14 Big Indoor Trees & How to Keep them Happy!

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[Music] welcome back my name is amanda from plant arena and today i'm going to do two things i'm going to show you big impressive indoor trees in two different locations trees that get big in a space that look amazing in a space that fill in a space because they're doing well in that space so i'm going to start here i'm in did i say i'm in the plant around a farmhouse well i am and i'm in the kitchen and i'm not going to start with the biggest tree but i'm going to start with the tree that's closest to me this is a ficus audrey and it looks larger because it's in a tall planter i kind of tricked you sorry about that but these trees do get big ficuses get big and they're great indoor plants they're great indoor trees this ficus most ficus pretty much all ficus need bright indirect light to flourish in the space so this is getting that here this is facing west these windows are facing west those windows are facing south so this gets a lot of afternoon light and these plants really appreciate it and i think i'm actually going to water them because i noticed when i was getting ready to do this video that they're really dry so lauren she likes to water when she absolutely has to and maybe that's why her plants are doing so well because she doesn't over water that that's like the worst thing you can do so this is a ficus audrey and it loves it here and i think it's going to stay here because it asked to stay here i said can i stay here can i live with you please i'm like you can live with lauren that's totally fine so this is the ficus audrey this and a little bit more about this particular plant this was pruned to be like a certain shape to be smaller and maybe if you want to come a little closer i can show you something i want to show you where the pruning marks are so they cut it right above this this node this leaf node this stem node actually and so what this did it forced the plant to push out growth all around underneath the node right so that's pretty interesting and the same thing whoever did this did it all around and i think they were hoping to get a little bit more of a rounder shape it's not there yet the round shape isn't there yet but it's a little bit of like polartering i think it's called pillarting i have to put that up on the screen because i don't think i'm saying it right but i've seen them do that with a lot of trees to keep it compact it's not bonsai but it's taming and training your your trees to stay a very specific shape so that's what was going on with this ficus audrey so nice to see you audrey you're getting taller than me so let's move on to the other side of this room this is the other side of the kitchen and this is a fiddly fig so this fiddly fig we bought it this way we didn't wait 20 years for it to grow or eight years to grow bought it this way because we kind of wanted to fill in this space this is a beautiful bay window and we removed all the plants that were here because this guy was getting greedy with space it said i don't want anything else around me i just want to be seen for my beautiful self and it is so it is just about to hit the ceiling and i am going to have to get on a ladder and start pruning back this ficus lorata for shape and when i prune it there it's going to keep growing so i in order for it to stay here we're going to have to be on top of it to maintain this beautiful shape it has lost leaves since we got it and that's very very normal for especially larger plants when you bring them in your house they need time to acclimate it's a totally different location than the greenhouse or from the nursery where it was living for a while before you brought it home so expect to lose leaves but not a lot if it's losing a lot of leaves it's probably in the wrong spot it's probably not getting enough sunlight give these guys as much indirect light as you can and they're just gonna they're gonna reward you with new growth and staying alive which is kind of like the goal this is also really dry oh i'm gonna water it hold on because this plant is getting a lot of light it needs more water so i would not stick to a routine with big plants i would definitely get in here and stick your finger stick your finger in there like that it's i'm getting deep getting deeper it's still super dry this soil is made up of bark and perlite and compost i don't know i didn't plant it but i can i can really see to get the dirt off your hands it's really good to carry a watering can around with you and you soak it yes soak it and i'm going to probably do this about i don't know every time it feels dry but again don't over water it so this ficus is happy in this bay window who wouldn't be i'd like to have a little bench and sit here underneath it and just relax maybe pretend to read a book because that's what i do these days i pretend i'm actually freaked out i should start reading again all right so i think a little bit more water and then we're gonna move on to see what other trees he's got in this in this house is that enough you want more a little bit more a little bit more very relaxing that sound you hear that hear it nice feels good does it make you want to go to the bathroom it's a trick i learned in college water plants right next to someone who's sleeping [Applause] okay you're done you are quenched so we have another one here this is number three i'm going to lose countless true this is not a tree yet it isn't but it's going to be this was a cutting from a ficus uh elastic of burgundy that i have it my i had it my house i forgot i don't have it anymore didn't make it but this is growing just like a tree would grow it has a main stem a main trunk and it just keeps it just keeps getting taller i love tall skinny trees and this is going to be one of them so this is probably in the wrong spot i'll have to move it it likes bright indirect light it really really uh performs very well and grows faster when it's getting warmth and bright in direct light and the head the color of the leaves actually stay a little bit more burgundy-ish when it's getting more light so this is going to be moved and i think she actually just watered this which i'm going to say shocking which i shouldn't say that because she's very good at taking care of plants but i say that because when it's in a terra cotta pot they grow they definitely dry out a lot faster they dry out a lot faster than in the grow pots oops or in ceramic pots like that i love doing that though i could just really i just don't know why i like doing that so yeah ficus burgundy another beautiful tree i know it's not a tree it's going to be a tree it's a young tree okay