Samuel L Jackson, Sandra Bullock & Nick Frost on The Graham Norton Show (28th June 2013)

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samuel l jackson what a list of films he has to his name star wars pop fiction the avengers and of course snakes on a plane now don't worry if you haven't seen it i won't tell you what it's about imagine getting on a plane and seeing loads of snakes i can't think of anything more frightening on a plane [Music] there aren't enough free drinks in the world now the film of course featured terrifying man eating pythons here samuel meeting one and here he is five minutes later mr jackson hey i'm so looking forward to meeting sandra oh sandra bullock saw the proposal demolition man blindside and of course speed which was basically a romantic movie but set on a bus you know room for one more on top ding ding can you move right down inside please [Music] i don't remember that bit it was exciting it was exciting when she drive the bus to stop it exploding i mean she looks terrified there what's at the back of that bus that's making her so scared hello she looks terrified there as well what's in the water that's making you so scared hello again what is he doing looks like he's like half a walnut shell sam is going to be telling us about her seriously hilarious new pop buddy movie called the heat it really is terrific though funny enough that isn't the first thing i came up with when i googled bullock in heat hey let's get some guests on later we'll be having music from mr jake [Applause] oh [Applause] samuel jackson [Applause] it was nice to meet you all got a nice hug from nick thank you he's nice i'm a keen hugger i think it's important yeah i'm not a loony don't just hug anyone but if you're going to commit to a hug you should commit to the hug don't just do top bit what is it well you know i think a good hug you should feel chest abs and thighs get in amongst it you know if you're going to press the flesh yeah yeah press the flesh [Music] well i thought i was but i know i didn't realize i was supposed to go below the waist as well well it's now i know it's nice now now i'll be doing this a little extra isn't it sometimes you get another live stream yeah a little extra because it's so funny in the proposal the scene of you when you both run in ah the naked scene but like but properly naked i mean yes there's nothing funnier than two naked bodies slapping together there's nothing sexy about it at all it's funny it's not like your hug it's not intimate yeah sensual can be frightening i'm sure for ryan seeing me come at him at that speed was a little scary but um to confess i wasn't really looking at you don't know [Applause] [Music] i remember you looking great no i don't do naked for for sex yet naked only works for me in the funny but it was great you said you don't do naked in the serious only the funny yes okay maybe that's right yeah i don't know you know on film on film they're awkward anyway i mean they're awkward yeah anyone like literally look at if you're having sex and you get reported and you don't know you're being recorded you my guess not that i've ever done this i was gonna say this is a weird story is that you don't look good doing it no oh you know it just this doesn't nobody i can't imagine that someone would look good whilst having what intercourse not knowing their film but if you notice anytime there's a sex tape it's beautifully lit they've got the good angles they're like that's right that's like over the shoulders do you know who does that i got some friends to do that do have uh loads to talk about tonight uh because samuel is in town to do some charity work uh nick you've got the last in your sort of hot fuzz shoulder dead trilogy girl's end and sandra bullock is in it's well it's going to be like the comedy of the summer isn't it it's we don't know yet it's oh you must you must be thrilled it's the heat it doesn't open here until the 31st of july and it's you melissa mccarthy and we're very hot yeah you can't tell from the post that we are so hot in this i mean we didn't want to give it all away at the beginning but we are so i don't want to say sexual but we just you're losing uh something that is very dynamic because it's a it's a cop body comedy caper yeah but it's women i know is that weird that women should be cops or have anything to do with like or should be funny or friends friends or people it's the first one of these since delma louise right is it no no but here's the here's the thing so it it's humility and you are you know you're on screen a lot you're doing everything together and it is you know it's a buddy movie but were you buddies did you know each other no we didn't we didn't know each other before but it was it was one of those special things that happens usually when you're you know when you're in a bar and you're a little drunk like when you see someone you really just really have something for and you don't know why you know we just your eyes catch each other and and you just slowly walk towards one another and it just