How to answer a Technical Question in the job interview - Network Diagram!

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welcome to another badass video from network engineer Academy and as you know my name Jorge Armando Navarro now in this video I'm gonna walk you through and how to answer an interview question and by the way this one is a technical question and I know you will get a lot of value out of these videos so make sure you take note now that we did I'm gonna go and how to answer a technical question it's based on me giving you an exercise and that's by me asking you one question based on this network diagram that you can have access to there should be a link on top or underneath this video and I need you to download it and for you to have it in front of you and the only thing that I'm asking is for you to do that exercise the way that I'm going to ask you to do because that's the only way they do not me right who cares about me but did you are able to see for you to be able to compare and really see that difference and how you're gonna answer that question that I'm going to ask you and how I'm gonna answer that same question and I'm doing this because I really want to help you so the next time that you go through the job interview process you are able to answer that technical question they're gonna ask you completely different than everyone else as we both know you're not the only one going after bad job probably that's another ten candidates going through the same process that you are going through and more likely they will be asked the same question that they're going to ask you so that would be a good opportunity for you to be able to answer their technical questions completely different than everyone else so there you have a better chance to get the job because let me tell you something it's not about you thinking you know Jorge I'm okay you know I have experience in the IT I have a few IT certifications and I learning a lot so you know I'm good and if you think that you but you answering that technical questions with a definition it's gonna help you to get a job it's not you will be like everyone else that's a science and how to answer a technical question and I will walk you through it and give you an idea it's a lot behind and how to answer a technical question but I know that way that I'm gonna walk you through but with that I'm gonna answer the question myself you will be able to get a lot out of it and be able to select the big picture so the next time you answer a technical question will be different than everyone else so make sure you take note and make sure you do that exercise then I'm gonna go on walk you through I'm going to go and go in with you that way today I'm going to ask you to so make sure you do that now let's say they am the IT manager and then you are going through that job interview process and obviously you are one of the candidates so just imagine yourself being in that position and right now you are in front of me and then I'm like okay so thanks by the way for stopping by and as you know we need we need someone they has some networking skills knowledge so I'm going to ask you a few technical questions so the first question that I'm gonna ask you is and then I give you this network diagram and then I ask you so tell me everything that you can think of when you see this network diagram and by the way I'm gonna give you five minutes and that's really up to you if you wanna take the five minutes for you to tell me anything that you're thinking or anything they you know when you see this network diagram go what would you answer be and go through that exercise so what I'm going to ask you to do is for you to stop the video so you can take that and really going through the exercise by answering that question and be loud about it don't be like oh let me think you know cocaine yeah you know I will say this I will say that but you know who cares you know I wanna see how you answer that question Jorge don't do that because it's not gonna help you you not you will not be able to see it and compare how you will answer the question and how I will answer that question if you fully go through that exercise and I'm only asking you for a few minutes of your time this is something that's gonna help you now that it's gonna help me so take the time stop the video and go and answer that question what would you say if you were in front of me and I ask you you know tell me anything that you're thinking of anything that you know based and this network diagram and take five minutes if you want go pause the video and go through and then come back okay so I guess you are back and I'm telling you if you didn't went through that process and answering that question then it's not gonna help them much on how I'm gonna go and answer the same question and by the way proudly you are new and you're like you know Corky I have no idea the only thing that I can tell you is I see some computers in the back and that's it oh and by the way that internet that's about it now proudly giving in the IT for a few months a few years you have experience so you probably went like on it like yeah course I can tell you this this is this and I will see now let's go through this exercise by doing this okay now that you answer that question that whether you feel good about it now let's say that you are the IT manager now that you are the IT manager you're going to love processing you're obviously going and interviewing many candidates so me I'm David NOC working I'm David right now and I'm gonna go and answering that question probably the way that you win and answering the question and obviously I'm not gonna get everything in that detail I probably give you will give you an idea and how you answer that question so I'm David you are the IT manager so you asked hey David you know thanks for stopping by and as you know we need someone they has some networking skills so I'm gonna ask you a few technical questions and the first question that I'm gonna ask you is take a look at this network diagram and you know tell me anything that you're thinking of anything that you know when you see this network diagram and by the way I'm gonna give you up to five minutes and that's really up to you if you wanna take the five minutes and go I'm David remember yeah no problem you know I see that we have a few computers desktop computers in the background I see we have a few laptops as well and obviously for these devices to communicate we need to they need to have an IP address and also we need a switch and yes we have a switch and switches work under layer 2 of the OSI model and that's that data link layer and switches care about MAC addresses and we have one two three switches and then we have one router and routers work under layer 3 of the OSI model that's a network layer and routers care about only IP addresses only IP addresses and I see that we have some servers over here and some of these servers basically probably one of them it's one that provides file services maybe another one print services maybe Active Directory and based on how I see it it seems that we have one network here we have another network here and we have another network here and routers they break broadcast domain so you know so if one message goes it can I mean it's gonna go through a switch and then the router is going to drop it because it's a router and then here we have that in and that means that we have a public network here and we have a lot of malicious people out there in that's a reason why we have a firewall that is gonna protect us from the public network as being the private network and it's old based and ports you know like if you want to allow or stop any a specific port yeah that's it so obviously if that's a way that you answer probably you're a you know Corky I was more like technical detail you know I said this and that like that's fine you know remember it's not all about how technical you are for how you're gonna present yourself and the answer that you're giving and never be too technical or too like based and definitions when you're gonna answer a technical question so now let me give you like an idea I'm not gonna go in detail I'm gonna give you an idea on how I will