Online Basic Handgun Course

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....and good for you for exercising your 2nd amendment right. Stay safe, have fun and keep on keeping on.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GreenMtnCoddiwomple πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a lifelong gun owner, I am a bit terrified at the thought of a lot of inexperienced people going out and buying guns for the first time.

Remember, people...It's nothing like what you see on TV or the movies. Not even close.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Eternally65 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for that helpful and informative video, /u/sluttymcfuckstick - it's always good to keep safety information going around!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ProblyAThrowawayAcct πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hickok45 on youtube is all u need

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cold_colgate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Open Source Defense has a good round-up of some other first-time gun owner videos.

I'm also available for any remote discussion that anyone wants to have.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jsled πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Are there a lot of new owners? I haven't read the news so maybe I'm out of the loop. What's been happening?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MEuRaH πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi I'm Jeff Baker Air Force veteran and instructor here at 11 Bravo training you are about to watch a handgun safety video if you would like to receive a certificate that will allow you to get your Virginia resident or non-resident concealed handgun permit go to 11 Bravo training comm and pay to take the test watch take notes and enjoy hi Kaitlyn I'm Joe Cody I'm a certified NRA pistol instructor and I'm the instructor today for this handgun safety and concealed carry class okay great now before we get started have you had any experience with handguns at all my family had guns but I haven't had a whole lot of experience with them well this course is going to be perfect for you because it's designed for someone who has had no experience with handguns or someone who has just bought the first handgun so if you're ready let's get started therefore very important rules to follow when you're around and handling any type of firearm number one treat all guns as if they're loaded number two always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction number three keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to shoot and number four don't point the gun at anything you're not willing to totally destroy if you follow these four rules you'll always be safe and everyone around you will be safe and remember guns won't go off unless the trigger is pulled which makes rule number three very important in addition it's important that you realize that you're responsible for every run that you fire and where that round ends up so always be aware of your target what's round and behind it okay now we're going to cover revolvers revolvers a pistol that has a rotating cylinder that holds the cartridges and individual chambers as the trigger is pulled the cylinder will rotate so that a cartridge is put in position for the hammer to hit it and fire it the basic components of a revolver are the frame the hammer the barrel the cylinder and the trigger to open the cylinder you press the cylinder release button which is right here you push that forward and with other your other hand you rotate the cylinder toward you that opens the cylinder and now you can see you have an ejector rod which is right here you push that and that will eject all the rounds you have a barrel inside the barrel there's a bore and inside the board there's grooves that are cut into that called lands and those lands make the bullet spin as it goes down the barrel and causes it to be more accurate as it travels to the target now the action is all the parts of the gun that make the hammer [ __ ] release the hammer rotate the cylinder and eject the rounds there are two types of revolvers there's a single action and the double action revolver single action means and or every time you go to firing you have to [ __ ] the trigger which is done like this you pull the trigger back and it stays that's cocking the trigger and the only thing the trigger does is release the hammer like this a double action revolver the trigger both [ __ ] and releases the hammer so as you can see you pull the trigger back it [ __ ] the hammer and releases it okay our most revolvers can be shot in both single action and double action a semi-automatic pistol operates differently after each cartridge is fired it's automatically ejected and the new cartridge is inserted into the chamber ready to be fired the next time the trigger was pulled the semi-automatic pistol has the same components that a revolver has the frame the barrel and the action as with the revolver the frame is the basic structure in which all the other parts are connected to one difference with the semi-automatic is that most but not all semi automatics have an external safety that has to be disengaged in order for the gun to fire some of the newer models like black pistols for example have an internal safety which is manipulated in one way or another when the trigger is pulled allowing to go into fire the safety is a mechanical device that is designed to keep the gun from firing accidentally and since it's a mechanical device it can fail so you should not rely on it to operate 100% of the time you should always follow the four basic safety rules that I outlined at the beginning of this course okay semi automatics also have a barrel which is different than the Barrel on a revolver in that the chamber is located at the back