Gardened By Many Men: Man Says Girlfriend Is Addicted To Her Ways (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please, be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Smith v. Jones.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Smith, you are here contesting paternity of your ex-girlfriend's three-year-old daughter, Ja'Niah. You claim Ms. Jones is sex-crazed and had intercourse with multiple men during the time of conception. And you intend to prove you are not her child's father. JUDGE LAKE: Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Jones, you say Mr. Smith is nothing but a deadbeat, who will grasp on to any excuse to get out of being a daddy to your daughter. You say today's paternity test results will prove that he is her father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Smith, you say the evidence points to several other men? JOE SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. Explain. Yes, Your Honor, she is a sex addict, and a compulsive liar. When I first met Jonnaisha, we had sex on the first night. I took her virginity, a few hours later, she had sex with another man. Oh! So I could tell you multiple reasons why I believe I am not the father of her child. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Jones, these are some very strong allegations about your sexual practices. JONNAISHA JONES: Yes. Do you agree? No. The only compulsive liar is him. Yes, I am a sex addict, but only with the person I am in a relationship with, which was him at the time. What was your relationship like? JONES: We were best friends at first. And then we started having sex. Wait, hold on, we became best friends the day we had sex. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) What? JUDGE LAKE: Explain. Your Honor, we met at a party, went home with her, had sex with her. The day after that we hooked up a couple more times. We were friends with benefits. You're saying the sex happened immediately? SMITH: Yes. JONES: Yeah JUDGE LAKE: Oh, so you met at a party, had sex that night. Yes, Your Honor. Okay, that's not best friends. That's booty call. (ALL LAUGHING) So how did you even find out, or how did you know if Ms. Jones was with other men? She had a boyfriend while we were best friends. And we know that 'cause me and her talked about these things. And I really know she was having sex with this individual. Your Honor, I was... Because we was having sex one night, and she wanted me to do a freaky thing with her, that he was doing to her, that I committed not to do. Oh, so she admitted that she was having sex with somebody else, because she wanted you to do what he did. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. Okay, she wanted to get freaky. You wanted to get freaky, Ms. Jones? Sometimes. But... (LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Did you have a boyfriend, Ms. Jones? JONES: No. So, you didn't have a boyfriend when you met him? JONES: No. Were you having sex with anybody else? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, you were? Yes. Just around the same time of conception. JONES: No, Your Honor. It was around the same time. I was having... JUDGE LAKE: So, boyfriend or no boyfriend, I mean sex is what makes babies, so if you were having sex with somebody else during the window of time you were having sex with Mr. Smith, how do you rule the other guy out? JONES: I was having sex... I was having sex with this man in July. Well, Your Honor... I got into a relationship with him in August. And I got pregnant at the end of August. When I get in a relationship, I am faithful. SMITH: Well, Your Honor... When I'm single, I'm single. It's a whole... It's a whole other story. One day I went to go see Jonnaisha at a motel room, but she was there with multiple friends. I came up there, she wanted to go with me but I had other ventures to go on to. JUDGE LAKE: Ventures? Yeah. So, I called her later that night, it was a lonely night, I called her. I was like, you know, "Do you wanna lay up?" She didn't answer the phone, though. He was blowing me up, Your Honor. SMITH: Couple of days later, this was all around the time of conception. Couple of weeks later, she admitted to having, again, oral sex from this guy. This is not the boyfriend, this is a whole different guy. Couple of weeks after the oral sex came up, she's like, "Well, "he tried to start sex with me, I stopped it." Couple of weeks after that, she admits to having sex with this guy. And so you're saying she has admitted that she actually had sex with a third guy? Not you. Not the boyfriend she was with when you met her, but another guy. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Was there another guy, Ms. Jones? That's the one that I'm talking about in July, that I had sex with in July. