Believe It Or Not: Shocking, Sad Cases On Paternity Court (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Ms. Myers, you have brought your mother, Ms. Madrigal, to court today because you claim she has no idea who your biological father is. You say your mother gave you a list of 13 possible men, and you are hoping to determine who your father is today. The court has located two of the 13 men and has already ordered paternity tests to be administered. Ms. Madrigal, you admit to having a laundry list of potential fathers, but hope today answers your daughter's lifelong question. Now, Ms. Myers, what were the circumstances that started your search for your biological father? When I was 13 years old, I had a father figure in my life, and he died at that age. And, you know, when he died I needed closure. I needed somebody to be there. LAKE: And so, at 13 years old, how did you find out that there were potentially 13 different men that could be your father? The list came from my mom telling me over, approximately, a year, maybe a little longer... She would always just say, you know, "Here's a name, here's a name," you know. And I think, to her, it seemed like it was a joke. Okay, Ms. Madrigal, as you were giving your daughter this list, and I do not mean this in a joking way... Right. LAKE: You couldn't narrow it down from 13? You know, I... The 13 that she's naming is like 13 ghosts, fabricated! What about "Pick any man in Seattle?" (LAUGHS) You made that joke. So where does this "Pick any man in Seattle..." Hold on. Hold on, 'cause any friend that she met of mine, a guy friend, she'd ask him were they her father. Really? Are you serious? Yeah, yeah... So my thing is this, when she'll say, "Oh, is he my dad?" I'll say, "I don't know. Could be anybody in Seattle." Since she thinks that's what it is, absolutely. It could be this guy right here. Yeah, really. MONICA: See? See? Ms. Myers, in your statement, you say that your life without a father has been extremely difficult. Mmm-hmm. Please explain. I feel lost, you know. I feel confused, I don't know who I am. I don't know my heritage. I don't know what I'm completely mixed with. I don't know where I came from. I don't know nothing. You came from me. Does it matter? I know your half of the family, but that's only half the story. Nobody else matters. That's only half of the story. Ain't no man raise me better than you can, even though it doesn't even matter, so save it. You raised me? You raised me? No, you didn't! Oh, I raised you! You weren't even there, so anyway... Monica, stop it. Stop it. Ms. Myers, you claim that you left home when you were 15 years old. Yeah, I did. Why is that? I didn't want to be around her. You didn't get along to this degree even when you were 15 years old? Worse than this. It's even worse than this. The only reason why I am somewhat civil with her is because I have an ex that used to preach to me all the time about having to be close to my mom. SAMANTHA: Right. And I wanted to be right with God, so therefore... For God. SAMANTHA: (SCOFFS) Right. God. She won't even... That's a good one. Use God! You damned devil. Use God! So, Ms. Madrigal, you do admit that there were multiple partners at the time that Ms. Myers was conceived? Of course, but you got to realize I was 17. Mmm-hmm. So, any calculation within that time, I could've been way off and not known because by the time I found out, I was four months pregnant with her. You see what I'm saying? So there could be a list of whomever. SAMANTHA: It's the timing. It's in the timing. Now she admits to the list. The list that is also missing out of my diary. Really, Monica? The list that you fabricated? The 13 ghosts you got in the book? Yeah, where is it at? It's gone! Who ripped it out? Ask your brother! Ms. Myers, what is that diary you're holding up? That's my diary that I've had since I was 13 years old. That's where I started my list. It's in that. And all of a sudden, my pages are missing? SAMANTHA: Hold on. She had to bring it out here. Okay, we've got to figure out whether two of the men that the court has identified is, in fact, Ms. Myers' father. Your statement to the court says that you've met the two out of the 13 that the court has administered tests to. Mr. Keith McCraney and a Mr. Derrick Smith. (CHUCKLES) Mmm-hmm. LAKE: You smiled... Mmm-hmm. one or both of those names? It's an evil smile and a happy smile. An evil smile and a happy smile? Well, who's the evil smile for? Keith. Keith? Mmm-hmm. So I take it, we don't care for him. I don't like him. I hate him with a passion. (AUDIENCE REACT) Mr. McCraney, um, thank you for coming to join us and submitting to the paternity testing. I wanna ask you first, you do know Ms. Myers' mom, Ms. Madrigal? Yes, I do. LAKE: Please state how you met her. You know, we got together, she came over. She told me she thought I was sexy, whatever, good-looking. Okay, we had sex. It was a three-minute thing. