Gmod FNAF | Five Lost Nights At Freddy's [Part 1]

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dog dog dog thought oh hey everybody welcome back to more G March now we got some beautiful things here we'll walk we're here on our future if you want to see this map there's a link in description to it so make sure you go and oh yeah well anyway we have a sad story today on this is a very sad story so try not to cry here we go okay let's do this okay so once upon Tom here at this this other Freddy fazbear's the location there's just like the millionth location all right so this was one of the by 40 locations almost kind of a small one but it was pretty good you got mr. Golden Bear and a Bonnie spring and then you got these three here and so it was a pretty pretty good location you got a nice security office and the best card ever my sleep yeah I see the best card ever always watching and you know you had all these chins here we're just about had tail first let's let's look at it when he was in its prime era like right now so yeah it's just a normal day and oh yeah yeah Freddy's this is Pamela sweaty he's not Fred bearish but okay funnies yeah well be here yeah it's so fun I know why have you played on cares you wanna play okay for me oh okay so I wanna play okay come on man just play all cage I'll beat you in it I'm gonna beat you oh oh here oh oh oh here I wanna be I'm gonna play it oh I'm gonna beat you know it's gonna be me come be mean abstruse yeah well yeah coming on down 2 2 2 2 pitch plays we want to thank everyone and here's the special song out there dude that uh the birthday person now which one you fellas is the birthday girl honestly don't whenever it's me it's me I'm reverting roll okay well this is a special song to you oh it's your birthday so happy birthday to you know bring out the cake and then we had the best employees they definitely did not slack off so we definitely did not have to get to my second game why the birthday cake oh shoot uh okay huge kick you out dang it the birthday cake uh-huh hey on there I definitely did not drop the cake how'd he get the cake out here show a show of all that science dude he uh he when you got the birthday girl all right I got the per ticket all right happy oh wait no he already sings a song you're mine all right here's your who's your stupid cake there you know oh happy birthday all right goodbye yeah they love you birthday okay he was uh oh no your cluster two o'clock oh I can't cheat Oh should see what time it is from right here oh I think it's like its name is like six open 6 p.m. at 6 p.m. you kids got to go home time for y'all to go home so thank you for dropping by and I'll see you I'll see you tomorrow something oh hi I know the usurer huh wait what a loser you're sitting over there by yourself uh-huh yeah I know right now in a loser well no I mean okay all right oh yeah get out your kids huh well I'm outta here wha so they know all the kittens had to leave because it was 6:00 p.m. yeah yeah oh yeah well I guess I'll just take it home with me but then all of a sudden Bonnie was like mm Kate mmm I love me some cake oh excuse me loaf excuse me little kid excuse me fella oh oh oh come over here come to the corner oh I'm not it's my cake I'm not gonna eat it it's my precious my cake it's like I don't even get my cake yeah sure I got that what or I need you to leave now serious okay so then the poor child left so then now they get for your own it's like what we can free room whoa well yours are a little more fluffier than normal man I'm gonna go to the kitchen yeah here comes that chicken thing I didn't get out of here in time oh I'll be safe up here yeah make me some pee just gonna make me soup eh hmm oh wow all right dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa dupa pong human oh oh oh my gosh sure are doing this front and center yeah we need a break oh I'd like a break you oh oh good I'm gonna take myself now oh yeah oh wait now we said then they all took a nap what I wanted a nap so those three people just want took a nap yeah I'm not holding my case okay Oh what nap time oh so then they all went to nap time so then this is here you go or not huh what oh dang it has the night shift now apparently it just jumped from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. so all right just got it Paul I gotta go up no no lockout a Minecraft gosh dang it man all right uh-huh no like I'll give me somebody a fee Oh Oh what there's no more caffeine in my soda cup this is rigged oh wow hello well hello Oh like it no get out you stupid Wow oh wow Wow Wow no I just want my coffee cup what coffee cup please no don't be I'm not gonna survive in a Oh could I follow this security guard fell asleep no no I was watching every place but then the trial came back because I wanted to cake practising my birthday cake this ain't beer they can't do this to me so the child then went to Freddy's because there's no front door apparently if I called the robot sleeping instead right okay oh my cake my cake and then the cake flew in and smack the trashcan its trashcan flew as well and smack and then broke this wall I think or did something to the wall like put a huge hole in the wall and then it bounced back and smack Bonnie and Bonnie look flying smack golden Freddy went fun as well and you crash oh dude oh my hey what the heck just happened what does Alvin what soda soda oh wait you know it goes good with soda kids some cake but weird in my cake it fit who stole my cake which one who stole my cake oh you wish you you're not on your