Gmod FNAF | Brand New Fazbear Frights: Into The Pit & Fetch Ragdolls!

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all right guys we're gonna be looking at the dog from fetch and you're not allowed here mister your game is dead okay anyways hi guys welcome back to energy mod for now video today we're gonna be looking at the UM the rag dolls from the fazbear fetch book series yeah so anyways we have fetch in and spring Bonnie so um this is from into the pit I actually got the book the other day I haven't read it yet so I don't know any of the stories yeah I've heard brief mentions of what the stories kind of are but I don't know what the what the UM stories are fully but anyways this spring Bonnie right here is from into the pit and then you have fetch which is the dog from the second fast very fright book um fetch I don't know what his name is his name fetch it's the dog's name fetch I don't know it's Sparky you know and and our og eyes um but ya know so um which the second book hasn't been released yet if I'm correct I'm pretty sure yeah cuz the other day I was looking I'm like oh wait it's not out yet but into the pay is out and again I got the book the own the other day I have it right here um but again I haven't read it yet because I've had enough time to read it yet but I'm wanting to read it but I just haven't read it yet so whenever I read it then then maybe it'll give some role-playing ideas and maybe we could do some role plays later on um but here we have spring Bonnie from into the pits which is the first book and then we have the dog I think his name's I think the dog's name is fetch but I know fetch is like hey go fetch that for me pal um so I don't know we'll just call him fetch then um or Sparky I don't know because we like to call him Sparky cuz of only only true for now fans will remember Sparky Sparky the dog but yeah anyways we got these two rag dolls today and I want to check these out um these are actually um well these actually came out today but by the time you're seeing this it will be tomorrow um but I want to go ahead and review these guys cuz these guys actually look really dope and pretty snazzy so there'll be a link in description to both of them in the description if you want to go check out these two rag dolls for yourself and while you're down there you could you could leave a like that'd be helpful that'll be helpful one in it mr. Dogman but why do they have body groups they do okay so you can change this dudes eyes so that way he's like not mad to like to just solid darkness so you know there's that and then with spring Bonnie let's see what can you do is from Ronnie so you can basically like freaky Nam I don't like that endo mouth right there mister bonny boy what's your skin okay the skin just makes his um his eyes glow which is pretty cool but then can like take off his body parts to like show off his endo Bindo right there you know I'll do that we'll do that you mean the duplicator well we're gonna show off the dudes endo Bindo so take off take off all your clothes mister yep that's right here just get rid of everything okay oh that's a nice indo indo Bindo right there mmm look at that nice solid endo right there oh so wonderful and lovely just mmm mmm it's Gucci already this is the finest Gucci material so here we have the UM the lightest endo Bindo right here well look at them look at them eyes man look at this dick this is the this dude's he actually kind of creepy but this is the new endo binned oh man um I'm kind of spooked - I am I will say that but yeah so and then unlike spring money with the boy Sparky over here or fetch man he got some floppy doggy ears so he can flop his ears around so on that's pretty cool so um yeah so there we go isn't it happy so we have spring bonnie and his dogs like okay guys I got I dealt my show up with new cute little puppies are on my bike somebody's like oh boy please don't like me um so yeah so yeah okay mister you can you can get out of here and I guess we don't need a sign anymore so that can leave - all right let's go inside the pizzeria I always look oh boy this is my new dog Sparky boy um all right no we need to have somebody else inside who can we spawn inside let's get somebody in so we could have Balloon Boy thing um did I do a video about this Balloon Boy rep oh wait no this is play Mountain okay okay okay I remember now I remember Balloon Boy sorry I just don't I mean I do like you don't hurt me um all right let's see who else should we get in here so we're gonna have this place full of people um let's get toward thick up right why not well just have some people chilling in here already and title tales that you H me tattletale no one remembers me you know I loves me I'm so sad no one's played my gaming aegis no wait what are you doing sorry time till you gotta leave no please revive me out my face I said break the window and get outta my face a stupid toy I got sorry about that um let's see beaver until beavers dang that really broke the window all right um let's see what do we got here okay we got some people I just want some random people Chuckie Cheese um the draw kill Freddy well hello there mister mr. drakul Freddie come on let me pick up your face oh that's your job oh all with this dude this dude's like has so many um bones so he's like really heavy look at this dude doesn't hold him up like he's like upside but I got a jetpack oh-ho I think that's a jetpack I'm not sure oh my god you just break your neck dude come on man well yeah already so yeah so once upon a time spring Bonnie is like I'm gonna go show off my um my Dalek to some people you know we need more people we can't just have like three I don't want more people know not all no you leave something off here just fine a pizzeria I will have loved