Colt M16A1

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okay 45 here now i have a machine gun what did i tell you specifically an empty m16 a1 and actually i don't have a machine gun john does but he let me borrow it yes a transferable m16 a1 all intact original pretty cool huh pretty cool transferable simply means that uh if you're legal then john will explain some of that later you can if you can buy a handgun and you can afford one of these things you can buy one as long as it's a machine gun that was made or imported i think after or before uh 1968 and uh it was registered before the hughes amendment and uh 1986 may or whatever that is okay so it's kind of a framework for that but yeah they're like a piece of real estate they really are unfortunately there's only x number of them that are really transferable so we'll talk more about that john will so we're glad you're here we're going to talk about the m16a1 it has a lot of history which you don't have time to go into of course because we're going to shoot the thing and have some more fun with it but i want to give you kind of an overview of uh where it fits where this model fits a little bit about before this model and uh and then a little bit about after you know the a2 and then on up to the the a4 just a little bit about that okay some of you we figure are not even familiar with you know 116 a1 is or an m16 and don't even know about the history at all maybe of of this rifle or this type of rifle and there there's a lot of great information online about it of course great books you know the black rifle uh my gosh and there's people who go in depth in this uh if you're not familiar go to tim military arms channel uh kent or ian forgotten weapons there's a great channel uh small arms solutions i think the guy's name is chris bartocci he has all kinds of express sorry if i mispronounce your name but all kinds of great videos on on these and other things and goes into uh great detail okay so we're not going to try to do that of course i don't have a big enough brain to hold all that information but we're gonna kind of hit uh hit the high points and give you a little information about it okay how's that does that sound all right and we're gonna have fun doing it we really are that's more important right uh so yep m16a1 and before we go i want to thank the people that make all this possible check them out the sonoran desert institute great supporter for a long time distance learning become a gunsmith get started uh and then one-stop shop for your suppressor needs okay they'll do it all for you then ship it to your door federal premium man we can never forget them we're gonna binge today a little bit you know we've been trying to be a little careful with ammo today we're not okay because we've got a machine gun so we really appreciate federal okay and uh just everybody helps us we really appreciate it so m16a1 like i said just kind of an overview and uh you know not gonna go too much in depth no time for that really or not enough time it's uh you know it all started as as many of you already know with eugene stoner and armalite which was a division of fairchild aircraft okay and you know you oh gosh you're going to hate me for this but i can't i can't help it i'm sorry there is a little bit of a parallel with gaston glock here that we just can't really ignore right we have someone who had not made firearms prior to this i don't think eugene stunner had really but he had a lot of experience with high-grade aluminum alloys and plastics fiberglass and all that sounded like gas and glock a little bit he hadn't made firearms but he had a lot of experience with those kinds of materials too making other things and said i can make a gun you know so yeah in both very brilliant men i guess like me so anyway eugene stoner uh you know went about designing the ar-10 which is a 308 in which we've got some well we've got we don't have any handy but he the ar-10 which you're familiar with of course he put together and it didn't look exactly like this but it was of these materials you know aluminum fiberglass and it had a different look about it of course and it was in 308 and he went for the military contracts and it was rejected i think it was kind of late to the game as we say right as as far as the trials and so that that didn't help either but obviously a lot of resistance we there are people today you see them in comments right uh you know we got the old wooden steel rifles you know there are people who just hate anything that's not wood and steel even yet so what do you think it was like in the 50s 1950s and 1960. can you imagine i mean people are driving my gosh 55 chevys or 1950s chevy cars like john's old chrysler 1954 or whatever and while eugene stoner is designing a rifle made out of aluminum and plastic okay uh and hoping the military will take a look at it there's no internet there's no cell phones i mean it's like the dark ages technology wise really i was a baby but yet designing things like this so this is really more high-tech than maybe uh many of us can even appreciate today okay because we just can't relate to that can i shoot it again i'm gonna take now i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot a couple just to show you again the m16 a1 it has semi-automatic it has full auto let's put it on we'll put on safe first but around the chamber okay so it should look very familiar to your ar-15 right and uh let's put it on semi-auto and see if it'll work that