Gmod FNAF | The Afton Family [Part 7]

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oh what a nice sunny beautiful actually it's kind of it's kind of cloudy but what a nice beautiful sunny day at the afton family house who knows what is going on inside i'm sure lots of fun things are happening inside but i don't really care to be honest i'm back because i'm here to steal their bucket i just really need a bucket that's all i need it's just a bucket i'm taking their bucket yep that that that that that's it i'm i'm just taking their bucket i swear and if you tell me if any of y'all snitch on the cops that i stole their bucket i will personally give you a special delivery please buy my internal package please i thank you i need more people to buy my eternal package the reason why i'm taking this bucket is so i can fill it with my tears because nobody's buying my eternal package to buy my eternal package all you have to do is leave a like on the video i'm already filling the bucket with my tears i'm gonna go and wait for somebody to do something to buy my eternal package i'm going back to my house this is where i sleep oh yeah i'm gonna put the bucket full of tears inside it doesn't even fit this is where i live because nobody buys my turtle package just like the video so i can have a place to sleep oh daddy ah got the life of me but but daddy ah straight away but where are you going i'm getting out of here once and for all but i thought you always came back not from this one i don't want to come back i want to die i want to perish leave me alone but daddy i want to die how can i kill myself uh oh stupid i'm freaking ah who left this who left this stupid plant on the floor god dang it i hate my life ah there's never a happy day in this stupid pathetic house ah i hate her so much i need to find some way to fix that machine and turn her back to normal i need to do that now ah but but i am kind of thirsty i haven't had my morning coffee i need my morning coffee first and then and then i'll freaking fix that stupid problem ah i need to calm down what is going on in the kitchen i swear my coffee better be ready darling is my coffee ready what is wrong with you why do you sound so different all of a sudden i have not been doing very good recently and i've decided to change my accent but but you don't sound the same as you did in the past episodes stop breaking the fourth wall and freaking fix me a sandwich okay i'm sorry i guess i just want a cup of coffee please okay okay um so do you want to explain why you're talking differently what no i've always sounded like this what are you talking about uh are you making fun of my accent no no no no no i would never i would never i would never make fun of your accent okay i'll just i'll just get you a cup of coffee let's see oh i've never opened these top drawers all right let's see if we have a coffee cup up here ah alrighty i need a cup of coffee to get my day started so that's why i can get a better thing so that way i can be in a better mood sweetie where are the children what oh they're they're locked in their rooms like you did you always lock them in their rooms god giant those bloody children ah they're so annoying i hate children have i ever told you how much i hate our children yes yes you have okay let's see um aha all right you want to drink cup coffee coffee ah i can't speak today would you like to drink coffee out of this can watch do you think i'm poor no i want a coffee mug not not on the tin can but i mean you look kind of poor like look at you you're kind of falling apart and stuff are you are you now making fun of my appearance okay um all right fine i'll find you a coffee mug i think the last one broke um um okay you know i'm just gonna do do don't look don't look i'm i'm a magician uh ella alexa bing bong hey look a coffee mug how convenient it just popped in through thin air hurry up unfortunately my god dying coffee okay okay okay okay calm down calm down there's no reason to yell all right let's see um okay here you go here you go here is your coffee it is just an empty mug this is an empty mug there's no coffee in this oh whoops my bad sorry i said focus on getting the coffee okay you're here sorry i'm sorry i was just focused on getting the mic okay here i'll get you some coffee um okay well we don't have a keurig so uh all right i need to get some tap water we'll do let me just fill this up with some nice cold water and done all right all right here you go here's your coffee oh finally i'm the freaking pushed ah finally i can have something to drink and oh what is the oh it's just oh it's oh it's terrible water what the why is it just water and it's cold oh i'm sorry god dang it are you blind or something when i say coffee i want coffee well i mean technically i am blind since my eyes are always closed god damn it fetch me some bloody proper coffee oh hey don't throw things i just want a cup of coffee is that too much to ask for okay okay okay okay jesus oh my gosh why are you so grumpy okay fine i'll use some hot water instead there you go hopefully you like some hot water okay here's your coffee now stop complaining you grumpy pants you need to calm down mister well i was trying to calm down by drinking a nice special cup of coffee but it seems that somebody doesn't know how or doesn't know what