M&P 40c vs Glock 27

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Hey look like fun M&P Smith & Wesson 4 TC yes this is it we have it out again today haven't seen it for a while in any major shooting actually thought we'd get it out you know we have a few issues there in the first video or two and it's it's been fine actually for a good while now you've seen it I think in maybe one or two videos and we're going to shoot it today and compare it with what we consider I think most of you do one of its primary counterparts and that would be the Glock 27 of course ok these two guns are approximately the same size they fill the same niche the same need the same purpose because they are about the same weight and about the same size function in a very similar way they're both striker-fired and they are both handy little pistols and these are in the same caliber 40 caliber alright so we're going to shoot both of them and we've been meaning to get the M&P 4dc back out because they're you know I get the site replaced there and everything so it's it's fine of course the slide so I've shot it a little bit here and there and it's done just just fine so hadn't shot it much but got to keep my alibi out there yo for bad shooting good excuse so shooting factory MO we're shooting hundred eighty eight excuse me 180 grain ammo as always in 40 caliber uh it's a mixture of federal forty and UMC ammo there I actually got to mix it up I don't worry about I can't really tell any difference in the point of impact I haven't bench rested or put it on a ransom res there might be a little bit of difference but nothing I've noticed uh at this point so that's what we're shooting and I need to be loading mags I do have four magazines for the M&P but that does require will give the reloading not a lot now the MT magazines hold about ten rounds leave even the ones yell with the pad on the bottom or the finger pad whatever it's called exactly they're 10-round magazines so let's talk about some of the differences between these two firearms I feel like I know these two guns pretty well I've fired the M&P enough to get kind of familiar with it not as much as the Glock 27 but I do get a lot of messages about these two guns a lot of questions about which I would purchase which I like better although you probably know that already but that lorry loaded good oh there it is a shirt pocket they are very similar in a lot of ways then they're different in some ways and we're going to explore the similarities and the differences one of the differences is unload this magazine is that a flush magazine holds 10 rounds in the M&P okay and I notice that putting 10 rounds in is not a problem alright so that would have to be a plus in favor of the M&P it will hold 10 rounds and fairly comfortably all right whereas with the Glock the flush magazine says 9 but I generally load it down to 8 because that ninth one is pretty stiff really still I don't try to put it in blamin that's got 9 in you know why a viewer sent me this this loader he said I needed one he felt sorry for me I've actually been using it and it is easier to get that last one in I have to say with that the was it called the lula i'm not sure how you pronounce it actually the universal pistol loader i'd heard about that and people had mentioned that several times to me and i know i just never have really used magazine loaders I've probably been a little bit biased you know thought oh my gosh it's like somebody call it a magazine a clip you know if you're using one of these things let's not been shooting long or must be a CC cuter or something like that you know but I guess I've misjudged people this really is pretty cool I'll have to say so scrappy 5000 username sent me this just felt sorry for me so I'm trying it out it's pretty good job I have to say this a little harder to use on a small mags I noticed okay but anyway back to the magazines these hold eight or nine that ninth one is tough to get in I rarely put it in and even if you get it in you really have to push hard to get it up against the slide and then it makes a slide tougher to over track I don't like that yeah maybe it's not a big deal maybe I'm over blowing that but I don't like that so I load eight rounds and of course you have 8 + 1 9 rounds and that doesn't solve the problem you need to be running anyway need a new pair running shoes or your shotgun right so anyway 10 rounds easily vs. 8 rounds you know easily and then 9 if you cram it in there okay so positive for the amande people ah I will try to be objective here now you watch me imma try you know you know this with my very favorite firearms a Glocks are one of my favorites and of course the 27 is possibly my favorite I say the Glock 23 but it could very well be the 27 in a lot of ways depending on the purpose alright so the magazines what's the obvious thing you want to know okay because you asked inquiring minds want to know well I have this holster I use sometimes when I have a bigger gun I mean this is the big Glock holster it's a pleated on Hulme it's for the Glock 30 or the Glock 21 because the M&P seems to need a bigger holster it doesn't fit as well in the Glock 19 or Glock 40 holsters although it's close I'll talk about that so it of course the Glock 27 fits in there is a little bit easier but there's not a lot of difference but that way I don't have any issues with either one and that's I think one of the biggest things the size comparison so let's do that first okay let's line them up here and that's pretty much even on the back and there's the the M&P is just a tad bit longer and slide and you can see on the grip what you have up sort of magazine and we got flush mags so we're comparing