IT Career Advice for 2021 - Perfect for AMBITIOUS people.

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hi everyone sorry that i end up losing that connection um so i'm gonna probably wait maybe a minute or so let's see how many people will be joining okay um so yeah i end up losing connection i didn't know i was probably like two three minutes into it when i'm like holy like i end up losing that connection but hopefully you know we end up getting the same um everyone back okay so now we're back on that conversation okay so i know probably some of you already let's see and again any questions like really any questions put them on the chat okay and i'm gonna go through those questions so what's the conversation that i wanted to go today okay and again i'm trying to my thinking right now is like if i'm sitting with you like in your living room let's just imagine that that i'm like right there with you right and we are talking about our i.t career right how can we get to a high-paying job in 19. you know the first thing that i will say is okay before we go in details and what would i do me if i have to start all over again my i.t career i want to start by saying this and that's for you to question like really question what you know question that approach that you are taking right now in order for you to take your first job in id or for you to upgrade that job that you have now to a better one you know how can you advance your it career having this in mind that this is for you to go up your it career not for you to move sideways you see because many people end up doing that in their it career i did that for a few years yeah and then moving from one job to the next shop and to the next job and even though i was getting more money on the next jobs i didn't really move up in my it career i ended up moving sideways and i didn't know that because obviously i didn't know any better and so along my um far on my career when i look back i'm like oh my god you know how is that no one told me that how is it no one can guide me through on how to go through my i.t career a lot better right so again if i'm sitting down with you let's say in your living room let's just have that conversation how can you get to high paying job and i t by the end of next year okay and that means for you to finally get that job that's gonna pay you a lot more than a hundred and twenty thousand dollars i had a conversation not too long ago and i think i already shared this with you when someone reached out and said you know jorge i already have a job spending a 100k and i'm like that's great you know that's good for you but it's not a high paying job in it a hyping job an idea that's a job that has to pay you more than a hundred and twenty thousand dollars that's a high paying job in it and you probably know this right you probably noticed that a lot of the prices and everything is going up but not your income right so why not approach your i.t career in a way that you can get a high paying job in it or for you to me to be able to move quick and be able to eventually get to a job that's going to pay you over 120 000 you know many people have done that so why not you that's the same thing i tell my students why not you you have to be the next one okay so once again that's the first thing question like really question what you know like really question that approach that you are taking right now because i know a lot of it has to do with the advice right that you got that guidance that you got from other people in the i.t community right because that's exactly what happened to me and i'm not saying everyone right is giving you bad advice or guidance but i know for a fact most people are they're giving you information advice guidance that it's not helping you it's basically holding you back okay and this is exactly what i was saying in the previous a few minutes ago and the other life about when you go to the mount everest right when you want to climb that to the mount everest you may have all the equipment right all the resources you probably have you know the best guy right team that is helping you to go all the way to the top right for you to claim the amount everest but if you do some research you're going to find out that most people are not able to go all the way to the top even though they have the guidance the right team right and you have the tools the resources but mentally they're not ready mentally they are not ready and that applies to in your it career so you see that's the first thing that you need to think of like am i ready for me to go through my it career and be able to make things happen do i have the right inner game that's gonna allow me for me to get there that's gonna allow me for me to only focus on the things that will allow me to get that job and the next job and finally to get to that high-paying job and i t am i or not you see so that's the first thing that i will say if i am again having a conversation with you like right there in your living room because that's exactly what i will do okay because and this is something that i've been seeing for so long you have to become someone that you are not and yes i.t certifications help you and they can help you a lot but that's not the answer it's only just one resource right that you need to get at one point but that's not the answer and you've been able to get to that job that you want in your it career and there are many jobs out there that pay you over a hundred and twenty a hundred and sixty thousand dollars and once you get to that level there are many more opportunities many more opportunities opportunities for you to really take advantage and be able to earn more money you know i don't know any other career okay again i don't know any other career and i know they're probably a few i'm not saying they're not but based on my experience i don't know any other career that will pay you that much like id fast without that much of investment based on money time and effort you know because obviously if you want to become like some type of a doctor a lawyer a dentist or something like that i mean that's years and years in the process and you know probably hundreds of thousands right in order for you to get to that level in 90 you can do that in the next two in the next three years right so again uh so that's the first thing guys going in 2022 and you're probably thinking like bro it's like three months away really that's gonna go like that right so this is my take on it right and again that's good based on what i told you you need to become someone that you are not now that's for you to think of that like who is that person that i'm not right now but that i need to become in order for me to get to not just the next chat but all the way to a high-paying job and i think okay let me think about that and then let me reverse engineer the process so that i can see what are the things i need to do in order for me to become that person that's gonna give me that job that income that lifestyle that i want you see unfortunately no one tells you this and that's exactly what's gonna make the big difference and you taking the time okay who is a person i need to become in the next three months in the next six months in the next 12 months that way i end up getting that hyping in my team that way i end up finally going through my life in a way that i can create the lifestyle that i always wanted you see unfortunately no one tells you that okay now let me go through some of your comments okay i'm gonna go from all the way to the top my only question which is better for accurate marketing and branding targeted black targeted youtube channel or neither you know i will do both depending on where that is you know i have about i think there were two students end up doing something with youtube and they were able to take advantage of that just because of that and one of them i will tell you his name is um uh man i have a few students uh i will show you here [Music] let's see let's see so basically what he ended up doing uh he ended up getting his dream job at night in the