coffee is and i thought you knew what the dexter told us the main character is a freaking coffee cup in it oh my gosh all right finally finally i can drink me some nice coffee and oh it's hot water i spilled it on myself oh my god oh what the [ __ ] that wasn't even oh what the [ __ ] ah it burns oh my gosh are you okay oh i am not okay oh my gosh uh uh here i'll get you i'll get you some water here i'll fill this with some cold water okay here you go here's your water what the jump oh my god you just put water all over me ah now i'm freaking shocked god dang it i'm sorry please don't hurt me oh my god i hate my life don't make the furniture oh my god i freaking hate everything oh my gosh oh i think you need to calm down i don't need to calm down you need to call me oh my god where are the children i i told you already they're locked in their rooms god dang it they need to do something useful with their lives for once oh my god oh freaking what was this child's name apparently it's not like what was his name is it like chris evan i don't know what his name is uh mr uh freaking goldilocks yes that's his name goldilocks wake the freak out goldilocks get a freak out of bed what was that i had a weird dream goldilocks goldilocks in the three bash where's your porridge what i mean ah son what are you doing sleeping in on a school night what it's not i don't i don't i don't go to school well you should because you're stupid and your iq is in the negatives oh now get your lazy bomb out of bed and go into the breakfast and eat your breakfast did you just wait hold on you just said go into the breakfast and eat your breakfast go into the breakfast area and eat your goddamn breakfast what's what's for breakfast you'll be lucky to get a single crumb now get in there before i beat you oh please don't beat me okay okay okay why is he so grumpy today and what is up with that accent shut up god dang it okay why is he in a bad mood i don't know and why does he have a funny accent now i don't know i guess that's something to do with lore or something so that way he seems different from another certain person who looks exactly like him or something so it shows that he's different kind of like how how you um you were fixed at one point but then you got changed into this uh withered form of you why are you breaking the fourth wall right now why is everyone getting mad at me for doing that i'm just saying the truth so people understand well i got the hungries uh oh wait where's where's my oh oh i guess my dad's gonna go wake up my brother now that goldilocks is awakened my name's not goldilocks my name is actually shut up i don't cry oh my god i'm gonna go get your brother and i'm gonna freaking beat him if he's sleeping michael michael wait open this god dang don't oh wait it's freaking last night michael wake the freak up get the freak out of bed oh i'm not in bed i'm on the floor ouch i'm a corpse man oh no he seems man michael get off right now before i beat you i'm sorry i'm still i'm stuck i'm stuck oh please don't say that that is giving me flashbacks what i'm stuck shut up your disappointment oh my friends why you bullying me michael go into the kitchen and eat your cheerios what why are you so british all of a sudden shut up go into the kajan okay okay okay okay oh wait hey i got you a present first my present yeah you seem so angry and stuff so i think this will make you feel better it's underneath my bed a present no one's ever gotten me a present oh boy michael you know what i'm actually starting to feel happy because now i know that somebody actually appreciates me and actually cares about me oh yeah here you go you bullied oh my toe oh my freaking foot i gotta get out of here michael you hack get back here oh my freaking toes oh god dang oh my foot ah i think my foot's broken oh my oh that hurt ah god dang it i need to get rid of all these things where'd it go this thing i'm throwing this out the window be gone oh oh oh god oh my god ah god [ __ ] dang it oh oh i'm in pain i'm too old oh how old am i anyways what year is it god dang oh oh god dang it michael where the friction go i'm gonna beat him up michael michael one of those toe stabby things at him oh i don't think he likes that god dang it michael when i get down there you're dead meat well technically i already am dead meat god dang it i'm going to kill you oh my god oh god dang how many of them know they're in these houses i freaking hate these things ouch i'm in pain oh god dang hide me brother hide oh oh i don't know where to hide you oh just go behind the tv he'll never look for you there okay oh why are you in such a bad mood because of your stupid idiotic sister and your brother isn't helping me either now where did he go uh where did michael go um that's uh that's that's a really really good question dad oh i think he died yeah he's dead he doesn't exist anymore oh really that's splenden news that's one down and two to go wait what do you mean by two i'm gonna go take a minute to chill oh what's in here closet or bathroom ah closet i'm gonna stay in here for a minute why did he just go into the closet i i don't know maybe he just needs a minute to cool down oh okay michael he's gone okay ah approach oh my god oh why is this place such a mess i haven't had a chance to clean it yet oh um mom we're hungry i'm gonna