apples to apples so the grip on the M&P is a little bit longer as you can see just a bit and that makes sense it would be easier to get another round in a little bit longer okay if it were the same length as the Glock 27 you might be talking about the same capacity but for that little bit of extra length perhaps having a magazine holds 10 rounds easily there's a nice bonus you know because for me it's almost like two more rounds you know because it has as per my discussion on that I won't repeat all that so I kind of get two extra rounds I guess you'd say in the M&P and then the M&P is just a tad bit longer not much in the slide you could look at that size is really important and when you get down into this class of firearm as I've said if you've just got a big old range gun you take new grains to shoot and trying to hit targets and shoot well taking your time you know getting a good trigger release it's a gun you know every use for defense or you don't ever carry it the bar is not quite as high perhaps on that but when you talk about these things every little bit makes a big big difference as I've said before the trigger reach it's like a long gun if you take that much off the stock shotgun or rifle makes a big difference so you new shooters young shooters people who have shot a lot believe me I'm not exaggerating some of these issues all right you experienced people know what I'm talking about a little bit goes a long way but by and large there's not a lot of difference here let's look at some of the differences in the thickness now got the length too high here not a lot of difference there it grips a little longer on the MFE slides just a hair longer not not much let's look at thickness out I used to just measure the slide okay I'm going to do that on this image P okay got just a slide captured there the thickest part of the slide at the bottom and you notice on the Glock you know the Glocks knot is thick on the slide see the difference there you got some gap now again you knew shooters you never carried it inside the waistband or anything you okay this is boring what's this got to do with the price of eggs has a lot to do with it okay so that little bit is a lot when you're talking about two guns that are basically the same same class okay now what I've done more recently I've got a little bit smarter believe that or not is really I need be measuring the front part of the gun that goes into the holster you know now back here might not matter as much but up here the whole frame nut Laura's going to get down on the frame because that all has to go into the holster and that is all that all plays a role and how thick the holster is going to be saying inside the waistband or wherever it is so that's the thickness of the Glock that we're dealing with the practical thickness you know so let's put that on the M&P good see see how much difference in fact the MEP might come out a little bit ahead unless we get up here on the slide block there or the released takedown lever there so if we go that it and get the thickness on it and yes that's kind of questionable how much of that we justifiably capture then the Glock wins out by just a hair you know if anything so I guess you could really say in the practical thickness there's no difference you know it comes down to really how thick the holster how much you're going to feel it there's probably no difference the Glock frame gets a little fat right there and so so the fact that the slide is thicker on this gun it's not that big an issue because this the frame makes up for it in the Glock so both of them require although it still seems like the Glock fits that holster a little bit more loosely out on that so but there's not much difference so let's just call that kind of a drawl on a thickness issue this gun is generally just a tad bit bigger but not enough to really make a big difference it's really a great copy of the Glock and you get right down to it striker-fired just about the same size and what else was going to ya while we're on that topic let me point out something that surprised me the this guns seem heavier and if you weigh it it is heavier it's about three ounces heavier and of course when you're measuring slides you know the slide is thicker than the Glock slide so yeah okay it makes sense there's more steel in the slide it's heavier three ounces more steel I guess okay that's really what I thought for a good while now like at the messing around before this video actually this morning and I took the slide off and I don't know why I did it I weighed the slide you know I have a little trouble with that there we go I got took the spring off I don't know if that matters but let's do that with the Glock it's just the slide the barrels okay I weighed these turns on and all right no okay we have 14 3/4 ounces so again make sure 14 3/4 ounces okay so the remember now the spring from Springfield the Smith & Wesson waist three ounces more basically jumped up a little bit there nicknamed air hit it may be a fly landed on fourteen three quarters right put the M&P slide on there fourteen three quarters on the other this is 15 and a quarter so not much difference at all in the do it again make sure there you go same thing that interesting not much difference between the weight at all and the slide you know where the difference is it's in the frames okay the glock frame four and a half ounces smith the westin frame six and five eighths okay see see that's where most of the difference is in in the frame and I don't know if that matters Mexican care for us but is interesting to me because I have just always assumed the difference was in this slide it's seen it is thicker and it just seems