Gmod FNAF | Glitchtrap And Vanny [Part 1]

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make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe with notifications I don't want to get out fifth morning I'll sleep in thank you dude oh forget I'll freaking fly man there's a fly buzzing around my face that's a weird dream I had and I had a dream where I think I got hit by a car I broke my fingers and I got kidnapped that was a pretty fun dream that seems like something I would do to somebody you know hey wait a minute this isn't my garbage can where am I hello just comfortable comfortable bed though um-hmm hello wait wait a minute hold up wait one second one bed oh oh caged window and a door that's locked it won't open oh no oh no I'm in jail oh no I knew I know I knew I should have not touch small little Timmy I couldn't help myself little Timmy was practically asking me to touch him man I can't resist Oh No please mister officer please it wasn't me let me out of here I had my one free phone call yet okay I gotta calm down calm down it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine you might not even be in jail this might not be dead it's probably not jail but it's if this is jail this is uh kind of smelling it's so pretty rundown jail wait where are the other cells I don't see anything so but wait how might why am I here why am I here I'm scared I'm scared all right I'm back I got me this lovely lovely cake mmm it's delicious enough oh my little friends awake oh hi hey what the Freak who are you why am I in this cage let me ask your friend ease oh my you're so handsome yeah I already know that now please let me out of here I need I need to make sure my garbage can is okay anyway where did I parked the glitch at mobile Oh No I hope it didn't get towed you gotta let me out of here I'm sure thing daddy oh wait a minute I have a question why am I here how did I get down here Oh funny story don't worry I've been taking good care of you what what what happens well you see you kind of I may or may not accidentally not knocked you unconscious for like three months so I've been having to take good care of you and but don't worry you've been hey okay I have been taking good care of you I've been I've been feeding you I've been washing your clothes I've been giving you a bath mm-hmm wait think that's that's really creepy I like creepy but this is disturbing it wait a minute wait a minute oh wait a minute hold on one second oh wait a minute why are these two minecraft beds together I don't like where this is going well Danny we gotta have our snuggly wuggly times together I have been spooked mm-hmm all right I guess I should let you out I kept you locked up because I didn't want you to run away whenever you woke up so come on out silly fresh air is that the Sun oh I can't see oh it's cloudy out oh oh I want to go outside well don't worry we can go outside later but first of all I got this yummy cake would be super happy if you would eat it for me hmm eat this eat this delicious yummy cake well I mean I guess a yummy snack wouldn't hurt I love me some birthday cake yeah my favorite part about cake is chopping it with the knife and cutting some slices yeah sure I'll go for some cake oh yes eat my cake hmm it's pretty delicious oh goody Oh anyways I just want to let you know I'm such a big fan of your work what what do you mean my work well you know about how you uh you know do your thing where you make people not live anymore kind of thing like that I've been I've been watching you for some time now and I was just so grateful that I was able to take care of you and stuff and all and I'm just amazed by all the things you do what you mean by me forcing people to smell my fingers and then slitting their throats and killing them mm-hmm oh I wish I could be as good as you one day hmm well I guess you did technically keep me alive for the past couple months so hmm I guess I could teach you the ropes oh really that would mean so much to me I wish you would stop doing that um okay well first of all I would like you to show me the way out of here so I won't run away and stuff okay for once for once for once the kidnapper has become the kidnap today yeah I don't like this I need to get out of here I'm scared oh okay follow me up these stairs just follow me up the stairs we okay oh man wait why oh man I hate stairs first thing I do wake up from three months is gonna have to go to some stairs are you kidding me come on up you just up here okay so how do you get out of this place we'll just follow me there's a nice little ladder over here that we can that we can climb up to get to the surface just uh wait a minute I think I went the wrong way Oh yep I did silly me clumsy me follow me over here where are we at wait where are we what type of building are we in oh we're in the sewers why why are we in the sewers I normally sleep in the garbages but the sewers is worse well just like you I don't have a home silly oh you're also homeless and that's fun anyways the latter two out of here is right there oh goody all right time to make my escape yeah but wait you said you would teach me right huh yeah hmm come on wait for me I don't want to leave your side I got big ladders not built for two people hmm rats how do I get rid of this person um okay yeah just come up on here come up here okay I'm up here now all right so you want it so can you please please please please daddy teach me the ways of killing people please fine okay oh hey look you see look at that person over there Oh what see there's just a person walking down the street I'm sure that you're having a terrible day and I think you