M&P 15 - 22

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45 here and i have a couple of evil rifles on the table both of them were 22's and this one we've not shot we've not shown you it's called the m p 22 15 or 22 15 22 right let's try it let's just shoot it all right yeah they are wow that's a major operation boom yeah a couple old cans and then two liter i bet it'll take one of those out oh but it'll take a gong out not bad what about something close like a bowling pin wow look at that group that rifle grew pretty nice huh let's talk about this a little bit and shoot some more you want to oh it is a 22. it's not a big bad 223 is it yeah it is the m p uh 15 22 and yeah we've never had one on the compound i i'm sorry i'm sorry it's been out a while but we just never have and i thought we'd bring it to you borrow this from budsgunshop.com we appreciate their assistance so so often check them out also don't forget the sonoran desert institute sdi.edu you can take some distance learning gunsmithing you can learn to work on these things really get it on the road to being a gunsmith we need a lot more gun smiths now we're shooting some federal ammo we appreciate their help oh boy do we ever these days got some 22 i broke into and got some cci and some other there under their umbrella of course they even own remington now right so anything we put on a table almost is this federal vista outdoor but we appreciate their help um yeah i apologize will you forgiveness forgive us for not having won these sooner uh i it part of it's me part of it's me because uh all of it i uh i have never been crazy about the the 22s that try to duplicate a larger rifle or a more powerful rifle or a centerfire rifle even with handguns i just never have uh i'm fine with a model 60 marlin or just whatever but a lot of people do like a 22 do i need to tell you that right i don't know how many these they've sold to these mossberg makes one and other people do but a lot of people just love this and i can see why i can see why because i've been shooting at some and i'm not hitting malfunction that's another reason i've not i'm not drawn to semi-automatic 22 rifles they they just tend to get dirty and start malfunctioning sometimes before you're ready for them to get dirty in malfunction but i'll tell you this one has not malfunctioned yet it might today on camera uh you know i'm not sure i shot a lot of that ammo let me put my ears on it's not going to blow them out or anything but put it over there yeah let's hit a red plate yeah hit that middle one all right click what did i say look at that we had a malfunction you sort of expect that with a 22 at least i do click yeah and now we're getting some malfunctions for some reason but uh and i cleaned it just before we started so so whatever that was about we got a case caught in here i say i'll get him out of there oh there he went okay he's not out yet there we go i think it caused it to continue malfunctioning let's see how it does here make sure our ammo is in there correctly what i had been shooting were some uh mini mags and some of these standard velocity and i shot some of these but i uh not a lot of them make sure they're they're working okay one of the takes on this gun is that it does fire a lot of different ammo types of ammo just fine yeah maybe not this as well we might open up the mini mags here give them a try how's that okay we'll see if it's uh ammo or what there's a list in the instruction booklet of ammo that works the best mini max was one i think and uh several different federal brands uh seems like uh it likes warm ammo but again this standard velocity stuff is working you know really well too so so i don't know yeah 22s are and on the not to use list i printed it out there were several remington brands the golden bullets or whatever they're called there's no big surprise winchester wildcat there were several brands that they advised not to use that's kind of typical of 22s you just get a different uh result with various kinds of ammo no doubt about it but as i'm getting into this and loading this mag uh one of the claims obviously the claim to fame here on this this thing is the fact that it operates so much like a an ar-15 you know it and that of course that was their intention it was not accidental right and you've got the uh you know the fire control in fact the trigger you could put in an ar trigger a replacement most of the effort aftermarket triggers would fit you know your pistol grip here you can see that looks familiar doesn't it and uh just the way it operates uh you know your mag release no it's the feel of it uh buffer tube which all this is polymer it's just a one piece polymer there's no spring in that well i've got it here i'll show you uh yeah take this out kind of stiff there we go so you got a solid just a solid piece back there but because the uh the bolt it all has all the the recoil or buffer spring you know right there in it so when you shoot this is blow back just blows back against that piece of polymer right there and so there's your spring buffer spring recoil spring whatever you want to call it okay because