How to BREAK into TECH (IT Job) with a $65K job in just 5 months. Let me show you HOW.

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that's fine hi everyone welcome to this youtube live so what's the topic of this video what's the topic of this video so how can you get a job in id how can you get your first job in 19 in the next four no more than five months now this is something that not that many people believe that that can happen you know like many people end up going through a degree right a bachelor's degree or probably they end up going through some type of boot camp you know some type of program you know that it's six nine months probably one year and on top of that they end up paying a ton of money right like a bachelor's degree can cost you probably between 40 to probably 80 000 you know a four year degree same thing well almost same thing with the program right many programs out there they're probably charging you about ten thousand twenty thousand dollars now how can you get a job an id in the next four no more than five months i'm gonna show you and exactly how can you do that okay so if i were you i will write things down because i'm not gonna hold anything back and this is based on what would i do me right now because we're going through like a really bad economy you know like things are not that great right now you know and you probably noticed this that like prices been going up enough so you're getting an entry level japan 90 it's not going to cut it you know and i will tell you this and let me know by the way where you from and let me know if you already have a japan id or let me know if you're looking into probably you know get your first job in id probably you are in the process you know and i'm gonna go on your comments so i see oscar and i see a few other people so again make sure you take notes because i'm not gonna hold anything back in the next 30 minutes because i'm going to walk you through and exactly what would i do me if i had to start my it career all over again and for me to get a good japan id and then x4 no more than five months and if i were you again i will take note because everything that i'm gonna say it's based in a um on a process so this is not for you well i'm gonna do some of that but i'm not gonna do this other things no you have to go you have to do everything that i'm gonna go through okay that way you end up getting your first job in id in the next four no more than five months regardless of where you are right now you're probably thinking you know probably that's for someone that has already a bachelor's degree oh probably someone that has some type of background in id no this works regardless of where you are right now you know jorge i don't even know what's an ip address i don't even know how two computers communicate to one another you know i don't know that i don't even know what the hell is that wireless router that i have at home it doesn't matter it doesn't matter okay it doesn't matter so i see i see someone from mexico oh that's great i want to get into a higher paying job you know if you can tell me more about it what job do you have right now i can probably give you some advice on that i have my ccna but i haven't applied to jobs and they want experience there we go you see that's my point that's exactly my point there are many jobs right out there like hundreds thousands of jobs out there but you still have hundreds thousands of people without a job that should tell you something right and that's why because many people go through their i.t career and they end up doing things they're not supposed to do because they go based on what the i.t community conditioned them to do or guiding them to do what buys them to do like this is how you need to go through your iti career this is exactly what you need to do and then you better get this uh uh you have to do this as well and then you end up with no job that's exactly what's happening and yes i'm gonna tell you mario about that membership okay because i have news about that but right now in the next 20 minutes okay i want to really uh get you to think of what can be possible for you you know really how can you get your first job at 19 the next four no more than five months and to make sure that that job it's not an entry-level job okay because that's exactly what many people end up doing they end up getting an entry-level job in 19 and how the economy is right now that's not good are you getting a job that's going to pay you 40 000 you know that's like about i don't know like what 20 22 per hour it's not going to cut it right well javi can probably pay you 50 000 i mean i don't think that's a good income based on how the economy is right now you see you need a good job that's going to pay you well a job is gonna pay you between 60 to 75 000 that's exactly what you need and that's for you okay if i'm you getting your first job in 19 and i get it i know many people may think of it like well you know jorge i mean it's not the same pay rate you know chicago compared to probably i don't know alabama well it's not the same pay rate you know if you go to california compared to probably i don't know you know oregon it doesn't matter why because many of those jobs you can probably end up getting them remote you see that's my point that you probably have ideas you have beliefs they are exactly holding you back right now and i'm here to tell you that you have options and i'm here to tell you what can be possible for you and this is not just based on me this is based on the result that many of my students got they follow this process they end up getting the results those results are getting a good job at 19. not an entry-level job and it took four five six months the most okay so number one and again be open mind because i know probably i'm gonna go and say something they may go against and what most people say go against what most people advise you to do the