Gmod FNAF | Freddy And Friends Get Trapped In The Puppet's Box!

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um golden freddy are you sure you don't need any help i don't mind lending a hand no it's fine freddie i've almost got this new sign put up for the prize corner oh we've had these things laying around and we've never bothered to put them out so i thought it was about time to put them up and this one's almost done hey golden freddy after you're done doing that can you help me find mr hugs oh my gosh toy freddy toy freddy nobody cares about mr hugs how could you say that i care about mr hugs i um i don't want to know what you guys are talking about but all right and um all right there we go i think the sign should stay up so uh there we go looks pretty good oh my goodness well thank you for helping with that golden freddy yeah no problem oh no oh no no no no this is bad this is really really really bad um oh no what should i do what should i do what do i do i need help oh no how how could i let this happen um i need someone to help me um oh okay uh golden freddy he'll know what to do uh golden freddy oh oh my face oh oh oh golden freddy are you okay ha ha ha he fell in slat and you hit his head ha ha what a loser hahaha bloomboy shut up nobody asks for your opinion oh golden video you're all right oh i'm fine oh my nose oh what's up puppet uh i'm so sorry golden freddy um but i need your help something terrible has happened oh what is it this time the the animatronics everyone in the main area is fighting what fighting why is everyone fighting well apparently they're not that happy with the results of the hide-and-seek game we had yesterday why is everyone fighting over that game yesterday it was just a stupid little game well i i i don't know i just can you please help me please i i don't know what to do oh fine all right i'll help all right you guys stay here i don't want anyone else getting involved in this situation all right come on puppet let's go oh okay thank you golden freddy what people are fighting oh no that's just terrible i can't imagine our friends fighting well i wonder why they're fighting i mean i thought the hiding sheet game was okay i mean it was just kind of it was just there you know it was just some fun but i don't know why people would fight over it yeah i don't know why but why people would fight over huh i wonder what the whole argument's going on in there is about your break it up would ya yo there'd be no need for fighting no no i the indobindo agree with my friend shadow freddie here he won the game of hide and seek yeah i won uh oh how the freak did you win you were caught well so are you but no i was caught but shadow freddie wasn't what do you mean golden freddy clearly found him uh-uh well that may be true golden freddy did find shadow freddy but the rules of the game were golden freddy had to tag him and he didn't tag him so shadow freddy won yeah i won i won the game of hide and seek oh oh oh no if anyone won it should have been me why didn't you guys cheat i should have won oh no you should have i should have won i got i won where's my prize where's my prize i was promised a prize where's my prize oh yeah yeah you want to go you want to go in your stupid little shadow rabbit i'll turn you into a toy little indo-window and i'll flush you down the toilet we are with all you shut up already y'all stop fighting yard there'll be no point of this so is this what everyone's arguing about yes yes this is what everyone's arguing about i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i just wanted people to have fun i didn't want our friends to fight i don't i don't know what to do oh all right i'll sort this out here get all the way with her foxy alright what's going on here uh golden freddy thank goodness you're here can you tell these idiots that shadow freddy clearly won since you didn't tag him um no we should have won we should have won i had this master plan that we were gonna win and then shadow freddie just my withered shadow freddy he screwed it up because he's all he's lacking a few brain cells so you know it should have been us we should we should have won yeah we should have won um okay well one thing i know is true is that uh you youtube did cheat so uh you you two can just skiddly skedaddle oh this place is rigged this is rigged this is stupid come on come on shadow bunny let's get out here yeah yeah yeah this is dumb your game's rigged you're stupid yeah let's just leave yeah yeah screw you guys yeah we're out of here okay but but but they still cheated so that that technically breaks the rules all right so anyways um and then what's going on here wait i want my prize i was promised a prize i won no you didn't you stupid little cupcake shadow freddy one okay okay calm down calm down calm down so what the problem here so wait why why do you think shadow freddie