starve yeah yeah food is good even though i'm technically dead i don't need food but food is yummy oh yeah food is yummy yeah i mean oh yeah that's right i'm a robot but still food is yummy where's the food um well i think we kind of kind of ran out of food um hmm i guess i could call that special delivery freddy guy and i could get him to get us some food food yeah what would y'all okay yeah i can order food what would y'all want what do y'all want for breakfast what do you want oh i want a million pancakes a million you can't there's no way you can get a million pancakes yes i can just watch and see i want a million pancakes well i mean you know i'm just fine with just you know some sausage some bacon and also some maybe maybe some like scrambled eggs and stuff and uh yeah i'm good with maybe oh also maybe some hash browns too you know that would be that'd be pretty good um some breakfast stuff yeah yeah i'll just get some of that stuff okay i'ma call him up hello welcome to uh the fazbear internal package how may i help you it's me footy fast man the mail delivery man hi i need some i need a i need to place a breakfast order oh so would you like to buy from our food menu okay let me see hang on where's the food where's the food okay all right would you like we got all types of food we got every single type of food in the world what would you what would you like what would you like um well let's see one of my children they won a million pancakes okay one million pancakes and then my other one you just want some like eggs and bacon and sausage and stuff like that okay let me write that down and anything else i want orange juice and chocolate milk uh okay orange juice and chocolate milk all right anything else um yeah i'm not watching my weight so uh yeah i think that's all good all right your special delivery will be there in three seconds i'll see you then beep three seconds holy fake this place is quick ding dong oh i think that's him all right i'm gonna go get the door dude out my face ouch okay oh okay gotta go to the door yay gotta get to the door all right who's there all right just gotta open up the door and all right hello hello i'm um freddie fazbear mail time delivery service bear hello i got a special delivery just for you yay thank you you're welcome yay another customer satisfied oh duper duper dude oh oh wait a minute i forgot to ask them for oh well at least i got their bucket approach yay food's here all right yeah i got the food i got the food i got the food i got the food i got your food guys yay all right guys here's your food dig in and while you're doing that i guess i'm uh i should probably i'm gonna pick up all these chairs i'm gonna pick up while y'all are eating so uh yeah oh boy my million pancakes all right michael let's unbox this oh michael we should make an unboxing video an unboxing video but why because those are cool and they get views unboxing toys and stuff but but this is food who wants some watch us unbox food oh no who who would watch us right now open this box i mean who out there would possibly watch us open this box right here and right now yeah i have i have no clue all right i'm gonna open up the box now open up open up open up the box don't shake it you're going to get all the things messed up i don't care i want to open it up open up mr box open up open open oh it opened oh my god oh my god holy freak this box just exploded full of pancakes oh my god holy that's so many pancakes pancakes i'm diving in yay pancakes all right where's my food aha here's my food all right let's see i got i got all right let's see here i got my food i got my egg i got my piece of bacon and i'm gonna eat the shell i so scrumptious so delicious and oh they got me a chocolate milkshake instead of just chocolate milk but i'll take it it's gonna taste very good mmm oh wait speaking of drinks where's my orange oh my orange juice let me get that so good um i'm stuffed oh i'm so full oh i'm so full wait if you're so full why'd you get all these pancakes oh no i just wanted a bunch of pancakes in oh i just realized they didn't even come with syrup no how am i supposed to enjoy scrumptious pancakes without syrup oh i can't eat the rest of these we're gonna have to throw them all away all right throw them all away that's just wasting food you can't do that look at all these pancakes that's way too many oh i just leave them out for unless somebody else like unless baby or or a dad wants them or something okay all right all right yeah i guess that makes sense oh what do you want to do today michael um you want to go into the basement yeah what did those nightmares try to attack us or something down there well i mean don't you want to go down there and make sure they're deactivating stuff so they don't attack us again well i mean you do have that security badge on you so that does mean you have to make sure the place is secure so yeah let's do it let's go to the basement all right let's go mom we're going to the basement yay yeah we're going to the basement hooray basement time which i fell down the stairs oh ow you fell on me i'm sorry approach get off the couch get off of me i'm sorry okay gotta clean up the place gotta clean this up oh you know what i don't know what to do with this thing i'm just gonna throw it right there for right now um oh my god