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welcome to another badass video from network engineer Academy and by the way take a minute for you to like the video for you to share the video and obviously for you to comment and the video now this video it's all about this topic layer 3 switches so let's talk about that and obviously let's also talk about you know what's the difference between having Lego two switches compare and having layer 3 switches and probably you think in core hey I cut this I can tell you right now that difference between a layer 2 switch and a layer 3 switch and by the way Jorge I can tell you what layer 3 switches do and probably guess you will be able to answer those questions but now my question is how well are you gonna answer those questions how different are you gonna answer those questions compared to the other candidates do you see that exactly what you need to focus on and think about ok how can i position myself how can i market and sell myself by me answering this question about layer 3 switches you know whether they can see that i have more value to offer than the other candidates and i go back to the same the way that you communicate what you know and you see probably you will be able to come up with a good basic answer like most people but i know once you go through this video you will be able to get a lot more than just basic for you to see like the big picture and many details there product you have no idea about layer 3 switches and the difference about you know with layer 2 switches and routers so make sure you go through this video and obviously if this is new to you go through this video now once but twice and take notes the second time that you go through this video now let me tell you one thing and that's about a conversation that I had a few weeks ago with a senior network engine you see I like to ask many questions to successful people and one of my questions was and that's because I found out that he's one of the guys that goes through that process and asking questions to candidate candidates they are going through the job interview process and getting a job so I ask okay so if you're one of the people they're basically the size who gets higher or now let me ask you a few questions you know about the process that you go through first can you tell me some of the questions that you ask the candidate and can you tell me why you ask those specific questions and the last thing is one when you ask those questions I want to see like your top process you know I want to see exactly what you're trying to get out of that candidate you know when you ask those questions you know what type of an answer and he give me gold and you see if you think about it that questions that I ask obviously I ask a lot more questions but just based and that I ask three critical questions and I got like a valuable like gold of information and he told me something that has to do with this topic you see core here that's one thing that I always ask and that's that can you tell me that different if any between a layer to sweet a layer 3 switch and a router and you know Jorge this is exactly what most people answer that question oh that works in the layer 2 of the SMR oh oh that works in a layer 3 of the RSM arrow and that's why the way the network layer oh that yeah it works like a router and a switch and just basic very basic and you see they think they answer that question properly but you see I was not looking for that I want to see into the details like how much they know and if it's just basic I don't think that we'll be hiring that person you know so think about this this is someone that asked questions two people are going through a job interview process and this is something that you will find a lot more throughout this video so the next time someone asks you something related to layer 3 switches you will be able to come up with a badass answer they will help you to position yourself like a badass that you will be able to sell and market yourself really well in front of everyone that you are basically telling the answer ok so take note so now we went back to the topic layer 3 switches so as you know we can call layer 3 switches multi layer switches right now that makes sense so now let's think about this why why a layer 3 switch can call can also be called a multi-layer switch what would you answer be you know what would you answer be and make sure to answer that question not based on a technical answer something that I can see something that I can you know Tinka for me to say wow I really see exactly what you're trying to say so how will you answer that question you see because one way for me to answer that question will be like okay so look okay you have a layer 3 suite layer 3 that means that the network device works and the legal tree of the SMR oh and by the way that's the network layer and by the way that's another device are the words and the network layer layer 3 as well and that's the router and not think about this right so you have layer tree but it's a switch so now you need to think of okay if it's a multi-layer switch that means they're works on two different layers of the OSI model so what that means is they the network device the layer 3 switch it a router and a switch in one right so that's one way for us to see it one way for us to look at it but you see I will go in more detail they probably back a statement it's not true huh right and you probably think in querque that's true man what were you talking about in May none and I will walk you through and why that is and the first thing that I will tell you paste and that is that layer 3 switches are switches layer 3 switches are switches with routing functions with routing functions okay so one more time because probably like you see like okay I get it for no you're not getting it layer 3 switches are switches with routing functions you see many people think oh porque no no no no no layer 3 switches are like routers you know because you know they do everything that router does and I'm like no that I mean right away when you are when you tell me that right away I know that you don't know well a layer 3 switches and by the way by you tell me that I don't think you have enough experience as well you know working with layer 3 switches which you because you see let me tell you something people think that layer 3 switches are routers and layer 3 switches are not routers layer 3 switches are not routers again layer 3 