difference here that this process works okay so now let me go through some comments and i'm gonna walk you through and i'm gonna tell you you know right now i'm gonna go with number one and again okay let's say me i'm gonna start my it career all over again right so that means i'm gonna go all the way back from zero no knowledge nothing in i.t right so what would i do mean in order for me to get my first japanese in the next four months okay now that i know better now that i help a lot of people to do that so number one let's talk about number one number one is the process of learning how to learn and this is something that i've been telling a lot of people for the last two years okay because let me tell you something the way that you end up learning any technical topic matters okay the way that you end up learning any technical topic matters that's the reason why many people even though they end up getting some comptiatrifications or maybe they end up getting their cisco ccna or some others right they cannot get a job why because they sound hear me out they sound like everyone else because obviously you're going to end up going through that job into the process and at one point they're going to ask you a few technical questions right and more likely you're going to end up answering those questions like everyone else you're probably thinking you know i end up answering all those five questions right yes just like everyone else so again how are you gonna differentiate yourself from everyone else right so a lot of it has to do and how you end up learning that technical topics that matters a lot so if i were you because that's exactly what i will do i will take a week maybe two maybe the entire month and the first thing that i will do i will focus on just that okay and the process of learning how to learn that's exactly the first thing my students get access to when they go through my coaching program why because that makes a huge difference if you gotta go and you go and learn probably that things that you're learning right now that like the way that everyone else does it's not gonna help you at all it's not gonna help you and i'm gonna tell you something that's gonna probably you know you're not gonna like it but if you cannot create a scenarios if you cannot have conversations with other people related to technical topics and if you cannot a story tell that means that you don't know that's how it is and that's that's true that's why many people cannot get a job at 19 because they end up again doing everything that everyone else does okay now before i go on step number two okay but that's step number one my focus for a week maybe that entire month will be on i'm gonna focus on the process of learning how to learn because i need to know how the mind works how the mind learns information how do mind process information that way when i go and learn any technical topic when i want to get that one t certification that i want to get i'm going to make sure that i'm going to go through that content in a way that's going to really help me not for me just to consume content for me to consume knowledge because that will get you nowhere you know how many people are right now in nineteen they know a lot they end up getting a ton of i.t certifications and they do not have a high paying job in it they don't why because their main focus was to consume a ton of content a ton of information right and that's not that's not how it works so if you go on youtube right and you end up listening to all these youtubers they're gonna bombard you with a ton of content right now you're gonna end up all over the place you need to know exactly what you need in order for you to go from point a to point b and right now me if i have to start my it career all over again then for me to get my first job in the next four months they will pay me between 60 to 75 000 that would be for me to focus on the process of learning how to learn that's exactly what you need to focus the most that's exactly you go through my coaching program you do not get to any technical videos the first two weeks you don't the first thing you do on week number one you go through the process of learning how to learn i teach you that why because that matters they are high paying skills they will allow you for you to differentiate yourself from everyone else one of them that's it the process of learning how to learn and i'm going through this again and again and again because that's exactly what's gonna make a difference for you in your i.t career okay so that's number one number two let's go with number two okay so again number one you know what that is let's go on number two number two let's go on number two okay so number two okay now that i know about the process of learning how to learn right now i really need to work on the inner game mindset now you're probably saying what the hell is this i thought you were going to teach me how to get a job in 19 i'm doing that i'm doing that and let me tell you something okay and this is a story that i tell all of my students the how is that possible right in two and a half years two and a half years right i have three students and that period of time right i end up getting three students and that uh and uh a week or two of difference right they end up going through this process two of them didn't have a job a night team or any job at all okay one of them was getting out of the army the other one just didn't have a job and the other one yes had a job now two and a half years later two and a half years later one of them earning a hundred and sixty thousand dollars the other one is still and the first job he got in it going through my process and the other one about 80k what does that tell you what does that tell you you have three people going through the same process you got three people learning the same principles going through the same method and how to get the first job in 19. that three