give it a chance let's go see what else is going on i think i might need my shoes um okay so right here right here is another fiddly fig i'm not going to talk about fiddly figs again because i just did but this one is very similar to the ficus burgundy i just showed you it has one single stem so it's a great tree for narrow spaces for tall spaces for corners and that's why they grow them like this so we have options okay we like options one more thing about this ficus i don't think it's getting enough light in this hallway so it will be moved again again unlike its brother that found its permanent spot this one you can tell is getting a little bit closer and closer to the door i don't know what that means i hope it doesn't mean the end for it but it's a possibility i might end up taking this back to my house with me i think i don't know we'll see about that so let's continue on see what other great indoor trees are here they're not there's nothing in there we have to go outside okay anyway so i am coming onto the porch because that's where a few other trees are and also in the shade garden guilty planted some house plants in the shade garden so we'll have to just go look at that come on come on what are you waiting for can you close the door thank you can you do both can you do everything at once yes you're doing a great job so we have this ming aurelia that i feel really guilty i feel really guilty about this ming aurelia because it was sitting outside on the lawn for a good month we had it indoors and i've i've showed this tree a lot to you guys before but i want to show you exactly where it is now it's right here on the porch it hasn't found its permanent home but we did discover that it likes to be outside and it has lost a lot of leaves kind of in the middle and but i like the way it looks it shows a little bit of the structure and in i really have to be completely honest with you i can't figure out exactly what type of light it loves the best still playing with it indirect bright indirect light i think but when we had it in very bright indirect light it lost a lot of foliage so i'm still playing around with this plant it's not one i'm super familiar with but i'm really kind of in love with the foliage because it looks like parsley and who doesn't like parsley so here's the ming aurelia it has it okay i'm not done with this yet i'm still i'm still having more things to say about the mingorellia it's got a beautiful shape i mean it's narrow it's upright it is a perfect plant for a space that you don't want like your plants to be creeping and crawling all around and taking up all the horizontal space so i see another one another great indoor tree i might be pushing it by seeing tree but i'm referring to this this bird of paradise as a tree because it gets big it's an indoor plant that gets big it is definitely a floor plant and um look at this is already like it just keeps growing it's as tall as i am and it does take up a certain amount of of horizontal space and it's very difficult to keep them dense so if you have a large area where you don't mind the spillage of foliage going like that way this is a great this is a great plant because it's so pretty it's like iconic and uh but it does need a lot of bright indirect light a ton okay so without it it doesn't really grow uh it'll just kind of hang in there it doesn't really die but it's more susceptible to insects and root rot if it's not getting the light it needs but i'd like to feel the foliage too you've noticed maybe you haven't noticed but with bird of paradise the foliage rips very easily in the wind just that's what it does but i'm i'm okay with it now because i i got i got to know you i got to love you there's a bird of paradise it's another wonderful tall indoor tree when if you have a lot of light so let's let's take a little peek into the shade garden because there's one hanging out there that maybe you'll think i'm crazy but i think it's a beautiful tree come on in the last video i did i showed you guys the shade garden and i did mention that there was a banana tree planted and there's actually two banana trees planted in here and banana trees banana plants whatever you want to call them they need a tremendous amount of light okay so your home might not or wherever you live might not have adequate light for it so maybe it won't live that long but you can try if you have big plate glass windows or access to tons of light all day long these plants might work i'm not guaranteeing it and if you find they're declining put it outside or put some windows in your house i don't know like cut some big holes in the wall and let the light in if you can do that i'd love to do that but i'm not there yet so bananas bananas bananas are great indoor they're great if you have the light i know i'm stretching it a little bit but i'm telling you i'd love to have bananas in my house okay these don't actually make bananas they don't you have to go buy your own bananas i just like saying bananas so i think it's time i don't think there's any other trees here i think it's time to go to my house and look at the ones that i have and explain where they are and where they're at where they're at want to come with me let's go welcome to my porch this is where i'm actually keeping pretty much all almost all of my big indoor trees because they do so well outside during the summer they grow a lot and they get more light so i'm facing west right now and so it gets afternoon light and this seems this guy seems to be okay with it this is the first one i'm going to start with so this is a ficus moclaim and i've had it in the in my plant studio i had it in the house and i had it on the back porch last year i know it's on the front porch i was a little nervous that the foliage would burn from the sun but it likes it it likes it sometimes you have to take a risk but it's a really beautiful shape i'm not sure if you can see it because this monstera is in the way it has a very round shape and i keep it pruned back to keep it round and i will end up bringing it back indoors upstairs at the end of the summer into the fall and it's and it probably will lose a few leaves when i bring it back in but that's okay that's that's what naturally happens when it's exposed to all this humidity and then it goes inside where there's less humidity and it drops some leaves this is what it does and it recovers so this guy i love and it's sitting here in the corner kind of tucked away it's my little my little sitting spot i like to sit here and wave to the neighbors when they come by and look at the birds all that all that stuff that i like to do in my downtime so this is a beautiful indoor plant it really probably shouldn't be