Gmod FNAF | The Children Get Stuffed Into The Animatronics!

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plea their kittens it's me Freddie Flair's buyer you know what time it is it's time to sing to the children because it's birthday day day day today hey anyways let us sing our song or a phaser band you're ready no I'm not ready boy I said don't have my guitar where's your guitar you gots it I got sued they took away my guitar nobody cares just get a guitar I don't know well chica you're ready right no I'm not weren't you ready I don't know where mr. cupcake is you guys are dumped I got my microphone see I got my microphone right there Wow aren't you I'm special yeah I got my microphone see look I go I have evolved but Frady chef doesn't feel right hmm you're right but I just can't put my microphone on it hmm something does seem up oh yeah we're actually on a legit an f1 net that's what's different right chica no I mean did Y what oh oh oh I see what you're talking about chica yeah well why why don't worry guys this is just a reflection to show how terrible we are and how good these guys are we're terrible and they're always they will always be better Wow anyways guys I don't know if we're ghosts or if they're ghosts I mean go through them I'm not sure I'm very confused yeah don't know hey kittens can you see me answer the question please if they're not responding if they can't see me guys what do we do hmm I don't know Freddy but Chum seems up oh hey I'm mr. camp don't you stare at you boy you stop staring at the camera yeah Bonnie but what if the night guard knows what's up the night guards not even here Oh how do you know because it's daytime Oh is it daytime outside yeah this one we go it's daytime outside right right Oh rats it's night wait if it's nighttime why are we open Oh No maybe the place is about to close maybe after the place closes we'll know what's up good point Bonnie good point all right chica what do you think is gonna happen chica I thought now will until the police closes which with you you're are don't forget me I'm over here you guys always start off without me and forget me I feel kind of I'm lonely over here I hope y'all know that oh yeah I do know that in you know what I Eve it also know why stupid music I hate this music can we get a new soundtrack please yeah there are I don't y'all I told you you you knew you knew ye music is stupid or you having trouble speaking pirate language again shut up wait don't say anything mister okay guys come on let's gather up gather up good let's go they're over here coz there's a nice little spotlight right here come on guys come on chica and you too foxy we won't forget you guys actually wait the children could hear us quick into the backstage we need a staff meeting staff meeting you're our I hate age and sharks staff meeting staff meeting everybody imports the service why do we have to come in here I don't like look now all of our decapitated it chica that's the opposites that undi capitated well I don't know how to say cuz D capitation is was just the body in thank you without the head but I don't know what they call it just it's just a head cheek it's just heads okay or anybody or anyways guys we need a staff meeting cuz they're so imposters on stage and we can go through them bollocks you wait was there someone in your Cove y'all are yes there was I yeah there's another Fox man in there it's kind of scary kind of scared me a little hmm something's obviously up guys we gotta we gotta put the up I'm gonna put my microphone down and we gotta get to the bottom of this okay well what do you think's going on Freddy I think we're dead your art how can we be dead I don't know I don't know meanwhile [Music] [Music] [Music] hey there kid do you wanna come with me you wanna come with me a little key I'm not a cat come on little kitten come on I got some I got some canned cat food come here little kitty come here come here kitty look guys you would see I'm not a cat come here kid gang come here come here kitty cat come here you want some canned cat food you want some canned cat food I know you want some candy here no little water you can't get food come on I know you want some canned cat food yeah I know you want some I okay maybe you're right but food okay just hurry up give me some you can't cat food give me the cane Kevin okay what's this I see room you want some canned cat food yo what's up here let me I mean you just touch for it the game cat food was like dang it would it have to be addictive decayed cat food why I must kill as many as possible before the place shuts down time to time to continue my mission of slaughtering the toddler's [Music] hmm hey kittens hey does a group y'all want to come with me to get some um early access to the new arcades new arcades enlighten your kids because there's only like three of the exact same type of arcade over there oh what's the new or cage yeah man I like this yeah sure I'm down okay cue teens follow me follow me follow me yay new arcades anyway let's going Oh welcome yay yes come with me kids come with me all of you come with me come with me cuties come with me now hold on money just got a way out wait outside there's only three arcades yeah uh I'll wait out here I'll just go to the bathroom