of them a matter of a week or two you know the three of them end up getting their first job at 19. and they were getting between 60 to 70k first job in iet but how is that two and a half years later one of them 160 000 another one same job same job yeah i helped him to get the first job and he decided to be stuck on that one job but then i have another one that was gonna in between about eighty thousand dollars why because a lot of it has to do what's going on here that inner game i know right now you have a story is going through your mind this is bs that's no one they can get a job at 90 and four months you know jorge yeah that's a scam i know the other day you end up doing a video about this guy a 18 year old getting like japanese he just got out of high school and he ended up getting a good job by the way not an entry level job not no help desk you know not like that again an entry-level job he ended up getting an id support position how did he do that right now for those of you that's bs you see that's a story you need to be open maybe that beliefs you have and what can be possible that's exactly what's going to get you back that's exactly why you don't have a hyping japan id okay so let's let's go through some of the comments uh i got the ccna book due to your advice you do not get a ccna book i will never advise someone to get a book ever in i.t and not for the ccna and i will tell you many reasons and why that is okay since you're working as a support technician no search no degree 27 50k just an interview when it was a disaster i wasn't prepared it's not that you wasn't prepared is that you don't know how to go through a process how is that you've been working in it for six years and you're getting paid 27 an hour like i don't get that you see that has to do with mindset that has nothing to do with the skills that has nothing to do with what you don't what you know what you don't know that has to do with mindset if that here don't change you're not gonna look for the information that's going to make a difference for you you're not going to go and learn the skills they're going to allow you to for you to become more valuable to the marketplace and by the way i'm not talking about technical skills because you have a lot of retards out there right they think they know all this all these topics and all these id certifications but they don't have a high paying job in id and then you're taking advice from them not good so step number two right step number two you have to work on those conversations going through your mind that stories you know because you really need to see yourself and be like okay i see people that are making things happen so that means that can happen to me as well so if cork is saying that i can get a job in 19 the next four months yes that means it can happen to me i just need to follow that process and how to do that not based on how everyone else is going through it so i need you to be open but you really need to work on your inner game if not that much is going to change outside you know i remember one of my coaches told me once when i was going through this process with him and like it's kind of funny when people want a better life more opportunities more income you know they want a better lifestyle and what they do they look for something outside of themselves in this case i t people think that uh for them to get the results they want that income the opportunities that job oh i need to get that one iet traffication oh you know what i need to get those two it traffications oh you know what i'm gonna end up and get my bachelor's degree and then they go and do that and they they don't have the result that job that income those opportunities why you see people don't question what they do are you questioning what you're doing right now are you questioning what you end up doing probably last week because probably a lot of the things that you end up doing are not helping you for you to really get what you want what you know it can be possible for you right so once again a lot of it has to do with the inner game that's the second thing my students go through and some of them be like you know jorge i don't need to go through this you know i went through this coaching because i want you to teach me that ccna i want you to teach me that technical and i'm like yes i'm gonna do that but that's not and this week that's not on this module that's next but right now let's focus on what's going to matter the most why because my objective is for you to get a high paying job in it sooner than later not for you to go through your i.t career like most people do they've been working in it for three six seven ten years and they're not close to get to a high paying job in it even though there are many opportunities out there because it's not just about it traffications okay now let's go on number three okay what's number three so going back on my list right i'm gonna go back on my list so remember right number one you have to focus on the process of learning how to learn number two you have to focus on you the inner game that has to change okay if not no bueno like me going through my i.t career right thinking that's no way because i'm a high school dropout i don't have not eating a gt that's a true okay so going through my i.t career i'm thinking if i only get a job that's going to pay me 20 an hour and i t i'm good i'm good i can have a okay life a good life you know me being able to get to a hundred thousand hell no that's not that's not for me that's for people that are very well educated they have a bachelor's degree you know but not for people like me you know and bernie is able to speak english right it's just not going to happen so you think it was an issue related to what i can learn outside and the i.t traffic no it was all based on that inner game and what was going on here right even though i wanted more money even though i wanted more opportunities