connected so much with this monstera it should be standing on its own and and you should do that indoors and then behind it i'm going to have to you're going to have to come in a little bit closer here i have a large drastina marginata and i want you to i'm gonna again i'm gonna pull the monstera away this one has been living in my office which is right here and i literally just put it on the other side of the wall outside and it's doing pretty well i don't see much growth on it but it's not declining and that's okay again so it has a nice long trunk and multi stems and so it's a really beautiful sculptural piece indoors but like i said it's outdoors right now so that's a ficus i'm sorry i was looking at a bee and i called it a ficus it's a justine marginata and if you want to come back here you know this is not a tree this is a vine i'm not going to talk about it so much but it's a very large leaved golden pothos on a pole and you can maybe consider it a tree if you grow it on a pole but come here i want to show you something pretty cool i'm going to back up i'm going to back up probably dangerous to do this i'm backing up and i'm not sure what your what your perspective is on this but this is a fairly large ponytail palm and you might want to actually come here and see it this way kind of no okay you can stay right where you are and it's growing a lot it is like a large see how how thick these leaves are in this ponytail pond and how long they are they're very long and and the new leaves are a little bit thinner but this has been i don't know how old this is i really don't know but i know that i have it on a pedestal and i have it in a pot on a pedestal and i'm going to do the same thing inside i'm going to put it in an area that gets bright in direct light most of these plants i'm showing you really do well in bright indirect light so that's why i have it outside i struggle a little bit with light inside my house so i mean i kind of get through the winter and i give them a big chance to recuperate during the summer out outdoors but this is a i would say this is fairly old i'm not really sure how old it is i love this to me this is one of my favorites at this point it's like so sculptural it's a little weepy but not in a sad way it's just sweeping hanging i love it that was my ponytail palm which i'm proud of one thing i want to tell you about ponytail palms is that very often they're going to get brown tips on the leaves like this i don't have any scissors with me but you can just cut them off okay when that happens you can cut them off but the new leaves look very good so i'm not concerned about this plant it's doing great so let's go outside because i don't think oh there's another little okay this could be a tree this will be a tree i thought i didn't have a lot but i think i do have a lot this is a norfolk island pine and this one is probably only about like three feet but this gets giant and again it's a it appreciates really good lighting and it does really really well with bright and direct light so that's yet another one see how pretty it is it's not a pine it's not really a pine it's an actual it's an actual plant not a tree not a real tree come inside those wasps are annoying me though i locked myself out don't look at my code okay come in now hey carson go go come on in let's not talk about the elephant in the room okay but come closer so this is a chef lara amate and this does get big it is an indoor tree that i had to cut back a little bit to kind of save it but it is growing and it does need pretty good indirect light i try to keep it by this door this window it's not getting enough light it needs but it's looking pretty good uh and i don't know it's got a different leaf structure which i really enjoy and it feels super tropical to me so i i like having this guy and chef lara do get very big a lot of these plants i'm showing you do get big so if you don't have the space don't feel bad about cutting it back to fit in the space that you have okay because every plant likes a good pruning i'm telling you they do it might hurt at first but for you but it doesn't hurt for them it's a benefit for them so this is a beautiful chef lara that gets wide too you want to keep it you want to keep it tight just kind of cut some of these leaves back and it could grow a little bit more narrow for you and then i've got i've got um i think i've got one or two more in the dining room come on i have this dracaena limelight it's a dracaena fragrance limelight that i love it here i don't know i've moved it to a couple of different locations it actually bloomed about like four months ago and i have all this new growth on the top i'm a little concerned about when it keeps growing what's gonna happen to it i'm just probably gonna have to cut the tip off and maybe propagate the tip and just keep it dense it's really the two main main stalks here and it's pretty leaning can i show you something if i do this so i shoved it into the corner it leans a lot it comes way out and it kind of wants to fall over so i just do this i just twisted it and put it like that that's sad i gotta fix that i gotta stake it maybe but i love it because it fills up a nice vertical volume that is sometimes hard to find a plant that will do that and this dracaena is perfect for this corner i think last but not least is a monster deliciosa this is the big this is the biggest plant i think i own in terms of the width and the volume and the craziness and it takes up a lot of space so when you are bringing a monster deliciosa into your house this is what's going to happen it's going to get big it's going to get big it's going to take over your space you can cut it back and you should but if you don't want to cut it back this is what happens and i'm proud of this one i love this one and again this is not a vertical it's not a vertical plant this one has become like a room dominator so anyway these are all and this actually can live in lower light too you don't need to have bright indirect light like most of the plants and the trees i just showed you in this video so that's really it that's a conclusion to this video i do really appreciate you subscribing i say it over and over again because i really really mean it and i hope you're having a fabulous weekend and just yeah and that's it that's all i gotta say about that i'm so bad at wrapping this stuff up it's like but thank you thank you and see you soon bye
Views: 71,235
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: indoor trees, ponytail palm, fiddle leaf fig, bird of paradise, monstera deliciosa
Id: YEYbeD0ogHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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