Glock 18

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[Laughter] hitchcock 45 here with his glock 17. oh no wait a minute one more right glock 18 yes i think i put them all in the same pack you know i should have spread those around shouldn't i shared the wealth well that's good we may have a few more to shoot there so it's empty that's a quick way to to shoot 33 rounds isn't it wow glock 18 came here to show you uh what it's about and explain a little bit of the history of it not just shoot it up okay uh and of course we really appreciate the ammo from federal premium because uh we're going to splurge a little more than we normally would during this ammo apocalypse right because we have a glock 18 from silencer central belongs to them and we really appreciate silencer central helping us out and lending us the glock 18 because these are kind of rare you know in a lot of ways this is a real one it's not a converted glock 17. although it's the same thing really but this is an actual glock 18. it's not the c model it's the standard glock 18 third generation glock okay that we'll be shooting and talking about showing you the insides of it and some things like that okay and we also appreciate the sonoran desert institute take some distance distance learning you might learn how to work on a machine pistol right in wow they have helped us for so long and we get so many guns from them and so much assistance don't forget about budsgunshot and let me go over here and show this to you you might not have seen a glock 18 that's what this happens to be okay it's clear you got the little fun switch on it of course you might have seen the little bowling pin video we did but you didn't really see the firearm at this point so you have one notch for semi you bring it down for two notches and that's oh is that burst fire no it's full auto okay so uh yeah glock 18 the real deal gen 3 glock and uh yeah it tends to work now in the interest of control i did put some talon grips on it okay because i wanted to be able to shoot this thing and you know hang on to it well and if you have experience doing it and we've shot a lot of full auto the glock 17 we had we have several videos posted on that so john and i have pretty well learned how to handle these things hold on to them and not do anything silly okay or dangerous uh but you really do want a good grip and uh i don't get a good grip necessarily on the stock uh grips especially gen 1 gen 2 gen 3 you know glocks get the gen four they're a little bit better and which reminds me i don't know if they make this yet in gen four you all might know but uh they made the glock 18 in the first generation second generation and third generation which is what this one is uh in the glock 18 as i understand they may by now have a glock gen 4 out maybe even a gen 5 i don't know but uh they're a little bit different and we'll show you the inside okay in a minute let's take another shot though if you want to okay i've got several kinds of magazines and i've got standard mags they work in it too you don't have to have a 33 round mag you you do realize that okay and of course you can fire semi-auto let me show you i'll put a regular mag and show you you can shoot semi-auto with this thing and uh this could be your carry gun right put in the holster playing fine the holster there we go i head back oh it slipped back on me okay so you know i could have a glock 18 as my uh my carry gun right probably not but you pull it out it's on semi-auto and uh it's just like anything else right boom all right how about the tree or you could flip the switch and change things up a little bit so well you know that had a little malfunction we've not uh not really had that yet we've been we've been really fortunate it's got one round in it should we should we fire it full auto let's do one round left uh i saw a video where somebody with the glock 18 are saying that with these long mags they were having some malfunction issues once they got the mag about halfway down because of the speed of the slide and everything i don't know we on that glock 17 we had and on this one really we've not had too much trouble uh maybe a certain ammo i think of maybe one or two issues i just had something right there but i think it probably does call on the spring the strength of the spring as much as anything does usually it's heavier bullets that put pressure on the the magazine spring like big old heavy 45s are really bad about that as soon as your spring starts getting weak on a 1911 mag for example at last round or two sometimes will hang up it's an indicator you got a weaker spring so anyway it does demand a lot of the springs what i'm trying to say but uh so far we've had pretty good luck with it and a lot of you are looking at these and so you know like we always do we want to give you an honest evaluation of it because don't you buying yours out of ignorance i want you to kind of know at least what our opinion is and what our impression of this okay because you know they're not easy to find and when you do find one and you lay down your bucks uh you know i want you to make an educated decision i got my glock 17 out here now it's a gen 4 but basically the same firearm right and now i've got it all frank and steined up so it fits my hand really well with talon grips and talon tape and different things but that's the difference you got the fun switch on the glock 18 right the uh glock 18 came out in about well 86 1986 it was designed developed in the mid 80s came out in 86 and it was right at that time with the hughes amendment and everything and so there are very very few of these that are transferable okay i mean there just really are you just about have to be a dealer you know like silencer central in class three kinds of firearms and suppressors and all sort of thing to to get your hands on one uh those that handful of them that are actually transferable no telling what they would sell for i mean really the sky could be the limit on those almost for somebody that you know had a lot of money and one i don't know uh but uh so anyway there's just not many of them out there because of the timing now if these had come out like 10 years sooner or something that'd be different right so that's what it is and uh one of the things i wanted to do here is uh just shoot a little semi in a little uh full a lot of people think that we like to dispel myths when we can or maybe feed them i don't know we don't know everything maybe a lot of those myths and conspiracies are real uh you know some people though do who are not been around firearms much have this impression that uh if you have a full auto something it's like a nuclear weapon as compared with