would do them a good deed by killing them but I've never killed anybody before what if I mess up what did they get away until the cops and I get arrested just won't you better kill them or else that will happen I guess huh anyway so kill them wait before I kill them can I I just want to smell your delicious fingers hmm I'm scared okay that's no okay just don't focus you just draw my fingers with okay anyways just go kill that person okay okay well how should I do it I don't have a weapon I'll have a knife hmm aha perfect I have this knife in my back pocket oh I'm sure glad I didn't realize you had a knife I'm glad I didn't cut myself with it and while I was pulling your clothes uh-huh yeah okay here take this knife and go up to them and just stab them and then drag their body into the sewer that's all you have to do okay all right all right all right I'll go I'll go try to have time to make my escape and get out of here uh wait where you going come please watch fine fine just make it quick I got places to go places to be probably oh man I sure hope I didn't miss the UH the ps5 announcement or anything thank you alright anyways hurry up hurry up I'm pretty sure that's supposed to start soon I hope I didn't already miss it okay alright hmm let's go see I sure hope this dude's having a bad day or else if he's having a good day I would feel that way I would hold up Oh what now wait what if they're having a good day no I'm sure they're not look at the way they're walking oh okay fine just just just go kill them hurry up okay okay all right boy oh boy am I having the best day ever I won the lottery my parents love me again my wife and my children came back home in and my brother hee hee hee helps give yell fed my family in oh my god and he held me by this huge mansion this huge mansion man's best day ever this thing is unbelievable man if I was gonna die today I could I would stop would suck but no no my life is finally turning around my whole life has sucked but today has changed forever today is the best day of my life ever excuse me mister oh wait what do you want that's a fairy what do you want from me you stupid furry mmm I'll care if you cry I got a mansion in my family loves me again oh my god what is wrong with you why are you crying exactly well I just I well you should kill him then cuz he said that to you but why are you still crying am i really ugly I know really am i cute uh yes okay yes you're cute and adorable okay kids let's go kill that person really you really think so yes now go kill them okay daddy oh my god I'm going to I'm really close to committing I'm gonna go into my clich trap 'mobile wall to go while the garage doors closed and turn it on I'm about to go commit that he's right the glitch traps right he is a big bully he hasn't he doesn't know me at all I'm not ugly I'm adorable and now I'm gonna go cut him because he was big mean to me hey you stupid person how could you say oh well that doesn't change anything what do you want from me fer you want a um um you want some spare change oh wait a minute I don't have any change cuz I spent all along my chin oh yeah oh yeah I got the best mansion ever hot SEC they were you sleeping in the sewers you loser well guess what I'm gonna kill you now it uh oh did you just stab me in the arm whoopsies I missed you hit my funny bone - oh that frickin art house you stabbed my funny bone in my art oh my arm I can't feel my arm look my arm is dead my arm is dead Oh No uh whoopsies what are you doing kill him already okay I'm sorry I'll try again um okay are you chopped off my pinky toe just kill me already I'm out of his misery okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm scared for crying out loud sir are you okay I'm so sorry you had to go through all that I art so much please just kill me yes right away sir just snow my fingers oh my freaking God that was brutal that was brutal holy shoes I'm not wearing any shoes though my feet are dirty did I do good did you do good you're made of suffer you made that poor innocent soul suffer you're only supposed to make the people suffer if they if they do something terrible to you oh I mean I guess they called you ugly but that's not completely terrible I'd say let's say you make someone suffer if they freaking killed your whole family and it made you suffer then you would want to make them suffer like holy freak that poor soul holy Frick so I I did bad no no no it's it's fine as soon as just your first kill you'll learn you get used to it I'm sure we could find another person on the street and you could try again please LK um-hmm this still would be a terrible day to go outside so if you're playing on going outside please don't or I hope people I hope if people I had plans to go outside today I actually had no I hope people didn't have plans to go outside day because they're about the sufferer if they do um okay luckily I don't see anyone nearby so hopefully we don't have to try to kill second person you know you're right you're right that was just my first try I'll do better on my second attempt uh-huh yeah death definitely um well come on let's not sit around here and wait um we need to we need to hurry up and go get somebody ah fine fine you know what you know what I was all right yeah you do that here let me collect my thoughts for a second okay I was actually planning on ditching this girl but hmm I can't I can't let I can't leave a maniac who makes people suffer out on the streets I gotta fix this I see this goes against my moral killing kit killing code you never make anybody suffer unless they made you suffer yeah that's the that's the code and that poor poor man