one i remember i found shadow freddy well yeah you found him but you didn't tag him the rules said you had to tag him some shadow freddie won yeah i won no gold freddy found me west and besides he didn't tie me either since i was the last one and and he didn't even find me i i loved my hiding spot still shadow 41 shadow freddy won shout out freddie clearly won cause you didn't tag him so shadow freddie won okay i think i know how to fix this situation so shout out freddy do you really think you won yes i think i won and it's all because i even though i did find you but i didn't tag you yup oh okay oh tag what hey you can't do that you you you can't do that it's just not how it works i'm pretty sure it is how it works dang well shadow freddy i've done all i can do i guess we lost whoa where are my oh yeah and then toy cupcake all right oh yeah that's right the winner was promised a prize so toy cupcake did win and toy cupcake never got its prize so puppet get over here yeah what did you said there was going to be prize what's the prize a prize oh i completely forgot about the prize um um i i don't know what i don't i don't have a prize so you're telling me you had a whole game of hide and seek planned out and you promised the winner a prize but you don't have a prize to give yeah oh my god puppet you're so dumb oh my goodness um okay we'll figure this out um yeah well you know what you figure this out come on shadow freddy let's let's go show come on ciao freddy all i know it'll cheer you up come on let's let's go over to the parts and service room come on shadow freddy let's go get my wife fred okay let's go um all right we need to figure out a prize a toy cupcake is there anything you want i want a prize well no kidding um okay let's see here what can we give to the toy cupcake oh man hey i miss mr hugs i haven't seen him in so long oh my gosh toy freddy could you like not talk about mr hugs for like at least an hour like every time i see you you're always talking about mr hugs but that's because mr hugs is the best oh my goodness i'm losing brain cells ow ow ow a toy bonnie don't hurt yourself it's hard not to when i'm having to live with this stupid idiot hey i'm not an idiot the only idiot here is you idiot okay that's it that's it i thought i had enough of you okay toy body calm down call now no let me have adam let me have adam i'm i'm tired of this stuff the toy but we don't need look people are already fighting in the other room we don't need people fighting in here all right calm down oh my god i can't stand him just i just want him to shut up about mr hugs hey i'll never shut about mr hook mr hogs is the best and he always will be huh loser excuse me little boy what did you say uh um you're stupid and show us mr hugs well today's the day i kill a child stop proud somebody stop oh toy freddie get off of him no no he said mr hug is stupid and mr hunt said snoop and you're stupid what oh settle down get off of your silly muffin boy oh my god ow everything hurts oh toy freddy what has gotten into you he called mr hug stupid apologize balloon boy apologize i'm a lucky boy you a lucky boy huh yup i'm a lucky boy ow oh god ow oh yeah i'm a lucky boy lookie boy give me your present a present uh i mean here's some presents and then you got that big present over there oh pleasant kill oh that's puppet's box that's not a present but it's a pleasant pleasant all right balloon boy i want you to apologize to me huh in your in your stupid dreams you fat boy well look who's talking right back at you buddy hey hey no i wanted to be a bowling ball when i grew up and a bowling ball is what i'm gonna be and i'm gonna bowl oh my face guys stop fighting yeah stop fighting i don't like fighting ha ha he had it coming he had it coming oh my god you're so stupid oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah you think i'm stupid you think i'm the one who's stupid oh my nose punched me in the nose all right all right come on balloon boy it's time you're going in the timeout corner what no not the timeout corner come here come here balloon boy no now i don't want to go oh my goodness why does everyone have to start fighting all of a sudden why can't we just be friends it's called freddie and friends not freddie and no friends so all right yeah here i'm gonna come around the counter oh my goodness i don't want to see people fighting the fighting is bad oh balloon boy okay balloon boy i know how much toy freddie noise is but you should apologize to him oh okay the what's in this box well wizard freddy i don't know and also i don't think people are i don't think anyone's paying attention to you oh okay balloon boy uh nuts sorry well i'm not sure either then what no you guys need to apologize no how am i gonna apologize to this bowling ball man oh oh oh uh-huh okay okay you know you know what hey hey withered freddy you want to know