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you not being able to get a high-paying job in it that job is gonna pay you more than a hundred and twenty thousand dollars while you're getting your first job in id and making sure that that job your first job in it it's not an entry level job a lot of it comes down to on that beliefs that you have about getting there yes that beliefs they probably are not your beliefs but that's what society or the i.t community make you believe i need to get this in order for me to get that job one need to wait for me to have this in order for me to get to that job well i need to get wait this long in order for me to be able to upgrade this job to that job again you are going through your iet career based on some beliefs that you have and what can be possible for you or not or how long you need to wait in order for you to go from point a where you are right now to point b well in this case probably you know how many id certifications you need to get in order for you to have that better job that job is going to pay you a lot more that job is going to give you more opportunities you see because that was me i was going through my iet career okay and i had a few beliefs they hold me back and that's the reason why i went through an i.t career for about two maybe three years with entry-level positions because i didn't know any better and that's the reason why i'm gonna ask you for you to go through this entire video because i'm gonna give you access to this one video that will help you to probably think about what you believe can be possible for you because probably you are just a few months maybe weeks away and you getting a better job an idea of probably you getting your first job at 19. a good job not an entry-level one a good job in 19. you see so i'm gonna ask you for you to really go through this entire video because again the beliefs you have create the stories and those stories are the ones going through your mind and that's how you end up going through your i.t career your life and sometimes you have to take the time to question that you know like i have a student that he ended up getting his high school diploma not too long ago so what that means his name is jesus he's 18 years old and he went through this process with me inside the coaching program and right now he has an i.t support position and id a good job and it's not like those low entry level jobs i.t support position and he's going to be working side by side with some engineers where those engineers will teach him a lot 23 dollars per hour 18 years old and he just took a few months to do that and he ended up not going through all these videos that many people go undoing because again they listen to the i.t community and how to go through it and what that means they have these beliefs that this is what i need or this is what i need to get though this is how it needs it will take me in order for me to get to you know that job or upgrade this job to a better one this is why i need you to go through this entire video because i know there are beliefs holding you back and i want to give like the big picture that you can do a lot better you know sometimes it's not only focused i need to get a degree because you don't i need to get a ton of id certification because you don't oh because you know i need to have more years of experience working in 19 in order for me to get there no you don't i will tell you another story with one of my students brandon you know he's one of my successful students right now and he basically ended up from having a health desk job for about five years help desk five years working part time as a ballet parking right because obviously he needed that income but why because you see he had the wrong set of beliefs once he ended up going through this process process he end up saying like wow now i see why you know i was stuck for so long now i see what i can really do and now he has just one job earning a hundred and forty five thousand dollars so he went from sixty thousand dollars health test to a hundred and forty five in a year and a half a year and a half obviously he didn't went from this job all the way to this job he went through a process he ended up going from this job to a 95k job and then 145k senior network engineer you see those beliefs are holding you back right now and that can change just go through this video be open and question do i have this belief is this believe really holding me back and getting that job i'm being able to get you know more opportunities and that income that i want for myself and for my family so you see i can go through this entire video and if you haven't gone through a previous video about another belief go back to it because probably this is exactly what you need right now because what you want probably is not going to get you what you really desire sometimes it's better to get what you need for you to get there so go through this entire video and i will talk to you soon now you know that in today's world in today's economy and for you to get a high-paying job or any of many opportunities that are out there you do not need a bachelor's degree you know let other people think that way just make sure that you are not one of them you can get that job that you want without a bachelor's degree i did many students have and again you can too now about this video let's go through something that many people go through and they think you know i have to be this or i have to think this way in order for me to be very successful in it in order for me to get a high-paying job in it and i know too that many people that want to get an id don't get in because they think that well i have to be like that type of person i have to be like really smart like i have to think like them so no you don't have to know everything right or for you to be very technical that's another thing people focus on that you have to be very technical all the time that means i'm gonna learn this one technology and then i'm gonna go to the next one and the next one and that way i'm gonna be able to get the high paying job so probably 99 i need learning has to be has to do with technical topics technical information technology it's not true even though many people do that but again eventually they get stuck i'm telling you they get stuck now they focus on a lot of terrifications right that was me i'm not gonna lie to you okay when i get an i.t i'm like okay i'm gonna get this certification and then i'm gonna get that one and then i'm going to get that one and then i'm going to get that one and that's exactly what i end up doing i got my computer a plus and then i got my computer never plus and then i got my computer security plus and by the way up to that point no job and i'm like okay this is not working you know i'm going after jobs it's not working obviously back then i didn't know any better that's many years back okay so i'm like okay well that means i have to get another certification okay okay let me go after that and i will tell you more about that another story that i have i end up going to this boot camp okay for two weeks not a week for two weeks i'll tell you the story later on but i ended up going to this bootcamp for two weeks for me to get my microsoft ncse that was microsoft survive system engineer this is back then 2003 and back then in order for me to do that that was for me to get about six exams i was completing unity but i'm like okay once i get this i know that i'm going to get a job so i went to the boot camp and i took five exams and out of the five exams i felt two of them so i don't i only end up passing three on the three of them and to tell you they're true