Gmod FNAF | Freddy And Friends Play Hide And Seek 3!

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yay does everyone know why i brought everyone here on the stage today oh no wait a second if we're all here on the stage then that can only mean oh oh no yes yes that's right it's time for more group activities yay working together as a team oh heck no i'm out wait what the heck freddy come back screw you guys i'm out of here oh my first toes welp i guess freddy isn't playing yar puppet what what group activity are we doing today well foxy i'm glad you asked today we're going to be doing something we've never done before we're going to be playing hide and seek wait hold on did we already play that before well yeah we played hindseek before but we're not just playing hide and seek we're playing hide and seek again but wait didn't we also play hide and seek a second time well you didn't let me finish we're playing hide and seek again again so wait hide and seek for the third time yeah oh boy well this time i'm gonna destroy all you guys all right last time it was rigged all right i call i call hacks hey that's my line shut up fat boy i wasn't talking to you hey that's mean apologize i can say because i'm also um pretty thick my shelf show um yeah but anyways i'm gonna destroy all you guys in hide and seek well puppet go ahead and tell us the rules i need to start strategizing and get my game straps on as well alright so the rules of this game of hide and seek are pretty simple so first of all if the seeker finds somebody they must tag them in order to say they found them that is the rule so that means that the hiders is spotted but not touched that means the hider can try to run away before getting touched if the hider gets touched then um yeah they're um they're out and they have to come sit here on the stage until everyone else is um is found and obviously last person to get found is the winner oh yeah also one more important thing for this game of hide and seek we are not going to be allowing the ability to hide outside wait what that's gonna make it so much harder for us hiders though there's so many of us and i mean sure this pizzeria is like kind of big but there's too many of us there's there's no way we would all be able to hide oh my there's no way papa you gotta allow outside yeah yeah sorry that's the rules for this game oh god we're all gonna get caught this is gonna be the shortest game of hide and seek ever all right well we need to find somebody to seek though we need to decide who is going to be the seeker i've been the seeker in the past before so i'm not going to be it um is there is there any any volunteers oh me me i want to do it i want it oh freddie you want to be the seeker yo yo let me be seeker let me be seeker i want scooby snacks what scooby snacks i said seeker what the secret nut gets scooby snacks uh we'll talk about it later uh fred okay so all you have to do is um is uh you're going to have to count and then once you're done counting you got to come find everyone okay fred oh okay that seems simple to me all right fred so i go over to foxy's cove and face the wall and count to uh count to 60. all right uh okay i can try to do that uh i guess i'll go over here and i count to 60 then i try to find every everybody i'mma count in the corner a dupli-do all right well guys the game has begun quick everyone hide oh wait wait we're going now yar yard i don't even know where to hide you are um okay okay shot freddy you want to do the strat oh yeah yeah i'm done to do a shot let's do the strat oh no i didn't know we're starting this soon mr wigglesworth where are we gonna hide oh don't worry guys with my iq brain i know just the perfect spot that fred will never ever be bothered to check right really uh what what is it rick oh come on follow me guys i know where to hide all right okay come on mr wigglesworth let's go wait wait for me don't look don't go without me um superstore where you at hey freddy superstore we gotta find a hiding spot we gotta win this game of hide and seek to show that we are super uh okay freddy um where do we hide um oh gregory i think i have an idea follow me superstore follow me okay oh i gotta hide so new friend doesn't find me but where do i hide at where do i hide it oh gosh oh gosh i'm gonna win this game you're all losers cupcake cupcake cupcake all right well i guess i'm going to try to find somewhere on the ceiling yet again um okay let's see where somewhere where i can hide in oh you know what that's it i'm gonna win this game of hide and seek i know exactly the best spot to hide in oh yes let's go um oh gosh where to hide where to hide where can i hide where can i hide uh i don't know i just need to go somewhere i'll just go i'll go try to hide somewhere um um um okay there's gotta be somewhere in here trap i want to hide with you oh gosh uh hey vanny i'm gonna hide in the bathroom okay i'll go ahead and go in there and get everything ready okay yeah i'm not going in there i'm gonna go into the opposite side of the building oh what doing we're playing hide and seek again wizard freddie aren't you so glad to be in a video game it's been so long since those wizards have been active and stuff why why have we not been active i don't know uh okay i meant i might just go somewhere i'm i'm probably not really gonna try