what's inside that box what an idiot oh that's it get in the box balloon boy how could you oh my god you you little boy ow my head why'd you slap me because that's the wrong thing to do you're supposed to apologize and be friends oh my goodness that was kind of funny whether freddie thank you is funny oh my well that's because with freddy's an actual idiot all right now oh my goodness all right god dang it toy freddy get out of the box toy freddy whoa whoa this is d whoa balloon boy i'm really disappointed in you oh my goodness wait how did toy bonnie and toy freddy fit in that box oh my goodness oh here wait toy bonnie oh my god guys get out of there whoa what the wait i can't reach it oh my goodness god dang guys oh what the uh freddy huh uh freddy toy bonnie toy freddy uh balloon boy look at what you did oh my goodness what the heck wait what the heck oh my goodness we're not allowed in puppet's box guys wait what the guys hello um i'm going to get out of here now see wait you later second it could be a buddy hey wait let go of me it's box time i want to go in box well you go in the box leave me alone hey let go of my leg little box toy hey put me down oh my face what are you doing box time no let me down box time box time time to get in the box we box time why huh oh well yay i want a cake cake cake cake cake cake cake cake oh well i'm glad you like your prize see there you go the the toy cupcake just wanted a cake oh isn't that so sweet we are now that i think about this ain't this be cannibalism uh oh yay oh i'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight oh oh my head oh what what happened in the what what the heck where where the heck are we oh my face everything hurts oh that was a long fall out i think my my my bones are broken oh not funny oh what the heck are we dead well we might as well be now oh my god wha wait freddy are we is this the inside of the puppet's box holy freak this place is all it's a lot bigger than i thought it would be it's also pretty empty um oh my gosh what the what the heck oh my goodness whoa so this is the inside of the puppet's box wow huh i didn't think it would be like this yeah i'm oh god oh that hurt oh my goodness oh this place this place looks really dull oh man and oh wait no it couldn't be could it be mr hugs oh mr hulk oh my gosh i missed you what the heck is this where you've been this whole time so you've been trapped in the puppet's box how long have you been here for five weeks oh my goodness how how'd you end up in here you were trying you were cleaning off the you're cleaning the prize area and you fell in the box oh no mr hugs well we're here now we've come to rescue you okay that's a complete lie we had no idea the mr hugs was even in here oh my goodness oh well this can't get much worse can't it so uh what uh what should we do now well we should probably try to find a way out of here um all right i'll use my big brain and uh hey guys look a sign look this sign it has a button on it says press this to go back i think this is how we leave the puppets box all we have to do is press this button button i want to see button button button hey button you'd be looking like a snack wait what are you doing oh wait what oh did we do that whoops i ate it wha what the heck with it freddy we needed that whoops oh i'm wizard footy fuzzbee uh you guys can't leave this box you guys can't leave the box what a bunch of losers what a bunch of losers well that means you can't leave either balloon boy wait wait what wait uh oh heck don't worry guys everything's gonna be a-okay because we have mr hugs now idiot oh you freaking heck you take that back no you're stupid and show us mr hugs don't listen to them mr hugs they're saying lies oh balloon boy i'm gonna beat you up guys we don't need a fight during these times yeah i agree with toy bonnie we gotta stick together we can't go to war we're going to war yeah that's right we're there freddie we're going to war with toy freddie and mr hugs we're going up against them oh you think you're better than us you think you can beat us in a fight you think you're better yeah i think i can you stupid freaking thing how dare you oh no what should we do i i don't know maybe we should just let them fight wait what huh well maybe if we let them fight then they'll realize how stupid this is and that they're just wasting their time and no matter what we can't leave so just give them a few minutes um okay all right whatever you say freddy all right mr hugs prepare to fight we are going to war oh we're going to war all right all right let's do this withered freddy oh oh that hurt oh i got a fight i gotta save the child don't worry little child i'll save you oh don't worry mr hugs i'll save you oh oh oh you want to go pro no that's what i thought that's that's what i thought mister whoops this okay mr hugs that's one down that's one down one to