Glock 19 vs Glock 26

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everyone so today I'm gonna be doing a video that I'm definitely a little bit late to the party on however it's something that I've had some people ask me about and one of my close friends from the air force asked me about it so I figured I should go ahead and do a video on my thoughts on the topic so today's video is gonna be Glock 19 versus Glock 26 now you might be able to tell which one I carry more just based on how these two are set up but nonetheless we're going to do my best I'm gonna do my best to try to give you my thoughts between these two guns and if you're trying to just pick one especially is like your first carry gun or your first gun in general hopefully I can give you some idea of which one is maybe better suited for your needs now in this video I'm gonna be talking about shoot ability accuracy reliability concealed ability and just kind of those intangibles I guess that I'm gonna try to do my best to articulate to you guys again to hopefully give you the information you need to make a decision on these two guns now first what I'm going to go ahead and do is just run down the features of these two guns and I'm gonna go ahead and start with the Glock 19 because honestly they're gonna be so similar but might as well just start with the Glock 19 now unfortunately these are not going to be configured identically this is definitely not how it comes configured from Glock however we should still be able to give you a rough idea of the features of this gun and I guess really quick things that have changed I've changed the sights here these are the Amerigo pros I have a dedicated review on these they're definitely one of my favorites as far as defensive use I've used these in several several classes and I really like them I have a fax and Firearms threaded match barrel in here which has been serving me really well as you'll see and then right now I have the O light peel mini down here on the accessory rail that's one of the things big things you're going to notice different between the Glock 19 and the Glock 26 so here you can see that there is a little accessory rail down here which is going to be can conspicuously or inconspicuously however you view it absent on the Glock 26 so that's one of the biggest differences and then in both of these guns I have OC custom triggers installed and then there they both have a little bit of grip tape up here which may sound weird to people however if you're doing single-handed manipulation this makes it really really easy to be able to just with pressure be able to cycle the slide on these could be a single handed manipulations lock the slide back etc and then they're both Jenn force if I didn't already mention that so while this one has the sock texturing the Glock 26 as you'll see momentarily is stippled so let's go ahead and switch to that one so here we have my Gen 4 Glock 26 pretty much everything is exactly the same as the Glock 19 except we are shorter from the back to front shorter from top to bottom and we don't have an accessory round now this one still has the Glock factory sights installed up here on the top but still OC custom triggers and I have stippled the grip on this one and I'll probably touch on that more towards the end of the video as to why I did it on this one and not my Glock 19 so the first thing I'm going to go ahead and cover in this video is the concealed ability between these two guns because I know that a lot of people who are considering these two are considering them for concealed carry and they want to know what kind of difference it makes now this is only going to be from my point of view because I am my own size and I'm probably not your size but hopefully this will give you some food for thought for making your own decision so obviously one of the big things that people are going to be considering when it comes to the Glock 19 versus a Glock 26 is concealability so what I did is I brought out three different holsters two of them are intended to be like appendix holsters and then one for claw kind of hybrid holster this is the Galco keen tuck by the way and it's our tactical c1 I believe and then this one I believe C squared I've tried getting in touch with this guy to find out more about these holsters because I actually got this one secondhand really really liked it but I don't know how to tell you to get one because it's really hard to get in touch with that guy anyway so but this is the holster that I typically carry when I'm carrying with a light without a light and then with this king tuck now the great thing is about these two guns is because the dimensions are almost the same as far as the actual core of the gun got 26 and Glock 19 will work in all of these holsters so what I'm going to do is just show you how well they conceal on me now I'm six-two on the wrong side of 230 pounds right now so just take that into consideration and I'm also wearing kind of what I would normally wear I intentionally wore a more form-fitting shirt because a lot of times I've also seen people doing tests with these where they're wearing a shirt so baggy they could probably conceal a shotgun and to be that that doesn't do anyone any favors this will be a little bit more representative of