Gmod FNAF | Count The Ways Roleplay! [Fazbear Frights Part 3]

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morning time already it's morning time it's morning time oh yeah it's morning time oh i fell on the bed oh that ain't gonna stop me oh get up oh it's morning time oh the sun's shining outside the birds are chirping something tells me today is gonna be a happy swell day every day oh my goodness i just love my life everything's going oh so swell today's gonna be another excellent day oh man all right gotta go downstairs i'm gonna go prepare some breakfast oh yeah oh my god yeah the yucky bedroom oh my goodness oh i'm filled with life today oh my goodness nothing could possibly ruin that my back my back uh oh my back uh uh but this ain't no excuse to sit down on a beautiful sunny day all right oh it's a beautiful sunny day outside all right gotta get to the kitchen and cook some breakfast oh yeah oh yesterday's gonna be a swell day what shall i make for breakfast today because today's gonna be a happy duda hippy day hippy hippy hippy all right let's see let's go in the frame we got some uh what can i cook today oh i'll make some yummy pancakes oh that's what i'll do when i'll get some syrup all right gotta cook these pancakes and put them on my stove even even though i don't have a stove but i i don't have a stove but i ain't gonna let that ruin my dreams i'll just use my imagination oh yeah today's gonna be a good day make em put some pancakes on the stove oh yeah that's right i can't forget can't forget millie gotta go in wake up my granddaughter all right oh man i always wanted a grandkid oh my goodness and and she lives with me so uh yeah all right gotta go back up the stairs and ah dang kirsty stare oh wait i hate walking upstairs i hate the stairs i mean but i love everything else so i gotta go check out my green order gotta go check on my granddaughter my granddaughter all right let's see what's she doing in a room in the oh oh i think she's up i think she's still sleeping i think i should probably leave her alone so you know she can get her her beauty rest or whatever those dang girls call it these days oh yeah i should i probably shouldn't disturb her you know yeah yeah i probably shouldn't disturb her but but look at the outside world it's such a such a shiny sun shining day how could anyone possibly miss this day oh i gotta go wake her up i'ma go wake her up oh millie i'm gonna turn on the lights all right let's go and open up these blinds oh there we go let that sunlight in wake up wake up oh my god sonic burns [Music] oh millie it's time to get up oh man today's gonna be a good excellent day whatever oh god i just want to die really you can't be talking like that today's gonna be a swell day you know is this that thing poetry book what about this i remember i took this book from you one time when i read it every single page was about death really you shouldn't be reading stuff like this it gives you negative thoughts you got to think about the positive things in life grandpa grant give me my poetry book back yeah whatever i don't understand how you like this stuff you and you kids and your weird things these days but i'll never understand it but all i'm understanding is how much i'm loving life well i hate life it sucks oh millie how could you say something like that life is beautiful life is the best thing ever look i know you might be like i might i know you're going through one of your phases or whatever where you're like being a golf girl or whatever but you're gonna learn to appreciate life it is in a phase grandpa yeah whatever that's what they all say you'll get over it eventually all right come on downstairs i made you some yummy fluffy warm pancakes with some warm syrup now come on let's go whatever oh my poetry book oh my god every poem about death all my favorite poems this is the only thing that brings me happiness if you can even call it that uh whatever i guess i'll go downstairs ugh freaking grandpa's so annoying oh my goodness i don't understand him i don't understand how he can enjoy life how how could anyone enjoy life it just the only thing to look forward to is death that's the only thing that i look forward to anyways millie come on let's go and eat your more fluffy pancakes weep oh my back oh oh i should not be hip and hopping around oh i'm not as i'm not good as i was my innocent days oh come on milly come on let's go come on let's eat some player can't throw my face oh whatever fine i guess i'll come downstairs uh fine i guess i'll come downstairs grandpa what are you doing oh i'm having a good old happy time grandpa aren't you a little too old to be um you know jumping down the stairs and stuff what you're talking about i'm as proud as i was in my young youngin days all right come on let's go let's go eat some fluffy pancakes all right here i'm gonna get them you go in the dining room and i'll be there in a second i'm bringing you pancakes whatever all right millie here's yum some pancakes now which one you want you want the big stack or you want the little stack of pancakes it don't matter well millie i normally i i i mean i normally like to be generous and stuff and i normally give you the big stack but you never eat any so i think i'm gonna take this time to enjoy the big stack for myself so uh but if you want any just let me know millie i'll i'll definitely give you some pancakes you know i care about you you know yeah whatever i don't even want one pancake oh come on millie you gotta eat something come on i'd rather starve what really you got to be grateful in life you know these pancakes back in my name pancakes were the best hang around in the mornings oh my goodness oh man oh if i had some if i i was gonna cook some bacon too this morning but we ran out so whatever we'll get some uh some bacon some bacon noir anyways i'm gonna start digging into these pancakes you should you should eat your pancakes let me dig in my pancakes really quick let me douse them in syrup ah there you go you can't eat pancakes unless they're completely doused in syrup all right i'm gonna dig in these pink yummy pancakes [Music] ew gross yuck i don't want no pancakes yuck oh those are some yummy pancakes oh my goodness hey every single last bite oh millie did you eat all your pancakes you ate everything for once uh sure oh my god milly you finally ate your pancake i'm