philippines he's from the philippines and he ended up doing a few things related to not just youtube channel but doing a few classes a few videos on youtube put some classes online uh not online physically uh there we go uh there rolly uh so he ended up doing that like end up getting his dream job just because he ended up doing some marketing based on some youtube videos and on top of that the things that he was posting on his social media because many people look at that many people don't think i don't think they're gonna look at my social media they do many recruiters some of the managers look at your social media now you're probably thinking oh that's good for me because i don't have anything i don't have no presence on social media and if i have everything is private so if someone wants to do some search on me everything is private no one is gonna found find my uh uh my snapchat or my facebook or my youtube or my instagram like they're not gonna be able to find another that's bad because you see i know that many people focus on the linking profile and it's been probably three maybe for four years that i haven't done anything on my linkedin profile because that i don't need that right now but many people focus on that thinking that oh that's exactly what's going to give me a job but if you reach out to a few recruiters and you ask them what do you think about that linking profile and the candidates many of them will say that's only bs everything they have is bs you know because they they're the ones they told me okay because obviously that information i know it's not because oh i'm freaking genius no i reach out to people i ask the right questions because i want to know how the game is playing out there because if you have no idea how the game is playing out there how you're gonna win and win that means you getting the job that you want you see when there there is information out there that you have no idea there are insights that many people can give you that you cannot find online on youtube so sometimes you really have to reach out to the right people for you to find that information for you to be able to get those insights that you're not gonna be able to find or any idea and doing that type of research online and just that information can change everything and how you're gonna go through your it career and be able to make things happen but you see no one tells you this i mean it will be easy for me to say oh you know get a ton of id certifications right you know um create like a really badass you know linking profile you know um learn many other like imagine if i tell you that like everyone else you're gonna probably oh i agree with you but i'm not really helping you at all basically what i'm doing is probably holding you back this is why i'm really giving you what it can make a difference for you and reaching out to some recruiters not for you to see if they have a job no for you to just ask some questions can you tell me more about how you end up going through a process to find the right candidate because obviously and really think about this right they talk to hundreds of hundreds of people every month right they talk to a lot of people every day they go through resumes every day that's your job so they can tell and again this is not me thinking that i know better they told me this is how the game is playing right so they're like okay we can tell like i can tell when i go through a resume as soon as i i call that person if that person is like average like everyone else or if that person is a high performer and i'm like how and like when you do this a lot a lot uh for a long time you can tell right away and they can be very uh various things you see and that's probably something that you never think of you probably think the more i t traffications you know the better but that's not how it works it's just really not how it works you know go right now on social media and you're gonna find many people that are trying to get a job and some of them they have a bachelor's degree some others yes they have some id certifications but they do not have a japanite team now you probably know some people that yes they have a japan id but they have an entry level job even though again they have a bachelor's degree they have a few i.t certifications right so again this is why i told you you have to really question the beliefs that you have question that approach that you are going through and how to get your first job and i.t all that job that you want you know for you to go from that job that you have now an it2 a better one like really question that because i know probably there are better ways and how to accomplish that and again regardless of where you are right now you can really get to a high paying job and i t in the next two years and that hyping japan i.t it's the one that's gonna pay you more than 120 000 i'm telling you there are many opportunities out there the problem is they're not that many people there that qualify or some of them yes they are qualified but they don't know how to market themselves they don't know how to go and be able to really play in that game you know whether they can get those jobs you see and that's something that no one is going to teach you okay everyone goes based on technical information no bueno i'm telling you it's just no bueno okay so i'm gonna comment questions okay so um hey jorge i recently got my ccna 2021 so that's like uh probably three months ago but then having a hard time landing a job interview they keep saying that like practical experience even though is an interview how did you end that how did you know that you end up asing the interview how do you know kyle lawrence did you end up as in that interview did you probably thought that oh they asked me five questions so maybe seven questions and i know i know i answered every question right and i felt that i have that connection with them so yeah i was thinking that you know i was getting that job but didn't happen so this is probably what you are not thinking right now but obviously you are not the only one right you go through a job interview process and you are not the only one there are probably other five seven ten people right and more likely they will be asked the same questions probably not all of them but most of them same questions they ask you right now that question to you is kyle how are you gonna differentiate yourself from the other seven ten candidates in a way that they can remember you because i know that probably you end up answering the questions that way that everyone did so basically you just sound like everyone else and when they look at your resume they don't see an experience like well this guy may know that information because yes he probably end up going through a book i'm going through some videos maybe end up doing some laps but that doesn't tell me even though it seems that you know but that doesn't tell me that you can get the job done and if that question is not answered that you can get the job done they're not gonna give you the job it's just that simple so that question you're probably asking okay so how they can think of me that i can get the job done well a lot of it has to do and how you end up learning the topics so if you end up getting the ccna how did you end up getting learning the topics like if i come up to you right now and i ask you can you tell me right that need of having a villain or vlans in a network infrastructure what would you say you're probably going to come up with some type of a technical definition right or probably if i ask you you know can you tell me a time where you're not working with ospf and can you tell me what you did you probably may say something that's technical focus based on a technical definition some type of technical lecture you will not be able to come up with a story and i get it you probably heard it how can i come up with a story if i'm new in 19 i never had a job so how can i come up with the story related to ospf if i never if i never done it you see and i can tell you but that will take me because it's