Johnny Depp interview 2016

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[Applause] how are you sir I'm all right good good very welcome do you know all these people or is this a new is this a meeting this is a meeting Oh lovely who is this I want you to know that I can't not see you on the toilet I like the cut of your jib I'm just glad Johnny wasn't out for the awkward customs chat at the beginning oh yes that might my gerbils are clean some of the papers I don't know if it's true are you moving here Johnny is this the move to Manchester yes it's possible again okay I mean have you gone to see a house in Manchester no Helen no I've actually never been to Manchester I'm sorry I've always wanted to go but you know I've never been okay so it's an alter cows there I mean what do it yeah apparently I already live in bath as well oh really yeah it was seen buying spatulas and stuff good that's a very good celebrity sighting Johnny Depp buying a spatula environment that might be my favorite of mine now you're in town because the new movie Alice Through the Looking Glass it's coming up on the 27th of May I knew the first movie was a success I didn't realize how big it took over a billion dollars it's one of those successful films of all time is that right yeah which one alice is not were than an accident more than anything more than an education Alice Through the Looking Glass and you return as the batter and in this one Alice is traveling through time yes okay um and everyone's back Matt Lucas is back Helen bond water but Sasha Baron Cohen is in this one no he's not back no he's not back but he's in it he's in it of course he's in it yeah yeah yeah such as he plays time he plays father time basically and it was we've known each other for a good long while and I've always admired him you know faxon's Holly G and so where's that fun we've got a clip this is you as the young Mad Hatter meeting because of the traveling through town business you're meeting Alice for the first time it's you use you again well they'll always have one every nurse yes oh no I mean not yet only a few I should know you well cap it once when I was younger well I'm afraid I don't recall us because it hasn't happened yet oh when we leave heaven yes from now when you're old I'll meet you in your younger and I'll older I realize it doesn't make much sense it's perfect sense to me I'm Kent I know I'm Alice Aled you seem to have time all mixed up but you know you do this thing as an actor you love transforming you like kind of been consumed by characters like me very like you yeah together but costumes your latest one is phenomenal this this is the picture of Johnny Depp as Donald Trump what amazing Wow what was that for Joe oh my god it was just for me it was you wanted to know what it felt like to be that awesome weekend I never thought I went that hill Johnny Darwin I can only say that you should how did you already do a Donald Trump impression no no no no and I had no idea if I could or not still don't but I I mean this you know Adam McKay who I admire greatly who's one of the funniest humans alive we had a meeting moose in there talking he said how would you like to put how would you like to do a feature film in four days and I went I liked that idea and then he said how would you like to play Donald Trump and I loved that idea I didn't care if I knew if I was capable or not I wanted to try so yeah so I I did my bit as Donald Trump you don't want to be Donald Trump because he's the way he speaks is very specific yeah were you telling all the Mexicans to get off set I told them to build me that wall I want a sensational wall fabulous wall I don't wring them out the question was doesn't matter because I'm not gonna answer it anyway [Applause] I've met the Trump at all things Jennifer I haven't no I was at a concert and I heard he was attending so I had my full security like I was like fine Donald Trump because I was just I was adamant on finding him and then making a video of me going hey Trump [ __ ] you now one of the things about sort of being Johnny Depp is people lost you know want to come up and say hi they want selfies and things and it's not do have any sort of sympathy fills me because how young were you when you met Iggy Pop your band was supporting him is that how it happened yeah I was 17 years old we were on tour we did sort of did a lot of opening act stuff you know around and we were we had two shows with Iggy Pop in Gainesville I mean he was one of my euros so I'm 17 years old we do the gigs with Iggy it's a second night I know he's splitting I'll never see him again I want to meet him but I don't want to go music I want to see I needed something different so I got in Co in incoherent me drunk pints is what vodka just to work up the nerve to say something near the otic which you shouldn't have to do so yeah uh he was walking around with the beagle I don't know why after the show you know White's wrong he doesn't know why either so I thought I'll get him and I just started screaming he flop piggy slop and a few other guns what you know not sure what more rhymes with that so he walked over to me this being a lot of leash and he got like that close to my face I'm looking at him pops blue eyes and it takes so much time he just says you little turd [Applause] this gay Tuesday it's one of the best moments in my life we must also get parts of the Caribbean you want you finished part cigar me it's on the way now oh yeah I mean it doesn't come out till like May of 2017 or something you know who's gonna be really excited to see that good go young Captain Jack at the end there why [Applause] any regular clothes that's my friend he ran down as well I made my grunting grant and come as sailors and my granddad looks like he's in a jumble goatee
Views: 5,662,585
Rating: 4.7589345 out of 5
Id: yUqrT4XxTIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2016
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