Gmod FNAF | The Anime Toy Chica Movie! [Part 4]

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uh oh i'm so bored nothing's been going on it's so hard to believe that only a week's gone by but in reality reality it feels like it's been like a whole year yeah i know what you're talking about yeah see it just feels like i don't know it just feels like i don't know it just i don't know i'm just tired of waiting around i just want something to happen yeah same here huh i wonder when those new classmates are supposed to come here to this new school because i feel like we've been waiting for so long and they haven't come here yet i thought they would be like the day after but nope it's been so long since we've gotten here and it's still christmas for some reason and i i don't freaking know yeah no i i i understand i feel like this i feel the same way yeah i'm so bored poor poor teacher look at him over there he's so bored he's just sitting there waiting for people to come because he can't teach because he's got nothing else to teach so he's just waiting for for new people new students to come so he can teach them huh so sad yeah it really is duper duper dupe i'm walking down there's no boom oh oh my face are you okay oh my freaking god forget i'm tall oh you freaking smash my face in the freaking wall right there oh man oh my nose ouch all right what's going on freaking oh shut up don't laugh at me i mean that was kind of funny but there's there's nobody else here so there's no point in laughing at you well thanks oh oh my face oh i'm so bored what are you what are you guys up to oh no we're just we're just sitting here chatting oh oh okay i guess um that sounds cool hey any any new people finally show up uh nope oh i'm sad come on in a new second now uh teacher what um do you do you think nobody's coming what no i'm sure i'm sure new students will come any second like i was promised um yup any second any second teacher i don't think anybody's coming what what makes you say that what makes you say that i'm sure they're they're gonna show up any second they're gonna show up any second all right um uh teach it it's been it's been a really long time since we've gotten here and yeah i don't think anyone's coming you know what maybe you guys are right maybe nobody is coming maybe we've just been wasting our whole time sitting here doing nothing what you really think so i mean i guess it would make sense why nobody showed up we've just been sitting here waiting waiting for something to happen and nope oh my gosh yeah you know what i think we were scammed i don't think anybody's coming i don't think anybody's coming at all ding-dong what the frick was that sound wait what oh there's somebody at the door what the what the frick oh my god oh my god there's people here but no no no there's no way there's no way i'm pretty sure there is oh my god i'm nervous now i'm all nervous all of a sudden i can't believe this is happening okay all right everyone everyone calm down everyone calm down i'm gonna open this door and uh okay and wait oh there oh there's nobody outside it was probably just a leaf who hit the freaking doorbell i'm shad now uh down here what nerdy here oh it's a gremlin hey wait wait no we're playing freaking gremlins what what what what was that oh i think it was a ugly squirrel a freaking ugly squirrel deserves to stay outside and die in the cold ding dong oh my god freaking what do you want you little child it's not freaking halloween i am nerdy do you not remember me who i i'm nerdy that the student you you suspended let me let me think about that you're not sure you've been somebody i don't remember ah i need to think about that i've come to get my revenge no shut up you i'm trying to think dude who who were you again what was your name uh i'm nerdy let me think about that um [Music] let me think uh that doesn't ring a bell what how do you not remember me i i freaking you guys ruined my life and now i've come here to take my revenge nope doesn't ring a bell see you later brat wait wait no ah freaking stupid idiot children what who who was it it's again just a stun dumb stupid squirrel ding-dong oh my freaking god what do you want you ugly squirrel i'm not a squirrel my name is nerdy just let me inside no go away no you freaking fully face i said go away no i'm not going away oh frick don't i should get the freak out of the frickin goddamn he's gotten shot god freaking dang it i am nerdy you punk oh he just freaking slapped me to fight what is wrong with you ugly squirrel hey man listen up i am nerdy and you listen to me i ain't listening to you oh my face wait what who is that is that is that nerdy what the heck ah yes somebody remembers me yes i am nerdy hello my fellow former classmates oh what the oh yeah it's that little brat i remember you did it didn't you make some type of machine out of trash oh yeah i remember him he he bullied me i remember you bullied me you made me cry you humiliated me in front of everyone yes yes i did and then i got suspended but now i am back i am back to take my