Gmod FNAF | If A Fat Person Was In FNAF 4

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[Music] [Music] oh where am I this isn't my house oh-oh-oh-oh mr. snuggle Worf I love to cuddle with you please help me wait just talk Oh No why it wasn't me I swear where'd you do boy mr. wood worth your life if I play dead you won't notice Oh mr. one word you're alive no please leave me alone mr. one goes would give me a big old hug mr. one goes whoosh mr. wall goes forth do you know where I am ooh look over there Oh what is it mr. Wigglesworth uh uh-oh though decoy planted I'm out of here yo ho whoa wait mr. Wigglesworth what happened to you got slightly uglier mr. Wigglesworth were you dead this whole time and I was just losing my mind Oh mr. Wiggles worst what that was a lie oh where am I what's that thing on the ceiling I feel like I could whack my head on it Oh a balk oh oh oh oh oh what is this place where am I who left the hospital if it did we robbed the hospital where their papers well who put the paper plates on the walls and who let this demon inside why is he in here Oh what is happening this isn't my house Oh die breaking somebody tell us again I think I did I think I broke into the house and slept in their bed wait if I broke in somebody's house how is mr. Wigglesworth with me mmm this is a bit tricky mmm fully there was a sidekick friend that could help me who would like you feelings hey Goldie wiggle towards get away from me get away from me demons demons repel demon save me what are you talking about come here mr. Wigglesworth no no I'm not mr. Wigglesworth mr. Wigglesworth is over there don't rat me out you freak it wasn't me yeah look the will figure I'm sorry you're so beautiful but the real mr. Wigglesworth weird I don't see him Elda you'll just have to be the new one no please please please please please come on freaking out freaking pay you your five dollars back my 5 whole dollars back you get up there kid h-hey what hey look it's mr. Wilkins worth Oh mr. Wilkins worth Oh mr. Warner worth it is you know hey hey hey dude dude dude why dude we gotta get out here we got to get out of here right now why dude dude just freaking rip I'm trying to okay you know what screw you I'm out uh uh let me hey man watch out watch out knock I'm not a doctor I'm just trying to hide Oh freaking stood come on man yeah come on man why you hidin because he's here he's speck who's back I mean no they're not back it's just some fat person inside her side inside the bedroom oh we're gonna have to take them out you know what this means it means we're gonna have to get mad he's gonna have to get cranky in time and grow into monsters and destroy them and grow sharp teeth and claws and yeah dude what are you talking about we're just little toys oh dude we're not cool to be like the nightmares the nightmares are real things too oh but please no no how underneath this thing with me oh okay fine oh well how do I get out of here without his scaring me oh hey you hey wake up mr. huge don't want you're not my child you're not my responsibility what come on man and the other children just got it we hey there you small little children Wow when you watch what do you want you fat nose hey that's really mean look go hey did you ever hear about the Freddy's jumping on the bed without you well they're jumping down bad without me hey wait what about me well not me oh sorry they said you weren't invited what uh uh this Rick didn't even tell me about it well they're doing well it's a blast up there I think they're going into and to uh to go get a drink right now and they'll be back in a few but you go jump on their bed while they're gone oh good idea and we'll destroy it come on let's go jump on the man yeah okay yeah screw the fridge oh look oh look with what they look the little dude behind oh yeah you think you're special mm-hmm mr. Wigglesworth you're so special me oh my face oh just you told you to leave me alone man I'm sorry look like I said before you ain't my child and you're not my responsibility get out of here but what about your children so your children are your responsibility yeah well they're two of them are destroying the bed and one's being choked to death all right right not on my watch yeah Siegel look don't be blind and what happened to the lights you got darker what what are you two doing we're jumping on the bed for a big Freddy party are you in East there's no Freddy Party get back on the force hey what the firt where's Myers what the Frick help hey hey you you can't choke my son on what only I can choke him give him here which no you're not you're being punished [Music] Oh mr. Wigglesworth you came to life give me a big old hug hug Oh Oh my fleece hmm Oh comfy sodas sofa Oh better take me a nap moreover freaking stupid Oh time to get back to practice in my punches now punch to the left a punch from the right I'm gonna beat you up tonight the balloon child you freaking ugly prick [Music] all right chica so how's it going how are ya I wish I was always just in the kitchen yeah I was just in the kitchen the kitchen - chica why'd you put the chair whoa that's know where the kitchen goes well I just wanted to move it because I felt it wasn't a part of the family I felt like the kitchen systems locked up in that room over there like people gonna enjoy it you're so stupid I know and I'm pretty sure I respect that of myself I have many questions I do Q okay fun what do you want from me I want you dinner with me cuz nobody eats dinner with me fine chica fine okay let's let's go whoops sorry I knocked over one the many lamps that don't work oh