty snack right there okay mr. cokecake you're right I just need to calm down for a minute and think about myself all right I just need to just calm down and think I'll just go in here and all the films be calm and thinking oh oh oh you are did you come in here to see yourself naked - what look though freak well no no I did not oh come on man it'll make you feel better if you don't look at me I'm pretty sure makes you mm what the Freak um mr. cupcake mr. cupcake your that's right mr. cupcake that's right what the Freak okay you know what I think I'm ready to leave mr. cupcake want to stay with dole freak I can't believe this I really am NOT special but if no they can't replace me no I won't go out with it I'm not going down without a fight not not like last time no no I must face my enemies and I'm gonna show them that I can be a better Bonnie that's it I'm gonna go fight this impostor hey you stupid face you stupid freak I'm Deanne over what I'm ugly yeah you are you the way I'm just calling myself liquidate okay I can't rent use insults got date just I'm gonna fight you now cuz you big ugly face smack in the face oh hey why would you hit me man oh I did nothing wrong here being peaceful I'm ready to fight my enemies oh my what's going out here hey come here boy you're getting a slap in oh no give me them cheeks Oh what though forgot okay they know imma just go over here and face you face me you coward oh why is everyone fighting uh okay I just need to find Freddie or Chico I'm so confused whatever um okay cool okay nothing could get much worse all right Freddie Freddie oh yeah we found chica and spring-trap is ready to switch you and chica out who thinks so I don't have to look like an ugly big bird anymore no you do not have to look like an ugly big bird because he's in this is he in the game area yeah he's in the game area okay doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa dude I'm gonna go get my face switched oh there we go and um your mangle your how you may you be a foxy what the Freak Oh God aye-aye-aye I can explain I uh you like what you see oh thank God I found chica please please I can't live like this anymore please please switch it with the frickin sprinkler but hey stupid toy Bonnie oh that hurts my feelings who are you cheat what chicas at you yeah wait Freddy shut up don't look at me like this with a freaking spring TripIt uh I don't know I'm so confused who is he again oh he's me she can't wait are you saying spring traps wait I'm confused are you saying Spring Cup is me no no I'm saying it's right now oh my god I'm Freddy spring-trap is me Freddy free trap is Freddy I'm confused oh yeah me too well shut off right where they were that's weird weird word okay where did Freddy go but aren't you Freddy sure oh my god where do you go well if you're saying if you're seeing the person who has a body of Freddie they're over there on arcades with the late spring trips good get down from there and help me out once daddy daddy come here it cursed my tiny legs Danny come in here look get away from me you stupid child look what's going on get this demon child away from me and then I'll help you oh okay hey bloom boy huh okay uh do you I can't fight it you know what that's it come here all right what are you doing get out of here stupid piece of disappointment oh thanks for helping me all righty now that you helped me I'll help you already so I need to switch you and Toit white onion switch you with the person and toy Bonnie's body okay all right Oh oh yeah please I don't want to live like this I rather be toy Bonnie actually a toy Bonnie also silks oh well I rather be toy Bonnie than chica so make it happen all right get in here stupid toy Bonnie all right well I mean I am are you calling for me I'm confused yes I'm calling for you all right I'm gonna take out your CPU okay okay well it hurt a lot oh there we go one CPU ripped out all right come here oh please don't no allow me allow me to kill myself okay just got to go like this and and I just gotta rip it out in rip OH well heck Oh Frick CPU get back here Oh Oh Frick hey get back your wolf I almost lost that that would have been bad okay um let's see the CPU goes in that child and we're that get back here and the CPU goes in that child bada-bing bada-boom and they are back to normal sorta ish all right they should wake up any second now oh my head oh did it work hooray I'm not a stupid chicken anymore but now I'm a stupid bunny God dang it uh-oh way yay I'm back to normal huh mr. cupcake mr. cupcake oh I missed you so much mr. cupcake mr. cupcake what what do you mean you liked or chica better I don't and you you're going timeout huh well thank you thank you spring-trap for helping me oh well ladies spring joke you mean you switch cuz um cuz I don't want to be toy Bonnie oh no will switch last oh okay at