semi-auto i mean it's just like unbelievable the difference and there is a difference and it kind of depends on a person's uh skill training i guess you know and everything as to how much difference a full auto firearm select fire firearm would make uh tactically or however you want to say it okay it might make it uh less useful you know i have made the comment before you know if if somebody is firing at me with a full auto ak-47 and they're totally untrained they've never shot much at all uh but they're firing me with an egg i might prefer it's full auto and they've got it on full auto and they're trying to shoot at me from over there in the woods because it's going to be bouncing them around and they're going to be throwing bullets all over the place and they might hit me but they are very likely might not too right as opposed to someone who is highly trained and can take aim and boom pops i mean deliberate uh shot it's hard to beat that but anyway i i digress talk too much uh let's uh let's just shoot uh semi-auto a couple shots here i'll tell you what let's do let's pick out now about four of these targets like uh the stop sign the tombstone the cowboy and this other one here and uh i'm just gonna shoot semi-auto and let's assume these are uh terrorists okay because this was developed one of the reasons this was developed by glock was as a counter-terrorism firearm for the austrian military i think it's what eco cobra the group but what i forget that may be wrong but it was really uh designed as counterterrorism and also to test their guns because it puts a lot of strain and stress on the components that was one of the reasons they developed it so a couple of reasons there but anyway let's let's pretend we've got some terrorists on the range here who have to be taken out fairly quickly so i'll decide who the bigger threats are based on whether their firearm is up and ready or not which you can't see but i can so i need to put two or three shots on each one of these all right uh can i hit anything today i don't know let's just boom okay uh let's do that again okay these guys are after me so that's semi-auto hopefully i saved myself i don't know if i did or not let's put another mag in let's try it full auto okay the same four terrace are after me uh so i don't know if i mean better off in full auto or not we'll maybe we'll find out together all right now anything let's try it again i think with all the fire and the rapid fire the full auto fire i couldn't hear the steel as well so i'm not sure how it did but uh yeah for whatever that's worth and again uh the training is everything you really want to you you really have to get a hold of this thing or else you're gonna you're gonna be rising as you fire right and and you would never if you ever had access to anything like this there are other firearms that are very light and full auto uh you really do not want to put them in somebody's hands that has no experience shooting and you'd want to maybe put just two or three rounds in a magazine and you let them get the feel of it how much it's going to move on you and want to pull upward right so that's a lot of it if whenever you let that thing go full auto and you're just moving up off target uh immediately then obviously it's not going to be as effective as as uh semi-auto fire you know boom boom boom just well-placed you know bullets okay let me do some that again uh so what else can i tell you about it i told you when was developing why and how hard they are to get a hold of how you know pleased we are to be able to uh to bring one to you okay we're very lucky as we point out often to have some ammo and we're really using our chips today and uh to have access to this uh so you know i know don't hate me don't hate me because i've got a glock 18 to shoot hate me because i'm beautiful because i'm handsome but not because i have a glock 18 okay so we like to share and that's what we're going to do today let me show you quickly before i get it too dirty i'll take it apart of course you got your switch that's a big difference right glock 18 show you the slide on it and the glock 17. okay i'll take it down now you got your normal differences between generations but uh this has got the gen 4 spring and that kind of thing but mainly you see the slide there is a difference you notice uh yeah i've got a point or some kind there's a panel you know uh so the back here at the back of the slide you have let's see which one yeah this is the when you bring the switch down to full auto you see that brings this down okay you don't have that on the other one so it's cut out there and that's what comes down and engages uh your what your your seer and everything here this is the yeah this is the uh 18. it connects right there pushes on that okay and you got that cut out okay so it pushes that down it keeps the sear engaged and all that whereas on your your glock 17 your normal one which you see you got totally different you don't have that at all you don't have to cut out it doesn't work okay and the other big difference there's probably some other minor differences uh i'm not a scientist as you know but uh the they're not interchangeable okay that's a big well really can i just put that on my glock 17 sly frame if i could get a no no you can't they will not they will not work okay the uh you see now that'll kind of fit on there but not not well yeah it's uh the uh well yeah yeah i mean here's my glock 17 go ahead drone one yeah this is a glock 17 uh frame okay and this is the glock 18 slides i was trying to get a hold of i'm sorry i'm so stupid people all right and i see it won't go on at all okay it won't go on the the rails and things are different and that's intentional it's by design all right i was about to tell you it wouldn't go on there actually it does you know so it's because it's the glock 18 frame okay so it is different and uh there's no mixing and matching of parts and creating yourself a glock 18 so get all those fantasies out of your head you don't want to sit in federal prison the rest your life anyway all right and yeah you got to be careful with this kind of stuff and uh you know i mean well it's up to you but i'm going to be very careful with it and make sure i'm legal i'm too old to spend time in uh in prison uh so yeah the glock 18 basically is a glock 17. okay i guess the first three glocks were the 17 18 the 19 and uh yeah it's just a full auto basic uh basically a full auto 17. and that's what you got same feel and everything so it feels pretty good i mean that's weird and a machine pistol and many of you have a glock 17 or a glock 19 it would fit in here this in fact makes a holster for 19. it was put in your holster you