so pr milly how dare you you throw your dang pancakes on the floor milly how many times do i gotta tell you we don't got no dog and besides even if we didn't have a dog you're not supposed to feed it to the dang dog oh my god we don't got no dog oh my goodness millie well if you're not gonna eat this might as well not let it go to waste whatever milly i'm really worried about you do you do you want millie do you do you want to have a talk no screw off grandpa oh really oh no you will show you something like that milly i've been worrying about you you've been locking yourself up in that room of yours and that ain't good for you you gotta get outside and enjoy the sunshine for once oh well millie um all right well uh fine okay well let's go ahead and talk about today's plan so you know this late afternoon we're gonna have that big christmas party right yeah and uh yeah so we'll have that big christmas party here at our at my house and uh all your aunts and all your uncles and all your cousins everyone's gonna come on over we're gonna have a big swell happy christmas party all right and i want you to participate i don't want you to spend your time in your room like you did last year so i want you down here and to interact with everyone for once all right fine and um yeah and uh oh yeah that's right also your uh your t i got an email from uh from your school last night what is it this time am i finally expelled oh no um wait why do you why were you expecting to be okay what i'm not even gonna ask um anyways um anyways no i got an email from the school last night and apparently the school's budget has gone completely downhill so apparently they can't afford the school building so apparently what they're having to do is uh all the kids are gonna have to go to the teacher's house which luckily for us the teacher's house is actually in the same neighborhood we're actually neighbors with uh with your teacher so you'll just have to go over to your teacher's house for school today and uh and then after that apparently the school is also they're also apparently for some reason the school's budget is low that they can't run the actual proper school building but they can host a christmas party but i mean it's taking place at the playground show i want you to go to the school christmas party and then after that then it'll be time for our christmas party so yeah today it's a good day because it's also christmas but i have to go to school on christmas like what type of school makes you go to school on christmas i don't know i don't make the rules oh my goodness really back in my time we ain't got no weekends and also you should be grateful that you're that it's uh that you get to go to your teacher's house to learn because back in my day i had to try travel 20 million miles in the rain upon the rocky mountains while it was thunderstorming and while there were tornadoes and hurricanes and just two zombies every single day oh my goodness and i did it oh it killed my back in my shoes i went through a ton of pair of shoes let me tell you but i did it i went to school every day on that dang path and uh yeah so you should be grateful that you only have to go a few feet so uh yeah well oh yeah speaking of school i'm pretty sure uh i think you're uh you might want to go ahead and leave before you you'll be late i i don't care if i'm late or not yeah whatever anyways go ahead and go millie i'll see you at the christmas party later tonight but again i want you to go to the uh to the school christian's party as well i think we'll be good for you and maybe maybe you can finally make some friends or something i like to see you make some friends whatever fine you know what i'm out of here all right well see you later millie all right well now that she's gone i'mma eat a pancake when i was a kid oh my parents didn't let me get any sugar ever since ever since i became my own independent man i've been eating sugar every day i don't care if it's not good for me tastes so good i don't want to go to school i'd rather die oh my god school sucks especially it's christmas it's christmas and i'm having to go to school but the thing is it's not even snowing outside all everything's fake outside everyone has fake snowmen ugh see this is why i want to die i want to die look at this this is sad this is sad and pathetic just like my life oh my god i don't want to go to school i don't want to go to my stupid teacher's house god dang go away stupid snowman oh where the frick is the house is it oh yeah i think it's this house oh there's some yup there's some kids on the porch i don't want to interact with them ugh yeah yuck well i i think this is the place hey sarah after today i'll be able to say i've been at my teacher's house if y'all know what i mean wink wink what what uh hey look uh a a a fellow student is approaching us hello there fellow student uh hoping you wouldn't see me what do you want oh hi my name's oddball and this is my friend sarah she's a robot say hi sarah hi ugh whatever i don't care i don't want to hang out with you dorks well dang ouch my feelings is someone at the door oh my goodness you three students are late wait we're late yes you're late well i'm sorry i mean me and cheryl waited for the school bus but we didn't realize the school bus also got y'all also stopped doing the whole school bus thing so we had to walk all the way over here and it took us a while to find your house and i mean oh actually no i think about it it does make sense that we're late because i did have to stop on the way here to tie my shoe so uh you know i guess it makes sense well you three get inside right now and go take a seat i had to set up all these stupid desks in my house i can't believe the school is making me do this in my house why can't i go do it in their house what the heck you have to do in my house and stuff so anyways get in here and take a seat um all right jang jeez calm down why is everyone in a bad mood today all right come on cheryl let's go uh uh okay ugh i don't want to go the pretty good school on christmas yuck all right teach um all right yeah it's here sarah let's sit in the front oh you know i'm getting front row seats oh yeah there we go all right okay i really don't want to teach you stupid brats in my house but whenever i don't got much of a choice all right everyone pay attention today all right so i know i know