way i believe it does how about a bowling pin how about a spread plate not bad it'll shoot anyway does not have to be in uh fun mode works either way right let's put it on full auto and finish it off it was about empty right so the m16 pretty cool uh and the thing about it is there's so many different models that uh well or different variations let's say that that you know were put together beforehand and uh it wasn't just eugene stoner the the military and a lot of folks were figuring out after world war ii and korea where we use these things right this old goran and this sort of thing eight shots i'm not gonna fire it but you know big old heavy rifle fired eight big bullets uh they were kind of figuring out that uh we needed something maybe a little bit lighter hold more ammo of course it came up the uh variation of the grand the m14 you know that was an improvement you got a magazine holds 20 rounds i think they're even some 25 round mags maybe higher capacity and a little different gas system and just uh a better m1 garand pretty much uh and that's really what they were working on and and and but in process of adopting right and did you know so for several years this is what we made it's what it was the official rifle and it's what the early troops carried into vietnam you know that sort of thing so that's what we were used to and uh that's what the kind of rifle 30 caliber that had been used but there was there were a lot of studies and uh pretty interesting reading i won't go too deeply into it but that really what was more effective whether we like it or not whether we like these or we like those and i like them all that more volume of fire was actually more effective is what the research was showing in looking at battle and that soldiers weren't sniping as much they weren't uh in modern warfare being able to reach out to 800 yards just wasn't really what was getting it done uh it was you know most shots were taken at 100 yards 150 200 you know uh soldiers were reluctant to even take a shot further away than that and and the the volume of fire was uh kind of the the answer okay and so you need a lighter bullet more ammo and all that so that's what the people were looking at anyway and and uh just kind of you know met that need didn't it so anyway uh so eugene stoner with armalite thinking about the ar-10 it was rejected and i don't think they were making a lot of money because of that and fairchild was losing and so they they sold armalite to guess who i think it's right here yeah colt colt they sold the rights to the ar-15 to colt and colts started making them their first one was what the model 601 or something and i you know i would just uh confuse you because i'm confused about some of those numbers on on them but uh the 60102 603 604 605. and uh they put one together and then colt of course being colt and they were ahead in military contracts they were really better at marketing i guess and they got them around the world and got them in people's hands and but but first i think it was general wyman got eugene stoner to design one that was in this chambering basically it was based on remington 222 special or whatever and then you know the but they got that in people's hands especially over in asia and around and they loved it people were just really loved they didn't care about the ar-10 they loved it and so controllable so shootable and lightweight and it worked okay and so it was kind of off to the races although the military still was you know rejecting it it wasn't really until curtis lemay the air force saw it he saw shoot some watermelons and he he really liked it and they they had a need to replace the m2 you know carbines and so he thought it'd be great for you know they were protecting military bases and missile silos or whatever in the air force and so he right away wanted some of them i think he even put it in order for some and had trouble getting that through but eventually got some of those out there were also some other testing organizations that were putting a few of them out there here and there sprinkling them and in the earliest days of vietnam they got a few of them over there i think like 10 or so at one point the very first uh into that country in the hands of some of the rangers that wrote their uh advisors and and that kind of thing and uh in his hands of the south vietnamese and everybody liked them even the rangers so special ops people so but still couldn't get an adoption except the air force air force just really liked it and uh and they i guess they were maybe the early adopters i forget but most of this happened in early 60s okay you can get specific dates on all of this but in the early 60s that's when vietnam was beginning to crank up and some of these were getting out there in different formats and that's and that that's what got it going it was just kind of a perfect storm in a lot of ways the military was very resistant to it in a lot of ways the army but they needed rifles and the early m14s over there were proving to be yeah you know big and heavy and with the wooden stocks especially in the early days swelling and affecting accuracy and just just a big old rifle to lug around and just with 20 big rounds uh versus like one of these the ak 47 that they were up against right lots of ammo and intermediate round you know so uh you know the ar really probably was the better choice right uh and uh but the early ones uh to to kind of do a little bit of comparison they didn't have some of the