Shooting 9mm in your .40... just a barrel swap away!

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hello Lenny McGill with Glock store Performance Center today we're going to talk about conversion barrels in specifically converting your Glock 40 caliber to shoot 9-millimeter we sell a lot of conversion barrels at the shows we shall a ton of them people always ask the same question well can I use a standard 9-millimeter barrel to drop into my 22 to shoot 9 mil and the answer is no it's not a standard barrel in fact it's a special conversion barrel and what's special about it is the way that the hood area is cut it's different on the 40 caliber than it is on a 9 millimeter hence a standard barrel will not fit into the cutout the ejection port of the slide that's why I won't work really so one of the main reasons it won't work but let me demonstrate real quickly and we'll show you how the conversion barrels work first of all this is a Glock 22 full size 40 caliber I'm going to go ahead and inspect to see if it is in fact unloaded pull the trigger in a safe direction and now let me go ahead and do the basic disassembly wrap my hand around the top of the gun like so squeeze back just a little bit just to bring this slide back a little bit in then off of the slide lock come up with both fingers thumb and finger on both sides of the gun and squeeze down on the slide lock and pull down and keep that down and then release the slide and push it forward to get it past the slide lock in and pull this light off now be careful not to let the slide slip away because we've seen when they fall down like this onto the floor concrete floor bang you can dent crack or break this part right here and basically the slide is ruined and needs to be replaced so be careful when you take the slide off that you don't let it slip away from you grab ahold of it just like I did in the video there okay so now there is our upper I'm going to go ahead and remove the standard guide rod just by lifting it out a little bit of pressure and then the Browse is going to go ahead and pop out as well okay so this is your standard 40 caliber barrel Glock factory barrel and what we have here is a conversion barrel this is a 40 caliber barrel on the outside in every way but the diameter is nine millimeter you'll notice the size you also notice the wall thickness of the barrel compared to the factory 40 caliber so that's nine mil here and this one is 40 Cal so obviously what you're seeing is you're seeing that this conversion barrel looks like a 40 caliber barrel on the outside but shoots nine millimeter on the inside so one of the things that people always ask a say well okay can I take my 40 caliber excuse me my nine millimeter and shoot 40 caliber and the answer is no you can't do that because the barrel size won't fit through the hole in the slide all right so beam that's why it doesn't work because your nine millimeter hole is smaller than the 40 caliber hole but you can take the 40 caliber down to nine mil all right so that being said what we do is we take our 40 caliber - 9 mil conversion barrel and we just drop it into the slide that's it and you'll see that it locks up perfectly in the ejection port and then go ahead and take my guide rod drop it in and that's basically it reassemble the gun and it's ready to go and shoot a 9-mil now here's the million dollar question I mean it happens every time people say well that's great can I use my 40 caliber magazines to shoot a 9-mil and the answer is yes and no so you can actually use a 40 caliber magazine to feed and function 9-millimeter ammo and I'm going to prove it to you here in this video the factory answer is no you shouldn't do that and in reality you shouldn't because you're going to find that there's a slight difference between the two magazines now here on my right hand is a 9 millimeter magazine and here's a 40 caliber magazine they are basically identical in the tube size and the outside in every way alright the difference you're going to find is in the feed lips and of course one says 40 caliber and the other says 9 mil right there but the feed lips are different and how different are they well let's just see real quick Oh turn my calipers on here the 40 caliber measures 0.38 all right and Glock has some tolerance is there so yours may be a little bit lesser a little bit more the 9 millimeter feed lips measure 0.34 3 4 5 and again you may find a little bit of difference here's another Glock magazine that's 40 caliber and this guy is going to be 0.37 7 so again a little difference between some of the magazines but the the real difference between the 40 and the 9 is going to be point zero four or point zero three five so that's the difference in the opening so in reality it's not that big of a difference and also in reality it will actually hold a nine-millimeter round so here's my 40 caliber magazine and there's a nine-millimeter round and it does hold it in fact you can actually load up several leaves and it's going to go ahead and and just hold them all now the question will be will it feed and function reliably and I've done several little tests before this video because you know I get that question so often and you know my answer is always the same yes it'll probably work but you probably shouldn't rely upon it because you're going to have some kind of feed issues at some time and that's exactly what happens yes it does work yes you can shoot nine-millimeter out of your 40 caliber magazine but every once in a while you'll have what's kind of a double feed the the mag will not hold the round and you'll have to jump up instead of one I personally have shot many different magazines and have had no flaws and I've shot a couple so maybe three out of ten magazines I've had some issues so it's not perfect but it will work and if you're just out blinking and having fun yes you can use your 40 caliber Glock with a nine millimeter conversion barrel and your 40 caliber magazines now to take this down and one more step we're going to get out of the range and we're going to shoot these nine millimeter rounds through this 40 caliber magazine with our nine millimeter conversion Brown alright now here there are tactical range here in San Diego California and we're going to test the Glock 22 with the 9-millimeter conversion barrel using nine-millimeter ammo of course in our 40 caliber magazine now we know it's going to fit the question is will it function and all we can do is test here we go eyes and ears and looking good so far yeah seems like it's working and it Lots back as well so the answer to the question can I use my 40 caliber magazine to shoot 9-millimeter rounds with a conversion barrel and a 40-caliber Glock is yes as demonstrated thanks for watching I'm Lenny McGill we'll see you next time you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 466,852
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: Glock (Weapon), 9mm, .40, Shooting Sport (Sport), barrel conversion, glockstore, handgun
Id: _H6NNdj4NzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2013
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