a process i'm telling you it's a process but i'm just giving you a few things for you to think about okay it's just based on you being a storyteller okay now uh so again and you may have a lot more issues i don't know if you're still listening kyle but you and i know this apply to many other people not just you kyo you know you're not the only one going through this now going back and what i was saying right you can go on social media and you may find people that they are not able to get a job now think about this okay because this is something that i had a conversation with one of my students i'm like jorge i mean i don't see that many people that are unable to get a job in it you know like i see everyone like when i uh when i ask a question to the i.t community you know a lot of the people i mean when i ask they have a japanese i'm like okay i agree with that and by the way like that how you say push that like but a button please come on guys we have like 40 people watching that's only nine likes come on just click click click okay so and i asked him okay if you cannot get a job in it will you post it on your social media obviously not right like if i cannot get a job and i think you think i'm gonna go on my social media hey guys i got my ccna i got my cam tia a plus network plus it's been three months and i can get a job an id obviously not right so i'm telling you there are thousands of people out there right now unable to get a japan id how i know this because some of them reach out to me through some way on social media hey okay what can i do you know i did this i did that and i cannot get a job i go through the jumping through process but they end up not calling me back i have experience i don't have experience what like that's what's going on right now out there so again there is a point in life that you need to like be open you know and this is something that i'm going to say because that was this guy today that sent me a a message uh not a message he posted something on my youtube unlike jorge you have students inside the coaching program and it seems that sometimes you cannot not pay that much attention to them sometimes that's basically what i heard and i'm like look there are many they end up getting high paying jobs in i.t their first job at 19. so that means the process works and here we go based on the same thing that i was saying before right let's say that i'm that guy that i've been doing this for years you know that i've been taking people to the top of the month everest i know how to do that right you are paying me to what to guide you you are not paying me to carry you right and that's a problem there many people and i hope that's not you okay i hope that's not you don't wait for someone to carry you to the promised land someone can guide you and tell you this is what you need to do but that's your job for you to do the work right it's like you're basically paying me for me to do that push-ups for you and for you to get the results that doesn't work that way right so again this goes back to the same thing i was saying a lot of it has to do on the inner game you need to take care of that first and i bet right if you come up to me how your uh uh that liked you one looks like like what's the lifestyle tell me more about it like let's see let's sit down right now and i tell you tell me how would you like your life to be like in one year from today when the next two tell me all about it in detail one many people proud of you you know me you may not be able to tell me in detail you may be oh yeah a better house more income a job no no detail what job how much are they paying you exactly you know how long you've been on that on that job like tell me more about it what's the detail of that house and what location what car do you try what are the experiences that you are having because of that income that once you're providing to your family you probably will not be able to do that detail right so you need to start there now when you are very detailed about it right if you come up to me and you ask jorge like what's the life for you in the next year and the next two how the life looks like for you i will like very detail about it every detail about it right now you ask okay jorge who is that person that's gonna get you there i will tell you not me that person that right now me no i may be able to kind of like maybe but no no this is why you have to go through this process to become the next version of you right so that person the problem you can ask okay jorge so who is this person that can get you that life well that person is this that person thinks this way that person goes through their day through that week through that month doing these things thinking uh about these things too you know different habits like all these things combined and that's my pursue me once i get to one level i'm like okay what's next like going back when i was going through this process many years back i'm like okay one of my goals was if i can ever earn 50 an hour if i can ever in my life earn 50 an hour i made it that was like the biggest income goal that i wanted like the biggest one many years back and once i got there i'm like wow so what's next right and yeah for a few years i couldn't go to more higher and higher why because i didn't know at that point that that was another version of me that i have to kind of go through breakthrough and you see like every year i'm like okay so who i need to become so i can get to that next level and probably none of you think about that probably again all of that all of it it has to do with id certifications learning more technical topics and that's not the answer you don't want to get to a high paying job in it and be and not be happy right i mean you're going through life right in a way that you can design something that you're gonna be able to love you're not going to like to focus on getting a job an idea and then for you to be unhappy and many other areas in your life right and that's just the truth now any more questions guys i'm going through here i haven't gone through some of them okay let's see uh [Music] a lot of people don't realize if you have the a plus network plus on your resume on your uh uh yeah exactly that's exactly my point thank you that's something i said until on tuesday until on tuesday and tuesday i i told many people right uh i'm going through the comments so uh on on tuesday i end up i i said this when you put your a plus network plus and the resume right away people can tell this guy is just an entry level guy we do not need that i mean there are ton of people out there guys at some of them trying to get a job in a ton of them so always a question is how can you really differentiate yourself from everyone else you know one guy i i remember having a youtube live a few months a few weeks a few months back and i said there are two things you have to accomplish right for you to get a job one of them they have to like you and this guy was like laughing on the chat oh haha like you come on george really they have to like you why would you want me like and like you see bro you're not getting it you're not being open you are not being open you see how is that many of the students are able to get a job because again they follow a process and they accomplish that one thing they have to like because if they don't like you you don't get a job you're not gonna get the offer because when they like you they're able to connect with you in a higher level and that trust start building right there on the interview and again they're able to listen a lot more and what you have to say and how can you help them the second thing is what i said before they have to know that you can get the job done and that's your job that's the good thing that's exactly your job now whether you're gonna end up going through a job interview process what you do that's going to accomplish those two things and that's all up to you okay there are ways on how to do that uh so let's see what other questions do you have so i learned active directory and i got a system