a lot of it was the wrong way okay and we just um remember some of the questions it was really bad again i didn't know any better back then so i came back i'm like okay i didn't get my ncse you know i'm just one task for me to get my mts a okay but let me just go because now i have my microsoft mcp microsoft certified professional again this was back in two thousand um three four five so i went in idita right and through that bootcamp bootcamp so i end up applying to more jazz because now i have more certifications nothing happened and i'm like okay i need to get my ccna so you see i'm just getting one certification to the next one to the next one to the next one thinking that that's going to help me and i completely forgot about not forgot because i didn't know any better but there were other things that i needed to do that will allow me to get that job and without me going to get a ton of id certifications so what does this mean to you that once you get an i.t i know that you're going to be like man that looks shiny i think this will help me and i will look good you know if i get that certification and if i get past certification and if i get that certification don't do that don't be one of many people that collect traffications you know right now many senior engineers and managers not all of them but many of them don't believe and the bs that you have on your resume and i've seen many resumes when they have seven ten certifications that blows my mind and by the way i do have many certifications but depending on the job that i'm gonna go after i put the ones that apply to that job i never put every certification i have i don't do that that will never help you and most people will think that you are full of bs so obviously this is not for you okay okay so no me getting certified no yes you have to get certified but only get certified based on the ones that will help you based on the job that you have now and based on you're probably getting your first job in iet or the next one that's how you need to go through your iet career that way you are not all over the place because if you do once again you will be stuck like many people are go to the it community go to many groups that are out there and ask hey just wondering you know i'm trying to get an i.t uh and i want to see like how many certifications i need to get you know and by the way how many certifications do you have all that you'll see a ton of people jumping in right and be like okay i'm gonna put the same certifications i have i i'm the best right then the next one oh i have five certifications six certifications and they feel very proud of even though they went and got those certifications probably the wrong way but then ask can you tell me that job that you have now what's the position and how long you've been working in 19 you see at that point you probably get not even half of the responses compared to when you ask how many certifications you have because now they think uh no i no because if i tell them that i still work in the help desk or desktop support and i've been working in id for three years even though i have all these certifications you see and i know this because i have done that a few times yeah people are proud of saying oh i have these certifications show me your paycheck how long you've been in iit what's the position do you have don't tell me about that certifications that certifications come later first tell me how long you've been at 90 what's the position that you have and how much are you earning and if i find that interesting then i ask you what certifications do you have the difference so what's better okay got it i'm not i'm gonna get turf i guess but i'm not gonna be like most people just going after one and the next and the next and the next and the next don't do that okay so what's better and that's obviously for you to learn how to communicate you see this is not technical and this is how you start differentiate yourself from everyone else that does the same thing and i will tell you more about it once we go through module three okay but yes how to communicate come up to people that work in it and ask uh can you tell me the past year what you've been doing learning nine out of ten people will say something related to a certification a technology they will never mention oh you know i took the time i went through this book i took this class related and how to communicate and how to tell stories what tell stories what does that mean you will know more about once you go through macho 3 but you see probably if you work in i.t you're probably like you know i've been working in iit korea for three years and no one no one advised me told me anything that would communicate tell the stories or like what does that mean yes and probably that's why you are stuck because that's the reason why most people are stuck in their iet career the good thing is again now you know a lot better how to educate people you see when you go through the job interview process right you're gonna end up talking to probably to three maybe five people and the other 10 candidates going after the same job they're going to end up talking to the same people you're going to attack to so my question at that point is so how are you gonna differentiate yourself from the other 10 candidates how the three or five people you're gonna talk to will remember you and not them because i will tell you this more likely you're gonna sound like everyone else because you have no idea on how to communicate you have no idea how to tell the stories for them to think of you like you are the one you cannot educate them based on what you know based on what you learn in iit or based on your experience and how to present now you how to present what you know most people 90 don't know how to do that and why let's think oh because they think they have to be really geek out of technology nerds very smart based on technology they want to know everything related to technology because they only think about technology get it are you getting this 50 yeah maybe it's technology but there are other 50 percent than most people in 90 don't ever think of and that's exactly what's going to allow you for you to get those jobs and not them because you'll do the right way the new way okay so now that you know better obviously this is something for you too like if you don't have this core belief that's good right you don't have to get rid of it but make sure that you don't adapt adapt it once you start going through your it career because you're gonna see most people in i.t doing this one thing technology focus just on that really kick out about it they only talk about that you will not be one of them so be very aware of that now if you've been working in 19 this is man that was me jorge that was my only focus well now you know better and that's now time for you to get rid of that core belief because that's creating a stories that will not allow you for you to succeed the way that you want to so now take the time download the pdf go through the exercise answer the questions the way that you know best and once you do go to the next video and i will talk to you there the final belief that you need to get rid of or not allow yourself to adapt so i will see you there you
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 1,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Get IT Certifications, top it certifications, best it certifications, it career, get a high paying job, how to get your first job in it, network engineer academy, networkchuck, cisco ccna certification
Id: gALRq_wZxZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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