revenge on y'all you know what i kind of would like to go back to eternal boredness instead of hear your voice again what ouch my feelings dang you know what you guys really are i mean oh boy oh boy i can't wait to take my revenge what do you mean revenge you freaking hex suspended me you all ganged up on me you bullied me and you freaking bullied me and that hurt my feelings so now i'm taking my revenge on you guys well wait hold up you're you're here to take revenge on on all of us all what wait one two three four five six six people six tall people and you're a small little [ __ ] man and you want to take revenge on us and you think you can take revenge on us oh yeah that's right we'll beat you up yeah oh not so fast this is why i have my my latest invention i itch my finger you're not glitch trap no no no no no i my finger has an electric pin my my uh my my pointer finger on my right hand i i i freaking bird bit off my pointer finger so i had to replace it with a pen and i colored it so that way it looks like a regular finger but this is an electric pen and if i touch you with it you get zapped oh really i ain't scared of nobody no little [ __ ] boy oh really you want to find out come here oh my god jesus freaking oh my god what the freak is that felt like a freaking car battery what the frick that is right i've come here to torment you guys wow all right your little brat listen to me you're coming with me you know what we're not dealing with you yeah hey put me down ah hey put me down nope you know that's it buster you're going back outside in the cold come here no wait no please put me down put me down please don't throw me outside sorry little brat but it's time for you to go what what the frick oh what the [ __ ] wait why why this door was just unlocked what the what the [ __ ] you fool you fools there's no escape that is right the big brain nerdy has locked all the doors in the buildings with the press of one simple button i've planned this through that is why it took me so long to get here and then to do this because i was preparing my plan so that way it would not fail yeah i see this is why i'm super smart unlike the rest of you guys you guys are all idiots oh ouch and now and now before or before i torment you know what we're gonna play a game you know what i'm feeling very happy i'm feeling very happy and it seems a good majority of y'all have forgotten who i am so let's play a fun little game but i don't want to play the game i'd rather beat you in the face do you want to be zapped like those other two uh no then you listen to me buster look we're gonna play a fun little game okay we're gonna you know let's play some let's play some hide and seek but i'm it and if i find you i'm gonna zap you and paralyze you but it's only gonna paralyze you for like a short couple minutes so i can't permanently i can't permanently paralyze you unfortunately but it will do the trick shall uh yeah let's play hide and seek i'm gonna couch you better hide what what the heck this is so messed up uh do we hide or or what i'm gonna start counting now i'm gonna count to uh whatever number i can count to oh wait i can count to infinity because i'm smart okay uh let's see what number do i want to count two um there's so many good numbers out there hmm what type of number should i count to i think this is the part where we're supposed to run away and hide but do we play his game or do we do we beat him up oh he said he could zap us so i don't think we can take him on yeah i was kind of scared we should go run away and hide oh good idea so everyone for themself wait what are we really lit are we really letting nerdy play with us like this i i guess so oh screw i guess it's time to go hide um teacher get up we gotta hide oh my fresh oh freaking stupid brat freaking squirrel man okay i'm gonna count to 48 one two three what forty what the fruit why forty eight uh okay all right i guess we gotta hide um um oh i know where to okay oh freak i'm too old for this oh quick we gotta hide follow me okay okay okay okay okay all right let's see five six seven eight [Laughter] we gotta hide gotta hide ugh i'm too old for this uh how many flights are there oh there's only one goddamn i'm so old quick we gotta hide where we gonna hide um uh i i don't know uh let's let's uh oh wait uh let's let's let's go over here i think over here over here over here what the okay i'm right behind you oh you know what screw you got i gotta take a nap i gotta take a seat oh i gotta sit down for you oh my back oh my god i'm too freaking old ow everything hurts oh i should not have ran up those stairs oh my gosh i feel terrible i have the perfect hiding spot i will hide in teacher's class nerdy will never think to look in here they're okay all right come on uh let's see uh-huh i'll hide behind this thing this wall okay oh wait i could do this and then i could do that and then and then nerdy will never find me back here if i take one of these old puppet things and just throw them right there boom nerdy will have no clue okay i'm safe no one just got to stay