things may be different and just because we're in my house doesn't mean we're going to do things different so everything's going to be the same all right so we're using my living room as the classroom and then we'll use my kitchen as the lunchroom all right so uh yeah and i don't want to hear it and also i don't want any of you rotten brats snooping through any of my rooms all right this is my house it's my private stuff all right how you teach when i walked in i know she have some movie posters are you a fan of the of the ghostbusters uh shut up it's my stuff and i it's my i didn't expect to have to let all you stupid kids in my house today but hey teach isn't it christmas today did you get us any presents oh my god oddball will you shut up nobody asked you oh but but teach i want some christmas presents oddball you'll get some christmas credit actually no you probably won't i will you know i hope all you brats get cold for christmas they're all so annoying especially sarah what did i do oh sorry i i expect sarah to sit on that side except for sarah but what did i do to you you did everything to me sarah you ugly brat and also look at you you're even uglier now i just wouldn't be beautiful and i just wanted to go into the pier our ball no singing in class oh man all right everyone pay attention we're already far behind because we had to wait for three stupid students because they were late so anyways let's continue with today's lesson all right everyone today we will be learning about geography we'll be talking about this map wait didn't we just talk about geography the other day in my class i can talk about whatever the heck i want to and today we're talking about geography dang man i feel like that's the only thing we learn in this class so we don't talk about any other subject oh my goodness i feel like after this whole school year is over i'm going to be a history professor oh my goodness oh all right everyone pay attention pay attention all right all right so let's go ahead and talk about this map we got right here so over here we got the highway and over here we got the power plant i'm taking a nap and that's why these red lines are super important all right does everyone got that and oddball wake up how long have you been to sleep for what what happened to each whatever it doesn't matter it's lunch time all right everyone go into the kitchen it's lunch time what it's already like holy fred oh fellas holy jesus okay i guess it's lunch time all right come on cheryl let's go eat lunch okay yay lunch time lunch time oh man it's lunch time already i can't wait for some lunch ugh lunch oh whatever yeah whatever um hey show uh shara what uh what what happened during the clash i i completely fell asleep and i did not pay attention to anything that happened in there show up what happened during that lesson oh um well i i didn't really understand the lesson so i was actually planning on going to ask you during lunch if you knew what was going on because i didn't understand it well um oh well i completely fell asleep so i learned absolutely nothing during that oh oh i think we have a test tomorrow a test tomorrow tomorrow's christmas day dang well i think we're both going to fail that test um whatever let's enjoy some food yeah let's enjoy some food wait ill this food looks gross yeah oh wait hold on a second these these fries they're these fries aren't even cooked they're still frozen these are frozen fries and what is wrong with this burger it's completely flat and i don't even think that's i don't even think that's ketchup i think that's just red paint um wow yeah hey is it alright if i sit next to you or whatever just because all the other tables are taken and this is the only last place i could sit oh fine i guess whatever what what do you mean whatever that's my thing oh it's my thing what what do you mean it's your thing what what it's mine i always go whatever because whatever you know freaking oh you know this place sucks i hate this place yeah i hate this place too yeah i just wish you know the embodiment of death could just consume me you know wait wait you you enjoy death too what oh yeah that's nice what do you think about death oh i just i want death as well oh you also crave death yeah oh we have something in common what the heck oh well wait do you do you like poetry oh of course i love poetry poetry is the best thing ever well um oh maybe i guess maybe we could be friends or something like that oh yeah i suppose i mean i guess friends do have things in common so i guess we could be friends well uh what's what's your name oh oh my name my name is dylan what's what's yours i'm nelly oh well um i guess it's nice to meet you millie um yeah oh hey are you going to that uh the christmas party thing after school yeah i have no choice because my my dang grandpa's making me go oh dang you have a grandpa oh man i don't have a grandpa oh my grandpa my grandpa passed away oh whatever oh poor dang lucky grandpa got to taste death before i did oh whatever oh yeah well you want to hang out at the christmas party or whatever after school uh yeah sure i i guess you know not like it's not like i want to go with you or anything like that but i guess i can go with you it's not like i definitely really really really want to go with you but whatever you know whatever whatever you know whatever all right well i think i'm done eating these these plastic fries um i think i'm uh i'm gonna head back to class yeah i'm gonna head back to class too all right i hope everyone had a terrible lunch now anyways let's go ahead and get back to this lesson all right teach i gotta i got a question ah what do you want oddball no i'm not answering any of your questions about this lesson because i know you fell asleep earlier so no i'm not going to answer anything but teach i actually had a question about lunch what is it what do you want oddball well teach if the french fries were frozen and the ketchup was red paint then what was the cheese on the cheeseburger made out of really well i want to know i'm really curious well it doesn't matter now the food's all been thrown away but i'm still curious what was the cheese made out of ah fine the cheese was made out of play-doh what it was made out of play-doh dang it i knew i was missing on a good opportunity dang it i ended up not eating anything for lunch and i don't think anyone