because I gotta get okay excellent all right the rest of you kittens you ready to see a magic trick oh boy magic tricks I like magic tricks yeah I like to see a magic trick uh-huh I wanna see a magic trick okay I've kissed okay scoop well Alakazam I said hocus-pocus Alakazam hocus-pocus Alakazam it's now my fears oh my gosh yes Father yeah follow me oh boy new arcades oh my gosh I wanna play them oh my gosh poor Kate it wasn't wine let me play these yeah yeah yeah yeah hurricanes for cage-free New York AIDS yeah uh-huh wait a minute wait a minute yeah hang on man these aren't freaking these hurt new arcades it's just another copy of the made three arcades in the main show stage you lied to me rabbit me oh yes yes I did dang that poor rabbit keeps getting children thrown at it I should blame it for the murders we that was a nice potty okay all right I want to see their cage oh yes come see the arcades there come here come here wait these look like the ones outside oh come here I got a lollipop for you a lollipop I'll take the lollipop before you take your lollipop there's something you must do what's that you must smell my fingers excellent excellent being bold beaming oh heck okay kidding let's all go home come on children oh boy time to go home she'll later Freddy friends don't touch two robots okay okay I'm sorry I'll go home no section one let's go home let's go home come on all right she all later joins foot thing boom-boom boom-boom boom-boom come on little brats hurry up you're taking so long I want to go home it's freakin late I hate this stupid birthday he'll understand what kids like just wait where is everyone well all the little kids go little kids little kids where'd you go catch worst cage Oh No the kid you lost it hey Fred wait we gotta call the cops dude we gotta call the cops well hold on a minute we haven't even looked around yet oh yeah good point oh yeah yeah they're gonna look around Oh Frick I broke my invisible door oh no oh no I gotta think or something clever I gotta get my I need to make a new wall okay okay let's see I can make a new wall I got some fences yes Vince SR an option I can use some vintage yes more fences yes yes yes yes yes oh I can make a wall out of thin to stuff but they can see through the fences unless I have a bunch of fences oh you know what I got one with some clever hmm well alright let me go talk to the business man hey businessman hello I'm a businessman how may I be business to you I make lots of money our children were missing oh well I don't care I make lots of money can you almost find our children uh-huh [Music] okay all right attention parents I see you're scared cuz your children are gone I'll go look around for them I'll go check the office and check the cams so yeah all right let's see where these stupid brats I want to go home I don't got time I don't got time hmm I wonder if any of them are in the maybe some of them are in the bathroom we should go check the bathroom hey any anybody in the bathrooms hello anybody here oh no she turns around I'm screwed I gotta act fast what so wait this gives me an idea got it bill fast aha whoa there's no hello you want in here hello come on kids oh no one's in here whoo I used my quick building skills will you well they're worn in the bathroom we shouldn't it check over there anymore hmm I can't find it's too much effort to look all right parents I'm tired I mean I shouldn't take care of the lawn about your kids I'm sorry uh I'm sorry I'm gonna have to ask y'all to go home I'll get all talk to all goat and alert the police definitely and we'll get this sorted out so don't worry about your kids don't be home by tomorrow okay always just lose the night without the kids home rain freedom okay so then all the worried parents went home not sure if their children's would turn into Poway I know what's that I don't hear anything I'm definitely not trying to lose my child or anything hey kid I see your parents left you here no I kind of want to kill you right now hmm you know I got something better hey kid you want a job yeah all right you're all right congrats you're now the night guard look in here hey go work in that office oh they're fine leave now I got a night guard cuz I didn't spawn an icon right all earlier hey go home look wait are you taking my mints oh you'll never catch me alive stupid dang parents ticking all the freakin mints out of the mint bowl it says take one only not take all of them update stupid take 15 they took all the nits I won in one gosh dang ol time for me to go home and yes I'm not going to alert the police okay staff meeting over the are we didn't talk about crap sure [ __ ] teeth that's a bad word you can't say that Freddy fazbear's I why that's a bad word foggy I'm gonna have to report you - nah nope I'm gonna report you foxy you're stupid heck oh it wasn't me I swear is the camera will freak the cameras watching us oh no oh what's this a video of so so so some internet woo let me see on here there's some animatronics in the backstage what are they talking about that's not a bad word yes it is funky you're a bad part that's why your pirate is pirates where I I think they do yeah the seven swear I don't freakin remember what it's told us you got your pirate language or is it called para I