go no you killed my only friend actually that's that's a joke i have lots of friends so because i'm a lucky boy but anyways time for you to die oh god oh that went a lot better in my head quick mr hugs beat him up oh it hurts wow stop kicking me out of the pain or proud it's just like the time when santa beat me up ciao oh ouch that's it that match it you leave me no choice it's time for me to use my propeller cap propeller cap my propeller cap is super sharp oh mr hugs no his arms got chopped off mr hugs i'll save you it's too late it's too late time to die mr hugs mr you murdered him you murdered my only true friend now that is quite sad i'll make you pay i'll make you pay er what are you gonna do sit on me no i will make you suffer for the recipe how is that possible somebody help me oh you will pay the price oh it's over balloon boy i've won this battle but at what cost is dead not mr hugs anyone but mr hugs huh oh mr hugs oh that's right mr hugs is immortal mr hugs i thought i lost you forever oh we did it mr hugs we won wait what do you mean we didn't win but he called us stupid well you're saying he's just jealous of our friendship mm-hmm balloon boy are you still alive no i think all my bones are broken and i'm a robot so that means my indo window is broken oh everything hurts wait balloon boy what what do you want what do you want you've already killed me just let me die balloon boy what balloon boy let's put this aside us let's put this in the past the past is the past let's move forwards to the future what do you say wanna be friends again [Music] look at those big ugly feet what did you get mad at me for he called me he said i had big ugly feet of course i had to kick him what do you mean violence isn't the answer to all my problems what do you mean i have to forgive him well i think he's dead now so i i don't know about that part well the fight's over now so uh now what well don't worry guys there's no need to panic sure we might be trapped in the puppet's box but don't worry i'm sure somebody will find us soon it will probably we'll probably only be in here for a few more short minutes until someone finds us so just sit down and relax um okay whatever whatever you say oh this is nice just nice peace and quiet i can't take it anymore toy bonnie what are you screaming about the purple the blue the blue and the purple it's all the same it's all the same i think we're gonna go insane i can't take anymore we've been in here for so long we've been in here for like 12 hours now what 12 hours wait toy bonnie how do you know how long we've been in here exactly for well it's just an estimated guess but all i can do is count that's all i can do the pass the time is count one two three four five i can't take anymore i went out of this stupid box we've been in here for so long we've been in here for so long yeah also i'm getting worried about with the freddie and balloon boy they're they're still unconscious um should we be worried about them guys let's just relax oh how are you relaxing toy freddy oh i mean we got mr hugs now so life couldn't be better um well just let's we'll get out of here eventually uh i'm sure right we'll get out of here eventually right oh man thank you again for helping me out today golden freddy i have no idea what i do without you no problem puppet anytime and uh hey wait a sec where did everyone go in here what wizard bonnie why where'd everyone go huh oh um good question i don't know what oh my goodness oh oh wait if they left this room we would have seen them walk out and go that way um hmm oh man uh oh well i i don't know where everyone went where could everyone ran off to i told everyone to wait here because i don't want anyone else getting involved um with their bonnie are you sure well they left this room right no they're still here what do you mean they're still here i don't see them did they are you what what happened when we left oh okay i'll tell you so after you two left oh my god this is gonna take forever is this dude always like this yes yes he is toy freddy started to talk and then he said oh my could you just could you just get to like the point of this like where are they now what happened to them oh they all fell in to that box what the box my box oh why is everyone in my box oh my god i'll be right back hey give me a second [Music] oh what the heck oh what the puppet we're saved oh what the heck why are you all in my box this is my private space what are all what are you all doing here pulpit what is this place how is this even possible i used my magic powers to make this place really big and you're not supposed to be in here i told you all nothing to stay away from my box why are you all in here oh it was it was toy freddy it was his fault he did it he started it what i didn't start it it was a balloon boy he started it balloon boy's dead and no and you started it you said