features of the a1 and one thing i wanted to point out the a1 the m16a1 you might think if you just know a little bit and of course i don't know much more than a little bit myself but you know that back in vietnam they had problems with these right that's what put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths for these well it wasn't this one it wasn't this one this one came along the a1 around 6768 i think it was adopted okay it was prior to that this one really represents the m16a1 the improvements in in the m16 uh which involved you know chroming the chamber and those sorts of things okay that that fixed the problems they had early on and i'll look at a couple of those others that look a little bit more like the early ones john had this magazine he found i'm not sure when it was we saw a couple of dates on there 83 and a 69 yeah 369. so it's an old mag you know still in the wrapper maybe it won't work what do you think we don't know what to expect bugs might come out of here there's two rappers well this might take some of you back but maybe we're in vietnam cool colt ar-15 wow so this thing was called the ar-15 right uh yeah for a good while it was really the m16 as the military designation uh as i understand it's still really correct to call the whole family of them uh an ar-15 they really are an ar-15 we think of ar-15 as being civilian version and m16 being the military but uh ar-15 is what uh they called it when eugene stoner you know built it in this chamber let's put a couple of these in and shoot them see if this this magazine has been in the wrapper for a while will actually work what do you think yeah pretty cool huh so yeah the curtis lay really liked it and uh there were some strong advocates for it and it would be i guess curtis lemay general wyman uh who else well robert mcnamara when he became secretary of defense he was interested in it heavily and wanted to standardize one rifle for all the forces but the only thing was the air force they did not want the forward assist air force did not want that at all and uh the military did the army did so you had a couple of different versions early on uh well you know actually later on because the uh the air force did not want the forward assist at all and didn't have it uh their their early version was i think it was called the m16 and the army's early version before this was the xm16 or e1 and it had the the forward assist at one point there because the army really wanted the forward assist so let's see if this new mag works new quote unquote you know what we could do i better take another one we might need it let's go down here and uh take out these watermelons like i said we want to have some fun with this and we just noticed some watermelons down here now before i shoot them i want to just make another promise everybody that nobody is starving because we went and bought those eight watermelons there were others there when we left the the store okay or picked them from the vine there were others there so anybody who was starving from watermelon nutritional deficiency they could have had those all right some people need to take a course in economics 101 need i say more all right let's just take them out this is for our lee ermey we might need to hit them again just to make sure we're empty okay yeah arleigh irma came to me in a dream last night and uh knowing our lee army as you know him he didn't ask me to shoot some watermelons because i have an m16 he ordered me to he said maggot shoot some watermelons with that thing and so i did how's that okay so that was an honor of our learning uh yeah so yeah again so the army was all the way going all the way back and let me show you over here uh the the early like the xm16 e1s and i think there was an e2 and uh and i'm not all that knowledgeable but all those different models and variations but they look more like this even the military model these are civilian models but uh they were slab flat sided they didn't have the fencing you know for the mag release and uh just just just different okay you don't have the quick release button on that don't even have that little boss there with the spring loaded detent you know for that yet uh neither is mine this is my a2 quote unquote but for wow almost the entire time up into the 80s uh they were still using these old slab side you know lowers for these things and like even this though has the screw doesn't have the you know captured uh pin or anything even though this is technically an a2 it's transitional i bought it in 83 or 4. uh so that's more what they look like just like that then they began putting you know uh the boss up here from the tent for that and then as you see in uh well this one the a1 you know by time you get to this point you've got that protection there to keep you from hitting the mag excuse me the mag release when you're not ready to or whatever you got the the fencing total fencing up here and of course the spring and the the quick release pan there or the capture pin so that was some of some of the the looks if you see uh maybe a close-up of somebody in i don't know vietnam footage or whatever other uh or anywhere and it's 19 i don't know 63 or 4 or 5 or 6 or something before the final the a1 it'll probably look a little more like some of these or an air force model would look more like this with no forward assist you know and of course they just didn't have the uh the shell deflector yet that came later with the a2 we'll talk about that uh so