well alright let's just get to cooking a pot pan sound hey just got it aunt gotta get the food alright oh whoa what's all that what's what's watch all now rambling ramble mister mr. snuggles Worth is that you mr. snuggles word is the mm you can't see mr. snuggle with the light birds with the fruit with the fruit I have the power to light ain't going over that whole pie anymore oh oh you go saver cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake tray hey wait why aren't you a spooky person cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake cup/cake kick it kick it cupcake Oh a delicious scrumptious cupcake just for me oh don't mind if I do oh you're new to my delicious mouth you delicious looking little cupcake chica thinking about the ear cupcake you little twerp this cupcake is lying cook good go away I have a plan to defeat him he's gonna try to eat me but he's just gonna choke on me and die yeah whatever the only person he knew is me no this is the board of the plane Oh wouldn't that Co cake I hope me please Oh Frick beat sucked into her stomach he'll be oh you mean uh I'm too full to eat anymore chosen Oh words socks gotta go back to my welljust there's nice comfy bird Hey get off my bed no this is my break now this is my bed oh go sleep on the floor stupid tour Oh [Music] fine good dad dad yeah get away from me talk look you want covered my hiding spot you're gonna get a run mr. Wigglesworth was then you mr. Wigglesworth you all signed I like the fresh mr. Wigglesworth boom it's a spooky rabbit uh it's a fat person jibber jabber my heart was jumping up and down it sure made Wigglesworth friends oh heck you can't watch is leading to him I didn't mean to I'm sorry wait watch going on oh come here give me a big old hug oh heck no oh no we gotta hide I bind the arcades where'd they go I'm blind oh I see somebody over there oh no you don't oh that's just your dog Oh puppy I wanna pet the puppy come here no no get away get away get away keep down from there oh my god Hey look over there - spooky Randy oh thanks for saving me ye wait where'd he go oh sorry you stupid rabbit you made me lose mr. Wigglesworth hey wait where do you what the heck is this hello Oh what is there that's a fat disappointment what the Freak wait what is he doing what the Frick wait we're doing we went in here somewhere scooby-doo is that you [Music] scooby-doo Oh save you mm-hmm scooby oh is a save pushpa save plushtrap Jaipur elevation save me save me don't miss Scoob the word scooby-dooby-doo go Scooby I heard my puppy where'd my little puppy do Oh Scooby Scooby Oh like a trip - got a run at the trash can it's the only place where I belong let me inside let me know today I did nothing to you out how when you want for me oh I don't even know oh well sorry for tormenting you all Livie blown Oh pushy oh he found me who's the green dude he did it but what I do who you did do it how dare you wait what did I do I'm gonna beat you up for what you did I did nothing I don't even know where you're calm out you're gonna come over here you can go into my belly oh hey no hey get me off the guy hide hide hey where'd that little heck go yeah the way Chicken Little I need to investigate there's a monster in my closet wait there's a once through my closet I didn't mean to say that oh well I guess in distract from whatever - uh hi he danyoung's me wait is there a monster Michael is it oh there's a little Q plushie Oh oh hey you're gettin to my belly okay no I'll protect you a little champion really what am I not scary whoa well you know what this means all right why is she doing hey what is that where'd you even get those speakers from duplet up time to board up the closet with the bunch of these broken old speakers doopa doopa doopa doopa - who do you do know no one could go into the clothes anymore hey let me outta here you prick gosh this is shading or I'll just spend the rest of eternity inside this closet this sucks for foxy your pirate Fox uh what do you think a little pleasure we're all gonna die you're you're probably right I love being here [Laughter] well time for bed Oh date this stupid you get off my baby and then this thing came and hit him and he's like holy and I can't get up Oh but then something awoke in hmm just trying to wake up oh wait I was resting my head on you I need flesh I'm you to devour flesh it has nutrients whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho footstep footstep footstep wait what the Frick get out here I I need I need food get this furniture crap out of here this stuff sucks all right you know fredbear I what out of my face I made it out alive I don't need these chair please don't mind me [Music] I smell a human a human is here with us Oh human she went in there let me see Oh human eyes she's human and this doesn't work Oh off to go the other way around Oh old oh my face oh my other face I'll my face - oh I gotta eat the children they need to get into my mouth come here child come be a part of fredbear Oh child are you home child doctor is that you yes it's me you need to take your pills now get up and take your frickin pills you stupid child where did you use your little pills and take the pills and um okay I feel big and strong now thank you doctor yes no you don't need to be running around okay okay doctor uh-huh now get back in bed okay so that way you can eat your flesh I like my I like my food served on some sort of table why Oh get away from me don't prick me with your needles and my face I'm gonna prick you with my fingers they're pretty short come here little boy I'm sorry I just need to get you the