end of the barrel and is integral with the barrel a semi-automatic handgun only has one chamber whereas revolvers have multiple chambers the magazine is the container that holds all the cartridges and the magazine capacity varies with the design of the handgun with semi automatics are three types of actions single action double action and double action only was a single action when the trigger is pulled it only releases the hammer or firing mechanism double action means that when the trigger is pulled on the first shot it [ __ ] the hammer or firing mechanism and then releases it and all other shots moving in the slide [ __ ] the firing mechanism and the trigger only releases it double action only means that when the trigger is pulled on the first shot and I'll follow up shots it [ __ ] the firing mechanism and releases it each time this has been a brief description of the differences between a revolver and semi-automatic remember when handling any handgun first check to see that it's unloaded and then make sure to follow all the safety rules that I outlined previously okay Caitlin we're going to review the parts of a revolver here's a revolver now tell me the part this is the frame mm-hmm the cylinder the barrel yes the trigger the hammer and the grip now we're going to cover the semi-automatic if you point out the different parts of the semi-automatic for me this is the frame the slide the trigger and the grip correct that's great most people refer to ammunition as bullets technically that's incorrect the correct term is cartridge the cartridge has several components the case the primer the powder charge and the bullet the case is a metal tube usually made of brass but sometimes you'll find them made out of aluminum or steel with a primer at the backend the bullet is usually made of lead and sometimes as copper jacket bonded to it the bullet is seeded in the open end of the cartridge crimp time when the primers hit igniting the powder the expanding gasses force the bullet out of the end of the cartridge and propels it down and out of the barrel the cartridge is sized to match the barrel size of your revolver or semi-automatic and it's actually sized to the bore which is the inside diameter of the barrel cartridges come in different sizes and range anywhere from twenty two caliber up to forty five caliber and they give you an idea of the different sizes you can think of those sizes as inches like a 22 caliber is approximately 0.2 2 inches a 380 round is approximately 0.38 and a 38 caliber is about the same point 3 3 8 inches 45 following the same designation is about 0.45 inches or almost 1/2 inch now there are some metric sizes that you come across 9 millimeter and 10 millimeter to find out or understand where they fit in you can convert those to inches 9 millimeters approximately the same size as a 38 now those these sizes aren't exact they give you a good comparison but like I said they're not exact this gives you a good reference as to the size of the different cartridges that you'll come across now we're going to go into a section where I'm going to have you I'm going to describe the revolver and a semi-automatic and have you actually handle it open it load it both of these so why don't we stand up it'll be a lot easier whether you own a revolver or semi-automatic handgun you should be familiar with both and how to check whether it's loaded and unload either one now we're going to start with the revolver this is a small 38 special revolver Smith & Wesson and first thing you're going to do is check to make sure it's unloaded and to do that you're going to take it in your right hand now with your thumb on your right hand you push the ejector the cylinder release button which is this push that forward and then with the other hand push the cylinder toward you and that will rotate out now you can check to make sure that the cylinder is unloaded or the gun is unloaded now that's the ejector rod that helps you unload any shells that are in there spent shells or even live shells now in order to load it you will take these are dummy rounds and take and load one one at a time into each chamber there now you close the cylinder now you're ready to fire now with a single action if you pointed downrange which is in a safe direction you can pull the hammer back to [ __ ] it can I do that now yes there now the hammer is cocked now the only thing the trigger does is released a hammer which as you pointed downrange which is another safe direction you can pull the trigger okay yes go ahead as you hold the gun now with the other hand wrap your fingers around your hand okay now have your thumb alongside on top of your other thumb you don't want it in back of the hammer because it could interfere with the hammer okay now as you pull the trigger you see it releases a hammer there if you open the cylinder again there now you use the ejector rod you should be able to unload all the empty shells there as that as you can see that works now if you close the cylinder now point it downrange I'll show you as a double action as you pull the trigger it will [ __ ] the hammer and release it there now with a semi-automatic first thing you have to do is load the magazine now holding the magazine in your right hand you take a shell or cartridge and I'll show you you'll take it like this you take the cartridge push it down and underneath these are feed lips and push it to the rear then you do the same with the next one it's easier if you put it on the table right now you just keep loading until you fill the magazine up with a semi-automatic take this on your right hand insert the magazine into the magazine well now tap the bottom kind of hard make sure it's easy okay now point in pointing it downrange grip the slide it's better if you grip it overhand now pull back and let go now what that did that strips the top cartridge off the magazine and inserts it into