you just can't help you're drawn and it's scary um but you step forward anyway it sounds like a hug story and then we met and then we had a little hug and it was just i went you know when your breath just gets taken away that's that's pretty much what happened listen i'll tell you what seriously i saw it in those really terrible circles you know it's just like two or three people in like a little viewing thing yeah and we were laughing out loud so i'm guessing there's a big crowd we well lots of laughing yeah um because it's directed by paul is it fee fig feed who directed bridesmaids he did and there's a very kind of extended seed it's you and melissa getting drunk yes in a bar so like presumably that wasn't scripted or it was no it said they get drunk seriously seriously and then they said maybe they dance okay and you do do both of those things we do we did we did that all day with no help from alcohol whatsoever and does somebody say okay we made her the worst dancer possible so everything is like a stab in the air so that's her big move who just credited as the writer for all this improvisational work the writer was amazing when it's really funny it was a writer when we think it's funny it's impressive [Music] but in terms of drunk acting because nick frost down the end there you've done a lot of drunk action i do do a lot of drunk yeah and a lot of research has gone into it clearly the key to it is not don't do too much yeah because i think people who are very drunk trying not to be drunk so i was trying to do maybe put my foot up on a step that isn't there that's always good function but do you remember how you were when you're drunk that's what i always think i don't know what i was like when i was drunk uh yeah i kind of go into the bathrooms and i say remember this remember this remember how i feel you were drunk weren't you now obviously when people get drunk they might get aggressive and samuel samuel jackson when people are rude to you you've got to fight back don't you like people get on chat rooms you will go into a chat room and you will go especially when people are talking about movies uh when i have a movie out i'm not like most actors most actors say i don't read my reviews and i don't care what people i read my reviews and if i'm online i go online i read all reviews and then i start going through the comments about the reviews and then i'll find some website where everybody's talking and i'll just bust into it and just start saying [ __ ] about the movie and they sometimes they know it's me and eventually somebody will get it's like oh my god it's him you know and i go off on people i mean i went off on l scott about the avengers when he started talking about how horrible the avengers was and comparing it to rio bravo i'm like dude this is not hide cinema it's avengers you know we're having fun so he said something bad i said something bad he whined the critics got on his side my 2.5 million twitter follows jumped on his ass and then some more people jumped on their ass so and apparently we won because the movie made billions of dollars [Music] nothing like that is that online community like that you walk like because snakes on a plane is not how that could have had i stand by that movie steadfastly because i had a great time making that movie and that's what it was about for me that was the kind of movie i would have gone to see when i was a kid and i showed up to do the movie and they were talking about pacific flight 113. i'm going the hell is this you know well sam we don't want to give it away you don't [Music] we're going to write and i'm not doing pacific flight 113. so you see the snakes on the plane or i'm out so it became snakes on the plane and you know i loved it i had a great time i still watched that movie no i stand by it i do specs on the plane two and three actually twenty planes and this i don't think this is a bad story because i think everyone's fine but you were in a plane crash like a proper plane crash yes what the hell is a proper plane crash he doesn't mean like just getting off the runway playing crap like playing i mean sort of in a medium one if we're going to categorize it that way that you're alive i think that makes it older yes yes yeah no we just uh the pilots as it were mis missed the runway um and we we hit snow about five feet so it broke the wheels off and the wings off and it pitched us forward and yeah and all the that's a plane crash yeah that's a great question do you feel sorry if the wings come off yeah but everyone thinks and they gave them because the dog i had i had my german shepherd and like when once we hit because the front nose of the the plane was in the snow so all we could see was just white coming through and i didn't know we'd been hit in the back of the head with things and i couldn't find the dog i was freaking out all of a sudden like in i could see that her ears pop up like she was up in the cockpit with the pilot okay so did the pilot say sorry or anything no the first the pilot he left quickly and shut us in and i