How to START your IT Career in 2021 πŸ”₯ [NO CompTIA Certifications | NO Degree needed] 😱

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let's talk about how can you start your iet career right now regardless of where you are regardless of your background and on top of that for you to be able to do it the right way not the way that most people do it right now all wrong and you will know why in the next 25 minutes and yes that's how long it's gonna take this video for me to go through a very detailed process and exactly what you need to do not only for you to be able to start your i.t career right now and for you to do it the right way not that way that most people do it but on top of that too for you to be able to get your first i.t job in the next four no more than six months and to make sure that that job your first job at iit is not an entry level position because let me tell you something the first job that you get in your iet career matters a lot and i'm not going to teach you how to get an entry-level job and that's because you can do a lot better than an entry-level job a job that can pay you a lot more a job that can give you many more opportunities for you to grow your i.t career a job that can give you the opportunity for you to be exposed to new technologies and for you to obviously get that experience that you need and that you want in order for you to become more valuable to the i.t market and that's how you can be on your way to become a high-paid i.t engineer and that's exactly how you can end up in the next two no more than three years with a high paying job in 19. a job that will pay you a lot more than a hundred and twenty thousand dollars imagine that and once again this is regardless of where you are right now and regardless of your background because i know the problem you're thinking this do i need a degree in order not only for me to get my first job in iet in the next four months but for me to be able to get a high paying job in the next two no more than three years no you don't now let me tell you a few things about myself okay i have a job right now an iet so yes i have a full-time job and a high-paying job by the way and i do not have a bachelor's degree i don't have a high school diploma i don't even have my gd but you see that didn't stop me for me to be able to get a good job at 19. and for me to teach other people on how to do it and i've been doing this for the last three years and many students have gone through this process that i'm about to go through and that's why i'm gonna ask you for you to take notes and for you to go through this video not once twice and that's because that's so much information that i'm gonna go through you know so much detail that i'm gonna go based on exactly what you need to do the next four no more than six months for you to get your first job at 19. now there are many ways options and what to do in order for you to start your iet career right now but not all options will allow you for you to be able in only four months to get a good job in 19 and to make sure that that job is not an entry-level position and that's the reason why i'm doing this one video to teach you everything that i know and how to do it that way you know better and exactly what you need to do and exactly what you need to focus on in the next four no more than six months and by the way a lot of the things that i'm gonna go through you know and a few things for you to think about and obviously a few ways for you to start thinking about your iet career may go against okay on what many people say or teach right now in the iet community but the thing is that this process works because it's been working for many students right now this same process even though they didn't have any background and 19 and many of them didn't have any bachelor's degree and it took just a few months in order for them to get a good job in 19. and that's for you to think of okay if it's working right now for people that has to work for me and the only thing is for you to go through your iet career that way i'm going to ask you to and once again that's an exactly what you need to do right exactly what you need to focus on and that's it and just go all in and export no more than six months in order for you to get it now time to take notes and let's get to this process now the way that you that we're gonna do this is to that reverse engineer the entire process and this is a principle that i learned a few years back i remember when i was going through this coaching program nothing to do related to i.t okay but this works because it can work on anything that you do based on anything that you want to accomplish anything that you wanna uh results that you wanna get you know that can be in your i.t career or that can be in your personal life and i remember that coach you know we went through this process and he was like okay in order for you to have that jorge okay in order for you to have that life that income that you want you need to take the time to reverse engineer the entire process again listen you need to take the time to reverse engineer the entire process that way you know exactly what you need to do exactly who you need to become because you need to become someone that you are not right now and then what are the resources that you need they will help you for you to get there and that just that one thing change my life that one principle and that has to do with this and reverse engineer the entire process and that's exactly what we're gonna go through right now okay so this is you where you are okay now obviously now imagine running the next four no more than six months if i end up doing this uh going through this process and i go through it that way that i'm gonna ask you to go through it you know because one thing is for you to know what you need to do and the other and makes a difference by the way how you're gonna do the things that you know you have to do okay and that's obviously and you're getting your first job in 19 okay and again that can take about four no more than six months now let me talk about some of the jobs out there because probably maybe you got some ad or maybe you've been looking into you know doing some research about some of the jobs out there you know uh for you to become let's say a network engineer a system engineer a cyber security engineer you know a cloud engineer now if i go to the market that means the i.t community and i'm like you know i'm completely new and i t uh and i don't know what to do and by the way i don't have that time and i don't have that income in order for me to get a bachelor's degree so is there any other way you know because i want to become a cyber security engineer you know you're going to have many people saying so many things giving you some advice and guidance that will not help you instead they're going to basically hold you back and you're doing the wrong things and you're focusing on the wrong things and that's why i decided to do this video that way you know better and this is why because if i have