because i again i i don't really care about this hide and seek crap um as the night guard i gotta use this as training i gotta i gotta find the i i'm the security and i know exactly where all the best hiding spots are so i i know exactly where to go car i feel like that's bs but rit uh y'all but anyways y'all we gotta go somewhere guys where are we gonna go oh i know where to hide i'ma hide right here good idea was it freddy that's the best hiding spot ever y'all know that i said all right that's right in the open you're gonna be the first one you found no not i have my master plan i know exactly how i'm gonna win this game of hide and seek the last game was totally rigged so you know what if if the game is rigged then there's only one way to beat it it's like beating fire with fire but beating the game rigged is beating it with a rigged game that's right wait hang on come on there we go we're not supposed to go outside but how's anyone gonna know i was outside i'm gonna sit outside the entire game i'm gonna wait for everyone to get found and then i'm gonna hop back in at the last jacket and be like oh i was hiding right here you you didn't look hard enough i don't wanna lose your hand this is my master plan okay i'm seeking i gotta start counting though what count two uh i forget what number uh i'll just start counting uh one two uh two what what come after two oh four then uh one two four uh oh yeah uh six million four hundred and thirty nine thousand 256 uh i think next is negative seven and then [Music] we'll come after that uh banana soup banana soup time i done countin i'm going to seek i'm going to be best seek hide and seek master ever all right i'm what i'm be the best hide and seek master ever and uh what the what the heck the seeker will never find me in here oh this is a good spot all right i gotta be very quiet though make sure he doesn't find me enough oh wait are you the seeker no oh okay well as long as we're together then uh tug wait wait you lied to me why would you lie to me go to the corner of shame oh man i can't believe i got found first are you kidding me this game is dumb i'm gonna retry okay it's time for me to start seeking or i gotta keep up keep an open eye out you know uh people could be hiding anywhere and i i gotta try to find them and i'm floyd and i'm super smart so i'm gonna find everyone instantly you know this is gonna i'm gonna find them in like two minutes oh let's see is anyone i don't really oh i don't see anyone over here i don't see anyone like out in the open so these guys must be they must be pro players they must be a level nine cpu so um i gotta i gotta activate uh something i don't know i just gotta be gonna be smart let's see where should i go look for oh let's go this way hey wait a second uh are you a person oh no i'm a chair hmm you know you're looking kind of sucks my guy but i believe you okay that's just a tear i gotta keep looking though i gotta see if i can find anybody let's see where could these people be hiding that uh no i don't see anyone there now oh oh is there anyone in here hello is anybody in here and uh what the heck god dang it oh i found you boop oh no how did you find me so quick god dang it oh oh please tell me i wasn't first oh no you weren't the first to be found oh thank goodness oh my goodness that was so quick you were second what i was second are you kidding me god dang it i was the second person to get found oh my goodness i suck oh man i hope gregory's spot is much better than mine oh i hope my superstar wins but okay fine i guess i got caught fair square god dang it oh that dude that dude was just out in the open i don't think he was even twined alright well i gotta keep certain let's see who else do i need to find oh let's see if there are anyone or anyone over here hello anyone over there and uh hey wait a second mr chair when did you go bunny ears i you're taking too long to respond respond mr terena hey wait a second this isn't a chair a tag oh god heck can dang it oh you got caught well hey that's not nice to laugh at me so i have one thing to say to you go [ __ ] the okay you're taking too long to respond i'll see you later but you got caught though oh bye bye i'm gonna go in here let's see they went in dad's office what hey i wasn't fit nest talking to you bruh well i guess i am out now i'm going to cry because i always get found at the beginning i am sad can i get some love in the comments and also you should leave a like okay i am going to time out now so it's time to search my dad's room to see if anyone's hiding in here i wonder how you'd feel he probably very upset no people are hiding this room so i gotta check underneath everything and make sure nobody is hiding in my dad's room so let me see i don't see anything um i don't see anything and uh oh wait a second oh why is that door open over there that's um that seems kind of sauce let me go check it out i need to go see hello is anybody anybody in here hello um i don't see anyone in here dang it where are these people hiding at i can't find anybody um let me see is there anybody in here oh nobody nobody nobody's right there dang it i can't find anyone this game is so dumb um is anyone nobody no you can't go outside they say all outside with off limits right i think so i'ma go i have to keep searching though i gotta find the people and