what type of concealability you can probably expect with these holsters alright so right now I have that C squared appendix holster light bearing holster with my clock 19 I have a mag inserted and I have also a backup mag over here so this is from the front from the right side and from the left side now the nice thing about appendix holsters is if I turn around there's really no indication of a holster and typically more people know about four o'clock carry so people are typically going to be looking in this region that's one of the reasons I like appendix carry however when we switched to the Galco obviously you'll probably see a little bit of a different view from behind so again for the front here I'll just do a full turnaround and again full sight will compact technically Glock 19 right here alright so now we have again the same C squared holster but with the Glock 26 then I have a Glock 26 mag over here so up again I'm just going to do a full turnaround here so you can get an idea of the difference in concealed ability between these two holsters all right and now aside by side all right so now I have the Galco king tuck on it has been years since I've worn this holster so I've kind of forgotten how it feels but I got it at approximately the 4 o'clock position back here so again I'll do a little turnout and I've also ditched the mag pouch just because if I don't have a gun balancing out up here I'm probably also not going to have any mag pouch to balance out up here so again I'll just do a quick turn around and you can see what it looks like with the gaol cocaine talking let's try the Glock 26 all right so now we have the Glock 26 back here in the Galco king tuck again no back up mag up here at all so let's go ahead and do again a quick turn around so you can see the difference and now side by side okay so the NSR tax will holster looked pretty much identical to you C squared so I'm not going to take time to show that one separately so for grins and giggles since I had this NSR tacked on one set up for left hand carry anyway let's just show what it would be like with both of them in case you wanted the best of both worlds so just do a quick turnaround here alright there you go so right now I want to go ahead and talk about the accuracy of these two guns now I'm just shooting reloads however the relay reloads I shoot seem to shoot pretty consistently thankfully so all these groups are gonna see our 10 round groups out of the Glock 19 and Glock 26 now the first group I shot with the Glock 19 was down here at the bottom and this one you could ignore this one was shot up here alright sorry about that went ahead and adjusted my setting so you can see these holes better so this one right here actually is from when I was doing just some fun shooting up here this was my first ten shot group from my Glock 19 these are all shot at 7 yards not a terrible group but not anything to write home about either but I was also my first group of the day so take that into consideration then I switched to my Glock 26 and shot this group right here so all 10 rounds are in just over an inch and these were all shot standing now I didn't have a downrange camera on for this one because I didn't think I was gonna need them however that group is so good I was like well some people might not believe me which I guess it's tough cookies so I went ahead put a downrange camera on and then I shot this group with my clock 19 again 10 rounds there we're looking at again actually yeah still about an inch and a quarter Center to Center on that 10 shot group so I was able to close it back down then I decided to switch back to my Glock 26 and get a recorded group and then it just went to hell and strung it out Ridley pad I also noticed I was kind of going a little quicker in that one so if you take your time with the Glock 26 you can be definitely just as accurate as I can be with the Glock 19 and the Glock 19 just FYI has effects and Firearms threaded match barrel which has been running really well for me and then my Glock 26 just as the regular clock factory barrel if I'd have thought about it a little bit more probably would've brought my own a Glock factory barrel for my 19 but you know I think this is a little bit more representative test of my guns because that's how I carry that gun and I might as well get time training with how I carry so to hopefully test out one of the aspects of shoot ability what I'm going to be doing now is drawing from concealment from my regular position and firing at a b27 silhouette style target and I have a camera on the target downrange which is still at about 7 yards and just got to draw in fire one round as fast as I can and I'm gonna try to keep all these shots within the nine ring so we'll see if there is a like an appreciable difference between drawing with the 19 versus drawing with the 26 you know what just to see if I have my shot timer app I don't so I'm just gonna have to do the best I can to approximate approximate the times in editing so you guys will know better than me by the end of this test if there's an appreciable difference just because I won't know until I get in the editing base so again I'm just gonna take five shots shooting one at a time drawing and firing into hopefully the nine zone on the turn downrange