to go back now that i know better okay i will do exactly what i'm gonna about to tell you and how to go through the next few months and exactly what you need to do now and exactly what you need to do and focus in the next few weeks that's exactly what i will do now that i know better okay and that's not again nothing related to what you probably uh got from the research that you have done up to this point all the advice you got guidance that you got from the i.t community okay so just have that in mind now again any job that you really want you have to go through this process and that's the reason is because of this okay in order for you to be able to get a good job in it and that's a cloud engineer cyber security engineer uh system engineer or network engineer you have to have a really good foundation you have to know what's networking i.t you know system administration before you get to that level and this is the best way this is one thing i'm gonna say that i tell my students okay when you go through this process you have to think of it this way what can i do in order for me to get a japan id as soon as possible not in the next year by the way that's how long it took me one year for me to get my first job in 19 and guess what that job my first job at nit end up being an entry level job and that's because i didn't know any better back then i end up doing exactly what the iet community advised me to do now if right now you take a look at the i.t community you're going to find out that a lot of the people that are giving you some advice they've been working in it for the last three five seven years and they still have not all of them but many of them they still have a low paying job and 19. a entry level position probably now you're probably thinking what's a low-paying job okay let me tell you this okay if you've been working in iet for more than three five years and you're still earning about 50 up to 70 thousand dollars yes you have no idea on how to go through your i.t career you have no idea on how to take your id career to the next level because if you do the right things it shouldn't take more than two more than three years for you to be able to get a six figure income and i t and let me tell you there are plenty of opportunities out there jobs now the question is so how is that there are many people again that still have a low paying job one okay job when there are many opportunities out there again because they have no idea on how to go through their iet career or how to take their i.t career to the next level and that's a good thing that you are here because you will know better than them and what to do okay so again take notes because i'm really giving you so many things for you to think about and for you to be like okay now i see the difference now i see how jorge wants me to go through it comparing how most people go through it now it clicks now yes this makes sense okay so again it doesn't matter that chapter you're going to go after you want to become a cyber security engineer a cloud engineer network engineer system engineer you do this first and once you get that job this is why i told you do not get an entry-level job get a job that basically gives you the opportunities for you to grow your it career okay so once you get that job you're gonna be able from that job finally jump into and upgrade that job to the one that you want but this is a way uh for you to do it again going back and what i was telling you okay like you need to think of what can i do you know and right now that's gonna allow me for me to get a job in it as soon as possible and to make sure that that job my first job in it it's not an entry-level position because i don't want to be like everyone else you know let everyone else new people going after the entry-level jobs not you because now you know better get that job that's going to really allow you for you to get the experience you know that you you're going to need in order for you to upgrade that job to the one that you really want because probably you are here because you want to become a cloud engineer or a cyber security engineer or probably a network security engineer you know but again no one is going to give you that job even you end up getting a bachelor's end up like uh getting id certification it's not going to happen in your first job that's why it matters a lot the first job that you get in your it career for you to accelerate the process to get there and this is the way to go okay now again for no more than six months for you to get it now you're probably thinking here okay what's the difference the difference is on how many hours are you willing to put in every week for the next few months now if you want to make it happen in four months i tell my students inside my coaching program you better have more than 20 hours per week you know 20 will be enough but if you have more even better and yes you can make that happen in the next four months now you're probably thinking that's too many no no i know i can sit down with you and we can come out with those hours because i'm going to make sure this is this is not just a priority for you but an emergency urgency to get it done i know that you have 20 hours i know you're probably thinking you know jorge because you have no idea man like i have a full-time job me too oh i have a family guess what me too well i have this going on yeah me too but i still have the time to do the things i have to do in order for me to provide the best not just to myself but to my family so why not you but let's say okay that you end up uh with maybe 12 maybe 16 hours you know every week then it's gonna take about five maybe up to six months but here's the thing once you go through this video you're gonna see the big picture and exactly what you need to do and exactly what you need to focus on and then it's up to you and how fast you wanna make this happen and how fast you want that job okay so first six months and once again just to make sure that it's not an entry level position a jada will pay you about the 55 up to the 65 000 and this obviously is based on where you live right now you know uh but yes between 55 up to 65 000 and that's basically what many of my students were able to get in their first job and just to make sure that job was not an entry-level job you know many of the entry-level jobs in iit are like help desk field services uh desktop support uh computer tech and they will pay you about 40 to 45 000 about 17 to probably 23 24 per hour some of my students were able to get up to 30 dollars per hour first job and iet first job at nit and it didn't took years it took a few months and many of them didn't have a bachelor's degree so again if it's happening for them that means it can happen to you and you can be next okay this is the time for you to not listen to that bs that you are probably listening to right now in the it community that was me for many years because i didn't know any better and that's the reason why i'm doing this video for you to know better that way you know exactly