that's it's not okay I don't like I don't like what I'm about to do about to stay with her to teach her the ways of killing people so what's like that's what I'm gonna have to do okay all right I guess let's go try to find somebody else yeah I can't wait to kill somebody yeah that's yeah Wow very exciting I'm scared mommy mommy mommy look mommy they got cookies can I have cookies mommy well definitely definitely whenever I get paid for once your stupid child I hate you I hate you you're not my real mommy you're not my real mommy yeah I know I got freaking stuck with you I hate you I freaking hate my life and no you can't have no cookies because I don't get paid a freakin dime yeah you know you're not my mom you're not my mom now okay now this is a good thing see you technically you're killing somebody but you're killing somebody for the right good so you need to go over there and kill that person oh yeah mm-hmm I definitely need kill them look at them there's that's so mean yeah I know right they're so ugly too exactly yeah I think they're just asking to be killed mm-hmm all right go get them okay don't worry I'll take care of this one and I won't and I won't um I won't what's the word make them suffer yeah I won't make them suffer anymore okay um so um so okay and you told me to stab where do I stab oh yeah the left boob okay because that's like where their heart is that okay left boob okay I got that I got that okay I got this okay have fun okay all right um-hmm let's go see what's going on over here all right yeah excuse me what's going on over here oh I'm so sorry my my child it's just being a little a little a little whiny pants he's so demanding and stuff but we're having a rough time right now so we can get everything that's goodness I can't believe that I know look at this can you help me deal with my child he's being such a such a brat man like hey you know how about this can you watch my child while I go get his father and I'll be it'll be won in it I will definitely come back I definitely won't leave you here with the child so that way you have to deal with him I will definitely come back just give me one whole minute okay give me one minute okay yeah now you are you what the Frick you just kill him yeah stupid idiot orphan freaking disgrace to society oh my god oh my god you killed him you killed him uh-huh I sure did oh I am so sorry for your loss yes finally yeah I'm rid of this stupid order Finn stank come over here I'm like okay I'll be you I'll be back yeah what's up yeah I'm finally rid of this stupid orphans doopa doopa doopa time to go to the convenience store to get me a pack of cookies I love me some cookies doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa - gonna pass a mother who just stabbed her child to go get some cookie what you just who know this little challenge Hey murder stop right there freeze put your hands in the air I can't do this it was a it was that rabbit over there who what those you're blaming it on a furry how dare you furry lives matter to you little breasts it stopped resistant super your breathe breathe breathe what is it this war kid I saw the TV show about CPR whenever I punch this child more blood comes out of him monster put your hands up against the wall and put roast in you go to jail you're going to jail you monster you're gonna deal hands behind the back hands behind your back I'm sorry I said put your hands behind the back oh my god you put my handcuffs on you please don't take me away you're going to jail for a long time that's what they all say you're coming with me you maniac murderer you have the right to remain silent you're coming with me wait hold up before I go dupa dupa dupa dupa doo doo I should probably do something about this hmm I can't let those cookies go to waste hmm Oh dad just put it on my bill all right doopa doopa doopa gonna go ahead and take you away you wait this is not the police department what what the what the Frick just happened did I do bad again no you didn't do bad you didn't do bad I did awful I knew it I knew I did that bad no no that was that was beautiful that was the most beautiful thing I've ever just seen why putting the pulling murder in somebody and then pushing the blame on somebody else in letting them get in trouble no that that was perfect that was perfect that was perfect you did good things right there that was that was beautiful that was beautiful I don't even know if I could have done that that's unbelievable so I really did good yeah you did you did amazing you did amazing oh I do feel kind of bad about killing that small child though no it's okay you there's a child a favor you you did it you did so collie Frick you did so good you put that child out of its misery you helped that child because even if his mother got arrested and that child live here he would have nowhere to go you did him a favor holy Frick holy holy Frick did I really do that good no I feel like you're just saying that because you're just trying to make me feel better no you actually did really good that was that was good really you promise you're not lying I'm not lying that was beautiful am I really so am i as good as you well by that you're better but no no I will always be better I'll always be better I will always be better of course you always will be better because you are the master I believe that yeah but oh well come on let's take care of this small child and wait a minute wait a minute oh my god wait what's up this isn't a child this is a robot child I saw this on the shelves this is just a this is a robot child it's made out it's it's not really a human it's just a robot to look like a