even though i wanted a better style for me and for my family i couldn't make that happen because everything was really up inside here that inner game so when that changed now you look for that resources you see not an answer that's gonna get you there no the resources that will help you for you to get there because once again this is something i tell everyone you need to become someone that you are not what that means you have to let go of who you are right now because that person who you are right now the way that you think the way that you do things the things that you know will get you only so far everything that you got up to this point nothing new so in order for you to get to a new a better destination you need to become someone that you are not and that's going through that coaching program right that's exactly what the students go through how to become that person that will get you that life that you know you can have you know when that changed for me my income went up the opportunities uh i.t went up i ended up doing my own business many years back and i had the business for about five years and i decided you know what let me kind of go back again in it but i was doing some consulting i was even teaching uh classes related to it and this business that i had but why because everything inside changed and that's at that point when i end up learning a lot of high paid skills because that's exactly what's gonna allow you for you to differentiate yourself from everyone else okay so now let's go with number three ccna ccna i know many people focus on okay i'm gonna go through my i.t career i'm going to start my it career and i'm going to go through com theater certifications because that's exactly what everyone tells me right i need to get my cam tia a plus network security plus and plus plus plus right you don't do that you don't do that okay i don't care again you may not know nothing about networking you may not know nothing about it you go and you get your cisco ccna but you get it the right way you do not go go through some videos just go through a book or probably memorize the questions because that's exactly what most people do they end up memorizing the questions no you don't do that you do not do that you need to go through the topics and learn the topics the right way in a way that you can create scenarios in a way that you can create stories enough for you to be one of those guys that come out with technical definitions right like i can come up to you maybe some of you may know this right uh technical question if i come up to you and i ask you you know can you tell me what's an ip address and you probably oh i can tell you all about it you know an ip address you know they work on the layer three of those marrow the network layer we have two versions ip version six fp version four we have this we have that we have public private blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and that's exactly what everyone else is gonna say why because you didn't find a way to story tell that question to an answer a storyteller you see so what does that mean when you are going through the study the cisco ccna you have to find a way to study that one skill a story telling but you see no one and i did teach you that everyone is based on this is the next topic that you need to learn linux no my bad this is the next topic that you need to learn hacking right everyone is teaching hacking right now why because it's a a password it's trending but many people go and end up learning a few things related to hacking for what they don't have a hype in japan id and because they learn that they're not gonna get a job even though they want to get a job or they want to get a better one in it then i'm not getting that why because they focus too much and think they're not supposed to and that's a problem for many people so in this case focus on the ccna but you have to go through the topics or right way this is why right going to number one you need to know how to process information when you go through a video when you go through a book when you do research online when you do labs you need to know how to do that you need to know how to learn from that like if i come up to you and i ask you and you probably go into a book or you're probably going through a few videos on udemy and youtube or some other website right and i ask you can you tell me what you're doing you're gonna be uh i'm studying i'm like okay okay uh where are you studying oh i'm studying this topic i'm like uh okay well i'm going through this book you know i'm like okay uh how are you doing that like what do you mean yeah how are you doing that how are you going through that video what do you mean i'm just uh what do you mean i i push play i i focus and i take notes i'm like uh that's what you're doing when you're going through videos you you focus you pay attention to it you take notes uh yeah like really like really that's the way that you study that's the way that you process information that's the way that you learn like really you see that's exactly what most people do all that right and i'm here to tell you that's a better way how to do that when i realized that my career changed i was able to go through information a lot faster i was able to recall information and i was able to sell it i was able to storytell it i was able to create scenarios and put people through those scenarios when i was talking to those people right that way they can think of me that i can get the job done people don't know how to do that people don't know how to do that and that's exactly what gets you the job i'm telling you there's a lot of bs that you write probably now following because you have a ton of people 90 giving you so many so much advice and guidance and what to do what not to do and if you think about it right and if you really stopped yourself and you look who's giving you that advice most of them don't have a high