here for the rest of my life this should be fun oh man i don't know where to hide oh oh boom behind this christmas tree he'll never look here oh okay i have a good spot i have a good spot right behind the vending machine haha perfect uh look there's another vending machine on the other side you go over there okay all right i'll go over here i'll go over here oh wait oh i don't think i'll fit i don't fit i don't fit um um oh no oh um we'll go find another spot um okay okay okay okay um uh where'd it go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go where to go oh hi christmas tree oh i'm a christmas tree oh god dang it um okay all right um 37 38 39 40. oh frick um uh i guess in here what's in here okay it's just a bunch of stuff um um uh uh um i'll just hide under here i'll hide under here i don't know i don't know okay all right i gotta get up oh my god oh i'm too old oh my back's killing me okay all right wait oh wait what what's how much time we got left 47 48 ready or not here i come ah frick oh my gosh it took you my i took my nap away too many seconds long okay i gotta go up these stairs i hate stairs why is my freaking classroom at the third floor oh okay i know where to go oh you'll never check in here yes yes this is the spot it's time to start searching let's see yep everyone's gone this will be fun i can't wait to get my revenge on them but before i kill all of them i'm going to play hide and seek hooray let's see where everyone is hide and seek hide and seek i'll find everyone while i'm playing hide and seek hide and seek so much fun anyone in here nope nope nope i'm gonna find everyone and because i'm smart i'm gonna look through all the rooms so you can't hide from me i will find you no matter what there's always so many rooms it's only just a matter of time okay nobody in here and uh this gives me the perfect excuse to go into here um let you nope nope nope nope nope dang hope i was hoping there would be someone in there oh well um all right time to go uh a high here let's see if there was anyone smarter to hide in here this would have been a good spot and nope okay nobody's in here okay good to know nobody's stupid um let's see anybody over here nope um anybody in the water nope duper duped oh anyone understand oh that would have been a good spot under the stairs ooh anybody under the stairs i didn't bother checking there nope uh anybody in one of these hallways uh no no no oh anybody over here oh this is a place i would not look to check all right nope this whole side over here this whole side over here is good so there we go all right let's see here oh much go i don't guess i'll go over here anybody in here um i found you oh toast slapped wait what oh my toes oh i gotta get out of here [Music] oh my god oh what the [ __ ] was that oh freaking out my toes oh you freaking stupid thing my toes i freaking hate you ah what the freak was that oh wait where the frick did he go freaking heck and no where'd he go is he in the tree no god dang it i'm freaking oh my god i'm so sad how the freak did you get away is he sitting here no there's no way he would have no god god dang what the frick where's the fr he has to be somewhere over here he has to be somewhere over here god god damn how that freaking oh my gosh how did i lose him how the frick did i lose him what the frick how the frick did i freaking lose him i'm so sad oh my freaking god are you freaking kidding me oh i'm so upset how the freak did i lose him oh my freaking god okay whatever all right i'm gonna i'm gonna start looking on the second floor second floor second floor second floor time to go searching on the second floor second floor second floor huh what the i think he just ran right past me oh he didn't see me hooray hooray oh my gosh i can't believe it i have no idea how he didn't see me what the heck oh duper duper dude wait what is that ear on the christmas tree hmm i think i saw some movement hmm what's behind this christmas tree huh nerdy you suck you just ran right past me what the oh i did oh my bad wow i guess you showed me yeah i did ha ha ha well uh get zapped what the freaking loser oh god dang it okay let me look behind this christmas tree and boo what was there someone behind this christmas tree i couldn't tell what the oh my gosh i feel like i'm saying things now god god dang it um no okay nobody's over there um okay i guess i'm gonna look in this room um nope nobody in here nobody nobody in here okay okay okay okay very very interesting huh who's there i keep feeling like i hear somebody okay all right probably just my probably just my imagination but uh um okay okay okay okay okay okay okay come on there's gotta be someone in here no nobody's in here i've already found somebody doing the amount of time before i find everyone else oh my god he almost found me you almost found me i'm so freaking tired no from running uh who's talking oh it wasn't me oh hey get back here oh that's it i'm cutting him off i see where he's going he's going this way all right freaking get back here you stupid bear oh i gotta run