Full Auto AK

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He sounds like what Bob Ross would sound like if he were a gun nut

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/docdos 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

"That's more fun than I deserve to have"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mrgulabull 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2017 🗫︎ replies

Such a sweet man, not your average gun nut.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/KelcyHammer 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2017 🗫︎ replies
petcock 45 here you can probably tell it's going to be a good day at the range can't you that looks suspiciously like an aka of some sort doesn't it specifically this one's an impact but its head will work done on it by Royal Range and Bellevue Tennessee they have all the licenses and everything to to work on these and it's been converted to full auto can you believe that so a full auto at the range definitely tells you it's going to be a good day I like a case I just have a weakness for them we appreciate the Royal Range bringing this out today this is from this one the farms they rip you know at their range so it's it's happy to get outside for a change I think and let us try it out here in great outdoors so anyway you know don't forget before I fire this thing that you need to go to the description and look at the link to the NRA and please if you have not joined join the NRA at our link you'll be helping us should be helping in the NRA the gun rights movement okay there's a discount at that link so let's take a couple of shots a couple what do you think I think I'll probably have to fire more than a couple just my guess all right see how it does there's still one alive oh man you know what there's still one alive whoo just goes to show full-auto doesn't take care of everything Wow let's put some on this paper all right see if I can hit oh I'm going to actually aim but it's going to be full autos oh it's pretty funny Oh bad food with an A k you get to lose control just a little bit Oh what else things be shot how about that black thing sitting there can we rent it well we're malfunction whoo things smell it okay that's not bad because drawn magazines have a tendency to want to malfunction let's make sure we're clear that's not bad looks like it might been down to one round okay all right let's bring you back up here it's clear oh man it's really more fun that I deserve to have I won't complain about that at all because uh it's a drum mag we always laid over there oh you dig that one out right now at one little round didn't make it out it is federal ammo as you can see these cloud change the federal for all that ammo we have did a bunch of boxes been shooting it today we actually fired more than that or at least we vintage more than that and some other other fun we've had with these firearms today but wow it says you can imagine buying that much of that ammo we would not be able to enjoy these as much as we are so we appreciate that and of course buds gun shop calm these didn't come from there today but they help us continuously regularly on a regular basis so please check out all the good stuff that is going on at Bud's gun shop calm and you know two of these on the table and guess what they're both select-fire if you don't know if select-fire means four new shooters that means you can select you can decide to shoot it either semi-automatic or fully automatic pistols on full dare semi full safety okay of course it's clear and was this same same thing you've got semi-automatic you got full auto you got safe alright so in is you may know also what's your brand new to most in most cases make a the bolt is not going to stay back even there's a magazine in an empty magazine the bolt generally does not stay back alright with how some like this one for example does have a safety which will allow you to lock it in the notch and all that kind of thing but most of them don't and this was an impact as I said converted it was started out as a pistol so it's basically a pistol he has about a eight inch barrel something this one's a lot much longer I think it's 11 or 12 or something so they both have short barrels but that one is a rifle started out as a rifle this is a pistol when you have a manufacturers license you can of course do this stuff and so we're just happy to be able to to bring them to you to bring them to the compound and shoot them we have never had if all the AKA action you might have seen here and I've got my SF there my arsenal SF this one my very favorite a case I've ever owned I liked a case for a long time even in semi-automatic you know version they are fun they are great rifles I thoroughly enjoy them so it's it's a specially a pleasure to be able to fire a fully auto one here at the random before couple of times but it's really neat to have them here and to share it with you guys we're always in a sharing mood as you know so what should I do what'll I shot what I shoot this one a little bit okay since variety is the spice of life and when you have to a KS that doesn't get a lot better and I think I will all you know what somebody put a car door in front of the burn barrel and it just needs some more holes in it I think I believe a couple of shooters like myself put some holes in in a video a long time ago let's just start with the 30 round magazine see what we have here my ears on all right don't you love that sound that's one of my favorite sounds I'm gonna get right here so I don't hit that steel all right let's see if we can let's blast a couple I'm going to try to hit the handle on the door to a little bit blow it Wow