carry it around and you could pull it out and go full auto boom boom boom right that's your fantasy too so uh that's kind of that this is the firearm by the way that uh when they captured saddam hussein you know he was down in that hole this spider hole whatever they called hole in the ground he had one of these with him and you know if i was going to go crawl and hide in a hole somewhere i can't think of a better firearm really a glock 18. hard to beat i suppose right so uh i don't know too many other lies to tell you about it uh hard to come by kind of a counter-terrorist firearm it's particularly law enforcement you know police uh military that sort of thing and uh don't hold your breath on ever getting one to own is not likely gonna happen unless you're a dealer you're a manufacturer and then it's a different different deal right so what do you want me to shoot what am i forgetting i mean again it's a glock 17. it was a glock and it's a glock 17 with full auto capability there's not a lot more uh to it other than and there are places where you can go shoot these and rent them you know uh indoor ranges might might have them here and there so i got yeah a mag all right what do we go down oh we got some pot to smoke when we do that all right i'll put a little i'll do a little burst fire here let's do the burst let's do a semi-auto fire first how's that take that pin off okay let's hit the uh fun smoke switch little pot there we go i spread them around a little better that time let's put a few on this paper target how's that okay let's go uh semi-auto and put one on silencer central boom how about on buds how about federal how about on the sdi talon group and ballistol one the bullseye and then the rest wherever they go yeah a little bit up left there that's okay so uh full auto pretty neat we gotta try to come apart onto here or something let's let that thing what we got going on there there we go that lost the spring out of there well you know what has happened the the front has broken off of the slide it certainly has i'll be darned i will be darned it is broken off the slide we are very sorry silencer center i guess it would have happened to whoever was shooting it but uh i guess metal fatigue uh hmm everybody see what that is that part uh let me take this one off show you and we can replace the slide of course it'd be different so this is gen four things a little heavier maybe a little beefier so that piece of where the uh recoil spring fits up into there holds it has has broken off that'd be darn and uh so then we're not gonna be able to shoot that again that's a shame we had a couple of targets left down there but maybe we'll save those for another firearm but uh that's where it goes when you're doing stuff live you never know what is going to happen exactly let me think it was anything else i didn't tell you about it uh again we were about to wrap up i was going to take a few more shots i there's not a lot about the history that uh i'm aware of that is highly interesting uh beyond i think what i've kind of shared you know uh it's just considered to be it's a machine pistol and it is a pistol which is a pistol fires pistol cartridge you know select fire and that's what you get with the glock 18. you get a really handy small package just like this glock 17 that will fire uh you know fully auto let's get this one back together and uh that's what you have with the glock 18. and now also since do we do have a breakage there uh something that is pertinent if you own something like this that's a class three is hard to come by and all that sort of thing if something does break on it generally speaking some of y'all can speak to that better than i can it uh i mean you can repair it you can replace it if you have the rights the license to to own something like that generally speaking you can you can get it fixed it's not like whoa had a glock 18 or an ak or whatever an m16 and something broke on it that's the end of that it's uh like any other firearm you have the the legality the proper paperwork for it so you can you can get that repaired well dude or different slide or a replacement or what i don't know what the glock may just you know glock is they think their guns are totally perfect and will never break or or malfunction they're liable to just send a replacement slide or something i don't know i've never had one break like that but then again i don't fire many of my glocks on full auto i try sometimes so so anyway we uh we really appreciate the ability to bring a glock 18 to you i'm glad it didn't break that piece of metal until you know near the end of the video and uh that's kind of what a glock 18 is though it's full auto it's it's fun it's not something you're probably going to purchase i know you'd like to i would like to have one be kind of cool just to have one to to flip on and off whenever you wanted to but then again you use a lot of ammo don't you so glock 18 and uh that's really what it is and i appreciate you all coming by i'll hold it up here like it's still okay you just the punch switch we'll go out looking at that at that fun switch and uh you know it will uh be repaired maybe we will bring it to you again uh in a month or two or whenever uh it is back in a1 condition how's that sound we'll try to do that all right and uh it's been good to have you all at the compound appreciate y'all supporting everybody who supports us and uh you all have a good evening life is good it's a long walk from where i had to shoot that oh man oh hey didn't see you guys there since you're here i to let you know about our friends over at talon grips and ballistal check out everything they have over there you can get lots of different grips the stick on grip textures for your handguns and rifle grips so go check them out also ballistol they're a firearms lubricant or anything else you might need lubricating it's water soluble and non-toxic been using it on the compound and cleaning all of our guns it's a cleaner and a lube for over 10 years so ballistal talon grips definitely check both of those companies out and also while you're on the internet don't forget to go to you can also find us on facebook hiccup 45 twitter hickok45 instagram the real hiccup 45 and also i have an instagram page where i post behind the scenes stuff and different things like that john john underscore hick ok four five on instagram and uh the next thing you have to do is watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,196,500
Rating: 4.9287243 out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips, Glock 18, full auto, 9mm
Id: pzPKJbN_xAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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