the chamber now if you point it downrange grip the slide now pull back there that ejects the cartridge that's in the chamber and loads a new one in order to shoot in the right hand you want to grip as high as possible without interfering with the slide then you take your other hand wrap it around your your hand and front okay keep your thumb on top of the other thumb if you put your thumb around back when you fire the slide is going to come back and hit your thumb that you don't want you won't do it more than once then you can point it downrange and pull the trigger once you've lined up the sights there now if there was a live round in there you would have fired and it woulda cycled the slide back and it would have checked it around and load a new round every time you fire it will eject around and load the new round until the magazine is empty okay then when that happens it will lock in the rear position most semi automatics will lock in the rear position now in order to take the magazine out there is a magazine release over here what you do is you push that forward and the magazine will come out try that there that's how you load and unload a semi-automatic okay shooting the handgun aiming and shooting it has looks easy when you see it on TV but it's not there are several things you have to do first of all when you pick up when you pick up the semi-automatic you go as I said before you grip it as high up on the grip as you can and what you want to do is you want to squeeze it like you're squeezing somebody's hand and trying to crush it keep your trigger finger relaxed so and off the trigger and then you wrap like I said before wrap your hands run the hand on the gun and then keep your thumbs one on top of the other then you point it downrange and you line up the front sight with the top of the knotch in the rear sight the next thing is your stance there's several different ways to stand i prefer standing Square to the target and with your hands out in front leaning into it by doing that you create a stable platform that absorbs the recoil in the gun so if you pointed downrange or square then kind of lean forward and you create a more stable platform if you have the handgun down and then you lean your head down like that then you breathe control your breathing take a deep breath then start to exhale as you get half way through your breath hold your breath and then pull the trigger slowly can I pull it now go ahead and what you want to do is hold the gun steady and try with no movement and that's basically that's the basics of shooting whether you're shooting a revolver or semi-automatic and but by leaning into it you absorb the recoil okay and it makes it easier to for your follow-up or your next shot right one other thing was aiming depends on the gun all the sights are different they're designed differently and as you can see with a revolver you have one type of sight you have a high-top site and notch in the back on the semi-automatic you have a different style notch on the back and a different style front sight what you have to do is with your particular handgun you have to try you have to practice and try adjusting the sights to get your best accuracy so it takes practice it doesn't happen at first but you do have to practice it we're going to try this with a different gun these are different sights they are designed differently and they show up differently and you're going to have to line up the front sight the dot on the front sight with the dots the two dots on the back okay now I'm going to have you do that now put it down range okay what you want to do now is point it downrange you line up the front sight with the notch in the rear sight and on this gun you want to line up the dot on the front sight level with the two dots on the rear sight okay once you have that lined up then you can go ahead and press the trigger slowly and with an equal pressure all the way back there and as you can see when you did that the gun didn't move as you pull the trigger you want to make sure that the gun is held steady and would no movement in the gun okay that way you'll get a good accurate shot off to get a permit to carry concealed in Virginia you cannot have any felony convictions cannot have been dishonorably discharged from the military and cannot have any outstanding restraining orders against you also you must be a US citizen or legal resident alien and be 21 years of age or older there are some other disqualifiers that you need to be aware of but you can find them on the Virginia State Police website for other states you'll have to check their State Police websites or the respective states websites one requirement for being issued a permit to carry a concealed handgun is having taken a basic handgun course like this one once you've completed the course and passed the test you'll get a certificate of completion which you'll then submit with your application some states and some jurisdictions also require fingerprinting and/or a picture the application instructions for applying for permit to carry a concealed handgun can be obtained from your State Police's web site or the individual state government's websites make sure you follow the instructions exactly when filling out the forms so your application doesn't get kicked out and hold you up once you receive your permit read all the instructions that come with it that's where you'll find a complete listing of where you can and cannot carry your handgun in general you cannot carry in the following places most states it's illegal to carry in these places number one a courthouse number two a place of worship where a religious function is going on without proper authorization without need to also private property where the person who owns the property has said that they don't allow anyone to carry a weapon on the property or where it's posted like malls some models are posted and you have