it's a blowback operation so yeah it's a 22. obviously it's not going to be the same exactly even uh your charging handle is a little different look at that little thing so you don't have a gas tube you know coming back through the air or anything so it's a little different affair too isn't it and then that's it but i mean you know the rest of it kind of looks similar there okay pretty cool pretty cool really does duplicate an ar-15 if uh and of course the advantage is especially if you have somebody young or just anybody who wants to uh you know get familiar with how the ar-15 operates ar-10 i guess whatever and uh you know it's maybe recoil sensitive and just just hasn't shot much and you want to get them accustomed to the manual of arms how they operate you know this is a a nice gun for that okay uh get some accustomed to that all the uh there we didn't have that pin that's sticking there in a way it has all the uh the same pins you know it comes apart the same way it's just very very very similar you take this bin out and take the upper off and so you got basically an ar-15 in 22 caliber they should have called it the m p 15 22. that would make sense they did call it that didn't they so you know a polymer rail here it's got a free-floated barrel it's got the a1 uh flash suppressor there and you can see you got the openings on the bottom and uh you got kind of the low end stock there you get a lot of magpul pieces for it some of them actually come i think with a magpul stock you have six positions there with that uh you know insights the inbus site so yeah this one came like that they're different uh configurations like i said they got a little more mag pull on some of them than others uh and slightly different prices but i think they're generally somewhere between four and 500 bucks you know in this crazy uh apocalyptic world we're in right now i'm not sure what the pricing is might be that you find one but uh so but interesting you know the mag's a little different because it's not a 2 2 3 mag right you got this handy little assist button here which is always nice on 22s i think uh 22s are kind of i don't know when you're used to bigger bullets they're uh they're small to manipulate right and uh you can look like a uncoordinated clutch right you can drop them and everything else so uh for training you know uh all that i can see the point in this more so than some other uh 22s i'm not crazy about a handgun as i've discussed before i differ from a lot of people on that if you have a for example you carry a 1911 or you carry a glock 19 and so you like to save money on ammo by having a uh 22 long rifle kit for your glock or your 1911 and so you shoot a lot of 22 through it and but then you carry the full caliber 45 or whatever it is nine millimeter for defense uh i'm not a big fan of that because it uh it's just such a different different recall impulse it really is now it doesn't hurt maybe i mean it could but i think it depends on the level of training that where where you are with your training you're just getting started it's one thing just like with this this is a great way to introduce somebody to one of the most popular rifles on the planet right the ar-15 the modern sporting rifle make sure all those are loading correctly okay so make sure that mag is working like i said that other ammo was working okay before but anyway 22 long rifles are famous for that okay let's try this now cowboy yeah let's go to the gong again pretty sweet oh there's some cinder over there if the sights are on enough yeah a couple times how about a bowling pin boom had one round left okay that whole mag worked i tell you it's been my experience uh when in doubt go minimize they just tend to work they just tend to work by the way we also appreciate the help from the people who made this the uh what is this thing called it's called the banish 22. we're going to pop that on there in a minute it's a you know a suppressor and of course you have the the same what happened 28 threads on the on the uh you know the rifle barrel there so you can pop on a suppressor a different flash hider whatever you want to do so we'll load a few more of these in since they're working just just great and shoot a little bit more then we might put that suppressor on you never know we uh we'll show you the difference when we put the suppressor on with this ammo and then maybe some other real quick before i let you go how's that it was trying to rain it better not rain i looked at the weather report it was not supposed to rain until five o'clock so it's not allowed to rain before five it just is not i want to show you uh others that's enough for what i want to show you the john and i discovered well we kind of knew but most of the apparently the noise from a 22 is from the breaking the sound barrier the velocity of it and so i'm going to shoot it with uh that the suppressor okay now listen carefully everybody i'll be there's off for a second okay i meant to leave a couple in there i'll put a couple more in uh and you'll see what we're talking about you don't get a lot of difference change when you put a suppressor on if