Gmod FNAF | Freddy And Golden Freddy In The Minecraft Apocalypse! [Freddy In Minecraft Part 2]

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oh no oh no they're invading oh no they're here they're all here to tie time we're gonna die we're gonna die oh hey I didn't see you there how's it going my name is Freddie you're probably wondering how did we get in this situation well funny story what are you talking about man you blew up the pizzeria now were you having the survival on their own look yeah that that's pretty much I mean nothing's really changed I mean what do you mean do things haven't really changed I lost my freaking arm you said replace it with this shovel this shovel sucks it hurts hurts you know whatever you're being a crybaby anyways um I may or may not have accidentally started the apocalypse minecraft edition to be advertiser friendly and um now now the undead's after us for for unknown reasons why is the undead after us I don't know well I know it's we're almost out of food and I'm really hungry well don't eat all the food save it as much as possible we need to save it as much for Sprint's I'm gonna savor spent mmm I mean piece of brain could be good oh whoa mmm that was pretty tasty I mean there's still two loaves left right here I mean mmm delicious mmm there's one more toe tasty we're out of bread oh this is the next best thing we're told Freddie no don't eat all our food bad golden Freddy Oh golden Freddy how much bread did you eat I ate all of it and I thought starting the wooden axe dang it stupid wooden axe it was useless anyways throw it overboard wish wish wish wish alright golden Freddy we're gonna start being serious here no more slacking around all right well these three little oh wait man you ate all the bread oh no one did it there was you what do you mean I yelled you're stupid Oh fine I'm sorry sorry's not gonna save us from the apocalypse is it go say sorry then okay dear everybody I'm sorry okay I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I'm sorry and to say I'm sorry I'm giving you a sacrifice yeah yeah give them a sec wait what go go be sacrificed no no I will not you go Oh why'd you push me younger to koi okay no seriously no more messing around Oh falling or let's see oh we have enough arrows and we got the bow probably shoot a few of them down but that's not gonna take out all of them I don't know how much longer my iron sword can last what tools do you have again oh let's see I got my iron pickaxe I got my stone axe and technically have a golden shovel what you said would be good enough as a new arm and it sucks you just don't take the axe to the shovel and so it sucks it's probably fine wait how'd you even lose your arm anyways I don't want to talk about it oh okay anyways we got to take over so I'm gonna get the bow and shoot some people wait no we only have like one two three four five six arrows we got a lemon our shots we got to be smart about this Freddie okay fine if we're gonna be smart what's your plan hmm well my plan is we got all these dirt blocks what if we just build across I mean there's gonna be a way out of here somewhere I mean we could build straight up but that won't get us nowhere oh how did we even get into this part of town I don't remember I just remember running in something we ended up up here we have to find shelter the zombies are coming up oh yeah wait are they coming up let me see oh shoot they are pretty the zombies are coming don't worry they don't know how to use ladders oh yeah we're safe up here whoo that's safe yeah but we're gonna start up here because you ate all our bread we're gonna starve Oh my bad whoopsies no no whoopsies you idiot mmm all right let's see see blocks wait their blocks would get some dirt blocks and then if we if we use them to build we could build a crumb wait no that we don't want to build over there um maybe maybe there's some food maybe there's some food down that we gotta find food can make this our base and we get food or maybe maybe there could be an exit somewhere out of here out of this realm Oh an exit I like that well yeah well it took that all of our other friends died you killed them Oh oh yeah I forgot oh my gosh I was saying if one of them were here we could throw one and then down as a sacrifice but I don't think that's gonna work okay you're the sacrifice no you said no earlier we voted and that you would be the sacrifice I'm not being a sigh okay blue just get the blocks we will build down how do you build downwards that's illegal you can't do that unless you have a water bucket doing it you're right that does it that disobeys the logic we can build low enough to hear mmm what we'll get to somewhere lower hmm oh no but I know where we can get more blocks from from that cobblestone storage thing there's a bunch of cops down there but it's infested with zombies why don't we use the arrows to kill the zombies to get to the cobblestone thing for some odd reason sounds like a plan okay give me the boat give me the bow yeah all right time to line up my shots okay okay Freddy Falls knows you can do this