to be careful where you go in to number four school property in general all states prohibit guns on school property in Virginia there's one exception to the statute that is a person who has a valid concealed carry permit and possesses a concealed handgun well in a motor vehicle in a parking lot traffic circle or means a vehicular ingress or egress to the school may legally possess a handgun on school property however this exemption is only valid while you're in the automobile you cannot get out of the car with the weapon you cannot carry in an airport in most states you can't carry a concealed handgun into a restaurant or any place that serves alcohol in Virginia you can carry a concealed weapon into a restaurant or place that serves alcohol as long as you don't consume any alcohol while you're there this varies from state to state and in other states you'll have to check the state requirements or the state laws and those are usually found like I said before on the state police website for that state or with any government agency that issues two concealed weapons permits in most states if you're stopped by an officer for whatever reason you're obligated to inform them that you're carrying that you have a concealed weapons permit and you're carrying a concealed handgun in Virginia you're not obligated to inform the officer that you're carrying he will find out however when he runs your license through the DMV because it's flagged on your license I was thinking of a question yeah um if you are pulled over and you do have your concealed permit yes but you're not carrying at the time do you still need to let him know that you have your permit no you're not obligated to tell them that at all now he will find out like I said when he runs your license because it's flagged on your license he may ask you if you're carrying in that case you tell him no now if you are carrying and he finds out or if you choose to inform them of that then always ask him how he wants you to proceed always keep your hands in sight preferably on the steering wheel don't make any sudden moves now in most states you cannot carry your handgun in the glove compartment Virginia you can there's a few there are a few states where you can carry your handgun in the glove compartment if you do carry your handgun in the glove compartment I suggest don't carry your license and registration or insurance information in there because when you go to get your insurance and registration information you open the glove compartment and the cop sees a gun it doesn't matter what you're doing he's going to automatically draw his weapon and you're going to be standing there with a nervous officer pointing a loaded handgun at you with a finger on the trigger and that's not a situation you want to be in so always be aware of that carry if you do carry in the glove compartment carry your registration and insurance information someplace else there are many ways that you can carry a gun concealed the best way is on your person using a holster attached to your belt some people like inside the waistband holsters and some like outside the waistband holsters the inside the waistband holster holds the gun closer to your body and is generally easier to conceal regardless of which one you use you can cover these by an untucked shirt sweater or sweatshirt and depending on your physique and untuck loosely fit t-shirt conceal as well as when choosing a handgun choosing a holster is mostly personal preference there are a couple requirements that you should look for in a good holster the holster should always cover the trigger and trigger guard and the holster should always secure the gun in a way that it won't come out if you trip or fall and the holster should maintain its shape and not collapse when you take the gun out that makes it a lot easier to reholster there are many different types of holsters and ways to carry concealed you have to find one that fits you and your lifestyle it's all personal preference carrying a gun in your pants pocket is a popular method and a very good way to carry a concealed handgun you have to choose a gun that will fit in your pocket and you should always use a holster design for pocket carry here's a holster designed for pocket carry with this pocket carry gun it's a 9-millimeter handgun that's designed for pocket carry the gun combined with the holster which is designed for pocket carry will fit in your pocket and not print this holster also has an attachment that you can put on it that makes it even more indistinguishable in your pocket and conceals it even better than just a plain holster so as you can see you do have to pick a gun and a holster that will fit in your pocket and one that fits the way you dress and one you feel comfortable with other ways to carry are in a purse fanny pack briefcase or in your pocket fanny packs do conceal your handgun however most fanny packs designed for carry with a for carrying a handgun look like they're designed for carrying a handgun and you stand out now if you're in some resort section were half the people there are wearing fanny packs then that's fine you can get away with it but also recognize that to draw your handgun from a concealed from a fanny pack is difficult it's a lot more difficult than drawing from a holster you need a lot of practice to be able to draw from a fanny pack without shooting yourself in the foot or the leg so I also suggest staying away from them for women there are many companies that make pocket books designed for concealed carry they usually have an unobtrusive pocket specifically built for your gun I'm not seeing any that look like they were designed by Gucci or Prada but they all seem to be functional there's a lot of other ways you can carry a handgun off your person in a briefcase if you have a job like where you carry a briefcase there's another problem with those type of carry is you