just got a double check that my camera downrange is recording cuz I would suck alright we're recording so far okay alright alright so all those are definitely within the nine ring I'm almost within that ten ring there so let me go ahead grab the Glock 26 and we'll try the same thing I'm gonna go ahead and just use the same holster as last time just to hopefully keep everything as fair as possible and I can still draw from this holster with this gun no problem actually let me go ahead and paste over those hits so we can tell the difference I'll paste it up let's go ahead and try this again with the Glock 26 okay weights a lot different so try to fix it this next one all right well kept them all in the nine ring thankfully but it's a little bit more open so let's go ahead may that target back here and we'll talk about it okay so this is the target we had at seven yards now the ones that are pasted over are the Glock 19 shots and then these ones that you can still see or from the Glock 26 now I can just say right now after going back to back you can tell that I have a lot more practice with the Glock 19 because all those shots are a little bit tighter timing didn't feel too significantly different to me some felt a little faster some felt a little slower for both guns but we kept them all on the 9 rank which was my goal however with the Glock 18 I kept them all in the ten ring whereas I had at least one playing very dangerous here with the edge of the nine ring so totally subjectively speaking right now I noticed that with the clock 26 because it's a little bit smaller to grab on to even as I was bringing my support hand in there it was a little harder to instinctively index on target that said we still didn't do a terrible job again if I was taking my time as you saw in the accuracy we can still do it with a Glock 26 but for me I think this is where the vast majority of my training is showing off of that clock 19 just being a little bit more familiar with that weight and that feel to get those shots a little bit tighter in that quick time one of the things that I want to talk about is just the way they feel in hand now there's not an enormous difference between these two guns again from basically here to about here they feel completely identical to the point where they fit in both of those same holsters assuming that you have like an open and holster down here especially with like a threaded barrel they feel very very similar the biggest difference is with the Glock 26 some people like myself you can't quite get your pinkie or around the so if you look here my pinky can just kind of float around here in no-man's land and I can't really get that on the gun now to me that's not a huge issue that's not something that is a deal breaker for me I still have no problem shooting it like this and honestly that's kind of one of the reasons I Sibbald it is just because there is less surface area here I wanted to make sure the little surface area that was there really really locks in on my hand and it seems to have helped honestly I don't think it's a requirement I think that gen 4 and Gen 5 texturing for that matter is good enough that you don't have to stipple it but I did because I wanted to I know that answer I know that answer won't be good enough for everyone but you know whatever and one thing I should say between both of these I did undercut the trigger guard here just speak and I have tutorial videos on how to do that at tutorial videos on sibling too by the way because as for shoot ability on these ergonomic lis they're not perfect there's usually a Ledge like right here that digs into your fingers after shooting and it gets really annoying so by rounding that out it just makes it a little bit more suitable but as far as shooting in comparison to the Glock 19 it's gonna have a little bit more felt recoil because you don't have the same weight fighting against that recoil as you do with the Glock 19 but really the difference is difference is pretty negligible you can still be fast you can still be accurate bugs are eating me alive right now you can still be fast you can still be accurate with these guns whether you go with a Glock 26 or the Glock 19 now that said if we're just going for pure shoot ability the Glock 19 is going to give you a slight edge but again they're both going to be suitable guns especially if you train and you practice and use proper technique you're not gonna have any problem shooting either of these guns now one thing I want to mention when it comes to the lack of ability to get pinky on down here if you're using the flush fit mags and yes definitely however a lot of people do choose to get those like plus two extensions which gives you something to really get that bottom finger on so again that kind of eliminates that problem also you can get like the 15 round Glock 19 mags which again is gonna give you something to grab onto down there but you're really getting rid of that little advantage of guesswork as far as concealed ability by making the grip length a little bit longer since grip length is really where a lot of the concealed ability comes from and just by way of comparison with the Glock 19 here I have a full firing grip and all my fingers are fully on this grip without any problem whatsoever one of the