human wait so wait but what about the blood it's not blood it's ketchup mmm that is ketchup all right mmm they stuffed these robots full of ketchup dang it oh well you still did good okay well at least all I can say is that that was not a real child and no real child got murdered or beaten to death so please don't sue me okay thanks kiss you on the cheek no I love you too yeah are you okay what are you fantasizing or something oh oh shut up okay anyways come on um mmm okay I think you know now you've probably just had a lucky run right there um come on let's go down the street and you go find somebody else to try to kill okay I love killing people uh-huh yeah sure is Oh ooh I think I see someone over here come on come on okay I'm getting super tired though I'd like to go get something to eat or drink okay we can we could uh we could do that after we kill this person okay all right here I'm gonna tell you what to do this time okay um oh yeah an officer took away the knife so on you don't need a knife for this one what I need you to do is see that stupid dude up there on top of that construction site building thing whatever uh-huh I see him I want you to go up there and but wait I can't kill him if I don't have a knife let me explain look I want you to go up there go up that ladder and sneak up behind him and push him off and let him fall to his death do you weigh it's only two stories do you really think he'll die from it trust me he's got a big head and a tiny neck so his neck will snap like piece of like a toothpick so yeah just go up there and shove them off and and then I'll be proud of you and then we can go get something either just something I want to okay I can go do that I'll make you proud I'll [ __ ] I'll prove to you I'm worthy okay I got to sneak up there I'll just go around the long really okay all right time to sneak up them makeup here time to go up this line or dupa dupa all right let's see what these dudes doing up here Oh Bob the Builder can I fix it no I can't cuz I'm really depressed but the Builder I got it hard helmet so I don't hurt my head and get point damage I hate my life Bob the Builder she took the kids Bob the Builder can I kill myself please I want to die oh I gotta get back to work I gotta pay the bills somehow good thing I have these big meaty hands mmm gotta fix up whatever this thing is doing I don't know what I'm bill about I hit things with my hammer and it go bang bang and bam the bank got something in with the monkey face who you are are you gonna I gotta get back to work I gotta get back to work alright Bob the Builder can I fix it Bob the Builder I have the pressure Bob the Builder I'm behind on my taxes Bob the Builder I cry myself to sleep alright alright I just got it behind in oh wait I could just pick him up no another small child no you know my mom put me down put me down okay I'll put you down yopo beedo excellent time to inspect the body to see if he's dead hmm let's see what well put hook on the wood my heart helmet saved the day wait a minute I wanted to die oh oh he's alive he didn't die wait I thought you said he would die well he didn't get down here okay I'll go back down the ladder we are you okay sir you fell Oh No okay I wanted to die we hope well that was unexpected um so dinnertime I yeah yeah dinnertime I think uh I think that might be enough killing people today okay um well now what I don't know let's just go back to your home or something wait where the frig are we anyways I don't know of course you don't know okay whatever let's let's go back home okay let's go back to your little home in the sewers and stuff like that all right come on boom what should we do about this body you know ooh wait a minute wait I want it I want it I want to collect our I want to collect the corpses um here you know what you know um all right yeah this is what I'll do okay you know we take him down there we take this robot quote on kro robot child this dead robot child and we throw him down there and then uh ooh ooh and then I got a I went down here and I had the pick out that stupid construction workers remains and throw them down there into the pit enter into the pit come on let's go into the pit we crap okay um oh uh oh I missed the pit cut thing why did everyone go let's go into Agnes okay oh I missed oh ouch maybe we should have done this at separate times yeah no wonder okay I have to freaking truck okay all right come on let's let's go back over here okay I'm right behind you yeah that was shirt exhausting day oh did you put all everyone in there yet uh-huh yep I put like I'm gonna start a collection of all the corpses that I gather thank you so much mmm uh-huh surprisingly that was actually exhausting day for me yeah I'm pretty tired too well I'm hungry first I haven't really eaten that much oh yeah that's right we got to get a yummy midnight snack I wish you were to make those sounds but whatever I make concerning sounds to so I guess it's fine all right let's let's go back down these stairs I hope you get something good to cook yeah okay I'm sure I can find something for us to eat oh wait a man I just wait come can you come play can you come up your booty please will you please daddy daddy daddy daddy will Danny Oh daddy whoo I need you I fine I'm coming No yeah what outfit what what do you want for me I'm starving I'm ready to eat well uh yeah that's the problem I don't have any food down here and to steal that cake earlier what but oh there's no food down here no we would have to go steal some food I mean I don't have anything against stealing food but it's like I'm tired but uh fine let's go steal some food together all right