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Three minutes. Look, she confirmed it. LAKE: You swore to tell the truth. And nothing but the truth. LAKE: Okay. (LAUGHTER) So, how did you find out that Ms. Madrigal was pregnant? I did not know she was pregnant, Your Honor. I'm walking downtown, Seattle, where we live. I see her and the baby at the fountain, and I say, "Oh, cute baby. Who is she?" She said, "My daughter!" (GIGGLES) And you giggled? Yes. Why? I couldn't believe it, you know? Three minutes. I understand it doesn't take that, but... So you knew that it was your three minutes of fame that had gotten her there? Well, Your Honor, I also found out... I also found out, Your Honor, that when she left my house, she went to another man's house and the same thing happened the same day. Sure did. Sure did. That was the plan in the first place. KEITH: The same day! This wasn't planned. Keith and I weren't planned. That's what I'm saying. My friend... Your Honor, her and the same friend that was at my house, was at his house. SAMANTHA: Right. That's how I know it was the same day. Right. Right. LAKE: Okay! We realize now that Mr. McCraney is not the man that you would like to be your father, ultimately. No. We do have another gentleman here that has also submitted to the paternity testing, and at this time, the court would like to hear from him. Jerome, if you could please escort Mr. Derrick Smith in. And Mr. McCraney and Ms. Vernon, feel free to have a seat. Thank you. KEITH: Thank you. Derrick. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Mr. Smith, how are you today? I'm doing pretty good, Judge. Thank you for joining us. We're really glad that you could be here today, and we appreciate you submitting to the DNA testing, um, because this court realizes that you are one of two men here today that we've identified that could potentially be Ms. Myers' father. LAKE: You do feel it's a possibility that you could be the father. I do. I mean, I think we look a lot alike. LAKE: Do you see the resemblance? Do you see it? MONICA:<i> I see it right here, standing next to me right here.</i> DERRICK:<i> Well, we both have big foreheads, kind of...</i> (MONICA LAUGHS) DERRICK:<i> Hmm.</i> LAKE:<i> You know, I think we've heard enough, ladies and gentlemen.</i> Uh, it's time to find out the results. It is. When it comes to Ms. Monica Myers, Mr. Keith McCraney, it has been determined by this court that... You... Are the father. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) There it is. LAKE: Did you faint, Mr. McCraney? I... What? Whoa! I... KARMEN: They must have got the test mixed up or something. LAKE: You are the father. KARMEN: There is no way. They must have gotten their test mixed up or something. KEITH: Whoa! I... KARMEN: I don't believe that at all. LAKE: Thank you for coming back in, Ms. Myers. I know you're upset. I hate him, I hate his family, man. SAMANTHA: Hold on. Hold on. Can I say something? Can I, please? Monica, regardless to whatever Keith has been through in 26 years, Keith wasn't always going through what he's going through. You think I'd just jump in there with anybody... or something? Come on. Keith was one of the finest people in Bellevue. I don't care. Their family has rejected me so much that there is no rekindling what they... The pain they've caused for me. SAMANTHA: That's true. I don't deserve none of this. I didn't deserve it from the jump. I recognize that you have been a victim. I had to do all of this by myself. But it is your choice as to whether you continue to be one. Now, you came here for an answer. (APPLAUSE) It wasn't the answer you wanted, but you got the answer. And from the way it looks from my vantage point, you've got four people in your life right now that have said to you, "Our hearts and our doors are still open for this girl." Today we have the case of<i> Coe v. Coe,</i> mother versus daughter. Miss Coe, you say you're here today because your daughter is an out-of-control teenager and she needs help. Furthermore, you claim that you have serious doubts that your daughter's boyfriend, Mr. Boyce, is the father of your seven-month-old grandson. You say Mr. Boyce has been a good father to the baby, but that your daughter has numerous sexual partners and so he needs to know the truth. Yes ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: You've also petitioned