else did dang it i knew i should've eaten the cheese on that cheeseburger oh i broke my teacher can i have a new chair actually broke my chair and rage i'm sorry no you can't have a new chair i should make you pay for that chair instead okay i'll i'll just sit on the floor okay i'm sorry i'm sorry please don't yell at me i'm sorry ah now anyways as i was saying class all of y'all better pay attention i don't want to see anyone else fall asleep okay got it okay that's good for some reason i thought someone was gonna fall asleep god damn what i tell you kids about falling asleep in class sarah wake up sir wake up oh hey sheriff you okay sarah wake up oh wait oh hey teach uh yeah oh i forgot sarah's a robot now oh hey teach uh i think sarah sarah's batteries are dead yo teach she got any spare double a's what what oh yeah sarah's a robot now she needs double a batteries do you got any double a batteries okay i'll take that as you know good thing i got my three backpacks all right let's see i got some uh i got some double a's in here let me see all right there we go got some extra double a batteries don't worry teach i'll fix this one up all right here sarah there we go i'm gonna put the double asian take out the old ones take off the case but i did that not in the right order but who cares put the new ones in and i'll put the case back on and there you go sarah you okay what happened you ran out of double a batteries again uh don't worry oddball fixed it up yet yet again that's what all oddball does okay now anyways what we were doing before i got rudely interrupted was ring oh what the dang it that's right it's a holiday even though we have school on a holiday it's a half day so i can't freaking t forgot that i'm supposed to feel you're supposed to leave after lunch god dang all right fine no kids go home but we're having a big test tomorrow so you better study and remember what i taught you today oh i'm a fail all right let's get the heck out of here let's go christmas party guys oh yeah that's right the christmas party oh come on everybody we gotta go to the christmas party christmas party christmas party wait on ball wait for me god dang it ugh it's hard being a robot wait for me so you want to like go to that christmas party oh yeah just you go on without me i'll meet you there okay fine whatever i'm going to stupid christmas party hey cheryl look at me i'm king of the world uh-huh yeah that's great just don't fall and hurt yourself oh please i'm not gonna fall and hurt myself my name's oddball i defeated a a rabbit man with my hand oh my goodness how could i possibly fall off this thing besides it's got safety rails how could i fall off this thing oh look at all the tubes i can go in ooh yay i'm king of the world oh my goodness look at all the tubes weed this is so much fun i've never had this much fun before so is this like what you two always do well it's not what we always do i mean it's just because uh you know the christmas party's at the playground so just playing on the playground yay hey millie you should get up here and try it uh ill no all right well shoot yourself but i'm king of the world oh my goodness and i possibly can get hurt because i got the safety rails and yay oh no i fell after safety control i fell over the safety rail ouch oh my gosh what oddball are you all right oh i'm fine i'm fine i gotta i got a louder wee i'm climbing back in oh i can't go down the slide oh my goodness you know i'm having a lot of fun on this playground but i feel kind of lonely only playing on him by myself are you sure you two don't want to get on the playground with me uh i'm good i'm i mean since i'm a robot and stuff i can't really be all that flexible and stuff anymore oh yeah that's right that's right millie you sure you don't want to get on the playground ew no it's probably like covered in boogers or whatever well i i don't know what makes you think that i don't know why you would think this beautiful playground would be covered in boogers like who the frick would do that here oh what do i do uh yeah there we go it's probably good but i don't know why you would think some idiot kid would just wipe their boogers on this playground like this is a respectable playground and nobody would ever do that are you for whatever yep well millie in the end i'm just glad we're now friends but ill i never said i would be your friend well why are you hanging out with us dude i'm only hanging out with you idiots until dylan shows up oh what dylan oh yeah isn't he that guy over there making out with that girl over there wait what what what what the dylan what the heck are you doing oh what oh hi oh hi millie what up what what are you doing i'm uh enjoying the christmas party talking talking to my friend what what what what hey if you excuse me i'm gonna go check out these uh i'm gonna go go check out the monkey bars i wanna play on monkey bars all right you go do that all right i'm gonna go play on the monkey bars monkey bars all right y'all right there milly what the heck who the frick was she i told you one of my friends you know you know i'm working my way up with her if you know what i mean what what but but dylan we i thought i thought we had something special what so much what do you mean by that i thought i thought we had something special i thought we were gonna be together forever what what i thought you said you wanted to come to the to hang out with me at this at this christmas party yeah i wanted to hang out at this christmas party so that way we could actually get to start knowing each other you know because we literally just met in class like like only a few hours ago you know i don't even know you that all what but but i was in love with you what what the heck i had feelings for you we were it was only supposed to be me and you what you're telling me you have feelings about love ill love is disgusting yuck yuck no i am a single man and always will be no you know what is that why you want to be my friend you know what you know what i can't understand being here you know what i don't want to be friends with you anymore if that's how you think things are going to go if you think things would even move that quick no get out of here oh my god that freaking kid's weird holy freak how are you dylan hey can you come over here oh oh hey oddball oh hey dylan why why millie run off crying uh i don't