Hacking your way into a Cyber Security Engineer Position

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let's talk about hacking your way into a cyber security engineer position an iet that's a topic of this video and i'm going to ask you for you to take notes because i'm going to go through this process and exactly what you need to do and obviously and what not to do and the only thing i'm gonna ask you is for you to be open mind because i know a lot of that advice that i'm gonna go through a lot of that guidance and what you do what not to do may go against and what most people may say about how to become a high-paid cyber security engineer and for you to make it happen not in the next three years not even in the next two years in the next year but you have to follow this process so by the way i'm going to talk about two three things throughout this process number one education right because many people think about okay so if i want to get into cyber security you know what's the education that i need to have number two experience you know how many years of experience if any right i need to have in order for me to get a cyber security engineer position and number three the idea certifications that i need to have and as we both know there are a ton of it terrifications out there and obviously many of them are focused and cyber security but which ones are the ones you need in order for you to get a cyber security engineer position well let's go based on number one education i know many people think that you know what jorge i know for sure that i need a degree because if i don't have one more likely i'm not going to get a job in cybersecurity i went online and i look and yes many jobs are looking for someone that has a bachelor's degree in cyber security well this is a true okay if you take time and you go to the i.t community right now you're going to find out there are hundreds of hundreds of people they end up getting their bachelor's degree and something related to computer and systems computer and science cyber security and don't have a job in id and many of them that once they end up getting a job end up getting a entry level job now really think about this right you end up and you go through three maybe four years right and getting your bachelor's degree and probably you end up paying maybe 40 80 more than a hundred thousand dollars and you're getting the bachelor's degree right and you end up with an entry-level job a job that probably is paying you 40 maybe 50 000 that's not good but you see that's what society conditioned us to believe that that's normal that's not normal okay that's not normal so no you do not need a degree now i know there are many boot camps right or many programs out there and you probably see this everywhere because cyber security it's trending trending right now so you see a lot of people companies advertising right you know getting this 20-week boot camp and or getting to the six nine month uh program you know and you're gonna become a cyber security engineer i'm gonna tell you the truth that's a scam that's no way that you can become a cyber security engineer in the next six months in the next nine months in the next year that's no way for you to do that but just getting some type of uh training you cannot do that so boot camps right of those programs do not get them don't pay over 10 20 000 there is a few out there and they basically say you know if you don't have the money to pay for it that's fine you know just sign this contract and that contract says that once you end up getting a job in my team you see once you end up getting a job an id now when you end up getting a cyber security engineer position no once you end up getting a job in 19 now i'm going to take about 10 maybe 12 of your paycheck for the next year for the next two years right and you're probably thinking well that's good no that's not good because now you're basically on the next year and the next two you end up paying more than 10 20 000 for something that you can do on your own so don't believe a lot of the scams out there because this is something that you can do on your own and i'm going to walk you through on exactly how can you do this and how can you get a cyber security engineer position but don't believe on this bs because that's not gonna help now you're probably thinking okay jorge what about the iet certifications because there are a ton of them out there like tom tia have a few they have a few related to cyber security so do i need to start on that no this is exactly what you need to do this is exactly what you need to do okay and that's for you to focus not on a cyber security position because no one is going to hire you okay no one is going to hire you just because you end up getting a bachelor's degree or because you end up going through this program or because you end up getting three five id certifications related to cyber security again no one is going to hire you out of that get go no one you need to have some background you need to have some experience working in networking i didn't say id you see i was very specific networking so what does that mean what does that tell you that your job right now is for you to think okay how can i get a job in my team as soon as possible and to make sure that that job it's not an entry level job not an entry-level job no help desk not field services not desktop support none of that bs no you get a good job what's a good job that's not an entry-level job network support network admin network analyst system admin i.t support you know some jobs i.t support yes they're entry-level but there are some others i.t support they guess that's you know uh a good job they pay you well and you're able to do a lot of hands-on and that's exactly what you need a job is gonna allow you for you to do hands-on get the experience you need related to networking okay that's exactly what you need to get and you can make that happen regardless of where you are right now in the next four five months now imagine that in the next four or five months