you've got fast ammo now at least we were the other now this is 1260 oh this should be similar so let you all listen okay all right are we clear you really want to be clear there's nothing in that chamber okay when you start messing with the end of the barrel okay that's what i'm going to do as you said it's finger tight because i had it off and on this is called a flash suppressor for new folks right flash hider this is called a suppressor or silencer for new folks cigar holder okay okay the bandage 22 yeah and again and again i appreciate we appreciate the silencer central uh helping us out with suppressors and uh yeah a little fun with some more quiet shooting so we appreciate their help so we're gonna shoot this uh same round now the point is here you're not gonna notice a lot of difference okay you might have noticed a little bit but not much you need subsonic ammo i'm gonna prove it to you just in case you don't believe it you know some of you probably don't believe a lot of what i tell you right you've had too much experience here watching our videos and you just know to believe half of what you hear very little of what you see right okay so like i say you've got a steel barrel you got the flash hider get on back into the gun uh here you've got polymer everywhere the lower and the upper is polymer okay it's light it's not made to go to war so you know it doesn't matter long as it works lots of polymer the gosha stock the buffer tube just everything that's why it's not very heavy so so a nice little firearm for a youngster to learn on and learn how to operate one of these again the modern sporting rifle ar15 is uh what the most popular rifle in the country right now it has been for a good while so you know it's a great way to show someone how it works and uh i've seen some people with these that they've got them decked out with all kinds of red dots i mean you you think they're right out of afghanistan you know with their m p 15 22. they've got i mean 2 000 worth of stuff hanging on it you know it's a 22 rifle so if you like shoot 22 you can put a lot of stuff on this thing have some fun with it all right before we load it make sure we're tight yep okay now you'll notice a little difference these are uh subsonic at least you'd better i don't want to lie to you okay [Music] just like night and day and you you just gotta have subsonic ammo to get the the most out of suppressor yeah i love that chew on that cinder that's funny let's just chew on this paper here even though it's subsonic i think it'll go through that paper yeah it didn't bounce off now it may not be hot enough to smoke pot the way it ought to be smoked we'll try though all right yeah you know you hear that it'll barely sound if you're not uh you know you don't think about it too much you think well it's like nothing it's growing 100 feet per second or 50. but let's do it hit this barrel okay i mean it's real bullets just because you slow them down a little bit oh man i'm gonna hit that buffalo over there boom hey so that functioned fine too so uh one of the things i read about it and some of the experience people were having was it just really uh does feed a lot of different ammo reliably and i don't i don't know what i was going on there because before the video i was not having trouble with that unless i just had a round in there kind of out of kelter or something like that but i want you since we've got the suppressor on actually a little more of this before i'll let you go okay so what did i not tell you about it that you're dying to know although you've got a beveled mag well you know for if you really do go to war need to reload in a hurry uh maybe you could take an ar-15 mag and pop it in there yeah i think it's designed it won't that was a joke folks you don't wanna do that yeah it won't take one it's designed specifically not to okay you wanna confuse it with a five five six but uh it's pretty cool because it is so so much uh when you pick it up and shoot it if you've shot an ar-15 much at all i mean you just feel right at home no doubt about that and uh you know if you've seen me be a klutz with a ruger 1022 you know very very popular rifle that every 10 year old can operate and i sometimes struggle with it in the bolt this one maybe it's more my style but now my my slight disdain i guess for shooting a ton of 22 long rifle and semi-automatic handguns or pistols to some extent it is just the reliability factor it's reliability it just gets so frustrating as they get dirty some of them even good ones they just start acting up they just really do and sometimes it just doesn't seem to take that many rounds you know just doesn't seem fair it makes me want to cry my gun stock starts malfunctioning you know and then that's not good makes me look bad makes me look like a cry baby i'm gonna load that totally if i can y'all mine because it just holds 25 i think they have a 10 round mag everybody's a 10 round mag you know for some states of course right and i think i read there's a 30 or 35 32 or 35 round mag too for it so so you have options there uh didn't i didn't get an extra you know it's just the mag came