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so you're saying the timeline was off because you had sex with him in July, and you believe you conceived at the end of August. JONES: Yeah, I got in a relationship with him. JUDGE LAKE: So was that an ongoing sexual relationship with this guy? That was just a one night stand. I always wanted to have sex with him. SMITH: No, Your Honor. No, Your Honor. Another female told me about their sexual encounters. JUDGE LAKE: At the motel? Yes. SMITH: She was like, "I've seen Jonnaisha's text messages, "they in there texting, and I've seen pictures of them linked up." So after that... JONES: I don't take pictures, Your Honor. was more rumors where these group of guys get more rooms, they get more and more rooms. She's supposedly having a threesome with these group of guys. So, with her being a compulsive liar and a sex addict, I don't know what to believe. And so hold on. Were you having threesomes with guys in motels, Ms. Jones? No. I never had a threesome before. She already lied. But I do wanna have one. She already lied about having sex with two guys. But you admit you did have sex with the man at the motel? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Not a hotel. A motel. JONES: (LAUGHS) Yes. But she's missing this whole boyfriend that she had. JUDGE LAKE: And so, Mr. Smith, you say she missing what? She missing this whole boyfriend that she had. JUDGE LAKE: She had a whole boyfriend? She had a whole boyfriend. That's in addition to the man at the motel, and in addition to you. Yes, Your Honor. If you want more episodes of Paternity Court Make sure to subscribe and click on the notification bell. And then this motel guy, the thing about this motel guy is, a collage came up. A collage? Yes, with me, the baby, and this guy from the motel. And you submitted that to the court? This collage? SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: How did you find this collage? SMITH: This collage was in a group chat with her and her friend. Her best friend. So when it came to me, her best friend admitted to me like "No, I didn't make that. "Jonnaisha made it." JONES: No. SMITH: So, my first thing is, Jonnaisha did make it. Because Jonnaisha's a strong-minded person. I'm knowing Jonnaisha. Jonnaisha would have seen that, she would have snapped like, "Oh, I know who my baby's daddy is! Why would you make this?" None of that happened. Which I did. So, she had, she had concerns. Oh, so you're saying Ms. Jones made this collage because she was trying to get a public poll. Yes. About who her child's father was. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Did you make this, Ms. Jones? No, Your Honor. My friend made it for him to see that the baby does look like him. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, so, on the left is you, Mr. Smith and on the right is the guy from the motel, right? Yes. So let me stamp that "motel", so we can keep up with him. JUDGE LAKE: So that's the motel guy. (LAUGHING) And now, Mr. Smith, that's who you believe is Ja'Niah's biological father. It could be either him or the other guy, the boyfriend. We're still missing the boyfriend from the time of conception. So who was at the hospital during the birth? SMITH: Okay, I was there at the birth. I was there at the birth of the baby. Because when you got pregnant, Ms. Jones, you told Mr. Smith, "I'm pregnant." He was there the whole time. Appointments. We even went to pregnancy classes. Everything. JONES: He knew the baby was his. SMITH: By the time she found out she was pregnant, I was having problems with my ex-girlfriend. She just had a baby. So, yes, I wanted to be there. I got two other kids. So I just wanted to be there. Have the pregnancy, you know, the symptoms, the going to the doctors, and everything, 'cause I never had that. But at the same time, I was skeptical. You're having sex with all these guys during conception. So it might not be mine. So, the baby comes, when the baby comes, we at the hospital. Her family members come up there, and her friends come up there, so while we're out there, this motel guy has a baby a day later, so they're across the room, with his baby. JUDGE LAKE: What? So, her family member's like... Her family members make a comment like, "Let's go to the other room and see this baby, "see if these babies look alike." JUDGE LAKE: Uh-uh. Now you're lying now. So the motel guy had a baby, a woman having a baby in the room across the room, from you? JONES: Yes. Yes, Your Honor. He had a baby that day too. I've never heard this. It's freaky. Goodness. But you're there the day the baby's born? I'm there. Yeah. JUDGE LAKE: You sign the birth certificate? I signed the birth certificate. JUDGE LAKE: But Mr. Smith, if you had all these doubts, if you knew there was a guy at the motel, you and the whole boyfriend, why would you just sign the birth certificate? Because at the same time, we're in a relationship. I'm trying to be a man. Your Honor, I have evidence right here to show that Jonnaisha made a post, that says, "Joe Smith, you are not the father." Let me see that. Jerome, will you hand me that, please. JONES: Wow. I don't know if you know this or not, Facebook is a public social media website, billions of people are seeing this. So if you're telling billions of people, "Joe Smith, you are not the father," I got to be not the father. She's stating it. I wish it worked like that. Jerome, have you ever heard of this thing called Facebook? JEROME: No. (ALL LAUGHING) Well, it's billions of social media... It's billions of people. I do know what Facebook is, Mr. Smith. I do know. Thank you for informing me, though. (LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: So you're saying, if you put on Facebook, "Joe Smith, you