and also i i meant to mention the uh they are i think this ar-5 that uh that armalite came up with early survival rifle for the air force so you've seen one of the i mean henry rifles makes one of those now they have that and that's been passed around a little bit that was for the air force but the air force has been a proponent of this they were from early on and uh there were there were some people who were open-minded there were people who were closed-minded uh uh you know the army was dead set on going ahead with the n-14 project and they pretty much did but then it was finally canceled i think by mcnamara in uh like 63 something like that said look this is the ticket this is what we need okay and uh one of the problems which i haven't talked about let me get a 30 round mag now 30 round mags didn't come along until around 1970 or so so uh that's why in vietnam you know the 20s are actually a little bit more appropriate i guess but i'm going to take one down here because we might need it okay i've got some some things down here that need to be shot i'll put one of these in my pocket in case okay this is the fun of having a fully auto m16 right okay i don't know who put this stuff here but it looks like it was done intentionally and uh it looks like somebody knew that i have a machine gun okay we're on safe now do we want to shoot at simming or full auto yeah let's go full auto wow it doesn't take long does it good thing i brought another magazine we're empty i'll get that mag later oh man it's really fun it's a different sort of feel if you've ever shot full auto i highly recommend you get to a rental range somewhere where you can do that sometime just pay your fee and do it it's a lot cheaper than buying one no doubt about it so look at the smoke coming off that thing is that cool yeah so when uh you know the the colt got hold of this bought it in 59 from uh armor light then uh you know the marketing got better and then just a a a combination of events like the cranking up in vietnam getting more involved not having enough m14s not being able to build enough of me if we wanted to stick with that and then these things being out there being easier to build more of them okay and then having some advoc advocates you know for it like lemay of course in the air force uh you know mcnamara uh wyman they they wanted this okay and then the people that were getting them really like them people are using them i know that flies in the face of what you heard because the thing we hear the most the problems right okay well the first problems didn't really occur right away i think we've been in vietnam and some some numbers uh for a little while not not a long while but maybe it was a year or two i don't know when now that started happening but what it what that came down to by and large in a nutshell was they had meant for this to be a shot or the ammo to be extruded powder or stick powder and that's what you know stoner designed it as the cartridge and everything should have stick powder okay which burns differently than ball powder well what happened was they for whatever reasons the military went to ball powder because they had more of it or standardizing things or something so ball powder burns hotter it was harder on the gun more more wear and tear more pressure and dirtier okay and uh they thought that these were self-cleaning duh and basically advised soldiers even i think you don't need to clean this thing no cleaning kits were provided with them how brilliant is that and uh and so and of course the chambers were not chromed early on or anything like they chrome some of the early bolts but they they discovered after people started having trouble with them it was an extraction problem you know the rounds would stick in the chamber they couldn't get them out then the soldiers would be carrying a cleaning rod taped to the forearm here in order to get the only way to get it out was down the barrel it ripped through the rim and so they had to go through the barrel and get it out and how'd you like to do that in a firefight people are trying to kill you and uh that's what happened unfortunately we don't know how many but some soldiers lost their lives simply because the gun malfunctioned how horrifying would that be your gun won't work but that's what they figured it out that it was the powder it was the uh the chamber sticking in the chamber of course and uh you know and the bolt there you start parkerizing that it really wasn't a bolt problem so i think they started uh hard crumbing the inside of the the carrier maybe in the boat but so they that pretty much fixed that problem because they got in vietnam and they're in the water and the humidity and the wet and everything well imagine it your rifle your guns what happens to the chamber if you don't clean it it's corroded it gets rusty and you know the rounds don't want to come out of course so you're firing full auto and getting really dirty well once they did they did that uh yeah voila i'm sure someone had some hang-ups but that pretty much fixed it and that was before this okay so so this represents the fixed version pretty much okay i know i've talked about a lot of that pretty quickly we've got a lot of stuff on the table just kind of showing you the bayonet for this you know the old there's a vietnam helmet uh we got the old world war ii and vietnam whatever 1911 here 191181 so just a little table decoration there some cool guns and again we don't have any you know like whatever xm16a