Glock 27 vs Glock 26

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you're looking at a pair of a couple of most popular Glocks made the Glock 27 in 40 caliber Glock 26 and nine-millimeter and I'm Hickok 45 you know I like these little Glocks the subcompact sometimes prefer to us baby Glocks smallest Glock that Glock makes okay so you're not really familiar with Glocks this is the smallest one subcompact baby Glock and but it does come in let's see 357 sig I guess and that's really the only other caliber I guess the 380 in Europe you know is available oh no but in this country it's 357 sig nine-millimeter 40 caliber subcompact baby Glock same gun they're all exactly the same size all three of those no difference in in dimensions same gun just the barrel has either a smaller or larger bore basically what it comes down to with a 357 sig and the 40 the magazines even essentially the same so not a lot of difference okay all right these two guns kind of beg comparison to some extent I get a lot of requests and questions about which a person you know should buy which is better you know does the 40 recoil too much will the Glock 27 be keep snappy that's the word we hear used in connection with it quite often and should I get the 9-millimeter the Glock 26 no so or they may someone may already have the 26 and they're thinking of moving to the 41 now how much more it kicks and those sorts of things but so we thought we'd just do a little comparison between the two first I want to point out some of the the beauties of both the in praise of the subcompact Glock it's a wonderful size gun now I would have never guessed it I know it was a year two before I was sold on it I felt one in the shop the only part of that thing but that shot one it kind of grew on me and I figured out some ways to make that grip feel better to me and it really grew on me particularly from a practical standpoint because you've got a really small gun here that is very shootable that's the beauty in it for me function is so important if function isn't important to you you're not going to be a clock licker or lover or an XD or any of the black polymer guns you know they're not necessarily beautiful pieces of art like a beautiful 1911 or Smith & Wesson revolver or something so the function is where the beauty lies the fact that that little gun is capable of really shooting well it's very accurate it's more accurate than we are so get that out of your head if you think it's not these little babies are very accurate concealable if you have a carry permit you know these guns man they will fit in so many places where a larger gun even the compact will stick you it'll you know poke your ribs or whatever that short little grip is wonderful and that's where the big advantage lies and concealed carry for sure and you know in a holster of a belt holster you know anywhere for that matter but what I like about these guns is that they're so shootable there are a lot of small guns around you know I like the PM knives and I like some of small Ruger's and lots of little guns and you know a good day can shoot them pretty well these guns on a good day they shoot as well as the big brothers you know the the Glock if for the 27 to be the Glock 23 or the Glock 22 just just not a lot of difference really so let's take a couple shots I'll start with the 27 and just sling a little lid here for fun I've got some magazines in my bouncers here now I use I start out with the flush magazines I like the flush magazine that's what makes it easy to you know carry and so handy but when I reload I usually reload with a Glock 23 magazine or a Glock 22 you know or even bigger just for shooting and I do not use it to stabilize the gun I have the same grip regardless of the magazine all right what do we have here let's just take a couple watch the mags make sure I use the right one the block 9 there 9 millimeter and 40 mags the same size nice nice three around Oh wingding can't knock the thing down okay that is a target that was donated to the range by challenged targets you might notice it's a little new one it must be defective or something we try it again it knocks it down got to be broken well actually it's not just kidding you know me let me put this in my holster here it's a big magazine that is a target that challenge targets donate to the range that you know pretty nice they said try it out put it on the range no charge it's a new design and it is to actually design not to stay down that's the beauty of it it it's not cheap I'll say but it's kind of an interesting design it's designed to shoot and maybe keep shooting you can adjust it you can set it for nine millimeter to go down with a nine you can set it so that just by cranking up some screws to raise it or lower so that a nine will knock it all the way back or it takes two hits to knock it back or it takes a 40 or it takes a 45 so that kind of thing so actually supposed to go back slowly and then you can knock it on back or however you want to set it so anyway that's what that's all about and again we thank challenge targets for lending that I'll take a couple shots at you show or at it and show you we have it set so that a nine or where a 40 will will knock it back but not necessarily all the way back so that's what that's about well this is falling all right Oh out of ammo okay wait that was a little 40 action that was the Glock 27 like I said my gun is just wonderful and very very suitable all right let's try mr. gong out there long range damn doesn't want to fall does it I noticed bullets are going a