least I don't want to be chica anymore alright ah hey Chico could you sit over there with toy Freddy and stay in this area so that way we don't get confused with who's been choice and who hasn't been switch kind of thing like that sure I can I can stay over here for a bit just come get me and let me know when I can head out I'll sit here and uh toy Freddy what are you doing I'm eating these looked over a breadcrumb it's very tasty okay then hmm alrighty oh I must continue I'm looking for more people to switch come with me I think I think toy Bonnie might be we gotta go alright Freddy mean you've got to go find 20 Bonnie's about what you two can switch al is gonna be switching with everybody until I give until everyone's done and then we switch pretty much okay well let's go find toy Bonnie oh all right Oh toy chica you want to come with our show we can try to find your body uh yeah sure alright come on come on guys let's go oh okay Oh duper - duper - duper - duper - all right all right I left she here Oh what's going on out here what do you mean what's going on out here there's something fishy going on the spring trip Oh No look oh no no everything hurts everything hurts Oh free pool Oh what the heck wait oh wait it's a spring trip wait who is this oh my face ow uh wait that's me what Dolph Rick Oh what the heck Oh oh so that's where my no that's where my body went hey guys look out oh what the Oh No there's most demoness pallor ever my daughter and the bullying child have combined into one oh god that's so cursed come here show so I can slap you I'm gonna get my vengeance on all of you Oh quick everybody run oh wait wait what's going on oh you heard the man freakin run oh wait for me quick everybody into this back room we'll be safe in here Oh baby's too thick so she can't fit in here come on okay wait guys wait for me oh I tripped and fell I'm gonna get my vengeance come here we'll beat you up and this is what you get your stupid Fox you always mean to me the most you're coming in here oh my face Oh huh all righty oh yeah wait okay we should be safe in here Oh my face hurts what happened well we switched bodies for some reason I don't know oh wait a minute hold up wait toy Bonnie spring-trap me wait guys we can all switch bodies right here so we can all go back to normal you're right all right come on let's take this opportunity well time to reset all of us back to normal okay all right come on oh here I'll go ahead and rip my seek you out all right yeah I'll start replacing you too and then we'll figure the rest out later actually yeah yeah here I'll just go ahead in oh there we go rip yours out rip your CPL - and that there we go Boop all right there we go okay let's see so this is Freddy CPU I'll put his CP off to the side and I'll get toy Bonnie to UM to put is to take out my CPU and put into myself and put Freddy CPU under there there we go that's it that's it worked out fine all right then at work looks like my shelf again whew oh I'm feeling so good to be back in my own body oh yeah me too ow all righty yep there you go all righty hmm things look deadly outside did y'all see those fights going on yeah and then the balloon baby comet or a mutation or mutant or whatever was really scary yeah it's really deadly out there all right your two should probably stay in here I'll go deal with them and I'll come back for you when it everything's back to normal okay already thank you a good spring took for your help uh-huh don't worry I'll fix everything I'll put everything back to normal are you two staying here okay all right all right gotta fix everything else well let's see cheek it okay wait I need go through my list okay let's see Freddy's normal toy bonnie's normal toy Freddy's normal toy no chicas normal and then mangle is normal okay so that there's there's that balloon balloon boy okay wait hang on balloon boy and baby okay so if I'm correct yeah yeah so I just need to switch balloon boy baby's chips out and then BAM they'll be back to normal let's see toy chica and foxy so I guess that means foxy would being Torchic as well and then there's Barney who is the endo skeleton so I guess Bonnie's trip is in the endoskeleton okay sure that make sure it's all right I got my notes I got I know what I must do and all right first of all I got to go stop this war that's going on out here all right what's going on out here look this spring trip you gotta help me wait are you Spring Cup yes yes I'm spring-trap what's going on the endo business endo is attacking me vengeance will be mine I will prove myself is worthy to be on stage die imposter oh my kneecaps hi you two kids stop fighting right now yeah get off of me come here let go of me like I can be worthy are you freaking idiot give me that like I want me off your stupid there we go got the CPU Oh worked it out oh look did