Gmod FNAF | Freddy Frostbear VS. Shamrock Freddy!

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Oh BRR it sure is cold outside Oh at least um save safe in my cave oh it's a very very chilly winter right now wait is it even when - right now oh no but it's snowing like crazy oh and I'm like like the snowfall is stopped but so cold out but at least I have plenty of supplies to survive see you got a nice big campfire I got plenty of okay I could probably go probably should get some more wood pretty soon but I have plenty of food I I only have one piece of food love that's that's uh that's not good Oh can't believe I got stuck out here in the snowstorm at least the snowstorms over but it's still too cold to try to make my way back home so um oh well better call this place my home um Oh already you should probably throw some more more wood in the fireplace you know keep this place all warm um hmm I'm gonna kind of hungry though but uh Ivan no day I mean it's my last piece of food and it's probably just just go oh no no mmm no that was delicious I could go for some more yeah I'm gonna give me a second oh oh wait I'm out good thing I'm out of food um at least I could stay warm until this fire goes out in the few hours cuz I'll run out would go doing it home I'm not a food I'm out of wood dang it I have to go out there it is well this would be a perfect time Walt there's no snow storm going on so this would be the perfect time to go outside and get me some supplies so you know just have to do that old and what tool should I bring with me either my shovel or my spear I'll leave the spear for now I'll just take this what the spear spikey and I can poke people with it yeah it'd probably be a smarter decision if I take the UM the spear with me so let me just pick this up doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa do you do think about it yep oh okay all right time to go hunting I guess oh whoops all right ouch Oh already time to go hunting oh boy oh boy here I go ouch my face will already hang on oh I did not grab this the way I wanted to oh hang on Oh stupid spear why can't you work properly oh that is not how you know what through this I'm gonna duct-tape it to the side of my head doop doop doop all righty here we go there we go I got me a big old spear Artie's home because I said adventure out words of my cave um hopefully there's no dangerous Pookie's out here um all the snow I don't like snow it's too cold um so all of my toes so it freezes my toes um but I have to get some supplies so if I get enough supplies and hopefully I'll have to go back out in the snow with her it's cold to my feet already let's see you're all which way should I go I guess um hmm to go over here so look at this nice pond oh look at this nice bowl and why did that beautiful snowstorm have to come to an end listen my land is nice and icy oh yes I love it when it's cold and what God who is what is that a fire a fire in my cold icy woods not on my watch what is that Oh an intruder on my land he's tearing up my snow oh I can't allow this I can't allow this um-hmm I must report this to my henchmen and I'll get them to take care of it because I'm lazy I want to fight so I'll go get my henchmen whee splash what was that big splash sound oh I guess it's nothing Oh or I gotta keep an eye out though because I need to look for some for some animals to kill so I can cook them up and you know bull oh nice and chilly a nice ice bath my favorite or I gotta I gotta get up here for my minions where are you minions hey what are you two doing up here all hi master man Wow hey there's an intruder on our land and he started on fire so I need you two to go make him cool down okay uh right away sir where's the intruder at yes where's the intruder at we'll take care of him he's over there go deal with it yes sir all right see you sir okay go bye sir oh good I can get this evil man off of my beautiful woods whoo all right mmm hey papa snowman can I go can I go fight in prove that I'm strong to you sure little snowman I'll watch you for a watch from afar go take them out okay I'll go take them out where is she he's down there oh really oh I guess I'm good fufu DP doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa there's some water I should probably take myself abaya um words too cold heck no I don't need a wife today all right I guess I'll just walk around to do Oh trees Oh Frick there's a tree a hottie on the water oh I'll jump on the river yeah cool [Music] okay little snowman go get them okay oh you know we shout oh we I'm swimming yay good for you or you don't stay on task oh yeah yeah yeah get out of the water but I like swimming is fine hmm there was some cold water oh well time to go huntin Oh some beautiful kills out here follow there mr. cow how are you mooom are you shivering - I'm surprised you survived that snowstorm somehow and those pressure still here but whatever time to die