a couple rounds left so we had a little bit of a malfunction there that one I think is we maybe should have cleaned it we've been shooting the thing a lot I'm going to hit it pretty hard here there we go [Music] all right it's a neikei so shouldn't be a problem right [Applause] yeah we're still got a problem that's okay we've got another one that's why you have a backup I'm gonna hit it again pretty hard every day okay we'll bring that one back into play in a little bit we might put some oil on it maybe even during the video so when you have to aks it's always a bigger problem let's into that magazine there's three rounds in the same door I don't think I can pull a trigger that fast although an ake a doesn't have a really really fast rate of fire it's around what seven eight hundred rounds you know permit it something like that is about the rate I think mr. pins these might be a little faster and to put that in perspective I got an m16 you know full auto AR is around 11 maybe 1,200 rounds so per minute so that's that's quite a bit faster these are more like an Uzi and of course that rate can vary depending on the springs and maybe even barrel lengths and some other things I'm not aware of but they favor a very comfortable rate of fire now they bounce if you watch in the video and you probably are right now you can see maybe how much recall that I'm getting how much the muzzles moving I'm not trying desperately to hold it down and hold it really really solid necessarily but they do bounce around a little bit they really do I've often said is as dangerous looking and as evil as a lot of people think the a K is and as deadly as it is and horrible and evil looking maybe to some people I would I would rather have an inexperienced shooter firing at me from over there and those trees over there with a full auto a K if they're an inexperienced shooter because they're probably gonna be throwing around all over the place now they may hit me obviously but you really got to hang on to it it bounces a little bit it's not like firing a mp5 or even a m16 is different you know some of those firearms you can just hold them right on and you can this too pretty well but it has a pretty good recoil to it okay no not extremely but I'm talking about full auto trying to hold it on the same you know dollar whatever okay so what's the you know we have we have you'll see on this one I think probably going to have to cut if we want to shoot it but we'll take a look at because we'll make sure there's nothing in the chamber for one thing you know there's nothing like that so why don't we take just a quick timeout and take a look at this and then so we can fire you the one we want okay see in a minute okay I'm back as you probably noticed yeah we discovered pretty quickly what it was was a piece of brass stuck in the chamber or yeah the chamber not too barrel okay so how can a case I guess they're designed for steel cases maybe Huckle know the other thing about this one is it's a it's a it's a riddle gun and of the two this one has been shot extensively extensively the owners of the Royal range tell me more so than that one but still it's an aka ought to be good for a couple of million rounds right all right try it again never get away from that steel that's too much fun let's try this target some more whoo I'm going to put it on semi-auto just to remind you I will try to remind you that these are they're great for what I was just doing but they also you can take aim with them if you want to and maybe hit something okay like that red fleet I'll do it again look maybe I won't but yeah I mean we're doing this before the video and popping the red plate so I don't know how accurate quote unquote it is but an aka is not just something to spray lead with for you new shooters although they're not supposed to be generally the conventional thinking is they're not as accurate as an ar-15 okay if you're trying to you know print groups over there in 100 yards with them but you know again minute a bad guy they'll take care of a business alright so you know what John built a wall down there and I guess I should see if I can cause it some grief and we get a 40 round magazine oh you know what I've got some fusion let's try that for the wall okay well I know it's a shame to be shooting fusion like this maybe but then again somebody's got to do it we appreciate federal furnishing this stuff we're going to back up a little bit don't we'll get too close to that hopefully I can still hit it put him back on or all of y'all cheese would you rather I shoot semi-auto or full auto ya think I've heard a lot of full auto replies out there okay let's see what happens someone put a big flower pot on top of it even look at that thing smoking oh yeah I put a little oil in there when we took our break we better fire at it a couple more shots how's that yeah we're terrible somebody has to do this stuff oh I lost track I guess that's enough damage thanks for building a wall John I guess you meant for it to be shot didn't you I hope oh man oh yeah you've seen us do the videos with the a case of various types and everything we talked about them both of these in fact the impact not not this specific gun but we did the impact we did the one this one is a Draco and that one's the impact we've done videos on both of these so we're not going to go into detail and all that or the history again we mainly wanted to show you just the full-auto because we have never brought a full-auto AKA as i said you know in video unless it was a little clip or something from Knob Creek where I rented one to shoot but there this is the way they were designed to be of course they'll just pump out like that at 7 62 by 39 