activate all of my inner brain cells um so i need to do that and uh oh mommy what are you doing here what oh no fred uh touch oh i touched you oh you found me fred oh you're not very good at heisen oh well uh well i hope you have fun finding everyone else fred um see you later oh oh i found mommy she can't hide gotta keep searching i gotta keep searching for everybody everybody where the heck is everybody hiding that so i gotta keep searching i can't leave any corner unlocked i gotta look in every single corner of this pizzeria um let's see okay well i guess let me backtrack in hey what are you doing up there what ah got that you didn't see me earlier how did you see me this time oh i knew i should have moved oh get down from the feeling i can't wait till uh well as long as you can't touch me i'm still in the game oh wait that means i could just crawl across the ceiling all right see you later fred i'm going to crawl across the ceiling oh holy that isn't fair oh god dang it no wait a minute let me let me use the chair a chairs go burr i guess you got me out oh my goodness wait how many oh how many other people have been found please tell me i wasn't first oh no you weren't first but i gotta keep searching i gotta use my time wisely and i gotta find as many people as soon as possible so what i gotta keep can you can you give me any hints come on you know you you know you wanna you know you wanna give me some hints give me some of those good old hints um i don't have any hints sorry i wasn't really paying attention to where everyone else went off to well dang it what the [ __ ] well see you later fred oh all right let's see oh i was the fifth person to get found are you you kidding me uh oh well well time to keep searching wait a second wait a second is that do i see something with my tiny little eye oh i think i do see something i see something i see a little something if that is is that what i think it is oh i think that is what i think it is oh snow oh oh my goodness look at that look at that delicious slice of pepperoni pizza no no no no no oh whoops i fell on you ah ah god dang it why did you follow me oh wait oh oh touch oh i found you why are you hiding right here i was trying to eat my slice of pepperoni pizza i got that goddamn this game is rigged anyways i didn't want to play this stupid game your games are still bad ugh this is dumb oh i don't know what was wrong with that dude but yummy pizza pizza go bird oh it tastes awful this pizza sucks dang it nobody knows how to cook wars crap this is that lame old cardboard pizza i don't want no cardboard pizza cardboard pizza sucks well anyways i guess i gotta keep searching for people you know these people are hiding in these really tough spots i don't know i don't know if i'm gonna be able to find everyone or not um let me see let me see if i can find people um i can't find anybody you know and uh hey there little pal ah we're jumping yeah i bet you didn't think i didn't see you there you think i'm gonna let you get away with mr toy cupcake i know you tried to i know you're uh you won the first game of hide and seek and you almost won the second game i didn't let you get that chance all right doing that gang get out of here you little bro yeah that's right i threw you away and that means i touched you so you out oh toy cupcake okay but anyways i gotta keep searching this room see toy cupcakes thought i was stupid i am not stupid i can see stuff i have good eyes and i can actually see stuff i am not stupid so anyways i'm gonna continue my third let's see is there anybody hiding over here another bunch of posters there's presents there's arcades uh that that's just the wall um okay let me see is there is there anything over here in the price corner um then there's uh there's there's more presents there's plushies that's right i gotta keep an eye out for mr wigglesworth he's a little plushy um let's see is there anything in the box hello hello whoa a little nope nothing in there and uh hey wait a second what's this pair of legs doing uh touch ah god dang it hey got that this is awful i couldn't find anywhere else hide out what the heck oh it's so security guard lady ah you found me god god dang it how did you know i was there i saw your legs sticking out i think i couldn't find a gut thing i can't find a good enough hiding spot quick enough ah we should have had more time well that's not my problem you're out oh that good thing don't slap me fine i guess i'm i guess i'm out oh dang old dang oh i still can't believe she thought i was that stupid that just because her legs were sticking out i wouldn't be able to see her dang that security guard lady really is a bad security guard and she's dumb and uh hey wait what the heck wait a second what the is that the indo bindo oh no shout out freddie i i told you i knew we should have gotten uh panels for the sides just in case you looked at the size god dang it look i didn't think i didn't think he would look um um oh what did we do all right we [ __ ] we get out of here oh hey you can't run away oh get to get attacked oh no you got me in the run and no window on the run and no window on the run you can't catch the indo window indo bindo is too quick for you oh god dang it the indo window escaped well i found you buddy oh good thing oh as long as my friend's still in that's all that matters