Glock 27, The Mountain Gun

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what's maybe another role that I see this gun fitting into probably one of the best roles that I see this gun fitting into is the mountain gun the hiking gun the backpacking gun [Music] hello my friends Late Boy Scout here with my review of the Glock 27 semi-automatic handgun that's the subcompact Glock in 40 Cal during the course of this review I will probably disregard a lot of information about the gun a lot of the specs a lot of a lot of information about the size I will tell you that the weight is about 26 ounces but I'm gonna disregard some of that other stuff because so much of it is very easily found online and I don't want to waste time talking about it here I'll try to compare it a little bit to some other guns not really bringing them in but just talking about the guns and mostly I want to focus this review on some of the roles that I see this gun fitting into the best so we can see right now that it's unloaded which means that it's safe to handle and we can also see that it's wearing something called clip draw I'm not going to talk very much about that at all look at some of my other videos if you want to know what clip draw is and how it works I'm gonna leave that alone for now though so the Glock 27 clearly a subcompact Glock as I mentioned before what that means is this is one of Glocks best about the best offering front block as far as concealed carry is concerned now prior to the introduction of the subcompact Glock we have the compact blocks this is a Glock 19 the 40 Cal equivalent would be the Glock 23 you can see that there is definitely a difference in size okay handle is much shorter the slide is much shorter okay there is definitely a difference in size meaning that this one is going to be an easier one to carry however does that make it ideal for concealed carry you know that's that's some of the questions we want to ask and I don't think that this is one of the best guns you can buy for concealed carry strike that I don't think this is the best gun you can buy for concealed carry it is one of the better ones for sure when you talk about Glock you talk about reliability and that's what everybody says and that's what everybody understands when you get into a Glock simple you know really really easy to use there's no safety no external safety on it whatsoever this all the safeties are internal and I'll deactivate it by that little press right there on that little blade in the trigger okay so simplicity simplicity is this is great and when we can get that in a semi-automatic handgun you're doing really really well and that's probably one of the reasons why it is a very good concealed carry handgun and defensive handgun so I think that that right there is a an excellent role to put the Glock 27 it's not the best for that and I'll talk about that a little bit further there are definitely guns that are slimmer okay slimmer than this blocky Glock 27 which is over an inch wide if I'm not mistaken okay so you can definitely do better in regards to that also the slide you know it's pretty short but it can get shorter than that there are definitely some shorter ones out there ergonomically you know that grip is kind of fat kind of fat alright so you can bring that in a little bit if that fits your hand a little better with some other guns the car c m9 comes to mind lots of other ones coming to that kind of like if you want to stick the 40 cal again there's a car CM 40 and then a bunch of other guns that are excellent in the 40 count so I can definitely recommend it for that but will probably tell you to look at some other guns if you really want to be able to conceal carry very very consistently okay okay I'll leave that subject alone for now what's maybe another roll that I see this gun fitting into probably one of the best roles that I see this gun fitting into is the mountain gun the hiking gun the backpacking gun the hunting gun though not hunting with this gun you don't go take this to try to take down a bear absolutely not that's stupid you bring that gun for when your other gun fails or let's say it's on your shoulder and you can't get it into action fast enough because a bear or mountain lion or whatever it is is up on you all of a sudden sentries you've got about you know a few seconds to draw and present and shoot okay that's when you want something like this really accessible and on your side is it too small well that's something you're gonna have to decide for yourself will it fit into your you know into your system correctly you know properly will you be able to draw that and present it and get it on target fast enough well that's for you to decide and you may say that no the Glock 23 is gonna be a better size gun for me but keep in mind that by picking up the Glock 23 this is a 19 again but the same size it's 23 you're gonna be adding 3 ounces to your look not 3 ounces I think 4 ounces to your loadout fully loaded the 19 and 23 are about 30 plus ounces 32 ounces I think so bear that in mind well how much is this about 26 ounces I think I said that at beginning the video 26 ounces so 4 ounces does that make enough of a difference for you that you want that subcompact size you know it's not just a matter of weight it's also size maybe it is really hard for you to incorporate that into everything else that you're carrying so maybe the subcompact is really right up there well in my view in the ways that I use a handgun in the outdoors the way that I carry a handgun in that in the outdoors I find that the Glock 27 is you know it might just be tops it might just be as good as it gets because you've got that lightweight 26 ounces is relatively light a great round count by the way this is a 9 yeah 9 round magazine and that's the one without the extended baseplate extended baseplate gives you 10 rounds in here plus one in the chamber if you choose to carry one in the chamber oh and you probably should but anyway so what I'm saying is you know you've got good round count and relative to the weight it's you know it's a very very good amount of firepower let's say what are some guns that would compare to that that you might choose instead of a mountain we're talking outside of the realm of semi-autos and that pretty much puts us in revolvers well a lot of people look at revolvers and go that's a great mountain gun because it's super reliable you know nothing can go wrong with a revolver nothing can jam well you're basically right you're basically right about that however most of those revolvers that you might carry in the same role that you would put it down like this way how much well fully loaded Ruger SP 101 from our research is approximately 30 ounces same as this fully loaded okay and how many rounds do you get in the Glock 23 I'm not mistaken not 15 I think it's 13 or is it 12 well anyway in the Glock 27 it's 10 plus or 9 plus 1 so 10 rounds okay double what you get in that little revolver that weighs 4 ounces more okay so and are you really giving anything up by way of reliability with choosing a Glock most people will say absolutely not absolutely not I don't think you are I very happy that I'm very happy and feel very equipped very well equipped when I have a Glock 27 in the wilderness now we can also talk about some other options for wilderness use and different wilderness defensive use like bear spray okay and that's a lot of folks will tell you that that's even better as a deterrent than a handgun now I'm beginning I'm beginning to subscribe to that idea actually and I won't go off on too much of a tangent there but I I really do think that bear spray makes a lot of sense some folks will say hey yeah I don't want to ever kill anything out there I just want to be able to defend my life so I'd rather have bear spray okay more power to you guess what you just saved like 20 ounces seriously because the can of bear spray weighs like eight ounces eight nine ounces well my point is as I'm doing this review guys and I'm going gone a little longer than I meant to the Glock 27 is a very good gun for concealed carry not the best and a very good option for outdoor use for carrying in the wilderness and protecting yourself but is it the best there hmm that's kind of hard to say to whatever the case if you are happy with a 40 Cal in a gun and you definitely want to have a gun in the wilderness I don't think you can do a lot better than the Glock 27 and that's my review of this excellent gun one that's also very ubiquitous and easy to find and well well-known unbel a Boy Scout thanks for watching I'll see you later
Channel: The Late Boy Scout
Views: 169,475
Rating: 4.4770565 out of 5
Keywords: thelateboyscout, the late boy scout, glock 27, .40, .40 cal, .40 s&w, sub-compact, pocket gun, baby glock, glock, pistol, handgun, semi-auto, firearm, mountain, self defense, wilderness, hiking, backpacking, lion, bear, hunting, backup, gun
Id: xq-dkVTBPX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2013
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