little higher must be the incredible humidity or something here Turkey over there there we go just took - yeah it's we're seeing now the humidity here must be 99% I can actually tell the difference and the bullet impact seems it's going higher maybe it's just me some of you engineers can help me figure that one out so anyway what the points I was making is that the these guns are so suitable that's short and long range and all you have to do is go back through the play list and get some more verification of that good I love to shoot on that night see them at all at all ranges one of the big advantages of this gun I think a lot of people compare these guys I say this I mean both of them a lot of people compare these guns with Oh a smaller car or a smaller Ruger loves a little bit whether it's an LC P or some other pocket gun and there is a quantum leak as I often say up to the subcompact yes it's a little thicker it's a little bigger and it doesn't fit every situation but these guns once you get to this size gun if you can carry this gun if you can handle a gun this big or a gun this small to know which way you're coming from and your purpose and function you really have a gun you have a real gun that can do you can do anything with essentially I would not be afraid to take this one as my primary firearm and I have done that you know working with the police department it's just so shootable so both of them are and will will take a few shots with the nine-millimeter let's do that make sure how these magazines are all the same and it will mix them up sure my glasses are non fogged here a little bit and let's foot start out with a short magazine and then we'll move to all those forties out of there there's a larger magazines for back up and just take a few shots here I love it get this guy right here all right big nine-millimeter they really took off okay let's see if these interested in going after the gong let's see if we're seeing that same bullet rise there I was seen with the 40 maybe it's my imagination I thought I had won the chamber will let her cook a second yeah there's one in the chamber these are my hand loads I've got a maybe a bad primer there so we'll let him cook and he's probably fine now it'll save him yeah like pine primer strike I'll save him for later take a look at him all right yeah in the nine-millimeter in the forty I was firing factory ammo this I'm just shooting my unsorted brass and 147 grain bullets all right all right a molehill really suitable there we go got him around the last shot good old Glock 26 short-range long-range they both will get the job done really sweep the sheet a little less recoil with the 9 mil of in fact one thing we were going to show you try to give you a look at again not scientific but we're gonna get some for ya we're just a 42 9 and see if you can tell anything just from looking at them because one of the the the hits on the 27 is it too snappy and then maybe it is for a lot of people you're not used to recoil then it does jump around a little bit for you so let's just take a couple shots with both here what we forget to do that and know what John give you a good look at it see if you can tell anything I'm gonna I'm gonna maintain the exact same grip with both guns that's all I can say I'm not gonna like put the death squeeze on either one I'm saying normal grip and I'm just going to shoot at the tombstones on the focus on how it holds a gun and being consistent not on your shooting necessarily ok we'll shoot six or eight or something here a normal grip I'll shoot a couple three quickly because I what I realize I'm doing there is maybe I'm not shooting naturally because if I pull this thing out and I'm trying to bang bang bang bang hit several targets I probably am getting a harder grip on it because I'm trying to hold it down and reacquire my sight picture so if I'm just bang bang I probably do have a little bit different grip on it so we'll do both you saw that was kind of slow fire so I'll just shoot a little bit faster and maintain my grip focus on a little bit more now okay because in order to shoot fast you you really do need to maintain your good control okay let's try it with this I'll shoot deliberately here methodically a few shots and I'll speed up 9-millimeter Glock 26 okay I'll speed up a little bit for some thought when you get machine gun because it just doesn't it doesn't really recoil much so whatever that tells you I'm sure you can see it a little bit difference there of course the part of what you're seeing here in the difference between these two that's one of the big ones the recoil that's what most people are asking about their concern about the 2017 - snappy if a nine-millimeter seems to kick pretty much for you then the 27 is definitely going to be snappy but if you shoot a lot of different guns 45 and 44 mags and all sorts of things then it's not going to bother you you adjust to it pretty easily but I would stay with a 9 if you don't plan to shoot it a lot I've said that before I think in videos where the 40 does have more of a jump to it you notice I shot it first I don't like to come out here and shoot a lot of non shoot this gun a lot and then pick this gun expect to be able to do whatever I want with it right away I have to kind of readjust for that extra bounce there so okay so we've talked about how what they have in common the recoil is one of the things that differentiate the two another thing they both have in common is the fact that they will take longer mags the neat thing about these guns this system is and