what you need to do exactly what you need to focus on and exactly what you need to pay attention to and forget about everything else you know people give you advice and they have no idea where you are right now no idea and i know this regardless of where you are will work for you and again this process is for you to get a good job in iot not an entry-level job a job that can give you the opportunities for you to be able to get to the next level in the next few months once you get that job your first job in it now that question probably here so how to do it jorge it sounds good how to do it the way that i will do it myself if i have to start my career all over again right now at 19. exactly okay that and let me teach you you need to get certified that's the first thing you do right now that's the first thing you do you need to get terrified and now you're probably thinking you know okay i've been doing my own research and yes i agree you know everyone is telling me that i need to get certified now if that's you and i come up to you and i ask you so what certifications people are giving you advice to get what would you say i know most people would be like oh i need to get my computer certifications you know i need to get my company a plus my company a network plus oh because i want to get into security yes obviously i need to get my computer security plus da no you don't no you don't that's if well i mean it's up to you okay if you want an entry level job go and do that okay please go and do that but i really hope that that's not you you know why because money matters a lot okay that's one thing you're gonna learn from me money matters a lot and why take you know maybe seven ten years like many people do right now in order for them to get a high paying job in id where they can earn more than 100k when you can get it done in the next two three years if you do the right things and the right things is not and you're doing exactly what everyone else is doing now that's a question i'm going to ask you right now that's something for you to think about okay how can you differentiate yourself from everyone else because let me tell you something i right now i know there are many people saying that you know jorge there are so many jobs out there like there's so many job openings and that's true there are many job openings there's so many opportunities but what people don't say is there are more people going after those jobs and opportunities that means that market is very competitive right now so going back to my question okay how can you differentiate yourself from the other 10 20 candidates they are going after the same job that you want if you're going to end up and do the same things they're doing how have you thought about that of course not you're more likely i'm going to end up you know doing the things that i did because i never questioned you know the advice i was getting you know it took me almost one year and at that point i had five ied certifications i was about to give up i'm like man this is so complicated i've been doing everything the i.t community advised me to do and yes i get calls from recruiters and from companies but once we get to the experience it's done done deal they go to the next person and i'm telling you there are ways and how can you position yourself and how can you market yourself and how can you sell yourself based on what they need and based on what they want i hope you go back and go through that on what i just said because i'm just i'm really giving you gold and you will not get this from nowhere else you will not get this on any and other i.t membership websites none i've been through them and yes i learned a lot technical information from them okay but you need a lot more than just id certifications you know and there are many vendors out there we have compatible we have microsoft we have cisco we have vmware palo alto and plenty of more a ton so which one you know not too long ago google came up with one you know that google i.t support something right don't get that either no compation none of it okay and that's if you want a good job in 19 the next few months again will pay you a lot more compared to an entry-level chap and that job that will give you a lot more opportunities okay so you need to get your cisco ccna traffication cisco have a ton of it certifications no you only get the cisco ccna certification now let's say that this is you right now like okay i'm going to go oh lane i'm going to do this and then you go to the market and you'll be like you know this guy told me to get my ccna even though i'm new and most people going to say this guy full of bs it's not gonna work because a ccna you know for you to get it you need to have some type of experience some type of background and that's true but this is why because most people have no idea on how to study and that's something i'm gonna talk about in the next few minutes but again most people have no idea on how to study and they do it all wrong okay now just have that in mind because i'm going to talk about that in the next few minutes now going back here cisco ccna that's exactly what you need to do now going back and be more specific if you are completely new and i.t okay now let's say that you are the go-to person at home that means that uh if something gets broken technology let's say wise uh you're the person to go to you know if there are a few computers at home and probably one of them cannot connect to the internet you will be able to how to find a problem you know you probably were that one day set up that wireless router that you have at home that you probably took some classes you know if that's you that means you have some knowledge and if that's you go right into that cisco ccna now let's say that you're like totally new like you have no idea what's an ip address you know you have no idea what's awesome like you have no idea on how uh one computer communicates with another computer like no idea at all i mean you have no idea what the wireless router does give you giving you access to the internet thus you have no idea now that's you then i'm gonna ask you for take a few weeks okay to study and listen don't change my words for you to study that compatible network class what that means is you go and study okay the topics study the topics and please please do not get a book that's the worst thing you can do okay and i don't want to go on on that because that's going to take me five minutes just trust me on this do not get a book you know go through videos i have videos inside the membership site there are other sites that have the network plus as well go through that but not a book okay the worst thing you can do so again you go through the topics and you learn now you're probably thinking at that point you know so why not just get my uh my compatib network plus you know why not just get it why i mean i'm already studying for it like don't do that don't do that okay because it will take a few more weeks for you to fully be ready and take the test number two because it cost