How To Use / Shoot a GLOCK Handgun for Beginners!

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hey guys Duncan meter here welcome back to the channel as always if you enjoyed this video I'd really appreciate it if you could hit like and subscribe it definitely helps me out and it makes me even more happy to make more videos for you guys alright so a little intro here this is part 2 of a 2 series the first part was my review of the Glock 43 how I liked it it is a relatively new handgun for me I have not owned it obviously before now this one is mostly for beginners so if you're not a beginner you still may find this helpful but you also may probably already know all this you know right now the corona virus or the pandemic is in full-swing there's a lot of brand new gun owners out there how to firearm owners people buying their first handgun their first long gone so this review is kind of to help the new folks out there maybe you just pick this up you just bought a Glock 43 maybe you bought a Glock 19 my Glock 17 a Glock 26 any model they're all pretty much the same this is a single stack Glock as I said in my earlier video this magazine does not go to this firearm this is from a Glock 19 it's a 10 round and a Glock 19 is a double stack a double stack means then bear with me here I'm kind of the cameraman in the announcer at the same time however when the when the ammunition is in the magazine it kind of looks like this like they're they're almost side-by-side but not entirely they're offset just a little bit but it is for the most part what you would call a double stack meaning they're kind of side-by-side a single stack which is the Glock 43 the offset is much less significant so for all intents and purposes it's like a straight line again they're offset just a little bit but for the most part it's like a straight line and as you can tell between the difference here at the Glock 19 magazine and the Glock 43 a single stack the single stack is much thinner there's a lot of guns on the market that are a single stack probably the most famous is the 1911 that's a single stack lots of other ones out there but again for the new folks out here on nineteen twenty six seventeen numerous Glocks most Glocks are a double stack the 43 and it's 40 40 millimeter comparison as opposed to nine-millimeter as a single stack so I hope that helps some folks out there so again if you're brand new to this firearm obviously safety first I know this is unloaded obviously you can see the ammunition is sitting right here on the table so it's clearly unloaded but let's review how you check to make sure it's unloaded so first thing you want to do is you want to remove the magazine if there's a magazine in it so for demonstration purposes I'm gonna put a magazine in here so you pick up your firearm I don't know if it's loaded how do I check so right here on the right hand side you see there's no magazine release on the left hand side you see a button right here which is the mag release you press this button magazine comes right out that does not mean the firearm is unloaded though because there could still be around in the chamber again this is very important you've released the magazine the gun could still be loaded there could still be around in the chamber so how do you check that very easy point the firearm in a safe direction right over here this little lever is what locks the slide open so every time you're shooting the slide is going back and it's chambering a new round in chambering a new round and pushing the slide forward on your last round the slide is gonna lock back this is going to go up automatically you can do it on your own to check to make sure it's empty by pushing the slide back with one hand and with your thumb pushing this slide lock button up and if you can see right here there's a little bit of an indent which is where the slide catch is gonna hold the slide back so I'm just going to grab it push it back push this little lever up and now the slide is locked back you can also see right here all the way through the grip to see that there's nothing in the chamber there's no magazine this firearm is totally safe totally empty once again Terry you want to make sure the magazine is out you want to lock the slide back and you want to look and you're gonna see that as clearly empty so again this is empty all right how else what else can I show you guys as new Glock firearm orders well let's say you're at the range now now you want to shoot the gun so you take your ammo and you need to load your magazine so how do you do that well the magazine if you look at it has a backside which has a bunch of numbers and these numbers here tell you the capacity of the magazine so you know how many rounds are in it and then the front side has nothing to load a bullet a cartridge ammo whatever you'd like to call it into the magazine what I do and again a lot of people may do this in a different way different order they might use the speed loader what I personally do is I hold the magazine in my left hand with the numbers facing me in the front facing away from me and then I take the bullet one at a time and you just this is this has a spring this is called the follower you take the bullet you start here at the front push it in take the next one put it on top do the same thing and you just continue and you want to start at the front because the magazine has two pieces of steel that they're kind of right here and they keep the round in there so you want to start in the front go down and push it under that that lip that piece of steel it gets progressively harder as you put more and more rounds especially on a Glock magazine when they're new the springs are very hard and that's it so I've put six rounds into this magazine that holds six rounds and if you look it's hard to see this on camera but there's holes here so this is obviously round number one you don't need a viewing port the hole here says two this one says three four five and six and if you look at for example five and six again it's hard to see on the camera but I can clearly see that there's a round in here so we're just showing me that there's six rounds in this firearm now you're at the