there's so many pancakes oh well um i really shouldn't have a buy i mean yeah no i i really shouldn't have any because you know i gotta i gotta wa i gotta be i gotta be very careful of my my i'm very self-conscious about my body so you know i'm not gonna eat any so but anyway i'm at least clean up oh whoops i just made a mess okay uh-huh and i'm gonna have to clean all this up here let me put all the chairs back at least okay i'll put the table back oh we have an outlet right there ooh i could put a little pretty lamp over there oh boy oh boy oh boy all right anyways um okay let's put the chair back and wait what happened to that other oh here's that other chair alright so besides all the pancakes this place looks pretty clean um oh whoops okay hang on there's pancakes all over the place um oh god there's pancakes all over the floor there's pancakes all over the floor okay whatever um all right let's close all these up and let's put all the can let's put the cans in the sink okay or not let's put the phone back on the counter let's see that's good any other little bits of trash on the floor anywhere nope everything looks picked up again besides all the pancakes everything looks good yeah the kitchen looks great yay besides all the pancakes and stuff and hmm i well i mean i did just work so hard cleaning up the entire kitchen i guess a little nibble wouldn't hurt and all right here let me get a little nibble that's actually that's really good enough it's so good anymore it's so good at sugary all right i'm finally calm now i had to do what my therapist said whenever i get cranky i just need to walk away and stare in the corner for three minutes and then i will calm down so now i'm all good all right i'ma go back into the kitchen and apologize for my actions for once yes yes that would be good all right i'ma go back into the kitchen now i gotta go back into the kitchen oh my joe oh oh my god oh my god god dang it get rid of these things oh you're bounced back at me oh oh my god god damn oh my god oh i hate those things though they should burn oh my god what what was that sound what the heck what the frick happened to you why are you so fat what did you do pancakes holy for how many bloody pancakes did you eat woman holy jesus christ holy freaking god oh my god i gotta go get a forklift to pick you up and ch oh my toes god damn oh oh god dang oh my god holy frick well how many did you eat huh how many pancakes did you bloody eat woman tell me oh um like a million a million pancakes how have you not exploded holy freaking god okay well this is why you're not supposed to eat anything you're supposed to only walk in the kitchen oh my god wait where did the children go huh oh i think they went to go play outside or something ah well at least i don't have to see them then all right fine you stay here just freaking at least you picked up the kitchen so that's good oh my paper oh my daily paper i haven't read my daily paper and uh wait a minute this is the paper from yesterday oh it's outdated god dang it oh i didn't get the paper this woman ah this morning oh my gosh i think somebody stole it somebody's been stealing shuffle heart from our mailbox oh my gosh the only person who goes over there is the mail delivery man so i don't know who it possibly could be but whatever oh my gosh all right uh what was that i felt like i was gonna do something today but then i completely forgot you know what maybe it's good i forgot to maybe do something bad you know maybe i can finally relax for once yes that is what i'm going to do i'm going to have finally take some time to relax have some nice alone time some nice peace and quiet oh boy daddy what oh god dang it oh my god now i remember what i was going to do holy frick daddy god dang just looking at you makes me want to go shoot up a norfolk i mean donate to charity yeah i mean wait i still want to do that i'm william afton oh my god oh freaking what do you want go away but but daddy go into the kitchen and go help your mother oh my freaking god now i remember what i was gonna go do ah okay hi mommy oh what happened to you pancakes oh pancakes are good and i remember what i was gonna go do i was gonna go fix that machine so i could revert her back to normal finally so that way things can start going back to normal yes that is what i will do talk my freaking toes oh god dang it i really need to get some boots on look at my feet look at my feet they're all exposed oh my god you stupid thing i'm gonna throw you out the bloody window oh my god i'm in pain all i feel is god dang pain oh my god i'm gonna cry no i do not cry i do not cry right time to fix this machine once and for all oh my god what is all this crummy stuff in the hallway ah that woman needs to clean up this upstairs area this place is a mess oh what is going on in michael's room let's see in no no no oh my god i almost stood my toe on that thing yeah that's right you thought you could fool me you thought you could fool the one and only william afton yeah that's right get out of here oh my god fight i kick it god damn i'm stupid oh my god okay uh i need to stop getting distracted i need to go in here i need to repair the machine all right and holy frick this place is a mesh i need a fixture of the machine so that's where you can refer to reverse its effects and bring balance to