and hide back in my tree oh christmas tree i just saw you go in the christmas tree oh no i'm a christmas tree all right well let me zap the tree no don't zap the trees oh oh that hurt my belly ah freaking i knew it i knew it okay come on where's everyone else boom found two people so easy all right where's everyone else there's gotta be someone else over here oh where's everyone is anybody in here no nobody's hiding in these rooms okay i'm actually impressed impressed okay maybe i should stop checking those rooms uh anybody anybody anybody anybody nope i don't see anyone anybody nope nobody in there already anybody in here nope um is that this section done i guess so um hi uh we we can talk about this can't we no no no you stay over there you don't come here don't come near me no you stay away hey no stay awake stay away it's out freaking stupid school girl freaking idiot all right there we go that's three out of six right there's six of them yeah that one dude said they're sick so yeah they're still after story left okay i think i'm done with this floor let's see i feel like the majority would be hiding up on the third floor so all right let me go up here and try to find them all right let's see let's start off with room number one and nope nothing okay yep just like normal and uh oh dang this room is actually filled with trash oh this must be their classroom their classroom that i'm not a part of who's this teacher's desk is this his desk oh look at me i'm the teacher ha ha ha i'm so freaking hip and cool these days ah i freaking fell over oh my god ow ow i'm stuck somebody mommy please get the chair up away i'm a big boy get out of here stupid chair and uh wait is there is there something behind this wall what the frick it looks like there's something behind this wall i'm naked look away you freaking idiots freaking stupid idiot well there we go that's another one now easy easy easy easy easy this game behind you sucks you guys don't know how to hide at all this is this is okay i was like i was hoping this would be more fun or oh the balconies i have no idea if anyone's on the balconies where'd that one do go that first freaking hiding and then he ran away like you freaking ran off and uh oh well i guess that explains it okay um hello oh oh no please i don't have another one of those two things uh i'm gonna jump off ouch oh there's an invisible wall yeah there's an invisible wall you idiot no please well that was just sad that wasn't fun at all that was just straight up sad oh my god freaking idiots all right well um that's uh let's see there was uh i'm gonna have one two three four five only one left there's only one left and that's oh that's the teacher i wonder where the teacher's at teacher teacher where's the teacher [Music] oh my freaking god i can't find this stupid freaking teacher anywhere i've been searching for like 20 minutes it's been like 20 minutes since i last found somebody okay hang on let me let me go over this again okay i brought everyone up here let's do this again one two three four five six there's this is the last one channel where the freak is he at i went through all the old floors is he in this thing no he's on that tree what the frick that's all i'm missing is just one more and where the frick could he be where the frickin oh i'm an idiot oh my gosh freaking zero iq plays [Laughter] oh no the squirrel no be gone squirrel i don't have any nuts for you i'm not a freaking squirrel you stupid idiot this is my vengeance i also hate you because you were the one who kicked me out into the cold i mean into the yeah pretty much into the cold you freaking now became homeless because of you you freaking stupid idiot teacher why'd you suspend me because you're an ugly squirrel now go back to your tree squirrel i'll show you think you can insult me look i captured everyone and now i'm gonna zap you with my uh my my my my special finger no no this is this is the uh you uh oh i can't think of anything clever oh what some clever i could say uh no this is actually the end for you aha that was pretty lame i'm not gonna lie um i'm gonna zap you now oh no please you fools you fools all right let's see there you go line them all back up there you go [ __ ] down you full there we go oh wait nobody's awake to hear my evil laugh i should wake them up but i'm not letting them i'm not letting them move okay i got my my magic hand okay let's see i i freaking i pretty much got this whole hand freaking i got this hand chopped off and i had to get reinstalled so there's a lot of different things on my hand that i can do let's see boop i have a special robot and wait i'm technically a robot yeah oh well um okay let's see i don't want them to move but i want them to wake up what happened i captured you fools you fools are under my control actually well no not that's not true i lied about that god dang it what do you want from us i want my revenge and i've got my revenge if this is your revenge it's kind of lame shut up shut up okay this is how i want it to go so this is how it's going to go oh you full you