you end up getting a job and nineteen and that job it's not an entry-level job that's exactly how my students do it you know some students come to me you know jorge i want to become a cyber security engineer okay now i have someone else you know i want to become a cloud engineer okay someone else you know i want to become a network security engineer not cyber security just network security engineer i'm like it doesn't matter you're going to do the same thing you're going to end up going through your it career thinking and how i'm going to get that first job at nit and making sure that that job is not an entry-level job and that job is going to pay you right and again for five months it's gonna pay you about 60 to 70k imagine that first job in i.t there are people right now if you take the time and again i'm gonna give you a few things for you to think about do some research on but there are hundreds thousands of people they do not earn this much they probably earning 40 50 000 and they've been working in ita for years and some of them have a degree on something and they are not earning this much so how is that now your students first job and i t end up earning this much because there is a process and how you go and approach your it career and you're getting your first job the second job okay and yes i'm gonna get here and how you're gonna get there for the first thing you need to do is focus on getting this job making sure that it's not an entry-level job now how do you get this job in the next four or five months regular list of where you are right now well first you have to focus on one thing then no one in i.t okay no one in iit is gonna give you some advice and i'll tell you to do okay i'm the only one so far telling you on the in the it community and that for you to take a week maybe two maybe an entire month for you to study how to learn yes i said it right you need to take the time for you to find out more about how the mind learns information how the mind process information so you need to take the time to learn how to learn okay because schools never taught us on how to do that okay and you do that again for a few weeks and after you do that then you go on and get your cisco right c c and a that's exactly what you do you know many people may end up having the cisco ccna and don't have a job why because once again many people go through a few videos end up doing a few laps and they end up memorizing the questions and the exam in order for them to pass the exam and they think once i have my ccna i'm going to get that job and that's not how it works you know people reach out to me jorge you know i end up getting my cisco ccna it's been weeks and i have no job so i don't know what to do i'm like look you end up doing nothing of what i said the ccna will not get you the job okay will not get you the job if you don't do it the right way and a lot of it for you to do it the right way you need to take the time to go through that information the right way and for you to learn the topics the right way this is why i'm asking you right take the time here right here for you to learn the process of learning how to learn okay then you go and take your cisco ccna that will take you about six to ten weeks and that really comes down to and the time you know how much time you have a week that you can totally dedicate right do you have 10 hours do you have 15 hours or you have 20 hours so you see depending on that that's when okay you know i can get this done in the next six weeks or the next eight the problem the next 10 weeks okay now once you have this now we have to focus okay how can you market yourself and ie team you see many people think of it like okay once i get my bachelor's degree once i end up going through this program you know i'm going to be well prepared so i'm just going to apply to every job that i think i'm qualified and because i t society the i.t community society told me that once i have that i'm gonna get a job that's not how it works it's not happening right now even though we have a ton of jobs out there we have a ton of more people trying to get these jobs this is the time for you to have the wake up call and do not go through your iet career like the way that most people tell you to go through it the advice you get that guidance you get probably that's exactly why they right end up getting not having a high paying job in id my students one two years they end up earning more than a hundred and twenty thousand dollars don't believe me follow me on social media and reach out to some of them i'm trying to help you here you can go and do it like that whether everyone else is doing it or you can just focus here and even question what i'm telling you because i know at the end of the video gonna be like you know this makes sense it makes a lot of sense because it does right so here now you need to focus again right how you're gonna go through the job interview process and it really comes down to and how you're gonna position yourself for people people who people well the people that you're gonna end up talking to throughout the job interview process for them to think of you that you can get the job done and it really comes down to and how effective do you communicate how effective you connect with them how effective you educate them perfect that you present that information that you end up learning probably the experience that you may have okay if you are not new and also how you're gonna store itself based on the needs the ones that they have based on that position you see none of this no one will tell you this there are a lot of youtubers giving you a ton of information a ton of content and instead of helping you it's basically having you all over the place focus how to get from here all the way here and get to that job in one year okay why one year again again okay four or five months cisco's i mean four or five months and you're getting that job right and you get to that job now once you get that job they spend you well 67 deca first job in ie now you're gonna take about