George Carlin - Critical Thinking SCHOOL EDIT

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we're going to go back to advertising going to look at some advertising lingo especially food advertising you know the people fresh natural hearty old-fashioned homemade goodness in a can that kind of stuff so let's let's take a look let's take a look at some of these words oldfashioned when you hear oldfashioned you're supposed to think oh this goes back to the old days right the old days before we had sanitation laws before hygiene became popular back when botulism was still considered a sauce old fashion is supposed to give you a warm feeling make you think about your grandmother well I don't know about you but when I'm picking out food I don't want to be picturing 90 lbs of wrinkles in a black dress with a big hairy mole sticking out and an infected lip oldfashioned then you have homemade homemade you see this on the packages in the supermarkets folks believe me it is physically impossible for a food processing plant to produce anything homemade I don't care if the CEO is living in the in the basement and cooking on a hot plate it's not going to happen and you shouldn't be eating processed foods and packaged Foods anyway they're no good for you you know how I stopped eating processed foods I started picturing the people who were doing the processing next time you're in the bus and you see some guy with Gang Green on his hands just picture him on the assembly line putting little pieces of chicken in a box that'll cure you homemade you see homemade in the in the restaurants too homemade soup I don't care how much the amphetamine driven waitress with the marbor lines in her face remind you of your mother the soup is not homemade unless someone is living in the kitchen and if that's the case I want to get a good look I want to check this guy for lesions carbunkle impo pink eye and ringworm and headlight then you have home style home style when the advertising imbeciles realize that homemade sounds too fullly they go to home style home style flavor well whose home are we talking about Jeffrey dmer old style goodness what does that mean nothing it means nothing New York style deli means it's not located in New York that's all it means or they wouldn't have to say it in the first place so located in Calgary and the owner is from Hong Kong and the food tastes like things that the bangladeshis throw away Chicago style pizza means the night manager wants change planes at O'Hare hearty hearty soup is hearty breakfast is hearty you know what I do when I hear the word Hardy I look at the label H 300 gr of saturated fat hearty as in heart attack it's the same with buttery and Lemony and chocy real chocy goodness you know what that means no chocolate and zesty and tangy zesty and tangy are not real words that normal human beings use in conversation they're advertising words you ever have someone turn to you and say this is real zesty and tangy too
Channel: Mr Antosy
Views: 29,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZF57C92nuSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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