know she's i don't know that's what it was weird oh but uh hey oddball did you see what i did oh yeah i saw what you did all right pay me up dog all right fine you win you here's your you win the stupid bet here's your five dollars oh thanks man wait what the wait what's going on oh yeah i'm sorry me and me and dylan made a bet earlier when we were uh when uh we were walking over here to the to the christmas party and stuff um i made a bet with dylan that um because he was talking about how he's the coolest kid in school and i bet him five bucks you couldn't go up and get a girl to convince your girl to make out with him and he he proved me wrong so there's five bucks for him yeah it was pretty easy you know it's pretty easy you know like whatever so anyways what are you two up to oh we're just playing on the playground you know playground's pretty cool oh nice playground's pretty cool well i'ma go hang on over by the monkey bar so i'll see y'all later oddball all right see ya dylan man that dude is pretty cool he's like the coolest kid in school what about millie she she ran off crying earlier should we go check on her uh yeah i suppose so all right fine come on sarah let's leave the christmas party i guess goodbye beautiful playground i'll miss you i'm going in my room i'm never coming out ever again oh miller you're just in time for the christmas party oh grandpa get out of the way i want to go cry in my room oh milly no i already told you your room's off limits for the christmas party i want you to interact and socialize social right so sorry i ate too many pancakes earlier kind of kind of chugged the whole syrup bottle yeah we're gonna need more sharp um but it's time for you to socialize and uh don't by the way the whole family just showed up all your aunts your uncles all your cousins everyone's over here they're all waiting in the in the dining room and we're just waiting for you so come on milly come inside and let's go eat a big christmas dinner just let me go to my room no millie i already told you you're not allowed to go to your room now come on let's go eat some turkey turkey turkey turkey yeah turkey time screw this i'm running away what millie ah she'll be back and why was she crying no she wasn't crying she had she her eyes were full of tears of joy to realize how many how many people care about her oh that's it she's probably just uh taking a minute to uh she she's probably in denial right now oh she's probably taking a minute to accept this all right well in that case she should be back here any minute all right all right shall i wait for uh i'll just wait here for a second i'm gonna close the door though never hated my life more than i do now i finally found out what it is to fall in love and then it just goes away like that like what the heck oh man oh man what am i going to do i've never wanted death more now than ever i just want to go away forever and uh grandpa's garage is open and uh what what's this thing i've never seen this in grandpa's garage before you know i'm hiding in here you know i'm just gonna find some place to hide and freaking stay away from forever but what what is this thing what in the world it looks like some type of bear or something oh man i just want to go away and hide forever maybe maybe i can hide in hiding this thing i think there's room inside yeah i'ma hide in this thing and and grandpa will never find me in it and nobody will ever find me inside yeah that's it i'm gonna stay in here forever yeah that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna stay in here forever all right gonna get in get into the dang thing oh man i'm starting to get worried about millie it's been a while now and she hasn't come home yet i thought she would have been back by now oh man my poor milly hopefully she's okay ding dong oh there's my millie oh my goodness i knew she would come back hey wait a second you ain't millie who who are you kids oh my name's oddball and this is my friend sarah she's a robot say hi sarah uh hi uh we came over because we saw we saw millie run away crying and we just want to make sure she was okay oh you must be oh you must be millie's friends oh my goodness i knew one day she would make friends no wonder why she was so happy and had tears of joy in her eye because she finally made some friends come on in come on in come on in um all right oh i like this dude he seems really nice come on sarah oh okay oh come on in hey you wanna you wanna enjoy you wanna come over and eat some christmas dinner with us we got the whole family over um sure yeah i'd like some christmas dinner all right well right now nobody's eating yet because we're waiting for milly to get back um but once millie gets back we'll feast into some dinner so uh yeah so how long have you have you known millie for you know i i know she's been going through some rough times right now but it's really good to see her that she's uh made some friends at school you guys are from her school right oh yeah we we go to the same school oh that's good to know that's good to know oh that's good who knows finally good to see you oh millie getting on out there oh but uh wait a second you said your friend your friend sarah here she's a robot right huh yeah i'm a robot oh oh yeah that's right i was wondering what that made me think of that's right um about a month ago i found i found i found my own type of robot i have it in my garage if you're interested in robots and stuff and you want to see you can feel free to i don't mind showing you my garage you know i got a robot in there you kids want to check it out um let me think about that i've currently walked into a stranger's house and he's offering me to go into his garage hmm to potentially see something hmm yeah of course i'll go yeah let's go come on sarah let's go see what it is okay all right follow me kittens let's go into my garage i got a snazzy robot in here i want to show you come on i think your kids will like it oh boy sarah are you ready to meet another robot what i'm still a human though on the inside yeah all right come on sir let's go yay robot time uh okay uh all right here he is oh this old bear i like to call him winnie the pooh oh my goodness i found this boy oh in a garage sale a while back ago and i threw him in my garage so uh here you can just go if you want to look at it for a while wow hey sarah come talk to it it's