e1s or anything like that we just got some civilian models that look a little bit like that just to show you a little bit of the difference and uh and uh when uh i'll show you kind of give you a little comparison between the a1 and the a2 which came out in the early 80s first though i think john this is john's rifle so i think he should talk about a little bit don't you okay i think he should and maybe talk to you a little bit about the uh you know firearms like this transferable verbal firearms he's more of an expert on that than i am so i'm gonna cut right now and let john talk to you a little bit okay all right john hickok here so my dad said this is my machine gun and i just want to talk about just a couple of things really quick uh i want to tell you about a little bit about the laws about a machine gun and why i'm calling it a machine gun and why we're calling it that and some things without getting too much i'm not gonna get to the political stuff so much you know about about with that that'll be maybe for another video but okay so some of you might be thinking this is not a machine gun it's not belt fed so machine gun is a legal term because of the laws around machine guns which means a any firearm that fires more than one round per pull of the trigger is the basically the definition for a machine gun is classified legally in america at least as a machine gun right so even though this might be technically just a rifle or an assault rifle or some other different types of terminology you might use legally it is a machine gun just like with a silencer and suppressor where silencer is the legal term suppressor is kind of what we call them so this is a machine gun and it's a transferable machine gun meaning that if you live in a state where machine guns are legal it's most states it's like 40 or so in america 40 states where you can own a machine gun as long as you can buy a handgun then you're probably okay to buy a machine gun right and the process is basically you find one there's not that many but there are several you know large machine gun retailers you can find online there's a lot of really small ones there's like different little networks where guys are just into the hobby and you can kind of get to know certain people that are kind of selling them and stuff all the time and and you know once you find one you find the right price you know you contact the guy you buy it then it has to be transferred from them to your local shop if they're out of state which normally they are because it's difficult to find them so you're not likely to find what you want necessarily in your state but you could so it has to be transferred just like buying any gun uh to the local shop and then it can be transferred from there to you so the whole process can take anywhere from like seven months to as many as like 15 months it can take a very long time for it to be fully transferred to you before you can take it home you have to have the paperwork with you there's no machine gun license you have to buy the tax stamp each machine gun that is uh legal for a civilian that's transferable has a tax stamp associated with it and it's for each time so it doesn't matter if you have 30 machine guns you have to go through it all over again each time you buy one there's no license for civilians in that in that sense you can become a dealer or a manufacturer but if you're just a civilian it's every single time there's no license and even they have to go through a lot of that same exact stuff whenever they are transferring machine guns so if you're thinking about buying a machine gun make sure that you know you know the local laws and you you look into all that stuff we don't agree with them you know i'm just advising you as your legal advisor uh you can find yourself in a lot of trouble and just know what you're getting yourself into um if you're getting into it and then lastly before i go um one of they they're very expensive because there's a limited number of them because of the um hughes amendment unfortunately uh making that where no new ones can be manufactured post may of 1986 that's why they're very valuable general supply and demand you know properties principles is why that exists but they are also a really good investment right now i wish they weren't but they are a good investment so if you buy one you might spend a lot of money on it but you can get your money back out of it pretty well so uh there you go uh this definitely warrants like more videos because it's so much information but uh but there you go m16a1 machine gun i'll give it back to dad because he's got some more things to tell you about it thanks all right the ugly guy is back uh john is right they are sadly enough or at least that's sad the reasons they're a good investment but they actually are uh i know we all talk about guns being a great investment especially to our spouses right but the the class three firearms actually are they're like buying real estate okay a couple things we hadn't shot and uh we need to make sure everything gets shot uh let's put uh oh let's put one on the paper or three or four or five real quick how's this got to go in full auto to do it quick though and let's smoke a little pot we haven't done that yet that's probably why i haven't made any sense today did not start out by smoking pot you know what i'm going to try to do uh you know i don't want to hit the animals over there with uh two two three they're not hardened steel i want to just try to