round it's a fairly comfortable round to shoot as you know if you fired one at all and it's a popular round and in full auto like I said you get it it bounces you around a little bit it's a but but not too much it's still fairly controllable if you do get an ache a chance to shoot one just get a firm grip on it and it'll be okay take a burst or two like you should with anything and get a feel for what it's going to do and it is controllable it's just it's just hard to you couldn't put it on a little bull's eye down there and put them all in that okay now John might be able to you know but ten outdoors nine probably could but I can't do that pretty interesting firearm I think they've been around a while the old a case they seem to work this one feels good really good that forward vertical grip and everything and these kind of things really expensive of course photo full-auto a case oh so if they're really plan ahead if you ever want to own one no doubt about it because of our gun laws you know we just can't quite to you know purchase these things very easily and it's sad that they became a kind of a I a lot of people will say rich man's toy I don't know about rich man a lot of people pay three times this for a pickup truck you know maybe they could do without but still they're very expensive you know twenty thousand now these again depends of whether you are a manufacturer if you have a license to manufacture this sort of thing then it's a little different but these are not really transferable like I couldn't buy one of these you know from rural range I don't think getting transferable guns that are out there on the market way more expensive than these that you or I could purchase we want to go through the paperwork again maybe twenty thirty thousand dollars if they're original you know firearms so it's kind of sad in a way a lot of people wouldn't agree with us right especially if they hate guns but this is the state of affairs so we're happy that we're able to to fire them I mean someone's got to do this dirty work and then kind of let you know what we think about them and you know what's like to fire them as much as possible we're just glad we have these opportunities and again we have a lot of people that help us that make that doable so we hope you support the people that support us and again these are rental guns that roll range there in Bellevue so they have seen a lot of fire that one a lot more than this one and we find well the MP the mp5 we had out here was from there and a couple others so that's a cool thing about it if you really want to fire one it's kinda like maybe a boat or a horse or whatever go rent one you could rent one and shoot it and just get the feel of it without going through all that that trouble alright so whoa look at this disaster area what else should I she was you realize this is a rifle cartridge so I'm not shooting steel you know I did shoot the AR 500 plate over there you know the gong is not a tower 500 so I tend not to throw these kinds of rounds at it but I think we have a couple you know what I do have a little something I need to plug take a shot at I don't think I want to let it just let see which one stuck in that which one to shoot tough choice I even shot this one on semi-auto so I got a fire one shot semi-auto okay let's just uh know I have been fired this one semi-auto at all that was the first time let's try the red flake off you that just goes to show you uh I got to do it short first again I'm sorry I this can't help it I guess I won't do a verse on semi-auto could resist could resist okay nice get one of these in your hand you just got to keep shooting the thing it's hard not to oh man alright now they by the way these are I'm bad about assuming too much knowledge as well I try to back it up and and cover some of the most basic things like these are circle ten magazines I tend to like those they seem to work in most a case they're polymer but they're really good that's what I'm using okay and we have yeah we've got a couple more here if we need them so and we've got a metal mat yeah couple of metal magazines here I think John was maybe going to use those we've been firing the fusion there's your standard American Eagle told you what the firearms are they both have folding stocks of sorts this is a folder that's pretty neat huh yeah makes that a nice little package what a what a weapon or a weapon you know these are such evil weapons I'm just surprised it seems like to be too dangerous even be around them doesn't it and now this one folds an under folder and push the button and it folds under fire like that okay that's pretty neat and we had of course the Draco and we have the impact this estava made in Serbia two interesting firearms and a lot of variations of the a k as you see and I've got two arsenal r2 and we've done some others and most of them tend to work the basic design just makes them a reliable firearm as one of the hallmarks of the a K around a lot of people like the lamb it's got a little bit of punch to it popular round and the hardware is just utterly reliable it will take a beating and go on you know just just the way they are and we have found brass in the chamber there to get out and you know did fine so I think I've had more fun than I deserve thanks to you folks for coming to watch us over the years that's what makes always possible your support and I've hauled up a lot of that fun I realize I think we probably should let John have a little more fun today he's had some off-camera and on camera but he didn't get to participate in any of that and I see a couple of targets down there so John you want to help me I thought you would let me pick one of these for