and then position where are you from is he and how much if you don't mind saying how much is this position paying and be honest be honest okay let's see let's see who else uh now i will tell you this guys and i really hope you write this down because this will blow your mind what i'm about to say will blow your mind and i'm gonna ask you for you to write this down and this is something that i'm gonna share with my students okay on sunday i don't know maybe one of my students probably is watching but this is something that i'm gonna share with them on sunday night because every sunday night i have a conversation with them okay so this is one thing that i'm going to share and i'm going to pass it on to you and i really hope you end up doing this if not again it's up to you but that's exactly what i will do okay and this is again do this as soon as we end this call do this it's not gonna take you more than 30 minutes and these next 30 minutes can really change your life financially and were you gonna end up by the end of next year not this year uh jorge my wife asked me if she can get classes in spanish that can probably happen uh but yeah let's let let me go on that okay so this is what i'm gonna ask you to do and again it will take you 30 minutes and if you don't do this again it's up to you but if you do this you're gonna take me i know you're gonna think thank me okay so let me write this down so 2022 right by the end of 2022 okay this is what you need to do okay and that's what's the income i want that job i want the lifestyle i want i'm gonna write that down what's the income i want the lifestyle i want by the end of next year and then think about okay who is a person that i need to become think of it that way that person has to think that way that person will do things because that says a lot about you that whether you do things okay the other one the habits what are the habits that this person needs to have okay what are the attitude of what this person needs to have like you need to think about those things right now you have to create these goals you see many people create goals new year's resolution and as you know because that happened to me many times right not anymore but many for many years yes and they happen to most people right for a week or two they're so excited for new year's resolution because i have they have a ton of goals but two months into a year they totally forgot about the goals they had why because they go through new year being themselves and that's the issue you cannot accomplish you cannot do better when you go through the next year being yourself so what does that mean when you get to that vision and what life looks like that income the job the lifestyle the results you want by the end of 2022 right you have to think of it like okay who is a person than me i have to be become in order for me to get there okay let me write that down you know well this person needs to have this habit that i don't have this person needs to have this thinking that i don't have this person do those things this way that i don't do again you start going through it the attitude all of it the standards that you have for yourself once you pick why and why you do the things that you do oh i do that for my family really everyone says bro it has to be something deeper than that why are you doing this for all because of my family my kids are like really that's that's a lot more uh uh deep than that but you don't take that process for you to really find out exactly what that is and that's the reason why you give up okay so again you have to think of it that way and be like okay i have three months right now i have three months i have october i have november and i have december and i have three months for me to become that person listen you're not hearing probably you are not hearing me you have three months three months for you to become that person that way when 2022 starts that's not you that one day is going through 2022 that's the next version of you the one that's gonna really do those things that you want to accomplish that one that's gonna really take on the entire next year to make it happen because you it's not gonna happen i know probably by now if think about it what are the goals that you had this year that didn't happen come on how many yeah you probably accomplished maybe one or two but the biggest ones the ones that will make the entire difference for you how many did you end up not accomplished this year and that you're not gonna be able to because we already uh three months left now you think that because you're gonna get some motivation that you're gonna be able to like okay new year you know this is gonna be like no it has to be a new you that has to be a new you okay that has to be you but you have to become the next version of yourself and you have three months you have october you have november and you have december that way new year comes 2022 you are not you you are the next version that means you're gonna take on now with this new version of yourself this is going to be able to do the things it's going to be able to accomplish and get the results that you want by the end of this year if you do that i know you're going to come back and you're going to take me for that one exercise okay i'm telling you anything that you think that can happen anything that you can think of that can happen but you have to become someone that you are not so write that down 20 22 how my life is going to look like like really how my life is going to look like and by the end of 2022 what's the income the job the opportunities the results everything let me write that down and now let me think of who who is that person that can accomplish that and then you have three months for you to become that person you have three months now that's all i have guys let me see through some questions any questions let's see uh green your home lab is experienced by celebrities and working here can you rank that opposition network congress sometimes i can do high paying job with for example it's a man i'm gonna get through some of these guys uh now why 90k by 2022 where were you from ta tell me where you from please and tell me you work in it right now tell me that please and i can tell you that you can probably do more than 90k uh you know i don't i i know jake smith is not jack smith i know that someone else i'm trying to think of who is this person it's funny when people reach out to and i don't like them well they don't like me but they still watch my it's funny like how that works you know and i remember someone saying you know jorge when someone when you start putting kind of yourself out there and this is for you too like when you're putting yourself out there then you're gonna get those haters right and i really that let me tell you something that got me for a few years not months a few years i remember doing my first videos on youtube many years back and i'm like i'm gonna provide so much value i'm gonna give so much content that people are gonna love me like they're gonna love me even though it's gonna go against and what many people say but that's the truth that's the reality of it right so boom right i start putting a lot of content and about 50 it was positive the other 50 it was so negative oh that's not true blah blah blah jake it's me what's your phone number man what's your freaking phone number because i'm thinking about two people right now because i know that's no way your name is jack smith pathetic okay i wish i can see your bank account so again guys you may have some people like that it comes with the uh the the price so any other questions come on guys any other questions you know i i do i ignore them but sometimes it's just get my nerves you know sometimes i wish they have a pulse to be on my face so going back on that conversation guys okay going back in that conversation okay i'm going through some of the comments i'm looking for that comment about the one that wants to earn ninety thousand dollars because in one year you can uh from philly i'm not a tick at my season last week