switches are switches with routing functions huh right so you see it's not like oh no no no you know you get all the functions of a switch and then you get all the functions of the router and you put these two in one box and pet a layer 3 switch no wrong you know that layer 3 switch it's a switch but you add a top of that routing functions not all but some routing functions and you see probably you didn't know this now if I'm the manager or let's say I'm the senior network engineer and I ask you okay that was a good answer you know something basic but now let me ask you can you tell me some of the functions that routers have but layer 3 switches don't what would you answer me tell me what will you answer me and probably you don't have an answer for that probably up to this point you thought okay like I thought that all functions of switches and all functions of you know routers will be combined under layer 3 switch no again a layer 3 switch it's a switch but they add some some not all some routing functions ok and I will talk about that more in the next few minutes so let's go over this process ok so layer 2 switches let's talk about layer 2 switches so we can see like the big picture you know if I give you two minutes right now what would you say about layer 2 switches and by the way these are two of that models cisco models about layer 2 switches we have that 29 50s and we have that 29 60s you know but what can you say about switches you know that will take you probably 2 minutes like Jorge you know switches work on that layer to aldo sm ro dah right the data link layer they're all about mac addresses physical addresses you know they're all about you know frames you know they're all about you know port security and those Cisco switches we also can do VLANs obviously trunking ether Channel you know what else what else VTP what else you know and you can I think you probably are going on and on and on and a few other features again that's on switches now let's talk about routers right and I see are some of the models 1800s 2838 hundreds obviously there's a few more now what can you tell me about routers tell me what can you tell me about routers or you know it's all about IP addresses routing packets but what else can you tell me you know about routers like what else oh you know when connections quality of service you know VPN access control list obviously routing and that space and a static routing or dynamic routing you know what else bpn what else mad network address translation well so you see we have many features with switches we have many features that we can do and routers as well now for us to think that okay so I'll let you three switch but they tell me it's based on a combination right so now we have a combination like no no you can see it that way but our true a statement it's not properly correct and saying that okay yes this is a switch remember this is a layer 3 switch so obvious is gonna do everything that switches layer 2 switches does but based on rorey that few functions that you can do with switching and a little 3 switch and that's something that I'm going to talk about again in the next few minutes but right now you know for you to know have in mind these are some of the Morrow's we have that 35 50s up 35 60s at 3752 and up 4,500 and I have one here that's at 37 50 obviously this is a layer 3 switch and if I go back here at 37 50 will have this characteristic ok and that's about a stack wise and that's what I can add another let's say 3 more switches and I can manage the 4 total physical switches as one because I'm gonna stack each one of them what that means is that switch the one on the top you know let's say switch one I'm gonna have connected with switch two and then switch to to switch three and then switch three to switch four and then let's say this one is switch for one of the depending on the number excited I cannot see the number but and one of those I will be connected all the way to the top and switch one and that aspect wise and many companies have that implemented okay again something for you to know now another thing that you have to think of them more likely you ha when I asked you about layer 3 switches was this right inner dealin routing inner billion routing that's something that working that's the first thing that I thought up when you asked about layer 3 switches and that's something that I'm going to talk about obviously here but now let's take about three minutes or let's take five minutes so stop the video and go through this process based and this network diagram what can you tell me that it's related to layer 2 switches because obviously I can see that we have a layer 2 switch and it says right there layer 2 switch so what can you tell me about this related to and our focus being on switches and right now and based on the IP addresses that I have based on this router I mean would you be able to come up with something really good for you to tell me for the next five minutes and just basically go on and on and on based on everything that it's you know going through your mind when you see this picture because for me again you can go through this process if you want but for me I will be like ok so what I can see is are 2960 switch let's allow you to switch I see that we have three computers which I see that we have like let's say two servers and based on the IP address okay I see that we have all of them they're Class C IP addresses and by the way they're private IP addresses and I can see - they we are using the default subnet mask 255 - five five two five five zero but you see one thing that I noticed and that kind of it's obvious base that we have one two three we have three different villains so I haven't taken a look and the IP addresses but it sees the place and the three balance that means that we have three segments that we have three networks that we have you know the before in one big broadcast now we have like different broadcast was breakdown probably depending and how last which is configured but so far based on what I see you know and everything that's connected three broadcast again three networks these three segments you know and based on villain type eighty you know I see that that third acted it's two hundred and the last acted for each of those servers to or two and two or five so here we have been on 55 this one obviously needs to be in a different bill and so I can see that belong on villain 55 that they're acted it's ten so that makes sense I