demonstrate a little bit and this is a fairly light one the a2 is much heavier and easier to control keep on target but even with this one i'm going to try to hit that cinder block if i feel it coming up i'm gonna i'll do bursts here i'm gonna put a full auto and try to hit the barrel and cinder block without hitting the buffalo or anything else over there okay oh i did i let it get up on the buffalo buffalo's actually hard to steal but you do have really good control let me put on this paper again to kind of demonstrate i mean you can keep them in a pretty good little group and if you really you know work at it you can do even better than that so uh how about these guys right here how's that for full auto had one round there's a tip uh full auto is not going to be very interesting if you have one round left right so let me compare i might take one more shot but uh the last thing i wanted to do was uh just kind of give you an idea how how the a2 changed and of course you got all sorts of configurations right you you see them and many of you have them uh and one thing i too i forgot to point out before one of the things that was so innovative about this of course was the locking lugs the multi-lug locking bolt that's what enables you to have an alloy receiver right i mean you know some of you know more about and i do it's like a benelli i think like a benelli or or even uh mossberg people worry about the alloy receivers well again i've pointed that out before if your steel bolt is locking up in steel up here it's steel to steel locking up so it's not relying on aluminum and that's why benellis and moss birds last forever ar-15 so that was an interesting design also he started out with a 308 so you can imagine a rifle is not very heavy in 308 now that's going to knock you around a little bit isn't it but this straight line you know the barrel the bore the bolt right on back through the uh the recoil spring and everything it's all in a straight line it comes straight back at you unlike a lot of rifles where you've got kind of a drop comb and everything so so uh it's probably to our advantage that he started out with the 308 because it made him probably think more about all of that how important all that would be in a harder kicking round you know and then in two to three it's really nice and easy to control right especially in the a2 which brings me to the last topic here pretty much so we got an a2 upper here john has an a2 upper this is actually supposedly from a you know machine gun a2 upper doesn't really matter whether it's from a machine gun or not but it's from an m16 and you see the differences there's something i won't point out in this there but the obvious ones with your rear sight you know you can adjust you got this separate uh block here where you can you know you adjust windage and elevation from the rear on the a1 this is you know of course the a1 you can adjust uh windage but elevation you got to do out here on the front side so that was a real improvement real just a nice sight you know the a2 was a big improvement it really was and you see some other differences here you've got of course your uh your brass deflector on the a2 you've got a round button you know on your forward assist this one is really i think maybe it's got a little cut out there might indicate that's even older some of y'all that know a lot about these uh can chime in there okay and uh so you got that uh we don't have a you know actual lower we got a more modern gun here but so we're empty of course uh yeah it's a different uh you know forearm on it of course you got your triangular versus your round a lot of people prefer the triangular i kind of like the the round one and you've got your flash suppressors you've got the birdcage of course even on the a1 but you you don't have a solid bottom on it you notice it's probably hot i'm not going to touch it but on the a2 you got it solid so it acts a little bit like a compensator and plus you're not blasting dust up as much and that kind of thing yeah your sight uh post goes from a round post to a square post um you know and there's other other differences but uh you know pins and different things maybe but that's one of the the biggest your bolt let's look at the bolt real quick on this thing and i have gotten into the end of that there's there's this you could spend 10 hours of course talking to all these kinds of things how they change the bolts so there's so many changes from like whatever 1958-9 as they started with these up until like this a1 and 67-68 so many different almost everything on the firearm the grip you know goes to a where's my you know there's the uh my a2 you got a finger groove there uh you know you went from the teardrop on the forward assist just everything almost changed the buttstock on the a2 is longer i'll put it up against the a1 you see there it's an a2 butt stock so you got a little more length there the it changed a little bit on the end no limit to the number of changes like i say the early bolts of many of them were hard chromed and they even changed the staking uh approach to it uh uh they changed the pin this is a cotter pin i think it's the same on this one too but the really early ones were like a machined uh pin or screw there some things like that so the firing pin early very early on was heavier and they had a little bit of a problem with slam fires so they lightened it to the firing pin that you're used to so most of the things on this one and of course of these