Big O give fright will also get foxing here why not why not we got Freddy and foxy we um we got the spring man one on it and um and we should also get who else should we get we could get nightmare chica why not why not nightmare chica and anyone else any last-minute additions to our collections oh if and have three events well um nope nobody else um no not Scott no no she's not welcome to your don't hurt me um okay yeah this will be fine all right so once upon a time spring minds like I got me a new puppy and I'm like show it off to all all my friends which I don't have points but i'ma show it off to random strangers be like hey I got a dog she's not way they think I'm cool all right oh wait I gotta get a leash for him you could cut it kind of got to put him on a leash like a good owner would all right sit sit right there puppy hang on let me get my let me get my leash what type of leash travel in we have this red laser leash she looks cool you're like matches yeah I think there we go it was like there you go there's your little color there sir all right I got my puppy on the leash I'll bring him to my friends all right go on dog I'm just oh come on he's not wanting to listen to me because I'm gonna have to drag him oh my gosh she kind of heavy alright come on doggy she looked look at my dog like he's having so much fun see he's alive and doing just well alright good drag over to the pits come on man so heavy all right let's go all right come on there all right doggie welcome inside await our pets even allowed in here I don't know and I don't care um well I mean I do carry my dog you know I want to show my dog off to everybody come on down well you're heavy little one come on let's go yeah hey everybody always just loser again oh hi and loser you stupid you stupid um you stupid ugly teeth freak hey that's not nice huh you've weirdo you got you got red teeth oh well you got green teeth oh shut up you're hurt my feelings but wait what last time you were here we talked about it no fighting no fighting no fine I'm not fighting sir I didn't touch her an in touch I wasn't fine what mental fighting still think I'm keeping my eye on you man don't try to do it on stupid we like to have fun you know I'll have a fight all right okay good I'll be good boy okay um all right let's see here do you if we do if we do I'm gonna go show my dog off to my to the cool squad hey they're cool gamers glides on you want to accept me in a group pack now I'm the leader of this group and I say no go kill yourself well that's not nice right well um well my friend Freddy over here already dead he snapped his neck Oh why'd you have to know you were my best friend oh no I was going to show you why I deserve to be in the cool Scott hi what is it this time stupid match cars nobody likes match carts no more mean nobody likes her stupid match cards man that's not gonna get you into cool squad well you well well what makes you think you're cooling up again the cool squad on this down a little heck oh I uh I got a special friend I want you to meet just get over you dang dang it man get over here give me a second ya got get over here good dang it stupid good boy hey there you go I like you all to meet my dog he's a cute little puppy oh man you brought an animal inside freddy fazbears a hole what what wow man that's not loud here that's pretty cool oh that's cool I'm in the coolest one yeah you can be into school cool school oh hey what is what is what is this little stupid idiotic disappointment a life thing on my floor oh that's my dog hey I'm not strong enough to throw you folksy get over you y'all watch out here you're being a little you being a little baby yet again you need foxy to help you yes like you I'm not strong enough throw it pick that to pick that stranger up and throw them out the window and I'll just pick the dog up and roll me out oh just leave get your stupid mutt out of here and leave and never return you're paying for pretty bad very few plays you know vehicles wait I'm in the coolest clothes though right well you can't be in cool squat if you're banned from Freddy you see mr. Coles called Jim Freddy's sorry mister I'm gonna have to banned you from my server oh please do it again mmm oh you know what Freddy I shall we get the little dude the second chance a second chance are you kidding me do you know how many changes yet gar Freddy one more chance Oh fine okay I'll give you one more chance mister and if you screw up you're getting kicked to the curb okay now here give me here untie your dollar from your leash okay and I'll solve your problems get out of here you stupid mutt Oh No yes I can just keep your dog outside and you can come inside all right okay y'all are see later there better not be any troubles or else you're getting kicked to the curb just like your much your well oh they don't like my dog oh well um I didn't know that dog for long so I'm not too attached to it so I guess it's fine oh dude so I still get to be part of the cool squad huh yeah I love it here mmm don't leave us let us talk about this for a minute you step by step to the side okay I hope they accept me still mmm all right cool squad members gang all right guys get come gather round gather round circle on yeah what's up do you think we should let him in you think we should let him in well I mean bringing a dog in was kind of cool yeah I was cool but then he got his dog kicked out so now his dog ain't here no more sort up now that's not cool man mmm buddy it was kind of cool yeah but it's not cool no more I don't think we should I don't think we should invite him to the group maybe I think maybe we should what why well because it's just us and nobody else so you know oh dang it man hmm no I mean I don't know oh no we don't often let people in our