you did you stop them did you stop the evil monster oh yes yes I did well thank you thank you thank you Oh what a scary monster hawk and you know what let me go ahead and rip this out though I'd like it being like this all all right there we go all right now I just got to put these two back to normal and then we're gonna take that CPU throw it in there take this CPU and throw it into there and then BAM it should be back to normal now huh oh my face Oh what happened oh no please wait I can proof I'm worried that wait what I'm back to normal I could offer me um oh I'm back to just being an endo Bindo but you know what being in an OBE endo isn't so bad well what the what happened you switched bodies and I switched you guys back to normal a little thank you spring-trap uh-huh and uh oh okay I better go deal with that over there you two stay here I'll come back Oh Frick okay well can you get off my legs yup sorry oh so wait we switched bodies yeah but now we're back to normal Oh so are you for attacking you I thought you stole my place on the stage it's okay sorry I wouldn't give you back your body voluntarily I just really enjoyed having a costume on for lunch oh yeah okay I see how it is you're fine how you want to go go get some coffee from the coffee machine yeah sure hopefully nobody broke it yeah that would be a shame if somebody would have broken the coffee machine and I hope it's working just fine I can go for a yummy coffee come here so I can rip your eyes out please say who did nothing wrong to you how you did everything wrong to me and now I will just eat you and I'll tell you limbs off Oh free oh how do I deal with this situation um hey you stupid a stupid child huh all right who called me a stupid child hey I'm not a stupid child I'm a big boy child now and I will defeat you well technically you're a girl so I am NOT a girl die peasant you think you're you think you can make fun of me Alfred Alfred Conteh gonna look that CPU out of out of his his her brain I can't think give sprint surrender your cpu I don't even know what that means because I'm just a toddler but I will I will defeat you and I will rip you apart haha stupid balloon child of die balloon shouts yeah that's right and then rip the CPU off there we go Oh perfect yeah what ding all right there we go phew is it safe to come out yeah it's safe to come out Oh what happened don't worry like you I took I took care of it ah there we go hmm well now I need to figure out a way to get a to get Balloon Boy back well I need to find a way for it now I gotta go find that stupid shell that we threw out the one earlier God dang it oh okay all right look there we go all right let's see sure you'll want to go ahead and uh I could tell you go look for frogs but you want to go into give me your CPU so that I can keep track of it and so then I can put you back in your own body I don't know what you just said but if it'll get me back to normal then sure all right come here here it'll only hurt for a second okay all right I'm sure dairy cow Oh LS she okay so I got toy chica CPU and then I got the balloon boy CPU so now I just need to find circus baby and then and then there we go so I just need to find that now I need to find the balloon boy who is possessed by a baby who is outside somewhere okay I'll just take these CPUs put them on Pocket and then I got to go find them all right so these two bodies will stay right here hopefully nothing bad happens to them while I'm gone all right gotta go find um go find this do it child all right jumped out the window over here somewhere hmm sure she got thrown out this one over here yeah daddy uh what the Jesus Freak and you come here we own Oh toy Freddy screenshots being attack and crumbs hey get out of here and help whoo look what's happening mmm does it look like I care hey wait a minute no Balloon Boy actually beaten somebody up no that's not allowed not in my house Thank You Balloon Boy you're not a little bit people doing God dangit stop kicking them outside Frick wait what I saved your life you should be thanking me all right let her go only she's unconscious all right there we go let's go ahead and yeah freaking rip the stupid thing out there go stupid okay no now the Loom boys back to normal all right gotta throw him back inside oh my knees all right now I just got to take this CPU and then God dang okay now I just got to put them back to normal all right let me I got to sort this out God dang it now let me go sort this out alrighty Oh Danny oh there we go she's there go everyone's back to normal no daddy no stay go intruder corner you've been bad today no now do I have permission they kicked their blue child I got sure knock yourself out look do a stupid balloon Sal dick Marie that was fun yup all righty Oh Oh Frick I got it okay all that's left is to switch to a chicken fox