'You Think Our Criminal Justice System Is Institutionally Racist, Do You?': Kennedy Presses Nominee

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Senator Kennedy thank you Mr chairman congratulations to each of you uh judge separo yes um you you uh you and Senator Casey went to high school together yes we did Senator did you ever see uh Senator Casey try to sneak a beer past Jesus in I I never saw that s oh okay wise answer judge vodka uh you are a member of an organization called the National Association Pacific American Bar Association are you not I was Senator I my membership lapsed at the beginning of this year but I was a member for two years well my my record shows you were a member for 22 years Senator that was a mistake and I actually sent a letter after I saw that mistake um to the committee um so it was two years okay um and the I'll call it the the nap ABA is that the correct acronym I think napaba napaba yes okay thank you and napaba is uh funded by uh Mr George Soros is it not Senator I I'm not familiar with the funding I was a member and I paid the dues but I I had no contact with any of the any of the members there um and so that's why I let my membership lapse well it's it it's a website um says that it's supported by it's funded by the open Society foundations which are founded by Mr George Soros now napaba in uh in March of 2023 um while you were still a member napaba issued a statement and it said that it U supports um transgender allowing transgender and interex girls and women to participate in all sports is that correct Senator I'm not familiar with Napa's statement so I'll I'll take your word for it you didn't know anything about that no Senator I I really I joined the organization um because I thought it would give me a community of other Asian-American attorneys and judges but I I didn't have any interaction with anyone in the group I didn't attend any meetings or vote and so um I'm not aware of of that statement or any of other statements made by napaba so this is all an epiphany to you it's not right yes Senator I okay napaba also issued a statement um that said the following it supports state and local governmental entities that choose not to honor ice detainer requests and that do also decline to to detain individuals solely only the basis of an ice detainer request so napaba opposes uh supporting ice is that correct from what you just read Senator um I I guess I I haven't read that statement but I can I can tell you Senator that I don't ascribe to any of those statements that you just that you just read to me okay um judge in in uh October of 20120 you ran for judge is that right yes okay and uh on a on a talk radio interview here's what you said I'm going to quote okay it's okay we also need to recognize the effects of racism on our Criminal Justice System institutional racism impacts all of society I think that is Amplified in our Criminal Justice System we see that in the dispropor Pate number of black men and women being incarcerated and convicted end quote did I read that correctly Senator I haven't listened to that particular show but I'll take your word for it yeah okay um what do you think our criminal justice system is is institutionally racist do you Senator I don't believe that our our court system bites nature is racist um when I why did you say this then well what I meant by that was that I believe there are racial disparities in our communities yeah but that's not we both know there's racism in in in in every society unfortunately but that's not what you said you said the criminal justice system is not just racist it's institutionally racist and then you said that I'm going to quote your words not mine the disproportionate number of black men and women incarcerated and convicted are because of race did you say that Senator what I what I was talking about was the racial disparities in and you said it solely has to do with the color of a person's skin you really believe that judge well no Senator I I don't believe that at all why did you say it you said it you were running for judge you said it in front of God and Country on live what I what I said Senator um was that I recognize that racial disparities in our community can influence um rates of incarceration that's not what you said you're political activist aren't you judge no not at all Senator yeah okay I'm over thanks Mr chairman for your Indulgence Senator uh Welch thank you very much um couple things judge saf
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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