okay uh if you end up getting the cisco ccna yeah you can probably do more than 90 000 because once again right the first job i'm telling you the first job that you get in it the first job the first job has to pay you 60 to 75k the first job in it okay first job in 1860 to 75k and again you work your hard really hard for another six nine months and then you can upgrade okay now you can upgrade so that judd is going to pay you 90 to 100k so i can you can probably do more than 90k there's a few things obviously that you can do but that's totally possible okay how long take you to when you have tuition resist okay have a question as a high school when you move up did they ever bring your education uh no no no no no uh i know some of you know that i'm a high school dropout and ccnet does not guarantee job with no experience jorge is a cisco shop the hell is a cisco shop oh my god it's funny okay um i'm going on that question what was the question sorry i forgot that question oh so as you know as some of you know i'm a high school dropout in my previous job they require someone with a bachelor's degree so again and the job description said require bachelor's degree and i know for many people that's something that stopped them oh i'm not gonna apply to this job because i don't have a bachelor's degree oh i'm not gonna apply to this job because it says five years of experience oh my god i only have two and i know many people are not able to do that like apply for those jobs okay to start your addresses for the master class i'm right yes i will do that just go through the master class uh someone right now is helping me to schedule the calls because i have a few calls behind but that's something i'm planning to do the next two weeks i have like about seven calls behind and people end up getting the blueprint and as you know guys some of you know if you end up getting the blueprint you go through 55 57 videos exercises um and you end up getting a one-on-one call with me you know one-on-one call with me so [Music] uh so yeah so so going back in that conversation and this is something i posted uh two videos i'm gonna post another video next week about that beliefs i see some of you are still listening and i really need you to listen to this okay there are three beliefs right now and that in the uh in i.t there are three big ones three beliefs one of them is and again this is probably it can be only one best screwing you over it's only one belief you need in order for you not to make things happen okay one of them is this one of them is this um a bachelor's degree so again you do not need a bachelor's degree now for you to get your first japan id or for you to get a high paying job in my team i know many people think of it like okay yes okay i can see that i can get a japan id with no degree i can see that happening i'm able to get an entry-level job move on to next one and the next one but if i want to get a really high-paying job an idea a senior level position maybe some management oh my god management yes i need to have a bachelor's degree no you don't no you don't regardless of what job you're gonna go after you do not need a bachelor's degree even if it's a management position it doesn't matter it matters about the results that you end up getting and how you can demonstrate that in the market i.t market okay and for you to be able to sell it that's it nothing to do with that bachelor's degree now believe number two it's about years of experience and i see this a lot okay i cannot apply to that job because it says seven years of experience or more i only been working in nit for three years oh i'm not qualified i'm like no again remember that job wants someone that can get the job done they do not care and you can ask them at the end of the day do you care about someone having a bachelor's degree or not at the end of the day do you really care of someone having seven ten years of experience working in i.t or not although or at the end of the day you only need that one person that's gonna be able to get the job done which out of the three and they're gonna say we obviously we want the person that's gonna be able to get the job done so you see it has nothing to do with a bachelor's degree it has nothing to do with that uh not just a bachelor's degree uh years of experience and there is a way and how can you position yourself go through that job interview process for them to think of you wow this guy or this girl can get the job done okay uh let's say wayne let me see wait uh i'm only asking because i want to study for one but i'm told ccna no problems are the same thing no they're not the same thing okay they're not the same thing if you're new in it yeah that's fine go through that class but that means go through the content that doesn't mean you have to pay three four hundred dollars whatever that costs for you to take the exam yeah go through that content you know take uh uh take a week take two weeks and go through that first and then jump into the ccna now remember what i told you because i know probably kind of new on this channel and for those of you that haven't liked that subscribe to the channel make sure you subscribe but this is something that i've been saying a lot one of the first things you have to do when you decided okay i want to get this certification regardless of what certification okay but let's say ccna before i'm gonna start going through that i need to take a week or two and i'm gonna learn how the mind process information how the mind learns information you see that's one thing that i'm telling you okay okay i i have someone here uh jorge you forgot another meet no neutral certifications are better because they make you more well-rounded no the same thing with it certifications the same thing you do not need a ton of id certifications guys i end up getting a senior level position in my previous job in my previous job i was a senior network system engineer not just chapter that i have now because i still have a full-time job my previous job okay and i didn't have my ccmp yes i had a few microsoft tropications i had my ccna i had my ccda too but i didn't have my ccmp and i know there were probably other people that had that ccmp they had a bachelor's degree they were applying to this job a senior network system engineer position and again i didn't have my ccmp back then and i didn't have obviously a bachelor's degree and i ended up getting the job so what does that tell you that there is ways on how to go through that job in three process and demonstrate that yes you can get the job done the jets you have the value to offer based on what they need and based on what they want okay uh so no it has nothing to do with it traffications that helps for now for you to go and get a ton of them this is a good question easy a very good question will you take a job with less paid just to get a security clearance yes and i will do that for six months i will do that for six months so again if i have a job and let's say that job is paying me probably eighty thousand dollars right uh oh let's say a hundred thousand dollars and then that's this job is gonna pay me probably ninety thousand dollars so my you know i'm losing ten grand a hundred thousand i'm earning i'm going for a ninety thousand dollar i will probably get it for maybe six months to get that security clearance why because once i get that and if i have the experience i can go for something that's gonna pay me over 130 140 000 so yes i will do that but again it all depends right uh let's see i haven't gone through some questions let me kind of go back let me go back you know guys one of the uh when people go through my my the coaching program there are five principles okay there are five principles that you have to go through that you have to learn and that's something that helped me a lot and i will tell you one of them and this is one book that i have an advice for people to get okay and i'm gonna tell you right now and this is one of the principles that i teach that i go through as students and this is something that can