oh dang i gotta go find your stupid friend okay gotta find him i gotta figure thing what do you run off to that dude was so quick just dang it huh how do you run away so fast get back here oh crap crap crap i gotta hide somewhere i gotta hide somewhere what do you think you're going mr indobindo oh get back here indobindo approach oh oh you give my way my spot ah shield me shield me holy get back here in november um if you're really if you really are a chair then what do chairs say uh chairs say chair no you're wrong the correct answer was oh dang it that's right chairs don't say anything no the correct answer was chairs go burr and you didn't kill bird you're an imposter oh no this is a sassy buckle you're out you've got me dang it i found you i found you you loser i found you i found you all right i want to see how many people i've gotten so far who's all the losers today oh look at all look at all these losers look at all these losers wow i can't see i can't believe you all got found by me and wait a second is there anything in here what's in here oh hello is anybody in here and uh yeah oh did i just hear a your uh you are now i mean oh okay all right yup did i really just get away with that yeah i was peeking out because yo i was so bored but y'all i can't believe you actually walked away you are oh you you fool i was standing outside the door listening i knew someone is in your gear i don't know i found dang you but anyways as i was saying before it's rudely interrupted i am the best hide-and-seek master ever all right nobody can get past my eyes i see all and no nobody can stand out in the open without me spotting them all right my eyes are so good and i can easily spot anybody out just like just like you ah what the heck i found you jj what the heck how'd you know the look for me right here because i have i was gonna say big brain but that was a lie i don't have big brain i have tiny brain but you've been you've been touched go away oh dang it you found me yo don't worry he also found me y'all you aren't the only one you are oh oh my goodness and hey wait what are you doing up there all right shut up what what jj why are you talking to the sun uh oh i uh uh not nothing i wasn't talking to it i was just talking to myself that's kind of weird today i'm not gonna lie wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait a minute oh i think my brain cells are coming together oh no oh no new friend please don't see me it all makes sense no wonder why jj was talking to the sun because jj was talking to the sun oh it all makes sense now it all makes sense now oh no oh no i understand jj i understand oh mr sun oh no oh no okay okay fine you found me new friend what the heck oh the actual mr sun wait what oh i found you what wait why'd you act like you didn't see me oh i didn't see you wait then what what what were your trouble what were your connections what were you about to say oh i was about to bow down before the sun see i was assuming that jj was talking to the sun because you know eventually the sun would explode and kill us all so she was trying to worship to the sun so i was about to get on my knees and worship to the sun but then you just magically jumped out of it i was like how the freak did you get there and i'm like oh wait i'm supposed to be seeking right now so boom i got you out what god dang a new you've screwed me over you are banned from the daycare what i i didn't mean to god freaking day a new friend well security alert to cutie alert we have a um a freaking cheater over here i wasn't cheating we have a ghoster you would like to go straight she no i didn't mean to well you're both kind of stupid anyways i gotta go keep speaking i'm gonna find more people oh let's see i don't think anyone's gonna be in here but might as well check and uh uh uh what what are you doing here this is the worst time spot ever i i couldn't find a spot in time i didn't know where to hide uh would you be interested in some bleach oh yeah sure i'll i might come back and drink that later but not right now i'm not really that thirsty right now okay well uh hey wait a minute you did it uh yeah oh you got me out yeah you definitely uh you got me out oh wait i forgot to touch you come here let me touch you i know no no get away get away get away oh don't think he's trying to make a run for it there you go no i officially found you ah you've got god god god dang it and uh here just to make sure i i got everyone else i'm gonna quickly give everyone a little slap on the face slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap flap flap flap slap flap okay there you go just in case if i didn't accidentally touch one earlier you've all been touched now so you're all definitely out now um okay well anyways i gotta keep speaking there's still some sucky people lurking among me and i gotta find them all right well i've gotta look in a place i haven't looked before all right i'm gonna go this way i don't think i've been over here yet yeah i've not been over here yet okay let me do some looking oh let's see anybody in here oh nobody's in here okay good nobody's in there let's see if anyone is anyone over here no is there anyone behind the counter no oh for some reason i have deja vu right now but i don't know why let me see if anyone's in dad in dad's room yo if anyone was in dad's