a robot just like you you should be able to communicate with it right what that's not how it works i mean what all right come on communicate um hi oh i'm sorry i couldn't i should have i should have informed you that this robot don't work i've tried to make it work it don't work so um i don't know i mean i'll just have it laying around you know it looks pretty cool so i thought i'd keep it but uh anyways um oh i need to go check on the uh turkey to make sure it's cooking all right so uh all right i'll i'm gonna leave you kidding in here i need to go check on the turkey show up i'll talk to you kittens later just make yourself at home well i guess we're locked in here with this huh i wonder what's going on inside of this robot's brain right now i wonder what's think what's going on inside of it what the heck oh there's a lot more room in here than i originally thought there would be and uh wha wait what the heck why is there a face in here what what the heck hello there milly it is i fun time freddy you ready to have a fun time millie what what the heck wait what the frick are you the robot yes that's i the robot and i am talking to you i have a second head in my stomach don't question it it's a long complicated process but it's really i really rather not talk about it anyways millie welcome to my stomach you have been devoured what the what the heck um okay you know what this is weird i think i'm just gonna leave it wait i can't get out what what the heck what sorry milly i didn't give you permission to leave you gotta stay in my belly forever what no i don't wanna stay in your belly forever well too bad millie and also um i've heard some things going on about you you you've heard things about me oh yeah of course your stupid grandpa won't freaking shut up he always comes down here during the night and talks to me in his sleep dang stupid grandpa but i've heard that you are into poetry and i've heard that you love death and stuff uh well i mean yeah i guess death would be good you know because everything around me is big my wife's just a waste and stuff yeah yeah yeah that's relatable relatable i feel exactly the same uh well i'm a robot so there's no no luck for me but however i can help you milly i can help greet you i can help grant you your wish yes i can help you achieve death so uh yeah i didn't know i would bore you and i would talk on and ramble on about a whole lot of geography and stuff like that but i'm pretty sure you've already learned some geography at school today so i'll just cut to the chase this time and uh i'll talk to you about ways you can die so how would you like to die milly i can i can fill this whole place up with water and i can make you um make you drown um let's see i could uh set you on fire i could freeze you to death um i could decapitate you i could just let you stay in here until you starve to death um there's lots of ways to die millie you know there's a lot of fun ways to go and but the thing is you're only one person and only you're only able to die in one way so whatever way it's gonna be you make it your way so you know it could be a slow painful death or it could be nice and quick you know whatever whatever your heart desires i can fulfill that that dream of yours well mr um mr funtime freddy sir but what if what if i don't want to die what what the frick do you mean you don't want to die i thought that was your whole thing i thought you were some type of guff girl who just wants death then always talks about death why would you not want to die well now that i know that i'm starting to think about it i've i mean i've always talked about one dying but now that i'm actually i'm about to die i don't want to die what why the frick not well well i i don't know like just um what about your friends oh yeah that's right you don't have any friends no friends for you and what about and uh what about what about that dylan dude what how do you know about dylan oh yeah i forgot to tell you i can also read your mind so uh yeah i probably probably should have told you that that would have made things a lot easier but yeah i can also your grandpa talk to me in his sleep and also i can read your mind so i already know every single thing about you silly milly but don't call me that haha i know everything so and also i know your parents abandoned you at your grandpa's house so i'm that sucks i guess your parents didn't love you they did love me they just didn't want to take care of me yeah that sounds like they didn't love you millie oh well nobody loves me either so you know that's another relatable thing we have in common you know if i could shed a tear i would but again i'm i'm a robot so i physically can't cry but oh well i mean actually no i technically i can fill this thing up with water i could just get a little water on my eye and make it look like i'm crying but it just ain't the same you know i just ain't the same it's like freaking faking it you know it's just not the same anyways millie i'm getting off topic here so uh but anyways millie you're no matter what you're gonna die today what i i don't wanna die well too bad i've already made up my mind and also i'm a killing robot and i love to kill people and you know what i think i kind of want to kill you because you're you're giving me a funny look you know and you know maybe if you're wanting to accept death maybe i would have not given you death so that way that way you would have been suffering because you wanted it but you know what you know what now that i'm but now that you don't want death i kind of want to give you death you know just to make your life upside down but oh now tell me millie why why the heck now earlier you're saying you don't want to die why why is that why did you change your mind all of a sudden your whole life you've been talking about death and how you want it so bad but then all of a sudden right at the end whenever you got the opportunity you're turning it away and why is that millie why are you why are you turning away death like what what you think is so important that you want to keep living for what is it now millie well i mean i've been well i guess first of all i guess my grandpa's been super nice to me and he's been taking care of me and stuff and i guess i guess i haven't been that nice to him and stuff and oh i wish i would have eaten those pancakes this morning i bet they would