well well that's right miss Turkel you're gonna make me so I'm gonna use your skin as warmth and I'm gonna cook your insides up what no don't be scared of me you can be just like your friend if you come with me hey give right here there's nowhere to hide you can run but you can't hold you can run but you can't hold come here little fellow move move move hey get down from there those rocks are dangerous don't you tell your step I injured it good it's all the way up there oh my god get me some food climb up these these slippery rocks okay mr. Chow come here I just want to be your friend oh don't be sad we'll be best friends forever Oh a hole I did I stabbed him I'll just write it down from here doop doop do doop getting some dinner tonight you do dupa do doop doop doop adieu climate aah you up here mr. kale I'll tell you about the leg I'll tell you two mice to the end of my spear and then I'll cook you and stuff like that ouch all right come on mr. cow Oh where's your oh wait there's another mr. Chow I don't know where the third one ran off oh well um I kind of gear I'm gonna get my food backing in I gotta go get some wood oh we're done leave that other cat oh he's down here dupa dupa dupa hey mr. kale tag along with your friends oh there you go mr. Kell and then oh there we go alrighty Dook Dook Dook and got me some food doop doop we do not gonna starve tonight doop doop doop got me some food gonna cook whoa it's still cold water roof mr. snowman oh look mr. snowman hey you big pal why aren't you down there oh he's Shack he wants to prove himself we'll make yourself make yourself useful and go put out that fire okay mr. bossman we all right time to put out this fire oh it's really hot in here well well I'm starting to sweat a lot whoa it's very hot in here hmm let's see what's going on over you all right mr. Kells I'm gonna cook you up oh how do I get back across how do I get across this river oh I don't want to argue through the water what the heck is that snowman I don't remember building a snowman hey mr. snowman go duck you know I'm gonna snow me in good time what the Freak that's no means alive well not on my watch I'm gonna kill this snowman all right mr. snowman I'm gonna throw my spirit you would stab you in the face here hang on let me go or die mr. snowman and throw my spear dang it I miss oh wait fruit like Al's were still touched that whoops huh oh oh don't mind me Owen just do you want kids that wound up going I got me - I got me - puppy dogs hey that's my lunch get back here oh boo boo it's still cold oh okay oh hey get back here with my lunch it's cold mmm we're just gonna so cold out here oh honey get back here stupid kid Oh snowman man Oh get back here with my food no it's my food now yeah no these are my puppy dogs I love me some puppy dogs puppy dogs puppy dogs got me some puppy dogs puppy dogs puppy dogs I got me some puppy dogs puppy dogs oh we look better oh my gosh oh look get back here oh wait what is that nurse no Mia time to put out this fire doodoo b'doop putting out the fire doop do it I'm gonna ruin this man's life doop doop Adu putting out the fire doop doop to do the fire it's gone my fire you evil snowman don't Roush look good dinging Oh stupid let me break all your sticks no no my wood God dang it Oh ch hmm now I will tell you mr. intruder for starting that fire and are snowy lands Oh evil snowman go die oh well free I don't have my spear of me I can't stab you it's time for you to die die a little bit died stupid bear oh I am the evil a snowman ever oh no just spooky evil snowman Oh Joyce know me imma kick you in the face Oh mm-hmm I shall let the fire on so I could have cooked you in it Oh my face my beautiful face Ochs oh please don't hurt me mr. snowman oh I'm gonna make you I'm gonna hurt you a bunch you're getting us flapping no please oh I'm gonna you're gonna learn your lesson little boy no I'm sorry don't start a fire in our lands oh gosh mm-hmm oh my gosh evil snowman I am still alive ha ha and now I've possessed your deadliest weapon and now I'll stab you with it well he's still alive do i mister still waiting dong he's got a nice little hat now are you nice then Oh hope he's dead okay then that makes perfect sense oh my table you knocked over my table God dang it get out of my house yeah that's right get out Punk you up git git that's right you get up get off my property that's right get out of here stupid snow Mian oh my campfire oh no it's really cold in here oh dang it oh that one little snow me ran off with my food this is other snowman broke on my wood oh okay I gotta get some supplies quick quicker let's all die out here um Frank where'd my shovel go mister shovel oh oh I don't have anything to defend myself with or anything that I'll have any tools that one snowman took my spear where'd my shovel go what oh well I have with me as this little pie thing I don't know where my shovel went how did I lose my shovel