are not the father," who would put that out there, unless they believed it? Because billions of people are gonna see it. And you still signed the birth certificate. JUDGE LAKE: So hold on, Ms. Jones, did you post this? JONES: I did. Why did you post this? I was very upset that he wasn't claiming my baby. And what's crazy though, one day I go over to her family house, this is like Christmas, so I'm taking presents over. So, we're sitting in the dining room, a kid comes in the room, 'cause I say something to the child. I say something to Jonnaisha's baby, a little kid comes out and says,"She's not even yours." JUDGE LAKE: What? A little kid? SMITH: Yeah. So a little kid is not gonna just say this. No, she heard that from a grown-up. A grown-up that's around. She wasn't saying it like that. She was saying like, "You're not around. "You can't come in here and just say something "to my child when she barely sees you." When, when... But, I mean, look, a little kid does not have the gumption to come up to a grown man and say, "You're not even the dad." What did she say to you exactly? "You are not even her father." JUDGE LAKE: You're not even her father. SMITH: Yes. Jerome, she's trying to take my job. This little kid. At this time, like, when we had the baby, I had to teach Jonnaisha how to change a diaper. JONES: I was young. SMITH: All of that. SMITH: How to change the diaper. I'm doing everything. I'm filling out paperwork, things that a father don't even do most of these days. JONES: Now I'm doing better than you. Uh, no, fathers do that a lot. SMITH: No, I'm saying as a young father, as a young black father, a lot of young men don't do that. I'm taking everything. You got two kids before. You should know how to do all this. So I'm changing diapers. So, you feel like, you were really stepping up as a young man. SMITH: I'm stepping up. Trying to be there. That's why I'm trying to figure out, if this is my child or not. Because I'm stepping up at this time. I'm bringing her around my other kids. I want them to have a relationship. Well, that's a beautiful picture. Have you developed a relationship with Ja'Niah? That's a recent picture, Your Honor. So you have a relationship with her? Yes, Your Honor. SMITH: She calls me father and everything. And so, when you look at that picture, I mean, you look like a daddy holding his little girl. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Have you thought about if these results do not reveal that you are her biological father, would that hurt you? It will hurt me. I can see tears in your eyes. I really see that this matters to you. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And you say as a young man, being a father, you missed out before and now you really had the experience you didn't have with your other children, with Ja'Niah. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. For this one, I wanted to do everything. So, I started that off. And all these accusations of I'm not the dad, all these thoughts in my head, I really wanted to be a father to her. She loves him. She loves him. When she get around him, she don't know me no more. (LAUGHING) She won't even talk to me. She just goes straight to him. And what if he's not? JUDGE LAKE: Have you thought of it? No. All right. Jerome. Let's get the results. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Smith v. Jones,</i> When it comes to three-year-old Ja'Niah Smith Jones, it has been determined by this Court, Mr. Smith, you... are the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: You are the father. That is your beautiful little girl. Thank you, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: How does that feel to hear? I feel good. I kept telling you. It felt good because I could... I could start a relationship with her and my other kids. I see the tears in your eyes 'cause I know it mattered to you. SMITH: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And that's why, getting these results are so important. Because as much as you try to stand up and just be there, there was always that thing, that just didn't allow you to fully connect. I can see the love in your eyes when you look at her. And I'm so happy for her sake that right at the cusp, of when she was really gonna feel your absence, when she was really gonna be able to absorb and understand that there was something holding you back from her. You had the courage to come in here and get this resolved, so that you all could move on and she can have the father she needs. With that said, you all need to co-parent now. JONES: Yeah. It feels like your relationship has been through all of these different levels. Best friends. Best friends with benefits. Not friends. Now you're co-parents. And that is a new relationship you have to learn how to manage. Learn how to set boundaries, and learn how to cooperate, and communicate positively. So we have counseling and resources for you both, I want you to take advantage of it, because at the end of the day it's all for Ja'Niah. You understand? Yes, Your Honor. Yes, Your Honor. I wish you all the very best. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: Mqa73Jgmck0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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