range hypothetically you want to start firing the firearm so since I'm in my apartment I don't want to put a live ammo in the gun for this video so I'm going to show you with an empty magazine here so the empty magazine just like the one that's loaded if this were at the range you would take the loaded magazine in with the bullet facing forward and the numbers facing back you would insert it like this for demonstration purposes I'm going to take the empty one bullets facing forward numbers facing towards me I'm going to put it in I'm going to slide the magazine all the way up until it clicks now it's fully seated everything is smooth on this side presumably there would be a round right here in the chamber or right here in the magazine that you could see through the slide and then in order to fire you would want to use your thumb and depress the slide release which would go like this that would chamber the round and then you would be good obviously keep your finger here you want to get a good solid grip you would aim and when you're prepared you would pull the trigger to fire you would be able to shoot this six times because this particular gun the Glock 43 holds six rounds on your final round what's gonna happen is the slide is going to go back and lock open now if you're at the range you would hit the magazine release take the magazine out take your next magazine put it in hit the slide release button again and then you would continue firing so that essentially is how you use the Glock 43 how you use any Glock again the only difference between this Glock and pretty much every other one on the market is this is a single stack I think the 43 X is also a single stack correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure it is I think that has a 10 round capacity and then there's a 40 caliber version of this as well this is the 43 that might be called the 42 I don't remember try to think what else here another thing that you guys might find helpful let's say you're done at the range and you want to clean the firearm you want to take it apart very easy to do I'm gonna take the magazine out I'm gonna again check to make sure that it's unloaded and it is the slide is locked back there's no magazine there's no round in the chamber here I'm going to release the magazine or the slide forward again now with the Glock in order to remove the slide you do have to depress the trigger so I'm aim din a safe direction I know it's something I've pulled the trigger and now as you can see hopefully in the camera here there's a little indent with a little lever that spring-loaded that goes down there is the same one on the other side of the gun so what you want to do and how I do it is I take my right hand and I grip the firearm like this and using my right hand I pull the slide back just a little bit maybe half an inch and then I use my left hand I come under it and I pull the two tabs these two levers down I'm gonna try to do this on camera and talk to you guys so using my right hand I'm pulling the slide back just a little bit using my left hand I'm pulling these two levers down and I'm just gonna push the slide forward and it comes right off and that's pretty much it so this is the lower this is the polymer piece this is the trigger assembly I have another video that shows how to clean the Glock it is actually an old video so I'll probably make a new one got a little better lighting here a little better camera a little better audio but very easy to clean and again I will make another video about that and then the upper right here super easy you have basically three parts I mean before if you want to take apart the whole firing pin and all that and I'll get into that during the cleaning video but essentially you just remove this spring you remove the barrel and that's it you have this slide the barrel and the spring you do have the firing pin there's a couple of pieces in here the extractor the ejector whatever you like to call it this is a little dirty I've been firing this at the range I do need to clean it but that's pretty much it and to reassemble it and again I'll get into the details of how to clean this piece in another video take the barrel put the barrel back in take the spring put it back in you take the slide and it has these two channels right here and you're going to see on the lower there these two metal tabs are here that what the slide slides into you're gonna take it line it up forgive me it's always a little bit hard to do this with one hand while you're trying to film I'm gonna take it slide it all the way back that's it let's put back together again safe direction it's empty I'm gonna pull the trigger it is totally reassembled ready to go ready to use it the range that's pretty much it the Glock is a very simple handgun i I really do like it I like the ease of simplicity if you know how to do everything I just showed you with this firearm it pertains to every other Glock out there they're all the same they all have these two little tabs they all have the same trigger they all have the same mag release they all have the same slide they all have the same barrel when I say the same obviously there's different calibers different sizes but the concept the general concept is exactly the same the magazines for Glock there again all exactly the same whether it's a six round a ten round a 15 round a 30 round whatever they come in they're all the same so I hope you found this helpful if you do please like please subscribe if you have questions let me know if you want to see a specific video if you want to see the cleaning video if you want to see something that I maybe didn't talk about please let me know I've owned Glocks for many many years I'm very familiar with them and I'm here to help you guys so like subscribe and leave a comment thank you
Channel: DuncanMeter
Views: 48,605
Rating: 4.9128599 out of 5
Keywords: glock 43, glock, 19, 17, 26, 42, 40, handgun, gun, firearm, weapon, how to, beginner, 9mm, 40mm, shoot, handguns, smith and wesson, S&W, ammo, ammunition, shooting, range, training, learn, pistol
Id: o0S9v4UPRg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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