that evil snow me and took it to you did my shovel go flying out I don't know at least that snow means dead all right Tonto sought to beat people up in the face with this thing I'm gonna give him a big old smacking for messing up my campfire all righty doop doop doop doop do doop lost my shovel and it's know me and ran off with my spear okay I gotta go track down that snow me and took my spear so that way I can get some wood whoa he went over here somewhere um oh so who's so cold and he find some wood quick well what is this Oh weakling snowman we snowman stopped sleeping on the job don't make me stab you again oh stop ignoring me it's mr. snowman oh my snowman friend is dead this man truly is our monster I'm gonna make him pay I'm gonna make him pay I'm gonna make him pay all right we're that stupid us snowman go my fear on mr. snow there he is hey puppies puppies puppies I don't wanna play play play um play playing a place uh uh uh I don't know what to play ooh play hide-and-seek go hide I'll count okay one cute hey guys aren't hiding go hide I want to play hide and seek go puppies go hide go hide puppies puppies don't hide behind puppies puppies go hi the evil child he's beaten those cows I didn't think I'd say that today oh hey hey give me my lunch back little boy oh oh evenly and who wants to eat my puppy dogs no you can't eat my puppy dogs and boo boo boo Oh haha yeah puppy no oh you know what no puppy dogs sick and Sikkim killing puppy dogs go rip his face off and get blood everywhere yeah that's right my little puppy dogs you're gonna eat you up yeah wait wait freak oh you just look down there hey puppy dogs beat him up beat him up puppies final-final yeah I got I got some dogs bynum puppies puppies you know eat him puppies puppies puppies puppies eat him he's an intruder he will eat him bubbie dogs mmm I think I knocked that kid out Oh stupid snowman Oh get off of my give me my spear back stupid snowman yeah Oh see I beat up that other snowman and I just beat you up all right time to get my lunch back and I can cook it up and eat some food Oh what what do you mean beat up down there snowman oh he beat up my dad no where's my dad hey mister who's my Diane what killed him he's in the river so the big bully took my puppy doggy eats my puppy dog we can wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle oh goodness all right mm-hmm it's time to get you guys back home so I can cook you up and put you my belly boy I'm sure AM hungry already dupa dupa dude you gonna put me up some fight be like no this isn't Oh gonna cook me some stay okay you do get my house dupa dupa dupa gonna set you up here all on top of the file your place doop doop ado do could you do and then I'm gonna throw you win and then I'm gonna start the lighter and burn you and I don't have enough what to start a good fire god dang it I need more wood oh crap oh okay oh sure I don't even have an axe I have to look around for falling tree branches then oh god dang it Oh BRR it's so cold and I'm so hungry oh okay I gotta act fast that's all I need is just some branches ohm or let me see if I can go find some tree branches Oh mmm these do renew tree branches falling from this tree may be a enough come here mr. tree branch i'ma burn you Oh Oh little kid found his father and his father's dead oh hey there young export my dannion he won't wake up oh that's because he's dead oh wait the big green bully the big green ugly ogre he killed Diane and he took my puppy dog boy yup that's right he's a big stinky and we got to stop him you got to go kill him go kill him right now you're right I'm gonna kill him I'm gonna kill someone murder somebody don't worry dad I'll avenge you I'm gonna go murder this beard don't you see watch I'll be the big boy you always wanted me just you always wanted to see me be I'm gonna go beat that man up don't you worry let me go beat him up good buta mo and as for you I have no use for you because you're dead stupid you sling useless useless useless instrument go die I'm actually glad you're dead you're quite quite annoying hmm let's see if your son will be a better snowman than you ever were I'm gonna go beat up this ugly smelly slimy man hey mr. ugly booger face booger face oh oh oh what did you just call me I called you booger face oh you did not booger face oh hey I'll let you know that that hurts my feelin's did you say something so mean no one called me a bad name in so long I forgot about it you're so mean say you're sorry I am NOT sorry hmm you kill my father now I kill you but die Oh mm I have no reason to fight back I'm just a booger face hmm yes you are now you will die what is this some sticks sticks I love me some sticks oh I got a stick I'm gonna poke you with it poke ouch Oh huh I poke you oh hey man why'd you poke me not you mean I'm gonna poke you again oh that hit me 9 hole let that be you listen to you little boy wait where'd he go oh hey mister time