yacht so I gotta go do that and then everyone should be back to normal so there we go I told y'all I was a repairman shell all right there we go yup so yeah Foxy's deactivated cuz I already took toy chica CPU out I need to go get 22 CPU and then I just gotta find wherever foxy is that and then Oh foxy and toy chica SH body I shouldn't find them and then BAM switch CPUs and then BAM I'll be done so I put up yep I put to a chica CPU right here so let me pick this up in there you go so now I just need to figure out to werefox you went and then BAM everyone will be back to normal sodas all that I have left to do or show there we go so let me just go in here and oh alright alright they were doing Oh what oh yeah me anyway no yeah I came here to switch get your CPU to switch it back and I I see you're busy right now it show um mangle you know how to switch CPU job right yeah you know are can't you see we're busy here bud well I mean I need to explain this to you but just you don't want to screw this up look just just okay I'm scared now um look uh what the Frick are you two doing I'm spending time with my girlfriend can't you tell yeah I this is where okay anyways um look mangle you know I just which just whenever you two are done doing that just switch the CPUs back with the toys you can [ __ ] you know what I'm talking about right uh-huh yeah oh my god okay you know what I'm gonna run away now y'all right we should have had the door closed well we can't the door closed because it ripped off the hinges oh yeah that's right oh god I need bleach I need bleach I need to add that to my bucket list waiting bucket list what no amazon list silly me what goodness that's so weird of them to do it well I mean once you think about it it's not weird but it is I don't want to think about anyways we were to lock up gosh I hope I hope they switched out if not that's pretty freakin rude but whatever all right I gotta go tell everybody that we're done mmm yes foxy you're our car [ __ ] yard this is why I like being like this you're mmm-hmm hey there we go alright I'm back Oh a hey spring-trap please spring-trap did you get everything back to normal yo ho yes mangle y'all go yeah well that's great thank you again spoon shop for all your help oh yeah oh haha yeah already come on let's get out here toy Bonnie uh okay thank you again yeah I wonder if there's any leftover bleach back here mm-hmm um right now I need some right now oh well there we go everything go back to normal uh-huh all righty oh hey everybody's in here oh okay dooba dooba dude all right hey guys what's going on oh hey Freddy I kicked the balloon child well you kicked the balloon child you kicked an innocent child in the face oh yeah and she's still alive stupid toy Freddy you're supposed to kill the child hey everybody now that we're back to NOLA do y'all want to gang up with the blue child and beat the crap out of him uh yeah let's do that well I mean actually I don't know I that's that's mean we shouldn't do that it's not like I want dot no I'm not going to do that oh yeah Freddy that's mean I'm um I'm gonna kick the child yeah me too I wanna kick him I want to kick a dye child okay let's go beat him up hooray done you stupid child oh my face whoa hey where do you think you're going little boy you'd suffer the consequences so then all of the animatronics went back to normal as you can see the end opened oh and Bonnie got upset because they didn't get their coffee because the coffee machine was broken I thought oh that never got fixed oh no but see all the animatronics had a good time beating up the balloon child and it was a happy ending for everybody spring-trap went to go bleach his eyes out and yeah and everything got back to normal kind of sort of not exactly oh oh no oh no um but uh yeah that's pretty much it so everything went back to normal kind of and it was a happy ending not what's it I don't know anyways there you go that's what happens if they switch bodies or something make sure to leave a like on the video if you enjoyed and yeah because that would be very appreciative because I sat here for like an hour recording they're so pretty just please leave a like it so I can be fed tonight okay thanks anyways thanks for watching hope you enjoyed in I'll show later okay good bye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 792,874
Rating: 4.7840457 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, RP, Roleplay, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Endo, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Mangle, BB, Balloon Boy, Baby, Springtrap, Switch Bodies, Mangle x Foxy, Mangle x Toy Chica, Funny, Story, CPU
Id: 5MYkfZNcXHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 28sec (4168 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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