set your briefcase down or you set your first down if you're in an office you say your purse down and walk away you don't know what's happening with your purse or your briefcase or anything there's daytimers those are kind of antiquated but that or some kind of a binder that you can carry your gun and those things are fine lungs are with you you want to set them down and walk away you don't have control of your gun so those are things to consider the ideal way of caring again like I said this anger person in a holster pocket carry is another good way of carrying it you should also always carry your gun in a holster in your pocket now a good holster should always carry cover the trigger and the trigger guard of your gun that way and you're particularly in your pocket nothing will snag on it and if you carry a gun in your pocket in a holster don't carry anything else in there you don't want to be trying to draw the gun out and have a snag on something in your pocket and go off I'm a question what's the best method for a woman who may wear clothes that are more form-fitting to be able to conceal a gun would the best way to be to choose to wear in her purse concealed in her purse and then also having a young child of my own I tend to carry it in my purse but then I guess you have to be very cautious of where you leave your purse and making sure your child isn't into it or things like that that's a great question Caitlyn if you wear form-fitting clothes concealed carry can pose a problem you may have to adjust your wardrobe in order to accommodate carrying a gun that may mean wearing a loose-fitting outer garment like an untucked shirt or blouse in any event it's going to be a trade-off and you may have to carry in a purse or some other way when carrying your handgun in the purse the thing you have to keep in mind is when you set your purse down you don't have control of it which means you don't have control of your handgun that's something to think about especially if you have a child with you you don't want your child or anyone else getting ahold of your purse or your handgun however you carry you want to do it in the way that no one will suspect that you have a gun you have to experiment with your wardrobe in order to find a way that you feel comfortable carrying a concealed handgun katelyn once you get you do get your concealed carry permit you need to know when it's justified using lethal force when you can pull a gun and use it generally there's a couple of different guidelines one is when your life is in danger or when you're in danger of great bodily harm somebody or there's a disparity of size and number of people some big 300-pound person coming at you with a baseball bat that's a disparity of size or if there's a group of people coming at you attacking you three four people that's a disparity of numbers when you're in fear of great bodily harm are being killed then you're justified in drawing and shooting to stop the threat and basically that's all you're doing you are shooting to stop the threat in Virginia and in many states you have a duty to retreat regardless of where you are meaning you have to try to get away from the threat and you are not justified in using lethal force if you've done anything to escalate the situation now if you're in a spot like in an alley and you can't retreat any farther or can't go anyplace that's a different story or if you're in your house you somebody kicks the front door in and you go to retreat and a child is between you and say your bedroom the back room that's as far as you can retreat because you're going to be defending your family so those are basically the requirements for duty to retreat other states have something called Casa laws which state that you do not have a duty to retreat that you can stand there stand your ground and defend yourself however again we're in Virginia and Virginia law states that you do have a duty to retreat now there's one other thing that comes up another situation it's called brandishing somebody's hassling you to get over the top and you feel your life is in danger you cannot expose your handgun to them with the hopes that they'll be frightened and back off and run away the only time you can do that or you justify it as showing your handgun as if your life is actually in danger or you're actually in imminent danger of great bodily harm in that case you're justified and lead using lethal force and in that case all you do is you draw and stop the threat you don't ever fire a warning shot in almost every state in the United States warning shots are illegal and with warning shots remember you're responsible for every shot you fire and where that shot ends up so if you shoot in the air that bullet can go half mile or more and come down someplace and hit somebody you're still responsible doesn't matter whether you're trying to repel an attacker warning shots are illegal don't ever do them okay if you're justified and using lethal force just draw and stop the threat okay so you should never pull your handgun unless you really feel the fear and the need so it's good okay defend yourself now if you pull a handgun and the guy sees it and runs away fine that's great that's what you want to have but don't ever shoot at them as he's running away this has been a course designed to cover the safe handling and operation of handguns as well as cover the basics of concealed carry we also covered where you can and cannot carry a handgun and when you can and cannot use lethal force for specifics regarding laws of your state and other states concerning the use of a handgun and self-defense you need to consult an attorney thank you for taking the course and good luck with the test thank you
Channel: undefined
Views: 448,813
Rating: 4.8140755 out of 5
Id: Wa1nP-ajuKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2013
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