How NOT To Point a Gun!
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Channel: hickok45
Views: 4,822,131
Rating: 4.8825641 out of 5
Keywords: Gun safety, common sense gun safety, muzzle discipline, trigger finger, airsoft, GP100, range rules, Jeff Cooper, Glock, M1 Carbine, By the way, this old airsoft gun has been around for about 10 years, and it's been at least that long since we've had any, sorry, you're just seeing things. :-) I don't think I've even see the magazine for it in years.
Id: nKxukcqPGQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I know hickok is all about proper gun safety, so I realize the first bit was a shtick/joke, but fuck me if that didn't make me anxious for the cameraguy anyways.
Ok with the title and the first minute I was like oh shit he's going to shoot himself what a dumbass! But this video is spot on, tried explaining this to some friends on the paintball field. As one friend took off his mask to look down his barrel to see why it wasn't working, with his thumb on the trigger!
fuck that first bit gave me such anxiety. Ive seen his videos before so I was wondering what the hell he was doing.
The revolver part is really under appreciated info. Whenever my friends shoot one of my heavier wheelgats, their instinct is to tilt it way the hell back when they cock the hammer.
At 1:03 when he cocks and shoots the supposedly empty gun something happened to fly by in the background.
First I thought it was a pellet bouncing off from the shot and made me very nervous even though he had just checked the gun.
Anyway... must've been a bird or something :)
This is a cool video. I'm glad he demonstrated with a physical visual effect. It would be cool if he redid this video with a laser or after effects.
Good video. Every range I've been to the people have been meticulous
I've always wanted to try to shoot a gun. This video gives me anxiety.