table mister hey DW Oh would yo know what's real witch oh man I know what you do with my cake you're gonna get now oh oh good stuff and he started to destroy your luck no please Doug oh it's stupid me into oh but then you threw the February did this and not and then the cake went flying like wobbling and any cake went flying as well and we're now all the way over there he's like oh what cake I saw it come out of your mouth oh my precious cake okay I'll never wait and the golden bear frightened got up oh oh oh oh and then the cloud fell on him oh and then so did everything else on the stage fall on top fell on top of him and even though I used instead of the trashcan oh and then he got knocked unconscious but in these guys woke up from the noise look look oh look what the heck's happening but oh yeah you're good they're going pretty good gulping oh gosh what happened to you oh good what happened buddy did you see what happened flying was like huh wait what what look what happened to golden Freddy Buffy what happened to it was like oh I beat him up he tried to touch my cake so I beat him up what what would you do that we're a family here oh man oh oh that's it Bonnie I'm gonna have to lock you up what oh you can't do that me free yes oh I can't no you can't sit in bangla and fought the Bears oh oh oh stupid body man beeps and it took the rabbit but him and then the rebel a lot oh but oh gosh oh oh you're gonna pay for that bear and then the supreme underdog oh man I'll save you kaboom Bonnie kicked him right in the face went flying like oh my face and a gnome and then yeah I said then he would like poof and then poof and then and then move the bunion was dead no not really he just got knocked unconscious like Oh what I think this happened like no even sure oh dang Bonnie quick bring here help me bring him to the kitchen what the kitchen why don't we throw me in the bathroom no don't to that back we don't shed then they took the rabbit and then they threw him in here Chico make way he's like what oh gosh what that meaning the bond he's a traitor so we're gonna throw him in the back show them just gonna eat and then we're gonna throw him somewhere where no one will find him waaah boom he will never be found we'd never speak of him again she could never speak of him again well how did this thing fall off yeah was it probably important ooh and then they realized it was almost six names like Oh nobody sick junior died quick everyone get back to your sponsors cheek you get out of here stop making pizzas I'll just say we'll just say bunny ran away click everyone get on stage uh uh I don't really I don't know I'm just gonna go in here I'm scared well we're on this stage is that stage has a huge mess on it well then they're clearly gonna know something's up if you're on this stage it doesn't matter engine oh your ghost the children yeah [Music] and we always come here because we have nowhere else to go but for our future yeah [Music] but then one of the company managers came in to understand talk oh gotta go check up on my picture do the kid in the featured place goes like what you know I don't care get out of your kids and take the lamp with you no get out go check it out your oh the birthday cake nightguard get out of you get out here Oh Oh what happened Oh what it's more time what the heck well it's urban sara evans you tell me you were the one who's watching overnight or i think i'll fellas look that's it you're fired gagger what fire yeah yeah I'm sorry man Oh said the night guard got fired you don't my boy my porch oh I'll fix you up it's gonna be okay so Danny took the bear into the kitchen come here kitchen kitchen what No all right you know what for now you're just gonna go here and no one's gonna come into the stage I'm gonna fix you up hell you're gonna get fixed okay I'm going a picture above which the last thing that I do so he spent all this time to get you like what are you doing this like I shall word a rabbit man wait what it was you so then the scientists was arrested what no it wasn't mean the scientists mean got arrested no it's a rigged way I should ask him we're dead remember me oh well probably on port sudan he went and put the bear there in the poor bear set sir dan sir been on the Maine State thing was so Dan there are some changes to that place so first of all the tables were still basically the other table go so then the place got shut down for a little bit for work hairs so then they're like okay well we don't count a lot of time so and everything on the main stage was basically broken so they're like okay we're just gonna have to get rid of this some of this stuff so then they got rid of some stuff there a lot all right we're gonna we're gonna have to lose some stuff so doing this wicked good so that's what yo yo yo so they continue to give her they got rid of some of the old stuff they got rid of the broken speakers but there will work we're still ones that did work I'm gonna go away that pizza cuz I can get out your props thank all my gosh anyway like okay that can go back up on the wall I end up I don't know why we have a still a cake but that can just sit right there I guess and then I don't I guess this sign was right here remembered I can just go there and then there's this whole broken wall I was like we're gonna have to get rid of this yellow boy so that's what the man did he did a lot of repairs he had to take down a whole wall of the place actually no he just made it like an opening like this so now it hadn't opened into the place well like there's just a little