it is a little heavier and seems just a little bulkier but it's really partly just an illusion okay so that might be interesting or it might not but the so if you're looking at the M&P slide you're thinking why out it's a big old thick slide looks gigantic it is thicker than the Glock slide but it's roughly the same weight of interesting and the weight addition you're getting the three ounces essentially is mostly in the frame now that may not matter much to some of you but some of you gun nerds like me you might find that interesting all right I've extra charge that little piece of information throw it in there okay so got about three extra ounces the bottom line in the ending P so it's a little heavier and then of course you get 10 rounds or maybe 10 plus 1 in it it's going to be heavier you got another you know a couple of bullets you know a couple hundred grains or the lid and brass you know these are those so it's going to be a little heavier for you probably not enough to notice if you have a good holster alright but I I consider that kind of a - when you're shooting again maybe that's a plus I'd be sweeter to shoot and that's what most people kind of base that on you know how it feels in the hand when you shoot and how much weak or you get and all that so with three more ounces of weight in this gun you do get a little bit less so probably felt recoil alright so some of your comparison now also let's talk triggers but first let's take a couple shots with the Glock because you know what it's lying here feeling neglected it has not been shot and we're supposed to be doing a little bit of a comparison here even though I kind of worry about in the chapter - no actually the first thing with this gun for gun let's take a couple of shots with me and just do some comparison in that regard with the triggers okay so I'm going to compare the triggers here focusing on the brake so I can give you an idea at least my impressions on how both triggers break they're both striker-fired okay let me pick up the M of T now okay that one feels good okay I can make an argument much in favor of the M&P on this in terms of shoot ability and if I had to pick off a knock a candle over over there something really has a light trigger I think I've pointed out before or me take another magazine with it it has a very light stress to fire to break the correct target trigger yeah it reminds me a little bit of the Ruger sr9c that I have it has a light break it doesn't take much at all and it's pretty crisp it's a crisp break but it's not a heavy break it's it's very very nice the deer and the similarities in these two triggers are the fact that they both break in a good spot for me you know you don't they don't break way back here at the frame neither one of them they both break beautifully so that's important to me as you've heard me complain about that with with certain guns and one of my negatives about some of the double action guns where you got to get to trigger way back here and you feel like you're you know you're squeezing your hand together you don't have a sir I don't have as much control over the way back here so it's it's an operable place where both of them break and that's how they're similar and how I like them in terms of this one being a softer lighter trigger and an easier brake possibly a better target trigger that again depends on what you're going to use the gun for I like a like a heavier trigger for a carry gun you know I don't want to break too easily and my book this one breaks too easily so does the sr9c really for practical purposes now you do have a thumb safety on that gun so with this gun you have a really nice trigger it's very light I think a striker fired it's sweet and there's no thumb safety there's no other safeties on the gun so you know that's that's up to you in terms of you want to carry and what kind of environment you want but boy you can't complain about the trigger it's really really sweet you take up more shots with it okay go across the hill I'm kind of slinging them there I guess like nice break on that trigger I have to say and I've got my site in place now the last time I shot this gun extensively I was missing my little dot on that front sight and it was I think affecting me a little bit you recall let me take a few more shots while I have it in my hand I have a think I know where to hold it I may not may just think I do so that one feels good I like the trigger on that thing I'm not sure I shared as well as the Glock I'm not sure let me take a few shots while I'm watching fresh in my mind oh by the way look what I found the gun show yesterday he's 22 around 40 mags as I understand Glock hasn't been making these all that long I thought I'd pick up a couple while they're legal you know how it is these days so these are available with the nines fairly widely but not so much with the port at least in a clock manufacturer let me see if it works I haven't tried it alright again that's something you get with the Glock in terms of advantages disadvantages I guess you know I don't know what's available in the vom and pline terms the longer magazines necessarily but with the Glock line you know any Glock 40 magazine will fit in this gun of course yeah I guess for me it's hard for me not be biased because when I put a Glock on my hand it's like I'm coming home you know I'm used to the trigger this has a much stiffer trigger much heavier but you know it's just easier for me to shoot well I have to say so trigger wise I don't know I I prefer the Glock trigger if you picked up the MMP you would probably most of you would prefer it much over the Glock I just thought of said it because it's a it's a pretty clean break