if you wee oh I did it I showed him I shot my first Bobby good job son I'm proud of you thanks dad thank you for believing in me wait what do we I don't know I'm just gonna shoot some arrows you owe my flesh old full moon to two zombies with one arrow I mean you also kind of hit the stone in stone it's up shut up don't ruin the dream [ __ ] if you wish we were rage oh there's a skeleton over there we gotta shoot him oh my gosh oh the leg it's making it difficult day new leg I hate you stupid lag spikes okay we're still skeleton I gotta shoot it pew oh oh well would you look at that we're out of arrows oh well this means nothing to me anymore wink what did you just throw away the bow yeah but we still had an arrow oh wait oh I know whatever whoops don't throw the error what if we get the bow back we need it oh well it's over there now I don't see what we need the bow again oh my gosh you really know that's gonna happen in the end where we need about worst about okay the bows over there why don't we just pick up on those other errors no we can't pick up those areas cuz we hit somebody with Eris and other arrows are ineffective what so the only good air is that one over there what do we even need it forward oh no probably nothing I'm probably over exaggerating this can we just okay what are we okay alright here give me some dirt okay and then get in your fridge and then an inch and then it's and building the building in Minecraft yeah it's and then we oh no oh no the lag Oh Oh like spikes are terrible in Minecraft okay uh and then uh and then which and then wah-wah doo-doo-doo - I built the pathway Kevon is probably safe doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa do do do put oh oh whoa oh oh my gosh why this is have to be so laggy golden freddy dub i'll save you golden freddy give me some more dirt just put the pills how do you build just got it I got a speed build I'm panicking I'm panicking double minecraft Mondays depend on this build battle no no no the point system screwed over no my teammates stuck in the ground no okay I'm coming to save you before I go wait Oh Loki boo time in ho why is this up here it means nothing to me okay save you know I'm stuck on one block wait but falling blocks and minecraft are illegal how'd those blocks fall that's illegal that means this one won't fall oh that means I got to break it okay oh well it's broken Oh lost half a horde Oh No Oh II oh okay all right mmm all right golden Freddy are you okay Oh whines it's the wines no oh my god no not the leg oh my gosh oh my gosh pick him up pick him up da da da da oh my golden Freddy dude what is happening oh my gosh what is happening now he's no golden golden Freddy no he's dying into the leg I can't get over there's too much legs oh my gosh the lag oh my gosh I gotta go freely no and going free which was it killed in the explosion who well he wasn't killed but he's like almost dead he's like no no the cobblestones on fire they told image building Freddie are you okay Oh Freddie oh and it's just like broken Oh Freddie oh you're gonna make it Freddie no you have to make it you have to really take my golden shovel oh and golden Freddy died no he was my only friend left that I didn't kill Dan you explosion oh the bow and arrow I can check out wait what do I even trying to where it's but where am I even going dang I'm gonna die well shoot um mr. golden shovel it's equipped with that with the stone axe Oh which I guess it's my only tool now alright well I mean what no I still got my sword uh-huh I got my sword oh no accidentally broke a block with you oh my sword broke well that's in well um I guess I got whatever this is uh you Inc you likey Oinky Ewing oh okay alright golden Freddy's dead it's up to me this is hardcore mode if you die you can't respawn you can only spectate I wonder what golden Freddy is doing right now inspected oh my gosh can't believe I freaking die now this freakin loser is gonna dunk what a loser he's probably saying nice things about me it probably encouraged me to succeed and whatever I'm doing I don't even know what I'm doing Oh something tells me I need go into that large hole in the ground cuz that's it that's important but if I jump down there I'll die to fall damage I need some feather falling boots I said I need some feather falling boots there's no feather falling boots in here where's my feather falling boots no there's the feather falling boots oh that zombies got oh wait no oh look the feather the feather falling boots are inside that house I gotta catch them we oh oh this was bad wage no back you jobbies oh oh my gosh this ax is old P you like who ever knew that the stone axe would be overpowered Oh take that Oh creeper Oh weird Oh oh no my human broke which I have no hillman anymore I'm the lone survivor which with whatever weapon this is I'll defeat you with golden Freddy's arm who don't fully believe and then Freddy made through about the skeleton did some damage - uh-oh we're stupid skills get like those Phil they're fully boots rage rage oh wait please and this zombie bully hem warps oh I gotta make