thing right here and it could have a room or something but then you're like yeah come on down though so you just jump in all right come here you dang it ugly what are these filing cabinets or what come on get out of here get out my pizza place get out my pizza places thank you all my gosh thank God there you but anyway it was somewhat good to there you know I don't you know it's just good enough you thought so for right now I got no one on the stage so if he spent longest time in the kitchen and then he created a whole new wall where is my constructions that was right here hey I know so didn't you put up a new wall into the kitchen I'm not coming out here until I fix my friend so that's really big he put up this wall he's like well don't just talk him Joel so then he's finished also I'm fixing fixing him he stayed you spend this whole time in this room and then nobody got the place was technically open but eventually but like no kids came here because the play is actually kind of sad because there's no food being served since the kitchen was blocked off so he's like so there's only these three guys it's like whoo I'm sad so then a few sedan like a week goes by you're selling there all these three don't even stay on the stage anymore they just they just going chill o'clock you know still but uh so they're all just like they're all just sitting around it's chilling and stuff while I'm much stuff she could wish I just what she's like magical machine or something but then all of a sudden spring money the bonny spring was like I want a sheets over here so that's what you did you talk I want to see what's in this room I never knew what was in this room so he opened up the door he's like whoa that's what we adore you like goes inside but what the heck and he saw this really sad boys like I'm sad he's like oh you what you doing here and you're sad boy I looked at him you're not sad what we're done I am sad and there's only one thing that can make me happy yet a games like what is it like your death should that the [ __ ] you raised up here so he's like I won't get my minion for you kids throw me in the back I won't get my vengeance come here rabbit boy come here and he sliced at the rabbit neared the rabbit would like but get back here you rub it in the rabbit man ran away and she loved what and then the Fox sad sad bored at all I'm gonna kill ya I'll catch because I am a sad boy and yah he's like your favorite look oh no not just to do dance we're gonna have to fight him guys Freddie grab the table and threw it at the Fox and Fox would I approve look quick shut the door oh you guys are glad that I'm here I'm a pretty strong man I know what to do then they could hear the Fox man crying inside he's like oh well what what just happened man what just happened like that was the Fox man he's uh he's he's something ok but then after a few years or some these guys beginning began like to rot so that's what happened I need to actually find the Cooley art thing Cooley or actually so these guys began to rot we're at the freaky schoolyard it's right from my face it's right here so then after a while these guys began to Ross now Freddie went from that Freddie to not that right you went from looking like that to this this is this is the change from Freddie why I said Freddie Freddie change here's a little old and smelly and then chica also changed sort of but not completely so she could still had oh you can't do it with this one dang it man alright look let's uh advanced bellum tool we're gonna fix your jaw actually no white this cheek is in their chosen we're open to this one so that's fine but she could lost her hands in the vending machine so that's what half of the chica and then this spring bunny boy thing was law had endo head and what models am I thinking about where you can add the actual other arm probably some other with your models what the Hat okay and then on advanced bones all we're gonna have to do some sub material stuff but that's okay I'm gonna take his eye I'll put it for your eye then look at that boy and then we need you don't shoot one circle and shoot one and ankle and shoot two golden sued two and then oh he already lost his whole honor alright so that's what happened to dish boy this boy whew so yeah so anyway and then these other guys also changed so you had this bond so this bonny was now like um he's now like this okay and then his own alright and then what else lower or that and they had dish gone and upper like left and then lower like left so that's what happened to this boy right here this boy's still out in the trash and stuff because he was apparently a traitor and then this man also changed but he was repaired remember he spent his whole time repairing this guy so now this man now looks like he's now on he's now fixed everything's fixed of him but then something changed him his whole part his whole personality changed so then what had happened was okay hang on Oh Mike we're doing a lot of different things sure out at once where's my summit two coats are here doh but then way right here what happened to be oh dang yeah something really happened to him so um yeah and then he also gave him his new style which would be fredbear so we're just gonna steal it from this spring-trap or spring Bonnie model we're doing a lot of stuff here right now and I'm too lazy to edit this out so yeah hats that do it no uh all right here so now he's fredbear he talked I've been giving you the title of fredbear and you know what he did also make this spring bonnie thing as well you spend this