ambulance oh hello stupid stove mm what are you even talking about it's digital boom oh my back Oh mr. golden wiglesworth think you found me I'll never let you take me alive nightmare he's over I'm waking the nightmare that's it waiting in the true nightmare wake up wake up please I know I owe you money but please wake up wake up wake up what there's a fat person here he's trying to kill me please do something Oh fine let's get this over with [Music] hey a guy run away oh oh yeah run away stare into my eyes what what are you doing I'm crushing your game you dumb-dumb doesn't work you freaking stupid cheat codes you're freaking using cheats nerd losers oh I don't feel good uh hey there sport see it's me your best friend Oh Oh person that I hate a lot yep it's me hey you should get back to bed before you die you're probably right bed gotta get back to bed well finally decided to show back up I guess you wouldn't want for what I thought you're gonna kill me what would I try to kill you by the way I think you're you since you ran around you're probably gonna die now well you should what you talking about I'm in my house did you my house my rule hey who told who Shay you you tell me what to do what are you talking about dude you're not home you're in the hospital where I write this ain't a hospital this is till this is over stupidest Hospital I am a machine dude look dude you're in the hospital right now you're you're so fat where you're getting your some of your fat removed oh yeah you're fatter huh that's me I always thought they were on a diet you meanie I'm just the doctor don't treat your doctor like your dad shot you know what I'm unplugging your life support and I'm gonna plug my phone in no wait we can talk about this no we think I said we could talk about it are you killed your doctor I'm gonna call I did it I murdered the big scary monster mm-hmm oh no he killed the big scary monster oh hey you come here oh no he's gonna kill me eggs I did nothing okay you're fine you're my master I'll do whatever you say mr. Wiggles I want you know that's weird wait a minute I can finish the job oh don't go through the life support wait oh this time you're supposed to eat him oh wait you're dead oh I could I could I can make this seem legit oh it wasn't me I swear uh and we all know Freddie did not bite anybody who's all fredbear right definitely just just I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put you close come on come on for a bit don't work with me work with me work eat them okay that's a little you know what I should just leave huh oh well time to go back to the nursing home in a little while oh okay um oh I forgot about you um that's I don't even know what this video was I spent like an out like almost an hour setting this out maybe um original I don't even know what this video original okay I don't think I'm gonna have this as the finesse for role play originally this was supposed to be like the finance at Freddy's for roleplay video like sort of like how I do with my Candy's video and my Freddy fazbear's pizzaria simulator that's what this was supposed to be um but I think I kind of went crazy halfway through so I'm gonna just Nate rename this to this was originally supposed to be a finance at Freddy's for roleplay because it is the fourth anniversary of five nights at Freddy's 4 so happy anniversary I can't see much give me this chair give me this chair of San Marcos I want to see my beautiful face outside this window shelf yeah anyways um it is the five nights at Freddy's 4 4th year anniversary and I definitely wanted to do a dream on that for video um which I'm just gonna I guess this video is going to be about that fat something like rename it to a fat person and fanat four or something like that and so find it's a freeze for roleplay like how I originally wanted to but I went a little crazy and I don't think this is even good enough so yeah I guess there's your 30 minute video anyways happy birthday Jim for Nath for I think I have some other videos for fanat for as well today um yeah there was a video about fanat for this maps really small that's why I never make really any findings pretty easy that's why I don't really make any gmod for now for videos it goes on on the fan forum app at least cuz it's just so small so yeah and also I did use a bunch of different phenomena Dalls as well because like there's like really know exactly my so yeah um I I don't know how Q somehow enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like if you did and yeah so there's your daily content for right now so hope you enjoyed it and I think I killed everybody in this house um if you don't know what I was trying to do I was trying to make it look like the this this whole thing was just a dream by the fat person just he's in the hospital right now I think he just killed himself to you um but no this was supposed to be him in the hospital and he's having this bad dream and yeah and it's actually reality so he's dead I mean who knows he probably will come back to life and be featured in a video cuz why the heck not um okay I'm sure just in this video here so yeah okay I'll shut up okay goodbye bleach traps ezel I probably just creeped all of you out I'm so sorry not really
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,606,441
Rating: 4.7346478 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's Mod, Gmod, FNAF, FNAF 4, Five Nights at Freddy's, Five Nights at Freddy's 4, Roleplay, Nightmare, Fat, Person
Id: hD-OjSAySxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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