really make a difference in your life okay let me show you i've gone through this book twice already and i got it about two months ago okay this one right here now you're probably thinking why that book okay and uh any technical book unlike because i go based on what's going to make that difference not only in my iet career but obviously two in my personal life and this is again something that i really need you for you to get you're going through your it career and then you're having a high paying job in it sooner than later it does not apply just an id certifications so don't believe all those youtubers telling you that you need to learn a ton of things you don't yes you need to learn some of them but not all of them and that question is okay which ones do i need to learn it all depends based on the job that you have right now and based on the next chapter you're gonna get you know i probably go through something right now that don't apply to you you probably are going through something right now on the next chapter that don't apply to me but now because of that we're gonna end up in going through every youtube video that's out there about all these topics because oh everyone is saying oh everyone needs to know linux everyone needs to know about python everyone needs to know about about virtualization everyone needs to know about governance everyone needs to know about all this like no no yes there are a few things a few okay now i showed this yesterday okay and i'm gonna show it today because i know probably for you that can be some type of inspiration or motivation that this can happen to you okay uh exactly that's one of the things that i teach in the coaching pro and the and the month and the mass and the blueprint exactly what four main batter said you get to that job that you want and then you reverse engineer the process i'm telling you it's not difficult when you know how to do it you know you will know what to do without going and taking advice from a lot of people that again don't know any idea where you are right now now let me ask let me answer that one question uh how will you negotiate a pay raise when you obtain a new certification that's the worst thing that you can do so green kc that's the worst thing that you can do you will you shouldn't negotiate when you get a high certification what that means is you get one or two certifications and you move on to another position that's gonna pay you more in another company don't look for you to upgrade within the company okay how do you keep being motivated every day i will tell you this that's freaking difficult it's not easy sometimes i have to like it's just not easy but i have four kids and three dogs so that's my freaking motivation and my girlfriend so you see i'm telling you it's not easy you think i want to be here sometimes i'm like no but i remember me being like probably where you are right now and i really wish someone can tell me something that's not related to id certifications like i really wish that back then because me i was going and i was getting one it terrification and then i will get next one and then the next one and i'm thinking oh i'm not really i'm a badass you know i'm gonna take one one page and i'm gonna put all my id certifications everyone is gonna hire me so i'm gonna be that guy that's gonna have a lot more certifications than anybody else it's gonna be me that was my thinking let me tell you that got me nowhere okay i'm that i'm telling you i end up going through so many it terrifications that i end up not using for some of you they've been working on it for a long time i end up getting my microsoft certified desktop support technician microsoft had that certification microsoft certified desktop support technician and that was too exciting for you to be able to get that one and that was going back in 2007 2008 somewhere around that time uh i end up getting that one i end up getting a ton of microsoft certifications i end up taking a few comps yet i mean i was just i'm telling you okay joshua what's going on man how are you doing with the rest of my man keep me uh send me a message through face and one of your kids get into college yeah that's true so i'm telling you i mean it just gets expensive and expensive so that's uh my motivation okay and let me tell you one thing i don't care where you are in life right this is like again i don't care where you are in life i'm going to get back to you aquias okay let me get back to uh let me let me answer you can i can i complete my ccna as an indian and get a job in u.s it's being a usa student isn't very important i i don't know about that to be honest i know there are many other ways and how can you go on the market and be able to get some contract people to do other things they can probably get you that income that you're looking for but honestly i i'll lie to you if i tell you okay okay so going back regardless to where you are right now okay regardless to where you are right now regardless of where you are right now doing your i.t career the right way and again there are different different ways not just having a full-time job in 19 or you can have two jobs in 19 that's something that you can do okay but let me tell you this let me see something here okay let me tell you this having a full a a a career an iet you can get a salary that can pay you over the 200k in three maybe four years maybe five okay all depends on how hard you work but just imagine being able to earn two hundred thousand dollars you can do that and that can probably be on one job that can probably you having two jobs working from home at the same time that can be probably for you to do some consulting on the side because there are many people like i know not not much right now but i knew two people they had their full-time job and they were doing a few things on the side like some consulting over the weekend and they were earning a lot more money doing the side jobs they were doing over the weekend after work then the job they had even though the ha the job they got was uh that the job they had was a hyping japanite team so this is why there's many ways if you're like a hustler basically there are many ways and how you can earn more than two hundred thousand dollars okay now let me tell you something else why not get to 160 000 because let me tell you something when you get to a hundred and sixty thousand dollars you become the three percent imagine that i mean obviously i don't know the number right but i think if i'm not mistaken we are 240 million people in the united states about around that number 220 million or 40 million in united states that three percent earn more than 160 000 imagine that you can say that imagine that you can come up to your parents or imagine that you can come up to your kids and be like i'm on the top three percent of income earners not households okay not households where you combine the income no no no no no that's just you personal individual okay individual now let me do the math right here so let's say that we are 240 million people right 240 million people uh you know i don't even know how to make bro so 240 million people that's 72 000 if i'm not mistaking no that was two no seven kind whatever the number is okay uh oh honey 300 million people okay it's 300 million people my bad my back okay but only three percent guys only that three percent are able to earn over a hundred and sixty thousand dollars okay now you said seven percent so i got my math wrong again okay i don't know where you're getting numbers you know i did research not too long ago and it's again three percent okay but regardless if it's three or seven percent right imagine that you can come up to your kids be like guys i'm on the top three on the top five percent right imagine that that's i mean that that that would be badass right and really for you to think of it like wow how many people struggle right now financially and you once you get there you are not one of them right like i can go on and on and on and many things end up going through financially that i know you're