whole time in this kitchen i don't know how he got these resources but he thinks I owe make everything better and that's what he did he's like anyway like complain and kick down the door dog brawl I'm hearing a chief with like look it is time for this place to have a grand reopening and so you saw his old broken robots he's like you broken robots are no more used to me get out of my sight and but you haven't named it myself so then he took the two new robot it off and put these two on stage buddy yeah so then we had spring um Bonnie spring too and in fredbear now and golden freddy snow dead okay guys he's dead so got him up on stage and oh wait what what we can give him his knees oh he doesn't need no knees actually screw it you can have his knees well I got my kneecaps oh that looks weird man that's will you any like he was on the stage at agra fritters so anyways alright you don't robots get out of here so Dean took the old robots and he threw him in the kitchen good luck you're dying robots are no use to me anymore so then that's where daddy took all the old robots and then threw him into the kitchen like I said that's the second time I said that anyways just threw them all on this table I was like y'all will be used for parts now so that's what you did alright and then sheikah you go there she could just face through like everything well yeah so then you thought okay and then they no longer serve pizza they're like no screw it we're just gonna order dominant well they still serve pizza but wasn't their pizzas like we're just gonna serve Domino's Pizza we're just gonna ordered Domino's stemming she didn't even closed off the room again like wallah it's not yeah so then Kitsch came here so I oh yeah we're gonna skip this segment because it's just gonna be like earlier today when everyone was like but yeah welcome welcome to our pizza place blah blah blah I come here child said but then a child got his head bitten off like but in do you at all oh no sir then um yeah so after Tyler's bit he went back to his robot and he chose robot he was like dead he's like dead but this man was too acted like yeah I'm here I'm alive to you but then you're like I'm sorry I couldn't make you better so then he threw him off the stage like kaboom and then you went into it is inventory and then pulled out the new and real fredbear which is this boy voila this is the new fredbear voila and this is the one that bit not like the child so this is the new Freddie bear here's a little bit taller just a little bit taller mm-hmm he was a he was a freaking giant okay these two together like you know what kind of papers it's like ain't good enough so but in the whole time back here these guys were just chatting again like what the [ __ ] is happening so but then one day just show peanut is our well no not the why oh gosh just gonna have to get rid of that light right we date lost a little bit there oh they didn't pay their electricity bill fully so they lost London lights but um what's that heck some of these lights I feel like they don't even work oh well alright so then here a lot all right come here River so then you through fredbear back there and fredbear was just deactivated you know what creepy even though his eyes were still lit up and stuff like that okay yeah ba ba ba and you need to close teachers all and and now this is where the story continues well I mean it was already continuing but this is where we slow things down just by a little bit so yeah it is - he had fredbear and spring boy he had French fredbear - in spring boy - he's like these two will be perfect voila but anyway this man had a little dollar alright and then his little daughter was actually this girl from earlier so like yeah just uh my name's like yeah so fly and people will really liking this new setup and stuff like that so Jennifer barish got all the money and she got all the money's fine oh not all the money's mine he's managed money I mean Fred bear and I get all the money's morning's morning's month okay anyways Oh what okay anyways um so Fred bears was basically a big hit so then they're like yeah and stuff so then they got a new puppet thing where's the puppet puppet puppet boy there is no puppet boy no sir then they're a lot all right look we're gonna get some new robots they try to fit it in like how they did last time with all the other ones so then they got some newer ones some characters that you would not normally see so actually no it's screw right here you know where the heck are these people these guys no wait wait wait wait wait I'm trying to decide something now fine we'll have puppet and then no my Josh get out of here I'll put the heck so then they got some new people they got a balloon boy and then they got a puppet don't do the dumb photo photo like yeah and stuff like that so basically all these animatronics here are lifeless actually now puppets really actually no they're all alive you're like what do you know like ya and stuff like that but anyway while that one day Wallace clubs in seven this was after the puppet was added the puppet was like what the heck where am I hello there Charlie and also from now on there's no nightguard cuz the other dude got fired and he was too triggered so he didn't ever buy a new one so anyway you'd like a little more like like what the heck he's like and she's those guys like oh hello do you know where we all are in favors like public lock what it's like you get out of here while you still can stop what and I'm forever jumped off the stage grab the puppets like judo here while you