club yeah I know but look our third members dead he's not dead don't say that he's your life you still like I told you I'm dying no don't die on me please no wait you must let him join the squad what what please my final my final wish let em join the squad he is the chosen would who's Jose Jose also said his final wishes Freddie Freddie told me to add them to the group and I will and I will keep his ward Oh mr. mr. spring bunny man yeah why are you crying it's nice you to join this cool squad because you're so cool according to Freddie use my best friend who's now dead so sad now we gotta burn him alive let's let's cremate him here we go happy ending oh oh oh dear what the hey hey what the frig why is there a fire inside my store this is my a big nut store my pizza police good dinging you stupid Hank's look stapler wait quick where's my fire extinguisher stapler file box VHS tapes Oh brick brick no no my 6000 quick exit sign no the second wait we're gonna flip is my yo freaking over sure man GUI GUI GUI GUI GUI GUI GUI GUI GUI GUI the clouds are on fire Oh what did you stupid hick to do who was it who did it uh yeah it it was it was Freddie he did it that's it you're getting kicked out mister getting kicked out I'm gonna kick you out any last words Oh guess not I will see you later oh there better not be any more troubles over here all right we're also kick hold you up luckily I do what I want okay mr. Freddie sir would you shut up already nobody cares about you a little brat Oh Oh could you kick me the [ __ ] I'm Balloon Boy well that's the reason why I did kick you in the face what oh sure don't know that I'm in the cool group what do we cool people do I don't know what do we do Balloon Boy tell you tell them Blue Boy oh we cry about our friends die and boo boo hoo that is not what we do so then meanwhile outside took me outside how could I I'm a lovely puppy how could they do it just kill me I'm a seek vengeance I will seek a seek revenge ends and so that is what fetch was going to door do or would have done what what do you mean what have done yeah you would have done if you didn't get get hit by that bus huh what the frig but still I've I've come to seek my revenge ha ha ha beebeep Oh Frick oh this is your Beautif ruff unless she avenged on that kill everybody inside no ha ha ha evil puppy now well I'm a bite everybody all right what's going on inside mmm Oh such a relaxing day today no it's not relaxing we've had two issues going on oh it's been relaxing for me at least I haven't had to dealt with any well maybe you should deal with more things hey why are you yelling at me I'm not yelling at you I'm just still talking in anger angry tone that's why Oh No get back to work my work is to sit around here and greet new customers doing it we don't even get paid for this they just sit around and talk around here think you're what a lame job that's your yeah I'm the yeah I guess it's pretty lying what am I doing with my life I could be you are I could be doing so many deployed better things look folks death insulting take that back yard no screw this place I'm leaving I'm gonna go do something good with my life screw you guys I'm out of here you're out what the Frick well is everybody leaving us because this place kind of sucks hmm well I'm glad I stayed here Oh oh my gosh nobody cares springtrap's you might as well leave too I don't need anybody I know the crybaby I am no baby crying I do not cry the babies I will not do so such thing I am Freddie fast head I grown adult man I be smart this is my place I do what I want it screw those guys I don't need friends anymore I just need me and like my pizza place yup that's all I need in life um most we have some people over here um-hmm I need to think about this I can't oh I don't want to lose those customers cuz then they now will truly have nothing and they'll go poor and I'll become a homeless man I don't want to be homeless I gotta think of something to do mmm mmm hmm what to do what to do what to do hmm let me think about this oh okay will you get up so that we can actually do something oh oh okay fine well what do you guys want to do today well why don't we play a prank on Freddy because he's being a jerk huh okay that sounds like fun I wanna do that how should we prank him uh hey new guy come up with a prank for Freddy Oh prank oh they'll prank that dude over there yeah we're gonna prank him what do you think we should do a new new team member this will be your trials but I thought you already accepted me all I changed my mind we're doing trials now so you gotta prove yourself worthy to their cool squad okay or elbow how about we um Oh what could be due to that dude over there we could tie a bunch of a bunch of balloons to him and uh uh uh uh and or or do okay okay I have a few ideas I have a few ideas all right listen up oh we could do we could tie him to a bunch of balloons I can I like that idea already but you don't listen to my other night ideas I don't care I'm a little bored and I don't like balloons I like it whatever it has to do I man all right tell me what to do oh say can we tie a bunch of balloons to this limb so that way starts flying around the place huh I like it all right I'll get I'll get to work don't worry guys wait someone needs to distract him so I can time to balloon screw somebody somebody somebody distract him oh don't worry guys I got this Oh Freddie can you come over here for a minute oh I've noticed that I have no friends anymore because they all ran away because apparently I'm so ugly will you not run away from me of course I will not run away from you pathless my chance okay I'm still the blue boy you know sexy like toes man I'm a tie balloon to each single toe mmm all that's six balloons might be six too many oh well better start