for you to do it Oh Oh hooray I murdered a family today well got me some sticks all right tell him to take these back home let's tie these up together righty yep the typist oh oh okay that one's fine there we go look up all the way oh oh it's okay nope let's not stick around the truth yeah yeah I got me some sticks all right mr. sticks little sticky stix you're coming home with me all right Everett I got me some wood just gotta take it home yeah uh-huh yeah I'm gonna drag it all the way home come on yeah there we go yes I got me some sticks let's go move stupid sticks with the Freak oh oh well imma have to leave us all right come on sticks oh yes I got me some sticks oh I have a chance to survive great mm-hmm drag these sticks back come here sticks yeah there we go I've got me some sticks all right you got me more sticks mmm the little snowman go mmm where'd he go he's slacking off again I'm gonna have to give him a slapping hey what are you doing here you ugly cow oh there you are hey did you kill you did I don't think you killed him hello crap he's dead too well you're useless to me don't like the way he's already dead oh well that didn't matter hmm I guess I'll have to take things into my own hands now mmm time to kill this little boy what though dinner is that dinner I smell will leave my sticks right here a little Cal get back here don't you want to see your family and the fire pit back here I'll need some food you get back here i'ma steal his sticks I'm evil ma I took his sticks away now people freeze especially while it's in that cold water oh it's freezing holy Frick so pull gotta try gotta get one oh I gotta get warm I gotta start my fire I gotta start my fire I don't care about the look weird all my sticks you really six you I'm gonna die I'm gonna freeze really six you lose new school you know what it would be nice seen him freeze to death right here but I have a better plan in mind you know gonna throw these sticks back I have an idea but sticks did doesn't matter I mean I need to throw them in the fire Oh sticks I need more sticks Oh get in there get in there oh there we go oh it's so much warmer oh it's so much you like the warmth then I'll just throw you into the fireplace little boy ooh who's that what the forget away oh cool oh hey who the Freak are you I'm gonna kill you you're all my lands Oh get away from me you demon stand back I don't need my weapons Oh Frick I don't have any weapons wait step oh I found my shovel Shh done little done you frozen heck ooh you made a big mistake right there I'm gonna kill you Nord if I kill you first with my shovel well everything else burns right now that's nice oh boy oh boy I love it when things burn it's so special when everything's burning all right it's time for you to die no it's time for you to die you're all my lands starting fires and killing my snowman well uh I'm freezing out here I need some food I don't care you will die you will die by the colt no you will die by the heat die you snowman you evil frosting doing Oh baby my shovel no you will die in the flames do it weird my shovel girl Oh mr. shovel stuff for your dad oh no you will die look done oh oh I'm just trying to survive out here Oh freak wait I lost my shovel in the snow where to go oh my head whoa I got a deal with this Punk dog George no feel the wrath of my icicle chocho any last words before I kill you oh yeah uh don't kill me cuz um I just don't kill me oh oh oh you stabbed me I did stab you now I'll kill you no please stand back Oh Frick my house is on fire okay ouch oh I'll have to kill you like I did the others oh wait a flaming stick ooh fire yes I'll melt you I'll make you melt little boy back back out of my cave get out of my cave hey get that thing away from me get out of my cave get out of my cave I'll get that you Billy Oh still you're gonna make Milt Oh dick I'll be back I'll come back oh oh no but what a weirdo okay who um well at least he's gone okay gonna make sure my okay oh no everything's on fire hey no my crates of my supplies it's all burned down home um well no the cows are burnt this was my only food supplies No dang it all the wood is gone it's all used up - OH my food is burnt my wood is gone oh my homes on fire dang this sucks um oh um hmm oh wait a minute I don't have to starve even though I'm really hungry I have an idea doop doop doop come here mr. kale then I drowned in the river I would cook you up nice and right unlike the others there we go we'll start a new fire all right it's gonna be a small fire but we just got to cook one cow so give me my spear no give me the spear there we go I said give me the spear there got why mr. Cowell I'm gonna cook you up cook mr. cow up and he's gonna turn into his own meal me snacks ooh yay I'm not gonna die out here yeah well it's a small file at fire this may take a lot of weight let me throw more fire into the into the pit there we go yes big boy fire big big big big