um you started calling people stupid and stuff what no oh oh well i found mr hugs so that's all that matters oh my goodness oh my god okay that's it first of all everyone get out of my box what did you do to my little sign um uh withered freddy kind of ate it he kind of ate the button to leave oh my goodness no wonder why you all didn't just leave um well luckily there's a second way out of here there is how do we get out of here i mean to go back up through the top what what the heck are we supposed to get up there i mean i can fly so um yeah all right well come here i'm attached strings to all of you i'm going to pull you all out of here everyone come together oh man does that mean you have to drag over the corpses okay here you go there's one dead boy there's two dead boys oh yeah everyone come here into a group this will make things a lot easier well i'm ready to get out of here yeah no kidding oh my goodness oh man i'm just glad i found mr hugs yet again all right everyone let's get out of here ah there we go everyone alright is everyone out oh yeah all right wait is that everyone yup toy bonnie toy chica balloon boy toy freddy mr hugs with it freddy yep that's everyone puppet okay good now don't go in my box ever again okay because you could get trapped in there and you can never get out yo that's what happened to mr hooks apparently he's been in there for five weeks well in that case i need to start checking my box more often and maybe i should just start locking it up so that way no one goes inside of it that's that's what i'm gonna have to start doing from now on oh my goodness oh pulpit i had no idea the inside of your box was so big well again it's because i use my magic powers to make it so big so i have a lot of room and stuff just for my own place to chill and get away from everyone everyone's gonna have a place to get away from everyone else for a little while you know you gotta have your own little private um area for yourself oh okay well i guess that makes sense um what's gonna happen to a balloon boy in wizard freddy oh they'll be fine they're just unconscious they'll wake up soon oh okay well that's good oh i'm glad everything worked out in the end um so what happened with that uh what was that fight about earlier but what oh um oh it was just the people just weren't happy with the hide and seek game but don't worry i got it all sorted out so everything's a-okay now oh well that's good oh man all right um well uh i'mma i'm gonna get out of here i'm taking a break from the prize corner for a while so uh um i'm out of here i'm going to my office i'll i'll talk to you guys later um see you guys later oh bye freddy oh man i'm out of here oh my goodness wait how did you all get in my box anyways oh it's yeah because of stupid toy freddy freaking got everyone toy freddy and balloon boy started getting into a fight and then everyone got knocked into the well balloon boy knocked freddy into the box and then everyone started trying to get toy freddy out and everyone else fell in and then and then i guess balloon boy ended up falling in too so uh yeah oh my goodness oh that that little child i have no idea what i'm gonna do with him oh my goodness oh well all right well um all right could could you all just like um i'm trying to think of a nice way to say this but could you all just like leave please yep yeah i know i i understand a puppet i'll i'll get out of here i'm out of here come on come on guys let's get out of here what come on with your bonnie let's just go oh okay yeah all right sorry about this puppet well see you later all right fine come on mr hooks let's let me show you around the pizzeria we got a lot of new things i have no idea if you've seen it or not come on mr hugs let's go um what about these two ah they're fine for right now they can just sit here and rest oh okay hey golden freddy at some point i want to talk to talk to you about something important um okay here i'm gonna wait for everyone to leave first oh okay come on toy chica i'm on my way i'm on my way i'm on my way or well they're they're gone now puppet okay good um golden freddy i wanna i wanna talk to you about something well what is it i wanted to talk to you about your brother oh you're talking about springtrap right you know how i turned him into a small child yeah i wanted to talk to you about him oh okay fine what's up okay well all i wanted to talk about was
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 468,334
Rating: 4.8556275 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Story, RP, Roleplay, Freddy, Friends, Puppet, Toy Freddy, Withered Freddy, Balloon Boy, BB, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Marionette
Id: Q8VdkDLwL8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 2sec (1982 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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