are things that you're accustomed to seeing because i don't really have like a really early version of course like an xm uh you know 16 e1 or anything or like the very first colt 601 that they came out with once colt had bought it so i really do advise you if you have interest in these firearms you just dig around there's a lot of great books on them and if you have a lot of interest in them so you know the a2 has some improvements the a2 is really nice the marines i think adopted it in 80 about 83 they're the ones who drove the the changes i think because they are riflemen and uh i don't say that in jest i've known some some folks in the marines and i've shot with them and they know how to shoot and uh so this was kind of the marines adopted this first these changes and then the army a few years later but when we we have fired this with this upper right yeah this upper on it wow it's really easy to control because you've got heavier barrel on the a2 and one of the other changes i didn't mention so so it's some really nice changes for the a2 that's what we're mostly uh familiar with and we brought out a guess what it's just uh it's just an m4 so this is this is the what we have today in it and uh it's interesting because they haven't changed dramatically since the sixties have they look kind of the same lower the uppers and well they operate the bolt they're basically the same rifle they were you know in the beginning just with tweaks here and there and now we cut most of the differences i guess since what the a2 have been well you do start to fire glue since the a2 would have been cosmetic or just things that are make it more comfortable and with grips and all kinds of stocks and and all that sort of thing you know the magpul i don't think magpul was making magazines back back in the day and of course our red dots or whatever else we want to put on them but very very very similar this is a vcm and yeah haven't changed a lot like i say i'm not an expert in these things at all i just like them and uh they're fun to shoot the history is kind of interesting if you if you really uh have just bought one of these i advise you to explore do some reading like i say the the folks i recommended and there are others there are others that do a great job of laying out and they have their hands on or they build these things they're people who have them that have built like the e1s and different b2s or whatever and can go into the details of what's different exactly right down to the pen you know how they began rubberizing coating the sling swivels and just everything so it's pretty uh pretty interesting stuff it just gives you more appreciation for what you have and uh i don't know if there's any other lies i don't know any more lines i'll shoot one more time and i'll let you go okay can i empty one more mag i know it's a bad time to be emptying magazines but we're going to do it today because we have a machine gun right put him on safe we have a machine gun you know i want to make sure everything down here is finished off how's that i just want to make sure there's no survivors down here all right we're empty so again as i've said before it's it's really nice to be able to have a farm like this and fire it uh it kind of speaks to freedom doesn't it and uh and you know uh i guess uh you know i'd like to say we really appreciate the people that have carried these in battle you know these and other firearms whether it's the grand up there or the m14 or whatever it might be or a muzzle loader to to make sure we're free and we have the freedom to do this kind of thing and so john and i have not served in the military and we uh we do not pretend to be gi joes we just have an interest in firearms and we find these farms very interesting and just just fun to shoot and you know so anyway we appreciate that freedom and appreciate those folks who helped protect it for us so anyway m16a1 uh that's just kind of an overview with uh a smattering of pieces of information uh there's a lot out there uh probably more than uh you're interested in but it's out there so i'm gonna let you go we appreciate your support i know we've gone along but that's not all that unusual for us is it i apologize no i don't life is good ah fire it's a long walk from where i had to shoot that oh man oh hey didn't see you guys there since you're here i will let you know about our friends over at talon grips and ballistol check out everything they have over there you can get lots of different grips the stick on grip textures for your handguns and rifle grips so go check them out also ballistol they're a firearms lubricant or anything else you might need lubricating it's water soluble and non-toxic been using it on the compound and cleaning all of our guns it's a cleaner and a lube for over 10 years so ballistal talon grips definitely check both of those companies out and also while you're on the internet don't forget to go to you can also find us on facebook hiccup 45 twitter hickok45 instagram the real hiccup 45 and also i have an instagram page where i post behind the scenes stuff and different things like that john john underscore hickok four five on instagram and uh the next thing you have to do is watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,459,919
Rating: 4.9215975 out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips, M16, M16A1, Colt, 5.56
Id: 4VoWwhOjpTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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