answer that question myself and I hope they do see that difference between David may be you how you answer the question and the way that I'm gonna answer the question now the only thing that I'm gonna ask you it's for you to engage a lot more with me right now so really imagine like put yourself and yes I'm the IT manager and I'm asking this question to Jorge and engage with me because that's exactly what I'm gonna do because that's exactly how I do when I answer technical questions okay so let's go through a process so you're the IT manager and you ask me the same question hey Cortez you know we know we need someone they has obviously networking and knowledge skills so I'm gonna ask you a few technical questions so the first question that I'm going to ask you is this look at the network diagram tell me anything you that you think enough when you see the network diagram you know anything that you know about it and I will give you up to five minutes and that's really up to you if you want to take the five go great well I can see that we have a small network and obviously this is nothing compared at the network day you have because I noticed that you probably have between maybe seven hundred to a thousand users right well in this one what I can tell you is yeah we have a few desktop computers a few laptops and more likely they have Windows seven now for these computers to be able to communicate we both know that they need an IP address for them to communicate with each other right and because right now we are on a private network and because we have a small network more likely we are using a Class C private IP address and now that we're talking about IP address I'm Italian other thing in this case because this is client computers they are getting the IP from that DHCP server and I do see by the way that we have a few over here a few servers so probably one of them it's that DHCP server they it's basically providing IP addresses to end devices host now they I'm talking about servers right I see their physical and I think you also have many physical servers for now in today's market I can tell you that maybe one of these servers it's a host and it's basically holding a beer two old servers and maybe I don't know which one you have but based on the job description I think that you are using hyper-v from Microsoft you know so one of these compiled physical servers have hyper-v and on top of that maybe 10 maybe 20 depending how many resources build to machine so one of them come back to my conversation it's a DHCP server and it's providing IP addresses to all these end devices now going back here you know for them to communicate yes they need an IP but they also need some type of connection in this case I see them connecting to the suite so switches by the way work under layer 2 of the OSI model the data link layer we both we both know that and what that means it's all based on and what I can think MAC addresses it's all about frames and another thing here that more likely we are you I straight through cable and that's why cat 5e or cat 6 right and that's more likely what you are using am i right okay yeah so here now on that's sweet based on linear to more likely that's I at 29 16 if it's a Cisco switch and by the way I don't see any layer 3 switches here I don't see any layer 3 switches I only see 1 2 3 layer 2 switches and that's it I mean I see a router you know I see a router and router basically breaks networks you know broadcast domains it work on the layer tree of the hour same arrow and it only cares about IP addresses and I know the more likely you are using IP version 4 right and we have our P version 6 but that's probably for more later in the future now another thing about routers that I can tell you we can configure those routers and they're the main priority it's based on protocols and based on that description I know that you are using OSPF so I can tell you this is our sphere this is area 0 rights configure as that and basically that's a protocol and how we can communicate from one network to another network now maybe here and this a small network we have a few billions I cannot tell but probably we have a few 3 billions you know 1 billion for these two computers another billion for these 2 computers and our billion for these two laptops you know based on here and that's one of the things that you can do and switches you know complete your be lens port security you know spanning tree protocol and another thing that I can act but I don't see it probably cannot some type of redundancy so we can add another switch right there you know ether channel between those two switches that will be great now what is what else can I tell you about I hope I'm more than five minutes so we have a firewall now this firewall a lot of people go with Palo Alto I'm familiar with pal water another much but I'm familiar you know I'm more familiar with you know Cisco the ASA's firewall so probably that's one of them and it that's obviously the one that's gonna basically divide the public network with our private network so all here public IP addresses over here private IP addresses and what I said before you know more likely Class C IP addresses I don't know about you know the IP addresses or how big the network is based on that company put that something ramm that I have worked before and how to you know manage from layer 2 devices layer 3 devices you know working with servers physical virtual servers you know I work a lot with the VMware another thing that I can tell you - we will be a good idea to add a wireless access point I don't see one here and obviously we have Active Directory so these computers are able to manage all these devices and be able to access resources be able to have some type of a ten-city out tensity when they're gonna log into the network and that's very probably we have based on today's market Windows Server 2012 may be 2016 put on things so and yeah you know that's a few things I think my five minutes are up I can tell you a few other things or answer any other questions you have based on this network diagram so you see how I went on just me going kind of like I was not too detailed why I can go really detail on how to configure a suite but that's not the point they want to see how much you know like having the big picture and kind of like walk me through and can you explain that to me because by the way we have users they are not too technical and I want to find out if you can explain something technical to someone probably they it's not that technical and you will be able to explain that to them what I'm trying to say is they're not looking always and seeing how technical you are if you know that definition it's more about okay you know it but how can you sell it to me how can you position yourself as an expert by teaching by presenting this information to me and if you go back in the video a few times you will see the difference and how you proudly answer the question and the way that I tape again that's a lot of science behind it and that's one of the things obviously that I teach and the coaching program for right now you have an idea and I know this can help you next time you wanna go on answering a technical question once you go through the job interview process that will help you to completely depreciate yourself from everyone else so that's it that's all I have on this video so make sure you go through this video a few times so you can really see that difference and then I will talk to you soon and make sure you subscribe to our You Tube channel and for you to follow us and social media are a snapchat Instagram you know go to our fanpage and all details should be on top or underneath this video make sure you do that and then I will talk to you in another video [Music]
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 16,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ccna, ccent, ccna videos, ccna training, ccent videos, ccna free videos, jorge armando navarro, network engineer academy, ccnp, cisco academy, ccie, network+, comptia A+, osi model, ospf, eigrp, network engineer, system engineer, mcsa
Id: _QtZt-RPzok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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