and it's not nearly as heavy as the Gen 4 Glock so you know you have to be the judge of that because unless you've shot what you're going to do with the firearm but I like to have your trigger in general try the MSP again so trigger wise to sum that up they both have nice triggers very nice they're both striker-fired which I like and they both break in a great position a great spot I think so those are pluses and then terms of how you're going to use it you know you decide whether the light lighter triggers what you want it has a sweet trigger okay so we talked about the sizes comparisons and length and the width the height magazine capacity you know manufacturer versus Smith and Wesson's made in America it's a stainless steel slide that might be important to you what else might be important to you Smith & Wesson service seems to be really really really good the other were johnny-on-the-spot when I needed that extra slide when I let him know what happened there sent the gun to him they fix it right away then when the site dot came out they send me another site no questions asked they're very good about that and so can't complain about that a bit and this gun feels good just in general economics or these guns this one feels great and you know one things I talked about a lot with these guns and the Glock is the fact they're dehorned you don't have a lot of knobs and bells and whistles on them getting away and having a racking the slide to hurt your hand and all that sort of thing this is kind of like that not quite as good as a Glock I just rubbed on the slider block the slide lock there over there but not much there pretty much made after the same pattern as a Glock you don't have a lot of junk on there in the way things are small you know the slide lock is very unobtrusive takedown levers very unobtrusive the serrations work you know so they're there they're a nice they're a nice gun yeah really are just a little bit heavier and about it so let's take a few more shots with it okay I tend not to shoot this gun as well I don't know what it is it has a trigger just like the sr9c you know that is sweet and I feel like I should be shooting it just like the sr9c or for like the Glock it has a nice break so I'm gonna give it my my best shot here no pun intended and I'm not going to get the shooting to pass I'm just going to take a few shots as uh-oh okay all right take her time now put a cup on the gong start out there plates here okay okay okay let me bag I know I just I just can't I just for like me I cannot shoot it as well it may be just going back and forth trigger trigger so we may try one more mag but these guns are both great size guns and you're looking for a CCW gun I think if you if you shoot must and you shoot a lot you plan to shoot much this is a great size to at least consider into to contemplate and to try a lot of people get a gun that's way too big they're planning to take the carry class and shoot the thing carry the thing and they end up with something bigger than they're really happy with it happens you know over and over and you need something it's not so too small shoot well though if you don't shoot much a smaller gun is harder to shoot well no doubt about that but if you plan to practice and plan to shoot a fair amount and then the 40 does jump around a little more no doubt about that this is a great size I just looked out about it fits the hand quite well the grips are great on that but I'm determined to shoot this thing well maybe I need to come out of my holster and like this the Sundance Kid Butch Cassidy Sundance Kid try this place again okay all right maybe it's not a plate gun that's enough but now again eight inch plates are tough it doesn't matter what I'm shooting you can get into a real missing string with those things you can't see where you're going when you miss all you know you didn't hit it so alright let me try the Glock again I don't want to collect the 27 now comparing these two let's use a 23 magazine to get more shots that way alright you notice I did put the Talon grips on go tell Glock okay don't tell cover it up that grip alright I think I regarding the triggers I think I like the reset on the Glock better I noticed it seems to work better with the reset I don't like I just like just shooting better okay imagine that again in defense of the Smith I'm a I'm a Glock guy and I shoot Glocks more than anything so you know I always have that bias I'm usually even wearing the Hat so I don't try to hide that but but nice gun a really nice gun I just don't shoot it quite as well that's all but not then I demand a lot out of gun just because I can hit something pretty far away every time or speed through each place at this distance that doesn't that's no that's no measurement really for a for a gun like this that's really not what they're for as you well know and if I work with it more I'm sure I get shoot as well the Glock but it does fine it does fine and for what it's for it's a it's a sweetie so MFP 40 versus the Glock 27 I think that about covers everything I can give you any insight into they're both great guns and you just have to kind of make your own choice hopefully this helps you a little bit and man I'll tell you when you can shoot this much and all this stuff life is good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 822,547
Rating: 4.8696976 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, 27, GL27, Gl-27, M&P, Smith, Wesson, S&W, MP-40c, 40c, .40, caliber, semiautomatic, pistol, semi-auto, shooting, guns, firearms, polymer, Glocking, steel, targets
Id: okRv5wnV8t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2011
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