have tasted good and and sure dylan was kind of a jerk and stuff but that just shows that there's but there's other people out there and i'm sure i could find somebody to be my one true love and now that i know what love is i i know that maybe there's a chant maybe with someone else so i just i don't want to give up yet you know i wanna i wanna keep trying you know wow freaking you're you're a try hard what what wow you know the simple solution is just to give up but uh you know what millie sorry you don't have a say in this one i'm gonna do you a favor and i'm just gonna end your life so uh tell me how you wanna die what no i don't wanna die sorry millie i'm a killing machine i gotta kill you you know it's just it's just my nature i just can't let you go and let this be a happy story because you know that ain't fun so nobody likes a happy story you gotta because if it's a happy story then what the heck was the point of the story you know there's no freaking tale of the story of if uh you've reached a low point then i'll be saying like hey i learned my lesson i'm gonna go enjoy my life no that's not how the world works life is supposed to suck you're not able to enjoy it you're supposed to suffer for the rest of your life because of one stupid thing thing that you didn't even mean to do and maybe something you didn't even do it's just freaking fake news or something i don't freaking know i'm rambling on again milly god damn look at what you made me do all right millie stop distracting me you're only prolonging how much longer you have to live by distracting me but i won't be distracted no more now millie tell me how you want to die what but but but tell me how you want to freaking die i want to kill you you know i haven't gotten a chance to kill anyone it's so freaking long and now you're more freaking out okay okay okay okay calm down really if you don't tell me how you want to die i might think of my own way to kill you and i'll just do it myself but okay fine fine fine fine you know what you know what maybe you know i have i have big brain idea all right you know what you know what you know what fun time freddie you know how i want to die how do you want to die millie decapitation oh that's an interesting one a nice and quick one all right fine i guess that's fair you know i was wanting to do a nice slow and painful one to make it last as long as possible so we could talk forever but all right fine i guess i'll be nice and i guess i'll make it a nice quick death but but wait before you do it could you count down for me please ah fine ah now i gotta do counting yeah i mean i guess that's slightly extended but it ruins the surprise you know it ruins the surprise you know i love to catch my victims off guard but ah you're asking way too much melee but you're lucky i'm in a good mood today oh my goodness all right fine i guess i'll give you a countdown all right well you ready to die millie hey yes all right well what i'll tell you what's going to happen now a saw blade is going to come from the side and chop your head off like that so just make sure you're standing about the same height you're doing don't duck down or beneath the blade or do something stupid like that so that way you can escape my chest cavity so yeah just stay exactly how you are don't move whenever i finish counting all right uh okay all right milly i wanna give down the count down i'm gonna count down to three all right i'll give you three whole seconds all right uh okay all right three two one shawl blade time click chunk haha i got your head milly oh wait wait no don't tell me don't tell me she actually escaped no this isn't supposed to be a happy ending that's no um oh what the heck millie what the heck what were you doing inside that robot oh my gosh i'm alive i'm alive huh so this is what happens after count the ways well i mean i guess there's two ways it could have ended it could end with her dying or her living but okay oh my goodness i'm so glad to be alive oh my goodness from now on i'ma change everything i'm going to be a great person from now on oh what the heck sarah did you finally communicate to the robot what i didn't do anything oh mr sarah communicate to the robot um hi robot are you okay melody i'm alive what what the heck and i'm going to instead i'm going to bite off your frontal lobe instead oh my god the robot's alive and it's evil it wants to kill millie oh my god what are we gonna do sarah maybe we should just back up against his wall and do absolutely nothing yeah that sounds like a great idea sarah oh miley uh how dare you you're supposed to die nobody likes a happy ending well i want to change and i want to go hang out with grandpa i want to go make new friends and stuff like that uh silly milly we don't have happy endings here i'm gonna bite off your frontal lobe oh oh no please don't bite off my frontal lobe all right here it is oh oh hey sherry what what's wrong with that robot i i don't know it seems to be acting up [Music] oh what's up but it didn't until oh i understand what's happening his batteries are dying hey mister funtime freddy sir do you got any spare double a's what no no no no no no no no no no no no my power sources i am finally achieving death i've never felt oh my did did he just die well i mean he ran out of double age um well good thing i brought my three backpacks all right i'll reach into the back and get out some more double a's no oddball no what why not he's an evil robot he would even if you just put in new batteries he'd just kill all of us oh all right you know what fine i guess that makes sense fine i won't put new batteries in the killer robot fine well millie it looks like you get to live oh my god well from now on from now on i'm gonna be a good person and i'm no longer gonna hurt anyone i'm so glad to be alive oh my goodness i've never felt better than being alive oh that's a good thing and uh millie i've never felt better i'm gonna make so many good choices i'm enjoying my grandpa's pancakes from now on millie and i'm going to enjoy school i'm going to get good grades i'm going to make all the friends in the world and really you might want to move oh my goodness it's going to be the best thing ever oh my god i can't look i can't look oh wow oh so that's what that person looks like um oh god oh god oh oh is that was that one of the option was uh suffocation being