come on food mmm let's make this quick come on where do you go steal food at just buy this place across the street come on I'll show you the way I'll show you all right come on we get we can make this quick all right um let's see okay um you're here okay follow me I know perfect place of where we can get some food enough oh wait look the officer didn't take the knife he actually left it here oh I'll take that back okay I'm starving so where are we going there's this convenience store over here that we can steal some food from okay oh whoops I tripped the pill all right come on follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me but this is the place yeah this is the place come on all right let's try to get something oh oh hi mr. oh hello hey welcome come on in come on in ah sure I'd love to have some customers mm-hmm all right let's see what our selections here a cheeseburger some fries cake bananas cheese and pine tell with the foot this is a poor shop I thought there were been better food here Hey oh well hi mmm did y'all just get back from furry : oh wait don't I choke I'm an itch okay I see you and your first shoots hitch all right I don't worry I cop I got back from last week man it was a blast let me tell y'all did y'all get on that snuggle pile whatever it was I'm visibly concerned um anyways no we were just coming here to get some food that's all oh just coming to our first snack already on wall uh we'll get whatever you would like oh so it's that easy okay hmm let's see I'll have a see all mmm tonight it's okay if we just eat it right here oh sure as long as you pay you know excellent cheeseburger fries I'm starving I've eaten much lately and I'm not dude sure as an eater yeah it's probably cuz I didn't sleep in for a while or something so um no hmm I'm trying to watch my appetite so all right so hungry [Music] whoops sorry didn't mean to break your table and I have to write those are old tables anyways um oh I kind of ate all the food here you can have this pie I think oh my things so nice of you to think about me Wow y'all ate all my food um all right well I'll just come up here and pee all right uh-huh and uh wait a minute all right well let's get out of here oh you know you can't leave yet you gotta pay oh I gotta pay what the Frick I know I'm not about that uh well are you gonna pay well I don't really have my purse on me so it looks like you can't pay yeah how about we can come back and we'll pay you what you don't have any money that John Baca I'm gonna have to I'm sorry folks I'm sorry my fellow furries but um I gotta respect my um my job as employee of the year at my own convenience store that I own and I'm gonna have to UM have to take responsibility I'm gonna have to I'm not to file a police report I'm sorry all it's just the things I gotta do no it's okay it's completely understandable yeah you little brat oh it's time to make a run for it it's time to run okay oh there they are my grandpa's shotgun who died Falls come on goddamn I still have to do everything myself I dropped my ball shotgun way to go I knew my pawn shop going I'm bleeding all over the place oh don't worry grandpa I'll avenge you the grandpa was right furries are evil I got a revenge grandpa I got avenge grandpa what the Frick where'd my knife go yeah oh hey looky here ah ah that's it time for you first to die say good night how about uh how about no and you you you you just you you die how about that that's time for you to go good night say good night no very smell huh yeah yeah you really didn't have to kill in our purse today oh well I'm stuffed and I'm tired and I'm ready to go home what about you mm are you okay oh thank you shop mm-hmm and now he didn't shoot you okay he didn't shoot me but I Scott I scraped my arm and I got a boo-boo oh okay it's just a little scratch it'll be fine I'll heal in like a couple days or something don't worry about it all right come on let's let's head back daddy but daddy it's not gonna be okay it's not gonna be okay well I said it's gonna be okay so it's gonna be okay but only one thing will make it will make me will make it feel better what what is it hurry up so that way we can go back I'm ready to go to sleep and I need you to kiss my my my boob wait I need you to kiss my booboo I got a big boo-boo anything I need you to kiss it I'm not going to do that it's not gonna do anything but but kissing boo-boos makes them go away faster daddy no no no no no no please fine mwah there can we go yeah thank you so much all right come on let's go let's go back oh boy oh boy am I tired I'm ready to go to sleep I'm tired exhausting day Oh daddy who is it snuggly wuggly time in bed ah just whatever I'm gonna pretend I'm okay I'm gonna ignore you now and I'm gonna go to sleep ouch I'll freaking back pockets I'm going to bed good night oh but Dad it's snuggly-wuggly time come here now get off of me it snugly Woodleigh time Danny I'm scared I want to go home oh wait let me lock the door so that way you don't try to run away dang it how did you know my plan my snuggly-wuggly time but you want to go away no daddy no gluten please somebody save me there's a reason why our Minecraft beds are together I'm scared please please I'm scared somebody help [Music] make sure to leave a like comment and subscribe with notifications
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 952,210
Rating: 4.8431883 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, HW, Help Wanted, SB, Security Breach, Glitchtrap, Vanny, RP, Roleplay, Story, Funny, Evil
Id: trgPkFKF08o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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