gonna say oh that happened to me too all that happened to me too oh you know that's happening to me right now you know because and i get it many people may think of it like oh money really quickly you're talking about money i'm like yeah well is that a big of a deal uh yes it is a big of a deal why because i mean you can write a uh 80 of your problems that you have right now i know that you can write a check for that really think about you know i remember doing this exercise because i used to have a coach okay i used to have a coach and that's one exercise that he basically told me to do okay write down all the problems that you can think of right now all the problems any uh uh worries that you have all of them writing down all of them and i'm like okay done i'm like i don't see not even that page to be full come on corte you have more than that i'm like no that's about it no no no like really go deep i'm like okay and there were a few more that came out so it wasn't my uh um and the that i was doing it it was almost one page and a half like almost it was like that whole full page and a few on the other side and i'm like okay now i'm gonna ask you to do this if you have the money right for you to write a paycheck how many of those problems can you take out and i was going through it oh sometimes the arguments that i used to have with you know my girlfriend because we didn't have this when i have that boom okay all because you know i couldn't pay that the bill in time okay boom oh because i wanted this card this guy's giving us problems but i don't have the money right okay boom like i was just kind of going through that right and i'm like who is and he told me what's the percentage about 80 so just imagine right just because money how life will be if that's and and that's a lot better i'm telling you you know i've been in both sides i've been on both sides and you don't have money it sucks big time you know just for now i'm not saying for the things that you want okay i'm just saying for the things that you need you know many people right now they're struggling like really like really bad right so why not you bring in yourself and put yourself in a position where you become on the top five percent or top three percent you know i'm telling you i'm telling you um because that's exactly what you get up you end up going in it right because you wanted to get a high paying job in 19. now the problem was that probably people told you that oh yeah yeah yeah you know it will not be that difficult for you to get a japan id and be able to get a high paying job and you end up like again uh think uh thanks um we are unique um i know nick basically uh went through the the blueprint and it's like a really good training course and i'm gonna take that down the next two three weeks because i'm gonna be opening the membership so that's not gonna be no more blueprints no you get that the job after the ccna and once again let me just remind you okay now mario ajala that's wrong man you have five years of experience and you cannot get back on a good job no more no man so once again for those that ask that question about should i get that ccna before or after i'm getting the job it's aft after you get a cisco system you have to get a cisco ccna and then get a job but once again don't think because you get the ccna you're gonna get a job because that's not how it works that ccna the only thing that's gonna do for you the only the only thing that's gonna do for you is for you to be able to for people to reach out to you that's it that's it people are gonna reach out to you yes but if okay okay so again you need more than the ccna for you to get a job you need more than the ccna for you to get a job so don't think because you get the ccna the security plus this plus that plus you gotta get a job no because you have to think about that okay okay um again you can and this is the other thing that i really need you guys to listen okay please listen to this sometimes people ask question where is the money like like really where is the money and cyber security devops network engineer system engineer like where is the money jorge like where and i'm like well let me tell you and any of them really yeah really well i see many jobs in cyber security they pay really well yet i see many in cloud 2 and devops network architecture how many jobs do you want do you want 10 or you want 20 jobs and people be like uh what do you mean yeah i know it's kind of dumb question right obviously you want one job and if you do things right you can get 160 you can get 180 being a cyber security engineer or being a cloud engineer or being a network architect or senior network engineer or a senior devops it doesn't matter all jobs will pay you really well so don't go based on what people probably tell you oh you go on cyber security because let me tell you something many people don't know what's cyber security many people don't know that much about cloud and they are going there because again that's the buzzword that's what every everyone is talking about and it sounds badass right oh i'm a cyber engineer because i people keep asking sometimes okay how can i start my it current cyber security and i'm like do you know even what that is and many people be like uh well not really so how is that you want to get an idea and become a cyber security engineer when you have no idea what that is like i don't get it like really like come on you see so sometimes you have to take the time to find out more about what's that career you want right yeah again there are um very few students that i have they have two jobs yeah two jobs working from home imagine working from home to jobs you can earn good money i'm telling you i'm telling you okay so i only have other five minutes guys because i have a call with uh one of my students that's the thing when i do coaching i do between three to four calls a day every day even on saturday morning because i really love helping you know people and let me tell you a story guys that um got me here okay why i decided to do like the network engineer academy thing or being here teaching you guys so on my previous job when i was a senior network system engineer we had a contract uh we were migrating uh so i was working on this project and they were a few consultants they came in to help us with that migration and one of them you know really cool so this is something i usually do i approach people they have better than me i always do that if i see that you have it better than me i'm gonna reach out to you and i'm gonna ask you a few questions because i want to know what the hell are you doing why because obviously when i get there so i reached out to this guy right we were having a few conversations and he got to the point where i'm like okay now let me ask the questions that i want to ask and one of the questions was and again this is not like the same day you know but it was uh i think it was in the second week if not not on the first but that was the second week you know uh when i had like that connection with him and i was working daily with him on this project and this migration and i finally got to that point i'm like okay let me ask him i'm like okay so i see that you have like a high position right uh if you don't mind me asking how long you've been working in 19 oh i've been working in it for three years and i'm like i was like three years like you've been working in it for three years i mean like and i asked like what do you mean three years like on this job i'm like no no in my career i've been working 19 for three years and i'm like okay so and i told him i know that doesn't click to me doesn't make sense and i'm gonna ask i mean based on that position it seems that you earn a lot more than 100k oh yeah of course okay so if you don't mind me asking between you and me how much are you earning he didn't tell me like how much exactly but he told me i'm earning more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and i'm like let me sit down and i sit down and i'm like okay and i was like low on my voice so are