the court to demand that your daughter attend parenting classes. Now, Miss Coe, you dispute your mother's claims. You say you are positive that Mr. Boyce is your baby's father, and say today's results of the paternity test will prove your mother wrong. You've asked the court to order your mother to stop meddling in your life, once and for all. Now, Miss Coe, please tell the court why you're here today. I'm here because my daughter is out of control. She has an issue with authority. She doesn't want to be told what to do, how to do or why to do it. Give me specific instances. Okay... From fights at school, hitting a police officer, not once but twice... (AUDIENCE GASPS) JUDGE LAKE: Hitting a police officer? She punched a police officer twice. Twice! I get the phone call to go up to the school, I get there, I was thankful that I knew this police officer. He looks at me and he says, "This is your daughter?" He says, "I could take her to jail right now. She could have a felony." JUDGE LAKE: Wow. (APPLAUSE) The officer got in the way. In your petition to the court, you've stated something about damage to your home. Please tell me that. She made a phone call saying that I and my girlfriend had jumped on her, because she still did not want to follow house rules. All I asked her to do was not disrespect the house. Don't bring the drama to the house. I feel like that's not the truth. That's not the truth. You brought drama to the house. That's not the truth. You made a phone call saying "My mother and her girlfriend just jumped on me. "You come mess them up." I said her girlfriend had jumped on me, and I did have somebody come over there. But that wasn't true. She made that phone call. Them guys, they loaded up, they came to my house, they busted out every window, they busted out my car, they destroyed my house. This was one week before I was actually... JUDGE LAKE: That's your car? That's my car. They broke out every window. That's my house. That's me standing on the porch trying to take a picture, because now I'm upset, and I'm like, "You know what? "I cannot believe my daughter is gonna allow this to happen instead of her saying..." And I couldn't believe your girlfriend jumped on me when I was pregnant, so... But she didn't jump on you. They broke our windows, car, they hit me with a brick, I got hit in the back of the head. JUDGE LAKE: What? ZIAIR: And I also stopped them. I didn't think they were going to do that do the house. I didn't say, "Mess the house up." They took that into their own hands. Ziair, I'm so disturbed by what I'm hearing right now. So, Mom, you're saying she was sleeping with multiple guys. I know that there was someone else. Now, how many more it was, I'm not for sure. But I do know that there was someone else. So, when I find out she's pregnant, I go to the guy. I go to Larry, I say to Larry, "Look, as Ziair's mother, I'm gonna keep it real with you, "I've got to be 100, I say you need to get a DNA test." But as the girl, me, I was being real, and I said, "I'm not gonna lie, but there is a possibility this baby could be someone's else." I didn't just say, "You're the father, you're the father." I said, "It's a possibility," because I did mess up, and I did slip, and mess around with somebody else. So, you have a boyfriend now. Mm-hmm. And that boyfriend may or may not be the father of your child? Yes, because I did have a boyfriend, and I only messed with Larry when me and my boyfriend got into it. I went over to my best friend's house and he was there. So, now, what I believe, and you can tell me if I'm right, Mom... You're worried now about this cycle repeating itself. Exactly. JUDGE LAKE: And I know you still love and are concerned for your daughter. You've made that clear today. JEANETTA: Really, because even after she had done all of that to me, I move out to Arizona, she calls me, two months later, after I'm in Arizona, and she says, "Mom, I need you. I don't have anybody." You know, she's about to have my grandson. What do we do? You seem emotional. What do you feel? Tell me. JEANETTA: The only rule I had for her... JUDGE LAKE: It's okay. Let her speak, Mom. What do you feel, sweetie? Tell me. (SNIFFLING) JUDGE LAKE: You needed your mom? That's okay. We all need our moms. We know that today we're here to determine the paternity of this particular child, but we also know that this child is very important to you. Yeah, he really is. Am I correct? Yes. Please tell the court about that. I feel like from the beginning I knew it was a possibility, but at the same time, know what I'm saying, he made me grow more, know what I'm saying, since he's been around. 