six to nine months nah years six to nine months and obviously you have to continually educate yourself now here in those six to nine months you're gonna reach out to people you are going to reach out to people people that are cyber secure engineers you're gonna ask them really good questions for you to get some um insights on what to do what not to do what to focus and what not to focus on right because you are on your way to get to that job and that's when you're gonna one thing that you have to learn okay regardless of what position because by the way we have a lot of positions related to cyber security many positions and different things different technologies so it's not like a one or two we have a ton of them right so which one is the one that you're gonna like the most and by the way i really hope that you want to become a cyber security engineer you know exactly what that is okay many people just because everyone is talking about cyber security every a lot of people want to just kind of jump in and they have no idea what that is no idea people reach out to me you know jorge can you teach me how to become a cyber security engineer and if that's you right you reach out to me that's the first thing i'm going to say do you know do you even know what that is and can you explain that to me most people have no idea i'm telling you so i hope you do and i hope this is something that you want to do okay so going back here six nine months and those six nine months the one thing that you have to learn is python and you have to regardless of what position you're going after now depending again on that position and based on what the market wants listen to this you don't go based on what that youtuber is telling you to do because that youtuber has no idea and where you are right now has no idea what you're going through has no idea about the goals that you want to accomplish in the next three months in the next six months this is why i'm giving you information for you to process it and how can i apply this to me not based on someone else no to me and i'm giving you options a better way for you to kind of go through and think about how you want to go through your iet career right but here that's when you look at the market don't listen to me you go to the market and listen to what the market wants and they stand out then you can focus on that one two iet traffications that you need to get in the next six to nine months on top of learning pattern on top of your reaching out to people okay that way you get insights and what's going on at that point of time and see how the market is so one of them can be probably the certified ethical hacker right that's one of many out there another one if i uh remember is offensive uh security certified professional okay that's another one uh and we have a few more right uh but here's the thing you do not go based on me oh you better get this one next no you go based on what the market needs and wants and again it takes six nine months you connect to the right people you get the insights that information you need that's gonna differentiate you from everyone else and how you're gonna go through that job into a process and be able for you to sell yourself right and you're getting that job that's gonna pay you 90 100 okay and this took about one year for you to make it happen so you see you come to me i'm not going to say oh this is how you're going to go through it this is how you're going to be able to get that cyber security job you know you do this and this and this and you get it no it's a process and you cannot get anything related to cyber security without going through some type of job related to networking you want to become a cloud engineer you need networking you want to become a devops engineer you need networking and this is how you get it you have to be as smart and how you go through your iet career that way you end up not like a lot of people out there and again don't go based on what i say go and look at the market you know reach out and you're going to find out there are people individuals out there they've been working in iet for three years five seven years and they are not earning this much and they have a lot of stories excuses and why they cannot get there and they giving you those beliefs ideas for you to end up doing the same meaning not getting to a high paying job as soon as possible you see that's my focus with network engineering academy how can we get well how can i help you for you to get to a high paying job in iet sooner than later and how based on many of the high paid skills we teach inside network engineering academy that will allow you for you to differentiate and for you to get a job and ask someone else that's how my students get it done at least now you know better no degree no bootcamp none of that bs you have to go through this process i know there's probably many things in between but i give it a big picture and i really hope you really think about this and don't go through it that way that most people go through it because that will take you probably years if you end up here compared to making it happen in one year okay so again if you have any comments or you have any questions you know go on the comments area and i will get back to you and until the next video take care and i will talk to you soon [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Network Engineer Academy
Views: 1,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: getting into cybersecurity, getting into cybersecurity with no experience, cyber security training for beginners, cyber security jobs, cyber security jobs without degree, infosec, cyber security, cyber security training, starting cybersecurity, comptia a+, comptia security+, cisco ccna, cybersecurity for beginners, information technology, cybersecurity, how to protect my data from hackers, how to protect my data online, hacking your way into a cyber security position
Id: UzcLecekw9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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