the house oh what the frick okay what's your god thing that fell all right how did i make this machine last time wait where are the bloody blueprints oh no don't tell me they're lost in this mess somewhere oh where did i put those blueprints uh are these the blueprints oh what wait this might be the blue no wait what is this what is this what is this book um no that's that's a different experiment oh let's see you know oh god dang it wait was there something in here i think was there no is there anything in here no no okay nope oh my god okay time to repair the love machine all right i need a okay all right well i don't it's bloody blood busted god dang it oh god dang i need a picture so i don't have to deal with my stupid daughter anymore after today though everything will go back to normal now i just need to figure out how to fix the machine where's my laptop at where's my computer oh my god my computer okay i got the blueprints online that's right our number all right let's see i gotta plug my computer in and now wait where's the where's the pc part of the computer this is just the monitor and the keyboard where is it oh here it is all right here it is and boom oh free i dropped it god dang okay oh no okay please plug in and uh it bloody won't boot on god dang my computer is busted god dang it ah you know what forget it i don't need no blueprints if i could build it once i can build it a second time all right i just gotta rebuild it from my memory yes okay what did it look like okay hang on let's let's put this back okay here let's clear this area up uh try to remember these pieces were were valid and needed okay let's clear a nice a nice space for it let's get rid of all this junk all right i remember the bed goes there was there a mattress no there's no mattress okay so what we need is uh i think this was somewhere okay aha okay that's right we put two lamps on each end of the bag then we have the clock which tells the time of how long it is ticking so that goes on the ceiling and then you have this hook which comes down and stabs the patient's eyes out yeah and then you have uh you have a freaking hack oh yes and then you have this that could connect up here too which this goes this connects this is part of the saw blade yes yes now that's all coming together yes and then you have the spotlight so we can actually see the patient so the machine can actually see the patient okay there we go there's the eyes of it and then we have this bomb yes the bomb which will be rigged to explode yes and then we have a second light yes we'll need as many lights as possible and then we need traffic because we know there's thoughts on the loose in this area yes yes yes yes okay we put the globe and then we need some books underneath there we go let's show some paper underneath there ah what was this oh this is something uh i remember this was important i think oh we'll just have it right there boom there we go and then um ah and then the gasoline yes the power supplies yes it's powered by gasoline how could i forget okay let's plug the gasoline into the bomb there we go now the machine can be powered and then all we have oh wait no we need to connect the we need to connect the gasoline to the bombs and boom there you go now gasoline is being poured into the bomb and the bomb powers the machine yes perfect okay i don't need this book why is there a boot i don't need a briefcase uh i need the cinder blocks to hold the bed down um because this bed is very unstable all right all right all right it's all coming together it's all coming together where did that chair go i need it back this is where i sit so i can work on the patient and then i guess we have some guest chairs or something um we have a potted plant we have some old chinese food god dang we have a bicycle i don't think that was important um i feel like these giants over here had something to do i feel like the shovel had to do something oh yeah sure we can scoop out the patient's guts yes all right let's put the shovel into boom there we go all my handy-dandy utensils are ready all right so let's see anything in here nope uh all right i already looked through those um all right i hope we need another another traffic thing so boom lots of presents um we have this sign that overhangs so boom so so that way the patient can't see all the scary metal parts and then we have uh this thing which i guess is supposed to be like a little um little cover-up thing but whatever there's nothing else in here what was in this shape yeah whatever oh duper dupe there we go um oh we have that thing that's kind of important um all right you know whatever dude good more warning signs there we go there we go we gotta warn the people and there we go the love machine 2.0 is finished it is beautiful it has all the stabby stubby mechanics that it needs yes it's perfect it's beautiful no i just need to lure my daughter in here and then yes she will be done back to normal but i'm gonna have to think of some way to trick her into coming in here because i know if i tell her that this machine will turn her back to normal i know she will not want to be turned back to normal so i must think of a plan yes i must think of a brilliant plan because i am william afton the super genius and i am the smartest of them all yes i'm the smartest well there is there