room right now oh i wonder how that would feel about that if people if you knew that people were hiding in the room he probably very upset with that but i gotta look in every single nook and cranny i can look underneath every single thing in here let's see anything underneath the printer no anything there no and uh anything uh underneath this box and uh oh no uh i smell my fingers smell my fingers oh boop no not a high five dang it no i'm out damn it god dang how'd you find me oh oh i moved box god god dang it you're the smartest person ever well wait did you at least find vani who that i'm assuming you did it god dang it how did fanny have a better hiding spot than me i want to know what her spawn is god dang well you know i'm freaking out god dang it i was hoping if i wanted for my prize i was going to make everyone smell my fingers but now my dreams have been crushed god dang it not to sit over here with all these losers god god dang it whoa i can't believe you tried to hide behind box what a terrible hiding spot these people do not know how to hide i swear i'm like the best hide-and-seek master ever and i can just see people you know i bet if i look around this room right now i can find someone let me see can i find someone can i find someone can i find someone no i don't see anyone god dang it well uh i guess i'm gonna get out of here troll what the hey mr cam wait oh no the cams are watching me i got caught on cams i gotta take out the gun before they report me oh i swear i'm not the imposter the evil camera i gotta sabotage proof oh my goodness got mr cupcake oh wait mr cupcake thought you couldn't jump that high well guess what pal i got uh i could i'll do anything to make sure i don't get caught as the imposter you've out i found you oh mr cupcake god dang it mr cupcake shucks mr cupcake doesn't know how to hide master cupcakes yeah mr cupcake mr cupcake owl mr cupcake you're getting stuck on everything oh mr cup mr cupcake whoop i gotta keep searching it oh it's just occurred to me i still haven't found my friends i still don't know where my brother's at i don't know where foxy jr is at i i gotta find them they gotta be hiding somewhere um okay let me see let me let me think get on my way stupid chair stupid dumb hair oh let me think we're somewhere i've not gone before uh oh the the bathrooms i'll go over here anybody in the bathroom hey wait a second boop ah oh no how'd you see me oh i i saw you oh god dang it if you touch me i'm out oh god dang it uh toy bonnie i i didn't know where to hide this is dumb don't worry toy chica i i didn't know where to hide either simp simp what am i not am i am i not just allowed to talk to her i'm not even jumping for her right now sam well that was easy but i gotta keep the search continuing i gotta find people oh let's see is anybody in here oh i'm in i'm in the girls room anybody here hello i'm seeking right now i have a second pass i have a second pass and the privilege to be in here no one in there no one in there think no one's in these stalls uh anyone in here no one in there anyone in here and which way wait you're not my glitchy witchy oh no but i am the imposter what the imposter yup that's right uh a touch ah no god dang it oh why did my glitchy come in here i told him i was gonna hide in here i wanted him to hide in the stall with me that way we'd be close and we could snuggle together oh i found you go sit in the timeout corner now oh sad noises oh which trap why didn't you come hide with me i have my reasons benny i have my reasons we're good super easy i'm the best height i'm the i'm the hide and seek master these people don't know how to hide oh let's see i bet there's somebody in here hello is anybody in here and uh wait a second oh wait a second you thought you could fool me fullest oh dang it i thought someone would be behind the door well oh let's see is anybody in here nope nope nope dang it nobody's nobody's in here is anybody in any of the universe nope dang it nobody in here oh i thought someone would be in here dang it i guess i really did get outsmarted okay let's see oh let's see you do do let me close the door oh wait is anyone in here in the sussy room sexy room saucy room is anybody hiding in the saucy room oh nope nobody's in here um oh hey wait a second wait let me check kieran oh i knew someone would be behind here all right no no good touch boop i found you i dang oh my goodness that was such a good sigh i thought that was a good hiding spot how did you know to look behind the door right there well you see one time in the past me my friends play hide and seek and my brother rick he he hide there and so that's how i knew uh to check right there so i knew that i knew about the hiding spot before oh dang it well i guess i'm out yup you're out mr rabbit oh man let's go i'm the hide and seek master but i still haven't found my brother rick i know my brother rick is really good at hiding he's he's probably hiding in the most op spot ever i gotta find him i really need to find him where could he be at though oh well time to keep searching oh let's see oh i haven't gone in here yet let's see if anybody see anyone hiding in here i feel like somebody's hiding here um let's see if anybody is anybody hiding in here wow rick this is the best spot ever fred will never check here oh no right foxy jr this is the best