with it saw it comes with it by the way again this is from budsgunshop.com these go back as as you all know of course we had a lot of new people you know they uh we send them back and they auction them off on their e-gunner as used guns and i signed a certificate saying this is the gun we shot that you're seeing here today i put the target in there with it the paper target and all that and the ten percent of whatever it sells for goes to uh uh food bank middle tennessee second harvest okay none of it to us just goes to the food bank okay there we go let's try that now okay i love shooting quietly it's kind of nice isn't it kind of nice yeah that mag clicks right in i think yeah not too much trouble don't bang on it 22. i'm bad about that i know like to make sure they're seated the proper way is to put it up in there and pull on to make sure it's see you know my proper way though for many years is boom okay what should i shoot with these last rounds i know i'm gonna hit one of these arms on this tree and slam it around once it gets slamming around there yeah that's lame gotta have around the chamber maybe i don't have the mag in there right let me close it by the way you know you got the same bolt release over here and everything that's pretty cool so i'll put that in there i thought that last round didn't feel right let me uh mess with that i may have put one too many in or something i lost my pocket knife had to dig out a different one but i've got it yeah different model of it yeah that didn't it didn't feel right felt like i was putting in too many rounds or something okay i might have i might have done like john try to get that extra round and we don't need okay let's put the bolt back both is back and we know we're in okay this is real time okay real time clutch all right we should edit all that out make ourselves look brilliant all right let's shoot one over there i got him boy those sights are right on and i haven't moved them a bit they're right on [Music] oh almost knocked over the pig all right let's shoot something that won't make a sound you all give us a hard time all right gosh these are fun that little can okay let's uh let's shoot some paper again so we don't have steel ringing i just hear the action of the firearm let's go back to gone [Music] pretty neat she's empty so again at that time it was just that maybe the extra round or whatever i did with that top rim so that's cool that's cool i'm glad to know uh that these are pretty reliable um i will do it on video but we may shoot some more of those after you all leave go eat dinner and then see if that was just me or maybe it was the way i had them in the mag or something uh then two sometimes you'll have four or five magazines you know and one will not work as well as others so you've got we have a kind of a crap shoot here it's the only mag we've got but it seems to work okay so all in all pretty neat gun it's uh you know it's got a nice swarm of course the m lock you know i think the early ones the first generation these came with quad rails and you got your pixing rails there and you got uh m lot so i mean this is like high-tech state-of-the-art go to war gun right if you think you can go with a 22 long rifle and you could put a better stock on it if you wanted to there's so many things available now and for people really into shooting 22 long rifle it does seem like a high quality 22 long rifle you know in a format that we're all familiar with right very familiar with so uh i took it apart didn't you so anyway pretty cool little gun and uh the suppressor doesn't come with it by the way but you do have a flash hider and uh appreciate y'all coming by and everybody supports us man everybody that helps us out ammo got a suppressor for it and uh can shoot that so it's just just really cool so the m p 15 22 and you know what that means so glad you came by and uh spent a little time with us life is good it's a long walk from where i had to shoot that oh man oh hey didn't see you guys there since you're here i want to let you know about our friends over at talon grips and ballistol talongunggrips.com check out everything they have over there you can get lots of different grips the stick on grip textures for your handguns and rifle grips so go check them out also ballistol they're a firearms lubricant or anything else you might need lubricating it's water soluble and non-toxic been using it on the compound and cleaning all of our guns it's a cleaner and a lube for over 10 years so ballistal talon grips definitely check both of those companies out and also while you're on the internet don't forget to go to hickok45.com you can also find us on facebook hiccup 45 hickok45 instagram the real hiccup 45 and also i have an instagram page where i post behind the scenes stuff and different things like that john john underscore hickok45 on instagram and uh the next thing you have to do is watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 860,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips
Id: 4iUmpX-riIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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