don't even know the seventh seedling I don't even know your your bad pirate y'all got y'all friendship too foxy time you get a slappin for that don't slow me that's boiling stew ooh lit slept good thing this wall was in the way so you couldn't see who you're gonna be used yard stop saying bad things about me okay now I'll now apologize I'm sorry card now people won't be mad in the comments okay anyways guys let's kill this room it's kinda creepy and smelly oops oh look I kind of broke the door Fred this stores always been broken stuck oh I'll go get the guitar oh wait boney wish you could talk I don't know where my guitar is remember the FBI damaged stolen dang it you're right oh don't go look for something to help hmm what could I use to help okay I've murdered the children everyone's got home yeah everyone's gone home but what am I gonna do about the corpses I mean no one knows that this room exists but this room will eventually Schmeling which what if another employee comes in here and tries to put on one in the spring-locks suits and sees all these dead murdered children I gotta think of something fast I think or something fat hmm let's see what could I use to unleash Bonnie from the door what's this away oh no no don't kill me don't kill me that's a nice-looking wall all right tell me you still a through hmm wait you can't see me oh yeah this is a safe room animatronics can't see in here they just think this is a wall hmm let's see I gotta go mmm let's see I want to help Bonnie get on ones but yeah I kind of wanna use bathroom first time use bathroom oh wait I'm alone in the pizzeria you what that Frick this gives me an idea oh I have no idea yeah I have an idea come with me bear come with me I have an idea all right come with me come shadow bear come here just gonna put these little googly eyes on ya just freaking stupid Chuck stupid you stupid Pig get out good shot good shot over here good shot over there wait come here come here okay shut open shut it bear listen to me I know your lifeless and stuff but I'm going to use you as you I you'll see you'll see dupa dupa dupa hooray I can't get you Oh Frick it's a camera I swear it wasn't me officer I'm reporting you it's probably fine hey the recording doesn't save anyways time for a magic trick whoa what the frig figured escapes the wall what the Frick are you no clipping follow me follow me follow me follow me oh you want you to follow you yes follow me you went through the wall again oh wait a minute hmm yes yes come here this is an invisible wall yes yes don't have a weapon which I used to sink yes come in oh oh my gosh I think this is an invisible wall that shadow thing just walked through it he wasn't no clipping there's an invisible wall here don't worry show me I'm coming out for you oh my face oh my nose oh you lied to me wait maybe I just didn't try hard enough it's Hogwarts I gotta say the secret passcode wait the dogs have a secret mascot I don't know I'm coming the holy words oh this wolves looks oh my gosh this guy's an idiot it's kind of maybe I should try again wait before I try again I should try in a different spot oh my gosh right after I break the wall 2 o clock time to try this again Oh Joe that's a wall oh my gosh break down the walls you can't miss this time oh ok done Detroit did oh oh oh this stupid wall Daniel this walls known and visually baby Derrick Derrick the whole wall that was even I was actually wall but come on come on in something tells me I should try one last time yes you should try tripping I mean I mean Hogwarts Hogwarts I see you've accepted my invitation Thank You Hogwarts I mean I accepted your invitation thank you awkward Thank You shadow bear for inviting me to Hogwarts of it now I can study wizard crafton become a wizard yeah sure and it's stupid dirt blocks are everywhere dang it I'm gonna have to rebuild the wall I can worry about that later all right dang dirt blocks okay alright now I can hide the children yeah hide the children this great idea who should who should have hmm who should go into Freddy fazbear's let's see our selection of children let's see we got one person we got a second person wait let's let's align everybody up see our options we got another person and we got another person and then wait where's the other choice where's the other trap oh the other child oh you go in Freddy kids I don't freaking care about you alright let's see hmm I'm gonna have to stuff this dude into a suit this can be very difficult okay come here Freddy fazbear come here come here Freddie let's just take off your oh let's just dumb whoosh alright yes excellent excellent now let's stuff this child inside of you okay let's see there's no this child will become a part of you forever free you'll be a part of it will be a part of you forever whatever you try whatever you think you're alone he'll be here yeah you'll be here with you yes yes yes excellent excellent excellent yeah get out here no it's time for my next victim y'all are see I told you I could push Bonnie out the door yeah well foxy you're so strong and handsome you're all I know you don't have to tell me chicken oh oh my face yes watch oh my nose yeah what don't freak what though Frick was dead Freddie would you do Freddie Freddie or you all enjoyed you get