is fredbear now i want to forget fredbear he's long dead he's long dead all right anyways i'm getting off topic time to find my daughter all right where where the heck did she go god dang oh yes she was in the kitchen now i remember baby baby yeah daddy hi i need you to come upstairs i have something to show you something something you will absolutely love something i will love you will i'm on my way i brilliant all right perfect perfect perfect it's all going according to plan all right now i just gotta wait oh wait i'm gonna go upstairs wait i wanna come upstairs okay come on let's go upstairs daddy has a gift okay we out gotta go up the stairs we all right i'm up here come come in here come in here come in here i have a special present to show you oh boy i can't wait hello all right all right i'm here oh oh whatever you brought me in here daddy oh alright i need you to lay down in this bed and close your eyes lay down in this bed and close my eyes who will okay will do no more questions asked all right all right i'm ready to give me a one second all right let's see here i wouldn't freaking need a computer to boot it up that's how i control it all right let me see if i can actually fix this goddamn computer give me one second give me one second to elizabeth i need to fix this goddang pc where's that stupid thing i have a wrench or something i got a boot what can i use to repair my computer with i had this oh wait this is part of the machine i mean uh uh i mean nothing nothing is part of nothing okay gotta attach that to the list of tools um oh wait no that got a connection the back up there oh right no no no no and there we go stabby stabby thing boom all right i'm sorry um oh wait and then we have this thing okay i'll use this to repair my computer i mean uh i just gotta get ready that's all i gotta freaking repair this computer alright let's see you gotta use this as a screwdriver all right screw screw screw all right let's see here um what happened ah this little bitty wire got unplugged let me plug that back in alrighty alright my computer is booting up all right hang on don't worry give me i just need one more second okay okay all right let's see here all right yes all right boom it's online all right got to load up the program for the machine to typing noises typing noises yes type in type in the computer yes all right let me just type these detect the commands yes just typing in the key command stupid and uh all right all right um i'm almost done i gotta load up the processors gotta boot in line and booting up warming up warming up warming up all right gotta wait all right it's only got 10 seconds left uh wait what's going on up here ouch i want to see what's going on up here oh hi sweetie oh hi daddy says he's got a gift for me i have to keep my eyes closed oh okay i want to see the gift well he said i have to keep my eyes closed on his bed i want to see the gift let me see the gift all right all right it's almost done it's almost done and i just got five more seconds okay i gotta type in my password all right there we go and it is ready and all i have to do is click enter all right let that let it be activated it's so bright i can't see it oh my god oh bloody heck oh ah did it work is she back to normal and oh no oh ahead what what happened ah no this was not supposed to happen god dang it ah at least the machine didn't blow up into a million pieces this time i still have a chance i can refer to this yes i can refresh the effects uh stay there darling i will refresh the machine's effect all right quick quick i gotta boot it up again god dang it god dang it there's still my computer gotta freaking dive it off oh hi mommy oh hi darling what's what's going on oh hi you look different i do i do ah no this is my worst nightmare hurry up hurry up let me hurry up type the command cut enough hurry up and pull up hurry up and boot up faster faster your computer faster oh my god all right it's ready all right go start activating ah what what do you mean you need a second to activate god dang it oh i feel funny what what are you doing why are you getting up huh get back in the bed well why go at the machine get back in the bed what the hell god oh no i broke something wait what baby oh i feel so different oh my god my head oh what the wait why are you both staring at me hi daddy hey what why are you both looking at me in the oh no don't tell me my appearance is different gotta get up get out of the way i need to go look in the mirror i have a guy what happened to me where's the mirror and what happened to me why do i look so ugly oh my god did this day get any worse oh my toes where did that come from oh oh my god ah i look so ugly ah god [Music] at least i'm not hot but still why did it make me so much uglier what the frick oh no because i broke the machine the machine oh no if i'm quick enough i can still re reverse the effects on them i must hurry where's my machine i must fix the machine my machine is my machine okay um well the top part of it just kind of fell off so i don't know if it took oh and there goes that too no you mean i'm bloody stuck like this for a while uh yeah i guess so but it's okay daddy i still love you yeah and i still love you too no this is not what was supposed to happen leave me alone get away from me oh oh why couldn't that fall of killing