think he was in shock and was looking for help i thought we had hit the runway and other planes were going to land but it was night time and i'm like where is the pilot because so i remembered how to open the door we opened the door and and off we went you see listen to those stupid announcements there's no announcement that's why i don't fly private well i like to fly with other people at least three people out there that never been on a plane that deserve to live so i like being on planes with those first-timers every time back the dick works with a lot you you met him through working in restaurants yeah yeah he was uh his girlfriend worked in the same restaurant as i did and i became friendly with her and she said you guys should meet and uh and we met and there was a tremendous static charge and we just immediately fell in love we got rid of her and the rest is history but you and melissa thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah except she didn't get rid of her husband yeah i kind of want him in the relationship okay he balances us out i like the sister wife do you know what's weird though it's this i know this is very british so wife goes away girlfriend goes away but you end up sleeping in a bed together yeah we did well you know we were best mates he slept on the floor next to my bed for a few weeks and then i said you know get in and we'll top and tail you don't know what's up and taylor yeah so and then we found ourselves one night like this in our single bed reading a big glossy um i think it was a like a map you know like a big map of the world we just flipped through and said god look that river's long and we just said yes let's go just go sleep and that was it and we just we slept together for ages because it was just we didn't have any money you know we lived in a house which was full of people and so you just you know it was cold we just snuggled in but it never felt like it was going to develop i mean some mornings i'd wake up and i didn't know where simon ended and i began sure but it kind of felt like primal i hear you you are reunited now in uh the world's end good the world's end which opens on the 19th of july it happens here now have you guys seen sean of the dead or hot fuzz anything yeah i mean look and er so this isn't connected to them but it is sort of connected yeah i mean i guess it's the third film that we've done together so there is a connection there um people are calling it a trilogy but i'm yeah i'm not it's three films if you want to call that trilogy then go right ahead and this one it's essential it's like a pub crawl meets uh kind of armageddon yes barmageddon as we're calling it thank you oh is that exactly using publicity yeah yeah it's bar mageddon barmageddon yeah that was mine yeah i mean the story is essentially five guys who haven't seen each other for perhaps 20 years um reunite to do this famous pub crawl in their in their you know what was their hometown so i said you know it's like it's i mean in in terms of sean of the dead it was that was a love story but there happened to be a zombie apocalypse going on in the background yeah and it's about you know life goes on despite barmagette despite bullock we must talk about your oscar win because how fabulous 2010 he doesn't ask for winner we love an oscar winner and for anyone obviously getting oscar's great or being nominated it's great but because samuel what no what i'm trying to say is [Applause] that is what i was trying to say all right go ahead i'm my bad so it's like you didn't just win an oscar you beat merrell which is like that's like a double win because that gets competitive it it does it's not a must between between the people not between the people studios because you have to do the whole rounds of all the different different shows and you see yes so what was your show where you you locked lips you mean where she asked for it did she actually beg you she well the the backstory which you know and they're like why did you go and kiss meryl and i go who wouldn't want to kiss meryl but she was egging me on this entire time like she's heckling she's like you know she sent um to my office i go oh my god meryl streep sent you flowers i was like meryl streep sent me flowers and up comes this this nice bottom part with like three dead um orchids on it and a note that if i was going to humiliate her kill her with kindness kill her with my kisses no no wait you really like look at this look at the case [Music] today i knew it was you fredo [Music] [Applause] look how excited the kid in the background was though yeah he'll probably be flicking channels and see this and nobody does anyone know who he is but in a year's time when he's the next superman [Music] when we're not working anymore all of us maybe you won't be now i have a way to shop i have to work all right samuel let's celebrate you were nominated you'd be nominated for an oscar once yeah it's a good thing no [ __ ] man people now you know when you go talk shows academy award nominee who cares how real was it nobody nobody