'Cause my mom, she passed away, and once I told her about it, know what I'm saying, she just, "Oh, that's my grandbaby." She was buying him everything... So your mom... She passed away in February. JUDGE LAKE: And so you're hoping today, what are your hopes? I'm hoping that he's mine. (CHEERING AND APPLAUSE) That's wonderful. Why in particular do you have doubts? Because the only time it happened, it was like, we wasn't together, she was in a relationship with another guy. And I've always got a rubber in my back pocket, a condom. I keep that. JUDGE LAKE: Even today. Yeah. Okay. So... JUDGE LAKE: Good, good, I'm glad to hear it. I can't really say if I used it or not, cause I was under the influence, like, tough. So you don't remember if the sex you had was safe sex? Yes. It wasn't. LARRY: How do you know? And the defendant I know it wasn't, 'cause the first time, even when you wasn't under the influence, you didn't use it. Was you drunk? What about the first time? What about the first time? Was you drunk? No. Okay, the first time, that was something else, though. Did you use one? No. The second time? No. The third time? No. He didn't use it. I use condoms. Not with me. Yes I did. No you didn't. Ah, okay. You're ruining his reputation, right here. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Yes I do, though I probably ain't used them as much as I should, but that was because I was with you. Exactly. You didn't use'em with me. Okay, but I used them after the first time, though. And it only take one time, so. No? Okay, okay. ZIAIR: He didn't use them. LARRY: All right. Miss Coe, but you have told this court that you think it could possibly be Mr. Boyce or maybe someone else. Okay. When it comes to baby Christian, Mr. Boyce... You are... ...not the father. (SIGHING) JEANETTA: Yes you are. You're his father. LARRY: Yeah, I am. Yes, yes you are. I'm still his father. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: You okay? I know this was not the way that probably any of you wanted this to turn out, 'cause I can see it in all of your faces. (SOBBING) JEANETTA: Can I just... JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, can you give him a tissue, please. Can I just, I just, I just wanna... JUDGE LAKE: Hug him? Absolutely. Can I please? It's okay, Larry. It's okay. You lost everybody, but you're not alone. (MUFFLED) I am so sorry, but it's okay. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Boyce... It's okay. If you need to sit down, it's okay. Ms. Lindsey, you say that after years of lies from your mother and uncertainty about who your father is, you believe you finally found him. Yes, Your Honor. You say everyone in town including his family knows Mr. Dannenbrink is your father and you intend to prove that today, is that correct? Yes, it is. Mr. Dannenbrik. Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Dannenbrik, you admit to having a sexual relationship with Ms. Lindsey's mother but say there is no way you're her biological father. That's right, your Honor. I met her and we just had like a hit and run situation. She disappeared on me. And, then, we got back together again. A couple days later, she went her way, and... It just kept on for years that way, and there's no way she could be my daughter, Your Honor. So, Ms. Lindsey, what do you mean, everyone in town knows that he's your father. What do you mean by that? Well, your Honor, okay, so, about 35 years ago, my mom does admit to having a child with Mr. Dannenbrink. And, um... How many years ago? About 35, around there. And, when I was 16-years-old, an ex of Mr. Dannenbrink came to my house, and accused me of being the child that they had had together. And, when I asked my mother about that, she told me no, that it wasn't true. You were 16? Yes. And an ex of Mr. Dannenbrink comes to your house and says you're the child that your mother had with Mr. Dannenbrink. Yes, Your Honor. In other words, the ex thinks that you're the child that came in-between her and Mr. Dannenbrink. Yes, your Honor. When she said this to you, what did you say? (CHUCKLING) First, I was like, "What you're wrong," there is no way. And I came to my mother and I talked to her about it. And, she told me no, that he was not my father, that another man that she had told me was my dad, was my dad. She said that this other man is your father but you'd never met that man. No. I still haven't so I don't know who that is. Okay, proceed. So about four or five years ago, we all pretty much met up again in church and, um... And I knew that Mr. Dannenbrink was the person I had thought or at least was accused of being the child of, but I was too nervous to approach him