paying job in it they don't and some of them they're probably on the same boat as you they're just basically repeating what they got from the i.t community and you never question it ever i'm telling you ever a storytelling here's how you do it now stacking certifications yeah that's this guy asked me okay so i have this guy said you know two thousand dollars is too much yeah it's too much for some people but think about it right if i ask those students end up getting a high paying job in it i see one of my students miguel here he can tell you all about a lot of the students but too much really too much a college degree how many how much forty thousand dollars those programs that promise you all this for ten twenty thousand dollars like really i think it's too much to be broke i think that's bad you know being able to probably have a family and not be able to afford the things they need not what they want okay they need millions of people are going through this right now they cannot afford the things they need now the things they want that things they need and 2 000 so that can change your life really expensive bro you're in the wrong group you're on the live youtube channel man you should go somewhere else you know uh so yes so that's how it works okay so i will go and get my ccna the right way and then i will focus on storytelling i will focus on marketing and you're probably thinking what do you mean marketing uh that has nothing to do with it oh it has to do a lot with haiti that way did you market yourself okay and also how you're going to be able to sell yourself how are you going to go through the entire job in through process and getting that job and i know probably a lot of you question how are you going to get a job your first job in it that job in an entry-level job even though they ask for experience there is a way it's all about the psychology behind going through that process it will take me not an hour hours hours okay hours for me to kind of walk you through and tell you that okay so i don't think it's a scam cause the hr has rules and if you know what they want to hear you higher also matter your background yeah at the end of the day i was studying for assisting ucc threat but for last they have so many videos uh yes bootcamp shows amounts of 15 000 dollars thank you and they are a bunch of bs exactly reach out to me i can guide you through the process if i'm gonna say ramos no charge so it bangers yeah it says you know i can charge you no charge you know reach out to that guy you know probably he has something going on you know who knows ivan garcia you know i would love to more about your your uh career your lifestyle how much money you make how many people have you helped you know that that will be useful so going back in that conversation okay so once again let me go back here so you have four to six months right there four to six months and by the way you have to do about 20 hours a week 16 to 20 hours in order for you to make this happen in the next four months and i know for many people it's like too much it's like jorge i don't even have like five hours you know and you're asking me for me to do like 16 20 hours again not that many people can get a high paying job in i.t not that many people can get a good job in atm four months and i'm asking you for you to go through some sacrifices for you to be able to get a good job that will pay you 60 to 75k in the next four months and you don't have 16 20 hours a week really like really you see that's mindset now that's a story like oh i don't have that much time so that means you don't want that bad you know that income that lifestyle like for me i did change my life financially i will tell you that many opportunities out there okay hello this is my first time seeing your channel and i'm currently working on my security class this is going to be my first it sure are the opportunities out there uh out there for network plus if i can work 46 hours per week i will get in two months no you cannot do in two months because it's too much you have to learn it's like me saying okay i'm gonna go to this 5k uh wrong marathon right and let's say i never run in my life but you know this 5k uh uh run it's in two weeks from now it's not gonna happen even though i may go to the gym like three four times a day it's not gonna happen i'm not gonna be able to condition my body in order for me to run a 5k marathon it's just not going to happen it's the same thing here there are things you have to learn throughout the process and some of those things takes time for you to learn for you to condition yourself on doing so i would probably say three months because i'm gonna lie to you you gotta probably say three months okay now hello sir 90k a good salary no it's not i'm sorry but it's not you know right now ah the other day someone come up to me and say you know jorge i'm earning 100k i'm like that's great but that's not a high paying job in 19. what do you mean it's six figures yeah it's six figures but have you look at the prices out there how all the prices going up all of them you know you go groceries you go to your favorite restaurant everyone like every place prices going up 100k it's not gonna cut it like for you to be good i would say 120k 120k you know and if i were you i'll go from 90k to 120k in three months four months if you know how to do that do it because it's i mean students have done that they go from 80 90k to 110 20 130k i'm telling you okay uh no you see that's mindset right there it's mindset wow i thought 90k was a decent salary no it's not it's not 90k you see having that mindset it's going to stop you like really it's going to stop you for you to go and get more okay uh [Music] i'm going to answer that question right now albert let me go on the next q and the other question that i was going through uh you know it's kind of funny when people say you know i can help you like really sergio where