have another ten right here part let's take a look right so this one belongs in another villain and this one but Bert acted its twenty so you see now I can see like the big picture I can obviously tell you more about I can tell you more about the switching to pronounce compared to layer 3 switches because that's exactly our focus right to compare many people don't know this and that's probably something that you need to think about ensure and you better know so next time someone asks you you are able to say this okay and by the way I can see that we have a router and that's because we have billions and these computers that belong and different billions they obviously need to reach out that servers you know so they can access network resources and for that to make that happen base and this layer to switch we need our router and that's basically what we call routing and the stick and by the way once we make that connection to the switch we have what we call our trunking we have to make those connections rankings and on that router we need to create some sub interfaces and that's basically cat and one physical interface to create some virtual interfaces obviously one for each of the islands that we have you see that's a way that you need to train your self your mind to go on and on and on about this type of technical topics okay so now one thing again is that when you have a layer to switch you can go up to a thousand and twenty four billions now thinking Orkut that's more than enough and yes I get it I never been in a company they have more than 50 billions you know but again that's one thing for you to know so that's one thing 1024 bill ends with layer 2 switches now layer 2 switches more likely are for the access layer now I'm not talking about that the layers of the OSI model you see Cisco have this way and how to connect you know end devices you know computers network devices and that's based and three layers we have the access layer we have the distribution layer and we have that core layer now layer 2 switch is more likely you will find those and the access layer and that's basically when you have the end computers and obviously some like servers and some not all and some and more notes printers connected to a layer 2 switch why because it's just the access layer now the distribution that access layer okay so now let's change this you know we got some budget and our company you know this app this was a proposal like you know it will be better if we get some layer 3 switches so we can replace not all of them but some of them there make sense I want probably they have some servers connected to it and upgrade it to a layer 3 switch and that's exactly what happens and as you can probably see we no longer have a router for us to do router and they stick why because now we have a switch from a layer 3 switch remember layer 3 switches you know has some routing functionalities one of them argues the routing and with billions we can do there in erbil and routing you know within that layer 3 switch and that's basically what we call in Erbil and routing no need for an external router so it's one of the things it will be like okay that's really good another one is that our router I mean a switch it's just a switch and so you type IP routing so when you log on to a switch and by the way this is a name of the switch let's say and then when you go to global configuration mode you need to type our IP routing and this is obviously something that you need to know a lot of people don't know this again now with it you sell that to someone else makes a difference because it position yourself like a badass so someone asked you a you know about layer 3 switches you can proudly say yes you know they work on the layer 3 of the OSI Mero you know the network layer you know they do some routing functions and blah blah blah and ok next question but you see that's one thing that you can sell really well and that's at Oh about layer 3 switches let me tell you you see when you take a switch out of the box it works so when you take the layer 3 switch out of the box it's gonna work it's gonna work and it's going to only have functionality of a switch so that's a switch even though it's a layer 3 switch works and a layer 3 of the OSI model the network layer and we move and other people tell you that's also like a router yeah that's true but when you take the switch out of the box it's not true it has only a functionality of a switch but if you log in console into that switch and you go through and you go through and you go to global configuration mode now you time and now you type IP routing BAM now you can use that functionalities like some of the functionality functionalities of a router many people even when they know that they don't tell that they don't communicate that to other people you see and I do remember that now I don't know how long ago but someone asked me when I was going to like job interview process you know like the difference between you know a layer to switch and a layer 3 switch and obviously I was able to come up with a Paris answer I got a job but one of the things that I remember saying was it's not a router Intel you type IP routing and it's not act it will be full router as a functionality but some of that functions you see that whether you sell what you know the way that you communicate what you know makes a huge difference but now you know better so again I take this switch out of the box I plug it in and it's just a switch it's not a layer 3 switch it's just a switch but me writing the network engineer what I can do I can type on global configuration mode once I log into the switch IP routing and BAM now has some routing functions ok now the other thing based on be lanced we can go up to 4096 be lanced i'm not gonna say that you know that's no way the companies will have more than a thousand because i never been but if we think about if we think about those big corporations they have you know locations like all over the world maybe you know who knows i never work in a company have more than 50 deal ends and those were like big companies again who knows right so but with a layer 3 switch you can go up to 4096 billions the other thing that you need to think of that you need to say is that layer 3 switches more likely you will find those and that distribution layer so you have the client computers printers connected to a layer 2 switch and that's basically the access layer now you're gonna connect the access I