knows what year was i didn't win i remember because i think i should have won it's one of those kind of things but i think you are you are sort of famous as one of those people who didn't bother with the fake smiley clappy [ __ ] you didn't you didn't do that did you that's true i did say i did say uh [ __ ] when i didn't win i didn't know it well yeah because we wanted to show a clip of of you not winning an award that costs money doesn't it so much money the oscars should be made of gold based charging up for the clips really yeah oh hang on who is telling us about the thing that it comes with cleaning instructions i don't know i don't have one i feel we've established okay that's what the cleaning instructions say [Applause] i feel bad because we've focused on something not winning an award for some time yeah so we can quickly big of no we can quickly pick him up though because and this is something to celebrate you are in the guinness book of records samuel jackson as the highest grossing actor of all time 7.4 billion dollars wow a lot of money for a lot of people only i had 10 of that yeah you know uh yes because i suppose part of it is because you're in you know big successful franchises well i've been a couple of big movies most of them called star wars that's a huge franchise and i did a couple other movies that were kind of cool um i remember when um george told me i was going to pass harrison as the number one box office actor of all time he was like well when this movie comes out you'll pass him and i was like i'm probably going to pass him this year then because i did a little movie called the incredibles i think is going to make some money and it made some money it was fine it was fine but yeah it's been kind of great being in some big movies yeah yeah but harassing parks a big old movie but i like the fact that you aren't you know because you're you're very cool but you're not shy about saying i want to be in that film like star wars you said you're going to be in star wars now too when come on jedi's fall from incredible heights and a lot of them have lived with one hand i i think i can handle it they could just come back to life why can't they they're jealous yeah they can you know their mitigators can uh reform and they can i can't imagine knowing that much you should see my cellar [Music] is the thing about your your lightsaber being a different color is that story true that you the purple lightsaber yeah uh yeah um you know when i first got that job i didn't know what i was gonna do when i said i wanted to be in star wars george invited me over the ranch i got over and told him look i just want to be in the movie i'll be a storm trooper you can put me in one of those white suits let me run across screen nobody needs to know that but me and i'll be happy he's like no we'll figure out something so i got over here and he made me a jedi um you know and i was pleased i did some scenes with yoda and i did some scenes and liam and everything was great and then i came back the next year nothing right okay he didn't kill me off and there's this big we had this big arena fight scene with all these jedi in there fighting whatever and i was like well [ __ ] i want to be able to find myself in this big old scene so i said to george you think maybe i can get a purple lightsaber lightsabers are green or lightsabers are red yeah but i want a purple one i'm like the second baddest jedi in the universe that's a yo you think let me think about it and when i came back to do reshoot she said i'm gonna show you something it's already causing a [ __ ] storm online and he had the purple lightsaber and i was like yeah so um i could find myself in that big fight scene in the middle of that you know like 300 lightsabers in that there i am right there [Music] [Music] well there's a couple of things you can do with it and one of them would be give it to me in the office would be you know can i just say someone in the office can be really big i'll touch it be worth more [Music] yeah look at that if my son had that i would be decapitated no i have the real one at home that has bad [ __ ] right here [Music] yeah you look good this is amazing this gives you power yeah you look good with it i feel good don't touch that part oh you don't touch that no you you burn your feet it just went off in your hands somebody said that before are you sure are you sure yes i'm sure i have that one in my car it's not his to give away and in interviews i've heard you talking about because actors always complain about having to do green screen so complain we just say you know it was a very difficult process we don't complain actors don't complain i love green screen because sandra you've just finished uh gravity that george clooney you and george foonie inspired was that all green screen uh yes they had a green screen they had an led light box they had the most insane contraptions that had never been used i'm hung up on 12 wires on some black stuff it was amazing about 12 wives with george so is he as hot as he thinks he is yes he