Freddie Freddie oh my gosh Freddie no Freddie Freddie are you okay will happen to your face Freddie no oh oh well Freddie did you come with you the girls bathroom again you got caught and they booked you on the nose and they smacked you on the nose I'm at all poor Freddie what the it's a shadow me Hey look you went through the walls how is that possible you stupid though he prolly he probably boots Freddie on the orc sheep she boots Freddie on the nose I'm gonna beat you up I mean I know your girl but I'm gonna beat you up anyways Joe Oh Frick oh we really time to suffer oh dang it Oh power that's stupid [ __ ] bounce so frickin bond stole and smacked me in the arm Oh doesn't matter there's a better another child another suit okay come here come here it's time for you oh my first of all we gotta we gotta make it such a child confuse with you in in choice and excellent and then bond yes yes excellent and then it's time for us to well yes excellent excellent you know health you will now have a new part of you forever it's you later that's Ricky it's working yeah come on Chad over here back you're my new friend forever teddy bear y'all are IB shows crawling and I am shown why alpha your if you're curious me chick imma go get something from my pirates go before the stupid Fox man takes you from me okay foxy know what I'm please or when you want there's some stranger in the pizzeria cheek are you sure it's not your shadow you're wanted you I saw some winning the mile range oh is that body on the floor oh my gosh tickets to probably just bought all right wide white volume why are you taking a nap money y'all what the frig was that don't worry chica as a strong pirate box boy I shall be the hero and I shall protect you oh no Freddy Bonnie what I don't know they were attacked don't worry chica I'm armed I'm prepared for anything oh no it's foxy the fan favorite he's done his pirate hook no I forgot about Foxy's glorious handsome the spicy slurping slurps his hook mmm-hmm that dang hook dang he's gonna stab me in the belly with it I gotta think of something quick oh I have an idea what if I just now it's time to stuff to the rest of these dead children in y'all and then in the initial steps down the chutes take off your stupid masks oh yes that's the mirror yes yo it's time to give these people new homes come here [ __ ] you will be stuffed into foxy and you will be the most looked person ever probably more loved than me even though you're dead all right enjoy your new lawyer forever yes [Music] and then and then yes excellent excellent they it's not excellent yes I'll put this here so that way it looks like an invisible wall to everybody yes excellent excellent okay thank you Shadow Man thank you shadow we're Persian man you've you've helped me stuff the children into the suits thank you oh heck I forgot about this last child hmm let's see you know it last person I'm a stuff you in this shoe and stupid spring a lot someone's gonna wear that this one's nice ring lock and oh I could stuff into the purple bear though now I like the purple bear you're going into the golden bear you you're gonna be golden bear man and then let's take off this mask and it just getting there getting there person like your as your debt is this person anyways or the robot I don't [ __ ] know there we go whoops I broke it spine it seems a little mad at me it's glitching out oh well and then the children assist the robots each oh my gosh I just waiting his death haha LOL get the ill nerds I survived in all my friends died ha ha ha wait that means I no longer have any friends ha ha so then the children rose I'm scared children my fellow children which have been murdered and we've been merged into these suits you can see my soul fellow children we have to you have to kill our murderer who murdered us doe Bay a who a whom on the humans we must we must find who murdered us who murdered us - was it you did you murder us we must find out who murdered us al everyone dr. Jain who murdered us through murder - I wonder what I've always wonder which in the kitchen Oh dangit Scott why'd you let us down there's nothing in the kitchen dangit Scott hello hello let's begin searching who murdered us about what happened thank you oh whoa who murdered best who murdered us my dress oh heck those killings came to life oh heck ah our federal D Day I have pirate bocce hmm oh no the robot the robots okay but hurt screaming I heard screaming must be over to earth I'm coming for you murderer Oh murderer murderer murderer murderer what is this technology the murderer installed safety doors to keep herself Oh guys I found the murderer the murderer has been found the murderer murderer hey there murder I'm here to kill you home humidor okay I'm stuck murder let me get you let me touch you let me touch it let me touch you we need your help we're gonna watch out he's got these super security doors oh no we must stop him painter loser I'm gonna stop your no oh you don't like me we gotta do something no we gotta do something haha losers I can just stay in here I'm gonna get him Bonnie you never wore our fringe you're the loser oh now I'm gonna bite off your frontal lobe Oh ding ding me me me meaning hooray time to get back to my snazzy pizzeria parade I'm back up my future oh [ __ ] there's children with missing the other day I wanted the night guard solve them hold it there kiddo we use you're a big boy now we use big boy Awards when you got a job this is my friend I found out what happened to them what happened to them they were murdered and did the animatronics even murdered they've been murdered what do you mean I'm telling you Amanda I saw it on the cameras I saw somebody in a bunny costume slice and dice them and murder them in the bathroom they came from some hitting room over there I'm not sure I haven't looked at it myself but I'm telling you man telling you wait whoa whoa whoa slow down man you're telling me that those children that went missing have been murdered and have been stuffed into the animatronics today yes yes and they tried to come after me and tried to kill me where were they murdered at yeah I'm pretty sure they rumored in here yeah I think there's an invisible wall the invisible wall yes yes look it's just a cage it's just the cage you can see the cage it's the cage sir I'm telling it they were murdered in this room mmm where's your proof boo look there's foxy there's a child in him go look hmm let's see oh my gosh there is a child in foxy Oh No yes I'm telling you I'm telling you they were murdered in this room well what are you even is this room and this is a this is a secret backstage room and there's no cameras in here dang it that's how they murdered them and here with no cameras we got to cut the policemen we got they called the police no we don't I will not let this company's ego be rude again by death my mommy always know you know too much too much thought you were good business man I thought you would help me I thought you were a murderer I'm not the murderer but I'll do anything it takes to keep this company alive there's also one sniffing mmm you know what this gives me an idea lalalalala following in people's footsteps gonna stop somebody whoops wrong part whoopsies doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa there can be no witnesses dupa dupa do and do boom there we go all taken care of mmm sure customers will notice all right and stupid fought to get back your toe get back your stupid Cove well let's see Oh what type of nested e making the office oh great come on you stupid robots you know we got these replacements in the stage and Pirates code disclose anyways all of you backstage now stupid robots you know gosh dang the murders stupidness off you go to the backstage dang oh well at least we got these cooler looking more efficient models that actually matter unlike all these old ones dang it bonding stuff bleach now great well now I'm gonna spin in here Oh figure out what to do with a stupid stupid stupid Bonnie get in there I'm like Josh causing me so much trouble oh hello there boss how long hi I see you murdered people again so you're gonna tell on me no I'm not going to thank good cuz if you did I would have to make you smell my fingers but please put that down that that's the dassault that's a weapon you don't want to smell my fingers trust me I smelled them once yeah I went on a wild trip anyways anyways I murdered children yeah I can see that you got problems got big problems it doesn't matter those were old smelly modeled anyways I never used them anyways I like these new spicy models anyways spicy goo new Gucci models yes yes alright well um I know what I'm just gonna go run the cash register you you go do something creepier get out of here or something yeah okay I'll go watch the cameras and I'll watch the cameras that lead to the bathrooms bathroom key um gosh I hate my freakin job here oh well have you seen my show changed okay oh my gosh I just took a nap let me take my nap sure you wish I wish I wish I wish that where's my son hmm I wonder if people will notice if I stuff anybody into the animatronics on stage wait why nothing dupa dupa dupa time stuff you in the chute dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa do good there we go parent taken care of well you see my child you would you would you it's just the same thing over with it there's a person you don't like shoot them up and stuff them into a Ferrari shoot little doll the dog II don't know and that's how you fix your problems all right well that's the baby should I leave a like it subscribe you don't want to be murdered do you it's a little you better like the video now or now it's all stuck you and it's you - oh wait there's some little bonus content left Oh guys what happened there was a purple fred man and he was looking at me funny and they'll black out will happen y'all do you know what happened I don't know what happened it was probably nothing I feel a little funny but it's probably fine all right so the animatronics ain't realized they're kids stuffed into them whoo isn't that magical anyways kidding I'll see you later I'll see you in your dreams yes you'll be dreaming tonight I'll be standing above you and I'll make sure that you smell
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,738,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, FNAF, Gmod, Roleplay, RP, Stuffed, Child, Children, Die, Death, Murder
Id: tAk1wUuoB7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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