Compared: Glock 19 vs Glock 26

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hello everybody this is hammers director here today I've been a couple of clocks on the table I've got a Glock 26 and a Glock 19 both of these are gem 4 and both of them are chambered in 9 millimeter and we've done quite a few comparisons comparing and black to yellow Smith & Wesson or a Walther or many other guns but we do get a lot of questions and comments about people that are trying to decide between the 26 and the 19 so they've already decided they want one of the two clocks and they're trying to decide which one of the ones is better for what they're trying to do so today I'm going to show you some of the similarities and differences between them overall you know being that they're both Glocks and the way Glocks are very consistent across their line there's not a huge quantity of differences and we do have full reviews on each of these guns so I'm not going to go into a lot of details about the individual gun it's really just focus on the differences and similarities so let's start with showing that we do have unloaded weapon so they've got an unloaded Glock 26 and we've got an unloaded Rock 19 now one of the primary differences between these of course is the size the overall dimensions so on the Glock 19 it's 7.28 inches long it's 4.99 inches tall and it's 1.18 inches thick now about 26 is to say this thickness but it's 6.41 inches front to back so it's about 0.8 seven inches different and it's 0.41 7 tall and that's one of its big differences is that shorter grip sets about 0.8 2 inches now 0.8 anything inches doesn't it sound a lot until you're trying to hide this gun you're going to conceal carry it you're trying to hold it inside of a waistband or put it in a pocket that point eight inches makes a big difference I'm going to show you four oh quick second in each one of them and just all you connect to each other so if I go back to back with them you'll see it's a significant difference and that difference can make a difference if you're trying to you know especially if you're trying to carry it in the pocket and you'll notice the trigger guards are hair different in their positioning and that'll that'll factor into play with the holsters and then you can see the grip height difference and the grip is the hardest part of the gun pad when you're concealed carrying especially inside the waistband so that that difference so you know well over a finger and a little bit over that can really make the difference of being able to conceal the gun and you know effectively hide it of course would that lowered high yard giving up capacity the factory magazine on the Glock 26 is 10 rounds now they do have a pinky extender version and this is a plus one so that makes it 11 rounds but one thing to consider is once you install that shinky extender virgin you do start to give up that grip height difference so that plus one round is getting me really close to the height of a Glock 19 nice doubles of a length difference but before you do these pinky extenders for the main magazine you might want to consider what it does you're trying to solve you know one extra round you can also get these in a plus two now the Glock 19 factory magazine is 15 rounds now one thing you'll find about the Glocks is with in caliber and being single or double stacks of course the 43 wouldn't come into play but all of the nine millimeters will accept the magazine that's meant for them as well over the magazines for the next size up so I can put the Glock 19 magazine in the Glock 26 and I can also do you know any other magazines like the Glock 17 which is 17 rounds or the you know 32 around fun stick that's 31 plus one and even the drums you can put on this so within the line you know I can even put this on the nineteen Kenna who looks kind of a bit of a Frankenstein gun but it works perfectly so there is quite a bit of upper compatibility you could for example conceal carry this gun inside the waistband with the collection and again it have a nice small compact package and then have what's rated Glock 17 mag as your backup mag and you'll get get significantly more capacity in the event you need to go you know to that next magazine from a functionality perspective they function the same now they've got the internal safeties the split trigger their drop safe weapon both of them come from the factory with the you know the standard Glock u dot sights which they're all over love them or hate them some people absolutely despise the black sites and other people really do like them I happen to like them and they do work well for me and they are duck tailed at the back and there's a screw at the front so both of the sights are changeable one thing you will notice when you look at the front profile the Glock 26 is rounded this is really meant to be a carry gun and it's rounded at the front and designed to slide easier into a holster that's a little more squared off but it's still just as easy to holster now as far as holding on to the guns and using them with the block 26 with the Flex magazine you get a two finger grip you can get a nice solid two finger grip fits well it's easy to control I have no trouble controlling this gun easily getting good follow-up shots you know either one-handed or two but you do get just two fingers and you want to kind of make sure this this one here doesn't press too much against the magazine I usually either just have it out or curl it up under the magazine and then the Glock 19 you've got really a full three finger grip this one hangs off just a hair they'll put the flush magazine in but for all intents and purposes unless you have a very large hand you know you've got a full three finger grip disassembly on both these guns is the identical process