is he's the hottest man i've ever met next to you these two men right here thank you man what about chocolate we're in the room [Music] [Applause] you couldn't go three you couldn't throw me a bone no these two men you're too far away thank you very much i give you a lightsaber and that's how you really hate me hey listen uh we must talk uh about samuel because you're in britain uh promoting a couple of charities you're very involved in uh one is one for the boys and that's a male cancer character male cancer awareness yes we're trying to create awareness in men and let men know that it's okay for them to talk about you know cancer too men don't deal with cancer the same way women do men don't talk about their health issues we don't go to the doctor either oh no prostate cancer forget about that yeah it's like all you got to do is say well all you got to do is go to the doctor and get probe a little bit no but we're just just trying to get men to engage in actively doing something about their health so we're doing this uh whole big thing in uh october and i'm doing um this weekend i'm here doing um some stuff for uh alzheimer's the alzheimer's organization um my mom passed last year from alzheimer's and my grandfather had it her brother had it her sister's got it my grandmother on my father's side got it so i feel like i'm surrounded by you know alzheimer's so every time i forget why i walk in the room i go oh my god i'm always tripping about it so i'm trying to do something about it because i may need that aid yeah at some point so the big fundraiser in october yes uh the big gala dinner that's for one for the boys tonight just time for a uh final visit of the series to the red chair so uh who who is there hello hello hi what's your name uh phoebe phoebe lovely phoebe and uh where are you from um harry harrow you say arrow everyone's very excited what are you doing harold phoebe um well i actually live in brighton at the moment because i'm a student oh you're messing with my head phoebe what are you studying uh media oh yeah i'll be the judge of that so uh how'd you go with the story phoebe uh basically a few months ago it was my birthday and my friend uh sadie and grace hello [Music] [Music] okay someone will replace her now it's like that just in and out hello hi hey hi what's your name sir shaquille shaquille yep and uh where are you from london lovely and what do you do i'm a drama student a drama student right this will be hard did samuel jackson just go yeah okay off you go all right basically um i was on my way to work and i work in the supermarket and i saw this little old lady who i've seen before yes so she was crossing the road i thought let me help her she's like oh thank you young man thank you [Applause] did i ask him to audition no i asked him to tell a story like mine yeah you were there were you kind of like sharp with the voices yeah yeah i liked it when he portrayed the old lady he really got me i thought he's like an old lady making good cause bad calls jake i think you're making very good calls here thank you very much steve i've got you vote okay okay okay this is the last one the last one this better be good okay here we go hello hi hi what's your name helen helen and where are you from helen burnhamwood all right what do you do there i'm a dental nurse all right very good or do you clean the teeth no i just do the sucker oh what mysterious task you discovered just suck out the saliva a dry tooth is a good tube all right off you go with your story okay i own them exotic pets and my snake got loose and it'd been missing for about three months and we live in a block of three flats yes and we thought we'd better tell our neighbours after about two months my neighbours and about a week after i told my neighbour above me she actually come running down and the stairs and said hello and your snake is in my push chair she just took her daughter out of it so i'm not sure how it got up to the flat above us it's a snake i'm not a vet but i think they do yeah it's a corn snake a four foot oh it's this all right yes and although you've finished your story i'm still going to flip you there you go this well done everyone if you'd like to join us on the show and have a go in the red chair you can you come to us by our website at this very address and thank you all so much for my guest tonight mr jake bugs that is it for this series we'll be back later in the year till then have a great summer everyone good night bye bye
Channel: JackH2013
Views: 418,571
Rating: 4.8294764 out of 5
Keywords: graham norton, show, samuel l jackson, sandra, bullock, nick, frost, pulp, fiction, speed, The Graham Norton Show (TV Program), hot, fuzz, shaun, of, the, dead, jake, bugg, heat, keanu, reeves, simon, pegg, yt:stretch=16:9, gravity, django, unchained, world's, end, Simon Pegg (Comedian), snakes, plane, Nick Frost (Comedian), Sandra Bullock (TV Producer), star, wars, jedi, lightsaber
Id: otAeFQ--wnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2013
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