it gonna be stupid skill to die still a kitten skeleton no go away you still - oh dang it get all the way zombies and then Freddie was freaking rags this everything was dying on him he had he was dying he's like NN uh like uh and then all you know let's see ears boom boom close to the feather fall screwed the weapons I don't need and so Freddie drops behind the shovel in the axe and it fell into the pits bump bump bump off with that diamond whoo where did it go that also fell into the bit we're throwing some certain items down there we're throwing an axe we'll even throw a zombie down rage okay anyways he's dead uh a narrow joint the bow these are all important items that we'll need in the final battle all right boots I've gotten um a feather falling boots will protect me from full damage uh okay just got a way I don't have like oh this [ __ ] work I think yeah okay I've equip the feather falling boots I'm the mortal to fall damage oh but I feel like I'm dying I feel like I'm dying I gotta keep going oh boy oh I lose my place you gets the thing how do I get out of here I gotta save the universe Oh at least a zombie broke my fall damage right oh no its life oh I think legs are broken ah don't worry little fella huh no I want to die - I don't even have like no get these stupid feather fall boots off me in the zombie use the use the boots and he was right - Brian's his legs worked again oh no stay back I'm warning you dig I do cut here look gotta bow angel by the way stay back avoiding you and went and broke the boots and the boots were now broken she's like I gotta get out of here but he'll and so everything was unless there was mrs. there's everything the doors were locked he's like I gotta get through there somehow that's the only escape oh it's like how am I gonna get through the wood the wooden axe finally something useful all right wait oh it died on me he threw this - dejected zombie she's like wait that was a nutter next oh that would have been better we'll hope and so he took the axe you do it and it went broke some of the slabs oh free oh I'm gonna have to break more injuries like brings you 300 I got a cruel jumpy we take boys I'm gonna eat your brains boys no pretty taxi with you anyway Oh still I'm a wiggly worm oh they're stuck what do we do we stick a wooden extra couch oh oh oh wait oh I stuck my twittle gel way the hood stuck I'm stuck dang you invisible walls then you barrier blocks for Ange and then zombie learn to use the ax that's a third like range range is gonna take you over Brian just gonna kill y'all it's like oh no and you Freddy took them I dunno he died I did it I killed the zombie oh no my life has come to an end I'm down to half a heart my hunger bar is only at two and it's slowly dropping I'm gonna dive in starvation oh I see the sign wait that's that's a light never never learned oh oh oh I felt like this was the way to freedom but I can't get through how would I get through Oh would I get through there was no hope left for Freddy Falls knows but then all the mob start celebrates like yeah you did let's throw all this trash down and you think there's like yeah let's no let him come out every kid to like undies like oh that's better I'm gonna die anyways in a few seconds and so they all started throwing things down there like we wait no that's okay those guys are now dead let's see you're like yeah it's true what the Frick dad just do okay anyways all this trash goes down like we and then cobblestone blocks and in dirt blocks you're like yeah take this loser you suck and Freddy was like oh it's over but then so what's this magical device it's like it's like it's a broken computer no it's a broken tablet if if I Q and then Freddy was giving access he was like he was giving um game-mode three no Clyde everything for five seconds I mean no Clyde world actually and then his time was up and the old oh dang it the way to freedom uh this must be the gateway to freedom second he crawled he crawled with this one little Lin he was at his hunger bar had to run out was that half a heart he's like no he got into test tube but then he was magically granted uh you know no game though three yet again wait what yep he got into the tube like oh beep and you activate the button and it like please don't save me and so Freddy went on to live don't-don't-don't oh but little did he know that tube actually evaporated him with a nice green screen background and now Freddy was dead boom boom boom boom they all died the end so yeah that's them that's the story of Freddy and I'm golden freddy freakin 9 um what what a story of Minecraft miss I don't even know if there will be a part 3 thanks to this or not I don't freaking know but that's the that's the end of this spicy video so well yeah but that's a nice ending they all died the end
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 865,579
Rating: 4.8246841 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Minecraft, Roleplay, Freddy, Golden Freddy
Id: zOjdxOKOdW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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