spot ever we're gonna win this game together mr wigglesworth oh yeah let's go mr wigglesworth i'm so ready to win yeah uh fred's never gonna find us oh i just wonder how long we're gonna have to lane here for we've already been here for a while though um how do we how do we know when he's uh when he's found everyone else because i have a good feeling he's not gonna find us oh we just we well we just gotta wait in here and uh oh no we'll just wait a while you know it's it's fine we can easily take a nap yeah i might just take a nap right now oh mister what's wrong mr wigglesworth oh no what are you sassy bocco's up to you sucky sucky baccas plan b go out the back okay mr wigglesworth oh hey oh oh i fell in my back oh what are you guys up to what do you think you're going uh oh no i'm cornered i don't know come here foxy jr there's no escape foxy foxy jr what is it mr wigglesworth remember me wait mr williams what are you doing run [ __ ] through the run oh i got the teddy bear i got the teddy bear no mr wigglesworth he sacrificed himself don't worry mr wigglesworth i thank you for mr wigglesworth for saving my life i just promise you mr wigglesworth i will avenge you boop i forgot you too oh dang it i probably should have run instead of just talk to myself god god dang it whoop no that i found you i gotta find though i gotta find rick and uh wait where's ricko rick oh rick rick oh i keep getting stuck on everything in here this kitchen is so small rick oh don't tell me i lost rick no no where'd my brother go dang it i know he's really good at hiding we're just going to be somewhere rick rick oh rick oh oh i miscalculated i you weren't supposed to look here or go through toes no ah dang it you got me i found you i got you oh and i kind of broke this thing ow ow ow oh sorry right here let me pick this up are you okay ah yeah i'm flying out oh well i got you out rick all right dang it well good job fred you you outsmarted me for lunch but don't but it won't be so easy next time or whatever whatever rick you're out now they'll go go out oh man god did he get you as well foxy junior yeah he got me as well oh we'll think oh well at least we survived for a good while let's let's get out of here let's go i found my brother rick i'm better at rick than hide and seek it is confirmed here first let's go let's go i'm better than rick i'm better than my brother i am gonna i got i gained the smarts i'll gain the smarts yay i'm smart now all right well the search keeps going who else do i need to find oh i don't know i don't know who else i need to find i know i need to find i think there's more people though i guess i should keep searching though uh and then ask questions later yeah that's what i should do i gotta keep certain though let's see is anyone anyone else in here and uh oh there's gotta be gotta be someone else in here and uh oh wait wait wait a second oh no i dang it oh hey there you are oh it's the puppet uh one of charlie's moms uh hey hey you can't escape me uh um um oh no uh oh where do you think you're going you can't escape uh oh can we can we can we can we could could we just talk about this nope we can't talk about it because i just found you in the oh oh none of them nothing i'm uh no i'm kind of looking at you you know i know uh i know charlie's other mom it's pretty hot but i guess you are kind of cute wait what yeah i'd smash okay you're out now go what the uh what i found you go get [Music] well tons of search for more people uh what in here i want oh the freezer i want some frozen fish sticks i'm hungry oh boy oh boy there's gotta be some yummy frozen treats in here for fled let's see any frozen fish sticks in here frozen fish what are the frozen fish takes at there's no frozen fish tanks uh frozen fish sticks dang it there's no frozen fresh fish sticks in here dang it well i guess i better leave ah wait help what what the heck and uh wait totally what the what are you doing charlie i uh uh fred i need help i i am what the fruit what are you doing i uh i'm trying to hide and i i uh i got kind of stuck well this is us fred just listen i i don't want your help but if i don't get any help soon i'll i'll freeze in here so i i need you to help me get unstuck oh okay fine charlie i'll help you out but to make sure you're not doing anything clever or something boom there you go you're you're out i found you i touched you okay just get me get me unstuck oh okay charlie uh how how am i gonna do this uh hey hey totally what what is it fred i've ever told you before but you got a really thick butt wait fred what the heck stop looking fred help oh okay uh what the heck this this is why i didn't want your help go you know what go away go away do you want my help or not fine just get me out oh okay let me see oh here i'll pull on your leg ow ow stop fred ow ow it hurts come on totally get up get up toilet go dang it toilet come here come here oh it's fred stop ow it hurts it hurts ouch ow there i helped you out are you happy now charlie yeah thank you for getting me unstuck but why why the heck were you looking at my butt well it was hard not to you were just kind of like throwing it off you know what what else was i supposed to do ah i don't have time for you i'm out of here what totally wait oh oh well i guess he's gone huh i don't know why but i'm getting the feeling that