most important things when it comes to any handgun especially when you're going to be using for personal protection is reliability and I can honestly say between both of these the 19 and the 26 really how my comics for that matter they have been absolutely reliable I have zero hesitation trusting my life to either of these handguns just because time and time again they prove have proven themselves to just be inherent inherently reliable which is no surprise for a Glock that's just kind of their reputation and they've earned that reputation one other thing I want to address between these two guns is the difference in terminal ballistics now you are getting up a little bit of velocity when you drop down to the Glock 26 obviously with a slightly shorter barrel however in my opinion if you're using good quality defensive ammo like I typically carry with federal HSTs I don't think that that difference is really worth discussing because when it comes to pistol calibers all pistol calibers are underpowered just flat-out across-the-board unless you're getting into some of those super big you know wheel gun calibers they're all going to be underpowered so the most important thing when it comes to handguns is shot placement that's one of the things I like about 9-millimeter typically I can carry more rounds than a gun of the same size and 40 or 45 and because of the lower recoil I can get those faster follow-up shots so if I don't get it in a vital area in my first shot I can get it with one of my successive shots after that so shot placement is super super huge and that's why I'm really happy to see small groups like the ones I shot earlier yeah I had some bigger groups but I also had some small girls so I don't think that the difference in terminal ballistics that you're going to get with a slightly shorter barrel in the Glock 26 is really gonna be that big of a difference for you as someone who is carrying you know everyday concealed so what I'm gonna go ahead and do now is recap the tests we've already done and then go into the intangibles and kind of wrap up my thoughts about these guys so when it comes to concealability the Glock 26 definitely gets a slight edge just because of that shorter grip length now again if you add longer mags or add those little pinky extensions you do get rid of that advantage at least some of it if not all of it however both of these are still gonna they're exactly the same thickness so you're not saving a lot there when you drop down to the 26 so if you if you really want to conceal better get a Glock 43 or Smith & Wesson shield something single stack it's gonna be even easier to conceal but at least between these two good lock 26 definitely gets the edge in concealability but not by that much I'm also 6 to 230 pounds so take that into consideration when it comes to conceal ability there may be a more pronounced difference on some more smaller statured people out there so take that into consideration as for our shoot ability we in my hands I had a slight edge with the clock 19 still not bad with a Glock 26 and I definitely have a lot more training under my belt with the Glock 19 and a lot more practice under my belt with the Glock 19 so that could definitely contribute there but they're gonna both not bad but the 19 gets a slight edge now when it comes to accuracy in my opinion as far as I'm concerned that they're pretty much going to be equal Glocks are not going to be match accurate no matter what you do not in comparison to some of those more inherently accurate designs out there but in practical shooting as you saw for my targets earlier I would give accuracy kind of equal marks between these two because if you train enough with them you can perform well enough with both of them so equal marks between these two and then obviously reliability is again gonna be equal between these two because they're just both boringly reliable so at this point I'm gonna go ahead and start getting into those a little bit more kind of gray area differences and maybe not so gray area in some cases but some of the differences where I really think you're gonna notice one gun versus the other now the biggest benefit in my opinion to the Glock 19 over the Glock 26 is the ease of attaching accessories such as a light again like this a light peel mini which again still in testing so far so good but you'll know more when I do my actual or if you want it I like when I can to have a weapon mounted light like this Oh light peel mini in my own experience in training classes like low light classes active shooter classes it's way easier to shoot a gun and use a light together when it's on a the same gun than it is to have a handheld flashlight and a gun at the same time because typically if you're using a handheld light and again you can only have one hand on the gun which is not ideal but if I do need to use a light and not point a gun at somebody I always have a light in a pocket that I can use as a handheld light separate from my gun if I have to have one or the other I carry both if I can now there are options coming out that will allow you to mount a light to a Glock 26 however those options are going to be much fewer and more far between whereas with these type of rail mounted lights there's a lot of options a lot of very affordable