more than 300 and that's something that you can save and the other for me the big one is it's like if i have an associate okay and then i have my associates and then i go and get my bachelor's do i need to put my associates on my resume when i have my bachelor's you know most people recruiters will say no because obviously if you have a bachelor's that means that you went through the process and the associates it's the same thing here if you're gonna end up with your cisco ccna that's no point for you to have your network plus that's irrelevant once you put it in the resume ccnet that's more than enough that goes beyond that network class again i will do this if i'm completely new in it but i will not get that certification only go through the content now going back here on the cisco ccna that will take about eight to 12 weeks combined if you end up going through that content just studying the topics and that uh network plus okay now again for uh i mean eight to 12 weeks that's exactly my focus on and that's because i'm gonna do about 20 hours per week 20 hours okay per week and now my focus will be and that i have a few videos on youtube and how to get the ccna in six weeks and exactly what you need to do every week how you need to go through the process and be able to get your ccna again many people may say that it's not possible okay but that's because they have no idea on how to do it that's why so don't borrow or adapt that beliefs that reality they have okay because you're gonna end up like that and i'm telling you most people don't have a high paying job in 19. don't have a good life okay so again just question what you get from the iet community and where that advice is coming from okay because i mean will be a huge mistake if you listen to the wrong people that don't have the income the results that you want in your life okay now week number one week number two the first week or two you need to focus on the process of learning how to learn that's exactly what you need to do okay that's the first thing you need to do that week one week number two and i have a few videos i tell you more about that but that's exactly what you focus on and that's because that will help you for you to know how to process information because the way that you go through a video the way that you go through a book a pdf that whether you do research the way that you do hands-on labs scenarios that you create now that you have learned something makes a difference and how you do that okay and this is something i've been saying for the last three years okay so that's the first thing you do the first uh and second week okay now we're gonna focus on high pay the skills obviously that was one you have to focus on storytelling and how you're gonna tell stories that way you can connect with other people if you have no idea how to do that you're going to sound like everyone else this goes back and how can you differentiate yourself from everyone else if you're going to end up on doing the same thing you're going to sound exactly like everyone else that's why there are many people right now that even though they have a bachelor's degree and even though they end up doing exactly what the i.t community advises them to do don't have a japan id how is that possible you see and now you want to go and do exactly what they end up doing not good not good at all okay now the other one is persuasion and influence you need to know how to persuade and influence and tie your interview process you know you're gonna you need to know how to do that and again i can go on and on for hours and we're talking about that topic that's something that i can teach you inside that membership site and that's something that i will ask you to join but that's up to you like right now you know better just let me tell you something let me go back really quick most people okay they are new and 19 do it the way i did it that way the i.t community advised people to do it okay and going back years i remember i was telling my friends i giving advice get that campaigns and get a many i.t traffication not just campa get many more that's the answer for success in 19 and i was wrong i didn't know any better even though back then i already had a job when i was giving advice to my friends you know but now that i have a high paying job not all that now that i've been talking to the right people reaching out to the right people uh and see what's going on in the market now i know better and i've been helping the students for the last three years for obviously for them to know better and what to do what not to do what to focus on what not to focus on for them to be able to accelerate the process and being able to get a good job in id and for them to accelerate the process and finally get a high paying job okay so again many people focus right here let me get certified let me get certified let me get certified that's all they do thinking that because they're going to get certifications they're going to get that job and that's not true you do it my way you do this one you you do this first okay this one thing the process of learning how to learn you take a week two weeks and do that and then you apply what you have learned that something i teach you to inside the membership side but you can do this on your own that's up to you but then you apply that based on everything you're gonna learn technically it's gonna help you a lot and how you're gonna connect with people and how you're going to communicate with other people and how you're going to sell yourself and how you're going to be able to present that information that you know are you hear what i'm saying or not or you're going to go in that and end up doing and then go through your iet career like what most people do the wrong way now no one focus here on the high pay the skills there are a few more again go check my youtube channel have a ton of info out of it but if you just want to get into and like start working on getting that job in the next four months and do the right things you know this is an option for you even though if you decide not to you know a lot more right now and exactly what you need to do and focus on for the next four no more than six months for you to again not get an entry-level job a good job okay so don't forget to like this video share comment and subscribe and i will see you in the next one you
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 24,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a career in it, start it career, how to start it career, it certifications vs degree, how to start a career in it without a degree, how to get a job without a degree, how to start your it career, how to start a career in information technology, starting a career in it, what do i need to start a career in it, how to get an it job in 2021, network engineer academy, information technology, it certifications where to start, tech jobs without coding, ccna
Id: 8X7j4WVLFks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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