charlie is not happy with me but yet i still don't know why oh oh sounds like a problem for another day oh dude i gotta keep focused though in my game of hide-and-seek i gotta get the best time oh let's see god i don't even know who else i still need to find um i guess i'll just keep looking around where's somewhere i've not gone before oh wait speaking of charlie and the puppet oh i i think i should go check on charlie's on charlie's mom yeah the the sexy one i want to go check on her i want to go hang out with her for a minute maybe she's maybe she can go give me some advice of what to do for my threat yeah i'll cut through the office and put out what the hey what's the door closed what what are you doing oh you can't get in here what hey this is cheating well it's not my fault i'm this big where am i supposed to hide at you tell me i don't know where to hide i'm too big i can't hide anywhere so i just locked myself in the security office oh there's nothing you can do oh dang it pal put me in nope not gonna happen oh dang it oh my how am i gonna get in there i don't know how to get in there um maybe there's a secret in here i can use uh i'll do it dang it there's nothing in here this room is useless um let me in nope i'm not gonna let you in oh dang it oh i gotta fight i gotta figure out some way to get in there i mean i understand where he's coming from yeah being a big guy like myself it is it is pretty hard to hide in this place but um how can i get him to open the door i gotta think about this one i gotta do a big rain play i gotta i gotta think like rick what would rick do in this situation um what was rick doing oh i have an idea uh hey buddy open open the door what no you're just gonna come in here and and tag me no i'm not mr buddy uh i have a pizza delivery order for you what a pizza delivery order um oh well i am i am kind of hungry right now i could go go for a good old slice of pizza and uh yeah a little bit wait hold on a second i don't remember ordering any pizza uh it's on the house because you're a valid customer oh a valid customer i'm a valid customer oh heck yeah give me some of that free pizza i want some free pizza and uh i got your pal what hey where's my free pizza at there was no free pizza i tagged you you're out i found you in hide and seek oh you tricked me oh that's mean well it's mean staying in here dang it it's not my fault this game was rigged huh what wait the only one who rigged it was you you locked yourself in here you were the one who was cheating not me what the heck i don't understand people these days so well time to continue my quest imma go hang out with charlie's mom charlie's mom is so hot and wait a second did i go into this room earlier i don't think i did is there anyone in here and uh what the hey i found you i found you oh chica i'm not chica what you're not chica then who are you my name's uh chanka i'm i'm related to chica but i'm not chica oh okay well anyways choco you're out boom hey no you weren't supposed to touch me oh it was tickled along well i found you anyways what why'd you try to why'd you well well even even if i wasn't cheak why why'd you still like hit me though well we're playing hide and seek obviously i would have to touch you anyways uh i guess that makes sense i guess i didn't really think this plane out fully oh okay i guess i'm out that's right i got you out i got you out oh dang it i can't believe i got out i thought my plan would have worked but no it didn't work at all god dang it i suck whoa i knew it was a smart idea to go check that room i knew i was unsure about it if you're ever unsure about anything make sure you double check uh anyways time to go hang out with charlie's hot mom all right let's see time to hang out with charlie's tully's mom all right let me open up the door and that is why he's never going to find me back here and uh oh mr golden freddy sir oh boop i found you oh god dang it oh freaking oh thing i forgot oh that's right out of all the people i forgot fred knows about this room now god dang it oh my goodness i forgot that i forgot that sexy puppet told me that he knows about this back area now god god dang it you're supposed to find me well i found you through you're out ha you got out oh dang it oh oh fine all right bye bye mr gold freddy dang it oh man i wonder i've been back there for a while i wonder how many people he's found oh they i thought you know i thought with fred being the seeker i thought he would be you know a little bit slower you know um but he's it was actually pretty quick oh dang dang that was super lucky with me to find gold freddy back here but oh oh snap there there she is it's it's my it's my pretty princess oh there she is i i gotta go talk to her hey uh charlie's mom hey fred how are you oh i'm doing extra good today i'm uh i'm playing hide-and-seek right now oh yeah i know golden freddy told us about it oh so you're seeking yup i'm trying to find everybody but you know it's it's getting really hard now there's not that many people left to be found but i don't know if we'll be able to find all of them you know oh fred i'm sure you'll find all them you just gotta stay focused and believe in yourself well you really think i'll be able to find everyone yeah i believe you can find everyone as long as you believe do you believe fred oh well i mean if you believe