didn't let me finish what i was trying to say earlier oh really you were trying to see some what what were you trying to say i was trying to say it's the end for you because he is here all right who's he he is me who is that hello there little boy oh the principal oh oh so you think you can return back to my school and you think you can torment my students and my staff you think you can do that ah yes yes i do think i can do that is everyone out here all right yes we are all right thank you principal for saving us let's see i got a big spooky claw hand here no please don't hurt me i'm i was a good boy for christmas this year oh you're a good boy what makes you a good boy i tormented them i i played hide and seek and i zapped them with my zapper wiper and then that stupid bunny right there freaking threw a freaking toaster or something at me wait wasn't a toaster what'd you throw at me it's one of those air conditioner things freaking freaking hurt my toes [Music] quick appreciable bosch throw get that stupid squirrel out of here you want me to get rid of this squirrel what exactly did you do again to them i i i forced them to play hide and seek in fear for their life while i tried tapping them excellent work i'm very proud of you will we yes i'm very proud of you wait why are you proud of him you fools you fools oh my gosh ow i couldn't breathe it's so funny how none of y'all know nothing wait what what what's so funny i don't understand you're fools you're fools you care to explain why we're fools oh yeah i should probably do that um well i guess i should go reveal my true identity um let me let me do that really quick [Laughter] you guys are screwed who is that and they're they suck at being a villain or something shut up i know they suck at being a villain but whatever they're a pretty good villain in my eyes and he's gonna it's gonna bring us the leadership wait a minute sucks at being a villain where i feel like i've heard that from somewhere before like well not heard it exactly but i feel like i've seen something similar like some other villain who sucked before oh it's good to be back to my normal self no as i was trying to say earlier the funny thing is about all this is that y'all have no idea what's going on and the best part is is you won't remember a thing [Laughter] [Music] i i'm still confused i don't understand oh my god you're freaking idiots uh um um oh i think you should uh give them their memories and stuff back oh yeah sure whatever uh what was that stupid power how do i do that power again uh oh yeah zip zup zippity doo uh wait no that's something else uh which was uh you know i don't have to say anything i just have to do it in boop oh wait i remember now you're that dude who tried to kill everyone but you sucked yes that's right wait what what do you mean i sucked no i didn't suck i am the best ever and uh i freaking hate all of you guys you guys suck oh oh my god what is wrong with that dude what happened to freaking long years voice what the frick maybe it's his true self i remember my true self i am nightmare bonnie grandson of nightmare jack obani i am the last survivor of the bunny box war oh the bunny box war oh no my people my fellow bunnies [Laughter] nerdy you got the stuffs right oh yes bosh yes i did the task you told me to do okay excellent good that would be bad that'd be very bad if you showed up here and you didn't do that but whatever because now we can make some good use of this space and now and that is why i've revealed myself to y'all because i don't need y'all here anymore wait what what do you mean you see this place this place right here this place that we're in right here doesn't exist this is just a void a place where time doesn't exist so uh yeah pretty much this is all just gonna seem like a bad dream to all of you so uh time to start getting you guys out of here um because i gotta i got some good space to make here i'm gonna have all my villain buddies come here and all my henchmen who work for me what do you mean by henchmen you see i have lots of allies and nerdy is just simply one of many yeah that's right we're gonna show you all one day one day you will never forget who i am you freaking hex that's right let's start with your little friend let's start with you oh my head what happened to me hush child hush this is all just gonna be a bad dream you're gonna wake up back where you were okay all right i'm gonna i'm gonna wake you up now so uh time to wake you up and get you out of this really weird school place or whatever the heck this place is but time to get you out of here buddy wait oh wait a minute i remember who i am my my true identity my true name is oh whoops i guess i should let him finish his sentence whoops wait what who even was he oh uh let's see who was that dude again uh oh yeah he's some type of drunk or something he he lives in a dumpster he's one of the homeless people so yeah he doesn't he doesn't matter so yeah ow oh a poor guy i feel bathroom let's see oh yes this little boy oh another another person from the golden era [Laughter] the