can i look for reviews uh from your program really so that's i okay i i i i get it you know i have a student here right i have two students here probably in this uh live uh life if any nate oh i see nate here nate can you uh nate how long you been with them the on the coaching program they paid that two thousand nate paid the two thousand and a lot of you probably thinking oh my god why did you end up doing that that's horrible you know this guy is scamming you you know hearing from from uh nate nate tell him how long you've been with me and tell me so far how you like about it i've been here since june thank you sent you just tell me more about it okay i would like to go from 100k to uh 110. so i'm telling like you can go and go with whoever you want just find someone that can really help you i will not be here telling you that i can help you when i can't not help you you know and this i'm going to show you a text and this is only for those that have a japanese a good job in id so if you're earning about 80 90 000 100k let me show you text okay let me show you a text uh give me a second here uh cancel yes cancel um now why am i showing you this one that way you can see okay uh there we go right here uh let's see i'm insane when with july okay i got to start with you like how are you i want to serve there and it's funny because i know many of you are looking into the name and you're gonna find her on facebook and you're gonna reach out to her and you're gonna like basically like hey this is true but right there she was earning 100k she got experience and she knew a lot and i'm like what would you like to happen next oh you know i can get something that's 120 30 or something unlike based on what you know we can get something that's going to pay you more than 140k really let's do it trust the process do everything i'm going to ask you to a few months later 165k 165k 165k okay now sergio asked you found a job nate from the training program says you are you not reading what the native saying he just got in late june it's about two months into it oh you see i had someone they didn't study me really inside but right i'm next to them from ivan good man love it i'm 26 stuck with 85k a year how do i make that next step i'm thinking i'm getting i need a degree bro you don't need that degree fernando if you're working it let me know let me know more about your position okay i'm telling you okay uh so fernando if you're like earning 80 man i wish i really wish that i was earning 85k man when i was 26. you know i think when i was 26 i was probably earning 35 dollars and that will be about 70k oh it's close by but man you can go from the 85k to 110 120k and four months four months four months four months okay uh okay so i have another student i have a few students here wow and by the way guys i only have five minutes because i'm not like i have a a meeting with my students nine p.m i'm 22. network experiences yeah i have my sister in the wake of the college i mean to your 60k in the next few months all right kilometers looking for my mental health i know that's the same thing you know it's the same thing many people may not be like no but uh four minutes yes i have four minutes left because i need to jump to my uh coaching call in my group um um yeah bachelor's degree will not cut it you know i have someone that reached out to me saying well a few people jorge have a bachelor's degree i get a job in id i'm like let me tell you something it's not just you there are hundreds of people out there they have a bachelor's degree and don't have a job in 19. and obviously you're not going to find that many on social media because well you say hey guys i end up getting my bachelor's degree anyone can help me to get a job at nit i will be embarrassed right like i have a bachelor's degree can i get a job in i.t i'm not gonna post that on social media so you see only people wanna say like just good things and what's going on in in their life right in social media but there's many of them and i know because people reach out and jorge end up getting my bachelor's degree well i'm about to get i'm trying to get a job in it it's not happening i applied during weeks with months and like again you are not the only one the problem is did you end up going through a process the same way that everyone else did and that's no way and how can you differentiate yourself from everyone else because you're gonna end up doing the same things that everyone else is going to do when you go through that job interview process and obviously you are not the only one right you're probably one out of the 10 candidates going through the same process so how they're going to remember you right so a lot of it is how you're going to go based on the psychology behind it and how you're gonna basically uh become a very effective communicator and many people don't know how to do that unfortunately not that many people know how to do that okay so yeah uh how can i get in touch with you how can you get in touch with you uh i can put the link uh and go through the details if you want this is for anyone that wants to go through the details is right there and by the way if you take the time to read the page if you take the time to read it you're gonna learn a lot from it because now you know what you need to focus on if you decided i don't want to go through you jorge i want to kind of do it on my own on that page on the coaching page that's exactly what you need to do regardless if you want to do this on your own that's the skills you need to learn how to go about it and why go through that page and you're gonna be like okay so now i need to focus on this focus on this and focus on this now i will tell you something right now and you have to give me one minute you see right there so i'm on call guys that's one of the things that you uh have when you are in it so this week i'm on call so i just got a page about an issue if you just