still can mmm screaming Ramon you didn't say anything could spring bonnie was actually scared of this was scared of both fredbears to be honest doc good out if your puppy love oh and you cheer your little boy and that's what the blue boy just ran away and balloon boy was never seen since actually no there was one site and have Balloon Boy like in another country like three years later so well yeah anyway puppet was throwing info but would not leave her god no there's my home I won't let your deuterostome I know oh yeah come fight me we'll buy him mmm I'm in a pub la would give me a more tables boom and then boom and then Papa man was squished by the tables like whoa nobody treats for a bear like that ball a lot okay you know I'm just going to slide on over you know and then Fredericton ran boxspring body were to go spring Bonnie boy you must be playing security good again how cute a big scream on screen volume lines you get away from this man oh my gosh ain't just man but he's like did my changer steep and so he was stuck on something what the heck remember what happened what happened to you jump into the wall oh no three are you okay spring Bonnie he's not okay oh he got caught he's trying to escape and then he gets caught by super glue to the wall how did this even happen he's stuck yeah accidentally like broke the stage as well he didn't you all right oh there you watch me money money please tell me a favor uh-huh in forever star beat him up boom boom boom boom and then spring Bonnie without oof and then spring Bonnie what now like this she's like I can run the show by myself that's what for our second show it then the poor rabbit would like flat and then you would dead hohohoho huh sorry no I'm not sorry for that anyway rebel went back to her saying llama but you know my dad you can shut it off and you got ready and stuff and then when I where to go which wish dead person oh he's this one I went right by showed anything back well what the heck happened oh my beat the place Oh and so we thought puppet ran away but public was actually on their table but then he found the supreme bottom you thought gosh dang it you and so then he's like okay you know I just do much trouble so then he had to take down the Freddy I mean he shot him in the face boom and fritter were like what and then he died and then um with that face it uh it broke his mask off there's like yes but oh and can we take off those eyebrows please where are his eyebrows I pressed I but then no he was like that and then you had all that just gave it like that just that just that changed his microphone it's different microphone models okay that doesn't matter where's the before is the thing I'm looking forward you know what fine you can have his eyebrows but uh he loses his hat and then he loses his ears and his job where's his ja ja ja ja ja so he's like this now he's like dead but what I like that [ __ ] so then he took down this wall again he's la imma throw all you guys in here I mean through everyone else in here in LA gosh dang and you guys are so stupid so like you know what that's it I'm done with the place it's closed down you didn't even bother sealing up the wall I just threw it but I quit I quit just too much for me so then he ran away but the puppet was able to get free yourself man like No please come back sure well yeah that happened but then inside the eastery were a lot what da [ __ ] and then this man just been in here he's just been a dad so nothing's really happened with him at all what the heck and there's dead fredbear man and they just remind man I thought what guys go back I want to open again like so then all the animatronics like these three like ran out cuz they because it's been like like a few years now all right and it's been forever since the last we're out here not the open air oh it feels so good to be out here again but yeah yeah like he was always that cake always still been here heck but Danny they're like yeah and stuff like that yeah stuff like that but then one day they were like all chilling and stuff so then they've been out for like 2 or 3 weeks now and they're just chilling he's taking a nap right now and so is cheek they decided to use these pate they use tables as bed ok they're robots ok it's hard for them asleep and freddie was just over here looking at the main stage and just thinking about the old times and what had happened in stuffing things like well I miss golden freddy no wish you didn't turn into Fred burger but then eventually um this man this managers been back here and stuff like that but this man [ __ ] doesn't think trying to come up with playing scared like oh so much and then she finally found a way I'm gonna break through this but anyway he's been picking at this for quite a few days oh my gosh stirs but you've been picking at all mm-hmm get out here a lot and soon you're creative but you know yeah hope rich and came through a lot Wow pretty sure him a lot what the hooked up he's like yeah and Freddie on ideas get rid of the Fox Mia for good since the Fox man had always been bothered on his I love o killed y'all for making my shad no oh yeah come give me come and get me come on give me boy don't get me in cheek abul kalam like that it's your dish man Oh what the heck oh no not this man just show the room guys do it without me huh what and then scream on you like came over at all whoa chill at the room no not with you in China talking about it in favor and then Fox man we killed Freddie like in Freddie's deadlocks right now I'm gonna come from the rest of yarns free