then i guess i believe fred i know you can find everyone okay you're gonna find everyone all right oh okay i'll find everyone all right and fred here fred how about this instead of finding everyone for yourself how about you go find them all for me will ya will you do that for me oh find everyone for you yes i can do that i can find everyone for you i will i will do that okay good fred all right good luck with your game of hide and seek okay thank you oh i'll see i'll talk to you later all right bye forehead i gotta go i gotta go okay no time to drool right now i gotta stay focused for her i gotta find everyone else for her oh that's it i gotta cue that speed run you ouch i ran into the wall oh what upstairs oh you know what hero let me let me go outside let me look out look over the head and like look into the sunset i'm gonna look so cool looking you know i'm gonna do that and that will help me regain my focus and help find people end up oh you are you you weren't supposed to look up here oh i found you boop all right dang it all right you weren't supposed to look up here you are how'd you know or my inner instincts told me oh god dang it that really she really did help me out she she motivated me and during my motivation i went to look really cool and that motivated me to go up the stairs and i found it oh my goodness it worked i wait did i find everyone i think i found everyone well i need to go check i need to go count everyone and check oh oh my goodness there's so many people here i think i found everyone uh look at all these losers i did it i found everybody wait a second new friend if you found everyone who that who's you who's the winner wait yard that means i'd be the winner always the last one to get found wait hold on i think we're missing someone wait puppy are you missing someone uh oh wait what are we missing someone i i i don't know yeah wait we're missing someone wait where's balloon boy at oh oh no no wait did you find everyone that means i win where were you hiding that balloon boy uh a secret spot i can't say because i'm gonna use it again if we ever play hide and seek ever again i win i win hide and seek yay you're all losers i can't believe you found all of you i am the winner oh man i can't believe it i can't believe it i won i won well is balloon boy the winner i i guess uh not so fast balloon boy there's still somebody else hiding wait who oh wait if there's someone else hiding boop i tagged you all right well it doesn't matter because i win no balloon boys somebody else is hiding somebody else is hiding right here in plain sight wait what do you mean what do you mean i'm the last one in wait what how is that possible that's right oh wow my superstar has been inside my chest this entire time he never got found it's the best hiding spot ever balloon boy you got duped you you lose balloon boy boop no no no my plan has been foiled ah dang i thought you found everyone wait hold on a second that can't be allowed he can't hide in his chest that that that's cheating that's cheating hey wait a second balloon boy um i didn't know we could hide outside huh wait what what no we can't hide outside wait really i saw balloon boy hiding outside on cams while i was in the security office huh uh oh so you were cheating as well shame shame shame on you ouch this the little child inside that dude's stomach is the winner do you hear that superstar you won oh yay i win yay thank you claire my friend for helping me i knew it was a good idea i'll just just hide in plain sight easily get caught and they wouldn't suspect a thing good job superstar you're the winner yay i win hide and seek was a lot of fun though uh i hope everyone else had fun i had a lot of fun yay wait what's my prize what do i get for women oh yeah superstore what what does my superstore get for winning oh uh again nothing i i didn't prepare anything um are you okay yeah i'm fine i got a lot to think about that yeah i'm playing fine oh you act like you're traumatized but it's probably fine all right well little superstar at least you get to say you won all right yeah that is good glare mark freddy yay i win yay welp that sure was a fun game of hide and seek you guys think we'll ever play it again for a fourth time you're probably not what why not you are because i don't know well i mean unless this video also blows up like the other two videos if this video gets like a ton of views and a ton of likes then then maybe but as right now probably now but it might be i don't know depends share the video leave a like and leave a comment yard are you you heard the fox you heard the fox if you want part four well anyways guys i'm kind of tired out for today so uh i'm gonna go hang out with charlie's mom i'm the best hiding seat master ever yay [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 2,214,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Freddy And Friends, Hide And Seek, Funny, RP, Roleplay, Story, SB, Security Breach, Roxanne, Gregory, Roxy, Vanny, Glitchtrap, Sun, Daycare, Glamrock, Toy, Withered, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Mangle, Puppet, Golden Freddy, Fred, Charlie, Rick, Foxy Jr
Id: 3usOshvQpVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 21sec (3141 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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