fire there we go oh who was that icicle man well doesn't matter okay these cows are useless cuz they're burnt get out of my property well at least I get me some food all right there you'll cook em up you know it's I'm gonna just shoving them there a little bit I mean get on his back there we go there we go mr. Chow's mr. Kelly's mm-hmm it's gonna be a scrumptious little cow inside my belly mm-hmm gonna be yummy snow oh he's on fire Hey Oh what the Frick what the frig is happening to mr. cow I am ghost town now ooh it's a ghost of my house is on fire again you have killed me my family oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to no it's a good thing we headed it out here in the cold gee this is a good deed so I want to thank you thank you for killing us we wanted that but wait where's your where's your body oh it's uh one with the force now or something like that oh it doesn't matter oh no food for you you got you get starved but hey you look at that chill with us in the afterlife children the afterlife like a bunch of cows Oh No oh well suit yourself I'm gonna pass on to the afterlife see you later new but we miss Turkel was going through the afterlife doop do deep mr. good oh no I'm gonna starve Oh at least I still have all my sticks oh boy sticks okay um now I'm out of wood and I'm out of food now all my hope it really is lost God dang it okay at least I stuffed my spear oh oh I gotta go find more supplies or a new home to stay in because I keep getting attacked um well free oh oh I think I got a leave home I'll probably freeze in the snow um goodbye home I gotta go find somewhere else this day hmm well I could eat some burnt cows but I don't once I don't like Burt cows I guess I'll just go run away boohoo boohoo I'm gonna freeze and die out here I'm either gonna freeze to death or men die from starvation boo hoo boo hoo hoo boo hoo hoo hoo all hope is lost for shamrocks pretty I'm going to die this is the end for me so sad I am so so so so that dang bear and his fire stick made me melt a little bit but luckily this cold water froze me back up now I'm ready for round two all right little bit green bear get off my property oh oh you did get off my property oh well good good is making an awful fire my ruining my snow perfect now I can go back to living life peacefully without my snowman too because now my snowmen are dead so that's great that's also a bonus that's right I'll just go live back on my rock boop boop Oh back on my rock um yup and my snow Kingdom all alone hmm I wonder hmm well it's nice snowy day like always I mean oh I know what I could do for fun I could pick up my one of my snowman for oh wait no they're dead um hmm I wonder where that green fella went to that's right I got he's still out there in the woods I gotta make sure he doesn't burn down the trees oh that's what I'll do just make sure that's burn down the forest where is he where is he I can I see him from up here oh I see him he's down there hey stop evildoer we were some nice cold water he doesn't have a spire with him now I will kill him oh hey evildoer stop right there what the Oh No he's the evil frost man look get away from me oh he's gonna kill me stop right there I'm here to stuff don't burn down the trees get back here and do it oh my face ouch that's right now I will kill you ouch why do you want to kill me because you're gonna burn down all the trees no I'm not I'm just trying to stay alive out here until the snow passes so that way I can walk home and not freeze to death yeah whatever you're gonna burn down my home I don't want to ruin your home I'm just trying to live I'm sorry that I killed your cows and your snowman I don't care about the house or the snowman well what do you want from me oh it's you I just want you to dogs oh it's my face shoo - mm-hm you don't mess with the frost bear especially when he's in his own home environment mm-hmm oh my face oh my spear oh I'm gonna throw my spear at him Oh die you evil ice cube man Oh Dooley we Oh ooh I did it I killed him I feel bad though I've been killing a lot of people lately I don't mean to hurt the environment I know those were some sweet cows earlier but I had to kill him for my own survival and turns out I didn't even get to eat him boom well here lies mr. ice cube man he died cuz he sucked well I mean maybe he did so I mean this was his home and he wouldn't have died if I wasn't here but I'm just trying to live and he tried to kill me so it's for a good reason so yeah all right goodbye that's the worst way to treat my death oh cool mm-hmm-hmm sure likes mr. green bear he got stabbed to death because he was a new what a loser mmm-hmm and he should have known better before he came out here into my frozen forest mo ho ho look boy mr. Charles well he relies mr. ice cube man cuz he sucks at like and he's just dumb ice cube and he got stabbed to death like a big nerd Oh Frick wait where did my uh where'd my