and I'll take most part just to show you size differences internally so you verify it's clear pull the trigger give it a little squeeze pull them in the tab and they come apart do something with decision internals are basically the same just go difference in size a little bit of length difference also have the dual recoil springs the barrel on the Glock 26 is three point four two inches and the barrel on the Glock 19 which is this one is 4.0 one inches so you do have a slightly longer barrel in the Glock 19 the frames internally are roughly the same very minor differences a lot of the truck fire control group and other components are interchangeable between the various guns in this case the locking block is a little bit bigger than the black 19 so they're not fully interchangeable now there are some frame differences you'll see that the black 19 has a single Picatinny rail slot put lasers lights and various other things on it now it is only one slot but pretty much every aftermarket device knows that it might end up on a clock and they've designed adapters and adjustments to be able to take advantage of that single slot the twenty six does not have any slots so it's smooth that's a bit of a disadvantage in that you can't easily hang you know most Picatinny rail accessories however the aftermarket is well awared lock and there's things like this Crimson Trace rail guard that goes around the trigger guard and of course it mounts flush if I had it in there properly there wouldn't be a gap and activates a little button here so when you get a firing grip the laser comes on and it's kind of automatic laser comes on so there's lots of ways to put lasers and lights on the Glock 26 simply because the aftermarket support is so broad we go ahead and put these things back together and talk about holsters a little bit of course very easy to put back together you just open them up cycle and you're back in business there's quite a few holsters out on the market there's two Santa's nemesis but the Glock 26 in it this basically is my lead EC setup the Glock 26 would this Crimson Trace laser guard in this to Santa's nemesis holster drop charging to a pocket you've got Remora makes holsters that will fit like the Glock 19 and there are a number of inside the waistband and outside the waistband holsters that are available such as kayaks now one thing you will find is this difference in profile from the front does make it where the Glock 26 and black 19 Kydex holsters are not always interchangeable so for example here's a Glock 26 Kydex holster retention retained on the trigger guard and this one has the locking mechanism up above away from the trigger guard so if you get in a panic and you jam it when your finger slams up against the gun it's going to slam against the continent into the trick so you're very unlikely to it'll get in a panic and jam it and jam your finger in a cold trigger which you'll find that the Glock 19 doesn't fit it goes in but it won't lock and then take this to Santis for the black 19 I'm sorry not a DeSantis a AWI it lacks in place the black 19 fits in it same basic functionality but the Glock 26 won't even go in far enough to start to lock so there are some differences in holsters so if you do decide that you're going to let's say solve the problem by buying bolts which is what we did you may have to get two holsters one that fit to 26 and 150 19 and but that's your left a minor issue between the two and both of them are very versatile so from the standpoint of you know which would you get some of that really comes down to your own personal opinion if you're wanting to carry in the pocket you're wanting the smallest of the double stack blocks this is it right here this gun rides out with me pretty much every day and if it doesn't it's one of the single stacks because of what I'm wearing the Glock 19 is real versatile it's not a pocket gun I mean you can do it but it's really not a pocket gun so that you are kind of limited to inside the waistband but it's fun at the range it's comfortable to range at full size grip and a little bit more capacity makes it where it's also suitable for nightstand you know much anything you want to do if you're going to buy just one you need to compromise and you want to give up pocket this is the one to do it with if pockets of necessity and it is for me that's how I carry most of the time then the Glock 26 goes from the pocket you know into and inside the waistband or on the nightstand so you kind of gives you the best of both worlds overall that's kind of the differences and similarities between them hopefully that was helpful information if you've kind of settled yourself on a Glock and you're trying to decide between the 26 and the 19 gives you a little bit of information to work with both of them tend to routinely be found around the $549 territory for the Gen 4 so the price is you know roughly the same in most cases so if you happen to like our videos please give us a thumbs up share subscribe and check us out on Facebook and one last thing if you're a member of GS SF you get a very significant discount on these Glocks if you're into box and you enjoy competition shooting for fun that's a good organization to check out and the discounts kind of a side benefit other than that thank you and have a great day you you
Channel: Hammer Striker
Views: 491,829
Rating: 4.8901863 out of 5
Keywords: hammer striker, weapon, gun, handgun, defense, pistol, firearm, rifle, hunting, concealed carry, cwl, ccw, zombie, shooting sport, florida gun channel, review, Glock, 19, 26, vs, vs., versus, compared, comparison, gen4, gen 4, gen 5, gen 4.5, Gunny, 9mm, 9 mm, 1st handgun, choosing
Id: xtJrb5qV2o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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