money look okay nope I'll seal off the room so that's what he did about weed I did and Freddie was dead I know and then this is now Freddie now he's like all ugly and stuff like that and so yeah and like that well there's the new freddy fazbear isn't he just something you guys alright sure that fella Quinn would like no I just got out dang it doing it how could I be so stupid gosh dang it you know he sell all the dead rope yeah all these guys in here are basically dead like Danny and stuff like that and then he found this right here talk what inshallah that there's the old rabbit man oh I remember you wash your smelly fellow so like that he had an idea but I know what I'm gonna do come here pal rise in there buddy know what we're like come with me child I'll save you okay so then buying came back at Shiloh what the hawk has been happening like we are going to get our revenge boy we're going to get our revenge and we must rise the dead so so that's what they did they rose the dead and some people changed so that man was now like this he was now like this okay I said he was now like this like three times okay but anyway like that and then they threw these guys like on out here all right and then this man was now like what did he just wanted to happen something changed oh it's the bowtie thing but anyway this man was now down to like looking at all weird and looking like this or some well happened your spine oh you just have buttons buttons wait what's your collars oh it's that thing so this is how this man looked from now on you're all oh he also lost both his legs as well that's something and this guy had now rotted into the golden freddy form where where oh where it's golden bear golden in their golden bear your district he's dead Colton so anyway and also he brought all these people back to life but then they all have different purposes or whatever so then we need to use this cemetery tool yet again we need to get this purple all right and then we're gonna do it for your hat and then for that and then this and then you just had something like that okay there he is he is back and then this guy can just die boom Sherlock all right fellows ash you're foxy leader they tore down this wall and I like raw stuff like that and then I actually know they tore down that wall but then they're like Nash screwed up but then they all decided to to tear down this wall so they all like will buy out and then mm-hmm and stuff on a log yeah we got a good our vintage and also Fox he had also changed some in himself so yeah Raj and then throw like that I should not wha and then always thought of some more people wow so we have six people and it's only gonna be spring bonnie - I mean spring bond spring Bonnie boy and chica so then they were like oh boy I'm gonna scream over your mind just got smacked in the face and it broke his in the face oh there's a lot we're taking about Garland right and you all will be our prisoners and that is what happened the chicken indoor swing Bonnie man got kidnapped actually no they went and did your side and spirit prisoners we're going to Kelly all right and then chicken with lock latch and then the chicken West playing chicken now looks ugly like this now from now on and like like this and up or yeah and yeah so this is now the chicken the chicken was now dead but okay and then they also broke up the spring Bonnie boy just light a bit and then they did that so yeah poof like ah ha ha ha and y'all will now be a minions to wash and then that is what happened like you are so then soon that animatronics rose to power and then while these two guys are just dead for right now they weren't brought back to life alright these guys are just ditch right now so yeah it's like raw we shall now get that stage and we shall get our revenge on the humans so that's what they were like roar stuff like that I was like yes no we must reopen a pizza place until that way they can come and join this like yes too soon that's what they were going to do first they're going to try and this man had a sit and his likes don't work no more but then that's what they did they took their places they're like whoa no no no no don't no don't and then this man went on this stage though and then Fox he went on the main stage since he was tense and Fox he's their leader we are and that right there is the end of this story unless y'all somehow want a part two to this madness I don't even know what happened today look I'll even do it safe real quick and saves and save game look there's five nights at shadow bros oh it's gone now no subscribe like shadow bros yeah but anyway that is the end of this video so if y'all want somehow want me to try to come up with a way to make a part two to this I don't know what would happen in it probably need robots or something but um yeah so if you want something like that let me know and these two people are like the last good guys right here oh that's sad let's go chat and then you hug each guys oh my gosh we're getting all the screenshots today way beautiful beautiful just beautiful all right yeah so that's the end of this video I hope you all enjoyed and again if y'all want to party leave a like in a comment down below so umm yeah but that's the end of this video so hoped you enjoyed and I'll see y'all later good bye
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 3,630,612
Rating: 4.7282772 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, Roleplay
Id: UogqahdFDXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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