best part is is nobody can hear what you're saying oh that's what i love about you the most you're the most intelligent but you can't say anything worth crap even if your life depended on it and guess what your life does depend on it but is that gonna save you nope all right time to go back let's see where do i want you to wake up at hmm what point in time do i want you to wake up back you know what would be funny is if it's when you're getting pulled if it's right after you get hit by a bus you know what that's funny because you're getting on my nerves with that stupid voice yup that's right when you wake up you'll be getting towed by a bus all right have fun and he's gone oh boy oh boy i love my powers what what did you do and what do you mean by a certain time oh see again like what i said before this place right here time doesn't exist so i can make you wake up at any point in time i can make you wake up in the past when it was only me or i could make you wake up in the future where everything will be lit on fire you know i might do that i might might return somebody on fire but that would ruin my plans so i can't really do that i can't send really anybody to the future yet but whatever all right let's see here mr mr nightmare bonnie boy i will get my vengeance i will avenge my grandfather and i'm sure you probably hmm will you event no no you won't avenge your grandfather i'm sorry to tell you nightmare bonnie but you do not avenge your grandfather so uh yeah no you're lying to me you're lying to me hmm all right let's see where do i want you to wake up at um um you know what you will wake up in afton's basement wait what and he's out here oh stupid stupid bonus wait a minute if you've right you've revealed your identity and you revealed your plans when one of us goes back and wakes up we'll just know the truth you fool like what i said this will all seem like a bad dream so nobody's gonna say anything because everyone's just gonna think it's a weird dream except for that except for that probably that creepy spring body but again like i said he can't talk so uh rip and rest him oh now for the rest of you y'all are irrelevant wait what so since you'll since your lives don't really matter and since you don't really have a point of existence in this universe as of right now i could simply kill you and nobody would know or care so you know what i think that's what i'm gonna do does anyone have any final last words you would like to share with each other but you're cruel and i remember i used to work for you why why are you doing this why why do you have to kill us oh because i can and because i'm evil so uh yeah well looks like the end is here for you yeah yeah you show them and wait what bosh bosh uh bosh what what do you want i'm about to murder these people you're ruining the moment nerdy uh what why'd you open a portal oh what i didn't open a portal why is there a portal here oh what the frick oh what the bosh are you okay oh my god bosh are you okay oh my oh what was that thing oh it hurt my face bosh come with me if you want to live what what the frick quickly there's not enough time to explain i'll save you children i'm not a child i'm an old man get in the portal oh dude i didn't go in the portal right oh i said get in the portal oh my gosh we don't have time we don't have time wait what the wait aren't you that statue bear come on there's no time to waste let's go let's go let's go to get in the portal oh my gosh i thought and i thought i was fat get in the portal you guys ouch what the frick ah just let me in come on get in oh gosh everyone's escaping oh what the [ __ ] god dang don't let him escape oh my freaking head oh and they're gone what what the freak nerdy what the freak just happened why didn't you do anything i i tried to tell you oh my freaking god who was that um i think that was that statue bear freaking hate that stupid statue bear he turned me into a statue oh yeah how did that work out yeah you were turned into a statue how did you come back from that oh no some stupid idiot decided to raise the dead and brought me back to life for some reason so time to do this evil stuff a second chance so uh yeah but anyways i hate that stupid freaking gray bear where oh he freaking stole everybody else how does that work um i was gonna kill them so i have no idea how that's gonna work um wait i thought you said wait hold up this is bad this is bad because you said it didn't matter about those other people because it was a dream and then you were gonna execute these people but then they escaped and now they know that you're still that you're plotting an evil plan hmm that is true but it's probably fine oh as long as you finish your errands you did all your errands right yeah i did all my errands that's why i came back here okay good we just got to hope everyone else has done their plans let's say i hope evil chica did her stuff and i hope glitch trap did his stuff and nightmare too and uh and uh yeah pretty much everyone else too oh yeah there's also that new and also those people how many