I better start getting to work unless you look at night G my balloon right non-brand balloon C yes balloons moons yes what the Frick was this a balloon huge my face huh that did not work the way I intended hey what the frick balloon boy get back here and pick your lips okay you got there no can you untie me a new friend all right now oh this is part where we run away and hide and giggle okay giggle giggle really do you predict somebody help me punch who my fans my fans beer nose ocean ocean we got it it's rich okay again it untied stupid balloon oh ouch my face stupid feet kind of unsightly we Frick come here feeties weather we're gonna touch my toes reach for the toes reach with a dose and uh boom oh oh there we go oh gosh yeah okay dinging huh alright now we're so funny about oh he's getting out of it we need to make a prank that he can't get out of oh okay you want to hear my other idea I was thinking we spray paint him spray for him good you better hurry before he gets that last balloon off okay well spray paint him take it look at what you made me do look come here let me did you kick you out of my place and kicked you all my place and nope you can't touch me don't come closer oh no flip please no look dang it well will you help me untie this last blue can't reach it wait I can reach it give me a second i'ma spray paint you in the face but what spray paint me and I'm gonna spray it right in your eyes but with the green and ugly huh you stupid zombie dread bear man now huh oh let me get you oh my god I'm so funny oh dude I'm being abused no I'm a zombie man well done you know I'm ugly her hair dead bodies I ate all this yummy yummy yummy yummy steak inside of him I'm so evil now let's see what should I do next which who should I eat next mmm let me see you chuck Oh what is that what is that what is that yummy creature what is that yummy thing right there mmm oh man oh oh no it's a giant piece of celery I can't eat that uh what oh that last dude I ate looked like celery and he tasted pretty good he had a me surprising him hmm maybe I should try eating theirs next fella yeah that's all right do you well date that's stupid dogs back inside hey mister Dilek I'm gonna kick you outside goes like he would kick kill in the flakes all right maybe I should kick any animal cuz that's animal abuse and I'm Freddy fazbear's I'm the face of Freddy fazbear's and well there's no cameras around here guys make your point but whenever Freddy finds us she's gonna kick us out yeah you're right what should that next prank be hmm let's see um I don't know what the next prank should we um hmm oh wait I thought of something funny okay you two stay here just watch I have a funny idea okay trust me trust me okay we trust you trust you will watch you from the distance yeah wait I'll freak oh ouch freak oh wait where am I wait what Frick hang on hang on I left something in the other room let me go let me let me go get it uh-uh okay then do you need my help or something yeah you're gonna be so funny you always be so what what the puppy dog is that you are you beating up the mean bully - oh my god I'm good puppy dog I am good puppy dog I came back to owner you do little puppy dog good you can join me join me on the : squad yeah good puppy good puppy I'm gonna paint you cuz you're a good puppy alright happy ending wait happy happy ending happy ended equals death Oh Oh could you bite me you're my own dog I never loved you you kicked me out sighing I hit and made me get hit by a bus year to wash down or ever cool oh no please I just got accepted into the school it's going I can't die actually I can die just do it wait I'm fine dining this way cuz I'll die a happy life we I've smelled more people what's a hash smell I smell something delicious over here I smell a treat smells like bacon or something what's that beautiful smell haha gotta give me a special treat cuz you know I gotta watch the show and gotta enjoy it have some delicious to eat all I want you got me got me got me similar I got me a big little slice of bacon major loom boys favorite this is my favorite favorite thing to eat and got me some bacon mmm jump again well I watch the show I know we work there's nobody on stage what the heck oh it's a cute little puppy dog oh please I'm hungry give me nice that piece of bacon alright no just my bacon it's go off you little night okay tastes like trash on your face instead and so balloon boy died how could you do such a thing to me I'm balloon boy a blue ball balloon boy what happened to you oh no what could have happened to him oh no it's a dog back off you uh yeah oh it's cute though I'm sure gonna eat you no please don't eat me I did nothing wrong I'm gonna kick yep kick happy ending happy ending everybody dies [ __ ] fetch me a cab cuz I got a run from the police now I am i I draw I um go further away from God every day oh dear um anyways I don't even know what this video was um it doesn't matter all that matters is that you go check out this cool fetch rag doll and the in the into the pit spring Bonnie rag doll so both links will be in description check them out for yourself and yeah so that's where i'ma leave this video um um Boris the wolf driving a bus you know imma go run over some dogs so um yeah anyways hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see y'all next time goodbye oh I think I ran over something what did I run over this time did I hit the dog oh wait oh yes I hit the dog good deeds all around
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 412,045
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Sparky, Spring Bonnie, New, Into The Pit, Fetch, Fazbear Frights, RP, Roleplay
Id: U5lcz8_f2vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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