mean the switches they are under access layer layer 2 switches to that layer 3 switches and that's where is under layer that distribution ok so basically if I go back here okay so this switch will be connected to a layer 3 switch ok and that's again later two switches more likely you will find them where access layer and layer 3 switches you will find them where distribution layer again this is something that you better no and you better tell someone when someone ask you about layer 2 switches about layer 3 switches the difference between those two what what about routers always come up with something they it's gonna make sense and obviously for you to talk about other topics they are related to on that topic that they asked you ok always remember that if not you're just gonna be like everyone else so let's moving on so we talked about that we talked about that we talked about that distribution layer so now BAM this is where you need to take notes and this is something that I will give you for homework people don't know this and one thing is for me to say this but you know I'm gonna start going through and doing these videos that I'm putting out there at no cost and you too but I'm gonna start doing some of the things that I do with my cut with my videos that I post only and that members area for my coaching program because it's all about how you approach I'm learning a topic and some a lot of the videos I always put something for them to research and because one thing is for you to go through a video one thing is for you to go through the exercise and another for you to go through a topic by approaching it and research mode and probably another way that you do it because that's waste and how to do it right and that's something that I teach on the process of learning the coaching program so anyways so this is something that I'm gonna ask you for you to research ok because let me tell you layer 3 switches they do forwarding based on hardware ok they do forwarding based like layer 2 switches do based on hardware okay now routers do forwarding based and software now my question to you is which one will be easier for you to upgrade a software or hardware obviously right a software so again do some research about this ok about layer 3 switches focus or basically what they do that forwarding decisions based on hardware and routers do forward based and software now the other thing that I will tell you based and that is the jest you can do layer 3 switches for you to configure some of that dynamic routing protocols like AI grpe OSPF and that's a good idea when you don't have the many of route entrance entries ok but when you basically have a lot of route entries because you have different networks different locations now you need to get basically our router just a router many people think what would you know I spend a lot of money and a layer 3 switch I mean a layer 2 switch and a router when I can just get you know and save you know a few thousands if I just get a layer 3 switch but you see it's all dependent I go back to the same and that Network environment they you have and what's the need for what I'm getting a router you know now again that's something for you to have in mind and that's something again again that you can say when someone asks you about that remember and I'm gonna keep saying this again and again and all of my videos are where they do communicate and I know that you are learning a lot through my videos but if you really want to be like that badass you know and really learn that psychology behind it because it's a psychology behind how to answer questions and all of that join my coaching program and that's where I will help you you go through over 400 videos and coaching through me and one on one so again you want to take your life in your IT career to the next level that coaching program or do that membership site so going back here again so that's one thing now layer 3 switches I was working on this project and my previous position and that was something related with quality of service you know you have some functions that you can do in a layer 3 switch they are related to quality of service now that's for another video and that's a reason why I put it limited so you don't have that full functionality of quality of service as you do with routers so you see that's another thing for you to think about now routers they have one connections that can be t1 serial connections and obviously many others but suite layer 3 switches don't layer 3 switches don't you see so it's not the same you know having a layer 3 switch and a router and many people they have no idea but they think they have an idea they will tell you they're the same they're not the same that's why I told you that's the first thing that I told you right away I wanted to make this simple layer 3 switches our switches that's it but when you type IP routing then you add some not all but some routing functions of a router huh you see so the the next one too is net network address translation layer 3 switches don't have that function and that's obviously a few other things that you can google it you know but the main ones they do need to know for you to use for you to answer a question for you to present this to other people you know for you so they see that you have value to offer that you really know or for you to have a conversation with another IT engineer that's more than enough and once you go through this that way that I'm asking you to you will be able to answer a question related to this topic better than anyone else and that's again one of the reasons why more likely you will be able to get the chap so now you know what to do like the video share the video and make sure to follow me on instagram underneath this video that should be a link for you to follow me and Instagram and obviously I will see you talk to you teach you a lot more in other videos so I will see you there [Music]
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 45,927
Rating: 4.0759783 out of 5
Keywords: L3 SWITCH, SWITCHES, ROUTERS, OSI MODEL, CCNA, CCENT, cisco academy, packet tracert, ccna videos, network+, comptia, A+, ccent videos, ccnp, ccie, network engineer, system engineer, jorge armando navarro, network engineer academy, active directory, cisco certifications, it certifications, comptia certifiations, vmware networking, networking
Id: SP_87cB52JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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