how many henchmen do you have again by the way lots there are lots of us there were lots of us oh wow wait you even you wait you gave that glitch trap man attached isn't he really weird or something yes i know he's super weird but i gave him a task and he should have completed it so yeah well what type of task did you give him he's a really strange individual that's what i've heard oh i just i just told him to go execute somebody uh go assassinate somebody so uh it was probably fine are you sure that it's okay that those people escaped yes it's fine and besides let them tell the tale to rain fear into people's eyes that i am returned um okay then so can i ask you again why do we need this infinite place of infinite time right here that it's this place nerdy it's simple this is our pluton area remember this is where when this is where all my henchmen will will gather and this is where we will plan and we'll have infinite time to plan so that way if something goes wrong we can easily fix it by coming here gathering together and uh yeah and also yeah that's pretty much it oh wow okay uh cool i guess so yeah yes and soon those fools will regret the day that they mess with me fredbear the version one fredbear ah wow that's cool um i'm gonna go [ __ ] in your comfy chair now because i can comfy chair come feed your comfy chair comfy chair it's only a matter of time i can't wait to strike fear into all of my enemies eyes soon the day will come where the land will burn oh what the what the frick has been going on where are we at now you are now in the remains of the walled city the the what city the the walled city do you not remember the walled city i mean it was this this city used to oh well this city used to be ruled by fredbear during fredbear's first attack um and then and then this and then half of the city blew up thanks to the jacko animatronics um but yeah this is the the walled city where all the refugees are all the homeless people so yeah except for glitch trap he's banned but everyone else is welcomed here but we're not we're not homeless uh well oh wait i guess now we're technically home god dang it so well yup welcome welcome uh who are you again exactly i am nightmare gray bear statue thing my only purpose of life now well my original purpose of life was to was to be accepted to a party which i finally did so that got scratched off the bucket list really quick so now my only purpose left in life is to protect the people of this world and to stop fredbear from returning but he returned so uh now i gotta figure out a way to defeat him again but uh yep that that's that that's who i am nightmare great bear statue thing good old me oh i'm super lonely i have no friends all right hey mr statue man do you i'm really old and tired do you hatch when i can sleep uh you could sleep right there ah perfect i'm tired what what the heck um so wait what about everyone else that was with us um fredbear was quicker so now those former three friends of yours are irrelevant and they probably won't really remember who you are so uh yeah because you know that stupid fredbear man freaking hate him um but yeah wait how did you get here with a portal what the what the frick is that about oh i've been uh i've been messing around with powers and stuff and uh there's a few a few homeless people had some powers and we worked together to create this portal and uh basically this portal takes us to fredbear's uh void um as we like to call it and uh we finally fixed it and i come in and i see you guys if we can capture like oh might as well save them before fredbear spots me so i got in got out and i saved your life so uh you can be thanking me now uh thanks i guess i'm really confused oh yeah trust me i know you're confused because your series out of all these different series is the most confusing to try to fit into this name because it makes literally no sense so that is why we've had to throw in all these portals and stuff so well yeah hippity doodah happy today my life is super fun that was sarcasm if you couldn't tell um well enjoy your stay at the wild city um i'm gonna go tend to my other fellow refugees so make yourself at home because you don't because this oh wait well you don't have a home so uh exactly just just just just do whatever you want just don't don't leave without telling me though but yeah okay bye well this is random yeah but yeah well at least we're not in some stupid school anymore but that place was nicer than this homeless bill yeah that's true um teacher uh i'm true i'm too old i need my nap huh um okay well i guess he's sleeping um do you understand anything uh nope and do i care not really uh wow okay well is that our series ever with yeah i guess so wow that was that was quite sad
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 75,288
Rating: 4.8860512 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Anime, Toy Chica, Movie, Ending, Fredbear, RP, Roleplay, School, Story
Id: 07Yunuhjmyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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