spear go oh he lost the Spears oh my always mmm now this is the end for you no please don't kill me why why should I not kill you because I've only fightin you because you're fighting me and if you stop fighting me I'll leave you alone hmm no it seems more fun to kill you but we could be friends don't you want to be friends with me for for funds yeah we don't have to fight anymore we could just be friends holiday friends like that didn't go over the law go over well with the last holiday friend I had well it's time to start anew or you're with me Oh I'm gonna welcome to and stab him oh yeah definitely great and take my hand Oh hmm friends though but mmm do I do I join him do I accept his offer do I kill him right here and prove that I am the victor hmm what do I choose what do I choose do I yes take my hand hmm but my icicle my icicle I take my hand yeah yeah I got a new friend today oh heck oh you look fine I'm bored out here anyways I need someone to talk to you great well I'm freezing out here oh I'm freezing and I'm hungry it's all well what's wrong new friend I'm gonna die out here cuz it's so cold and I'm gonna freeze to death and I'm gonna starve to death no my new friend I that I just met is about to die no just like all my other friends no don't die on me well hey at least you're a good pal in the end I'm very tired now no don't close your eyes mmm what is that a nice light at the end of the tunnel mmm no don't do it no I have to find a way to save my new friend it really is chilly out here um oh I'll think of something I'll think of something Oh wake up wake up wake up see he's still alive but oh he's like an ice coma or something oh no I gotta find a way to save him don't worry I will save you home okay come on oh oh he's so fat and heavy right but it's very cold out here um what is that a house what the hell have I never seen that come here don't worry I will get you inside that house and I'll start at the fireplace and I'll feed you some food it doesn't have to be a sad and then it could be a happy ending and it doesn't have to end in violence it can end in friendship yeah come on we're almost there all right don't dial me oh here we go oh it looks like a nice warm cozy house inside come on let's go oh let's go inside come on hmm well yes come on get inside get inside okay should be water he should be warming up um I'll get by the stove I'll turn on the stove and a look whoo it's hot in here well trick you some food uh Jerusalem scrambled it we would do is already eggs on here okay that's convenient Hey eat these eggs Oh birds get shot it's hot in here oh look from the outside oh are you okay oh I'm alive what did you do I saved you new friends oh thank you for saving my life you're welcome Oh what the heck good who's in my kitchen hey what are you doing in my kitchen oh hey what are you doing with my pan put that down Oh Oh No hey a new friend don't you want to gang up on this guy what are you guys doing in my house I was just chilling here I was reading I was reading the latest fazbear's fright story and what the Freak are you guys doing in my house hey new friend yeah I knew a friend don't you wanna kill this guy oh I'd love to kill this guy look though right I did nothing to you Shh you should have thought about that before you decided to move in here all my lands yeah you should have thought about it oh hey oh oh we can talk about this we're all um we're all bears here right I'm an ice cube and I'm a booger oh now it's time for you to die no please don't touch my face oh this is yes yes let's beat this dude up die Oh job sure yeah that's right toy Oh true yeah I love I love happy endings that ending friendship yay yay we did it we murdered somebody yeah we broke into his house hooray yay what should we do with the body we'll just hide it in the in the river Oh get out here there we go nobody will notice that's a shallow pond there we go yeah we did it we killed somebody yay and now he can stay in this house until you find your way home okay thank you new friend alright oh no I love being friends hooray so then at the end shamrock Freddy and Freddy thought frost Barret there was no winner there was friendship and that's all that mattered so guys if you're fighting with someone just stop fighting with them and just become best friends with them and then beat up some other nerd so yeah anyways make sure you leave a like if you enjoyed and we'll see you next time mmm hmm make sure to subscribe and leave a like mm-hmm thank you for watching and we'll see you next time for another special delivery
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 746,821
Rating: 4.7985158 out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, SD, Special Delivery, AR, Freddy, Freddy Frostbear, Shamrock Freddy, VS, Fight, Battle, RP, Roleplay
Id: 8K2MiXxdCTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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