me oh i look so ugly and what happened to my arm no did the machine shop off my arm no well at least i got these feet protectors from my feet now so at least my toes aren't exposed but uh no i can't live like this and the machine didn't help at all it just made my wife even more cursed no i can't live like this ah there's only one thing left to do in this situation there's only one thing i can do now i know exactly what i need to do i need to call an old friend well actually no not an old friend never mind i need to call somebody else actually please pick up please pick up hello welcome to pat my fazbear mail service how about i uh oh how may i present you a special delivery on this fine day hello i don't care if you're selling tacos listen to me what i said nothing about tacos no listen to me you are that bear who does that special delivery stuff right oh yeah and you and you do whatever you say anybody wants to do yeah i need you to come over here right now to my house well what is your address mister you know where we live oh yeah that's true okay um wait you sound different do i know you no you're not who are you i'm william afton oh are you talking about that springtrap dude who lives in that house with that weird family yes yes that is me you don't i've heard him before you don't sound anything like him watch i developed an accent okay shut up just come over here i don't know is this a prank phone call are you trying to prank me who is this can you put your mother on the phone what no this is not a prank phone call listen to me i need you to get over here now well okay jesus freaking fine but if i get over there and you if you're not if afton doesn't sound like that then um i'm gonna have to track your address and track where this phone number's coming from and i'm gonna have to sue you and throw you in jail well then don't worry please just come here okay fine geez i'll be there in three seconds bye oh my god holy freak ding dong what he's already here holy frick that is some quick service i have to admit all right all right there's something i have to do i got to open up the door all right i do that man who does the special deliveries hello uh welcome back for another package from the fazbear entertainment package service mail times fun time service on footy mail time bear ho ho ho how may i help you on this fine evening you called me on the phone wait can you say something hello oh my oh my god what happened to your voice and why would you get all ugly and stuff i mean uh i mean we treat our valid customers with respect hello sir you're looking absolutely uh lovely yes death definitely jesus christ i'm about to throw up yes yes hello yes hello so you called me on the phone yes yes i died well i'm over here now oh wait speaking of uh um uh well and i'll get on to it later we'll wait till the end what would you like today good sir do you want to know why the reason why i called you over here yes i would i would like to know why you called me over here i need you to kill me what yes i want to die i want death and you said you can give your patients whatever they want and i want death so kill me please put me out of my misery oh my god i'm suffering oh well go ahead kill me do it now snap my neck i don't care how i die i just want death and i want it now oh well that's against the policy what what policy you've never said anything about a policy well we do have a policy you see we prefer what we pref uh preform our special deliveries and we will do whatever the customer wants as long as it's not illegal and i'm pretty sure killing yourself is illegal what what do you mean it's illegal to kill yourself that is rigged uh that's actually a fun fact it's actually illegal to kill yourself so uh yeah if you kill yourself you're going to go to jail wait that doesn't make anybody sense if i'm dead how am i going to go to jail uh don't ask me ask the authorities what god dang it oh my god i just want death please call me oh sorry not gonna happen but if you want food or something i can bring you food no i'd rather starve oh okay um well uh well okay well then uh would you be interested in donating to us well i have a tip jar would you like to donate donate us some tips to our services because we're having a really rough time right now but would you like to donate since you're wanting to die and maybe since you won't be here with us soon would you like to donate all of your would you like to deposit all of your money into this bucket i mean uh tip jar wait blockage i noticed my bucket was gone this morning hey wait a minute is that my bucket no witnesses oh my head oh they know too much i gotta go ah all right michael we gotta check on these nightmares to make sure they're sleeping so that way uh that way we know if they're awake or not so that way if they're sleeping then that's good so we know we can't be attacked by them and if they're awake then that's bad yeah all right yeah yeah yeah all right so we need to make sure they're all deactivated so uh we need to make sure they're all still deactivated so we got all right mr nightmare bonnie sir all right let's see here everybody wake up never bunny you're surrounded by boxes oh wow okay he didn't wake up all right well he is um he is definitely out cold all right yeah i thought i i thought he would get war flashbacks