it's not only true of Glock some other companies have that same capability you can use the magazines longer magazines with these baby Glocks and they work just fine ok this is just a 22 round magazine here's a 15-round magazine that's for a Glock 22 gun - so many police carry it'll work in there just fine here's a Glock that's a nine-millimeter it'll fit here's a Glock 23 magazine holds 13 it will fit you know so you know variety of mags they all shoot just fine or you can use the flush mag as we have here yeah and that's what you know I like to start out with okay that's the best feel and again I don't use that mag to support the gun ever I'll keep my fingers off of I use two fingers to shoot these guns I don't touch that mag that's my goal thing to touch it so I want to do that all right same with 15 to 9 millimeter you have what's that that's a Glock 19 magazine let it work thank you that's fine oh if I had a Glock 17 magazine out here yeah that's what that is right there with a plus two on it it's led work there's a backup or this big Glock 18 Mac since that whole 31 plus a couple so 33 so you got that little rig pretty sweet and it will shoot let me show you it's empty so that's a lot of fun of course but that's that's one of the the neat things about the little baby Glocks they take the big boy magazines that's another headed I guess feature you'd say which most people would carry for Rebecca not necessarily that thing but a longer magazine if you're gonna carry one for primary carry okay other differences of course you know the the caliber and is the biggest difference they look less expensive to shoot the nine millimeter of course not a great deal you know with what ammo costs if you shoot at all box of nine millimeter you can get for whatever ten twelve dollars maybe thirteen forty ammo you know practice ammo runs fourteen fifteen low winders you know low end is pretty much the high end for nine-millimeter you know if you're paying for just practice ammo on nine maybe $13 fourteen that'd be the cheapest you could find forty probably then on up to eighteen twenty bucks you know practice ammo not a tremendous difference but there is a difference okay so you got the cost you have the ammo availability is about the same on both of them there's not a lot of difference about anywhere I go I can find run into two nine millimeter ammo and forty both there's not a not a big deal magazine capacity is a little different on these two guns they not a lot I like to say the the Glock 26 with the flush magazine will hold ten easily you know it's easy to get ten rounds in the Glock 26 flush magazine stock 19 in the forty it will hold nine the Glock 27 will hold nine but it's a tough nine that ninth one's tough to get in sometimes I've noticed on the newer mags it's a little bit easier but on most of the Glock 27 magazines I'm talking again the stock flush magazines that I just I load them down to eight I just put eight in there is this really a stiff feed on that last one but you can get it in you the beauty denies an easy 10 and some easy 8 on the 40 but not a lot of difference in capacity so those are some of the differences and similarities in these guns it's a tough choice you know I I get the question a lot and I'm faced with it myself because these are my favourite guns this gun I bought used back in about 98 99 long in there and that was my primary gun for about six years I used to have carried it used it in G SS f matches and in fact this gun is kind of special this is the gun that I won that Glock 29 with you know one subcompact so that's that it's not a special gun for me I like that I've shot it a lot Kerry did a lot competed with it a fair amount and practiced a lot so it takes a lot of focus to shoot one these really well you know especially you're going to shoot in a match and try to really drill those paper targets out there and I'm gonna shine egss F but some of the paper targets are out 225 yards and that one stage I don't know and you're trying to get them in the center of that thing out there it's cardboard you can't really see it so I mean you really have to focus on that that little bitty sight that's short radius and everything so I practiced a lot with that gun paid off but I practiced and I've shot that thing a lot so it's got pretty good trigger it's not the very best I've ever had in a Glock it's that guy's kind of special to me this one is in a way too because it's my primary gun now and it's a generation forward you know so they're both really nice guns they both have a special meaning for me and it's still kind of a toss-up if I had to just close my eyes and pick one out mix them up and that's the gun I had to use as my primary gun yeah the other one would be just fine but I kind of prefer the 40 little bit so sweet sweet firearms I guess there's nothing left out here I need to shoot just wanted to give you a look at the difference between these two firearms and hopefully that's of some use to you so good old guns Glock 26 and 27 can't go wrong with either one hope you learned a little bit and life is good you
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,239,313
Rating: 4.8925252 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, G26, GL26, G27, GL27, GL-26, GL-27, G-26, G-27, Glocking, Subcompact, Baby, semi-auto, semiautomatic, pistol, gun, shooting, concealed, carry, CCW, pocket, holster, firearms, guns, steel, targets, Challenge, Targets
Id: 3wHUEwWmklE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2011
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