you telling me that you've been working at for three years and you're earning more than 150k and you'll be like totally honest with me right yeah i want to lie to you i'm like you have to tell me how you have to tell me how you did it how you did it and he told me okay this is exactly what happened for 11 i remember that it was nine or eleven years i think it was let's say nine years nine i think it was nine years like i've been working for i was working for nine years and listen to this guy listen okay because remember i'm talking to this guy he's been working in it for three years earning a hundred and fifty thousand dollars more i don't know how much more but he told me more than 150. and i asked him so how you did it right so he says for nine years i was that manager of this dealership you know i had many sales people under me so i was kind of like the main guy the making that that sells everything happened and i was doing that for about i don't know if it was 9 11 years that he told me but he was like nine years let's say and i mean i was earning good money but i ended up having a family so me being able to me is not being at home because i was working from monday through saturday from nine pm from nine in the morning to nine pm and saturday sometimes the same thing so i didn't have that time for my family so i'm like i need to do something because this is not gonna you know it's just not gonna work for me and i'm like okay so i got a friend that told me you know get an id you know get some cisco certifications you also end up getting my cisco ccna and yes i end up getting my first job in ied and then i move up to a better position until i'm able to get this position so what was the company did you work before i'm like uh this is the only job that i had in 19 like this company i'm like okay so they hire you right and then you were able to move up within that company in three years yes i never seen that happening how did you do that i'm like here's the secret jorge again i was working for about nine years i don't remember nine years let's say okay and when i was doing that i learned a lot about working with people communication skills marketing about sales for as long as that i can remember i went through so much training on that and when i combined that with what i was learning easy and that's something that i noticed many people in 19 that's exactly what he said i don't exactly remember what he said but he said they're too analytic they may know something but they're not gonna be able to have a conversation be able to tell it to someone else and some others too they don't have the confidence for them to think of themselves that they can get to high uh to something more higher and because you know how it goes with sales you go you go you go you go that means when you go you go you go i mean you push those numbers you want to get to high paying jobs and obviously i have that uh uh the ambition to do it and i have the skills just combine it i'm like oh my god you know and it clicked for me because back then i know some of you know that i used to have a a small business i did i.t for a few years it went really well and i'm like you know what it went well for me and i remember uh quitting my job and the last job that i worked in it before opening my business was earning 35 an hour for me that was a lot of money back then a lot of money for me because i never thought that i would earn not even like 20 so earning 20 at 35 that was like a big for me and i went through a few things i probably shared the story later with you if i end up opening my own business i did computer repair uh computer internet and probably some of you may remember that there were businesses where they have computers for people to come in and rent it for an hour well that was kind of back then that was kind of me and i was teaching the a-plus and never class and i went to some businesses just to provide services and i ended up getting a few contracts not that many just a few and i did that but at one point there were other shiny things that's for another conversation but there were another shiny things like network marketing all this bs yes i ended up getting cog with that but between doing other things and i completely not do it no more again i end up learning a lot about marketing about the storytelling about cells about communication about so many other things that i never imagined that i needed but i end up learning them so it got to a point where i cannot have the business no more because i was working there from monday through sunday and i was earning like okay money not good like okay money i'm like i can't earn more money if i only have a high paying job in it compared to b being here like every day so i decided to end up the business that location and i went back to it but here's the problem that it probably was two maybe two and a half years that i didn't do any idea at all like at all no idea at all so i have to start from zero so when i went back working it my first job entry level job help desk that was my first job went back in 19 health desk because i didn't know any better but let me tell you something not even 15 months later 15 months later okay i have the proof this is something that i share with you for those of you that were in the call last tuesday let me show you if i have it here i wanted to do a video about this because i want to show people what they what they can do so this is what i used to live i guess because just to see the name tech systems i know probably a lot of you know uh existence but this is one of my paychecks it's gonna take a minute to focus maybe not oh there we go come on when he wastes right there at seventy dollars the rate seventy dollars so in about 15 months or so i end up going from a help desk job all the way to 70 per hour obviously one job and then the next and the next and the next and the next but how i end up doing that in 15 months because i knew something that i didn't know before marketing and storytelling communication skills the process of learning how to learn like there were other skills that again no one told me to when i was going through my i.t career so what happened what happened i ended up applying all of that and i was end up getting all the jobs that i wanted and when i ended up talking to this guy and that job that i had as a senior networking system engineer and when he told me the story i'm like that's exactly what happened to me and that's how i was helping some of my friends to get a japanese and at that point i'm like okay i have to teach it i have to and that's why i'm here you see i'm telling you i'm telling you okay so okay so yes you need to learn technical topics you have to you have to but that's not the answer remember that that's not the answer okay that's more of a resource and again it's good for you to have it but that's not the answer there are other skills okay so that's the link for those of you that kind of want to go and jump into that coaching and there's the details there um so yes wow i did an hour and a half and i have to jump on this call yep he misses me okay so how about guys because uh the student messaged me i'm running late okay uh any other questions guys two minutes anything anything that you want to ask have another minute or so miss your questions um [Music] of course um uh well hopefully this conversation kind of got you thinking because that was gonna if i'm able to reach out to like just you like you and is to make you think about what you are and what you can really accomplish then i accomplished what i wanted to accomplish okay so everyone have a good night and i will probably next week do another video uh live okay and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't subscribed talk to you soon bye everyone
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 2,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: it career
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 14sec (4694 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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