give me one minute i'm gonna look it and i'm gonna acknowledge that issue um let's see i know some people say you know jorge do you still work at nighty i'm like uh yes i still have a job a full-time job because obviously i want to be in the trenches you know like that way i can provide you more content so your advice got me from 15 to two years ago 85k you see fernando now you come with me man and i work and one-on-one with you and one-on-one not just like just a one-on-one calls with you i can exactly got you one you need to do in order for you to go from the 85 to 110 at least 110 men at least in three four months now let me acknowledge this uh incident what we call uh that group because if i don't acknowledge that then i'm gonna have someone calling me saying hey you know this is what's going on uh you need to acknowledge that the the ticket uh the incident so let me do that so yes guys this week i'm on call let's see what's what's the issue uh i've been working on this work in the happy hour i'm going to throw the data we can run the negotiator server outside and choose connect to sending the ticket to uh ones in their server team and this is some c issue of the two amira if it's an amira okay center flower link issue okay i'll probably look at that later okay guys i have to go because i have another call thank you for sharing knowledge which i'm saving up to join your program mario just reach out to me man we can probably work something out just reach out to me you know because i really want to help out how many hours in full time job 4k how many hours is a full-time job working uh i work three hours that's a full-time job right the blueprint class is a good first start yeah okay amanda will look into it so a lot of no no okay i really have to go guys but listen for those of you that join like four months it takes like really nate can you just put in the group that i'm gonna be uh sharing the link now uh and the group and the coaching group please that way say no students are waiting for me to join um so the last thing before i go for those of you that end up joining okay it takes four months guys for those of you that are new 90 it takes four months four months and ninety four months for you to get a job in it and for you to get a job that's not an entry-level job a good job in ita job is gonna pay you 60 to 75k do not believe any bs or any none of that uh that you need to get an entry-level job that you need a bootcamp that you need a bachelor's degree that you need a ton of id certifications you do not need none of that and again this is not me that's students that have accomplished this many of them so you do not need that you can make that happen in four five months okay number one to remind you take a week take two take three weeks focus on the process of learning how to learn find out more about how the mind learns how the mind process information that way when you get to that technical videos you end up going through that technical videos in a way that you're going to be able to learn that information consume that information in a way they can help you in a way that you can store retail in a way that you can create scenarios about it and the way that you can make conversations about it like if i ask you can you teach me what's an ip address right now what would you say i know that you're going to come up with a technical lecture and you're going to avoid me to help like many people doing youtube right you have to teach me that to a conversation how would you do that how would you do that based on a conversation how and again i'm new how can i get what you're saying and be and be able for me to engage with you and you teach me that one topic you see most people cannot do that why because they couldn't they were unable to learn that the information the right way that's a way on how to learn that's how and how to study so that's number one number two obviously number two is where can you you need to become someone that you are not you need to become someone that you are not okay you need to become someone that you are not okay and number three then you cisco cine the right way learn about the storytelling learn about marketing learn about cells learn about position i mean that's many many things kind of in between and combine all of them that allows you for you to go through that job interview process and get the job you know it's each one of them on top of the next one but i really hope that you really take my word for it and really do something about it you know you can do that through me you can do this on your own it's up to you that difference and you design your own you can make it happen but that may take more time for you to make it happen right so guys i have really have to go i have to take care of two things that call and this call at work okay got here late man just like my last interview i didn't sign up yeah okay guys have to go thanks for uh uh watching and i will do another live probably by the end of this week so make sure you subscribe that way you get that notification have a good night guys and i really wish you that best in your it career you know because with me let me tell you something with me here i make sure that i'm going to give you the value needed for you to not just go and get a high paying job at nit because i really want to help you for you to change your life okay bye guys good night
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 2,262
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: how to break in tech, how to start a career in IT, how to become an IT Engineer, how to become a cyber security engineer, start a career in cyber security, start a career in tech, how to start a career in technology, roadmap to become an IT Engineer, network engineer academy, it career, high paying jobs in it
Id: AvP3OJ6gxEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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