or something but uh nope yeah all right let's see here who else is in here we got nightmare foxy a nightmare freddie a nightmare cheek okay what would what would something that would trigger them to wake up oh i know hey nightmare nightmare chica i got some scrumptious legs would you like to cook them into legs do nope she's deactivated hey nightmare foxy there's a hot smexy girl over there who wants to be loved wow he's deactivated too all right and then we have nightmare freddy and uh oh your neighbor what's something we could say tonight murphy to make sure he's in awake um i don't know nightmare freddy is kind of a nobody ouch rip nightmare freddy he looks so sad i feel like he's crying on the inside right now well we'll never know since he's deactivated yep all right so they're all deactivated yup it seems like it alright well that's that's good so now they won't try to throw us in the cage anymore yeah that's good i can't believe we trusted them at first i know right i can't believe they tried to take over our family oh my goodness i was so lucky that we were able to escape and survive yeah all right well i think that's everything down here yeah all right i just want to check um i'm still bored i was kind of hoping one of them might have been activated but oh well no fun for us today yeah um what do you want to do today oh no you want to go hang out in your room well why do you want to hang out my we always hang out my room we never go in your room let's go in your room oh okay yeah we can go in my room i think it's kind of a mess you want to help me pick it up some ah sure i don't mind help picking you up some of picking up your room chum all right all right yeah let's go let's go pick up my room yes since nothing's going on in the basement whatsoever you have all the animatronics in the basement all the nightmare animatronics are deactivated yep and we know that for a fact nightmare fredbear wake up wake up go to school wake up god dang it get up i need your help oh my my bones my bones i'm going to sleep no sleepy time ah get up please i can't breathe oh my god oh my oh i think you broke all my ribs ouch nightmare fredbear i need your help what all the nightmares have been deactivated what where where am i uh you're in mr afton's basement mr afton's basement why oh no this are the children down here what children what do you mean children well aren't there aren't there normally children in people's basements uh the nightmares are down here the nightmares where they at oh uh they're they're in here they need to be reactivated i don't know how i don't know how to reactivate them though ah ah well to reactivate an animatronic all you have to there's a little lever on the there's a little switch on the back of their heads and stuff you can flip them to turn it back on oh really is it that simple yeah yeah yeah it's just that simple there's just a little on switch on the back of their endoskeleton head oh i never knew that yeah it's kind of it was kind of a common sense oh okay so are you guys trying well you guys are you guys trying to take over mr afton's house uh well we try well we tried earlier but we kind of we failed but i was able to escape before they they were i was the only one not deactivated we tried to take over earlier but then we kind of we kind of failed so yeah but yeah i want your help well with my guidance and maybe even nightmares guidance we can take over this place once and for all yes yes you know what we will do that plus jeff plush up reactivate the nightmare animatronics and i will get nightmare and we will soon plan our next attack and soon we'll be free from this prison and soon we will be able to spread our evil among the world yay evil animatronics i can't wait to go attack some places yeah i'm gonna go activate everyone now we excellent nightmare brother where's my brother brother oh he's in there sleeping brother wakey wakey time to get up time for our next attack oh no what happened to daddy i i don't know it looks like he fell or something hmm i think we should help him back to bed hmm yeah yeah i think that's a good idea we should help him back to bed here come here afton we're gonna make you feel all better yeah yeah yeah yeah come here come here come here come here come here yeah come here come here come here yes all right good good good good come here come here come here come here come here let me get the bed ready yay oh boy oh boy oh boy all right come here daddy time to go to bed oh my hey oh what was that oh what is going on wait why am i being dragged on the floor wait what the heck come here daddy why no please somebody save my blaze i'm sorry dead children come back from the dead and shave me i'm sorry i i know i deserve to be tormented but not like this please i beg for anything else please no you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 342,805
Rating: 4.9105058 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, The Afton Family, Springtrap, Ballora, Golden Freddy, Purple Guy, Michael, Afton, Love, Family, Funny, RP, Roleplay, Freddy, Balloon Boy, BB, Plushtrap, FNAF 4, Nightmare, Nightmares, Nightmare Freddy, House, Springtrap X Baby, Sexy, Hot, Girl, Baby, Withered Golden Freddy
Id: 7fiLJe1kVog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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