for, um, pretty much, rejection. And so, I just left it alone and then, um, my mother and him had started talking again and we became more close I guess you would say? We lived right next door to each other and we started having BBQs together and spend a few holidays together and things like that. The man next door, your neighbor... Yes. You believe is your biological father? Yes. But, you've never said anything to him. Not really. Wow, um, Ms. Hampton. Yes, Your Honor. What was the nature of the relationship with Mr. Dannenbrink? Were you just dating, committed? Your Honor, this was, like, in the late seventies and we dated off and on and I was involved with somebody else, and he was involved with somebody else. Five years ago, we met back up and started having conversations and, um, a platonic relationship. We're best of friends. So Mr. Dannenbrink, did you know about the pregnancy? I did not, Your Honor. She never told me she was pregnant. She never told me I even had a child. You didn't tell him you were pregnant? Your Honor, I had no reason to tell him because he is not the father. your mother's saying that Mr. Dannenbrink is not your biological father. Right. What leads you to just not believe your mother? The doctors did say that I was born a month early but they also said that I was going to be a boy the entire time that she was pregnant with me. So, they could have been wrong. Um, second thing, my mom does admit to having a child with Mr. Dannenbrink. Um, throughout my life though, the dates have kind of changed a little bit. I remember at one time, she was an older sister. Then I remember another time, she was a younger sister than me, and, um, she was still-born, at birth. Hold on, now! Wait a minute. So, you've been told a story by your mother that she did have a child with Mr. Dannenbrink. Yes. You were told this child passed away. Yes, at birth. Yes. At birth? Yes, your Honor, I had a stillborn. And, was that Mr. Dannenbrink's child? Yes, Your Honor. She never said anything to me about that. No. She didn't technically lie about another brother but she didn't tell me about another brother. She got pregnant and gave um, him up for adoption. He went through social media then he found me, and I'm like, wait, what are you talking about, you're not my brother. And I called my mom at that time and I said, um, "I have another brother?" And she's like, "Oh, well, I thought he died." And I was like, "What?" And... Wait a minute. You thought he died? It was complicated, Your Honor. Um, I had gotten pregnant by a man that was married, not knowing that he was married. The agreement was that he was going to take the baby. Because, I financially and mentally could not handle having another baby. But you thought he had passed away? Yes, Your Honor, because that's what my mother and the doctors had told me. And so, you have a photo that you've submitted to the court. Yes. <i> That is his son and myself.</i> <i> Do you see a resemblance?</i> A little bit. Just a little? Yeah, I mean, I do look like my mum, a lot. <i> Mr. Dannenbrink, do you see a resemblance?</i> <i> I do not.</i> <i> Your Honor.</i> <i> Okay.</i> So, Ms. Lindsey, what is your relationship like with Mr. Dannenbrink? Right now. I want to say he is like a father figure, to a point. We kinda joke about him being my dad and me being his daughter? How do you joke about it? Just randomly, like people say, "Oh, you guys look alike," or something like that, and things like that. Or he would say, "Good morning my beautiful daughter," or something. I've never had that before, so. That's good. Does he know your children? Yes. All four of my children. Um, they don't have grandpas in their lives. So, he has graciously told my children they're more than welcome to call him grandpa. That's right. In the case of<i> Lindsey v. Dannenbrink,</i> when it comes to 35-years-old Bobby Lindsey, it has been determined by this court Mr. Dannenbrink, you are not her father. Sorry. Sorry. It doesn't matter, I still consider her my daughter. How are you feeling Ms. Lindsey? I know this was difficult for you. Confused but happy at the same time for closure on that part. Ms. Hampton. Yes, ma'am. I have to ask you. Do you know who your daughter biological father is? I still stand firm that it is another person. He would admit to photographs 'cause he's seen photographs of her through my mother, but, physically, he would not admit it.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 492,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes
Id: pVS2ikA2Cug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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