crushed to death holy frick that's not it i did not see that one coming i'm gonna be honest um well then um oh dang millie's gone really no millie's dead oh my god what are we gonna do we're supposed to have another member to the odd squad oh no we can't odd squad with only two people i was gonna hopefully get a third person on the odd squad but what are we gonna do oh no milly milly's gone oh i'm gonna be sick i'm a robot but so now i'm going to be sick oh my god oh no millie oh my god this is not how i expect to count the ways the end oh my goodness even though this is not related to the story really whatsoever i mean this is just a terrible summary [ __ ] but just made more funny or more goofier does is really related to the story at all but oh my goodness no oh no i'm kind of sad now i don't want to cry oddball doesn't like to cry i'm sad now she was so she just wanted to live a normal life yeah i know and now she's gone um guys huh what the what really what the heck um i i think i'm a ghost now what millie you're a ghost now hey cheryl look milly's a ghost oh what the what the heck whoa wait if she's a ghost how are we able to see her well i'm pretty sure me and you are able to see millie because she's a ghost because because you're a robot and um oh yeah that's right i'm a robot so i'm able to see millie and you're able to see millie because your dad's a a yellow rabbit right what no i i don't think i don't think my dad being a yellow rabbit has anything to do with this well wait then how are you able to see her i think it was because that funky pizza i ate one time there's this time when when that little pizza man only gave me some funky green pizza well ever since then i've been seeing all kinds of spirits so uh you know this isn't anything out of the ordinary before i've seen some ghosts in the past before um millie how how are you doing i don't know i didn't realize this is what death would be like i thought death would just be like an endless void or some type of heaven or something you know i didn't realize i'd just be a ghost oh i guess you're a ghost now um huh well wait oh no now that i'm a ghost wait oh i can't interact with anything anymore how am i how am i supposed to enjoy pancakes and oh no and what about my grand what about my grandpa what what is he gonna think about this when he walks in here he's gonna find me dead he's gonna be traumatized oh no oh what what am i what am i gonna do ah don't worry besides if you're a grandpa it's so far everything i've seen your grandpa he seems like a lovely cheery guy i'm sure he'll be fine to to keep to keep you around even though you're a ghost i'm sure it won't shock him at all all right hippity hoppity all right kids i just want to let you know the turkey's ready and we're all ready we're all about ready for dinner uh um we we can explain what oh oh my my my granddaughter grandpa look i'm a ghost now but grandpa i finally learned the true meaning of life i no longer crave death i want to live life to its fullest and even though i'm a ghost now i think i can still enjoy it so grandpa i i'm so sorry for forever forever being rude to you i want to be so much nicer to you from now on grandpa i hate ghosts go away go away ghosts don't haunt me go away go away but but grandpa oh why'd you come after me you want my stupid turkey take this turkey and go away but grandpa get out of here you dang cage you go here too you messed up my robot get out of here that cost me three thousand dollars oh i i'm a robot but i can still feel pain oh i think it's time for us to leave oh all right uh bye mr grandpa sir yeah goodbye um yeah let's just close this hey you getting kids we get back here yeah i got some more turkey and you but grandpa get out of here dang ugly ghost get out of here get out of here oh my goodness what did they oh my god the dang kids do oh my robot oh my robot my my granddaughter no my granddaughter's dead my robot's broken all the dang kids oh my goodness i'm tired of being so happy and cheerful oh stupid freaking like you know what screw this stupid christmas party stupid christmas party god damn it all this stupid turkey for nothing stupid granddaughter she did nothing oh my dang robots broken i wanted to fix it up but now it's broken oh [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] slam on my door all right guys i don't think that crazy grandpa is going to come after us holy freak i thought he was about to murder us oh my goodness oh my grandpa welp um oh well this is um this is awkward um well um i guess i'll just do the same thing i did when i first when i met sarah when she first became a robot um hey millie what what do you want well i know you're a ghost and all but you want to be friends okay fine i don't have anyone else left in the world and besides i'm a ghost now so i don't think anyone else would want to be my friend well i think ghosts are cool you know this is cool you know i'm oddball and i got my got my friend who's a robot and i have another friend who's a ghost you know this is the odd squad oh yeah on squad we're gonna roll into all the towns and stuff oh i wonder i wonder what other types of odd friends we'll make in the future oh but this is the odd squad oh my goodness we're gonna have lots of fun oh well millie um i'm uh i'm gonna head back home i'm kind of tired so uh yeah yeah i should i should probably head back home too did your family wait sarah i also have a question for you i know how millie just got rejected by her family did your family reject you because you're a robot yeah where have you been going i've been going to um i've been going i've been sleeping in the trash outside oh hey um i guess you both can come to my house as long as you're not allergic to cats because you know i i have a cat he's my he's my favorite pet cat you know as long as you're not allergic cats well i mean i'm a robot yeah i'm a ghost oh yeah that's true all right well come on let's go to my house on ball house time oh my sling
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 58,559
Rating: 4.9121952 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Fazbear Frights, Story, RP, Roleplay, Count The Ways, Funtime Freddy, Millie
Id: _-b0Oezy6-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 58sec (3418 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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