options so you'll have a lot more to choose from with something like a Glock 26 or even a Glock 17 for that matter but as far as the rest of the accessories it's going to be pretty even between the two of them all sites that work for a Glock 19 work for a Glock 26 all mags that work for a Glock 19 work for a Glock 26 not necessarily the other way around but anything 15 rounds or more will work in this anything 10 rounds or more will work in this you can get threaded barrels for both you can get holsters for both and as you saw usually depending on how the holster is designed if it works for a Glock 19 it'll work for a Glock 26 so again other than weapon mounted lights it's gonna be pretty even between the two of these now people will always bring up well you get a longer sight radius with a Glock 19 but if you can see I'm just gonna hold these where the sights are you can tell it's really not that much different you get a little bit longer with a Glock 19 but really not that much difference so again that's why I can't gave them even marks when it comes to accuracy because you're really not sacrificing much as far as sight radius goes going to the Glock 26 and because of all the compatibility between parts for both of these guns I really think that between these two guns just get one whichever one you think you're slightly leaning toward more and if you don't like it pretty much all your accessories are gonna carry over again the only exception being well here let me just demonstrate so Glock 26 here 10 round Glock magazine fits flush just like that we have a 15 round Glock magazine it still works and we'll feed just fine and then we have a 17 round mag pull mag again fits in there you'll run just fine you can get the 33 round mags I've run them through these and they run just fine by contrast we at the Glock 19 here 10 round Glock mag falls right back out a 15-round mag are viously fits flush and then the 17 round mag will work just fine anything again over 15 rounds is going to work through these Glock 19's again including those 33 round magazines so again to sum up if I were you I would probably buy the Glock 19 first and then if it ends up not working out for you it's very very easy to find someone wanting to buy a Glock 19 especially when used because typically they're gonna save some money that way and then you can just go ahead and buy a Glock 26 again all the accessories are gonna carry over so you're really not losing out again if even if you buy aftermarket sights like this one you can take them off put the original sights back on and when you get your Glock 26 just swap the sights back out because they aren't compatible the only thing that's not going to be compatible is that weapon I'm late so I really think again if I were you go with the Glock 19 if it doesn't work out go with the Glock 26 that said if you've been kind of leaning towards the Glock 26 and you were just watching this video to try to get that confirmation bias to hopefully have me tell you to buy a Glock 26 buy the Glock 26 again if you don't like it you can sell it a Glock Nate any nine-millimeter Glock is gonna sell well in the user market and then buy a Glock 19 or as I did buy both and then you know you're totally squared away there so hopefully I was able to answer some questions for you I was hopefully able to give you some good talking points of but the differences between these two both tangibles and intangibles so if I didn't answer the specific question you were looking for good and throw a comment down below or the easiest way to get in touch with me honestly is to send me a message on patreon I make it a point to respond to every single message I get from my patron whereas I can't always say the same thing about YouTube YouTube I just there's there's too much there for me to go through I can't respond to everyone so again if you want good leave a comment down below I'll try to get back to you but you know it is what it is I am also uploading to full30 now so definitely check that out at very least I would recommend subscribing over there even if you don't watch videos over there I get it it's not super easy to do however YouTube has demonstrated that they're willing to take down Khan channels like mine they've taken down one of my videos already so at least if something happens by being a subscriber on full30 you'll be able to at least follow what's going on even if you don't actually watch videos they're normally and then again I do have a patreon page and the people supporting me over there really go a long way in making videos like this one happens so I'll get off my soapbox on that one but I definitely recommend checking it out links all be below to all those so anyway with all that said as always I hope you get something out of this video and I really appreciate you watching
Channel: OreGear
Views: 48,478
Rating: 4.8649349 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, 26, vs, 19, G26, G19, comparison, test, compare, which should I buy, concealed carry, accuracy, concealability, concealable, holster, magazine, easy to shoot, handgun, pistol, 9mm, double stack, glock 43, which is better, first gun, oregear
Id: pWEq3LK1bhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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