myself you asked you like this one so I'll use this one and clue still warm let's walk down here okay see what we can do a little came out now you don't know you sure you want to uh take a student full-auto yeah yes you pull out of the only thing I feel like I know yeah I guess that's fine too okay I make it yes twist your arm like I can make John do anything yeah he's bigger and we're not older who's that not older well you know not yet you'll catch up with me let's see what we can find out here I'm a walk-in well you know it that's another reason they make a case because watermelons exist right - yeah you know what's weird it's watermelon today existed for a really long time before ak's and it probably didn't understand the purpose of their existence oh yeah they didn't realize their purpose in life until later yeah much later right wonder who the first woman was it's the first watermelon that gave up his life to 762 by thirty nine half yeah my guess is it was done by earlier me it might have been yeah you know yeah really where Jeff coin and Jeff Quinn is what 97 so good I think so yeah alright I'm a load mind and we haven't rehearsed this so I guess we'll just all you got more ammo than me I thought there uh well I got another magazine am i not far at all I don't think it'll take it all right okay let's say on full auto yes yeah on it all you ready yeah we're going to do a counter how about one two three aunty mother back oh go ahead all right I'm clear yeah we're good let's clear man we're clearly crazy you aren't way to we're clear okay that's fun so you got to have some fun too yeah I forgot that that you can't just pull my legs and pull the trigger you actually have to stand you know I'm so used to shooting full autos and I'm so familiar with them that occasionally I'll forget that I actually have to try to shoot one of these things it got it like the first shot it gotta believe oh yeah I forgot it's in a cane I gotta had to lean in that's right yeah when you come down to it most of the fully-auto things we fire or not this others powerful yeah yeah for a round yeah yeah and I saw earlier as I said remembered but some of you've ever fired a semi-auto and a 760 by 39 maybe even you know bolt-action rifles all kinds of firearms now chamber for that you know there's a little bit of punch imagine that going full auto on you so like those like this is this barrel the smoke is like hitting me right in the face gonna give you cancer four other short barrels yeah you know that was fun too well it is thanks for sharing some of the self at devastation yeah you redistributed some of the the target inputs a rich environment yeah it looks like yeah zombie apocalypse or something here yeah I give that stuff with somebody now I don't know we're about due for another pumpkin carving stump I think we are okay well I guess we act enough but we've enjoyed y'all coming by and we enjoyed ourselves shooting these aks again we appreciate Royal reigns bringing these out and we appreciate everybody that he'll so it's the NRA check the description and going up there if you get a chance and you need to and of course Bud's gun shop calm and SDI we just get a lot of help from a lot of people Federal furnished a lot of food today that's why you see these big orders come through federal from Hickok 45 and son is because we have firearms to feed and we really appreciate everybody's help so anything else I think that the intelligent to say oh no I never have that okay I don't neither so was i life is very good thanks well hope you guys enjoyed that because I know I sure did well I've got two here one to let you guys know about our friends over SBI this Sonoran Desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can be certified and gunsmithing and you can also get an associates degree in firearms technology and they also do a lot of work with veterans they accept the GI Bill they also have hands-on experience even though it's a distance learning program so it's one let you guys know about them also you can find them at SDI edu that's the Sonoran Desert Institute also just want to let you guys know we have merchandise now so if you want to buy any it got 45 merchandise you can go over to our store the link is in the description of every video and there's also a link kind of on the header of the main channel page that the main youtube channel and so we've got that and also if you want to find more of our content and other places it's everywhere you can go to full 30 com we have most of all of our videos over there you can also find us on Facebook Hickok 45 Facebook you can find hit got 45 on Instagram I think it's the real hit got 45 over there and then also on Twitter or Cicotte 45 and then me the Sun the and son John Hickok you can find me at petcock 45 and son on YouTube I also do a podcast called gun culture radio what you can find on that youtube channel and also on itunes and there's also a John Hickok Facebook page which you can find a link to on the Hickok 45 and son channel page there's a link over there and that's all I can think of it for now it's a lot to digest so you're going to want to think about that for a little bit and then watch one of these other videos it's like down there over there somewhere because some of these look pretty good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 3,779,608
Rating: 4.9042339 out of 5
Keywords: Draco, N-Pap, AK47, AK-47, Russian, 7.62X39, full-auto, rapid fire, select fire, Kalashnikov, drum magazine, AK pistol, folding stock, NFA, Royal Range, Century Arms, mini draco, Soviet
Id: 46iwPQNJOkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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